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FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions

I do not understand why I need Paket to manage my packages. Why can't I just use NuGet.exe and packages.config?

NuGet does not separate out the concept of transitive dependencies; if you install a package into your project and that package has further dependencies then all transitive packages are included in the packages.config. There is no way to tell which packages are only transitive dependencies.

Even more importantly: If two packages reference conflicting versions of a package, NuGet will silently take the latest version (read more). You have no control over this process.

Paket on the other hand maintains this information on a consistent and stable basis within the paket.lock file in the solution root. This file, together with the paket.dependencies file enables you to determine exactly what's happening with your dependencies.

The paket outdated command lists packages that have new versions available.

Paket also enables one to reference files directly from GitHub repositories, Gists and HTTP.

NuGet puts the package version into the path. Is Paket doing the same?

No, since Paket provides a global view of your dependencies it usually installs only one version of a package and therefore the version number is not needed in the path. This makes it much easier to reference files in the package and you don't have to edit these references when you update a package.

If you really need to have the version in the path for certain packages (like xunit.runners.visualstudio or MSTest.TestAdapter) you can still do that. Without the version_in_path flag, your unit tests will disappear from the Visual Studio Test Explorer.

NuGet allows to use multiple versions of the same package. Can I do that with Paket?

Usually you don't want that to happen. Most solutions that have multiple versions of the same package installed did this by accident. Since NuGet has no global lock file and stores version information in packages.config (per project), it's hard to keep all projects consolidated. Paket on the other gives you a global/consolidated view of all your dependencies in the paket.lock file.

In the very rare cases when you really need to maintain different versions of the same package you can use the dependency groups feature. Every dependency group gets resolved independently so it also deals with the conflict resolution of indirect dependencies, but the most important difference is that using groups is a deliberate action. You need to explicitly name the group in paket.references files, so it won't happen by accident.

Why does Paket add references to the libraries associated with each supported framework version within a NuGet package to my projects?

A NuGet package installation adds references only for the currently selected target .NET framework version of your project at the time of installation. Whenever you switch the framework version of your project, there's a potential need to reinstall all of the packages.

However the Visual Studio tooling does not address this — it's up to you to remember to reinstall. In the best case, this leads to compiler errors about missing methods/types etc. In the worst case, it's a variance that's either deeply buried within the code (meaning it might be difficult to trap in a test cycle) or a more difficult to detect 'silent' problem.

Paket adds references to all of them, but with Condition attributes filtering them based on the currently selected TargetFramework and other relevant MSBuild properties.

If you only want to use a subset of the target frameworks you can use framework restrictions.

Why does Paket use a different package resolution strategy than NuGet?

Paket tries to embrace semantic versioning while NuGet uses a pessimistic version resolution strategy. You can prefix your version constraints with ! if you need to stay compatible to NuGet. Read about more about Paket's resolver algorithm.

Does Paket run install.ps1 scripts?

No, Paket does not run any script or program from NuGet packages and we have no plans to do this in the future. We know that this might cause you some manual work for some of the currently available NuGet packages, but we think these install scripts cause more harm than good. In fact our current model would not be able to work consistently alongside an install.ps1 script like the following from FontAwesome.4.1.0:

param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)

foreach ($fontFile in $project.ProjectItems.Item("fonts").ProjectItems)
  $fontFile.Properties.Item("BuildAction").Value = 2;

The reason is simply that even if we would support PowerShell on Windows we can't access the Visual Studio project system. Paket is a command line tool and doesn't run inside of Visual Studio. There is no reasonable way to make this work – and even NuGet.exe can't do it in command line mode.

Instead we encourage the .NET community to use a declarative install process and we will help to fix this in the affected packages.

What files should I commit?

There are two main ways to incorporate paket in your repository which are outlined in the get started section. .NET Core 3.0+ or the legacy "magic mode" approach. The first has the least files to commit, but to be clear here are first what you should always commit to source control no matter the approach:

  • paket.dependencies specifies your application's dependencies, and how they should be fulfilled.
  • paket.lock records the actual versions used during resolution. If it exists, Paket will ensure that the same versions are used when restoring packages. It is not strictly necessary to commit this file, but strongly recommended. See this question for details.
  • All paket.references files. Each project will have a paket.references file that specifies which of the dependencies are installed in the project. Each of these files should be committed to source control.
  • All paket.template. If a project is supposed to be deployed as a NuGet project it will have a paket.template file that specifies package metadata. Each of these files should be committed to source control.

When using legacy "magic mode" approach the following files should also be committed:

  • .paket/paket.targets allows you to enable automatic package restore in Visual Studio.
  • .paket/paket.exe should really be the renamed paket.bootstrapper.exe which will automatically download the latest version of paket.exe and redirect the calls to that file instead.

The following files should not be committed to your version control system, and should be added to any ignore files:

  • paket-files directory, as paket install will restore this.
  • Same applies to the packages directory.
  • .paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe, if you have this in your repo, you have not yet updated to the recommended "magic mode" approach, when running legacy (pre .NET Core 3.0) applications.

Why should I commit the lock file?

Committing the paket.lock file to your version control system guarantees that other developers and/or build servers will always end up with a reliable and consistent set of packages regardless of where or when paket restore is run.

If your project is an application you should always commit the paket.lock file.

If your project is a library then you probably want to commit it as well. There are rare cases where you always want to test your lib against the latest version of your dependencies, but we recommend to set up a second CI build instead. This new build should be run regularly (maybe once a day) and execute paket update at the beginning. This will ensure that you get notified whenever a dependency update breaks your library.

I'm already using NuGet. How can I convert to Paket?

The process can be automated with paket convert-from-nuget command.

In case of the command's failure, you can fallback to manual approach:

  1. Analyze your packages.config files and extract the referenced packages into a paket.dependencies file.
  2. Convert each packages.config file to a paket.references file. This is very easy — you just have to remove all the XML and keep the package names.
  3. Run paket install. This will analyze the dependencies, generate a paket.lock file, remove all the old package references from your project files and replace them with equivalent References in a syntax that can be managed automatically by Paket.
  4. We encourage you to raise a corresponding issue so that we can make the command even better.

How do I convert a new project to Paket when my solution is already using Paket

In this case it's okay to use the --force flag for the convert-from-nuget command as described in partial NuGet conversion. Paket will then go through your solution and convert all new NuGet projects to Paket.

Paket stores paket.dependencies and paket.lock files in the root of a repository. How can I change that?

Very old Paket versions allowed to specify the location. We disabled that because we have very strong opinions about the location of the paket.dependencies file. We believe dependency management is so important that these files belong in the root of the repository. People should know about the project's dependencies.

That said: if you don't agree with that (but please take some time and think about it) you can use batch file to change the working directory.

Can I use a NuGet package stored as a local file?

Yes, either from a local directory, a UNC share or relative to the location of the paket.dependencies file.

Can I use Paket to manage npm/bower/whatever dependencies?

No. We don't believe in reinventing the wheel.

On top of that, such a "meta package manager" abstraction is likely to be less flexible and behind on what native tools have to offer. Paket serves a specific need, that is SemVer-compatible NuGet.

What does "transitive dependencies" mean?

If you install NuGet packages into your project then these packages can have dependencies on other NuGet packages. Paket calls these dependencies "transitive". They will be automatically uninstalled if none of your "direct dependencies" (the packages that you actually installed) still depend on them.

I am behind a proxy. Can I use Paket?

If your proxy uses default (Active Directory) credentials, you have nothing to do, Paket will handle it automatically.

If your proxy uses custom credentials, you need to set the following environment variables:

  • HTTP_PROXY: HTTP proxy to use for all connections
  • HTTPS_PROXY: HTTPS proxy to use for all connections
  • NO_PROXY: hosts that should bypass the proxy
set HTTP_PROXY=http://user:password@proxy.company.com:port/
set HTTPS_PROXY=https://user:password@proxy.company.com:port/
set NO_PROXY=.company.com,localhost

I want to use Paket with .NET Core — is that possible?

Short answer: Yes. For information about Paket with .NET SDK, .NET Core and the dotnet CLI see the "Paket and the .NET SDK / .NET Core CLI tools" guide.

The download of packages times out, is there a way to prevent this?

Since version 5.190.0 there are three environment variables you can set to try to prevent this:

  • PAKET_REQUEST_TIMEOUT: Timeout for the request
  • PAKET_RESPONSE_STREAM_TIMEOUT: Timeout for the response of the request
  • PAKET_STREAMREADWRITE_TIMEOUT: Timeout for streaming the read and write operations

Note that values should be specified in milliseconds.

The default timeout value for all three settings is 3 minutes (180 seconds).

The following example will set all three values to 10 minutes (600 seconds) on Windows


Use 'export' instead of 'set' for bash and similar shells


If set to -1 the timeout is infinite.

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