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Hernadi Affandi

    Hernadi Affandi

    The state must declare a state of emergency under certain conditions that endanger the safety of the state and society. Limiting the power to the declaration of a state of emergency is essential because this great authority cannot be used... more
    The state must declare a state of emergency under certain conditions that endanger the safety of the state and society. Limiting the power to the declaration of a state of emergency is essential because this great authority cannot be used according to the President's will, so it is necessary to have restrictive mechanisms so that the President does not misuse the authority to carry out the emergency. However, the Indonesian constitution does not stipulate any restrictions on the powers of the President in declaring a state of emergency. This study aims to determine the dangers of not limiting the President's powers in declaring a state of emergency in the Indonesian constitution by using the arrangements and practices of emergency law in France and India. The approach used in this study is a comparative level that compares the contents of the constitution's text and compares the implementation and history of the constitution. The result of this study is limiting the powe...
    The prohibition on the use of veils in some campuses raises the pros and cons in the community, coupled with the many khilafiyah debates regarding the law on the use of veils. The identification of the problem in this article is first how... more
    The prohibition on the use of veils in some campuses raises the pros and cons in the community, coupled with the many khilafiyah debates regarding the law on the use of veils. The identification of the problem in this article is first how the law of the use of veils in Islam, secondly whether the prohibition on the use of veils on campus violates the principle of equality before the law. The method used is juridical normative with comparative approach method and conceptual approach. The writing specifications used are descriptive analytical. The results of this paper are Basically, the use of legal veils is permissible. Related to the ban on the use of veils on several campuses, the authors argue that it is okay to keep the good name of the campus and avoid abuse of veils from all forms of radicalism, intolerance, or fraud in the lecture process. But before the ban was put into effect, it should first be with discussion and even research involving the entire academic community relat...
    This paper highlights the regulaon of poliical rights of civil servants (PNS) in Indonesia based on the 1945 Indonesian Constuuon. Poliical rights are part of human rights that shall be guarded and protected by the State in the form of... more
    This paper highlights the regulaon of poliical rights of civil servants (PNS) in Indonesia based on the 1945 Indonesian Constuuon. Poliical rights are part of human rights that shall be guarded and protected by the State in the form of legislaon ranging from constuuon to its implemenng regulaons. The presence of regulaon is substanal for safeguarding the existence and implemenng poliical rights possessed by ciizens, including civil servants. However, in praccce there are restriccons by the lawmaker towards the poliical rights of the civil servants in Indonesia. In this regard, this paper aempts to highlight two issues: first, the posiion of civil servants in Indonesia in the 1945 Indonesian Constuuon; second, the regulaon of the poliical rights of civil servants in the implemenng regulaons of the 1945 Indonesian Constuuon. Abstrak Tulisan ini menyoroo pengaturan hak Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) di Indonesia berdasarkan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 1945 (UUD 1945...
    Formally, in the 1945 Constitution all citizens have equal rights and opportunities to participate in government. However, in some laws there are several groups of citizens whose political rights are limited in both active and passive... more
    Formally, in the 1945 Constitution all citizens have equal rights and opportunities to participate in government. However, in some laws there are several groups of citizens whose political rights are limited in both active and passive voting rights. Restrictions on the political rights of citizens have been ongoing since  Indonesian independence and continue until now. As a consequence, the group of citizens can not exercise their political rights properly. As a result of these restrictions, it was allegedly violating human rights and contrary to the principles of democracy adopted by Indonesia. The purpose of this paper will try to examine three things, namely: First: the reasons of limitation the political rights of citizens viewed from the perspective of human rights. Second, the consequence of restrictions on the political rights of citizens to participate in government from the perspective of democracy. Third, the comparison of regulation on citizens' political rights in In...
    Pelarangan penangkapan ikan menggunakan alat tangkap Pukat (Trawls) dan pukat tarik (Sein Nets) di wilayah perairan perikanan Negara Indonesia, merupakan polemik lama yang hingga hari ini masih menjadi masalah. Penggunaan alat pukat ini... more
    Pelarangan penangkapan ikan menggunakan alat tangkap Pukat (Trawls) dan pukat tarik (Sein Nets) di wilayah perairan perikanan Negara Indonesia, merupakan polemik lama yang hingga hari ini masih menjadi masalah. Penggunaan alat pukat ini digunakan oleh sebagian besar nelayan di Indonesia, namun menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Sejak tahun 1980 telah dikeluarkan peraturan guna menangani hal ini hingga aturan yang terbaru adalah Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia No. 2/PERMEN - KP/2015. Tulisan ini menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana Bagaimana pengaturan hukum tentang larangan penggunaan alat tangkap ikan Pukat Hela (trawls) dan Pukat Tarik (seine nets) sebelum dan sesudah diberlakukannya Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan No.2/PERMEN - KP/2015 dan Apakah Peraturan Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan RI Nomor 2/PERMEN-KP/2015 tentang Larangan Penggunaan Alat Penangkapan Ikan Pukat Hela (Trawls) dan Pukat Tarik (Seine nets) sesuai dengan Undang-Undang ...
    The Incident of George Floyd’s death reminds people of the peril of discrimination that still exists within the American society. The incident has triggered worldwide reactions from people who feel sympathy for the victim and reject... more
    The Incident of George Floyd’s death reminds people of the peril of discrimination that still exists within the American society. The incident has triggered worldwide reactions from people who feel sympathy for the victim and reject racism. To eliminate racial discrimination, every modern society needs to remove any negative paradigm towards intergroup relation. In the context of the United States, the American Government has the responsibility to protect the rights of citizens from any forms of discrimination. That includes racial discrimination. In addition, people have to be reminiscent of the danger of racial discrimination in the modern era. The danger has the ability to disturb human rights protection. This study revealed history, criteria, and impacts of discrimination within the scope of human rights protection.
    ... Tidak dapat dipungkirii bahwa dalam satu dasawarsa ini, pembangunan ... salah satu hasil reformasi tidak membawa manfaat apapaun kepada kehidupan bangsa dan negara Indonesia. ... Pertama tahun 1999, maka tentu kita perlu melakukan... more
    ... Tidak dapat dipungkirii bahwa dalam satu dasawarsa ini, pembangunan ... salah satu hasil reformasi tidak membawa manfaat apapaun kepada kehidupan bangsa dan negara Indonesia. ... Pertama tahun 1999, maka tentu kita perlu melakukan evaluasi. Evaluasi tersebut penting ...
    ... 2 5 Hernadi Affandi, Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, 2005, hlm. ... Kusnardi dan Harmaily Ibrahim, Pengantar Hukum Tata Negara Indonesia, Pusat Studi Hukum Tata Negara Fakultas Hukum... more
    ... 2 5 Hernadi Affandi, Hukum Hak Asasi Manusia, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, 2005, hlm. ... Kusnardi dan Harmaily Ibrahim, Pengantar Hukum Tata Negara Indonesia, Pusat Studi Hukum Tata Negara Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 1983 ...
    Road management in the era of local autonomy is considered still face problems in terms of regulation which negatively impacts to its implementation. The regulation of the authority to administer local governments with the broadest... more
    Road management in the era of local autonomy is considered still face problems in terms of regulation which negatively impacts to its implementation. The regulation of the authority to administer local governments with the broadest principle of autonomy has apparently been narrowed at the level of its implementation in line with changes in relevant laws. As a consequence, the regional authority, which was originally very broad, has changed to become narrow again, so that certain functions are not optimal. One indication is the reversalof road management from the province, district or city to the central government, so this has become an anomaly in the current era of localautonomy. This paper will try to discuss three important issues relating to road management from a legal perspective. First, the arrangement of the division of authority in the management of roads between government level in legislation. Second, the implementation of road management by the central, provincial, district and city governmentsin the era of local autonomy. Third, efforts to optimize the function of roads as a means of regional development and promotion in the era of local autonomy.