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    Michael Odenwald

    ZusammenfassungMenschen mit Migrationshintergrund stellen eine Risikogruppe für psychiatrische Erkrankungen dar. Um eine adäquate Versorgung für Flüchtlinge und Asylsuchende zu gewährleisten, sind innovative, regionalübergreifende und... more
    ZusammenfassungMenschen mit Migrationshintergrund stellen eine Risikogruppe für psychiatrische Erkrankungen dar. Um eine adäquate Versorgung für Flüchtlinge und Asylsuchende zu gewährleisten, sind innovative, regionalübergreifende und nachhaltige Projekte notwendig. Ausgewählte Initiativen des Klinikums der Universität München, der Charité Berlin und der Universität Konstanz zeigen neben anderen Initiativen vielversprechende Ansätze.AbstractPeople with a migration background are a risk group for psychiatric disorders. Innovative, transnational and sustainable projects are necessary to ensure adequate care for refugees and asylum seekers. Selected projects of the University of Munich, the Charité Berlin and the University of Konstanz show promising approaches in addition to other initiatives.
    Zusammenfassung: Theoretischer Hintergrund: Das Verständnis der Antipsychotika-Adhärenz ist lückenhaft, obwohl sie ein Grundpfeiler der Schizophrenie-Behandlung darstellt. Die spezifische Erfassung der Wahrnehmung von Risiken bei Einnahme... more
    Zusammenfassung: Theoretischer Hintergrund: Das Verständnis der Antipsychotika-Adhärenz ist lückenhaft, obwohl sie ein Grundpfeiler der Schizophrenie-Behandlung darstellt. Die spezifische Erfassung der Wahrnehmung von Risiken bei Einnahme sowie Absetzen von Antipsychotika könnte zur Erklärung der Adhärenz beitragen. Fragestellung: Explorative Studie zur Entwicklung und ersten Evaluierung des Fragebogens zur Risikowahrnehmung von Antipsychotika (FRA). Methode: Basierend auf theoretischen Überlegungen wurde ein Itempool für die Risikowahrnehmung des Absetzens und Einnehmens von Antipsychotika generiert. Eingeschlossen wurden ambulante und stationäre F2-Patient_innen. Stichprobe 1 ( N = 120) diente zur Itemselektion und explorativen Faktorenanalyse (faktorielle Validität). Anhand Online-Stichprobe 2 ( N = 39) wurde die diskriminante und konvergente Validität analysiert. Ergebnisse: Die explorative Faktorenanalyse ergab die theoretisch erwartete zweifaktorielle Struktur. Die Korrelationen des FRA zu Adhärenzmaßen und spezifischen Medikamentenfragebögen unterstützten die konvergente und diskriminante Validität. Schlussfolgerungen: Der FRA als Erhebungsinstrument der Wahrnehmung von Antipsychotika-Risiken könnte das Verständnis von Antipsychotika-Adhärenz und von Behandlungsansätzen verbessern. Prospektive konfirmatorische Studien müssen durchgeführt werden.
    Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Obwohl Prüfungsangst ein häufiges Anliegen in psychologischen Beratungsstellen ist, wissen wir wenig über ihren zeitlichen Verlauf sowie über Risikofaktoren für hohe Prüfungsangst kurz vor den... more
    Zusammenfassung. Theoretischer Hintergrund: Obwohl Prüfungsangst ein häufiges Anliegen in psychologischen Beratungsstellen ist, wissen wir wenig über ihren zeitlichen Verlauf sowie über Risikofaktoren für hohe Prüfungsangst kurz vor den Prüfungen. Fragestellung: Diese Studie untersucht, ob sich die Intensität von Prüfungsangst während eines Semesters verändert und wie Personen mit hoher Belastung kurz vor der Prüfung früh identifiziert werden können. Methodik: Zu Beginn und kurz vor den Prüfungen des Wintersemesters 2014/15 wurden Prüfungsangst, Depressivität und Prokrastination bei 427 Studierenden (88.3 % Erstsemester; 68.4 % weiblich; Altersdurchschnitt 20.0 Jahre) erfasst. Ergebnisse: Die Analyse auf Einzelfallebene zeigte, dass sich die Prüfungsangst bei den meisten Studierenden nicht signifikant veränderte. Bei der Vorhersage der Prüfungsangst zum Semesterende stellten Prüfungsangst und Depressivität zu Semesterbeginn signifikante Prädiktoren dar. Diese wurden anhand von 80 % ...
    Violence, flight, famine, and natural disasters as well as the absence of a psychosocial healthcare system are major psychological burdens for refugees. The level of provision of mental healthcare is particularly low in developing... more
    Violence, flight, famine, and natural disasters as well as the absence of a psychosocial healthcare system are major psychological burdens for refugees. The level of provision of mental healthcare is particularly low in developing countries. Internally displaced people and refugees place high demands on the healthcare system because they often suffer from psychiatric disorders, such as depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and substance use disorders. We present first initiatives to improve psychiatric care in refugee camps in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Sudan. Moreover, we provide first insights into a project based in Northern Iraq and Germany aimed at the treatment of people who were severely traumatized by the terror regime of the so-called Islamic State (IS).
    Einleitung: Seit einigen Jahren wird an stetiger Anstieg von neuartigen psychoaktiven Substanzen beobachtet, die haufig unter der irrefuhrenden Bezeichnung „Legal Highs“ in Form von Pseudoprodukten (z.B. Badesalz) vermarktet werden.... more
    Einleitung: Seit einigen Jahren wird an stetiger Anstieg von neuartigen psychoaktiven Substanzen beobachtet, die haufig unter der irrefuhrenden Bezeichnung „Legal Highs“ in Form von Pseudoprodukten (z.B. Badesalz) vermarktet werden. Bislang gibt es nur unzureichende Kenntnisse uber die Nutzer dieser Substanzen, z.B. dass die weitaus meisten Legal High User Vorerfahrungen mit Cannabis haben. Wir berichten hier soziodemographische Informationen uber diese Usergruppe, die im Rahmen eines groseren Projektes erhoben wurden. Methode: Im Rahmen einer Onlinebefragung im studentischen Millieu und der alternativen Musikszene konnten 1.516 individuelle Datensatze generiert werden (73,3% von 2.069 Aufrufen der Webpage). Hier bei wurden Konsumerfahrungen mit verschiedenen Arten von Legal Highs (Rauchermischungen, „Badesalze“, „Pflanzendunger“, andere Pulver) und anderen illegalen Substanzen erhoben. Ferner wurde die Zugehorigkeit zu verschiedenen Musik-Subkulturen erhoben. Diskussion/Ergebnisse: Die gesamte Lebensspanne betrachtend, gaben 11,9% der Teilnehmer an, irgendwelche Legal Highs konsumiert zu haben (9,8% Rauchermischungen, 0,01% „Badesalze“ und 2,6% andere Pulver). Ferner berichteten 56,1% den Konsum von Cannabis, 11,8%, von amphetaminahnlichen Substanzen, 9,2% von Ecstasy, 6,7% von Kokain/Crack und 2,3% von Opiaten. Legal High User hatten zu 93% Vorerfahrungen mit Cannabis, zu 51% mit amphetaminahnlichen Substanzen, zu 46% mit MDMA zu 45% mit psychoaktiven Pizen und zu 34% mit Kokain; dies war jeweils signifikant haufiger als unter Nichtusern von Legal Highs. Legal High User praferieren signifikant mehr elektronische Tanzmusik, Reggae/Dancehall, Punk/Hardcore und Gothic im Gegensatz zu Non-Usern, die haufiger Pop & Charts sowie Rock bevorzugen. Schlussfolgerung: Der Konsum von Legal Highs ist in dieser hochselektierten Stichprobe ein gar nicht so seltenes Phanomen. Zumeist konsumierten Cannabisuser sog. Rauchermischungen. In bestimmten Musik-Subkulturen ist der Konsum relativ weit verbreitet, v.a. in solchen Musikszenen, die sich vom Mainstream abheben und wo auch andere Drogen haufig konsumiert werden. Dies deckt sich mit Erfahrungen aus Frankfurt und aus Grosbritannien.
    Background Germany hosts a large number of refugees from war-affected countries. The integration of refugees, in particular young refugees from the Middle East, is one of the major current social challenges in Germany. Mental disorders,... more
    Background Germany hosts a large number of refugees from war-affected countries. The integration of refugees, in particular young refugees from the Middle East, is one of the major current social challenges in Germany. Mental disorders, first of all post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that results from war experiences, are common among young refugees and interfere with quality of life as well as functional integration. Evidence regarding effective treatment options for this population is scarce. In this trial, we aim to evaluate the pragmatic, short-term psychotherapy Narrative Exposure Therapy for Children (KIDNET) for the treatment of young refugees in Germany. Methods In a rater-blinded, multi-center, randomized-controlled trial, KIDNET is compared to treatment as usual (TAU) within the general health care system. A total number of 80 young refugees who fulfill the diagnostic criteria of PTSD will be randomized to either KIDNET or TAU. Diagnostic interviews will take place at b...
    Ertl V, Onyut LP, Neuner F, Schauer E, Odenwald M, Elbert T. Reliability and Validity of Instruments for the Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in an Ugandan Refugee Camp. Presented at the 9th European Conference on Traumatic... more
    Ertl V, Onyut LP, Neuner F, Schauer E, Odenwald M, Elbert T. Reliability and Validity of Instruments for the Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in an Ugandan Refugee Camp. Presented at the 9th European Conference on Traumatic Stress (ECOTS), Stockholm, Sweden
    ... as ex-combatants with disabi-lities, like those with physical or psychiatric disorders (Ayalew et al., 2000; Bieber, 2002; Ejigu & Gedamu ... Though many female combatants suffer sexual abuse (Engdahl, de Silva, Solomon, &... more
    ... as ex-combatants with disabi-lities, like those with physical or psychiatric disorders (Ayalew et al., 2000; Bieber, 2002; Ejigu & Gedamu ... Though many female combatants suffer sexual abuse (Engdahl, de Silva, Solomon, & Somasundaram, 2003), they are at the same time freed ...
    Background During recent decades, the consumption of the stimulant khat (catha edulis) has profoundly changed in countries around the Horn of Africa, and excessive use patterns have emerged—especially evident among displaced Somalis. This... more
    Background During recent decades, the consumption of the stimulant khat (catha edulis) has profoundly changed in countries around the Horn of Africa, and excessive use patterns have emerged—especially evident among displaced Somalis. This is related to the development of severe somatic and psychiatric disorders. There are currently no preventive or interventional studies targeting khat use. This study’s aim was to test screening and brief intervention (SBI) to reduce khat use among urban Somali refugees living in Kenya with limited access to public healthcare. Methods In this controlled study, 330 male Somali khat users from the community were either assigned to SBI (161) or an assessment-only control condition (AC; 169); due to field conditions a rigorous experimental design could not be implemented. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST)-linked brief intervention was adapted to khat and Somali culture. Trained local...
    ... Team Leader) Cawil Xasan Liibaan (Supervisor, Interpreter) Farhan Hassan Omar (Therapist, Local ... Expert) Maxamuud C/llahi Cawad (Interviewer, Interpreter) Jama Mohamoud (Driver) Khadiija ... Subsequently, the former vice-president... more
    ... Team Leader) Cawil Xasan Liibaan (Supervisor, Interpreter) Farhan Hassan Omar (Therapist, Local ... Expert) Maxamuud C/llahi Cawad (Interviewer, Interpreter) Jama Mohamoud (Driver) Khadiija ... Subsequently, the former vice-president Dahir Riyale Kahin was appointed as the ...
    Khat use, PTSD and psychotic symptoms among Somali refugees in Nairobi – a pilot study MarinaWidmann1*, Abdulkadir HusseinWarsame2, Jan Mikulica1, Johannes von Beust 1,
    Imaging the trauma 2 In patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we found evidence of altered systemic cerebral functioning by mapping generators of slow waves produced within circumscribed brain regions. Such focal activities... more
    Imaging the trauma 2 In patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we found evidence of altered systemic cerebral functioning by mapping generators of slow waves produced within circumscribed brain regions. Such focal activities have been associated with lesioned neural circuitry in neurological disorders and more recently also in mental illness. Using magnetoencephalographic (MEG-based) source imaging, we mapped abnormal distributions of generators of slow waves in 97 survivors of organized violence with PTSD in comparison to 97 controls. PTSD patients showed elevated production of focally generated slow waves (1-4Hz), particularly in left temporal brain regions with peak activities in the region of the insular cortex. The left insula has been ascribed a key role in expressing verbal affect, and insular dysfunction could play a key role in the decoupling of emotional from language centers, leading PTSD victims to be caught in the speechless terror of their intrusive memories.
    A pilot study on community-based outpatient treatment for patients with chronic psychotic disorders in Somalia: Change in symptoms, functioning and co-morbid khat use
    Khat use is a drug problem characteristic of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, which is a widespread culturally accepted practice in some countries and is becoming more prevalent in others. Although limited use may not be accompanied by... more
    Khat use is a drug problem characteristic of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, which is a widespread culturally accepted practice in some countries and is becoming more prevalent in others. Although limited use may not be accompanied by serious consequences, prolonged exposure could lead to dependence, psychosis and other psychiatric disorders and physical conditions such as hypertension, cardiovascular complications, sexual dysfunction, hepatoxicity and reduced birth weight of infants born to khat-chewing mothers. The widespread use and its burden on health and economy has raised concerns in the Region, although the extent of the problem is not well assessed. Additionally, most countries do not have a clear policy and plan with regard to khat use, and therefore there is hardly any structured prevention
    Patients with past exposure to adverse experiences are frequent in clinical services, many of them suffering from co-occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Despite first evi-dence that encourages diagnostics and trauma therapy... more
    Patients with past exposure to adverse experiences are frequent in clinical services, many of them suffering from co-occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Despite first evi-dence that encourages diagnostics and trauma therapy provision for PTSD, complex cases are often excluded from evidence-based treatments. First, we review the evidence of PTSD treatment for two groups of complex cases: patients with psychotic disorders and pregnant refugee women. Second, we report on how NET is applied to these groups in specialized treatment centres and how the technique is adapted to the specific needs. We encourage cli-nicians to build up concepts of integrated treatment for complex cases including NET as one core component.
    Background: Khat (Catha edulis) is a traditionally used substance in African and Arab countries that contains the amphetamine-like alkaloid cathinone. Khat use among Ethiopian students is a growing concern. This study aims to describe... more
    Background: Khat (Catha edulis) is a traditionally used substance in African and Arab countries that contains the amphetamine-like alkaloid cathinone. Khat use among Ethiopian students is a growing concern. This study aims to describe khat use, psychological problems, and motivation to change and to determine associated factors of khat use among students from Jimma University seeking psychological assistance. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, a sample of 717 students from Jimma University, southwestern Ethiopia, who seek assistance to reduce khat use were recruited. The study used Amharic and Afaan Oromoo language versions of common psychological instruments and employed them as part of a comprehensive tablet computer-delivered self-report assessment battery, comprising the SRQ-20, the PCL-5, the LEC-5, the AUDIT, and the SOCRATES-khat. In addition, socio-demographic, economic variables, and functioning problems due to severe mental disorders were assessed. The analysis relied on...
    Khat leaves are cultivated in the highlands of the Horn of Africa, Southern Arabia and along the East African coast. In parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Yemen, khat leaves have been chewed for centuries for their mildly stimulating... more
    Khat leaves are cultivated in the highlands of the Horn of Africa, Southern Arabia and along the East African coast. In parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Yemen, khat leaves have been chewed for centuries for their mildly stimulating properties and are for many a regular part of social life. Traditionally, khat was used mostly by men during highly ritualised communal ‘khat parties’. Within about one hour, the user experiences physiological excitation and euphoria. This is followed by a quieter, more introvert phase, giving way to a gradual comedown, which may include restlessness, irritability and melancholia.
    Introduction: Alcohol craving is a key symptom of alcohol use disorder (AUD) and a significant cause of poor treatment outcome and frequent relapse. Craving is supposed to impair executive functions by modulating reward salience and... more
    Introduction: Alcohol craving is a key symptom of alcohol use disorder (AUD) and a significant cause of poor treatment outcome and frequent relapse. Craving is supposed to impair executive functions by modulating reward salience and decision-making. Objective: The present study sought to clarify this modulation by scrutinizing reward feedback processing in an experimental decision-making task, which was accomplished by AUD patients in 2 conditions, in the context of induced alcohol craving and in neutral context. Methods: AUD inpatients (N = 40) accomplished the Balloon Analog Risk Task, while their EEG was monitored; counterbalanced across conditions, the tasks were preceded either by craving induction by means of imagery and olfactory alcohol cues, or by neutral cues. Decision choice and variability, and event-related potentials (ERPs) prior to (stimulus-preceding negativity [SPN]) and following (P2a) reward feedback upon decisions, and the outcome-related feedback-related negativ...

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