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From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Main Page and the translation is 88% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


Мета-викига рәхим итегез! Бу Wikimedia Foundation проектлары координациясенә һәм документациясенә багышланган веб-сайт.

Фонд һәм аның проектлары белән бәйле булган сорауларны җибәрү исемлегендә биреп була (аеруча, wikimedia-l), яки IRC-каналында сорап була.


Август 2024

August 7 – August 10: Wikimania 2024 in Katowice, Poland.

Июль 2024

July 26: Deadline for in-person Wikimania registrations. Remote participants may sign up anytime. The team working on the Wishlist encourages users to submit a wish in their native language.
July 10–July 19: Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee special election: Call for candidates
July 15: The new Community Wishlist is open for new wish submissions. From now on, it will be possible to submit new wishes at any time.

Июнь 2024

June 28–June 30: Lexicodays 2024
June 25–August 26: 2024 Board election: Pre-onboarding and campaign period
June 25–July 9: Voting period to ratify the Wikimedia Movement Charter
June 23: Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network online meeting
June 20–July 1: 2024 Board election: Candidates answer questions from the community members
June 20: Wiki Workshop 2024 (free registration)
June 20: Movement Charter Launch Party at
June 19: Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy: Live session on affiliate health criteria and changes to user group recognition process at
June 12: Wikimedia Foundation Affiliates Strategy: Announcement on affiliate health criteria and changes to user group recognition process
June 11: Wiki Advocacy Network: Follow-up meeting from 1st Global Wiki Advocacy meetup at
June 9: Community Affairs Committee: Live call #3 on the Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle at 16:00 UTC
June 9: Community Affairs Committee: Live call #2 on the Procedure for Sibling Project Lifecycle at 02:00 UTC

Җәмгыять һәм мөнәсәбәтләр
Wikimedia Foundation оешмасы, Мета-вики һәм аның кардәш проектлары
Wikimedia FoundationWikimedia серверлары белән беррәттән барлык Wikimedia проектларының һәм MediaWikiның домен атамалары, логотиплары һәм сәүдә билгеләренә хуҗа булган табышсыз оешма. Meta-Wiki — Wikimedia оешмасының төрле вики-проектлары эшчәнлеге координациясе тупланган проект.