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Ramzi Suleiman

University of Haifa, Psychology, Department Member
  • I am a professor of psychology and economics, and CEO of a high-tech startup company in the GPS industry. During my ... more
    (I  am a professor of psychology and economics, and CEO of a high-tech startup company in the GPS industry. During my academic career, I published scientific books and papers in economics, psychology, social and political sciences, and physics. In recent years I  work on developing general theories in physics (Information Relativity theory), and economics (Economic Harmony theory).  I am also interested in literature, and have recently published a book of poems in Arabic titled "The Long Distances Runner".)
ABSTRACT A well-known hypothesis, rooted in anthropological studies, posits that individuals join cooperative groups and share resources in order to reduce environmental risk. Forming groups as means of risk-sharing is also witnessed in... more
ABSTRACT A well-known hypothesis, rooted in anthropological studies, posits that individuals join cooperative groups and share resources in order to reduce environmental risk. Forming groups as means of risk-sharing is also witnessed in many poor countries, in which communities employ risk-sharing arrangements, such as group loans with joint liability. Despite its significance for explaining group formation, the 'Social Insurance' hypothesis has hardly been subjected to systematic experimental testing. Here we report results of three experiments, in which environmental risks were modeled as probable gains or probable losses. For gains, the results supported the hypothesis that individuals form groups and share resources in order to reduce risk. For losses, the results revealed an intriguing switch from a reluctance to join groups under low-risk, to ubiquitous readiness to join under high-risk. These results are discussed in light of Prospect Theory and risk-sensitive models, and their significance to the research on risk-sharing is highlighted.
Experimental studies show that the Nash equilibrium and its refinements are poor predictors of behavior in non-cooperative strategic games. Cooperation models, such as ERC and inequality aversion, yield superior predictions compared to... more
Experimental studies show that the Nash equilibrium and its refinements are poor predictors of behavior in non-cooperative strategic games. Cooperation models, such as ERC and inequality aversion, yield superior predictions compared to the standard game theory predictions. However, those models are short of providing a general theory of behavior in economic interactions. In two previous articles, we proposed a rational theory of behavior in non-cooperative games, termed Economic Harmony theory (EH). In EH, we retained the rationality principle but modified the players’ utilities by defining them as functions of the ratios between their actual and aspired payoffs. We also abandoned the equilibrium concept in favor of the concept of “harmony,” defined as the intersection of strategies at which all players are equally satisfied. We derived and tested the theory predictions of behavior in the ultimatum game, the bargaining game with alternating offers, and the sequential common-pool res...
Experiments using the public goods game have repeatedly shown that in cooperative social environments, punishment makes cooperation flourish, and withholding punishment makes cooperation collapse. In less cooperative social environments,... more
Experiments using the public goods game have repeatedly shown that in cooperative social environments, punishment makes cooperation flourish, and withholding punishment makes cooperation collapse. In less cooperative social environments, where antisocial punishment has been detected, punishment was detrimental to cooperation. The success of punishment in enhancing cooperation was explained as deterrence of free riders by cooperative strong reciprocators, who were willing to pay the cost of punishing them, whereas in environments in which punishment diminished cooperation, antisocial punishment was explained as revenge by low cooperators against high cooperators suspected of punishing them in previous rounds. The present paper reconsiders the generality of both explanations. Using data from a public goods experiment with punishment, conducted by the authors on Israeli subjects (Study 1), and from a study published in Science using sixteen participant pools from cities around the worl...
It is believed that the Sagnac effect does not contradict Special Relativity theory because it is manifest in non-inertial rotational motion; therefore, it should be treated in the framework of General Relativity theory. However, several... more
It is believed that the Sagnac effect does not contradict Special Relativity theory because it is manifest in non-inertial rotational motion; therefore, it should be treated in the framework of General Relativity theory. However, several well-designed studies have convincingly shown that a Sagnac Effect identical to the one manifest in rotational uniform motion is also manifest in transverse uniform motion. This result should have been sufficient to falsify Special Relativity theory. In the present article, we offer theoretical support to the experimental results by elucidating the notion that the dynamics of transverse and rotational types of motion are completely equivalent. Since the transverse Sagnac effect contradicts Special Relativity theory, it follows that the rotational Sagnac effect contradicts Special Relativity theory as well. In addition, we show that our recently proposed Information Relativity theory, in which we abandoned the constancy of the velocity of light axiom, theoretically accounts for the Sagnac effect.
In two recent articles I have shown that a relativity theory without the Lorentz Invariance Principle, termed Complete Relativity, conforms to quantum mechanics and cosmology. Here I demonstrate that it also conforms to the Standard... more
In two recent articles I have shown that a relativity theory without the Lorentz Invariance Principle, termed Complete Relativity, conforms to quantum mechanics and cosmology. Here I demonstrate that it also conforms to the Standard Model. Using the energy expression derived from the theory, I demonstrate that the theory predicts the recently reported mass (≈125 GeV) of the Higgs boson.
Dark energy and dark matter constitute about 95% of the Universe. Nonetheless, not much is known about them. Existing theories, including General Relativity, fail to provide plausible definitions of the two entities, or to predict their... more
Dark energy and dark matter constitute about 95% of the Universe. Nonetheless, not much is known about them. Existing theories, including General Relativity, fail to provide plausible definitions of the two entities, or to predict their amounts in the Universe. The present paper proposes a new special relativity theory, called Complete Relativity theory (CR) that is anchored in Galileo's relativity, but without the notion of a preferred frame. The theory results are consistent with Newtonian and Quantum mechanics. More importantly, the theory yields natural definitions of dark energy and dark matter and predicts the content of the Universe with high accuracy.
A recent finding, based on empirical data of 153 rotationally supported galaxies, with very different morphologies, masses, sizes, and gas fractions, revealed that the baryonic and the dark matter in galaxies are strongly coupled, such... more
A recent finding, based on empirical data of 153 rotationally supported galaxies, with very different morphologies, masses, sizes, and gas fractions, revealed that the baryonic and the dark matter in galaxies are strongly coupled, such that, if the first is known, the second follows and vice versa. Here, we propose a completely theoretical analysis of the dynamics of rotationally supported galaxies, which results in the same conclusion. We find that the relationship between baryonic and dark matter densities at any radius r is governed by the law, ρ(r)_M + ρ(r)_DM = ρ_0, where ρ(r)_M, and ρ(r)_DM are, respectively, the densities of matter and dark matter at radius r, and ρ_0 is the density at the galaxy’s center. Strikingly, we also found that the radius r_s, at which the rotation velocity is equal to half of its maximal value, constitutes a vivid signature of the galaxy, in the sense that it reveals rich information about the galaxy’s dynamics, including the distribution of its matt...
Experiments on bargaining games have repeatedly shown that subjects fail to use backward induction, and that they only rarely make demands in accordance with the subgame perfect equilibrium. In a recent paper, we proposed an alternative... more
Experiments on bargaining games have repeatedly shown that subjects fail to use backward induction, and that they only rarely make demands in accordance with the subgame perfect equilibrium. In a recent paper, we proposed an alternative model, termed ‘economic harmony’ in which we modified the individual's utility by defining it as a function of the ratio between the actual and aspired pay-offs. We also abandoned the notion of equilibrium, in favour of a new notion of ‘harmony’, defined as the intersection of strategies, at which all players are equally satisfied. We showed that the proposed model yields excellent predictions of offers in the ultimatum game, and requests in the sequential common pool resource dilemma game. Strikingly, the predicted demand in the ultimatum game is equal to the famous Golden Ratio (approx. 0.62 of the entire pie). The same prediction was recently derived independently by Schuster (Schuster 2017. Sci. Rep. 7 , 5642). In this paper, we extend the so...
We report a simulation study which explores the effects of different representation methods and election frequencies on the emergence of mutual cooperation between two conflicting groups. We assume that the inter-group conflict can be... more
We report a simulation study which explores the effects of different representation methods and election frequencies on the emergence of mutual cooperation between two conflicting groups. We assume that the inter-group conflict can be modeled as an iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma game played by the groups’ representatives. In addition, we assume that the performance of each representative influences her constituents and that this, in turn, affects her prospects to be reelected. At the end of a constituency period, new elections are called for, and their results determine whether the delegate remains in her position or is replaced by another representative. Our main objectives were: (1) to investigate the effects of three representation methods: Random representation, Mean representation, and Minimal Winning Coalition representation, on the evolution of cooperation between the groups; and (2) to investigate the effect of the frequency of elections in the two groups on the evolving inter-group relations. Outcomes of 1080 simulations yield the following main results: (1) there exists an election frequency which optimizes the likelihood that the inter-group process converges to mutual cooperation; (2) similar cooperation characteristics evolve under the Minimal Wining Coalition and the Random representation methods; and (3) the Mean representation method results in low levels of inter-group cooperation.
ABSTRACT Motivated by a recent neutrino OPERA experimental finding, which showed that neutrino particles travel faster than light, I here propose a modified Newtonian model, which adopts a relativistic perspective. Assuming that there is... more
ABSTRACT Motivated by a recent neutrino OPERA experimental finding, which showed that neutrino particles travel faster than light, I here propose a modified Newtonian model, which adopts a relativistic perspective. Assuming that there is no absolute frame of reference, I use Newton’s laws of motion to derive a novel result for relative time. The derived result yields a precise prediction of the velocity of neutrino reported in the aforementioned neutrino OPERA experiment.
ABSTRACT Newtonian Relativity Theory Part 1: the case of constant relative velocity Ramzi Suleiman† University of Haifa Abstract Motivated by a recent OPERA neutrino experimental result, showing that the neutrino particle travels with... more
ABSTRACT Newtonian Relativity Theory Part 1: the case of constant relative velocity Ramzi Suleiman† University of Haifa Abstract Motivated by a recent OPERA neutrino experimental result, showing that the neutrino particle travels with velocity exceeding the velocity of light, I here propose a Newtonian Relativity Theory (NR). The theory relaxes the second postulate regarding the invariance of the speed of light, and replaces it by a weak simultaneity condition, according to which at when measurements begin, the time at two frames of reference is completely synchronized (t’0 = t0 ). Using Newton’s mechanics I constructed a relativity theory. The theory generates novel results for relative time, distance, density and energy, for the entire velocities range (- ∞ Because NR applies to the entire range of velocities (- ∞ (b) For bodies departing from an observer with velocity 0 ≤v/c 1, become antimatter with dark energy. The theory was tested using several classical studies. For all reported findings, the NR theory yielded equal or superior prediction compared with the predictions of the SR theory. More importantly, NR predicts the finding of a recent neutrino OPERA experiment [1] with complete accuracy. † Ramzi Suleiman, University of Haifa. Email: Mobile: 972-(0)505-474-215.
ABSTRACT The article presents a Simple Relativity Theory of Everything (or RTE). The theory postulates that all physical measurement of space, time, velocity, density, and energy, are relative and depend on the relative motion between the... more
ABSTRACT The article presents a Simple Relativity Theory of Everything (or RTE). The theory postulates that all physical measurement of space, time, velocity, density, and energy, are relative and depend on the relative motion between the observer and the object observed. The theory diverges from Einstein’s Relativity in that it applies the relativity principle to all matter, including light photons. For the simple case of constant relative motion, the theory yields novel time, distance, density, and energy transformations, and constructs a new model of the universe spacetime.The theoretical results obtained reveal that RTE is compatible with Quantum Theory and Big Bang theories. For the case of very low velocities, the transformations obtained yield Newton’s laws of motion and energy.The theory generates plausible definitions of dark matter and dark energy and uses them to make a fairly good prediction of the content of the universe. In addition, it makes remarkably good predictions concerning several important phenomena, including prediction of the accelerating expansion of the universe, a remarkably good estimate of the Hubble Constant and of the content of the universe, prediction of quantum criticality at the Golden Ratio, and accurate prediction of (v-c)/c values reported in all recent neutrino velocity experiments.
ABSTRACT The paper presents a Simple Relativistic Theory of the Universe (or ST theory). In constructing the theory I followed the steps of Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory (SR). As in SR, I postulate that there is no preferred frame... more
ABSTRACT The paper presents a Simple Relativistic Theory of the Universe (or ST theory). In constructing the theory I followed the steps of Einstein’s Special Relativity Theory (SR). As in SR, I postulate that there is no preferred frame of reference and that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames. On the other hand, unlike Einstein’s SR, the new theory removes the postulate regarding the invariance of the velocity of light (or, equivalently, the Lorentz Symmetry Principle) and treats photons like any terrestrial matter. The theory does strikingly well in accounting for several significant atomic, subatomic and cosmological phenomena. At the atomic and subatomic level it yields precise predictions of all existing superluminal neutrino experiments and of quantum criticality at the Golden Ratio (Φ ≈ 0.618). At the cosmological level Sτ predicts the amount of normal (byronic) matter in the universe (Ωm = 1/3) and puts a limit that agrees with detected red shifts of energies much higher that the GZK cutoff energy. The spacetime constructed by Sτ is anisotropic, curved, and open and accelerating in time, much like the one theorized by the OCDM model of the universe. The theory explains the eruption of the Big Bang, the conditions that existed before, during, and shortly after it erupted. Moreover, it proposes an answer to the open question regarding the cause of the Big Bang, according to which it was the result of colossal anti-gravitational forces caused by a “collision” between our universe and an equivalent parallel universe of dark matter and dark energy.
The study explores the evolution of decision strategies and the emergence of cooperation in simulated societies. In the context of an inter-group conflict, we simulate three different institutions for the aggregation of attitudes. We... more
The study explores the evolution of decision strategies and the emergence of cooperation in simulated societies. In the context of an inter-group conflict, we simulate three different institutions for the aggregation of attitudes. We assume that: (a) the conflict can be modeled as an iterated Prisoner's Dilemma played by two decision makers, each representing her group for a fixed duration; (b) the performance of each group's representative influences her group members and, consequently, her prospects to be reelected. Our main objectives are: (1) to investigate the effects of three power-delegation mechanisms: Random Representation, Mean Representation, and Minimal Winning Coalition representation, on the emergence of representatives' decision strategies, (2) to investigate the effect of the frequency of elections on the evolving inter-group relations. Outcomes of 1080 simulations show that the emergence of cooperation is strongly influenced by the delegation mechanis...
The author investigated how Palestinian (n = 130) and Jewish (n = 153) Israeli university students perceived the collective identity of the Palestinian minority in Israel. The Palestinian and Jewish respondents perceived the... more
The author investigated how Palestinian (n = 130) and Jewish (n = 153) Israeli university students perceived the collective identity of the Palestinian minority in Israel. The Palestinian and Jewish respondents perceived the "identity space" of the minority as linear, or bipolar, with 1 pole defined by the national (Palestinian) identity and the other defined by the civic (Israeli) label. The Palestinian respondents defined their collective identity in national (Palestinian, Arab) and integrative (Israeli-Palestinian) terms; the Jewish respondents perceived the minority's identity as integrative (Israeli-Palestinian). Different political outlooks among Palestinian respondents were related to their identification with the civic (Israeli) identity but not to their identification with the national (Palestinian) identity. In contrast, different political outlooks among Jewish respondents were related to their inclusion, or exclusion, of the national (Palestinian) component in their definition of the minority's identity. Implications of the results are discussed in terms of a minority acculturation model (J. Berry, J. Trimble, & E. Olmedo, 1986).
ABSTRACT. Similarity measures were obtained from 77 Palestinians living in Israel about 17 attitudes toward their national and civic identities. The symmetric similarity matrices were subjected to a multidimensional scaling analysis.... more
ABSTRACT. Similarity measures were obtained from 77 Palestinians living in Israel about 17 attitudes toward their national and civic identities. The symmetric similarity matrices were subjected to a multidimensional scaling analysis. Results showed that (a) the Arabic language and ...
The present study simulates an enduring intergroup conflict in which each of two interacting groups is represented by a single representative elected for a given period. The authors assume that the conflict between the two groups can be... more
The present study simulates an enduring intergroup conflict in which each of two interacting groups is represented by a single representative elected for a given period. The authors assume that the conflict between the two groups can be modeled as an iterated prisoner's dilemma game played by the groups' representatives, and that the performance of each representative influences her constituents which, in turn, affects her prospects for reelection. At the end of a constituency period, new elections are called, and their results determine whether the delegate remains in her position or is replaced by another representative. The main objectives are: (1) to investigate the effect of this common democratic procedure, namely, the periodic election of group representatives, on the evolution of cooperation between the groups; and (2) to investigate the effect of the frequency of elections in the two groups on evolving intergroup relations. Outcomes of 360 simulations yielded the fo...
Experimental studies show that the Nash equilibrium and its refinements are poor predictors of behavior in non-cooperative strategic games. Cooperation models, such as ERC and inequality aversion, yield superior predictions compared to the... more
Experimental studies show that the Nash equilibrium and its refinements are poor predictors of behavior in non-cooperative strategic games. Cooperation models, such as ERC and inequality aversion, yield superior predictions compared to the standard game theory predictions. However, those models are short of providing a general theory of behavior in economic interactions. In two previous articles, we proposed a rational theory of behavior in non-cooperative games, termed Economic Harmony theory (EH). In EH, we retained the rationality principle but modified the players’ utilities by defining them as functions of the ratios between their actual and aspired payoffs. We also abandoned the equilibrium concept in favor of the concept of “harmony,” defined as the intersection of strategies at which all players are equally satisfied. We derived and tested the theory predictions of behavior in the ultimatum game, the bargaining game with alternating offers, and the sequential common-pool resource dilemma game. In this article, we summarize the main tenets of EH and its previous predictions and test its predictions for behaviors in the public goods game and the trust game. We demonstrate that the harmony solutions account well for the observed fairness and cooperation in all the tested games. The impressive predictions of the theory, without violating the rationality principle nor adding free parameters, indicate that the role of benevolent sentiments in promoting fairness and cooperation in the discussed games is only marginal. Strikingly, the Golden Ratio, known for its aesthetically pleasing properties, emerged as the point of fair demands in the ultimatum game, the sequential bargaining game with alternating offers, and the sequential CPR dilemma game. The emergence of the golden ratio as the fairness solution in these games suggests that our perception of fairness and beauty are correlated. Because the harmony predictions underwent post-tests, future experiments are needed for conducting ex ante tests of the theory in the discussed games and in other non-cooperative games. Given the good performance of economic harmony where game theory fails, we hope that experimental economists and other behavioral scientists undertake such a task.
The research on quasi-luminal neutrinos has sparked several experimental studies for testing the "speed of light limit" hypothesis. Until today, the overall evidence favors the "null" hypothesis, stating that there is... more
The research on quasi-luminal neutrinos has sparked several experimental studies for testing the "speed of light limit" hypothesis. Until today, the overall evidence favors the "null" hypothesis, stating that there is no significant difference between the observed velocities of light and neutrinos. Despite numerous theoretical models proposed to explain the neutrinos behavior, no attempt has been undertaken to predict the experimentally produced (v-c)/c results. This paper presents a simple novel extension of Newton's mechanics to the domain of relativistic velocities. For a typical neutrino-velocity experiment, the proposed model is utilized to derive a general expression for (v-c)/c. Comparison of the model's prediction with results of six neutrino-velocity experiments, conducted by five collaborations, reveals that the model predicts all the reported results with striking accuracy. Because in the proposed model, the direction of the neutrino flight mat...
The present article proposes an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity theory, and utilizes it to infer about two quantum phenomena: quantum phase-transition and matter-wave duality. We propose a theoretical model... more
The present article proposes an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity theory, and utilizes it to infer about two quantum phenomena: quantum phase-transition and matter-wave duality. We propose a theoretical model of physical systems in which two an observer in the "rest" reference-frame receives information on measurements taken in another frame moving with constant velocity v relative to the observer's "rest" frame. We avoid questions pertaining to the true state of Nature. We only ask how physical measurements taken in the "moving" frame are transformed when they are received in the observer's "rest" frame. We constrain the analysis to simple one-dimensional, one-body inertial systems, in which information in communicated between the reference frames using an information carrier with known velocity vc (vc > v). We make no other assumptions, thus our approach is completely epistemic. For systems of the abo...
Bell's Theorem prescribes that no theory of nature that obeys locality and realism can reproduce all the predictions of quantum theory. However the theorem presupposes that distanced physical systems become spatially disconnected.... more
Bell's Theorem prescribes that no theory of nature that obeys locality and realism can reproduce all the predictions of quantum theory. However the theorem presupposes that distanced physical systems become spatially disconnected. This presupposition, although in agreement with our intuition, has never been confirmed experimentally. As a result Bell's Theorem prohibits only temporal locality, but not spatial locality between distanced particles. Here, I show that any local-deterministic relativity theory that violates Lorentz's contraction for distancing bodies cannot be forbidden by Bell's inequality. I further show that the predictions of a recently proposed local and deterministic Information Relativity Theory, are consistent with quantum theory and quantum thermodynamics, and reproduce the same results for key quantum phenomena, including matter-wave duality, quantum criticality and phase transition, formation of Bose-Einstein condensate, and quantum entanglement...
Despite the automaticity of empathy for pain of others, recent research highlights the important role of top-down components and of social categorization factors in determining peoples’ empathy to pain. An important question, largely... more
Despite the automaticity of empathy for pain of others, recent research highlights the important role of top-down components and of social categorization factors in determining peoples’ empathy to pain. An important question, largely ignored in previous research, concerns empathy to ingroup and outgroup members’ pain in the contexts of ongoing intergroup conflict. In the present study we examined how implicit and explicit ethnic social categorization of others affects empathy in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To meet this aim, we assessed perceived pain when Jewish and Arab participants viewed a series of visual stimuli, depicting painful and non-painful familiar situations. The stimuli were associated with explicitly or subliminally implicitly primed typical names depicting ingroup, neutral outgroup, and adversary outgroup members. Results demonstrate that when the targets’ categories are primed implicitly, Jews and Palestinian-Arabs showed no ingroup or ougroup b...
Trust is essential to the conduct of social life since most interpersonal, economic, and political encounters involve giving and receiving trust. Here we took an experimental, game-theoretic approach for investigating motivational and... more
Trust is essential to the conduct of social life since most interpersonal, economic, and political encounters involve giving and receiving trust. Here we took an experimental, game-theoretic approach for investigating motivational and cognitive factors affecting the reactions of trust recipients. Using the well-known trust game as workhorse, we tested the effects of variables which could moderate the behavior of the trust recipients, namely: the investor’s expectations from the trust recipient, the recipient’s types of empowerment (trust recipient vs. dictator), the recipient’s relationship with the investor (partner vs. opponent), and the type of prior injustice enacted on the trust recipient (due to misfortune vs. intended by the investor). We found that trust recipients return fair amounts of money to investors when the investors express unselfish expectations or when they have no expectations, and return low amounts when the investors express selfish expectations. We also found that in comparison to a dictator game condition, the act of trust per se caused trust recipients to return more money to investors, but this effect was significant only when the investors were portrayed as partners. Prior injustice enacted upon the recipients resulted in less than equal returns only when the act of injustice was done by the investor, but not when it resulted from mere chance. Taken together, the study’s findings demonstrate the importance of the type of “social climate” in moderating the effect of trust on the behaviors of trust recipients. We found that creating a climate of partnership could serve as a practical tool in enhancing trust, while revealing egotistic expectations could be harmful to trust building. We briefly allude to the relevance of the reported findings to intergroup and interethnic conflicts, in which conflicting groups are represented by unitary delegates.
The Twin Paradox is one of the most fascinating paradoxes in physics. In Special Relativity, the paradox arises due to the nonexistence of a preferred frame of reference, resulting in both twins observing that he or she is younger than... more
The Twin Paradox is one of the most fascinating paradoxes in physics. In Special Relativity, the paradox arises due to the nonexistence of a preferred frame of reference, resulting in both twins observing that he or she is younger than the other twin. Nonetheless, it is commonly agreed that the "traveling" twin returns younger than the "staying" twin. The prevailing solution is obtained by deviating from the relativity principle and assuming that the "staying" twin's frame is preferred over the "traveling" twin's frame. Here I show that a relativity theory without the Lorentz Invariance Principle yields a commonsensical solution to the paradox, according to which the twins should age equally. The proposed solution is in full agreement with the essence of relativity, which prescribes the nonexistence of a preferred frame of reference.
The frustration effect refers to situations in which, despite an individual’s option to express an opinion, the decision maker does not take that opinion into consideration. Theories of justice predict that, compared with having no voice,... more
The frustration effect refers to situations in which, despite an individual’s option to express an opinion, the decision maker does not take that opinion into consideration. Theories of justice predict that, compared with having no voice, an unanswered voice will result in more frustration, dissatisfaction, and negative evaluations of outcome and procedural fairness. We tested these predictions experimentally, using an ultimatum and dictator games in which all participants played the role of recipients, while the allocators were fictitious players, who ostensibly offered them low shares. We found strong support to the frustration-effect hypothesis. Relative to recipients in the no-voice condition, in the unanswered-voice condition recipients in the two games perceived the situation as less fair and expressed more frustration and dissatisfaction from their low outcomes. Moreover, compared with the dictator condition, in the ultimatum game a significantly higher percentage of the reci...
We propose a novel model of aspiration levels for interactive games, termed economic harmony. The model posits that the individuals' levels of outcome satisfaction are proportional to their actual outcomes relative to their aspired... more
We propose a novel model of aspiration levels for interactive games, termed economic harmony. The model posits that the individuals' levels of outcome satisfaction are proportional to their actual outcomes relative to their aspired outcomes. We define a state of harmony as a state at which the interacting players' levels of outcome satisfaction are equal, and underscore the necessary condition for the manifestation and sustenance of harmony situations on the behavioral level. We utilize the proposed model to predict the transfer decisions in a class of two-person ultimatum games, including the standard ultimatum game, an ultimatum game with asymmetric information about the size of the "pie", an ultimatum game with varying veto power. We also apply the model to predicting behavior in a three person ultimatum game with uncertainty regarding the identity of the recipient and in a sequential common pool resource game. For all the aforementioned games, we show that the ...
Preface Part I. Individual Differences in Social Dilemmas: 1. From generosity to aggression: five interpersonal orientations relevant to social dilemmas Paul A. M. Van Lange 2. Effects of risk preferences in social dilemmas: a game... more
Preface Part I. Individual Differences in Social Dilemmas: 1. From generosity to aggression: five interpersonal orientations relevant to social dilemmas Paul A. M. Van Lange 2. Effects of risk preferences in social dilemmas: a game theoretical analysis and evidence from two experiments Marcel Van Assen and Chris Snijders 3. Risk preference as a predictor of cooperation in a social dilemma Craig D. Parks 4. Measurements and effects of social value orientation in social dilemmas: a review Winton Tung Au and Jessica Y. Y. Kwong 5. Are people in a collective society truly cooperative? The interaction of social orientation and the fate of matrix-society: a simulation study Toshiaki Doi Part II. Dynamical Aspects of Social Dilemmas: 6. The dynamics of trust and trustworthiness in large groups: a computer simulation Peter de Heus and David M. Messick 7. Stylized solutions for environmental dilemmas in a cellular world Andreas Flache 8. Freedom of movement: a strategic analysis of social di...
Bell's theorem prescribes that no theory of nature that obeys locality and realism can reproduce all the predictions of quantum theory. However, Bell's theorem presupposes that particles that are distanced from each other become... more
Bell's theorem prescribes that no theory of nature that obeys locality and realism can reproduce all the predictions of quantum theory. However, Bell's theorem presupposes that particles that are distanced from each other become spatially disconnected. Yet studies have never experimentally confirmed the possibility of spatial locality between distanced particles. Here, I show that Bell’s theorem cannot forbid an infinite set of local-deterministic relativity theories that violate Lorentz's contraction for distancing bodies. This result in itself cannot guarantee a theory from this set of theories to successfully reproduce the predictions of quantum theory, but until the spatial locality loophole is satisfactorily closed, experiments should be decided the fate of such theories.

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Experimental studies show that the Nash equilibrium and its refinements are poor predictors of behavior in non-cooperative strategic games. Cooperation models like ERC and inequality aversion yield superior predictions compared to the... more
Experimental studies show that the Nash equilibrium and its refinements are poor predictors of behavior in non-cooperative strategic games. Cooperation models like ERC and inequality aversion yield superior predictions compared to the standard game theory predictions. However, those models are short of providing a general theory of behavior in economic interactions. We propose a rational theory of behavior in non-cooperative games termed Economic Harmony theory. In Economic Harmony, we retain the rationality principle but modify the players' utilities by defining them as functions of the ratios between their actual and aspired payoffs. We also abandon the equilibrium concept in favor of the concept of "harmony," defined as the intersection of strategies at which all players are equally satisfied. We derived and tested the theory predictions of behavior in the ultimatum game, the bargaining game with alternating offers, the sequential common-pool resource dilemma game, the public goods game, and the trust game. We demonstrate that the harmony solutions account well for the observed fairness and cooperation in all the tested games. The impressive predictions of the theory, without violating the rationality principle nor adding free parameters, indicate that the role of benevolent sentiments in promoting fairness and cooperation in the discussed games is only marginal. Strikingly, the famous Golden Ratio, known for its aesthetically pleasing properties, emerged as the point of fair demands in the ultimatum game, the sequential bargaining game with alternating offers, and the sequential CPR dilemma game. The emergence of the golden ratio, as fairness solutions in these games suggests that our perception of fairness and beauty are correlated. Because the harmony predictions underwent posttests, future experiments are needed for conducting ex-ante tests of the theory in the discussed games, and in other noncooperative games. Given the good performance of economic harmony where game theory fails, we hope that experimental economists and other behavioral scientists undertake such a task
Many founding fathers of science have underscored the importance of beauty in mathematical representations of natural phenomena and their connection with the beauty of the objects they represent. Paul Dirac, for example, believed that the... more
Many founding fathers of science have underscored the importance of beauty in mathematical representations of natural phenomena and their connection with the beauty of the objects they represent. Paul Dirac, for example, believed that the beauty of a mathematical equation might be an indication that it describes a fundamental law of nature; that it is a feature of nature in that fundamental physical laws are typically described in terms of great beauty. However, despite the growing body of research on beauty in nature and in mathematical representations of natural phenomena, we are unaware of studies in physics and mathematics devoted to the objective beauty induced by motion, regardless of the aesthetic qualities of the moving body. We undertake this objective by focusing on the Doppler formula, which describes the shifts in wave frequencies caused by the motion of the wave's source relative to a human observer or receiver. We underscore the apparent beauty of the equation and uncover several fascinating golden and silver ratios of the base formula and its mathematical moments. Furthermore, we allude to existing applications of the Doppler Effect and golden ratio aesthetics in computer-generated music, and sonar image-detection technology. We also propose a similar usage in the rapidly developing applications of Wi-Fi and smartphones to sense human motion. We point to appearances of the Doppler formula and its moments in quantum physics and the relativity of information, and contemplate the possibility of a deeper level of physical reality.
Newton's first law is expressed in textual form. It states that, unless acted upon by a net unbalanced force, an object will remain at rest, or move uniformly forward in a straight line. Accordingly, " inertial motion " means uniform... more
Newton's first law is expressed in textual form. It states that, unless acted upon by a net unbalanced force, an object will remain at rest, or move uniformly forward in a straight line. Accordingly, " inertial motion " means uniform rectilinear motion, while uniform circular motion is considered to be a noninertial, accelerated motion. This differentiation between the two types of motion has resulted in the aftermath in different analytical treatments of the two types, both in classical and relativistic kinematics. In this short note, we show, based on Newton's kinematics, that, contrary to the conventional differentiation between rectilinear and circular systems of motion, the two are dynamically equivalent, such that the set of laws describing the dynamics of one system correspond to an identical set of laws describing the dynamics of the second. An immediate corollary for the special case of uniform motion is that Newtonian kinematics are inconsistent with Newton's first law and are, instead, consistent with Galileo's definition of inertial motion. To rectify the apparent inconsistency, we propose a natural modification of the first law, which incorporates the case of uniform circular motion. We formulate the modified law textually and mathematically and comment briefly on the implication of our modification to the theory and education of classical and relativistic physics.
Research Interests:
Many previous attempts have been undertaken to produce a singularity-free solution to the black hole problem. This effort included many " Bardeen black hole " models, as well as quantum mechanical, and string theory models. The present... more
Many previous attempts have been undertaken to produce a singularity-free solution to the black hole problem. This effort included many " Bardeen black hole " models, as well as quantum mechanical, and string theory models. The present paper describes a new solution based on a relativistic extension of Newton-Galileo physics, termed Information Relativity theory. For a purely gravitational, spherical black hole, the theory yields a black hole radius that equals the Schwarzschild radius, but without an interior singularity. Moreover, for a typical galaxy with a supermassive black hole residing at its center, the model produces a simple expression for the galaxy's dynamics in its dependence on redshift. According to the emerging dynamics, a galaxy's supermassive black hole is part of a binary system, together with a naked singularity at redshift z = 2-1/2 ≈ 0.707, suspected to be a quasar with extreme velocity offsets or an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Another redshift, z ≈ 2.078, is also predicted to be associated with quasars and AGNs. The derived results are contrasted with observational data and with a recent ΛCDM model. Taken together, the produced galaxy dynamics and the aforementioned results could shed some light on the role of supermassive black holes in the evolution of the galaxies in which they reside. The success of Information Relativity in reproducing the Schwarzschild radius of black holes, together with previous successful predictions of the phenomena of light bending, gravitational redshift, dark matter, and dark energy, attest the possibility of constructing a simple cosmology, based only on physical variables, without the notion of space time and its geodesics.
Research Interests:
Special Relativity theory postulates that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference (the relativity postulate), and that the velocity of light in vacuum has the same value c in all inertial frames of reference... more
Special Relativity theory postulates that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of reference (the relativity postulate), and that the velocity of light in vacuum has the same value c in all inertial frames of reference (constancy of c postulate). We hereby show that relativity principle need not be postulated, since it follows from basic principles, without reliance on Lorentz transformations, or equivalently, reliance on the constancy of light postulate. The independency of the principle of relativity on the constancy of light postulate is featured by a different symmetry of Nature from the one constrained by the Lorentz transformations. We also show that that the same deductions apply to the relativity of simultaneity principle. Furthermore, we show that the symmetry of the laws of Nature, as being embedded in Nature itself, is a general law, which holds true for ALL systems of moving bodies, regardless of the velocity of the signal which carries information between one frame of reference to another, provided that the velocity of the information carrier is constant with respect to its source, and exceeds the relative velocities between the system's reference frames.
Research Interests:
In this brief note we put forward a novel prediction of starlight bending, to be measured during Eclipse 2017. Our prediction is based on a simple, relativistic modification of Newton's physics, without allusion, whatsoever, to Einstein's... more
In this brief note we put forward a novel prediction of starlight bending, to be measured during Eclipse 2017. Our prediction is based on a simple, relativistic modification of Newton's physics, without allusion, whatsoever, to Einstein's concept of spacetime.
Research Interests:
We propose a simple, axiom-free modification of Galileo-Newton's dynamics of moving bodies, termed Information Relativity theory. We claim that the theory is capable of unifying physics. The claimed unification is supported by the fact... more
We propose a simple, axiom-free modification of Galileo-Newton's dynamics of moving bodies, termed Information Relativity theory. We claim that the theory is capable of unifying physics. The claimed unification is supported by the fact that the same derived set of simple and beautiful transformations, apply successfully to predicting and explaining many phenomena and findings in cosmology, quantum mechanics, and more. Our modification of classical physics is done simply by accounting for the time travel of information about a physical measurement, from the reference frame at which the measurement was taken, to an observer in another reference frame, which is in motion relative to the first frame. This minor modification of classical physics turns out to be sufficient for unifying all the dynamics of moving bodies, regardless of their size and mass. Since the theory's transformations and predictions are expressed only in terms of observable physical entities, its testing should be simple and straightforward.
For quantum mechanics the special version of the theory for translational inertial motion predicts and explains matter-wave duality, quantum phase transition, quantum criticality, entanglement, the diffraction of single particles in the double slit experiment, the quantum nature of the hydrogen atom. For cosmology, the theory constructs a relativistic quantum cosmology, which provides plausible and testable explanations of dark matter and dark energy, as well as predictions of the mass of the Higgs boson, the GZK cutoff phenomena, the Schwarzschild radius of black holes (without interior singularity), and the timeline of ionization of chemical elements along the history of the universe.
The general version of the theory for gravitational and electrostatic fields, also detailed in the paper, is shown to be successful in predicting and explaining the strong force, quantum confinement, and asymptotic freedom.
Research Interests:
Experiments on bargaining games have repeatedly shown that subjects fail to use backward induction, and that they only rarely make demands in accordance with the subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE). In a recent article, we proposed an... more
Experiments on bargaining games have repeatedly shown that subjects fail to use backward induction, and that they only rarely make demands in accordance with the subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE). In a recent article, we proposed an alternative model, termed "economic harmony" in which we modified the individual's utility by defining it as a function of the ratio between the actual and aspired payoffs. We also abandoned the notion of equilibrium, in favor of a new notion of "harmony", defined as the intersection of strategies, at which all players are equally satisfied. We showed that the proposed model yields excellent predictions of offers in the ultimatum game, and requests in the sequential CPR dilemma game. Here we extend the solution to bargaining games with alternating offers. We show that the derived solution predicts the opening demands reported in several experiments, using equal and unequal discount factors, and game horizons. Our solution also predicts several unexplained findings, including the puzzling "disadvantageous counteroffers", and the insensitivity of opening demands to variations in the players' discount factors, and game horizon. Strikingly, the predicted demand in the UG, and the opening demand in the alternating offers game are both determined by the famous Golden Ratio.
Research Interests:
Experiments on bargaining games have repeatedly shown that subjects fail to use backward induction, and that they only rarely make demands in accordance with the subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE). In a recent article, we proposed an... more
Experiments on bargaining games have repeatedly shown that subjects fail to use backward induction, and that they only rarely make demands in accordance with the subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE). In a recent article, we proposed an alternative model, termed "economic harmony" in which we modified the individual's utility by defining it as a function of the ratio between the actual and aspired payoffs. We also abandoned the notion of equilibrium, in favor of a new notion of "harmony", defined as the intersection of strategies, at which all players are equally satisfied. We showed that the proposed model yields excellent predictions of offers in the ultimatum game, and requests in the sequential CPR dilemma game. Here we extend the solution to bargaining games with alternating offers. We show that the derived solution predicts the opening demands reported in several experiments, using equal and unequal discount factors, and game horizons. Our solution also predicts several unexplained findings, including the puzzling "disadvantageous counteroffers", and the insensitivity of opening demands to variations in the players' discount factors, and game horizon. Strikingly, the predicted demand in the UG, and the opening demand in the alternating offers game are both determined by the famous Golden Ratio.
Research Interests:
It is believed that the Sagnac effect does not contradict Special Relativity theory because it is manifest in non-inertial rotational motion; therefore, it should be treated in the framework of General Relativity theory. However, several... more
It is believed that the Sagnac effect does not contradict Special Relativity theory because it is manifest in non-inertial rotational motion; therefore, it should be treated in the framework of General Relativity theory. However, several well-designed studies have convincingly shown that a Sagnac Effect identical to the one manifest in rotational uniform motion is also manifest in transverse uniform motion. This result should have been sufficient to falsify Special Relativity theory. In the present article, we offer theoretical support to the experimental results by elucidating the notion that the dynamics of transverse and rotational types of motion are completely equivalent. Since the transverse Sagnac effect contradicts Special Relativity theory, it follows that the rotational Sagnac effect contradicts Special Relativity theory as well. In addition, we show that our recently proposed Information Relativity theory, in which we abandoned the constancy of the velocity of light axiom, theoretically accounts for the Sagnac effect.
Research Interests:
The wave-like diffraction of corpuscles in Young's double-slit experiment has been demonstrated many times using photons, electrons, neutrons, atoms, and molecules. Richard Feynman called the corpuscles' wave-like interference in the... more
The wave-like diffraction of corpuscles in Young's double-slit experiment has been demonstrated many times using photons, electrons, neutrons, atoms, and molecules. Richard Feynman called the corpuscles' wave-like interference in the experiment "a phenomenon which is impossible […] to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery [of quantum mechanics]". In this paper we provide a local-realistic explanation of the phenomenon based on our recently proposed Information Relativity theory. First we give a brief description of the theory, then we utilize the theory's results for analyzing the dynamics of matter-wave in a typical double-slit experiment. We show that our analysis eliminates the "mystery" by providing a simple and plausible explanation for particles' behavior in the experiment. We also derive testable predictions of the fringe width as a function of the corpuscle's velocity, its rest-mas, and the physical dimensions of the test apparatus.
Research Interests:
In recent articles we proposed an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity (IR), in which relativity is conceived as a difference in knowledge between observers. Our approach is fundamentally different from the... more
In recent articles we proposed an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity (IR), in which relativity is conceived as a difference in knowledge between observers. Our approach is fundamentally different from the standard ontological approach in which relativity is conceived as a true state of nature. The new approach could be thought of as one which "relativizes" Newton's physics by eliminating the incorrect assumption of absoluteness of time. The rationale behind "relativizing" Newton's physics is simple and straightforward: When two reference frames are in motion with respect to each other, information about a point in time measured in a "moving" reference frame and instantaneously transmitted by an information carrier to a "stationary" reference frame will arrive in a delay determined by the distance traveled by the information carrier and its velocity. Due to the relative motion, the distance traveled by a signal indicating the termination of an event will differ from the distance traveled by a signal indicating the start of the same event. For distancing frames the termination signal will travel a longer distance than the start signal, thus an observer in the "stationary" frame will measure a longer event duration than the event duration measured by an observer in the "moving" frame (time dilation). For approaching frames the termination signal will travel a shorter distance than the start signal, and the observer in the "stationary" frame will measure a shorter event duration than the event duration measured by the observer in the "moving" frame (time contraction). Without putting any restrictions on how nature is supposed to behave, assuming that transmission of information does not perturb the system in a significant way, we derived the theory's transformations for the case of inertial systems. The resulting transformations are simple, beautiful, and scale-independent with respect to the "size" of the investigated physical system, implying that the derived transformations apply without alteration to very big (the universe), very small (elementary particles), and intermediate sizes. The theory’s transformations are also scale-independent with respect to the velocity of the information carrier, implying that the theory is universal and not restricted to physical systems in which light or another electromagnetic wave serve as information carriers. Application of the model to inertial systems using electromagnetic signals gave rise to a relativistic matter-wave duality model, similar to Einstein-de Broglie's model. At any given point in time the total energy of a moving body is carried by its matter and dual wave. For relatively low velocities most of the body's energy is normal energy, while at very high velocities, most of the body's energy is carried by its accompanying wave. In previous papers we demonstrated that application of the theory to inertial systems is highly successful in predicting and explaining important cosmological phenomena, including dark matter, dark energy, galaxies’ recession velocities, as well as experimental quantum results, including quantum criticality and phase transition, quantum entanglement, and Bose-Einstein condensate. 
In the present paper we extend IR to include gravitation. The extended general information theory (GIR) is derived simply by "relativizing" Newton's law of gravitation in the same way as described above. The derived matter kinetic energy density term is non-monotonic with the distance from the attracting mass. At a critical distance R_Sch/(R_Sch/R+ln⁡(5))  from the attracting mass (where R_Sch= (2 G M)/c^2  is the Schwarzschild radius of the attracting mass) the kinetic energy density reaches a maximal value of (e_K )_max = 1/27 ρ_(0 ) c^2 (where ρ_(0 )is the body's rest mass density), after which it drops asymptotically to zero as the distance approaches zero. The accompanying wave energy density increases rapidly from low values at large distances, then levels asymptotically at short distances from the attracting body, reaching a maximum of  1/2 ρ_(0 ) c^2  at zero distance. At relatively large distances from the attracting body the relativistic gravitational force behaves like the classic Newtonian force, but at short distances Newtonian gravitation breaks down, such that further proximity results in diminishing in the force down to zero at infinitesimally small distances. This counter-intuitive prediction based on analyses of the gravitational force and kinetic energy of the moving body is in complete agreement with the asymptotic freedom quantum phenomenon predicted only by QCD field theory. However, its mathematical derivation is axiom-free, considerably simpler, based only on observables, and it retains continuity with classic physics.
Research Interests:
In recent articles we proposed an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity (IR) in which relativity is conceived as difference in knowledge between observers. Our approach is fundamentally different from the... more
In recent articles we proposed an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity (IR) in which relativity is conceived as difference in knowledge between observers. Our approach is fundamentally different from the standard ontological approach in which relativity is conceived as a true state of nature. The new approach could be thought of as one which "relativizes" Newton's physics by eliminating the incorrect assumption of absoluteness of time. The rationale behind "relativizing" Newton's is simple and straightforward: When two reference-frames are in motion with respect to each other, information about a point in time measured in a "moving" reference-frame and instantaneously transmitted by an information carrier to a "stationary" reference frame will arrive in delay determined by the distance traveled by the information carrier and its velocity. Due to the relative motion, the distance traveled by a signal indicating the termination of an event will differ from the distance traveled by a signal indicating the start of the same event. For distancing frames the termination-signal will travel a longer distance than the start-signal, thus an observer in the "stationary" frame will measure a longer event-duration than the event-duration measured by an observer in the "moving" frame (time dilation). For approaching frames the termination-signal will travel a shorter distance than the start-signal, and the observer in the "stationary" frame will measure a shorter event-duration than the event-duration measured by the observer in the "moving" frame (time contraction). Without putting any restrictions on how nature is supposed to behave, assuming that transmission of information does not perturb the system in a significant way, we derived the theory's transformations for the case of inertial systems. The resulting transformations are simple, beautiful, and scale-independent with respect to the "size" of the investigated physical system, implying that the derived transformations apply without alteration to the too-big (the universe), too-small (elementary particles) and intermediate size. The theory transformations are also scale-independent with respect to the velocity of the information carrier, implying that the theory is universal and not restricted to physical systems in which light or other electromagnetic wave serves as information carrier. Application of the model to inertial system using electromagnetic signals gave rise to a relativistic matter-wave duality model, similar to Einstein-de Broglie's model. At any given point in time the total energy of a moving body is carried by its matter and dual wave. For relatively low velocities most of the body's energy is normal energy, while at very high velocities, most of the body's energy carried by its accompanying wave. In previous papers we demonstrated that application of the theory to inertial systems is highly successful in predicting and explaining important cosmological phenomena, including dark matter, dark energy, galaxies recession velocities, as well as experimental quantum results, including quantum criticality and phase transition, quantum entanglement, and Bose-Einstein condensate.
In the present paper we extended IR to include gravitation. The extended general information theory (GIR) is derived simply by "relativizing" Newton's law of gravitation in the same way described above. The derived matter kinetic energy density term is non-monotonic with the distance from the attracting mass. At a critical distance 𝑅𝑆𝑐ℎ/(𝑅𝑆𝑐ℎ/𝑅+ln⁡(5)) ⁡⁡from the attracting mass (where RSch= 2⁡G⁡M/c^2 is the Schwarzschild radius of the attracting mass) the kinetic energy density reaches a maximal value of (𝑒𝐾)𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 1/27 𝜌0⁡ 𝑐^2 (where 𝜌0⁡ is the body's rest mass density), after which it drops asymptotically to zero as the distance approaches zero. The accompanying wave energy density increases rapidly from low values at large distances, then levels asymptotically at short distances from the attracting body, reaching a maximum of 1/2 𝜌0⁡ 𝑐^2 at zero distance. At relatively large distances from the attracting body the relativistic gravitational force behaves like the classical Newtonian force, but at short distances Newtonian gravitation breaks-down, such that further proximity results in diminishing in force down zero force at infinitesimally small distances. This counter-intuitive prediction based on analyses of the gravitational force and kinetic energy of the moving body is in complete agreement with the asymptotic freedom quantum phenomenon predicted only by QCD field theory. However, its mathematical derivation is axiom-free, considerably simpler, is based only on observables, and retains continuity with classical physics.
Research Interests:
The present article proposes an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity theory, and utilized to describe the dynamics of inertial systems. For this purpose, we consider a physical system in which an observer... more
The present article proposes an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity theory, and utilized to describe the dynamics of inertial systems. For this purpose, we consider a physical system in which an observer receives information about measurements taken in another reference-frame moving with constant velocity v relative to the observer's frame. Unlike existing ontic relativity theories, we avoided questions pertaining to the true state of nature. We only ask how physical measurements taken in the "moving" frame are transformed when they are received in the observer's "rest" frame. We specify that information is communicated using an information carrier with known velocity Vc > v). We make no other assumptions. For systems of the above described type, we derive the epistemic relativistic time, distance, mass, and energy transformations, relating measurements transmitted by the information sender, to the corresponding information obtained by the receiver. The resulting terms are simple and beautiful with several Golden Ratio symmetries. For low velocities (v << Vc), all the transformations reduce to the classical Newtonian formulas. In addition to being axiom-free, the proposed theory is scale-independent, implying that it applies to all "moving" bodies regardless of their mass and physical size. It is also scale-independent with regard to the velocity of the information carrier, provided that it is larger than the relative velocity of the "moving" bodies. Inspection of the energy density term confirms with Einstein's and de Broglie's models of matter-wave duality and sheds new light on the interplay between a particle matter and its accompanying wave as simultaneous carriers of a moving body's total energy. The revealed matter-wave duality model is utilized for predicting and explaining important quantum phenomena and cosmological observations.
Research Interests:
The present article proposes an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity theory, and utilized to describe the dynamics of inertially moving bodies. For this purpose, we consider a physical system in which an... more
The present article proposes an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity theory, and utilized to describe the dynamics of inertially moving bodies. For this purpose, we consider a physical system in which an observer receives information on measurements taken in another reference-frame moving with constant velocity v relative to the observer's frame. Unlike existing ontic relativity theories, we avoided questions pertaining to the true state of nature. We only ask how physical measurements taken in the "moving" frame are transformed when they are received in the observer's "rest" frame. We specify that information is communicated using an information carrier with known velocity  Vc  (Vc > v). We make no other assumptions. For systems of the above described type, we derive the epistemic relativistic time, distance, mass, and energy transformations, relating measurements transmitted by the information sender, to the corresponding information obtained by the receiver. The resulting terms are simple and beautiful with several Golden Ratio symmetries. For low velocities (v <<Vc), all the transformations reduce to the classical Newtonian formulas. Unlike ontic relativity theories, the proposed theory applies to all physical systems which could be described by the preparation described above, provided that the information carrier in the system is larger than the relative velocities. It also applies to systems regardless of the rest mass of the moving body. No less interesting, inspection of the energy density term confirms with Einstein's and de Broglie's models of matter-wave duality and sheds new light on the interplay between a particle 2 matter and its accompanying wave as simultaneous carriers of a moving body's total energy. The revealed matter-wave duality model is adopted as general model of all systems of the type considered in the paper, from quantum to cosmological structures. We demonstrate the power of the proposed model in accounting for several quantum phenomena and cosmological observations.
Research Interests:
The present article proposes an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity theory, and utilized to describe the dynamics of inertially moving bodies. For this purpose, we consider a physical system in which an... more
The present article proposes an epistemic approach to relativity, termed information relativity theory, and utilized to describe the dynamics of inertially moving bodies. For this purpose, we consider a physical system in which an observer receives information on measurements taken in another reference-frame moving with constant velocity v relative to the observer's frame. Unlike existing ontic relativity theories, we avoided questions pertaining to the true state of nature. We only ask how physical measurements taken in the "moving" frame are transformed when they are received in the observer's "rest" frame. We specify that information is communicated using an information carrier with known velocity 𝑣𝑐 (𝑣𝑐 > v). We make no other assumptions. For systems of the above described type, we derive the epistemic relativistic time, distance, mass, and energy transformations, relating measurements transmitted by the information sender, to the corresponding information obtained by the receiver. The resulting terms are simple and beautiful with several Golden Ratio symmetries. For low velocities (v << 𝑣𝑐), all the transformations reduce to the classical Newtonian formulas. Unlike ontic relativity theories, the proposed theory applies to all physical systems which could be described by the preparation described above, provided that the information carrier in the system is larger than the relative velocities. It also applies to systems regardless of the rest mass of the moving body. No less interesting, inspection of the energy density term confirms with Einstein’s and de Broglie’s models of matter-wave duality and sheds new light on the interplay between a particle matter and its accompanying wave as simultaneous carriers of a moving body's total energy. The revealed matter-wave duality model is adopted as general model of all systems of the type considered in the paper, from quantum to cosmological structures. We demonstrate the power of the proposed model in accounting for several quantum phenomena and cosmological observations.
Research Interests:
We derive a relativistic model of matter-wave duality. The model turns out to be qualitatively similar to the well-known de Broglie-Bohm's model. It prescribes that the total energy of a body in a state of motion relative to an observer,... more
We derive a relativistic model of matter-wave duality. The model turns out to be qualitatively similar to the well-known de Broglie-Bohm's model. It prescribes that the total energy of a body in a state of motion relative to an observer, is carried cooperatively by the body corpuscular matter, and its dual wave. At very low velocities (β <<1), the wave component diminishes, and the body total energy becomes equal to the Newtonian Kinetic energy. At very high velocities (β → 1), the kinetic energy of the body corpuscular matter diminishes, and the bulk of the body energy is carried by its dual wave. Our model is insensitive to the magnitude of the moving body. This crucially important characteristic is utilized to construct a quantum cosmology, which suggests that dark matter and dark energy are, respectively, quantum matter, and dual wave energy at cosmic scales.

For a comprehensive description of Information Relativity Theory, and its applications to small particle dynamics, quantum mechanics, and cosmology, see:
Suleiman, R. Information Relativity: The Special and General  Theory. Working Paper · January 2017, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36312.29442  (69 pages).
Research Interests: