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The CAN-to-UDP forwarding is a bridge between the CAN bus and UDP. It converts CAN frames to and from generic frames (as specified by CiA 315) and transmits these over UDP.


can2udp -h
can2udp --help
can2udp [-4 | --ipv4 | -6 | --ipv6] [-b | --broadcast] [-D | --no-daemon]
        [-f | --flush] [-i n | --interface=n] [-k ms | --keep-alive=ms]
        [-p local_port | --port=local_port] [-v | --verbose] [interface]
        [address] [port]


-4, --ipv4 Use IPv4 for receiving UDP frames (default).
-6, --ipv6 Use IPv6 for receiving UDP frames.
-b, --broadcast Send broadcast messages (IPv4 only).
-D, --no-daemon Do not run as daemon.
-f, --flush Flush the send buffer after every received CAN frame.
-h, --help Display help.
-i <n>, --interface=<n> Use WTM interface indicator <n> (in the range [1..127], default: 1).
-k <ms>, --keep-alive=<ms> Sends a keep-alive message every <ms> milliseconds (default: 10000).
-p <local port>, --port=<local port> Receive UDP frames on .
-v, --verbose Print sent and received CAN frames.


Linux supports virtual CAN interfaces (through SocketCAN). This allows a user to run CAN programs on machines (such as a developer PC) which do not have a physical CAN bus. can2udp makes it possible to connect the virtual CAN interface to an actual CAN bus on a remote device, as long as there is an IPv4/IPv6 connection.

Assuming the device with the physical CAN bus (can0) has IP and the device with the virtual CAN bus (vcan0) has IP, we can setup the connection by running

can2udp -fp 6000 can0 6001

on the device with can0, and

can2udp -fp 6001 vcan0 6000

on the device with a vcan0. The first device listens on for incoming UDP frames, and puts the CAN frames they contain on can0. Frames originating from the CAN bus are sent to The second device receives those messages and puts them on vcan0. In this way, CAN frames are duplicated on can0 and vcan0, effectively combining the two remote CAN interfaces into a single CAN bus.

To monitor the CAN frames sent and received (like candump), run

can2udp -Dfvp 6001 vcan0 6000
