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Gunilla S Ekberg

Gunilla S Ekberg

  • Gunilla S. Ekberg is a Swedish-Canadian human rights legal and policy researcher and international expert on human ri... more
    (Gunilla S. Ekberg is a Swedish-Canadian human rights legal and policy researcher and international expert on human rights, gender equality, and trafficking in human beings.<br /><br />Ms. Ekberg is a sought-after international advisor, and is regularly invited to act as an expert to international and regional bodies, to give advice to governments and to testify to parliamentary commissions. She is a researcher, teacher, and author and is currently a PhD candidate at University of Glasgow School of Law. Ms. Ekberg regularly collaborates with women’s equality-seeking organizations around the world on issues of women’s human rights.<br /><br />Ms. Ekberg held the position as Special Advisor on trafficking in human beings to the Swedish Government for six years, where she was charged with developing government legal and public policies on prostitution and trafficking in human beings. She is an independent expert to the European Commission. For many years, she was a social worker working with victims of all forms of violence against women and girls in a number of countries including in Sweden, Denmark, USA, and Canada.)
Trafficking in women and children is not a new phenomenon in the Nordic-Baltic region. However, the magnitude, forms and impact are more alarming and devasting than before. The Nordic-Baltic Campaign Against Trafficking in Women was... more
Trafficking in women and children is not a new phenomenon in the Nordic-Baltic region. However, the magnitude, forms and impact are more alarming and devasting than before. The Nordic-Baltic Campaign Against Trafficking in Women was carried out in 2002 in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The countries involved in the the campaign have over the years experienced serious problems with trafficking in human beings, especially for the purpose of sexual exploitation. In recent years, the countries have put great efforts into developing national legal, policy, and practical measures to counteract trafficking in human beings. This report includes the various activities carried out in each of the participating countries during the campaign year. The report also includes a summary of the national legal frameworks of these countries as of the end of March 2003 and the statement and recommendations from the informal meeting of Nordic and Baltic ministers for Gender Equality, Justice and Interior in april 2003
Geschichte Die Initiative zur Kriminalisierung von Männern, die sexuelle Dienstleistungen erwerben, ging ursprünglich von der schwedischen Frauenbewegung aus und wurde von den Frauenverbänden der politischen Parteien vorangetrieben.... more
Geschichte Die Initiative zur Kriminalisierung von Männern, die sexuelle Dienstleistungen erwerben, ging ursprünglich von der schwedischen Frauenbewegung aus und wurde von den Frauenverbänden der politischen Parteien vorangetrieben. Feministinnen, darunter Frauen mit Erfahrungen in der Prostitution, analysierten die Stellung der Frauen in der Gesellschaft und wie Männer durch die Ausübung von Gewalt gegen Frauen dafür sorgten, dass die untergeordnete Position der Frauen bestehen blieb. Dazu gehören Fälle von Männern, die sich Frauen und Kindern-meistens Mädchen-zum Zweck der Prostitution bedienen. Grundsätze Die schwedischen Gesetze und politischen Maßnahmen zu Prostitution und Menschenhandel sind überaus innovativ. Sie sind fest auf Menschenrechtsprinzipien gegründet wie etwa: ▪ Prostitution ist ein schwerwiegendes Hindernis für die Geschlechtergleichstellung. ▪ Prostitution ist ein schwerwiegendes Problem und schädlich für prostituierte Frauen oder Kinder wie auch für die Gesellschaft im Ganzen.
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