Mongolia Event Planner Services

Mongolia event planner services


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Mongolia is a great conference location with a lot of conference hotels and venues to suit your needs. We provide a free Mongolia conference venue finding service quickly allowing you to get the best deal possible for your Mongolia event.

If you also require a event planner for your Mongolia conference we can assist you by providing the following Mongolia  conference management services:



Event planning


Our event planners team is divided by destination, this allows us to ensure they learn and gain invaluable local knowledge and become destination champions for their area. You will be assigned an experienced Mongolia event planner to deal with your conference or event.



  • • Your Mongolia event planner will discuss your requirements and draft a event timescale (Critital Time Plan).
  • • A key factor with any event is of course the overall budget, your Mongolia event planner will work with you to ensure the event budget includes all the necessary costs within your agreed expenditure plan.
  • • Your Mongolia event planner will then help you source the right venue and secure a provisional booking in order to allow for the event management to begin.




Event Management



Our event management team have assisted many Mongolia meeting planners in the past and would be happy to work with you where necessary. Some Mongolia meeting planners request full conference management and others simply select certain areas and manage others directly. So you decide and it all depends on your event management needs, we can provide some or all of the following conference management services:



  • • Mongolia venue finding
  • • Attendee transport and coaching
  • • Delegate accommodation bookings
  • • Program design and event theming
  • • Conference speaker management
  • • Sponsorship support
  • • Event registration and website
  • • Stage and set design and build
  • • Mongolia audiovisual services
  • • Event video production
  • • Event communication services

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