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Diet and dementia: what do we know?

While there is yet to close the gap regarding diet and dementia, research has found more evidence to support that specific diets or food intake do trigger dementia. In conclusion, the relationship between diet and dementia is increasingly recognized as a crucial factor influencing brain health and cognitive function. Scientific evidence suggests that a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats may lower the risk of developing dementia and cognitive decline. Conversely, diets high in saturated fats, refined sugars, and processed foods have been associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and dementia.

Read on to know more about how a vital diet affects your mental ability. 

How diet is linked to dementia

While dementia is caused by other factors such as an accident, sports injury, lack of oxygen, genetics, and the like– some studies have shown how diet affects cognitive ability. It’s been suggested that constantly consuming unhealthy food that are high in saturated and trans fat contributes to a higher risk of dementia. It’s also been suggested that such a diet affects the oxidative stress and inflammation of biological mechanisms that are significant with Alzheimer’s. 

Five types of food that help boost cognitive function

As mentioned, a strong correlation that shows how food and diet cause dementia is not yet 100% proven; however, there have been many studies that support how food intake is beneficial to brain ability. Keep in mind these five kinds of food to incorporate into your diet.

1. Fruits and vegetables

Rainbow fruits, or a healthy rainbow diet plan, included in your meal is sure to balance the other food you take. Any fruit colored red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple contains necessary vitamins vital to maintaining proper nutrition; an individual that includes fruits into their diet will receive the benefits that help with a healthy mind. 

Vegetables, specifically green vegetables, are rich in necessary substances that help lower the risk of memory loss. Leafy green vegetables contain important substances like Vitamin B2, Vitamin E, and calcium. Additionally, boiled spinach, broccoli, and cabbage are vegetables found in a typical dementia patient’s diet– offering the essential nutrients. 

2. Coffee and tea

While there is a known side to the adverse effects of coffee, there is a beneficial one. The caffeine in coffee has some positive effects for those with mild cognitive impairment. It’s been scientifically proven that caffeine intake does lessen the growth of dementia. 

On the other hand, tea offers benefits that specifically help lessen oxidative stress that underlies Alzheimer’s. Manganese is another nutrient found in tea that helps maintain regular bodily functions; it helps form tissues, blood clotting, and other things.  

3. Cocoa

Chocolate helps with supporting brain function. It’s been found that cocoa flavanols in more significant portions of chocolate help maintain and improve memory retention. The flavanols are anti-inflammatory antioxidants that support brain function. 

4. Legumes and nuts 

Like fruits and vegetables, legumes contain specific substances that benefit the brain. Legumes have Vitamin B6 in legumes, other soy-based food, and beans. Legumes and beans are consumed to help body regulation, like sleep, mood, and appetite. 

Nuts are the most common snack or food that dementia individuals eat. Most significantly, walnuts have been found to contain high omega-3 fatty acids. Adding walnuts, other nuts, or other legume recipes can help the body immediately consume vital nutrients. 

5. Fish 

Fish also contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids integral to cell membranes throughout the body, especially cell receptors– vital for regulating brain function. Fish intake helps regulate vascular health, especially for the small blood vessels in the brain. Various recipes can do fish intake or simply take fish oil medication.


It’s important to note that while diet plays a crucial role, it is just one aspect of a multifaceted approach to preventing or managing dementia. Other lifestyle factors such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, mental stimulation, social engagement, and driving other health conditions contribute significantly to overall brain health.

Further research is needed to understand better the intricate mechanisms linking diet and dementia, as well as to develop targeted dietary interventions for both prevention and treatment. Encouraging healthy eating habits from an early age and promoting dietary modifications throughout life may offer a promising avenue in reducing the risk and progression of dementia, ultimately promoting overall brain health and well-being.

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