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New Zealand Minstrelsy

The Love Letter

“New Zealand Minstrelsy”: Page 20.

The Love Letter.

Go, little token of my love,
To Scotia’s flow’ry lea,
And seek my Mary’s happy home,
Beside the hawthorn tree.
LoveTo her my heart’s emotions bear,—
In loving her I’m blest;
As fond attachment’s warmth of love
Still glows within my breast.

In dreams of night I her enjoy,
And fancy oft by day,
That through our once frequented walks
With her I fondly stray.
But, tell her, Memory; ReligionI remember still
Her parting pledge so free;
Nor will forget the fervent wish
She breathed to Heav’n for me.

Oh! tell her I am ever true,
Nor will forget my vow;
OceanI grieve that seas between us roll,
And to stern fate we bow.
But now, could I myself enclose
Beneath thy tender fold,
And borne to her, ’twould please me more
Than India’s store of gold.

page break“New Zealand Minstrelsy”: Errata.

Methinks I see her kiss thee o’er
And press thee to her breast;
How blest could I return each pledge
Of truth on thee imprest:
But go!—and may ye reach her safe,
And say I sadly mourn
Her absense, while I longing wait
Her dear love’s in return.