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Ezher Tagliasacchi
  • Denizli, Denizli, Turkey

Ezher Tagliasacchi

Pamukkale University, Geology, Faculty Member
The Bahçeköy coal field, which is the subject of this study, is located in the Gölbaşı Neogene basin in the south of Ankara (central Turkey). The pre-Neogene basement rocks located in the west and south of the basin are mostly composed of... more
The Bahçeköy coal field, which is the subject of this study, is located in the Gölbaşı Neogene basin in the south of Ankara (central Turkey). The pre-Neogene basement rocks located in the west and south of the basin are mostly composed of Permo-Triassic carbonate rocks, Cretaceous ophiolites, and Eocene turbidites. The coals in the Bahçeköy area are observed in the lower part of the Pliocene lacustrine sedimentary sequence which fills the basin. In the western part of the basin, the basalts and the lacustrine sediments, which contain coal, show intrusive contact relations in the lateral direction, during the Pliocene period, with the effect of the volcanism developing at the same time with sedimentation. Diatomite intercalations were formed at the upper parts of the lacustrine sequence which reached 12 m. The widespread observation of diatomites is quite important and it implies that the silicon-rich solutions associated with volcanism are involved in the lacustrine environment. The thickness of the economic coal level in Bahçeköy area varies between 4 and 12 m. According to these thicknesses, the total coal reserves calculated for the Bahçeköy area reach up to 16 million tons. The obtained drilling data shows that Bahçeköy coals exhibit rapid thickness and quality changes in the lateral direction. The chemical analyses point out these coals have average calorific value ranging from 7762 to 12,413 kJ/kg and ash content ranging from 44 to 65%.
The integration of sedimentological, palynological and palaeontological data in three different outcrops in SW Turkey provides a clearer understanding of the palaeoenvironments in an area between the Cardak-Dazkiri Basin and the Isparta... more
The integration of sedimentological, palynological and palaeontological data in three different outcrops in SW Turkey provides a clearer understanding of the palaeoenvironments in an area between the Cardak-Dazkiri Basin and the Isparta region during the Middle Late Eocene. in this study, the Cardak-Dazkiri (Bascesme Formation), Burdur (Varsakyayla Formation) and Isparta (Kayikoy Formation) areas have been studied for facies and facies associations. These formations contain alluvial fan, fan delta, shelf and related marine deposits. Detailed field observations allowed 34 lithofacies and 10 facies associations to be identified. The palynomorph assemblages in the Bascesme and Varsakyayla formations contain biostratigraphically important taxa such as Aglaoreidia cyclops, Triatriopollenites excelsus, Plicatopollis lunatus, Subtriporopollenites constans and Subtriporopollenites anulatus ssp. nanus. The mangrove and back mangrove elements such as Psilatricolporites crassus and Spinizoncol...
Abstract Non-marine carbonates such as travertine, tufa and speleothem are quite sensitive for climatic fluctuations. This study presents the new dating and the first pollen records from Afyon (Sarikavak) tufas, SW-Turkey, together with... more
Abstract Non-marine carbonates such as travertine, tufa and speleothem are quite sensitive for climatic fluctuations. This study presents the new dating and the first pollen records from Afyon (Sarikavak) tufas, SW-Turkey, together with lithofacies descriptions, geochemical and petrographic results obtained from drilling cores (SL-2, SL-6 and SL-7). The data extensively provides insight into palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic changes during the Middle-Late Pleistocene period. According to core samples, these fluvial tufa occurrences formed in high-gradient and stepped fluvial conditions have been defined as barrage-dammed and terraced-slope systems in the investigated area. The depositional lithofacies are moss tufa included macrophytes, bryophytes and vertical stems, phytoclastic tufa, peloidal tufa, micritic tufa, microbial tufa, intraclastic tufa, extra-formational tufa, lime-muddy clay and paleosol level, in respectively. The new U/Th radiometric dating and stable isotopes are evaluated together with previously published results. In regard to new radiometric data, tufa deposits occurred predominantly during the Marine Isotopic Stages, at 313.3 ± 21 (MIS 9), 295.8 ± 63 (MIS 8-9), 230.8 ± 42 (MIS 7d-e), 228.8 ± 12 (MIS 7d), 215.7 ± 17 (MIS 7c) and 188.2 ± 16 (MIS 6-7a) ka, respectively. The climatic changes occurring between glacial and interglacial periods (such as during the Middle –Late Pleistocene) might probably influenced the precipitation of tufas in the area. In addition, the less negative and the more positive carbon isotopic values (between −0.8 and + 1.3‰ V-PDB) could be related to the progressive downstream CO2 degassing from host rocks, enhanced by high-velocity current conditions, changes in the soil-CO2 contribution and photosynthesis. The changes of δ18O values (between −8.3 and −10.1‰ V-PDB) are most probably related to variable effects of evaporation in depositional environment. Palynofloral data, gives important clues about the paleovegetation and paleoclimate of the region. This field survey has been conducted the first time in this area. Both carbon values and palynological findings show that drought conditions were dominantly present in the Pleistocene period, but in some processes drought conditions decreased depending on the amount of rainfall. The increasing amount of gymnosperm pollens is more likely to appear in more humid conditions due to the decreasing of drought condition in this time interval.
Alp-Himalaya orojenik kusagi icinde yer alan Turkiye, ofiyolitik kaya topluluklarinin oldukca genis alanlar kapladigi bir ulkedir. Tetis Okyanusu’na ait okyanusal kabuk dilimlerinin kitasal kabuk uzerine bindirmeleri sonucunda, Kuzey... more
Alp-Himalaya orojenik kusagi icinde yer alan Turkiye, ofiyolitik kaya topluluklarinin oldukca genis alanlar kapladigi bir ulkedir. Tetis Okyanusu’na ait okyanusal kabuk dilimlerinin kitasal kabuk uzerine bindirmeleri sonucunda, Kuzey Anadolu ve Toroslar’da genis alanlar kaplayan ofiyolitik naplar, Gec Kretase-Gec Eosen zaman araligi icinde bu gunku konumlarina yerlesmislerdir. GBAnadolu’da yaygin olarak gozlenen Burdur-Yesilova ofiyolitleri, egemen olarak dunit, peridotit, gabro ve diyabaz bilesenleri ile bunlara eslik eden tabakali cort ve radyolaritlerden olusmaktadir. Dunitik bilesimli peridoditlerin icerisinde cok sayida masif ve sacilimli kromit iceren cevher yataklari yer almaktadir. Camkoy yoresindeki plaser ozelligi olusturabilecek sedimanlar, Yesilova bolgesindeki ofiyolitlerden tureyen kirintili tortullarin, akarsular tarafindan guneye dogru tasinip, Acipayam Grabeni kenarinda depolanmalari sonucu olusmuslardir. Egemen olarak kromit, vanadyumlu manyetit ve ilmenit gibi agi...
This study includes the prilimary results of the Gürlek-Kocabaş (Denizli) and Örtülü (Afyon) travertines precipitated within the similar depositional systems and the comparative investigation of the sedimentary processes and depositional... more
This study includes the prilimary results of the Gürlek-Kocabaş (Denizli) and Örtülü (Afyon) travertines precipitated within the similar depositional systems and the comparative investigation of the sedimentary processes and depositional periods of these terrestrial carbonates. The investigated areas are located within the NW-SE trending Denizli Graben (Gürlek-Kocabaş) and NE-SW trending Acıgöl Graben (Örtülü) that adjacent to each other which started to develop due to the extentional tectonic regime in the neotectonic period in SW-Turkey. Gürlek-Kocabaş travertines are deposited in shallow-pool like depression depositional system where the marshpool and flat-pool facies are observed. On the other hand Örtülü travertines have been determined in this study where could be precipitated in higher energy environment like slope depositional system and also in lower energy environment like shallow-pool depositional system. While the lateral expanded of the Gürlek-Kocabaş travertines is hun...
The Bahçeköy coal field, which is the subject of this study, is located in the Gölbaşı Neogene basin in the south of Ankara (central Turkey). The pre-Neogene basement rocks located in the west and south of the basin are mostly composed of... more
The Bahçeköy coal field, which is the subject of this study, is located in the Gölbaşı Neogene basin in the south of Ankara (central Turkey). The pre-Neogene basement rocks located in the west and south of the basin are mostly composed of Permo-Triassic carbonate rocks, Cretaceous ophiolites, and Eocene turbidites. The coals in the Bahçeköy area are observed in the lower part of the Pliocene lacustrine sedimentary sequence which fills the basin. In the western part of the basin, the basalts and the lacustrine sediments, which contain coal, show intrusive contact relations in the lateral direction, during the Pliocene period, with the effect of the volcanism developing at the same time with sedimentation. Diatomite intercalations were formed at the upper parts of the lacustrine sequence which reached 12 m. The widespread observation of diatomites is quite important and it implies that the silicon-rich solutions associated with volcanism are involved in the lacustrine environment. The...
The calcareous tufas of Sarıkavak located in the northern part of NE-SW trending Acıgöl Graben in SW-Turkey are investigated in detail. For this aim, various analyses (stable isotopes, U/Th dating, palynology) have been carried out on... more
The calcareous tufas of Sarıkavak located in the northern part of NE-SW trending Acıgöl Graben in SW-Turkey are investigated in detail. For this aim, various analyses (stable isotopes, U/Th dating, palynology) have been carried out on samples obtained from both outcrops and drilling logs in and surrounding Sarıkavak Village. U/Th dating shows that these carbonates precipitated from 400 ka up to 80 ka. Preliminary pollen data, document climatic variability between MIS 11 and MIS 8 in the studied area.
Abstract The Eocene transgressive deposits of the Acıgöl, Burdur and Isparta basins are the best exposed of the SW Turkey and shed light on one of the outstanding problems of the tectono- sedimentary evolution during paleotectonic and... more
The Eocene transgressive deposits of the Acıgöl, Burdur and Isparta basins are the best exposed of the SW Turkey and shed light on one of the outstanding problems of the tectono- sedimentary evolution during paleotectonic and neotectonic period. In the present paper we describe a tectonic model of the
progressive foreland migration of the allochthonous units such as Lycian and Antalya nappes, initial
emplacement onto stable carbonate platform in the Early Oligocene, carrying piggy-back basins and
incorporating from alluvial fan to deep-marine deposits recognized in these terrigenous successions.
In general, the facies and structural observations on the overall Mid-Late Eocene clastic sequences,
outcropping in behind the Lycian nappes, indicate: i) the alluvial fan to shallow marine settings of the
Başçeşme Fm in Acıgöl, ii) the Varsakyayla Fm in Burdur and iii) proximal to distal flysch facies
trend of the Kayıköy Fm in Isparta. The collected data allow us to hypothesize that the Mid-Late Eocene tectono-sedimentary history was characterized by a terrigenous clastics, probably lying on the constructing tectonic edifice and then deformed and covered by a piggy-back like sequence. The
tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Eocene transgressive in SW Turkey has been probably developed through a progressive migration towards the foreland basin.
Research Interests:
Abstract: Th e integration of sedimentological, palynological and palaeontological data in three diff erent outcrops in SW Turkey provides a clearer understanding of the palaeoenvironments in an area between the Çardak-Dazkırı Basin and... more
Abstract: Th e integration of sedimentological, palynological and palaeontological data in three diff erent outcrops in SW
Turkey provides a clearer understanding of the palaeoenvironments in an area between the Çardak-Dazkırı Basin and
the Isparta region during the Middle–Late Eocene. In this study, the Çardak-Dazkırı (Başçeşme Formation), Burdur
(Varsakyayla Formation) and Isparta (Kayıköy Formation) areas have been studied for facies and facies associations.
Th ese formations contain alluvial fan, fan delta, shelf and related marine deposits. Detailed fi eld observations allowed
34 lithofacies and 10 facies associations to be identifi ed. Th e palynomorph assemblages in the Başçeşme and Varsakyayla
formations contain biostratigraphically important taxa such as Aglaoreidia cyclops, Triatriopollenites excelsus, Plicatopollis
lunatus, Subtriporopollenites constans and Subtriporopollenites anulatus ssp. nanus. Th e mangrove and back mangrove elements such as Psilatricolporites crassus and Spinizoncolpites sp. also occur in these palynomorph assemblages. The upper parts of the Başçeşme and Varsakyayla formations, which oft en exhibit reef developments, contain an assemblage of orthophragmines (Discocyclina sp.), nummulitids (Nummulites sp., Assilina sp., Heterostegina sp., Operculina sp.) and other benthic taxa (Halkyardia sp., Fabiania sp., Asterigerina sp., and Sphaerogypsina sp.). Th ese assemblages indicate shallow benthic zones 18-20 (SBZ 18-20). Th e absence of foraminifera in the Kayıköy Formation does not allow a
precise age of the unit to be determined. However, the occurrence of some planktonic foraminifera (Globigerinidae) and the presence of clastic sediments suggest a marine environment with turbidity currents. Th e lateral and vertical relations of the Başçeşme, Varsakyayla and Kayıköy formations suggest a marine transgression from west to east in SW Anatolia during the late Middle Eocene–Late Eocene.
Research Interests:
ABSTRACT Travertine deposits in western Turkey are very well exposed in the area of Kocabaş, in the eastern part of the Denizli Basin. The palaeoclimatic significance of these travertines is discussed using U/Th dates, stable isotope data... more
Travertine deposits in western Turkey are very well exposed in the area of Kocabaş, in the eastern part of the Denizli Basin. The palaeoclimatic significance of these travertines is discussed using U/Th dates, stable isotope data and palynological evidence. The Kocabaş travertine occurrences are characterized by successions of depositional terraces associated with palaeosols and karstic features. The travertines have been classified into eight lithotypes and one erosional horizon, namely: laminated, coated bubble, reed, paper-thin raft, intraclasts, micritic travertine with gastropods, extra formational pebbles and a palaeosol layer. The analysed travertines mostly formed between 181-80 ka (Middle to Late Pleistocene) during a series of climatic changes including glacial and interglacial intervals. Their δ13C and δ18O values indicate that the depositional waters were mainly of basinal thermal origin, occasionally mixed with surficial meteoric water. Palynological results obtained from the palaeosols showed an abundance of Non-Arboreal percentage-NAP and xerophytic plants (Oleaceae and Quercus evergreen type) indicating that a drought occurred. MIS 6 is represented by grassland species but MIS 5 is represented by Pinaceae-Pinus and Abies, Quercus, and Oleaceae. U/Th analyses of the Kocabaş travertines show that deposition began in MIS 6 (glacial) and continued to MIS 4 (glacial), but mostly occurred in MIS 5 (interglacial). The travertine deposition continued to ~80 ka in the SW of the study area, in one particular depression depositional system. Palaeoenvironmental indicators suggest that the travertine depositional evolution was likely controlled by fault-related movements that influenced groundwater flow. Good correlation of the stable isotope values and dates of deposition of the travertines .and palynological data of palaeosols in the Kocabaş travertines serve as a starting point for further palaeoclimate studies in SW-Turkey. Additionally, the study can be compared with other regional palaeoclimate archives.
Research Interests: