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Irwan Budiman

    Irwan Budiman

    Tata letak pada umkm (usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah) penggilingan jagung gudang ujung ini merupakan suatu keputusan penting menentukan efisiensi sebuah operasi dalam waktu jangka panjang, karena tata letak menunjukan daya saing dalam... more
    Tata letak pada umkm (usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah) penggilingan jagung gudang ujung ini merupakan suatu keputusan penting menentukan efisiensi sebuah operasi dalam waktu jangka panjang, karena tata letak menunjukan daya saing dalam hal kapasitas, proses, biaya, fleksibilitas, waktu kerja dan citra usaha. Maka dari pada itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkat kan efisiensi yang di anggap dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi penggilingan pada umkm ini. Metode yang digunakan ialah Metode BlocPlan .Penelitian ini di lakukan di gudang ujung desa Kuta Bangun Kec. Tiga Binanga Kab.Karo. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa rancangan ulang tata letak menggunakan block plan pada umkm (usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah) ini dapat meningkatkan produktifitas yang lebih baik. Kata kunci— Tata letak, BlocPlan, Efisiensi.
    Currently, the Indonesian business world is still dominated by Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). The number of SME has reached more than 26 million businesses, with Sumatera Utara being the province with the fourth largest number of SME... more
    Currently, the Indonesian business world is still dominated by Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). The number of SME has reached more than 26 million businesses, with Sumatera Utara being the province with the fourth largest number of SME in Indonesia. Every SME that produces halal products needs to measure its production performance by considering halal criteria to find out and measure the implementation of Islamic principles in product processing. There are 15 Key Performance Indicators used in measuring performance with SCOR Model and 6 of them are related to halal, namely Halal MUI label, Halal raw material, Order received damage free, Accuracy payment to suppliers, Appropriate in paying salaries, and number of defective products. Final performance of Tempeh SME is 45.94; which shows the performance of SME is still in a marginal condition. Based on the identification with the traffic light system, out of 15 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) there are 7 KPIs that have a red color...
    Logistics management holds an important role for every company include product procurement, product storage, and product distribution. Rapid technology development is insisting the company to use all of its resources maximally and... more
    Logistics management holds an important role for every company include product procurement, product storage, and product distribution. Rapid technology development is insisting the company to use all of its resources maximally and professionally to support their success. Implementation of logistics management can be seen in the retail company. Design of the logistical management operation model, using the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), needs to be done for better implementation. The needs for design are identified by using system request and feasibility analysis that will be able to reduce non-value added time in the order picking process and able to simplify the company’s logistics activity. The system entity is analyzed and shows the affecting factors are: input, process, output, objectives, stakeholder, resources, internal control, operating constraint, opportunities, and threats. Then, the conceptual model of the logistics management model is built through the application...
    Research on consumer affection is done to chocolate bar product. Every consumer has different comments on a product depending on the taste experience they once had, known as Kansei words. In this research, consumer’s Kansei was captured... more
    Research on consumer affection is done to chocolate bar product. Every consumer has different comments on a product depending on the taste experience they once had, known as Kansei words. In this research, consumer’s Kansei was captured through interviews and social media, also identified by consumer temperament type using Temperament application. The results showed that more complete of consumer affection, detail and technical to become design elements, obtained through interviews while the use of social media is able to reach more comprehensive respondent. Temperament types need to be considered in product design to be more suitable with the wishes of consumers.
    Gudang adalah tempat penyimpanan barang, baik bahan baku yang akan diproses, maupun produk yang siap dipasarkan. Pengelolaan fungsi gudang yang baik ikut berperan penting dalam kesuksesan suatu perusahaan. Penanganan barang yang efektif... more
    Gudang adalah tempat penyimpanan barang, baik bahan baku yang akan diproses, maupun produk yang siap dipasarkan. Pengelolaan fungsi gudang yang baik ikut berperan penting dalam kesuksesan suatu perusahaan. Penanganan barang yang efektif dan efisien perlu dipahami agar fungsi gudang bisa lebih ditingkatkan. Perusahan berbasis BUMN yang bergerak dalam bidang pengolahan tanaman tebu menjadi gula pasir siap konsumsi berlokasi di Stabat-Sumatera utara, Indonesia. Memiliki kendala dalam pengidentifikasian dan pengambilan komponen atau sparepart mesin-mesin berdasarkan jenis,ukuran komponen atau sparepart mesin-mesin yang jenisnya sama. Hal tersebut terjadi karena peletakan barang yang belum teratur dan teralokasi dengan baik, dimana setiap barang tidak memiliki slot penyimpanan yang fix/ tetap serta tidak adanya prosedur mengenai pengalokasian barang digudang.Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penataan lokasi penyimpanan produk pada gudang barang dengan menggunakan dedicated storage sehingga baran...
    In order to perform well and obtain a good result, working in a company requires conducive working conditions. Working conditions can be physical environment or a social organizational environment. The physical environment is including... more
    In order to perform well and obtain a good result, working in a company requires conducive working conditions. Working conditions can be physical environment or a social organizational environment. The physical environment is including temperature, humidity, and illumination. The research was conducted in the sortation activity in the printing and plastic industries which were done separately. The workers in both industries have a task to separate defective products in the production. The lack of illumination conditions causes many defective products pass the inspection. This condition leads to complaints from customers because they receive the product that does not comply with the specification. This research was conducted through observation of the sortation activities, measurement of illumination level in the workspace, and identification the number of defective products which pass the inspection. Determination of the measurement points is done by dividing working areas by the gr...
    PT. Apindowaja Ampuh Persada adalah salah satu perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak dalam bidang industri manufacturing pembuatan spare part mesin dan mesin produksi kelapa sawit. Tentunya dalam hal ini membutuhkan peralatan bantuan untuk... more
    PT. Apindowaja Ampuh Persada adalah salah satu perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak dalam bidang industri manufacturing pembuatan spare part mesin dan mesin produksi kelapa sawit. Tentunya dalam hal ini membutuhkan peralatan bantuan untuk memudahkan sistem kerja pemindahan bahan baku dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya dengan Mesin Crane (Hoist Crane). Dalam penelitian perlu ditentukan kegiatan perawatan hoist crane yang terjadwal guna meningkatkan keandalan kerja alat. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode Reliability Centered Maintenance untuk menentukan jadwal perawatan mesin dan alat, lalu sistem penyediaan sparepart kritikalnya menggunakan Business Process Modelling. Hasil yang diperoleh beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan setiap hari yaitu melakukan pengecekan atau kegiatan pemindahan sesuai dengan Standard Operating Procedure, dan melakukan pengecekan terhadap breaker. Terdapat 4 kesalahan yang mengalami kerusakan yang menimbulkan efek sehingga mesin crane tidak dapat digunaka...
    The Halal supply chain is one of the most important factors for Muslim because the product to be consumed must be halal, from the source to the end consumers. This research was conducted at several feedlots (fattening cattle),... more
    The Halal supply chain is one of the most important factors for Muslim because the product to be consumed must be halal, from the source to the end consumers. This research was conducted at several feedlots (fattening cattle), slaughterhouses (RPH), and traditional markets in the city of Medan and surrounding areas. In this study identified all activities in the slaughterhouse, activity mapping, determination of risk events, risk agents, and Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) calculations in the red meat supply chain with the adoption of the SCOR model namely plan, source, make, deliver, and return and HOR (House of Risk). The results showed that there were 19 activities (sub-processes), 28 risk events and 28 risk agents. The selected risk agents based on the five highest ARP values are less cleaned floor after slaughtering (Ag17), the accumulation of blood into clots (Ag20), lack of machine maintenance management (Ag2), too many cattle to be slaughtered (Ag3), and increased consumer de...
    Abstrak: Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada perusahaan jasa yang sedang mengalami penurunan jumlah penumpang pada wilayah Medan, Bandara Kualanamu Internasional, Siantar, Parapat, Sibolga, dan daerah Singkil. UMKM  juga mengalami... more
    Abstrak: Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada perusahaan jasa yang sedang mengalami penurunan jumlah penumpang pada wilayah Medan, Bandara Kualanamu Internasional, Siantar, Parapat, Sibolga, dan daerah Singkil. UMKM  juga mengalami permasalahan  yang diakibatkan beberapa factor yaitu: kekurangan armada, cara memasarkan kepada konsumen kurang, dan keterlambatan penjemputan konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui posisi perusahaan dalam Matriks IFAS dan EFAS serta program kerja prioritas. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis  SWOT adalah metode perencanaan strategis yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kekuatan (strengths), kelemahan (weaknesses), peluang (opportunities), dan acaman (threats) dalam suatu proyek atau spekulasi bisnis. Hasil analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa perhitungan Matriks IFAS dan EFAS diperoleh hasil IFAS lebih tinggi daripada EFAS dan skor tertinggi terdapat pada Strengths sebesar 2,0667.Kata kunci : Strategi, SWOT Analysis, Balanced Scorec...
    Halal is defined as permitted, and halal products are Muslim needs that need to be available. The issue of Halal products in addition to involving business is also related to religious rules. Muslims need the clarity of the Halal identity... more
    Halal is defined as permitted, and halal products are Muslim needs that need to be available. The issue of Halal products in addition to involving business is also related to religious rules. Muslims need the clarity of the Halal identity of the products to be consumed. Beef is one of the products that require Halal criteria from slaughter to consumption by end consumers. During this time, meat traded in traditional markets has no clear identity regarding the origin of the slaughterhouse and its halal status. In this study defining the needs of consumers with the Quality Function Deployment approach to be utilized in compiling a beef traceability system. Data collected by two-stage of the questionnaire. The respondents are the persons who understand Halal and Beef Supply Chain. The highest priorities obtained are the separation of cowhide in hanging conditions and segregation of carcass with a weight of 0.1818.
    Aviasi merupakan salah satu sektor yang mengalami pertumbuhan seiring dengan peningkatan mobilitas manusia dan logistik dalam menghadapi globalisasi. Perawatan merupakan bagian yang penting untuk menjamin kelaikan udara suatu pesawat... more
    Aviasi merupakan salah satu sektor yang mengalami pertumbuhan seiring dengan peningkatan mobilitas manusia dan logistik dalam menghadapi globalisasi. Perawatan merupakan bagian yang penting untuk menjamin kelaikan udara suatu pesawat udara. Salah satu bagian dari pesawat ringan (line maintenance) pada perawatan pesawat udara perawatan cabin. Divisi perawatan cabin pada industri perawatan pesawat udara disebut sebagai Cabin Maintenance Services (CMS). Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas CMS, analisis waste (pemborosan) diperlukan. Identifikasi waste dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung, observasi maupun wawancara dan diklasifikasi berdasarkan prinsip Toyota Seven Wastes. Setelah dilakukan identifikasi potensi waste pada CMS, diberikan usulan reduksi waste untuk meningkatkan produktivitas. Hasil identifikasi ditemukan ketidakefisiensian operator, tata letak maupun urutan operasi yang berpotensi menimbulkan pemborosan. Setelah diperoleh identifikasi pemborosan, diusulkan saran perbaikan t...
    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada salah satu perusahaan penghasil RSS (Ribbed Smoke Sheet) dan CR (Crumb Rubber) setengah jadi. Proses produksi dilakukan berdasarkan make to order. Hasil pengamatan di lantai produksi menunjukkan banyaknya... more
    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada salah satu perusahaan penghasil RSS (Ribbed Smoke Sheet) dan CR (Crumb Rubber) setengah jadi. Proses produksi dilakukan berdasarkan make to order. Hasil pengamatan di lantai produksi menunjukkan banyaknya penumpukan di stasiun pengasapan dan sortasi. Penumpukan tersebut disebabkan karena adanya perbedaan kapasitas antara stasiun pengasapan dan sortasi dengan stasiun sebelumnya, sehingga menjadi masalah yang harus diselesaikan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode Theory Of Constraint (TOC) untuk mengoptimalkan stasiun kerja bottleneck. Hasil perhitungan kapasitas dengan metode RCCP diperoleh kapasitas yang dibutuhkan dan kemudian membandingkannya dengan kapasitas yang tersedia sehingga diketahui stasiun kerja yang mengalami bottleneck adalah stasiun pengasapan dan sortasi. Pengolahan data dengan metode TOC dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah yaitu identifikasi kendala yang dilakukan pada hasil perhitungan RCCP. Kemudian melakukan eksploitasi kendala untuk...
    Komoditas minyak kelapa sawit merupakan komoditas unggulan di Indonesia dan 60% produk minyak kelapa sawit atau Crude Palm Oil (CPO) telah diekspor. Indonesia menjadi negara terbesar yang mengekspor CPO dan menguasai sekitar 62% pangsa... more
    Komoditas minyak kelapa sawit merupakan komoditas unggulan di Indonesia dan 60% produk minyak kelapa sawit atau Crude Palm Oil (CPO) telah diekspor. Indonesia menjadi negara terbesar yang mengekspor CPO dan menguasai sekitar 62% pangsa pasar dunia. Namun, Indonesia menghadapi hambatan dalam melaksanakan ekspor CPO sehingga menyebabkan pelemahan neraca perdagangan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hambatan yang terjadi dan memetakan rantai pasok dalam proses produksi CPO, serta menganalisisnya. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode Food Supply Chain Networking (FSCN) yang dilakukan terhadap 24 perusahaan. Pengumpulan data primer diperoleh melalui informasi secara langsung, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari dokumen/ publikasi/ laporan penelitian dari dinas/instansi maupun sumber data pendukung lainnya. Selanjutnya data diolah dan dilanjutkan dengan metode Porters Diamond. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa hambatan dari reg...
    PT Indojaya Agrinusa adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi pakan ternak dan pembiakan ayam dan perdagangan bahan untuk ternak. Dalam menjalankan sebuah usaha, semua perusahaan tentu perlu mengeluarkan biaya untuk... more
    PT Indojaya Agrinusa adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi pakan ternak dan pembiakan ayam dan perdagangan bahan untuk ternak. Dalam menjalankan sebuah usaha, semua perusahaan tentu perlu mengeluarkan biaya untuk melakukannya. Selama ini, PT Indojaya Agrinusa mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan rute distribusi Commercial Farm (CF) yang efektif dan efisien dimana akan memperlambat pendistribusian produk dan menimbulkan kerugian dari segi biaya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengoptimalkan rute distribusi produk ke pelanggan sehingga dapat menekan biaya transportasi dan meningkatkan kecepatan waktu pengiriman. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode saving matrix. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa rute usulan dengan 5 trip pengiriman, dimana tiap trip berisi 7 rute. Jika rute ini dilaksanakan, maka akan menghemat jarak distribusi sejauh 213 km, waktu pengiriman menjadi lebih cepat 53 menit, dan menghemat biaya distribusi sebesar Rp 1.196.707.
    Fire is a threat to human safety. With the rapid development and progress of development, the risk of fire is increasing. The population is getting denser, the construction of office buildings, residential areas, and industries that are... more
    Fire is a threat to human safety. With the rapid development and progress of development, the risk of fire is increasing. The population is getting denser, the construction of office buildings, residential areas, and industries that are increasingly developing so that these areas have a level of vulnerability to the risk of fire. Therefore, the existence of the Fire Prevention and Fire Service is needed. The problem that often occurs is the length of time the Fire Prevention and Fire Department gets to the scene of the fire. This causes huge losses to the community both in funds and lives. This study’s purpose is to improve the efficiency of service time at the Fire Prevention and Department of the Fire so that losses due to fire can be minimized. The method used is Lean Service and for the design using the 5S method. The results of this paper that the value added activity amount 37%, while the non-value added activity amount 63%. These results indicate the need for a reduction in a...
    This research was conducted at one of the motorcycle dealers in Indonesia. Besides selling motorcycles, this dealer also provides services to repair motorcycles and sells genuine motorcycle parts. Inventory management which the company... more
    This research was conducted at one of the motorcycle dealers in Indonesia. Besides selling motorcycles, this dealer also provides services to repair motorcycles and sells genuine motorcycle parts. Inventory management which the company carried out is still not good enough because there are still demand for spare parts from consumers that cannot be fulfilled by the company. The purpose of this study is to draw up a plan to control spare parts by paying attention to the spare parts that need to be considered, estimating the exact number of spare parts demand, knowing the smallest total inventory cost, knowing the amount of safety stock needed, and knowing when to reorder. In preparing the spare parts control, the methods used are ABC analysis, demand forecasting method, and EOQ method. The results of this study are plans to control the inventory of Tire, Rr. such as the forecasting sales of Tire, Rr. as many as 17338, economic order quantity of Tire Rr are 2158 units, the number of sa...
    The work design illustrates how structured jobs, tasks, and roles are defined and modified and their impact on individuals, groups, and organizations. If the work is not designed well, the company must pay greater costs for workers’... more
    The work design illustrates how structured jobs, tasks, and roles are defined and modified and their impact on individuals, groups, and organizations. If the work is not designed well, the company must pay greater costs for workers’ health, longer production processes or even penalties for not being able to meet the delivery schedule. This is visible to the condition in a rubber processing factory in North Sumatra. Work design aspects such as layouts, machinery and equipment, worker's physical working environment, work methods, and organizational policies have not been well-organized. Coagulum grinding machines into sheets are often damaged, resulting in 4 times the delay of product delivery in 2016, the presence of complaints of heat exposure submitted by workers, and workstation that has not been properly arranged is an indication of the need for work design. The research data will be collected through field observation, and distribution of questionnaires related aspects of wo...