Epidemic Ethics is pleased to announce the publication of a free Open Access Casebook. In bringing together real-world cases and expert commentaries from around the globe, the Casebook provides a unique insight into practical ethical challenges associated with the exceptional pace and breadth of pandemic health research.
The importance of conducting research into effective approaches to manage and control epidemics and pandemics is inarguable. However, the complexity and unpredictability of public health emergencies, and the burdens they place on societies and health and health-research systems, give rise to complex ethical challenges.
The Casebook is the first comprehensive resource focusing on complex real-world cases and ethical issues specifically in the context of epidemics and pandemics and aims to be of value to a range of academic and professional audiences with an interest in research ethics, epidemics and pandemics, and global health. Topics addressed include issues arising when prioritising and de-prioritising research; adapting research and research procedures; accelerating ethical and regulatory review processes; reporting research findings and sharing data; and recognising and respecting the rights and interests of research participants, communities and publics in rapidly evolving pandemic contexts.
The casebook can be downloaded free of charge at https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-41804-4


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