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    Teresa Wambugu

    This study conceptualizes relationships among knowledge management, organizational characteristics and organizational performance. There is consensus in management literature linking knowledge management with sustained organizational... more
    This study conceptualizes relationships among knowledge management, organizational characteristics and organizational performance. There is consensus in management literature linking knowledge management with sustained organizational performance. However there are some mixed findings of the linkage between knowledge management, and organizational performance and the acknowledgement that knowledge management is a critical necessity for all organizational operations. The study’s specific objectives were; to examine the relationship between knowledge management, and organizational performance and to establish the moderating role of organizational characteristics on the relationship between knowledge management and organizational performance. Through a cross-sectional survey, data was obtained using a structured questionnaire from companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya. PLS-SEM analysis findings indicate a statistically significant direct relationship between knowl...
    The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of K-Rep bank’s Juhudi lending scheme on borrowers. The objectives were twofold, namely, to assess the extent of the financial and social impact of the Juhudi Credit scheme on low-income... more
    The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of K-Rep bank’s Juhudi lending scheme on borrowers. The objectives were twofold, namely, to assess the extent of the financial and social impact of the Juhudi Credit scheme on low-income borrowers in Kawangware and to evaluate the challenges faced by the borrowers in complying with the requirements of the scheme. The conceptual model was the minimalist scheme as epitomized by the Grameen Bank. This is based on the concept of group lending without training. The model requires group members to live in the same village, have similar economic resources and be members of different households. These stipulations ensure that the members of the groups have equal bargaining power and ensure the groups function smoothly. Its loan policy, one of the most quoted pillars of its success, ensures effective peer pressure and makes members more objective in assessing loan requests. Peer pressure ensures that loans are used for purpose intended throu...
    Globally, the job satisfaction of public school teachers has been a major problem. This has led to poor performance in public schools. With education being the key to the development of any country, it is in the interest of the... more
    Globally, the job satisfaction of public school teachers has been a major problem. This has led to poor performance in public schools. With education being the key to the development of any country, it is in the interest of the stakeholders of education to establish the causes of dissatisfaction and thereby come up with measures towards improving it. The Kenyan government spends substantial funds in the training and placement of teachers, only to have a large percentage of the teachers leave the profession prematurely. This research was carried out in Kenya, particularly Nairobi County. The choice of Nairobi County was informed by the fact that after a review of literature a large proportion of teachers in this County were found to be dissatisfied with their jobs. The study focused on the factors leading to job satisfaction of public secondary school teachers. The specific objective of the study was to determine the factors that influence of job satisfaction of public secondary scho...