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利用者:Peace Crimber/キヴ紛争


第三期:2015年1月31日[10] – 継続中
場所コンゴ民主共和国キヴ州とその周辺 ルワンダブルンジコンゴ民主共和国イトゥリ州カタンガ州など)


  • コンゴ政府軍(FARDC)が3月23日運動に勝利し、両社間で平和条約を締結
  • CNDPはコンゴ民主共和国の政党として活動
  • FDLRや反政府系民兵組織は依然として活動中
  • MONUSCOはFARDCと共同で対FDLR作戦を2015年に開始

コンゴ民主共和国の旗 M23

ルワンダの旗 ルワンダ[2][3]


コンゴ民主共和国の旗 マイマイ(親政府系)
国際連合の旗 MONUSCO
アンゴラの旗 アンゴラ
ジンバブエの旗 ジンバブエ
ボツワナの旗 ボツワナ [5]
フランスの旗 フランス
ベルギーの旗 ベルギー

ベラルーシの旗 ベラルーシ






コンゴ民主共和国の旗 ボスコ・ンタガンダ英語版 降伏
コンゴ民主共和国の旗 スルタニ・マケンガ英語版 降伏

コンゴ民主共和国の旗 ジャン=マリー・ルニガ・ルゲレロ英語版 降伏

コンゴ民主共和国の旗 ジョゼフ・カビラ (2019年以前)
コンゴ民主共和国の旗 フェリックス・チセケディ (2019年以降)
コンゴ民主共和国の旗 ガブリエル・アミシ・クンバ英語版
コンゴ民主共和国の旗 ルシアン・バフマ英語版
コンゴ民主共和国の旗 エマニュエル・ロンブ[11]
国際連合の旗 ババカル・ガイエ英語版
国際連合の旗 カルロス・アルベルト・ドス・サントス・クルス英語版
アンゴラの旗 ジョゼ・エドゥアルド・ドス・サントス
ジンバブエの旗 ロバート・ムガベ

ボツワナの旗 イアン・カーマ

ジャンヴィエ・ブインゴ・カライリ (APCLS英語版)
アガトン・ルワサ英語版 FNLパリペフトゥ英語版


ンタボ・ンタベリ・シェカ 降伏
ウィリアム・ヤクトゥンバ英語版 (マイマイ・ヤクトゥンバ/CNPSC英語版
デヴォス・カガラバ 降伏

Salumu Kaseke 降伏
CNDP: 6,000–8,000(2007)[13]
M23: 5,500+(2012)

2004: 合計20,000[13][14]

  • コンゴ民主共和国の旗 FARDC: 14,000
  • マイマイ: 4,000–5,000[14]


  • マイマイ: 3,500[15]
  • FDLR: 6,000–7,000[15]

2013: MONUSCO: 22,016 [16]
FDLR: 2,000[17]
APCLS英語版: 1,500[18]
FNLパリペフトゥ英語版: 3,000
FNLンザバンペマ英語版: 数百
1,000–1,250 (2018)[19]
ライア・ムトンボキ英語版: 数千
その他民兵: 10,000+
CNDP: 死者233名[要出典]

FARDC: 死者71名[要出典]

BDF: 不明 [要出典]

国際連合の旗: 死者17名強[20][21]
不明 不明

国内避難民: 140万[22]

その他死者: 11,873+

キヴ紛争(キヴふんそう、フランス語: Guerre du Kivu)は、コンゴ民主共和国東部で2004年から継続しているコンゴ民主共和国軍(FARDC)とルワンダ解放民主軍(FDLR)の武力紛争。戦闘は2004年から2009年までの第一期、2012年4月から2013年11月までの第二期、2015年1月末から現在までの第三期に大別され、第一期ではローラン・ンクンダ率いるツチ系武装組織の人民防衛国民会議(CNDP)が主要な反政府軍として戦闘を行なっていた。






























On 26 October 2008, Nkunda's rebels seized a major military camp, along with Virunga National Park for use as a base to launch attacks from. This occurred after the peace treaty failed, with the resultant fighting displacing thousands.[74] The park was taken due to its strategic location on a main road leading to the city of Goma. On 27 October riots began around the United Nations compound in Goma, and civilians pelted the building with rocks and threw Molotov cocktails, claiming that the UN forces had done nothing to prevent the rebel advance.[75] The Congolese national army also retreated under pressure from the rebel army in a "major retreat".[75]

Attack helicopters and armoured vehicles of UN peacekeepers (MONUC) were used in an effort to halt the advance of the rebels, who claim to be within 7 miles (11 kilometres) of Goma.[76] Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for DRC Alan Doss explained the necessity of engaging the rebels, stating that "...[the UN] can't allow population centers to be threatened... [the UN] had to engage."[77] On 28 October, rebels and combined government-MONUC troops battled between the Kibumba refugee camp and Rutshuru. Five rockets were fired at a convoy of UN vehicles protecting a road to the territorial capital of Rutshuru, hitting two armoured personnel carriers. The APCs, which contained Indian Army troops, were relatively undamaged, though a Lieutenant Colonel and two other personnel were injured.[78] Rebel forces later captured the town. Meanwhile, civilians continued to riot, at some points pelting retreating Congolese troops with rocks, though UN spokeswoman Sylvie van den Wildenberg stated that the UN has "reinforced [their] presence" in the region.[79]

On 29 October, the rebels declared a unilateral ceasefire as they approached Goma, though they still intended to take the city.[80] That same day a French request for an EU reinforcement of 1,500 troops was refused by several countries and appeared unlikely to materialise; however, the UN forces in place stated they would act to prevent takeovers of population centres.[80][81] Throughout the day the streets of the city were filled with refugees and fleeing troops, including their tanks and other military vehicles.[80] There were also reports of looting and commandeering of cars by Congolese troops.[82] That night the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a non-binding resolution which condemned the recent rebel advance and demanded it be halted.[83] Despite the ceasefire, World Vision workers had to flee to the Rwandan border to work, and shots were still fired. The United States Department of State sent Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer as an envoy to the region.[84]

On 30 October, looting and violence by Congolese soldiers, some of them drunk, continued in Goma, though contingents of other troops and paramilitary police attempted to contain the looting by patrolling the streets in pick-up trucks.[85] Nkunda called for direct talks with the Congolese government,[86] also stating that he would take Goma "if there is no ceasefire, no security and no advance in the peace process."[87] On 31 October, Nkunda declared that he would create a "humanitarian aid corridor", a no-fire zone where displaced persons would be allowed back to their homes, given the consent of the United Nations task force in the Congo. Working with the UN forces around Goma, Nkunda hoped to relocate victims of the recent fighting between his CNDP forces and UN peacekeepers. MONUC spokesman Kevin Kennedy stated that MONUC's forces were stretched thin trying to keep peace within and around the city; recent looting by Congolese soldiers had made it harder to do so as incidents arose both within city limits and outside. According to Anneke Van Woudenberg, a Human Rights Watch researcher, more than 20 people were killed overnight in Goma alone. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice contacted Rwandan President Paul Kagame to discuss a long-term solution.[88] Also, on 31 October, British Foreign Minister David Miliband and French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner flew to the region, with the intention of stopping in Kinshasa, Goma, and possibly Kigali.[89]

On 6 November, rebels broke the ceasefire and wrested control of another town in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo in clashes with government forces on the eve of a regional summit on the crisis. National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP) rebels seized control of the centre of Nyanzale, an important army base in Nord-Kivu province after government forces fled. Residents reported that rebels had shot dead civilians suspected of supporting pro-government militia.[90]


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