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New Zealand Minstrelsy

Answer to the Lover’s Invitation

“New Zealand Minstrelsy”: Page 19.

Answer to the Lover’s Invitation.

TuneKelvin Grove.”

To me ye’re truly kind, dearest laddie, O,
To bear me thus in mind, dearest laddie, O;
If truth may be confess’d, on the heart that ’s in my breast,
In love thou art impress’d, my dearest laddie, O.

Prosperity; Liberty; Love’Tis not thy garden rare, dearest laddie, O,
Nor yet thy fields so fair, dearest laddie, O,
That can avail with me; for, as love is ever free,
’Tis thine that conquers me, my dearest laddie, O.

page 20“New Zealand Minstrelsy”: Page 20.

So thou may’st make me thine, dearest laddie, O,
In truth and love to join, dearest laddie, O;
SocietyMy hand I’ll thee bestow, though my kindred should say no,
And with thee I shall go, my dearest laddie, O.