Unofficial New York Codes, Rules and Regulations Help


This unofficial version of NYS rules is intended for informational purposes only. No representation is made as to the currency of this version, which should not be used for any evidentiary or other official purpose. For any such purpose, please consult: the official hardcopy NYCRR, which is available for purchase from Thomson Reuters, and editions of the NYS Register published after the latest official NYCRR supplement that updated the NYCRR Volume housing a particular section.

The New York State Code of Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) database contains documents from The Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York. Also included are recent updates to sections that are pending final processing by the Division of Administrative Rules. A document is a section, legal interpretation, supervisory policy/procedure, form, account, appendix, table or illustration.

Documents are obtained directly from the state for Thomson Reuters Westlaw.

Coverage includes the administrative rules and regulations adopted by the state agencies and filed with the New York Secretary of State.

The Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York.

Thomson Reuters is distributing this database to provide you with accurate and authoritative information concerning the subject matter covered. However, this database was not necessarily prepared by persons licensed to practice law in a particular jurisdiction. Thomson Reuters is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice, and this database is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal or other expert advice, you should seek the services of a competent attorney or other professional.

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Searching Unofficial New York Codes, Rules and Regulations

Search for Words
With this search option, you can find all regulations that match your search terms. Complete the following steps to search for words:

  1. Click the Search for Words link. The Search for Words template is displayed.
  2. Type your search term(s) in the Enter your search terms text box.

    Note: For Terms and Connectors searching, add connectors (e.g., and, or, not) to your search terms to conduct multiple-word searches. Search terms and connectors must be separated by spaces. Refer to the following table for examples of using connectors.

    Connectors Examples Results
    and juvenile and felony
    Finds documents containing both terms, e.g., juvenile and felony
    juvenile or felony Finds documents containing one or both of the terms, e.g., juvenile or felony or both
    but not juvenile but not felony Finds documents containing the first term but not the second term, e.g., juvenile but not felony
  3. Click Search. The search result page is displayed, which includes links to all regulations that match your search.
  4. To view the text of a regulation, click the appropriate link.

Search for a Specific Section
With this search option, you can find New York regulations by citation. Complete the following steps to search for a specific regulation section:

  1. Click the Search for a Specific Section link. The Search for a Specific Section template is displayed.
  2. Enter a citation. Type the regulation title number in the first text box, type the part number in the second text box and type the section number in the last text box.
  3. Click Search. The search result page is displayed, which includes links to all regulations that match your search.
  4. To view the text of a regulation, click the appropriate link.

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Browsing Documents

Citations List
When you are viewing a search result, the citations list is shown first. Click the number preceding a citation to view that document's full text.

To see the next 20 documents that match the concepts in your description, click the right arrow at the bottom of the citations list.

Browsing by Search Terms
In a search result, you can click the right or left Term arrow to move to the next or previous occurrence of your search terms in the displayed document.

Browsing by Document
In a search result, you can click the right or left Document arrow to move to the next or previous document in your search result.

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