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    Remy Kessler

    The exponential growth of the Internet has made the development of a market of on-line job search sites possible. This paper aims at presenting the E-Gen system (Automatic Job Offer Processing system for Human Resources). E-Gen will... more
    The exponential growth of the Internet has made the development of a market of on-line job search sites possible. This paper aims at presenting the E-Gen system (Automatic Job Offer Processing system for Human Resources). E-Gen will implement two complex tasks: an analysis and categorisation of job postings, which are unstructured text documents (e-mails of job listings, possibly with an attached document), an analysis and a relevance ranking of the candidate's answers (cover letter and curriculum vitae). This paper aims to present a strategy to resolve the first task: after a process of filtering and lemmatisation, we use vectorial representation before generating a classification with Support Vector Machines and n-grams of words. This first classification is then transmitted to a "corrective" post-process (with the Markov model and a Branch&Bound algorithm for pruning the tree) which improves the quality of the solution.
    ABSTRACT We present an approach for detecting salient (important) dates in texts in order to automatically build event timelines from a search query (e.g. the name of an event or person, etc.). This work was carried out on a corpus of... more
    ABSTRACT We present an approach for detecting salient (important) dates in texts in order to automatically build event timelines from a search query (e.g. the name of an event or person, etc.). This work was carried out on a corpus of newswire texts in English provided by the Agence France Presse (AFP). In order to extract salient dates that warrant inclusion in an event timeline, we first recognize and normalize temporal expressions in texts and then use a machine-learning approach to extract salient dates that relate to a particular topic. For the time being, we have focused only on extracting the d ates and not the events to which they are related.
    The market of online job search sites grows exponentially. This implies volumes of information (mostly in the form of free text) become manually impossible to process. An analysis and assisted categorization seems relevant to address this... more
    The market of online job search sites grows exponentially. This implies volumes of information (mostly in the form of free text) become manually impossible to process. An analysis and assisted categorization seems relevant to address this issue. We present E-Gen, a system which aims to perform assisted analysis and categorization of job offers and of the responses of candidates. This
    ABSTRACT The evolution of the job market has resulted in traditional methods of recruitment becoming insufficient. As it is now necessary to handle volumes of information (mostly in the form of free text) that are impossible to process... more
    ABSTRACT The evolution of the job market has resulted in traditional methods of recruitment becoming insufficient. As it is now necessary to handle volumes of information (mostly in the form of free text) that are impossible to process manually, an analysis and assisted categorization are essential to address this issue. In this paper, we present a combination of the E-Gen and Cortex systems. E-Gen aims to perform analysis and categorization of job offers together with the responses given by the candidates. E-Gen system strategy is based on vectorial and probabilistic models to solve the problem of profiling applications according to a specific job offer. Cortex is a statistical automatic summarization system. In this work, E-Gen uses Cortex as a powerful filter to eliminate irrelevant information contained in candidate answers. Our main objective is to develop a system to assist a recruitment consultant and the results obtained by the proposed combination surpass those of E-Gen in standalone mode on this task.
    The exponential growth of the Internet has made the development of a market of on-line job search sites possible. This paper aims at presenting the E-Gen system (Automatic Job Offer Processing system for Human Resources). E-Gen will... more
    The exponential growth of the Internet has made the development of a market of on-line job search sites possible. This paper aims at presenting the E-Gen system (Automatic Job Offer Processing system for Human Resources). E-Gen will implement two complex tasks: an analysis and categorisation of job postings, which are unstructured text documents (e-mails of job listings, possibly with an attached document), an analysis and a relevance ranking of the candidate's answers (cover letter and curriculum vitae). This paper aims to present a strategy to resolve the first task: after a process of filtering and lemmatisation, we use vectorial representation before generating a classification with Support Vector Machines and n-grams of words. This first classification is then transmitted to a "corrective" post-process (with the Markov model and a Branch&Bound algorithm for pruning the tree) which improves the quality of the solution.
    Introduction Méthodes de classification automatique Implémentation Évaluation Conclusion Choix expérimentaux Analyse des corpus ... Classification en genre et en th`eme ... Comment s'attaquer au probl`eme ? 7 participants pour... more
    Introduction Méthodes de classification automatique Implémentation Évaluation Conclusion Choix expérimentaux Analyse des corpus ... Classification en genre et en th`eme ... Comment s'attaquer au probl`eme ? 7 participants pour l'équipe jeunes chercheurs Choix communs ...