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Chandana Watagodakumbura

  • For over a decade, Chandana's integrated inquiry-based engagements were broadly in the areas of whole-person developm... more
    (For over a decade, Chandana&#39;s integrated inquiry-based engagements were broadly in the areas of whole-person development, human development, learning and development, human thriving and flourishing and so on. The related areas he studied, read, listened, watched and published heavily include the neuroscience of learning, educational neuroscience, social-emotional learning (SEL), mindfulness, self-awareness, empathy, compassion, emotional intelligence, resilience, well-being and meaning and purpose.<br /><br />Chandana has undergone formal training, notably in emotional intelligence from GolemanEI and compassionate integrity (CIT) from the Charter for Compassion and other interpersonal neurobiology training from the Mindsight Institute. Currently, he is in the middle of completing the first Inner MBA program organised by Sounds True, LinkedIn, Wisdom 2.0, and NYU in 2020. Moreover, Chandana is undergoing coaching with Empowerment Holdings&#39; Breakthrough Group. <br /><br />Notable contributions he has made include two self-published books: &quot;Programming the Brain: Educational Neuroscience Perspective Pedagogical Practices and Study Skills for Enhanced Learning and Metacognition Second Edition Updated by Relating to Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Based on Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Emotional Intelligence&quot; and &quot;Education from a Deeper and Multidisciplinary Perspective: For a Sustainable Development of the Neurodiverse Society, a Futuristic View Second Edition Enhanced by Relating to Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Based on Mindfulness, Self-Awareness, and Emotional Intelligence&quot; published in 2020 and 2019 respectively. These mindful inquiring and integrative outcomes resulted from his continuous passionate contemplation on general education and learning and development related matters for over 30 years since his late teenage years.<br /><br />Chandana has been in academia for over 20 years and got involved in conducting over 75 courses in higher education in the areas of computer science, IT, engineering, information systems, education and management. Since September 2020, Chandana has been serving as a member of the Harvard Business Review (HBR) Advisory Council. He has BSc, masters and PhD degrees in engineering and a graduate certificate in higher education.)
Watagodakumbura, CD ORCiD: 0000-0003-4735-0860Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career... more
Watagodakumbura, CD ORCiD: 0000-0003-4735-0860Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic development that results in a deeper perception of reality be part of it? Do we have a better form of education than what we have currently perceived? In this book, the author attempts to answer the above questions identifying some of the less obvious limitations of our current pedagogical and social practices. In what he terms as authentic education, the author presents a deeper and multidisciplinary approach to education in which learners are uniquely identied and characterised based on their psychological and neurological traits in order for them to be sent through individualized learning plans spanning the whole life. In an integrated approach to education and human development, individual differences are gi...
Authentic learning is conceptualised as an individualised experience learners undergo fulfilling their unique psychological as well as neurological needs. It provides a deep, more lasting experience and ideally assessed through generic... more
Authentic learning is conceptualised as an individualised experience learners undergo fulfilling their unique psychological as well as neurological needs. It provides a deep, more lasting experience and ideally assessed through generic attributes that are related to individual learners&#39; intrinsic characteristics, spanning throughout the life. Question-based lecture delivery, as author identified, is a promising methodology to engage learner in an authentic learning experience. By forming the lecture as a series of questions, it essentially has a dialectic approach to teaching. Further this methodology provides a good pace for concept delivery allowing learners to engage in constructing meaning. Additionally it allows aligning teaching to assessment tasks more appropriately, improving the reliability of assessment. Another practice that helps authentic learning, as highlighted in this paper, is only elaborating the most important concepts or material related to a study area, with...
In order to fully grow as a human being, it is essential to remain a lifelong student—an individual who passionately and consciously pursues education. But how do we deeply take control of our lives in order to enhance daily learning?... more
In order to fully grow as a human being, it is essential to remain a lifelong student—an individual who passionately and consciously pursues education. But how do we deeply take control of our lives in order to enhance daily learning? What is there to learn about the neurological makeup of our brains that can help us achieve optimal growth? Dr. Chandana Watagodakumbura uses his extensive experience as an educator to help us tackle these large concepts in tangible, easy-to-follow ways. With a focus on metacognition and neuroscience, Programming the Brain: Educational Neuroscience Perspective helps students and educators alike develop skills that can transcend disciplines and all areas of life. It is possible to achieve deep, meaningful growth throughout your life
Individual learners can be characterised based on their psychological and neurological characteristics, such as visual spatial and auditory sequential learners, extroverts and introverts or multiple intelligences. These differences go a... more
Individual learners can be characterised based on their psychological and neurological characteristics, such as visual spatial and auditory sequential learners, extroverts and introverts or multiple intelligences. These differences go a long way in how successfully individuals learn and engage in their careers. However, our contemporary educations systems do not give due attention to these differences in satisfying individual requirements. For example, the issues related to high sensitivities of gifted and creative individuals being inadequately addressed in the mainstream education system are extensively highlighted in literature. Due to lack of support from the education and social systems, individuals fall behind in the process of self-actualisation. According to researchers, it appears that we focus mainly on instructing the learners ’ left hemisphere of the brain, paying little attention on the right hemisphere. In this paper, the author highlights the need to make learners use...
from the standpoint of educational neuroscience are discussed in this article. Learnerassessment performed in any teaching-learning environment should produce valid and lastingoutcomes. The validity of assessment indicates that the... more
from the standpoint of educational neuroscience are discussed in this article. Learnerassessment performed in any teaching-learning environment should produce valid and lastingoutcomes. The validity of assessment indicates that the results generated represent the learnercharacteristics reliably using any strengths and weaknesses. The lasting feature of assessmententails that the results are associated with learner characteristics rather the environmentalfactors. When learner characteristics are identified in this manner, appropriate measures canbe taken to improve on any weaknesses identified while at the same time relying or stayingmotivated on the strengths. It is imperative that educators make use of the findings from theemerging field of educational neuroscience to design and construct assessment producingvalid and lasting outcomes. In educational neuroscience, how the human brain and relatedstructures engage in learning processes is studied. By incorporating this useful informa...
With the emergence of a wealth of research-based information in the field of educational neuroscience, educators are now able to make more evidence-based decisions in the important area of curriculum design and construction. By viewing... more
With the emergence of a wealth of research-based information in the field of educational neuroscience, educators are now able to make more evidence-based decisions in the important area of curriculum design and construction. By viewing from the perspective of educational neuroscience, we can give a more meaningful and lasting purpose of leading to human development with enhanced consciousness or wisdom as the goal of a curriculum. We can better decide on the essential contents of a curriculum that is carried out within a limited time, using the emerging and validating information. Knowledge of educational neuroscience can also be used effectively for instructional design or conveying important messages to learners in the learning support material provided. Further, educators can be better directed in forming appropriate assessment so that learners are prepared for active and deep engagements in the teaching-learning process developing the skills of independence and discovery learnin...
Authentic learning is conceptualised as anindividualised experience learners undergo fulfilling their uniquepsychological as well as neurological needs. It provides a deep, more lasting experienceand ideally assessed through generic... more
Authentic learning is conceptualised as anindividualised experience learners undergo fulfilling their uniquepsychological as well as neurological needs. It provides a deep, more lasting experienceand ideally assessed through generic attributes that are related to individuallearners intrinsic characteristics, spanning throughout the life. Question-based lecture delivery, as authoridentified, is a promising methodology to engage learner in an authenticlearning experience. By forming thelecture as a series of questions, it essentially has a dialectic approach toteaching. Further this methodologyprovides a good pace for concept delivery allowing learners to engage inconstructing meaning. Additionally, itallows aligning teaching to assessment tasks more appropriately, improving thereliability of assessment. Another practicethat helps authentic learning, as highlighted in this paper, is onlyelaborating the most important concepts or material related to a study area,within the limited time...
Abstract- Differentiated Services (DiffServ) architecture is based on aggregation of traffic and, unlike the Integrated Services (IntServ) the resources are not reserved on a per flow basis. One of the current research issues is the... more
Abstract- Differentiated Services (DiffServ) architecture is based on aggregation of traffic and, unlike the Integrated Services (IntServ) the resources are not reserved on a per flow basis. One of the current research issues is the provision of Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees to real time traffic in the DiffServ environment. The idea here is to achieve these guarantees without per flow resource allocation while safeguarding the best effort traffic from extremely high delays. The self-similar nature of Internet traffic that results in burstiness and very high delays has been identified in the recent past. The problem at hand is, what packet-scheduling scheme can be used to minimise delay to reasonable limits and the levels of control to be applied on the aggregated traffic to achieve such limits. We propose a class based aggregated Priority Queue with Lower Real time Traffic Utilisation (PQ-LRTU) as a packetscheduling scheme that is capable of providing statistical delay guarant...
We can now get purposefully directed in the way we assess our learners in light of the emergence of evidence from the field of neuroscience. Why higher-order learning or abstract concepts need to be the focus in assessment is elaborated... more
We can now get purposefully directed in the way we assess our learners in light of the emergence of evidence from the field of neuroscience. Why higher-order learning or abstract concepts need to be the focus in assessment is elaborated using the knowledge of semantic and episodic memories. With most of our learning identified to be implicit, why we should make use of the constructivist theory in assessing learners becomes quite evident. Why we need to deviate from setting assessment on the basis of veridical decision making and the need incline towards adaptive decision making become evident when we understand that most of our life decisions are adaptive in nature and human beings naturally possess creative instincts. When assessments are used to direct learners to use the frontal lobes, the organ of civilisation, more, the requirement of more carefully designing the timing component of assessment arises. After all, it is important to understand that enhancing learner consciousness...
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is widely recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet. One important... more
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is widely recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet. One important aspect to note here is that OBS can be realized using currently available optical technology. OBS forwards data in a form of bursts of packets assembled and disassembled in the electrical domain, in order to overcome the barrier of nonavailability of optical memory. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the adverse effects of higher burst sizes and lower levels of aggregate traffic utilization on average queue delay in the electrical domain, in the presence of aggregate self-similar traffic. Such a situation can be found in an internet environment using Differentiated Service (DiffServ) architecture. Absolute adverse effects are highlighted as a single metric of average delay by not using packet policing mechanism, similar to a token bucket, at the e...
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is widely recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet that could be... more
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is widely recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet that could be realized using currently available optical technology. OBS forwards data in a form of bursts of packets assembled and disassembled in the electrical domain in order to overcome the barrier of non-availability of optical memory. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the adverse effects of higher burst sizes on queue delay in the electrical domain in the presence of aggregate self-similar traffic, as that is found in a Differentiated Service (DiffServ) environment. Absolute effects on delay are highlighted by not using packet policing mechanism, similar to a token bucket, at the entrance of a network. This paper presents a combination of analytical and simulated results in verifying additional delays incur, and confirms them for all levels of aggregatio...
based on aggregation of traffic as opposed to per flow traffic. When DiffServ is used in a real time traffic environment it is important to study the effects of traffic aggregation on quality of service parameters. Instantaneous packet... more
based on aggregation of traffic as opposed to per flow traffic. When DiffServ is used in a real time traffic environment it is important to study the effects of traffic aggregation on quality of service parameters. Instantaneous packet delay variation (IPDV) is one of the most commonly used quality of service parameters for real time traffic. In this paper we study how IPDV of a micro flow builds up, from the source to the destination, in a DiffServ network. We define the parameters that influence IPDV of a flow at a network node through our simulations and represent them in an abstract analytical model.
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is widely recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet that could be... more
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is widely recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet that could be realized using currently available optical technology. OBS forwards data in a form of bursts of packets assembled and disassembled in the electrical domain in order to overcome the barrier of non-availability of optical memory. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the adverse effects of higher burst sizes on queue delay in the electrical domain in the presence of aggregate self-similar traffic, as that is found in a Differentiated Service (DiffServ) environment. Absolute effects on delay are highlighted by not using packet policing mechanism, similar to a token bucket, at the entrance of a network. This paper presents a combination of analytical and simulated results in verifying additional delays incur, and confirms them for all levels of aggregatio...
Authentic education provides a unique learning experience to individual learners, specifically by addressing their psychological and neurological needs; assessment of learners are done through generic attributes that have more validity... more
Authentic education provides a unique learning experience to individual learners, specifically by addressing their psychological and neurological needs; assessment of learners are done through generic attributes that have more validity and relates to intrinsic learner characteristics, lasting throughout the life span. Authentic education looks at the general term education more broadly and deeply, and from multiple perspectives. As the individual learners are identified uniquely through authentic education, it embraces diversity within the human species more broadly and meaningfully. Learners are encouraged to pursue higher-order learning sending them through a complete learning cycle; this engages learners deeply to the task and provides a lasting experience, enabling individuals to reach their full potential. Authentic education aims at providing personal development for individuals broadly, not merely a career development, while still paving a better way to map individual prefere...
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, optical burst switching (OBS) is identified as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next- generation optical-Internet that could be realized... more
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, optical burst switching (OBS) is identified as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next- generation optical-Internet that could be realized using currently available optical technology. OBS forwards data in a form of a burst of packets; bursts are assembled, and later disassembled, in the electrical domain in order to overcome the problem of non availability of optical memory, currently. The purpose of this paper is to access the adverse effects of queueing dynamics in the electrical domain, in the presence of self similar IP traffic, on optical burst switching. We also present class-based (aggregated) priority queueing, using a lower utilization threshold for real time traffic, as means of minimizing the adverse performance effects on real time traffic of the optical-Internet. We measure the performance gains, on the aggregated real time class, purely as a delay metric by not using a poli...
Abstract-- Differentiated Services (DiffServ) Architecture is based on aggregation of traffic as opposed to per flow traffic. When DiffServ is used in a real time traffic environment it is important to study the effects of traffic... more
Abstract-- Differentiated Services (DiffServ) Architecture is based on aggregation of traffic as opposed to per flow traffic. When DiffServ is used in a real time traffic environment it is important to study the effects of traffic aggregation on quality of service parameters. Instantaneous ...
ABSTRACT This paper looks at improving student learning mainly focusing on important practices related pedagogy, psychology and neuroscience. The author highlights the need that we, as educators, pay attention to learners&amp;amp;#39;... more
ABSTRACT This paper looks at improving student learning mainly focusing on important practices related pedagogy, psychology and neuroscience. The author highlights the need that we, as educators, pay attention to learners&amp;amp;#39; individual psychological and neurological characteristics when we develop curricular and present them to learners. For example, we may identify whether the preferred learning style for learners is visual spatial or auditory sequential. Similarly, we may identify whether the learners exhibit overexcitabilities, such as emotional, imaginational and intellectual. Differentiation of these psychological and neurological characteristics enable us be inclusive in our practices; for example, we will be able to meet the needs of highly sensitive gifted learners in the mainstream education system, instead of requiring special programs. We cannot expect the presence of idealistic learners possessing extreme visual spatial and auditory sequential skills at the same time. From a pedagogical point of view, we need to stress on higher-order learning by having assessment targeting higher-order learning. One of the important aspects when targeting higher-order learning is the timing aspect; that is how much time we spend on elaborating the most important concepts in the subject area as well as the time allocated for assessment, considering that human brain is a parallel processor, not a sequential operator such as a machine, or robot. Another important aspect when targeting higher-order learning is the fact that we are more focused on generalised concepts that can permeate through many areas rather than more specific concepts restricted to a single area. Such emphasis will naturally motivate learners more to better engage in learning as the concepts learned will be useful to them in a more generic sense, or in day to day life situations. We also highlight the need of having a balance between theory and practice as way for improved student learning.
Authentic education provides a unique learning experience to individual learners, specifically by addressing their psychological and neurological needs. The assessment of learners is done through generic attributes that have more validity... more
Authentic education provides a unique learning experience to individual learners, specifically by addressing their psychological and neurological needs. The assessment of learners is done through generic attributes that have more validity and relates to intrinsic learner characteristics that could last throughout the life span of the learner. Authentic education looks at the general term education more broadly and deeply, and from multiple perspectives. As the individual learners are identified uniquely through authentic education, it embraces diversity within the human species more broadly and meaningfully. Learners are encouraged to pursue higher-order learning sending them through a complete learning cycle; this engages learners deeply to the task and provides a lasting experience, enabling individuals to reach their full potential. Authentic education aims at providing personal development for individuals broadly, not merely a career development, while still paving a better way ...
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, optical burst switching (OBS) is recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet. In OBS, data are forwarded... more
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, optical burst switching (OBS) is recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet. In OBS, data are forwarded in the form of a burst of packets; these bursts ...
ABSTRACT Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic... more
ABSTRACT Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic development that results in deeper perception of reality be part of it? Do we have a better form of education than what we have currently perceived? In this book, the author attempts to answer the above questions identifying some of the less obvious limitations of our current pedagogical and social practices. In what he terms as authentic education, the author presents a deeper and multidisciplinary approach to education in which learners are uniquely identified and characterised based on their psychological and neurological traits in order for them to be sent through individualised learning plans spanning the whole life. In an integrated approach to education and human development, individual differences are given special attention and accommodations are made for all-round humanistic development enhancing creativity and wisdom in day-to-day life operations. Better educated human beings in this way would become better decision makers or problem solvers and more empathic and content personalities. Such an authentic education system has the promise of providing solutions to some of our long-standing social problems.
When setting up assessments, additional viewpoints that need to be considered by viewing from the standpoint of educational neuroscience are discussed in this article. Learner assessment performed in any teaching-learning environment... more
When setting up assessments, additional viewpoints that need to be considered by viewing from the standpoint of educational neuroscience are discussed in this article. Learner assessment performed in any teaching-learning environment should produce valid and lasting outcomes. The validity of assessment indicates that the results generated represent the learner characteristics reliably using any strengths and weaknesses. The lasting feature of assessment entails that the results are associated with learner characteristics rather the environmental factors. When learner characteristics are identified in this manner, appropriate measures can be taken to improve on any weaknesses identified while at the same time relying or staying motivated on the strengths. It is imperative that educators make use of the findings from the emerging field of educational neuroscience to design and construct assessment producing valid and lasting outcomes. In educational neuroscience, how the human brain and related structures engage in learning processes is studied. By incorporating this useful information into teaching-learning processes, learners can be put on a path to creating useful, lasting memories, across disciplinary boundaries, to lead them to higher levels of human development yielding wisdom and consciousness. When assessments produce valid and lasting outcomes, they essentially become fair for all types of learners including the gifted learners who demonstrate right cerebral hemisphere oriented visual-spatial characteristics that include higher sensitivities such as emotional sensitivity. Keywords: educational neuroscience. learner assessment, the validity of assessment, fairness of assessment, lasting value of assessment, higher-order learning, transfer of learning
Research Interests:
With the emergence of a wealth of research-based information in the field of educational neuroscience, educators are now able to make more evidence-based decisions in the important area of curriculum design and construction. By viewing... more
With the emergence of a wealth of research-based information in the field of educational neuroscience, educators are now able to make more evidence-based decisions in the important area of curriculum design and construction. By viewing from the perspective of educational neuroscience, we can give a more meaningful and lasting purpose of leading to human development with enhanced consciousness or wisdom as the goal of a curriculum. We can better decide on the essential contents of a curriculum that is carried out within a limited time, using the emerging and validating information. Knowledge of educational neuroscience can also be used effectively for instructional design or conveying important messages to learners in the learning support material provided. Further, educators can be better directed in forming appropriate assessment so that learners are prepared for active and deep engagements in the teaching-learning process developing the skills of independence and discovery learning. Educational practitioners, as well as policy-makers, can also promote inclusive practices by directing, designing and constructing a curriculum appropriately especially taking into consideration the characteristics of right cerebral hemispheric oriented visual-spatial or gifted learners. Overall, education professionals can be benefited immensely to take more informed decisions in the process of curriculum design and construction by embracing emerging educational neuroscience principles.
Research Interests:
The field of neuroscience has been evolving constantly and at a rapid pace in the recent past. Consequently,neuroscientists have put forth a wealth of knowledge in relation learning and education in general. In this context,how can we as... more
The field of neuroscience has been evolving constantly and at a rapid pace in the recent past. Consequently,neuroscientists have put forth a wealth of knowledge in relation learning and education in general. In this context,how can we as educators benefit from the emerging evidence from neuroscience so that we can take a significant step forward in improving our pedagogical practices? We can take a deeper and reflective look at our existing pedagogical knowledge-base and engage in implementing necessary changes in such a way that we can guide our learners to reach their full potential. By reaching full potential, we mean enhancing creativity and wisdom in our day to day life operations, thus developing more empathic and content personalities devoid of psychological disorders. In the presence of emerging evidence, we can be better organised and take more educated decisions in planning our curricular, assessment and content delivery methods to achieve enhanced learning. We certainly face some challenges, especially in changing from some practices that were used widely and for a prolonged time. However,taking this courageous step forward would help us to be more sustainable in our educational systems as well as society at large. In this regard, this paper discusses some emerging neuroscience-based concepts relevant to learning and education in general, the significance of these concepts and some suggestions on how they can be incorporated in our pedagogical practices.
Research Interests:
Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic... more
Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic development that results in deeper perception of reality be part of it? Do we have a better form of education than what we have currently perceived? In this book, the author attempts to answer the above questions identifying some of the less obvious limitations of our current pedagogical and social practices. In what he terms as authentic education, the author presents a deeper and multidisciplinary approach to education in which learners are uniquely identified and characterised based on their psychological and neurological traits in order for them to be sent through individualised learning plans spanning the whole life. In an integrated approach to education and human development, individual differences are given special attention and accommodations are m...
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is widely recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet that could be... more
Considering that optical networking is still in early stages of its evolution, Optical Burst Switching (OBS) is widely recognized as the most feasible data forwarding mechanism for the next generation Optical Internet that could be realized using currently available optical ...
We have reviewed the goals of education by approaching them from the direction of educational neuroscience; through education, we have to achieve transfer of learning in order to produce individuals who are better problem solvers and... more
We have reviewed the goals of education by approaching them from the direction of educational neuroscience; through education, we have to achieve transfer of learning in order to produce individuals who are better problem solvers and decision makers. To achieve this goal, learners will have to transform what they have learned explicitly into implicit memories and vice versa by attaching sense and meaning, ideally across multiple domain areas. Further, through education, we enhance learner consciousness and/or wisdom that give abilities to spontaneously recall retained memories readily, whenever necessary. A number of pedagogical practices that are useful in achieving the above goals are identified. When new contents are presented to learners, high-level, generalised concepts need to be emphasised; concepts are likely to penetrate through multiple domain areas and last longer in memory, thus helping learners to attach sense and meaning better. In order to reach out to multiple brain regions, inducing creativity, we need to get frontal lobes involved essentially, with an appropriate pace and form of presentation. The important task of motivating learners can be done by presenting learners with educational neuroscience facts that can be enlightening; even difficult content can be mastered by simply paying attention fully and through elaborate rehearsal; human brains have the feature of neural plasticity and neural networks can grow throughout the lifespan through effective learning. When setting assessment, we should focus on open-ended, novel and conceptual/generalised questions so that learners use their frontal lobes, engaging in a higher-order, divergent and/or inductive thinking process to provide answers.
Research Interests:
We can now get purposefully directed in the way we assess our learners in light of the emergence of evidence from the field of neuroscience. Why higher-order learning or abstract concepts need to be the focus in assessment is elaborated... more
We can now get purposefully directed in the way we assess our learners in light of the emergence of evidence from the field of neuroscience. Why higher-order learning or abstract concepts need to be the focus in assessment is elaborated using the knowledge of semantic and episodic memories. With most of our learning identified to be implicit, why we should make use of the constructivist theory in assessing learners becomes quite evident. Why we need to deviate from setting assessment on the basis of veridical decision making and the need incline towards adaptive decision making become evident when we understand that most of our life decisions are adaptive in nature and human beings naturally possess creative instincts. When assessments are used to direct learners to use the frontal lobes, the organ of civilisation, more, the requirement of more carefully designing the timing component of assessment arises. After all, it is important to understand that enhancing learner consciousness and wisdom is key when we understand the prime goal of education is to enhance human development of learners so as to enable them to be better problem solvers.
Research Interests:
We have identified goals of education by viewing them from the point of neuroscience; through education, we have to produce individuals who are better problem solvers and decision makers. To achieve this goal, learners will have to... more
We have identified goals of education by viewing them from the point of neuroscience;
through education, we have to produce individuals who are better problem solvers and
decision makers. To achieve this goal, learners will have to transform what they have learned
explicitly into implicit memories and vice versa. Further, through education, we enhance
learner consciousness and wisdom. A number of pedagogical practices that are useful in
achieving the above goals are presented. When new contents are presented in a
teaching-learning environment, high-level concepts need to be highlighted; the concepts are
likely to penetrate through multiple domain areas thus helping learners to form better neural
networks of knowledge. In order to reach out to multiple brain regions, we need to get the
frontal lobe involved essentially and hence the pace of presentation has to be controlled
appropriately; as the frontal lobe connects to many brain regions, the processing occurs
relatively slowly. The important task of motivating learners can be done by presenting
learners with neuroscience-based facts about learning; even difficult content can be mastered
by simply paying attention elaborately; human brains have the feature of plasticity and
through learning, neural networks can grow throughout the lifespan. Taking into
consideration the phenomenon of binocular rivalry - human brains can concentrate only on
one thing at a time fully- we should encourage learners to engage in the discussion in a
teaching-learning session fully. When setting assessment, we should focus on open-ended,
novel conceptual questions so that learners use their frontal lobes connecting many other
regions as well.
Research Interests:
This paper looks at improving student learning mainly focusing on important practices related pedagogy, psychology and neuroscience. The author highlights the need that we, as educators, pay attention to learners’ individual psychological... more
This paper looks at improving student learning mainly focusing on important practices related
pedagogy, psychology and neuroscience. The author highlights the need that we, as educators, pay
attention to learners’ individual psychological and neurological characteristics when we develop
curricular and present them to learners. For example, we may identify whether the preferred learning
style for learners is visual spatial or auditory sequential. Similarly, we may identify whether the learners
exhibit overexcitabilities, such as emotional, imaginational and intellectual. Differentiation of these
psychological and neurological characteristics enable us be inclusive in our practices; for example, we
will be able to meet the needs of highly sensitive gifted learners in the mainstream education system,
instead of requiring special programs. We cannot expect the presence of idealistic learners possessing
extreme visual spatial and auditory sequential skills at the same time. From a pedagogical point of view,
we need to stress on higher-order learning by having assessment targeting higher-order learning. One of
the important aspects when targeting higher-order learning is the timing aspect; that is how much time
we spend on elaborating the most important concepts in the subject area as well as the time allocated for
assessment, considering that human brain is a parallel processor, not a sequential operator such as a
machine, or robot. Another important aspect when targeting higher-order learning is the fact that we are
more focused on generalised concepts that can permeate through many areas rather than more specific
concepts restricted to a single area. Such emphasis will naturally motivate learners more to better
engage in learning as the concepts learned will be useful to them in a more generic sense, or in day to
day life situations. We also highlight the need of having a balance between theory and practice as way
for improved student learning.
Research Interests:
In this paper we discuss some of the limitations in our common practices as educational practitioners. We may not address the needs of a neurodiverse society. Instead, we may incorrectly assume idealistic individuals to exist. There are a... more
In this paper we discuss some of the limitations in our common practices as educational practitioners. We may not address the needs of a neurodiverse society. Instead, we may incorrectly assume idealistic individuals to exist. There are a number of areas related to assessment that we can improve on following some reflections. We may fail to thoroughly understand the concepts of higher-order learning and put them into practice. The time factor in learning processes may not get the significance it deserves leading to sub-optimal environments. The need to address learner motivation levels may get neglected without understanding the serious consequences. We may allow non-educational bodies to dictate terms on our curricular, sacrificing important pedagogical and human principles. The socio-economic conditions may unnecessarily impact learners much more than individual neurological and psychological characteristics. We present these limitations and suggest how an authentic learning experience can be achieved by overcoming them.
Research Interests:
Authentic learning is conceptualised as an individualised experience learners undergo fulfilling their unique psychological as well as neurological needs. It provides a deep, more lasting experience and ideally assessed through generic... more
Authentic learning is conceptualised as an individualised experience learners undergo fulfilling
their unique psychological as well as neurological needs. It provides a deep, more lasting
experience and ideally assessed through generic attributes that are related to individual learners’
intrinsic characteristics, spanning throughout the life. Question-based lecture delivery, as author
identified, is a promising methodology to engage learner in an authentic learning experience. By
forming the lecture as a series of questions, it essentially has a dialectic approach to teaching.
Further this methodology provides a good pace for concept delivery allowing learners to engage
in constructing meaning. Additionally, it allows aligning teaching to assessment tasks more
appropriately, improving the reliability of assessment. Another practice that helps authentic
learning, as highlighted in this paper, is only elaborating the most important concepts or material
related to a study area, within the limited time available, and thereby, in the assessment as well.
This contrasts from the notion that teacher has to mention every single fact in the study area in
front of the learners, possibly directing learners to strategic approaches to learning. The time
factor in relation to assessment components is also an important issue, as some learners may be
disadvantaged if time is not allocated with careful thought. The significance of generalised, or
higher-order, learning in an authentic learning framework is presented, as the knowledge gained
through this way is likely to last longer in learners’ memory and at the same time, more useful to
them in a generic way, or in day to day situations. Such practices also inherently motivate
learners to engage in a deep learning process. We further emphasise on motivating students by
relating any study area or material to more generic processes we find in daily lives so that
students get the notion of what they learn will be useful to them in future in a generic way, but not
necessarily in a specific career. Use of practical work only in support of enhancing understanding
of an abstract theory presented, but not otherwise, is also highlighted in promoting authentic
learning experience.
Research Interests:
Individual learners can be characterised based on their psychological and neurological characteristics, such as visual spatial and auditory sequential learners, extroverts and introverts or multiple intelligences. These differences go a... more
Individual learners can be characterised based on their psychological and neurological
characteristics, such as visual spatial and auditory sequential learners, extroverts and
introverts or multiple intelligences. These differences go a long way in how successfully
individuals learn and engage in their careers. However, our contemporary educations systems
do not give due attention to these differences in satisfying individual requirements. For
example, the issues related to high sensitivities of gifted and creative individuals being
inadequately addressed in the mainstream education system are extensively highlighted in
literature. Due to lack of support from the education and social systems, individuals fall
behind in the process of self-actualisation. According to researchers, it appears that we focus
mainly on instructing the learners’ left hemisphere of the brain, paying little attention on the
right hemisphere. In this paper, the author highlights the need to make learners use both
hemispheres of the brain through appropriate instructions and methodologies, despite some
having preferences to using one half. Addressing psychological and neurological needs of the
learners while accommodating them to use both brain hemispheres would put individuals into
a self-actualising path that develops creativity and wisdom. In essence, as general educators,
we develop awareness into the concept of neurodiversity.
Research Interests:
In this paper, the authentic education system defined with multidisciplinary perspectives (Watagodakumbura, 2013a, 2013b) is viewed from an additional perspective of analytical psychology. Analytical psychology provides insights into... more
In this paper, the authentic education system defined with multidisciplinary perspectives (Watagodakumbura, 2013a,
2013b) is viewed from an additional perspective of analytical psychology. Analytical psychology provides insights
into human development and is becoming more and more popular among practicing psychologist in the recent past.
In addition to human development frameworks already used in defining the mentioned authentic education system,
the new viewpoint from analytical psychology gives further insights into the applicability of the concepts and
features presented in describing the said system. The main concepts of analytical psychology such as
conscious/unconscious, psychological types, the shadow, the self and archetypes are used in elaborating further on
the concepts and features of the authentic education system with multidisciplinary perspectives. Consequently, much
broader perspectives of the authentic education system discussed are highlighted in this paper.
Research Interests:
Authentic education is presented in this paper from a multidisciplinary perspective; it is viewed and discussed mainly from the perspectives of psychology, pedagogy, neuroscience and machine learning. It addresses the individual... more
Authentic education is presented in this paper from a multidisciplinary perspective; it is viewed and discussed mainly
from the perspectives of psychology, pedagogy, neuroscience and machine learning. It addresses the individual
psychological and neurological differences and guide individuals to reach higher levels of human developments.
Especially, high emotional, intellectual and imaginational sensitivities are accepted as enriching a neurodiverse
society, rather than constraining it. Further, the learners undergo a deep-learning and critical thinking process in a
manner that is natural to human brain functioning as a parallel processor, as opposed to a robotic machine that
operates sequentially at a high speed. As studies in neuroscience reveal, when learning takes place deeply, dendrites
within the human brain are capable of growing into denser networks giving a physical meaning to our learning.
Authentic education unifies different perspectives from multiple disciplinary areas in to a useful measure that can be
implemented in educational practice. In this way, we visualise education in a deeper sense that is not seen usually in
a contemporary society, and pave the way for a significant positive social change.
Research Interests:
Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic... more
Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic development that results in deeper perception of reality be part of it? Do we have a better form of education than what we have currently perceived? In this book, the author attempts to answer the above questions identifying some of the less obvious limitations of our current pedagogical and social practices. In what he terms as authentic education, the author presents a deeper and multidisciplinary approach to education in which learners are uniquely identified and characterised based on their psychological and neurological traits in order for them to be sent through individualised learning plans spanning the whole life. In an integrated approach to education and human development, individual differences are given special attention and accommodations are made for all-round humanistic development enhancing creativity and wisdom in day-to-day life operations. Better educated human beings in this way would become better decision makers or problem solvers and more empathic and content personalities. Such an authentic education system has the promise of providing solutions to some of our long-standing social problems.

And 9 more

This book delves into the broader topic of educational transformation required at all levels of education at a time the world is facing unprecedented challenges amidst COVID19 tragedy. The premise of such an educational transformation... more
This book delves into the broader topic of educational transformation required at all levels of education at a time the world is facing unprecedented challenges amidst COVID19 tragedy. The premise of such an educational transformation agenda should be focused on individual learner transformation or whole-person development. For decades, if not for centuries, we neglected the much important social and emotional domains of learning and development by narrowly focusing only on the cognitive domain. Put differently, we assumed that learning is an external entity that learners have to fill up rather than a means of forming embodied knowledge authentically by essentially looking inward at one’s own “self” and its relationship to the external world. In this pursuit of lifelong learning and development for an individual, we highlight the essential enablers of developing self-awareness, mindfulness and emotional intelligence. Following the neuroscientific notions of neuroplasticity and epigenetics that are becoming increasingly widespread, we shed aside the enforced linear models of learning in favour of putting learners in the driving seat to self-author their journeys in a pervasive manner. Such learning and development processes suggested in this book promise the development of individuals of enhanced openness, critical thinking, creativity, empathy and compassion to serve this planet better, focusing the greater good.
In order to fully grow as a human being, it is essential to remain a lifelong student—an individual who passionately and consciously pursues education. But how do we deeply take control of our lives in order to enhance daily learning?... more
In order to fully grow as a human being, it is essential to remain a lifelong student—an individual who passionately and consciously pursues education. But how do we deeply take control of our lives in order to enhance daily learning? What is there to learn about the neurological makeup of our brains that can help us achieve optimal growth?

Dr. Chandana Watagodakumbura uses his extensive experience as an educator to help us tackle these large concepts in tangible, easy-to-follow ways. With a focus on metacognition and neuroscience, Programming the Brain: Educational Neuroscience Perspective helps students and educators alike develop skills that can transcend disciplines and all areas of life. It is possible to achieve deep, meaningful growth throughout your life.
Research Interests:
Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive? Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic... more
Have you ever conjectured deeply on the goals of education in general? What could be the ideal education an individual can receive?

Will education only have a focus on an employment or career path, or will character or humanistic development that results in a deeper perception of reality be part of it? Do we have a better form of education than what we have currently perceived? In this book, the author attempts to answer the above questions identifying some of the less obvious limitations of our current pedagogical and social practices.

In what he terms as authentic education, the author presents a deeper and multidisciplinary approach to education in which learners are uniquely identied and characterised based on their psychological and neurological traits in order for them to be sent through individualized learning plans spanning the whole life. In an integrated approach to education and human development, individual differences are given special attention and accommodations are made for all-round humanistic development enhancing creativity and wisdom in day-today life operations. Better educated human beings in this way would become better decision makers or problem solvers and more empathic and content personalities. Such an authentic education system has the promise of providing solutions to some of our long-standing social problems.
Research Interests: