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… alle Verhältnisse umzuwerfen, in denen der Mensch ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes, ein verlassenes, ein verächtliches Wesen ist … (Marx)

Archive for the ‘Ecuador’ Category

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linken

Posted by entdinglichung - 28. Oktober 2010

ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ und im Download-Archiv … weitere Hinweise bei Poumista und auf LibCom ein interessanter Text zu Geschichte und Gegenwart des „Plattformismus“:


* Patrick Cuninghame: Italian feminism, workerism and autonomy in the 1970s: The struggle against unpaid reproductive labour and violence (2008)
* Ellen Cantarow: Women’s Liberation and Worker’s Autonomy in Turin and Milan (1972)
* Big Flame: Fighting For Feminism: The Womens Question in an Italian Revolutionary Group (~ 1976)


* Combat com­mu­niste: La lutte pour la réduction du temps de travail (1976)
* Combat com­mu­niste: La CGT, de la Charte d’Amiens à Mai 68 (1978)
* Combat com­mu­niste: La CFDT, de la création (1964) à 1976 (1976)
* Combat com­mu­niste: La bureau­cra­tie syn­di­cale face à la guerre : L’Union sacrée en 1914-1918 (1978)
* Combat com­mu­niste/Pierre Monatte: Il y a cin­quante ans : Juin 36/La classe ouvrière reprend confiance en elle (1978)
* Luttes ouvrières 1944-1947 (1944-2007)
* Ernest Mandel: De la bureau­cra­tie (1965-1967)
* Communistes Révolutionnaires (CR-RKD): Les Communistes Révolutionnaires et l’Union nationale (1944-1946)
* Programme com­mu­niste: Socialisme et syndicalisme en France (1876-1914) (1963/1964/1982)

Big Flame 1970-1984:

* PROPOSAL FOR A SUNDAY SOCIALIST PAPER (Miscellaneous Big Flame Documents no 7)
** A New Independent Socialist Weekly Paper – On a Sunday (1978, pdf-Datei)

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Communistes Révolutionnaires (CR-RKD): Lutte et soli­da­rité du prolé­tariat inter­na­tio­nal (1945)
* Communistes Révolutionnaires (CR-RKD): Tract aux ouvriers du livre (1945)
* Aufheben: Los Angeles: Le contexte d’un soulèvement prolétarien (1992)
* Socialisme Mondial, Nr. 27 (1985)
* Socialist Party of Great Britain (SPGB): Are We Prisoners of Our Genes? Introduction (2004)
* Marcel Body: Alexandra Kollontaï (1952)
* Henri Guilbeaux: Loriot à Berne (1924, Auszug aus Le portrait authentique de Vladimir Ilitch Lénine)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Karl Marx: Prefaci a la Crítica de l’Economia Política (1859)
* Friedrich Engels: Kommunismin periaatteet (1847)
* Friedrich Engels: Do Social na Rússia (1875)
* Martin Glaberman/Seymour Faber: Tillbaka till framtiden. Marx fortsatta relevans (2000)
* Walter Benjamin: Moskva (1927)
* Ernest Mandel: Trotskijs fascismteori: En introduktion (1969)
* Daniel Bensaïd/Pekka Haapakoski: Vad händer i Frankrike? (1986)
* Jack A. Smith: SDS ousts PLP (1969)
* The Guardian: Editorial: Expulsion (1969)
* Maurice Dobb: Maurice Dobb – Diskussion om socialismen (1963)
* Lu Xun: Fighters and Flies (1925)
* Lu Xun: Curbing the Flood (1935)
* Inti Peredo: Carta a Fidel Castro (1968)
* Inti Peredo: Mi campaña junto al Che (1969)
* Black Workers Congress (BWC): Class Struggle and the Black Liberation Struggle: Who Will Lead? (1973)
* Michael Klonsky: The family: obsolete or revolutionary? (1970)
* Revolutionary Union (RU): Red Papers 5: National Liberation and Proletarian Revolution in the U.S. (1972)
* Carl Davidson: The national question in the U.S. today [Review of Red Papers 5] (1973)
* Revolutionary Union (RU): Debate on the national question (1973)
* October League (Marxist-Leninist) (OL): Revolutionary Union: Opportunism in a “Super-Revolutionary” Disguise: Selected Articles from The Call (1974)
* James Forman: CONTROL, CONFLICT AND CHANGE: The Underlying Concepts of the Black Manifesto (1971/1972)
* Communist League (CL): Review of our work (1974)
* Communist League (CL): Reformism vs. Revolutionary Struggle in the Labor Movement (1972)
* Communist League (CL): The Dialectics of the Development of the Communist League (1972)
* Canadian Communist League (Marxist-Leninist) (CCL(ML): Fascist Bains gang tries to buy off worker (1978)
* Revolutionära Marxisters Förbund (RMF): Mullvaden 6/71
** Kenth-Åke Andersson: Vad är en sovjet?
** Seger åt den indokinesiska revolutionen!
** RMF:s linje i det antiimperialistiska arbetet
** Bolivia
* Tekla – Teori och klasskamp Nr 1 (1977)
** Ledare
** Thomas Lindén: Inledning till Hans-Jürgen Krahls artikel. Början till en livshelhetlig marxism
** Hans-Jürgen Krahl: Varuanalys och väsen — Om det samhälleliga livets logik
** Johan Fornäs: Det inre förtrycket — Om kapitalismens neuroser och den borgerliga psykologin
** Anders Molander: Monopol och socialism i Lenins imperialismanalys
* Ted Grant: Communist international conference (1969)
* Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis: De geschiedenis van het socialisme, deel 3 (1901)
* Georgi Plechanow: К шестидесятой годовщине смерти Гегеля (1891)
* Karl Radek: Эра демократического пацифизма (19??)
* Karl Radek: Пути русской революции (19??)
* Karl Radek: Генуэзская и Гаагская конференции (19??)
* Karl Radek: Что дала Октябрьская революция (19??)
* Karl Radek: Комментарии к третьему конгрессу коммунистического интернационала (19??)
* Karl Radek: Третий год борьбы Советской республики против мирового капитала (19??)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

* Dortmund: Hoesch Westfalenhütte – Die Entlassung von Rolf Strojec Mitte 1973


* Libero International: Shin Chae-ho: el Kõtoku de Corea (197?)
* Libero International: Declive y muerte de la Federación Anarquista Japonesa (197?)

The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Revolutionary Communist Group (RCG): Hands Off Ireland, Nr. 9, Oktober 1979

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Alfaro Vive Carajo (AVC): Prólogo a la segunda edición de „Alfaro Vive Carajo! El cementerio de los vivos“ (1988)
* Fuerzas Populares de Liberación Farabundo Martí (FPL): La campaña „Héroes y mártires de octubre“ (1982)

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF):

* Daniel Tanuro: Marx and Nature (2007)
* Alex Cowper: Why we should defend secularism (2005)
* Govind Rao: The French Riots and Canada (2005)

The Irish Election Literature Blog:

* “A Plastic Bullet is a Solid Cylinder of PVC -It Smashes Heads” poster and anti Plastic Bullet Badges
* ‘A Fair Trial For The Murrays’ Poster (~ 1977)
* Socialist Workers Party (SWP): Roy Hassey – 2004 Local Elections Waterford No 3 (2004)

The Militant:

* 25, 50 and 75 years ago (1935/1960/1985)
* Leo Trotzki: The situation of the working class and the trade unions (1927, Auszug)

Espace contre ciment:

* Johann Most: Die Eigenthumsbestie (1887)
* Andreas G. Graf: Johann Most – ein unterschätzter Sozialdemokrat? (2005)
* Alain Bihr: Sommaire rappel de quelques vérités élémentaires sur la dette publique (2005)
* Denis Poulot: Der Erhabene (1869)
* Denis Poulot: Question sociale : le sublime ou le travailleur comme il est en 1870 et ce qu’il peut être (1872)
* Jane Morand: – Souvenirs sur Libertad (1923)


* Revolutionary Policy Committee of the Socialist Party of America (RPC): Vote „yes“ : Socialist Party members, vote „yes“ in the referendum on the „Declaration of principles“ (1934)
* Francis A. Henson/Henry P. Van Dusen/Sidney Hook: Christianity and Marxism; a symposium (1934)

Luxemburger Anarchist:

* Mécislas Golberg: L’immoralité de la science (1895, Auszug)
* Max Stirner: Artikel aus der Rheinischen Zeitung vom 3. Juli 1842


* GegenStandpunkt: Die Sache mit der Religion (2005)

CPGB/Weekly Worker:

* The Socialist/The Workers’ Dreadnought: To the SLP/To the delegates of the Unity Convention (1920)

Labournet Austria:

* Ungarn 1956 (Film)

Revolutionär Sozialistische Organisation (RSO):

* AG Marxismus (AGM): Afghanistan: wie man Schurkenstaaten macht (2001)


* Paul Mattick: »The Barricades Must Be Torn Down«: Moscow-Fascism in Spain (1937)
* Amadeo Bordiga: Fürchtet euch nicht! (1961)

Posted in 1968, Afghanistan, Anarchismus, Antifa, Antimilitarismus, Bolivien, BRD, Britannien, China, Ecuador, El Salvador, Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Frankreich, Gewerkschaft, Internationales, Irland, Italien, Japan, Kanada, Kapitalismus, Katalonien, Kirche, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Korea, Linke Geschichte, Literatur, Maoismus, Marxismus, Medien, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Mexiko - Mexico, Nationalismus, Nordirland, Patriarchat, Philosophie, Rassismus, Religion, Repression, Revolution, Russland, Schweden, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Spanischer Staat, Stalinismus, Streik, StudentInnenbewegung, Trotzkismus, Umwelt, Ungarn, USA, Vietnam, Wahlen, Wissenschaft | Leave a Comment »

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linken

Posted by entdinglichung - 7. Oktober 2010

ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ und im Download-Archiv … Paul Le Blanc rezensiert auf Labor Standard die Autobiographien von Peter Camejo und Leslie Evans und das IISG plant eine Konferenz zum Thema Iranian Fada’i Guerilla Movement (1970-1979):


* On homosexuality : a Stalino-Leninist guide to love and sex (1975, ein mit kritischen Randglossen von undogmatischen GenossInnen versehener homophober „Grundlagentext“ der maoistischen Revolutionary Union (RCP/RIM))
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 15. Mai 1920
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 1. Juni 1920
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 1. Juli 1920
* Communist Party of America (CPA): The Communist, 1. August 1920

Anarchosyndikalistische Flugschriftenreihe (zuweilen offline/sometimes offline):

* Wildcat: Gewerkschaft (1990, pdf-Datei)
* Albert Einstein: Warum Sozialismus? (1949, pdf-Datei)
* Interhelpo/Frank Tiresias/Schwarze Katze: Nie wieder Arbeit – Eine ArbeiterInnenbewegung muss gegen die Arbeit sein/Faulheit + Arbeitsglück/Schwarzgeld für Alle – oder: Was tun, wenn uns die Arbeit ausgeht (?/2001??, pdf-Datei)
* Helge Döhring: Syndikalisten auf Spitzbergen (2003, pdf-Datei)
* Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (SDS): Mannheimer Papier: Wie können wir die psychische Selbstbefreiung systematisch in unsere politische Praxis aufnehmen und in welcher Beziehung steht die Selbstbefreiung zur politischen Schlagkraft? (196?, pdf-Datei)
* Dick Meister: Martin L. King als Held der Arbeiterklasse (2008, pdf-Datei)
* Rudolf Rocker: Durruti in Berlin (19??, pdf-Datei)
* Artur Müller-Lehning: Antimilitarismus und die Verteidigung der Revolution (193?, pdf-Datei)

Rassembler, diffuser les archives des révolutionnaires (RaDAR):

* Opposition communiste: Contre le courant, 29. Februar 1929
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): La Vérité des travailleurs, Januar 1961
* Ligue des communistes (LC): Bulletin intérieur, August 1934
* Opposition communiste: Contre le courant, 28.Januar 1929
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): La Vérité Renault, 11. juni 1948
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): La Vérité des travailleurs, Dezember 1960
* Ligue des communistes (LC): Bulletin intérieur, 1. September 1935

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* La Vérité des Travailleurs: Declaration of the Michel Pablo and Sal Santen Support Committee (1960)
* Raya Dunayevskaya: Unemployment and Organizations to Fight It (1958)
* Walter Benjamin: Haschisch i Marseille (1932)
* Walter Benjamin: Konstverket i reproduktionsåldern (1936)
* Walter Benjamin: Teologisk-politiskt fragment (1921)
* Erich Fromm: Om en analytisk socialpsykologis metod och uppgift (1932)
* Otto Fenichel: Psykoanalysen som embryot till en dialektisk materialistisk psykologi (1934)
* Bertolt Brecht: Poemas
* Daniel De Leon: Texte, August 1909 (pdf-Dateien)
** 1909, August 15 – Poking Fun at Johnson
** 1909, August 16 – Closed, Closed, Closed!
** 1909, August 17 – Vincent St. John in Denver
** 1909, August 18 – The Thaw Case
** 1909, August 19 – Gompers „Accelerating“ Germany?
** 1909, August 20 – In Aid of „Toiling Millions“
** 1909, August 21 – A False Step
** 1909, August 22 – Mass Apathy
** 1909, August 23 – A Bad Sentence
** 1909, August 24 – „And After Unions Are Crushed—What Then?“
** 1909, August 25 – The Fate of the Deserter
** 1909, August 26 – Necessities Going Higher
** 1909, August 27 – The Swedish Strike
** 1909, August 28 – The Censorship
** 1909, August 29 – Two of a Kind
** 1909, August 30 – „Prosperity“ a Patent Medicine
** 1909, August 31 – Kautsky on Gompers
* Friedrich Engels: Vývoj socialismu od utopie k vĕdĕ (1880)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Sociální reforma nebo sociální revoluce? (1900)
* Leo Trotzki: Lettera ai lavoratori dell’URSS (1940)
* Leo Trotzki: Dopis pracujícím SSSR (1929)
* Anton Pannekoek: La teoria del derrumbe del capitalismo (1934)
* Revolutionary Union (RU): Red Papers 4: Proletarian Revolution vs. Revolutionary Adventurism: Major documents from an ideological struggle in the Revolutionary Union (1972)
* Bill Epton: Unite Theory with Practice To Build A Communist Party! (1972)
* Alan Sawyer: A Critique of “White Blindspot”: A Contribution to the Struggle against a Petty-Bourgeois Line on the Question of Working Class Unity (1972)
* Jean Jaures: Introduction to Socialist History of the French Revolution (1901)
* Chris Harman: Inside German Communism/Hamburg at the Barricades (1977)
* Revolutionära Marxister (RM): Revolutionär information, 4/1970
* Världssocialistiska häften, nr 5 (1984)
* José de Jesús Morales Hernández: Noche y Niebla. Los vuelos de la muerte (2007)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

* Köln: Ford-Werke (erweitert)
* USA: Eisenbahnen
* Großbritannien: Eisenbahn – National Union of Railwaymen (NUR)
* DDR und West-Berlin: Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (FDGB)
* Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) der DDR und S-Bahn West-Berlin
* Bielefeld: Anker


* Free Flowing: Iowa: Statewide Strike for the Eight-hour Day, 1891 (1977)
* Free Flowing: The Sioux City Free Speech Fight (1977)
* Camilo Berneri: Between the war and the Revolution (1936)
* Camilo Berneri: The anarchists in government in Spain: Open letter to comrade Federica Montseny (1937)
* Camilo Berneri: On militarisation of the militias (1937)
* George Williamson, 1939-2007 (2007)
* Atamansha: The Life of Marusya Nikiforova (2007)
* Peter Linebaugh: The Incomplete, True, Authentic and Wonderful History of May Day (1986)
* Noam Chomsky: The Journalist from Mars (2002)
* Fredric Jameson: The Politics of Utopia (2004)

The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Labour Party Young Socialists (LPYS): Final Agenda For the Twenty Third National Conference of the Labour Party Young Socialists (British Labour Party) – Ireland Section (1984)

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR): Introducción a las „Obras de Luis de la Puente Úceda“ (1980)
* Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN): Ante la retirada de las negociaciones del „Grupo de los Doce“ (1978)
* Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN): Propuesta de paz del FMLN-FDR (1981)
* Montoneras Patria Libre (MPL): Primera Asamblea Montonera (1991)

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF):

* Daniel Bensaïd: Marxisms, theory, yesterday and today – Answers to questions from the Russian comrades in Vpered (2006)
* Agir contre la guerre (ACG): Charte d’ACG (2003)
* Agir contre la guerre (ACG): Qui sommes nous ? Agir Contre la Guerre – Historique (2008)

Workers‘ Liberty:

* Sean Matgamna: UNITE THE LEFT? Left Disunity In the Perspective of History (1999)
* Antomio Gramsci: The formation of intellectuals (193?)

The Irish Election Literature Blog:

* Prisoners Aid Committee: Christmas Greetings to All Oppressed Peoples’ – Christmas Card (197?/198?)
* Socialist Workers Party (SWP): Terry Connolly – Rathmines LE (2004)
* ‘Stop Bush’ poster and ‘When Bush Comes to Shove’ Anti-War Gig (2004)


* GEW Kreuzberg: Trend, 3/1990

The Militant:

* 25, 50 and 75 years ago (1935/1960/1985)

Espace contre ciment:

* Amadeo Bordiga: Lettre de Bordiga à tous ses « nègres, ou presque », à propos de la mort d’Ottorino Perrone (1957)


* Alain Badiou/Bruno Bosteels: The Cultural Revolution – The Last Revolution? (2005)

International Viewpoint:

* Daniel Bensaïd: Marxisms, theory, yesterday and today – Answers to questions from the Russian comrades in Vpered (2006)

International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT):

* Tendance bolchévique internationale (TBI): Compare et contraste: La LCI et la TBI sur le stalinisme et le défensisme soviétique (1980-1991)


* Oswald L: Briefe aus Degania (1920-1922)

World Socialist Web Site (WSWS):

* Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter (BSA): Central Committee Statement, October 21 (1990)
* Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter (BSA): Das Ende der DDR und die Perspektiven für die Arbeiterklasse (1990)

CPGB/Weekly Worker:

* The Call: Communist unity/Unity, ourselves and others/Headquarter notes/ Towards the Communist Party (1920)


* Armando Borghi: Ferdinand Pelloutier, ein Vorläufer des Syndikalismus (1924)


* Ngo Van: Note de lecture : « La Bureaucratie céleste », d’Etienne Balazs (1971)

Syndikalismus in Berlin:

* Anton Acht: Der moderne französische Syndikalismus (1911)
* Armando Borghi: Ferdinand Pelloutier, ein Vorläufer des Syndikalismus (1924)

proletarios disidentes:

* Fermento Obrero Revolucionario (FOR): ETA asesina, ¿Por què? (1987)

Posted in 1968, Algerien, Anarchismus, Antifa, Antimilitarismus, BRD, Britannien, China, DDR, Drogen, Ecuador, El Salvador, Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Frankreich, Gewerkschaft, Hamburg, Iran, Irland, Israel, Kapitalismus, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Kultur, Kunst, LBGT, Linke Geschichte, Literatur, Lyrik, Maoismus, Marxismus, Medien, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Mexiko - Mexico, Nationalismus, Nicaragua, Niederlande, Nordirland, Norwegen, Palästina, Patriarchat, Peru, Philosophie, Psychoanalyse, Rassismus, Repression, Revolution, Russland, Schweden, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Spanischer Staat, Spitzbergen, Stalinismus, Streik, StudentInnenbewegung, Trotzkismus, Ukraine, USA, Verkehrspolitik, Wahlen | 3 Comments »

Zum chinesischen Imperialismus in Lateinamerika

Posted by entdinglichung - 10. Juni 2010

Quelle: International Viewpoint

What is China’s interest in Latin America?

Virginia de la Siega

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been slowly but surely emerging as world power for the last 30 years. It has become the world’s third-largest economy after the United States and Japan and it’s leaving behind Germany as the world’s top exporter. Nor is China any longer a manufacturer of low value, low technology items: it has become the world’s largest producer both of wind turbines and solar panels, and last year its auto sales doubled to more than a million vehicles a month surpassing the United States.

If to that we add that it has the world’s third-largest defence budget, and the largest national population (1.3 billion people), it quickly becomes evident that China does not have sufficient oil, natural gas, aluminium, copper, or iron to satisfy its energy and manufacturing needs, and that it necessitates trade partners to sustain its growth.

China is also a key player on the world political scene. Besides the strategic role it plays in Asian geopolitics and its status as a nuclear nation, it is a member of the U.N. Security Council, the World Trade Organization, the Group of 77 Developing Nations, the Asia Pacific Economic Coopera¬tion Group and the Inter-American Development Bank. China has also observer status in the Organization of American States (OAS) and keeps a peacekeeping mission in Haiti.

Moreover, China has started to show the first elements of an imperialist state in the making. It has strengthened its diplomatic presence and economic influence, often referred to as “soft power,” in the developing world, specifically in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. It has tried to earn international goodwill through financing infrastructure and natural resource development projects, assisting in the execution of such projects, and backing PRC state enterprise ventures in many developing countries. If in terms of development grants China is a relatively small source of global aid, when its commercial and concessional loans, technical assistance, and state-sponsored or subsidized investments are included, the PRC becomes a major source of economic assistance. [1]

If the role that China has been playing in Africa has attracted much attention, the one played in Latin America has not nearly as much. And yet, bilateral trade between China and Latin America has been expanding significantly since November 2004, when China’s president Hu Jintao promised to invest $100bn in the region.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, Chinese investments have mounted from $200 million per year in 1975 to $70.2 billion per year in 2006 and are predicted to reach $100 billion per year in 2010. [2] Even though China’s trade figures in the region amount to much less than those of the United States US ($560bn) or the EU ($250bn), the trend is significant. A sign of the importance the PRC gives to the region is the publication of its first ever policy paper on Latin America on 5th November 2008. The trade and investment relationships have been complemented by other contacts, including high-level delegations of political, cultural, trade and military officials, and China’s participation in the Latin American institutions above mentioned.

China’s twofold strategy in Latin America

The PRC has defined two strategies for Latin America. The first is economic: to secure China’s access to the primary materials that it needs for its economic growth and to find a market for its manufactured goods. The second strategy is mainly political: to obtain diplomatic recognition from those countries still recognizing Taiwan as the government of China.

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Venezuela and Cuba play a major role in the first strategy.

Brazil, the first economy of the region, is clearly China’s most important partner, both as a market for Chinese goods and as a source of raw materials. Brazil supplies some 45 % of all PRC soybean imports and is also the source for other agricultural products, as well as iron and petroleum. The PRC has launched several major collaborative projects with Brazil in these sectors. Brazil’s status as a large middle-income country also makes it important as a market for Chinese goods, including electronics, machinery and labour intensive manufactured goods, such as footwear and toys. Brazil possesses a nuclear industry and uranium resources — important to China as it expands its own nuclear industry to meet its energy needs. The Brazilian aerospace industry has created multiple opportunities for collaboration with China, including technology.

The global recession emphasized and magnified the importance of China to Brazil. While Brazilian exports to the United States fell 37.8 % in the first quarter of 2009, exports to the PRC increased by 62.7 %. Consequently, in the first half of 2009, China became Brazil’s number one export destination. China has also emerged as a key financier for Brazil’s projects to develop the newly discovered deepwater oil reserves in the Campos and Santos basins. When in May 2009, China and Brazil signed an agreement for a $10 billion loan from China Development Bank, the president of Petrobras, Sergio Gabrielli, noted, “There isn’t someone in the U.S. government that we can sit down with and have the kinds of discussions we’re having with the Chinese”. [3] According to this agreement, the loan was given in exchange for a guaranteed supply of oil over the next decade. The two nations are also pursuing a range of important joint ventures, including joint production of jets, the China-Brazil Earth Research Satellite (CBERS) program and other space cooperation programs.

As in the case of Brazil, China’s economic policy in relation to Argentina, the other large South American economy, is not restricted to buying natural resources. Argentina has collaborated with China in space projects, such as a satellite laser ranging project in Argentina’s San Juan University, and has discussed collaboration in designing a new-generation nuclear reactor.

However, China main interest is in Argentina’s mining and oil sectors. In 2003, the CNPC (China National Petroleum Company) acquired a stake in the Argentine oil and gas firm Pluspetrol, which operates fields in northern Argentina and Peru, and there has already been an investment from the Chinese-Angolan company Sonogol. In May 2010, China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) purchased a 50 percent stake in Argentina’s Bridas Holdings for $3.1 billion. There have also been rumoured talks between the Spanish firm Repsol-YPF and CNOOC regarding Repsol-YPF’s Argentine holdings –although none of the possibilities raised has yet materialized.

The USA views with suspicion the PRC financial deals to facilitate commerce with Argentina. In March 2009, China signed a $10.2 billion debt swap with Argentina, [4] in what the American government considers an expanding challenge to the primacy of the dollar as an international reserve currency. [5] It is to be noted that Brazilian President Lula explicitly argued for working with China to move away from the dollar during his trip to China in May 2009. [6]

The PRC has also been courting Argentina as a purchaser of its own manufactured goods, but here, the relationship has been much more conflictive owing to Argentina’s plan to redevelop some industrial sectors.

For two of the three Latin American members of APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Co-operation), Peru and Chile, China has become a crucial trading partner. According to UN figures, in 2007 nearly 40% of Chile’s exports went to the Asia-Pacific region, mostly China. For Peru, the figure was 19%. This has moved countries such as Colombia and Costa Rica to want to join APEC.

The PRC has invested in Peru in the oil and gas sectors. It has purchased fishing fleets and fishmeal processing facilities, and has made investments in the mines in Toromocho, Rio Blanco and Maracona. This is not surprising if we consider that 85.2% of Peru’s exports to China are copper, fish flour and iron ore.

The PRC has an interest in Bolivia’s gas and iron resources. Bolivia has the second largest natural gas reserves in South America, behind only Venezuela. Bolivia’s lack of sea access poses a problem, but the introduction of new refining technologies, such as the liquefaction of gas or its use in producing other fuels, increase the feasibility of exporting Bolivian gas to China. And Evo Morales has opened up a number of possibilities for an expanded Chinese presence in that country: a concession has been signed to the Chinese conglomerate Shandong Llueng, granting them the right to develop all or part of the iron deposits at El Mutún—one of the largest in the world, if not the largest; and Chinese oil companies have signed agreements to help YPFB to overcome some of the problems with capital and experience which the nationalization of the country’s oil brought about.

The investments in Ecuador have also been huge and have had diplomatic effects. China has invested in oilfields, port operations and pipeline assets. In 2003, China bid on concessions to Ecuador’s major oil fields. The oil operations by CNPC have caused serious problems with the indigenous populations in Tarapoa and Succumbios particularly because of the lack of interest of Chinese investments in the preservation of the environment. The decision by the Ecuadorian regime of Rafael Correa not to renew the agreement giving the U.S. access to Manta was the necessary first step to invite the Chinese to develop the airport into a hub for trans-pacific flights, even though the PRC never made any explicit suggestions.

China has also set up investments and joint ventures with state-owned petroleum and mineral extractive companies such as PdVSA (Venezuela), YPFB (Bolivia), Petrobras (Brazil), and Cubaniquel (Cuba).

The case of Panama is slightly different due to its strategic position. Panama’s primary-product exports or its potential as an import market are minor. However, as owner of the Panama Canal, it has an enormous strategic value for China. The PRC firm Hutchison-Whampoa, with alleged connections to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), owns property on either end of the Panama Canal, giving it visibility over military and commercial traffic transiting the canal, and potentially serving as a staging area for future operations to control transit through this strategic checkpoint.

China’s political strategy affects mainly Central America and the Caribbean. Here, the PRC has mainly focused on using economic and diplomatic levers to secure diplomatic recognition from those countries still recognizing Taiwan as the government of China. Of the remaining 23 countries that still recognise Taiwan, 11 are found in this region. So far, Costa Rica is the only country that changed alliances in 2007, and has been consequently rewarded: Hu Jintao visited Costa Rica in 2008 to inaugurate a new football stadium donated by the PRC.

Who benefits?

The China-Latin America relationship is not win-win for all partners. As of 2005, the trade surpluses that Latin American countries had with China have been reversed. Nowadays, 93% of China’s exports to Central and South America consist in manufactured goods (25% of textiles and garments, and 44% machinery and equipment).This is negatively affecting the efforts of the most advanced Latin American economies to develop their own local industry and is beginning to create problems.

Mexico, Latin America’s third APEC member has been particularly affected for two main reasons: its close ties with the US economy and the overlap between Chinese and Mexican exports. Of Mexico’s 20 main exporting sectors, 12 are in open competition with China. This not only reduces Mexico’s possibility to export to China to only about 3% of its total exports, but it also affects its trade relations with the USA. In 2003, China ousted Mexico from its position as the second largest exporter to the USA. With a $28bn trade deficit with China, it is no wonder that the Mexican government wants to review the trade agreements. An official of the Mexican government complained that “for every $30 of Chinese goods that Mexico imports, Mexico only exports $1 of Mexican goods to China.”

Something similar is happening with the textile industry from Central America, which is being smothered by Chinese textile exports.

Another example of tension in the relations with the largest Latin American economies is the case of Argentina. Argentina supplies 23 % of all soy product imports of the PRC. China has suspended an order for more than 2 million tons of soya oil, part of which is in transit, because Argentina decided to tax shoes imported from China as a measure to protect its local producers. Argentina’s commercial deficit with China in 2009 reached $1200 million and for the first two months of 2010 it is already $600 billion. The Argentinean government is not willing to let it increase. China’s response has nothing to envy to those of other imperialist powers when their “commercial rights” are affected by uppity emerging countries.

Basically, Latin American governments find two problems with Chinese investments: 1) their main purpose is to serve China’s development needs by facilitating the export of the raw materials, often imposing the demand that a significant portion of project to obtain and process those materials and services be sourced in China; 2) they have found that the level of Chinese direct foreign investment in the region is not as high as it seems, and that much of the official figures go into offshore tax havens.

What is clear is that Chinese trade with Latin America has fuelled a boom in the region’s commodity-export sectors in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Venezuela, at the same time that Latin American manufacturing sectors have been badly damaged by expanded competition from Chinese goods. The situation is even worse for countries and regions with large manufacturing sectors and limited primary-product export sectors such as Mexico and Central America.

China: The new kid in the American’s backyard

Does China want to replace the USA as the ruling power in the region? Nothing’s farther from the truth. So far, the PRC has clearly shown that its main concern is not to undermine the Chinese-US relation, which it considers of the outmost importance from the strategic and economic point of view. At most, the PRC would be willing to occupy the empty spaces that the USA may leave. The strongest Latin American economies have been trying to profit from the power triangle that China’s policy is bringing about with diverse luck.

China’s concern not to cross the USA also affects its relations with Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and above all Cuba. China has signed military agreements with Venezuela, but this should not be seen as an outright backing of the Bolivarian regime. Even if China has signed an extensive military cooperation with Venezuela, it is doing so reluctantly, forced by its need for oil. To some extent, China is unwillingly filling a gap created by the deterioration of Venezuela’s political and military relationship with the United States. The fact that the Venezuelan government has frustrated the operations of some Chinese corporations such as CNPC shows that the relations between the two countries are not free of contradictions.

The relation with Cuba is slightly different from that with Venezuela. In spite of China’s pragmatic approach to foreign policy, there is still a slight ideological element at play. The economic relations are closer, and the PRC ranks ahead of Spain and second to Venezuela among Cuba’s trade partners. China also played a key role in upgrading the Cuban Air Defence System, and has frequently exchanged high-ranking Chinese military delegations. Cuba also supplies the PRC with strategic materials and agricultural products. In addition to sugar, Cuba also has both offshore petroleum and the world’s largest proven nickel reserves. In January 2005, China’s oil and gas giant Sinopec Corp. signed an agreement with Cuba’s state-run Cubapetroleo (Cupet) to jointly produce oil on the island. However, the relationship is not without problems. A $500 million joint venture to produce 68,000 tonnes a year of ferro-nickel in eastern Cuba signed between Cubaniquel and the Chinese firm MinMetals was abruptly cancelled, and the concession was given, instead, to Venezuela.


How the relationship between China and Latin America will develop in the future is a matter of speculation, although certain tendencies are already clear.

– The PRC has no interest in damaging his strategic economic and political relation with the USA. The relation with the governments in Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador and Cuba has been restricted mostly to commercial agreements in which it has proved to be practically the sole beneficiary.

– The relation between the PRC and Latin America is one of unequal partners owing to the potential of the former’s economy and the limits of latter’s. This is a source of constant conflict with those emerging economies —like Mexico and Argentina— that have plans to develop an independent industry and set up barriers to defend their national manufacturers from Chinese exports.

– Another source of conflict with Chinese investments is the fact that Chinese direct investments seek high levels of return regardless of social, labour or environmental conditions. This has already created conflicts with native populations in Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela and Argentina.
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Posted in Argentinien, Bolivien, Brasilien, Chile, China, Ecuador, Internationales, Kapitalismus, Kuba, Lateinamerika, Panama, Peru, Stalinismus, USA, Venezuela | 3 Comments »

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linken

Posted by entdinglichung - 9. Juni 2010

ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ und im Download-Archiv, Poumista erinnert an den Jahrestag des Paterson-Streiks 1913 in New Jersey:


* C(arl). Windhoff: Spanien, seine Revolution und der Anarchosyndikalismus (1931)

Rassembler, diffuser les archives des révolutionnaires (RaDAR, ehemals ASMSFQI):

Die GenossInnen vom RaDAR suchen nach einer Reihe von Publikationen (pdf-Datei) welche sie gerne scannen würden aber noch nicht zur Verfügung haben

* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): Vivent les comités d’usines ! (1944)
* Opposition communiste: Contre le courant, 11. Februar 1928 (beinhaltet u.a. einen Auszug aus der Plattform der Sapronow-Gruppe)
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): La Vérité Renault, 25. April 1948
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): La Vérité, Mai 1954

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Comment ils sont devenus socialistes: Interview de Jean Zyromski (1931)
* Collin: Un anti-impérialisme réactionnaire (2006)
* Maurice Brinton: Le X° Congrès du Parti bolchevik en 1921 (1973, Auszug aus Les bolcheviks et le contrôle ouvrier)
* Haleh Afshar: Mansoor Hekmat, marxiste philanthrope privé de ses rêves pour l’Iran (2002)
* Lettera dei lavoratori dei trasporti urbani di Tehran (2006)
* Conférence de solidarité avec les travailleurs irakiens, Londres (2006)
* Interview de Samir Adil, secrétaire général du Congrès des libertés en Irak (2006)
* Marceau Pivert: Interventions au Conseil National de la SFIO (1946)
* André Ferrat: Intervention au Congrès SFIO (1945)
* André Ferrat: Intervention au Congrès SFIO (1944)
* Jean Zyromski: Interventions au Congrès SFIO (1939)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Revolutionära Marxisters Förbund (RMF): Mullvaden nr 1-1971
* Contre le Courant: United Front Against the Split! (1927)
* Bulletin Communiste: A Crime! (1929)
* Raya Dunayewskaya: Without a Past And Without a Future (1956)
* Leo Trotzki: Bas les pattes devant Rosa Luxembourg (1932)
* Leo Trotzki: Rosa Luxembourg et la Quatrième internationale. Remarques rapides sur une importante question (1935)
* Leo Trotzki: Ett brev till Joseph Hansen (1940)
* Leo Trotzki: Från rispa – till fara för kallbrand (1940)
* Leo Trotzki: Ett brev till Martin Abern (1940)
* Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin: L’insurrezione è un’arte (1917)
* Michail Bakunin: Patria e Nazionalità (18??)
* Maurice Brinton: Så ser vi det inte – en kommentar och ett förtydligande av „Som vi ser det“ (1972)
* Amadeo Bordiga: Lettera a Korsch (1926)
* Errico Malatesta: La situazione (1922)
* Errico Malatesta: Mussolini al Potere (1922)
* Chris Harman: Base and Superstructure (1986)
* Chris Harman: New Statesman – Swinging back to the left (1989)
* Chris Harman: Between war and revolution (1981)
* Chris Harman: An illusory victory (1981)
* Chris Harman: From riot to revolution (1981)
* Chris Harman: it wasn’t always thus … (1981)
* Chris Harman: Can they reform the party … and the economy? (1981)
* Chris Harman/Pete Goodwin: Interview with Ken Livingstone – Leading London leftwards? (1981)
* Chris Harman: Drawing the class line (1981)
* Chris Harman: Solidarity at the cross roads (1981)
* Chris Harman: From the editor (1981)
* Chris Harman: Contours at the crisis (1981)
* Chris Harman: Poland – No Room to Compromise (1981)
* Tariq Ali: Why I’m Joining the Labour Party (1981)
* Chris Harman/Pete Goodwin: Why you are wrong (1981)
* Chris Harman: Leyland – Down but then out (1981)
* Chris Harman: What produced Solidarity (1981)
* Chris Harman: The road to Jaruzelski (1982)
* Chris Harman: The law and order show (1982)
* Chris Harman: In defence of Marx (1982)
* Chris Harman: The new challenge (1990)
* Chris Harman: Revolt against capital (1990)
* Chris Harman: Big Mac and Model T (1990)
* Chris Harman: Clash of two systems (1990)
* Chris Harman: A class of their own? (1990)
* Chris Harman: Meet the new boss … (1990)
* Chris Harman: Signal failure (1990)
* Chris Harman: Why they can’t deliver (1990)
* Chris Harman: History resumed (1990)
* Chris Harman: Things cannot go on like this (1990)
* Chris Harman: The private thoughts of … (1990)
* Duncan Hallas: Partial vision (1990)
* Duncan Hallas: Night class struggle (1990)
* Pete Glatter: Rulers’ rights (1990)
* Paul Verbraeken: De dictatuur van het pollutariaat (1981)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

* BUHA-Archiv: Volkszählungsboykott 1983 / 1987 (pdf-Datei, Zur Geschichte der Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen in Celle (14))
* Roter Morgen (Juni 1970 bis Juli 1973) (ergänzt)

La Presse Anarchiste:

* La Brochure mensuelle n°1 – Pierre Kropotkine: Aux jeunes gens — L’ordre (1923)
* La Revue Anarchiste n°3, Februar 1930
* zwei Artikel aus La Revue Anarchiste n°2, Januar 1930
** Paul Bergeron: Comment je conçoit la mission de la « Revue Anarchiste »
** Ganz-allein: L’amour et l’espèce contre l’Individu


* „Join the banana club“: Memories of the Brambles Farm Peace Camp, 1982
* Andrew Kliman: Marx’s Concept of Intrinsic Value (2000)
* Paul Mattick: Review of Reichelt and Rubin (1974)
* Processed World #25 (1990)
* Richie Perez: A Young Lord Remembers (?)

The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Irish Republican Writers Group (IRWG): Fourthwrite, Nr 2, Sommer 2000

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR): Poder popular: Unión y lucha del pueblo (1973)
* Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA): Ante la barbarie y la demagogia ¡Frente por la democracia, la justicia y la paz! (1986)

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF):

* Denise Comanne: Quelle vision du développement pour les féministes (2005)
* Denise Comanne: Une caravane un peu spéciale au Niger (2005)
* Denise Comanne: Le réseau international CADTM contre le G8 – Evian 2003 (2003)
* Denise Comanne: Le cas de l’Afrique du Sud : « Dettes odieuses : Nous ne payons rien ! Nous exigeons réparation ! » (2003)
* Denise Comanne: Premier Forum social européen à Florence : Un moment historique ! (2002)
* Denise Comanne: Equateur : un peuple en guerre contre la dette (2001)
* Denise Comanne: Argentine : victoire du procès contre la dette (2000)
* NIBL: Peru: Brutality in Bagua (2007)

Workers‘ Liberty:

* Hal Draper: What to learn from Stalinism (1963)
* Leo Trotzki: Centrism, Sectarianism and the Fourth International (1934)

The Irish Election Literature Blog:

* The Workers Party (WP): Catherine Murphy – General Election – Kildare (1989)
* The Workers Party (WP): Tom Crilly – GE Dublin South East (1997)

The Militant:

* James P. Cannon: How SWP leaders answered 1941 gov’t frame-up (1941/1969, Auszug aus Socialism on Trial)

Espace contre ciment:

* Maximilien Rubel: Die Marx-Legende oder Engels als Begründer (1970)
* Rudolf Rocker: Der Sozialismus der Schweine (1893)
* Mustapha Khayati: Die gefesselte Worte (1966)
* Mustapha Khayati: Beiträge zur Berichtigung der öffentlichen Meinung über die Revolution in den unterentwickelten Ländern (1967)
* Théorie situationniste… (196?)
* Guy Debord: Panégyrique – extraits (1989)
* Jacques Camatte/Gianni Collu: Transition (1969)
* Giorgio Cesarano: Manuel de survie (1974)


* South West London Federation of the Independent Labour Party (ILP): Socialism and the servile state : a debate between Messrs. Hilaire Belloc and J. Ramsay MacDonald (1911)

AustriaN Newspapers Online (ANNO):

* Der Naturfreund (1901-1934, die Zeitschrift der Naturfreunde in Österreich)

ICL-FI (Spadtakist):

* Joseph Seymour: Marx kontra Keynes (1975)

League for the Revolutionary Party -Communist Organization for the Fourth International (LRP-COFI):

* Proletarian Revolution: KKK March Halted in Cicero (1998)

Labournet Austria:

* Das Massaker am Tiananmen-Platz Juni 1989 (Film)

Freedom Socialist Party (FSP):

* James P. Cannon: on the role of unions in liberating the working class (19??, Auszug aus Notebook of an Agitator)

Posted in Anarchismus, Antifa, Antimilitarismus, Argentinien, Österreich, BRD, Britannien, Chile, China, Ecuador, Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Frankreich, Gewerkschaft, Internationales, Irak, Iran, Irland, Italien, Kapitalismus, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Linke Geschichte, Marokko, Marxismus, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Nationalismus, Niedersachsen, Niger, Nordirland, Patriarchat, Peru, Philosophie, Polen, Rassismus, Repression, Revolution, Russland, Südafrika - Azania, Schweden, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Spanischer Staat, Stalinismus, Streik, Tourismus, Trotzkismus, Umwelt, USA, Wahlen | Leave a Comment »

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linken

Posted by entdinglichung - 4. Mai 2010

ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ und im Download-Archiv … auf Poumista Informationen zur Poale Zion in Griechenland und einige historische 1. Mai-Plakate:

Agis Stinas:

Eine verdienstvolles Projekt, welches es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, die Autobiographie des revolutionären Kommunisten Agis Stinas (Spiros Priftis, 1900-1987) aus Griechenland online zu stellen, hat tip to Ofenschlot

* Der Aufbruch der Massen – The Awakening of the Popular Masses III (1977)
* Der Aufbruch der Massen – The Awakening of the Popular Masses IV (1977)


Der Beginn einer Reihe zum Thema: 100 Jahre CNT

* Der Syndikalist: Unsere spanische Bewegung: Die größte Organisation der IAA – im Brennpunkt des Kampfes für die Zukunft (1931)
* Ein historisches Dokument: Filmaufnahmen vom IAA-Kongress 1931 in Madrid

AustriaN Newspapers Online (ANNO):

* Verband der Arbeiter-Radfahrvereine Oesterreichs: Reichs-Organ der Arbeiter-Radfahrer/Der Arbeiter-Rad- und Kraftfahrer (1923-1934)


* Revolutionary Socialist League (RSL): What We Stand For (1984)
* Will Shatter: Letter to Fifth Estate’ on punk (1978)

Rassembler, diffuser les archives des révolutionnaires (RaDAR, ehemals ASMSFQI):

* Opposition communiste: Contre le courant, 20. November 1927
* IVe internationale: IVe internationale, Juni 1942 (Untergrundzeitung)
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI) : La Vérité des travailleurs, Mai 1958
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): La Vérité des travailleurs, März 1954
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): Pourquoi Staline veut écraser Tito
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): Seule la grève génerale imposera au gouvernement de vie chère le véritable minimum vital, garantira un pouvoir d’achat aux masses par l’échelle mobile et le contrôle ouvrier (~1948)
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): Aux métallos de la région parisienne (~1947)
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): Travailler ? Produire ? (1946)

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Karl Marx: La lutte pour la journée de travail normale (1867, Auszug aus Das Kapital)
* Keith Scholey: La parole socialiste en plein air à Londre (2004)
* A. Buick: Pannekoek vs Bordiga: Plus ou moins de Lénine ? (2004)
* Gegenstandpunkt: La semaine des 35 heures à la française (2000)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Raya Dunayevskaya: Production Statistics and the Devaluation of the Ruble (1948)
* Henk Sneevliet: Met en bij Soen Yat Sen (1926)
* Rudolf Sprenger (Helmut Wagner): Bolsjevismen (1939)
* Leon Blum: On Andre Gide (1897)
* Charles Gagnon: For the Proletarian Party (1975)
* Jacques Hebert: Deputy Procurator of the Commune, to his Fellow Citizens (1793)
* Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias (FAR): Expropriation of Arms from a Truck of the Gorilla Army (1971)
* Revolutionära Marxister (RM): Fjärde internationalens 2/1969
* Världssocialistiska häften, Nr. 1 (1979)
* Världssocialistiska häften, Nr. 2 (1980)
* Världssocialistiska häften, Nr. 3 (1983)
* Theoretical Review: Editorial Statement on Poland (1982)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

* Bangladesh (kein Ruhmesblatt der deutschen ML-Szene)
* Würzburg
* Irland

Collectif Smolny:

* Octobre: Manifeste du Bureau International des Fractions de la Gauche Communiste (1938)


* Mouvement Communiste: May-June 1968 – A Situation Lacking in Workers‘ Autonomy (2006)
* Fuel of the future: New Zealand reactions to the Haymarket Martyrs
* Bricianer, Serge, 1923-1997 (2001)
* Informations Ouvrieres: Interview with Jean Malaquais (1996)
* Processed World #20 (1987)

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA): Semana del heroico combatiente (2001)
* Montoneras Patria Libre (MPL): Gran Minga por la Unidad Patriótica y Revolucionaria (1987)
* Coordinadora Guerrillera Simón Bolívar (CGSB): Irrupción en la Embajada venezolana en Colombia (1991)

Workers‘ Liberty:

* Gery Lawless/Rachel Lever/Eamonn Mc Cann/Sean Matgamna: Ireland and Permanent Revolution: A Discussion 1966/7 (1966/1967)
* Workers‘ Fight: France 1968: When ten million workers had capitalism by the throat (2005)
* Sean Matgamna/Martin Thomas: The miners‘ strike, 1984-5: 12 months that shook Britain (part one) (2005)
* Sean Matgamna/Martin Thomas: The miners‘ strike, 1984-5: 12 months that shook Britain (part two) (2005)

The Irish Election Literature Blog:

* Democratic Left: ‘Euro-Dub’ -Des Geraghty freesheet, Sommer 1993 (1993)
* Connolly Association and Irish Self-Determination League -Membership Form (196?)
* Socialist Party: Clare Daly Flyer – 2007 General Election Dublin North (2007)
* Out of The Ashes Arose The Provisionals -Republican Christmas Card (~ 1980)

The Militant:

* 25, 50 and 75 years ago (1935/1960/1985)
* Che Guevara: Proletarian internationalism is a necessity (1965)

Espace contre ciment:

* Benjamin Péret: Je ne mange pas de ce pain-là (?)
* Robert Paris: Les dictionnaires [biographiques du mouvement ouvrier] d’Amérique latine : entre mouvement ouvrier et classes subalternes (1994)
* Robert Paris: Les lettres de prison de Gramsci (1968)
* Gustav Landauer: Meister Eckharts mystische Schriften. In unsere Sprache übertragen von Gustav Landauer (1903, Vorwort)
* Der Sozialist 1891 – Programm (Red. Hermann Teisler)
* Der Sozialist 1895 – Programm (Red. Gustav Landauer)
* Der arme Konrad 1896 – Programm (Red. Albert Weidner)


* Alexander Berkman: ABC of Anarchism (1929)
* International Socialist Review, Juli 1900-Juni 1901
* International Socialist Review, Juli 1905-Juni 1906
* International Socialist Review, Juli 1906-Juni 1907
* International Socialist Review, Juli 1908-Juni 1909
* International Socialist Review, Juli 1912-Juni 1913
* International Socialist Review, Juli 1913-Juni 1914
* Socialist Labor Party (SLP): Thirtieth National Convention May 28 – June 1, 1977 Minutes, Reports, Proceedings, Etc, (1977)
* Across Three Decades of Anarchism (?)
* An Anarchist Attack on Global Governance (200?)
* Jonathan Simcock: An Anarchist’s Manifesto (?)
* East Midlands Anarchists: An Anarchist Perspective on Economics (?)
* Revolutionary Anti-Authoritarians of Color (RACE): An Anarchist Introduction to Critical Race Theory (?)
* Andrew X/J. Kellstadt/Sasha K.: A Critical Discussion on the Role of Activism (?)
* A Great Plains Association for Anarchy (2002)
* Jim Robertson/Communist Cadre: What the Spartacist League Really Stand For: a self exposure by James Robertson (1977)

Rustbelt Radical:

* Eugene Debs: Eugene Debs On Immigration: ‘Yours Without Compromise’ (1910)

ICL-FI (Spadtakist):

* Spartacist Canada: Abolish the War Measures Act! (1980)

Luxemburger Anarchist:

* Ixigrec (Robert Collinos): Savoir (1934, Auszug aus der Encyclopédie Anarchiste)

Dublin Opinion:

* Ripening of Time: Introductory notes on dominated Ireland (1976)

International Bolshevik Tendency (IBT):

* Leo Trotzki: The Transitional Program. The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International (1938, ausgabe der IBT von 1998)


* Amadeo Bordiga: » … ferner bestätige ich, niemals flexibel gewesen zu sein … « (1970)

Posted in 1968, Anarchismus, Antifa, Argentinien, Österreich, Bangladesh, BRD, Britannien, China, Ecuador, Frankreich, Gegenkultur, Gesundheitspolitik, Gewerkschaft, Griechenland, Indien, Indischer Subkontinent, Internationales, Irland, Jugoslawien, Kanada, Kapitalismus, Klassenkampf, Kolumbien, Kommunismus, Kuba, Lateinamerika, Linke Geschichte, Literatur, Lyrik, Maoismus, Marxismus, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Migration, Musik, Nationalismus, Neuseeland - Aotearoa, Niederlande, Nordirland, Pakistan, Philosophie, Polen, Punk, Rassismus, Repression, Schweden, Sekten, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Spanischer Staat, Sport, Stalinismus, Streik, StudentInnenbewegung, Trotzkismus, USA, Wahlen | Leave a Comment »

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linken

Posted by entdinglichung - 8. März 2010

ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ und im Download-Archiv, das IISG erinnert an die Kropotkin-Übersetzung 1928 von Pa Chin, weitere Hinweise zu Michael Foot bei Poumista hier und hier:

Links – International Journal of Socialist Renewal:

* Alexandra Kollontai: International Women’s Day – a militant celebration (1920)

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Maurice Dommanget: Les femmes pendant la Commune (1) (~1937, Auszug aus Hommes et choses de la Commune)
* Maurice Dommanget: Les femmes pendant la Commune (2) (~1937, Auszug aus Hommes et choses de la Commune)
* Contre le néo-malthusianisme (1913)

Projet de scannerisation de la revue Socialisme ou Barbarie:

* Socialisme ou Barbarie, Nr. 5-6, März-April 1950 (pdf-Dateien)
** Paul Chaulieu/Georges Dupont: La bureaucratie yougoslave 5-6:1-76 1-15, 16-31, 32-47, 48-63, 64-76
** Ph. Guillaume: La guerre et notre époque (suite) 5-6:77-123 77-93, 94-109, 110-123
** Paul Romano: L’ouvrier américain (fin) 5-6:124-135
** La vie de notre Groupe. Bilan d’une année 5-6:136-147
** La situation internationale: Les luttes revendicatives en France 5-6:148-149
** Raymond Bourt: Renault lance à nouveau le mouvement de grève 5-6:150-154
** Roger Bertin: La grève chez S.O.M.U.A. 5-6:154-158
** Table des matières du volume I 5-6:159
** Annonce: Calendrier des réunions 5-6:[160]
** Sommaire
** A paraitre aux prochains numéros

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* bell hooks: Mujeres Negras: Dar forma a la teoría feminista (1984)
* Moses Hess: The Philosophy of the Act (1843)
* Pouvoir Ouvrier/Unità Proletaria/Socialism Reaffirmed/Pouvoir Ouvrier Belge: Socialism eller barbari (1961)
* Tránsito Amaguaña: „En ese tiempo de patrones no había ninguna justicia…“ (1977)
* Tránsito Amaguaña: „Hemos sufrido, hemos lidiado, hemos luchado toditos…“ (1977)
* Tránsito Amaguaña: „Yo me he envejecido en esta lucha“ (1984)
* Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis: De algemene werkstaking van 1903 – wat zij was en wat zij ons leert. Een beschouwing van de aprilbeweging (1903)
* Free Enquiry by Paraf-Javal (1907)
* Open Letter from Henri Maillot (1956)
* Artikel von Daniel De Leon, Juli-August 1908 (pdf-Dateien):
** 1908, July 1 – The New Harmony Movement
** 1908, July 2 – The SLP in National Convention
** 1908, July 3 – Russia’s Message
** 1908, July 4 – For Breeding Spies
** 1908, July 5 – The Christian Fellowship Again
** 1908, July 6 – Bryan’s Understudy
** 1908, July 7 – Preston and Munro
** 1908, July 8 – „The Man Preston“
** 1908, July 9 – Insulting the Workers
** 1908, July 10 – The Paramount Issue
** 1908, July 11 – No Alms! Rights!
** 1908, July 12 – Why Shouldn’t They?
** 1908, July 13 – His „E“ Page a Good ‚Un
** 1908, July 14 – They Furnish the Music
** 1908, July 15 – Not Begging, but Doing
** 1908, July 16 – The Uses of Political Action
** 1908, July 17 – No Quarter
** 1908, July 18 – A Pulitzer as Umpire
** 1908, July 19 – Remove Him!
** 1908, July 20 – Call Ye Not This Also a Case?
** 1908, July 21 – That „Mistake“
** 1908, July 22 – Topsy-Turvy Prohibitionism
** 1908, July 23 – Unity of Science
** 1908, July 24 – A „Square Deal“
** 1908, July 25 – An „Official“ Proof
** 1908, July 26 – Not Sentimentalism, Sense
** 1908, July 27 – Wages and Marriage
** 1908, July 28 – Class Insanity
** 1908, July 29 – The Hearst New Paper Wagon
** 1908, July 30 – The New Harmony Movement
** 1908, July 31 – The SLP Ballot and Slogan
** 1908, August 1 – Castro’s Predicament
** 1908, August 2 – The Cloven Hoof of Prohibitionism
** 1908, August 2 – The Socialist Movement in America
** 1908, August 3 – A Genial, Though Unexpected, Humorist
** 1908, August 4 – Shaming a Socialist
** 1908, August 5 – He Will Rue the Day
** 1908, August 6 – The Staked Ox
** 1908, August 7 – Preston as Standard Bearer
** 1908, August 8 – „Turkey“ and „Crow“
** 1908, August 9 – Which Is It?
** 1908, August 10 – The Rat Tower of Today
** 1908, August 11 – Roosevelt as Shanghaier
** 1908, August 12 – How, „Hold It“?
** 1908, August 13 – Bryan Just Short of Artemus
** 1908, August 14 – At Last!
** 1908, August 15 – What’s the Matter With the „Socialist Paradise“?
* Artikel aus International Socialism 1961-1962,
** Julius Jacobson: The Relevance of American Socialism (1961)
** Alasdair MacIntyre: Rejoinder to Left Reformism (1961)
** Ken Coates: Caribbean Pilgrim (1961)
** Ken Coates: The Unions (1961)
** Raymond Challinor: Marxism (1961)
** Nigel Harris: What Does Welfare Mean? (1961)
** Labour’s Suicide Bid (1961)
** Britain and Europe (1961)
** Letter to Readers (1961)
** Henry Collins: The Case for Left Reformism (1961)
** Alexander Blok: The Scythians (1918/1961)
** André Giacometti: Colonial Revolution (1961)
** Munir: Nationalism and Internationalism in the Middle East (1961)
** Henry Collins: Politics and the Unions (1961)
** John Thomas: Commintern (1961)
** J. Ashdown: New Theories for Old (1961)
** Kevin Barry: Liberal Sociology (1961)
** J. Ashdown: Skin-Deep (1961)
** Jeremy Jakes:Housing (1961)
** Nigel Harris: The Decline of Welfare (1961)
** Sergio Junco: Yanqui No! Castro No! Cuba Si! (with Nick Howard) (1961)
** Nigel Harris: Tory Trends (1961)
** James C. Kincaid: Totalitarian – Subjective (1961)
** Raymond Challinor: The Partners (1961)
** Khrushchev’s Congress (1961)
** Labour’s Sickness (1961)
** Letter to Readers (1961)
** Keith Barnes: Catterick 1954 (1961)
** John Fairhead: The Common Market (1961)
** Henry Collins: Party History (1961)
** Mary Harris:Yugoslavia (1961)
** Erich Gerlach: The Grand Camouflage (1961)
** N. Adler: Race and Class (1961)
** David Breen: Indology Again (1961)
** Kevin Barry: Learned and Shoddy (1961)
** John Crutchley: Economic Theory (1961)
** D.A. Steel: The Poet Revolutionary (1961)
** Theo Melville: Grey Man (1961)
** Books Received (1961)
** Ken Coates: Reform and Revolution – Rejoinder 1 (1962)
** Ken Coates: The Mines (1962)
** Alasdair MacIntyre: Stalin and History (1962)
** Sergio Junco: Argentina (1962)
** Alasdair MacIntyre: Trotsky (1962)
** Alasdair MacIntyre: Disengagement (1962)
** No Bombs and No Illusions (1962)
** Planning (1962)
** Labour and the Common Market (1962)
** George Lux: The Decline of German Socialism (1961)
** A. Giacometti: An Opposition in the World Federation of Trade Unions
** Letter to Readers (1962)
** Theo Melville: Memoriam – Natalia Sedova (1962)
** Yuri Olesha: Love (1928/1962)
** Peter von Oertzen: Reform and Revolution – Rejoinder 2 (1962)
** John Fairhead: Social Democracy in Britain (1962)
** Munir: The Turks (1962)
** David Cairns: The Tortoise (1962)
** David Cairns: Another Look (1962)
** Henry Collins: British Trade Unions (1962)
** J. Ashdown: Steel and the Nation (1962)
** David Breen: South of the Himalayas (1962)
** Shorter Reviews (1962)
** Tony Cliff: Bureaucracy (1961) (book review)
** Tony Cliff: The Divide (1961)
** Tony Cliff: Soviet Studies (1961)
** Tony Cliff: Bureaucracy (1961)
** Tony Cliff: The Decline of the Chinese Communes (1962)
** Michael Kidron: Inflation (1961)
** Michael Kidron: Reform and Revolution: Rejoinder to Left Reformism II (1961)
** Michael Kidron: Tunnel or Bridge (1962)
** Michael Kidron: Inside Britain (1962)
* Chris Harman: Czech ‘reformers’ capitulate as resistance rises (1969)
* Chris Harman: Polish strikes hit shipping and transport (1971)
* Chris Harman: Allende walks the tightrope (1971)
* Chris Harman: Why Labour wields Tory axe (1974)
* Chris Harman: What’s there to celebrate? (1986)
* Chris Harman: Caste and class (2004)
* Chris Harman: The Hindutva and European fascism – Some comparisons and some lessons (2004)
* Leo Trotzki: Sovjetunionen i krig (1939)
* Leo Trotzki: Ett brev till James P. Cannon (1939)
* Leo Trotzki: Fackföreningarna i Storbritannien (1933)
* F.D. Klingender: Marxism and Modern Art: An approach to social realism (1943)
* Brian Pearce: Blacklegs and Boomerangs (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Political ‘Find the Lady’ (1959)
* Brian Pearce: When Rank and File Won Shorter Hours (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Including Us Out? (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Battles Long Ago (1959)
* Brian Pearce: September (1959)
* Brian Pearce: He liked Lloyd George (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Chuck It (1959)
* Brian Pearce: The Litvinov Touch (1959)
* Brian Pearce: George Padmore (1959)
* Brian Pearce: There He Goes Again (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Who Are the Tories? (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Hiroshima Re-visited (1959)
* Brian Pearce: ‘The Prophet Unarmed: Trotsky 1921-1929’ (1959)
* Brian Pearce: How to Fight Rent Increases (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Not by Politics Alone (1959)
* Brian Pearce: A Timely Book (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Some Lessons from History: The Left Review, 1934-1938 (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Never Again? (1959)
* Brian Pearce: A Revealing Burp! (1959)
* Brian Pearce: A Warning from the Past (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Labour Youth (1959)
* Brian Pearce: Victor Grayson (1959)
* Förbundet Arbetarmakt: Rådsmakt nr 12, Januar 1981

Collectif Smolny:

* L’Ouvrier Communiste, Sommaire des numéros du journal (1929-1931)


* Franz Jakubowski: Ideology and Superstructure in Historical Materialism (1936, pdf-Datei)

* Root & Branch: No Class Today, No Ruling Class Tomorrow (1970)
* Gilles Dauvé: On the globalisation movement (2002)
* Processed World #16 (1986)
* Processed World #17 (1987)
* Processed World #18 (1987)

The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Connolly Association: What is the Connolly Association? Constitution and Explanation (~ 1963)
* Der Index des Irish Left Online Document Archive wurde aktualisiert

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Movimiento de Liberación Nacional – Tupamaros: Asalto al Casino San Rafael (1969)
* bMovimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA): El MRTA frente al proceso electoral del 9 de abril (2000)
* Partido Comunista de El Salvador (PCS): Consideraciones acerca del viraje del PCS hacia la lucha armada (1983)
* Montoneros: Argentina, país en guerra: Hablan los Montoneros (1977)

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF):

* Françoise Picq/Liliane Kandel: Le mythe des origines, à propos de la journée internationale des femmes (1982)
* Josette Trat: Retour sur l’automne chaud de 1995 en France (1997)
* Pas de hiérarchie dans le mépris : Report par le Président de la République du projet de loi contre les propos sexistes et homophobes (2004)
* David Mandel: On the Russian Revolution: The Petrograd Workers and the Fall of the Old Régime – I (1983)
* David Mandel: On the Russian Revolution: The Petrograd Workers and the Fall of the Old Régime – II – chapter three (1983)
* David Mandel: On the Russian Revolution: The Petrograd Workers and the Fall of the Old Régime – – III – Chapter Four (1983)
* Erich Fried: j’ai été abattu par mon ennemi secondaire (1978)

The Irish Election Literature Blog:

* Workers Solidarity Movement -Election 2002 Flyer
* International Bulletin of Workers Party Youth -Summer 1991


* Mosche Machover/Mario Offenberg: Der Zionismus und sein Popanz (1976)

The Militant:

* 25, 50 and 75 years ago (1935/1960/1985)

Espace contre ciment:

* Emile Armand: Unsere Forderungen als individualistische Anarchisten (1945)
* Yves Le Manach produit ses artichauts à Bruxelles (?)
* Slavoj Zizek: « Tu peux ! ». Sur le surmoi postmoderne (2004)


* International Communist Opposition: Where we stand. Vol. 1 Platform and programmatic documents of the International Communist Opposition (1934)
* Socialist Labour Party of Great Britain (SLP): Marxism versus Stalinism (1950)
* Socialist Labour Party of Great Britain (SLP): Socialism and The State (1942)
* Frank Budgen: Craft unionism versus industrial unionism (1922)
* Arnold Petersen: The old order and the new (1941)
* Arnold Petersen: War…why? (1936)
* Arnold Petersen: Socialism and human nature (1942)
* Weekly People: Haywood and anarcho-syndicalism in the America labor movement (1969?)
* The People: Socialism in the US – From Utopia to science (1990)
* Robert Bills: Class Struggle in the Old West: A Review of J. Anthony Lukas‘ „€˜Big Trouble“€™ (1998)
* Socialist Labor Party: Preceding the ST&LA (1910)
* Socialist Labor Party: Intervention & Union Work An SLP Handbook (198?)
* Socialist Labor Party: The „New Union Party“: A documentary review of its origins (1978)
* Socialist Labor Party: The Energy Crisis (1977)
* Socialist Labor Party: The Socialist Program (graphic) (?)
* Socialist Labor Party: Thirty- Nineth National Convention Socialist Labor Party April 29 – May 3, 1989 Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Etc. (1989)
* Socialist Labor Party: Fortieth National Convention Socialist Labor Party April 28 – 30, 1991 Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Etc. (1991)
* Socialist Labor Party: Forty-First National Convention Socialist Labor Party May 1 – 4, 1993 Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Etc. (1993)
* Socialist Labor Party: Forty-Second National Convention Socialist Labor Party July 15 -€“ 18, 1995 Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Etc. (1995)
* Socialist Labor Party: Forty-Third National Convention Socialist Labor Party May 2 – 5, 1997 Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Etc. (1997)
* Socialist Labor Party: Forty-Fourth National Convention Socialist Labor Party April 9 – 12, 1999 Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Etc. (1999)
* Socialist Labor Party: Forty-Fifth National Convention Socialist Labor Party June 1 – 4, 2001 Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Etc. (2001)
* Socialist Labor Party: Forty-Sixth National Convention Socialist Labor Party July 9 – 11, 2005 Minutes, Reports, Resolutions, Etc. (2005)
* Victor Considerant: Le socialisme devant le vieux monde, ou, Le vivant devant les morts (1849)


* Robin D.G. Kelley/Betsy Esch: Black Like Mao: Red China & Black Revolution, Part 2 (1999)
* Robin D.G. Kelley/Betsy Esch: Black Like Mao: Red China & Black Revolution, Part 3 (1999)



The Commune:

* Cormack/Communist Bulletin Group: Another look at the organisation question (1982)

ICL-FI (Spadtakist):

* Rosa Luxemburg: On 1902 Martinique Volcano (1902)

Luxemburger Anarchist:

* Gustave de Molinari: Les soirées de la rue Saint-Lazare (1849, Auszug)

Révolution en Iran:

* Mansoor Hekmat: L’islam, les droits des enfants et le voile-gate de Rahe Kargar (1997)

Projekt Gutenberg:

* Denis Diderot: Rameaus Neffe (1761/1776)

Posted in Algerien, Anarchismus, Antifa, Antimilitarismus, Argentinien, BäuerInnenbewegung, BRD, Britannien, Chile, China, Ecuador, El Salvador, Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Gewerkschaft, Indien, Indigena-Bewegung, Internationales, Iran, Irland, Israel, Jugoslawien, Kapitalismus, Klassenkampf, Kolonialismus, Kommunismus, Kuba, Kunst, LBGT, Linke Geschichte, Literatur, Lyrik, Maoismus, Martinique, Marxismus, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Nahost, Nationalismus, Niederlande, Nordirland, Palästina, Patriarchat, Peru, Philosophie, Polen, Rassismus, Religion, Repression, Revolution, Russland, Schweden, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Sozialpolitik, Spanischer Staat, Stalinismus, Streik, StudentInnenbewegung, Türkei, Trotzkismus, Tschechoslowakei, Uruguay, USA, Wahlen, Wissenschaft | Leave a Comment »

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen (und nicht so radikalen) Linken

Posted by entdinglichung - 20. November 2009

ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika“ und im Download-Archiv:

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Marceau Pivert: ¡Fascismo o Socialismo! (1937)
* Marceau Pivert: Frankreich und Deutschland – Morgen (1944)
* International Bureau for Revolutionary Socialist Unity: A Lead to Word Socialism. On Spain, War, Fascism, Imperialism (1936)
* Rosa Luxemburg: L’impérialisme français en Algérie (1913)
* Images du Bund
* Maurice Rajsfus: Il y a cent ans, la naissance de la SFIO (2005)

Rassembler, diffuser les archives des révolutionnaires (RaDAR, ehemals ASMSFQI):

* Parti ouvrier internationaliste (POI): Bulletin intérieur, Anfang 1944
* Opposition de Gauche: Bulletin communiste, Januar 1929
* Comité français pour la IVe internationale: La Vérité, 1. Oktober 1940
* Parti ouvrier internationaliste (POI): Service international de presse, 5. Oktober 1938
* Parti communiste internationaliste (PCI): Bulletin intérieur „La Vérité“, 15. Mai 1950
* Jeunesse communiste révolutionnaire (JCR): L’étincelle, 19. Januar 1967

Big Flame 1970-1984:

* EPISODES IN BIG FLAME HISTORY: No 22. 1979-80 Debate – Transitional Politics and Alternative Plans
** A Contribution towards a General Direction for Big Flame (1980, pdf-Datei)
** Comments on the Tendency Motions and Documents (1980, pdf-Datei)
** Motion on Perspectives and Priorities (1979, pdf-Datei)
** Statement of the Political Basis for the Formation of a Tendency In Big Flame (1980, pdf-Datei)
** Theses on Reformism (1979, pdf-Datei)
** Towards a Transitional Strategy: Prospects for Class Struggle (1980, pdf-Datei)
* REVOLUTIONARY MARXIST CURRENT [RMC] (Groups which joined Big Flame no 1)
** About the Revolutionary Marxist Current (1977, pdf-Datei)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Anton Pannekoek: Anthropogenesis – A Study of the Origin of Man (1944)
* Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP): Forward to Socialist Revolution. Statement on International Situation (1948)
* Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP): Forward to Socialist Revolution. Statement on National Situation. New Phase of Indian Peoples‘ Struggle for Freedom (1948)
* Karl Marx: Een brief van Marx aan Domela Nieuwenhuis (1881)
* Georgi Plechanov: Dialectic and Logic (?)
* Hugo Haase: Imperialism and Arbitration Courts (1914)
* Max Shachtman: Vänsteroppositionens tio år: Dess historia och principer (1933)
* Antonio Gramsci: Spontaanisuus ja tietoinen johto (1930)
* Antonio Gramsci: Kollektiivinen työläinen (1920)
* Jasper Schaaf: De dialectisch-materialistische filosofie van Joseph Dietzgen (1993)
* Ted Grant: East-West trade—profits cut “iron curtain” (1967)
* Weiteres aus dem Labour Monthly:
** M. Philipps Price: Is Capitalism Recovering? (1922)
** Textile Workers’ Strike (1926)
** K.A.W.: Roy Repudiates His Past (1932)
** Shapurji Saklatvala: The Indian Round-Table Conference (1931)
** Shapurji Saklatvala: The Second Indian Round Table Conference (1931)
** Clemens Dutt: Indian Peasant Through Official Spectacles (1926)
** Clemens Dutt: British Labour and India (1926)
** Clemens Dutt: India Nationalism and the Elections (1926)
** Clemens Dutt: Capitalist Exploitation in Indian Agriculture, pt. II (1927)
** Clemens Dutt: The Outsider’s India (1929)
** Clemens Dutt: The Indian National Revolution (1930)
** Rajani Palme Dutt: India (1931)
** India: Factory Legislation (1922)
** Stewart Smith: Book Review: India in Perspective (1926)
** V. Chattopadhyaya: The Indian National Congress (1931)
** Edmund Frow: The Attack on the Engineers (1931)
** Bernard Houghton: Indian Mill-Owners Cry Halt! (1931)
** K. S. Bhat: The Workers Welfare League of India (1931)
** K. Milani: Imperialism “Tackles” the Indian Problem (1932)
** Charles Petrasch: An Interview With Gandhi (1932)
** Bernard Houghton: The Communal Award and Gandhi (1932)
** Tom Quelch: The Importance of Trades Councils (1926)
** M.B.: Testament of Engels (1922)
** M.B.: Rosa Luxemburg’s Letters to the Kautsky Family (1923)
** All-India Trade Union Congress (1926)
** India Trade Union Congress (1927)
** Bernard Houghton: The Isolation of India (1927)
** Bombay Textile Strike (1928)
** The Political Situation in India (1929)
* André Gorz: Arbetarrörelsen i överflödets samhälle (1964)
* André Gorz: Den svåra socialismen (1967)
* Nicos Poulantzas: Om samhällsklasser (1973)
* Franz Mehring: Karl Marx. Hans livs historia (1918)
* Roestam Effendi: Vijf minuten speech van Roestam Effendi (1937)
* Roestam Effendi: Het Japanse gevaar voor Indonesië (1938)
* Progressive Labor Party (PLP): Army Occupies Strategic Hamlet of Watts (1965)
* Artikel von Chris Harman, der letzte Woche im Alter von 66 Jahren starb:
** Osagyefo Pensant (1964)
** Nobly Wrong (1964)
** Sociological Strivings (1965)
** Stalin’s Great Shadow (1965)
** Tribune of the People (Part 1) (1965)
** Working Classes (1965)
** Return to Utopia (1965)
** Irish Problems (1965)
** The Restoration (1966)
** Tribune of the People (Part 2) – The Wasted Years (1966)
** Looking Glasses (1966)
** Categorically Thinking (1966)
** Australian Mirrors (1966)
** Liberal Evasions (1966)
** Join and Collapse (1966)
** Italian Theory (1967)
** Mud Cannot Split (1967)
** Russia – How the Revolution was Lost (1967)
** Marxist Morals? (1967)
** Paper Radicals (1967)
** Success and Failure (1967)
** Gramsci (1967)
** Vietnam (1968)
** Party and Class (1968)
** Czechoslovakia (1969)
** Ruling Ideas (1969)
** The Inconsistencies of Ernest Mandel (1969)
** Their Election and Us (1970)
** Prospects for the Seventies – The Stalinist States (1970)
** Students (1970)
** The Pilkingtons Strike (1970)
** Capitalism Eastern Style (1970)
** Tory Government Policy (1970)
** Cuba – The End of a Road? (1970)
** [Industrial Relations Bill] (editorial) (1971)
** Bother on the Baltic (1971)
** Two Offensives (1971)
** The Years of Revolt (1971)
** The General Strike (1971)
** The Common Market (1971)
** Hue and Cry (1971)
** Two Marx’s or One? (1971)
** Bounced Czech (1971)
** Antonio Gramsci (1972)
** Hungary – Failure of Economic Reform (1972)
** Reply to M. Brinton on the Bolsheviks & Workers’ Control (1972)
** Russia in Crisis? (1973)
** US Arms for Chile’s Generals (1973)
** Let History Judge (1973)
** The Politics of Soviet Agriculture (1973)
** British Steel in Crisis (1973)
** Middle East (1973)
** Phase 3 – Fire Down Below (1973)
** In Brief (1973)
** The Axe (1973)
** Romania’s Ceausescu (1973)
** The Spanish Civil War (1973)
** Capitalism in Crisis (1973)
** Danger Tory Crisis (1974)
** The New Labour Government (1974)
** [Labour Government] (1974)
** Students (1974)
** Scottish Nationalism (1974)
** An Alienated Man (1974)
** [After Phase 3] (1974)
** Fists Against Fascists (1974)
** Portugal (1974)
** Northern Ireland – Background to the Crisis (1974)
** A New Election (1974)
** The New Labour Government (1974)
** Ireland and the British Crisis (1974)
** Portugal – The First Six Months (1974)
** The Private Sector in Soviet Agriculture (1974)
** Marxist Economics and the World Today (1975)
** Note of Qualification (1975)
** Portugal (1975)
** Portugal – The Latest Phase (1975)
** Poland – Crisis of State Capitalism (Part 1) (1976)
** Poland – Crisis of State Capitalism (Part 2) (1977)
** One Small Mistake (1977)
** The Politics of Spain (1977)
** Gramsci versus Eurocommunism (Part 1) (1977)
** Gramsci versus Eurocommunism (Part 2) (1977)
** Better a Valid Insight Than a Wrong Theory (1977)
** Eurocommunism – The State and Revolution (1977)
** Economics of the Madhouse (book) (1995)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

* Hochschulpolitik und Studentenbewegung in Göttingen (Linkliste)
* Göttingen: Georg-August-Universität – Rote Zelle Lehramtskandidaten (ROTZLEHR)
* Göttingen: Georg-August-Universität – Theologische Fakultät
* Zur Geschichte der KPD/ML (Zentralkomitee). Teil 9: Der Außerordentliche Parteitag Ende 1971
* Berufsgrundbildungsjahr (BGJ)
* Göttingen: Alcan
* Göttingen: Georg-August-Universität – Medizinische Fakultät

La Presse Anarchiste:

* Circulaire du Conseil fédéral espagnol au sujet des intrigues de Paul Lafargue (1872)


* El 15 de Noviembre de 1922 y el papel de los anarquistas en el seno de la clase obrera ecuatoriana


* Dan Georgakas: Young Detroit Radicals 1955-1965 (1981)
* TPTG: Mexico is not only Chiapas nor is the rebellion in Chiapas merely a Mexican affair (1995)
* Eddy Cherki/Michel Wieviorka: Autoreduction movements in Turin, 1974 (1980)
* Branko Pribićević: The Shop Stewards’ Movement and Workers’ Control 1910-1922 (1959)

The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Official Sinn Féin: The Public Sector and the Profit Makers The Case for State Workers (ca. 1975)
* Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union: Is There a Third Way? New Political Strategies for the Millennium (2000)

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR): Carta de Andrés Pascal Allende a Gabriel Valdés (1982)
* Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores Puertorriqueños (PRTP-Macheteros): Además de piquetes y huelgas, hay otros métodos más efectivos (1994)
* Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN): Parte de guerra Nº 3 (1989)
* Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN): Del Estado Mayor del Frente Norte „Carlos Fonseca“ (1978)

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières (ESSF):

* Olivier Besancenot: Olivier Besancenot Speaks – After the first round of the presidential election in France (2007)
* Tariq Ali: Re-colonizing Iraq (2003)
* Tariq Ali: Afghanistan: Between Hammer and Anvil (2000)
* Tariq Ali: Mid-Point in the Middle East? (2006)

Workers‘ Liberty:

* Sean Matgamna: The fall of Stalinism in Eastern Europe (1990-1992, neu ediert 2009)

The Irish Election Literature Blog:

* Socialist Labour Party- Recruitment Leaflet (~ 1980)
* Tony Ryan – Green Alliance- 1983 Dublin Central By-Election
* Tony Wright, Fiachra O Ceilleachair- Democratic Left- Waterford 1997

The Anarchist Library:

* Patrizia: The Violence of Poverty (1989)
* Albert Lévy: Stirner and Nietzsche (1904)
* Georges Bataille: The Sacred Conspiracy (1936)
* Anarchist / Black Bloc Motivation (2001)
* Alfredo M. Bonanno: And We Will Still Be Ready To Storm The Heavens Another Time: Against Amnesty (1984)
* The Catastrophe Psycosis (1989)
* Porfido: Contributions Toward the Resumption of Hostilities (2001)
* John Moore: Emporia State: The Crystal Palace And Its Aftermath (1999)
* Revolutionary Committee of Public Health: The End of Illusions (1999)
* Chris Dixon: Finding Hope After Seattle: Rethinking Radical Activism and Building a Movement (2001)
* Genoa is Everywhere (2001)
* ACME Collective: N30 Black Bloc Communiqué (1999)
* Red Robbie: Some Notes Concerning Future Proletarian Insurgency (2000)
* El Paso: Some of our reflections on the days in Genoa (2001)
* Alfredo M. Bonanno: Strange Victories — Midnight Notes (1985)
* Monsieur DuPont: Your Face is So Mysteriously Kind (2001)

The Militant:

* Farrell Dobbs: Fighting for a class-struggle course in the unions (1973)
* 25, 50 and 75 years ago (1934/1959/1984)

Espace contre ciment:

* Robert Paris: La fausse conscience est-elle un concept opératoire? (1963)
* Théorie Communiste: Le taylorisme comme nouvelle organisation du travail (2004)
* Christophe Dejours: Aliénation et clinique du travail (2006)
* Joseph Gabel: Le concept d’aliénation politique (1960)


* Petr Kropotkin: The conquest of bread (1907)
* Friedrich Engels: Socialism, Utopian and Scientific (1880/1908)
* Debs, his life, writings and speeches : with a department of appreciations (1910)
* H.M. Hyndman: The record of an adventurous life (1911)
* H.M. Hyndman: Further reminiscences (1912)
* Friedrich Engels: Landmarks of scientific socialism : „anti-Duehring“ (1877/78, englische Ausgabe von 1907)
* Benjamin Tucker: Instead of a book : by a man too busy to write one : a fragmentary exposition of philosophical anarchism (1897)
* Leo Trotzki: Dictatorship vs. democracy (Terrorism and communism) a reply to Karl Kautsky, by Leon Trotsky [pseud.] With a preface by H. N. Brailsford, and a foreword by Max Bedact (1922)
* The socialism of to-day; a source-book of the present position and recent development of the socialist and labor parties in all countries, consisting mainly of original documents (1916)
* Upton Sinclair: The industrial republic; a study of the America of ten years hence (1907)
* Morris Hillquit/John Ryan: Socialism; promise or menace? (1914)
* Morris Hillquit: Socialism summed up (1913)
* Bertrand Russell: Proposed roads to freedom; socialism, anarchism, and syndicalism (1919)

Links – International Journal of Socialist Renewal:

* Doug Lorimer: Teori Revolusi Permanen Trotsky: Suatu perdebatan panjang yang masih relevan (1998)

Luxemburger Anarchist:

* Voltairine de Cleyres: The Making of an Anarchist (?, Auszug)

World Socialist Web Site (WSWS):

* Bund Sozialistischer Arbeiter (BSA): Il faut renverser la bureaucratie stalinienne! Il faut construire des conseils ouvriers en Allemagne de l’Est ! (1989)

Posted in 1968, Afghanistan, Algerien, Anarchismus, Antiatom, Antifa, Antimilitarismus, BäuerInnenbewegung, Bildung, BRD, Britannien, Chile, DDR, Ecuador, El Salvador, Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Frankreich, Gewerkschaft, Grüne, Indien, Indigena-Bewegung, Indischer Subkontinent, Indonesien, Internationales, Irak, Irland, Italien, Kapitalismus, Kirche, Klassenkampf, Kolonialismus, Kommunismus, Linke Geschichte, Maoismus, Marxismus, Menschenrechte - Freiheitsrechte, Mexiko - Mexico, Nahost, Nationalismus, Niederlande, Niedersachsen, Nordirland, Patriarchat, Philosophie, Polen, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Rassismus, Religion, Repression, Revolution, Russland, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Spanischer Staat, Stalinismus, Streik, StudentInnenbewegung, Trotzkismus, Umwelt, USA, Wahlen, Wissenschaft | 1 Comment »

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen Linken – eine Auswahl

Posted by entdinglichung - 9. April 2009

Ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika„.

Austrian Newspapers Online (ANNO):

* Die Arbeiterin: Organ für die Interessen der werktätigen Frauen in Österreich (1928-1931)
* Arbeiterinnen-Zeitung – sozialdemokratisches Organ für Frauen u. Mädchen/Die Frau (1920-1934)

Collectif Smolny:

* Erich Mühsam: Revolutionäre, internationalistisch gesinnte kommunistische Arbeiter und Soldaten! Flugblatt der Vereinigung revolutionärer Internationalisten Bayerns (1918)
* BILAN: Les problèmes de la période de transition (partie 4) (1936)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* Ernst Bloch: Marx y la dialéctica idealista (1949)
* Paul Mattick: Jack London: Die Eiserne Ferse (1927)
* Franz Pfemfert: La Enfermedad Infantil de Lenin . . . y la Tercera Internacional (1920)
* Rosa Luxemburg: À Conferência de União das Organizações Socialistas em Manchester (1911)
* Rosa Luxemburg: L’année 1793 (1893)
* Ricardo Arturo Jarrín Jarrín: Entrevista desde el Penal García Moreno (1984)
* J.T. Murphy: The Single Front (1922)
* T.A. Jackson: A Mass Party (1925)
* Leo Trotzki: Préface à la brochure „L’Organe de masse“ de Nicolle Braun (1936)
* Leo Trotzki: Den enda vägen (1932)
* Leo Trotzki: Arbetarkontroll över produktionen (1931)
* Benjamin Tucker: Why should a nation be more altruistic than I? (1907)
* Artikel aus der Fourth International, 1955-1956
** M. Stein: The Political Situation in America Today (1955)
** Trent Hutter: The American Motion Picture Today (1955)
** Leon Trotsky: Two Conceptions of Socialism (1955)
** Joyce Cowley: Women Who Won the Right to Vote (1955)
** Harold Robins: Automation – Menace or Promise? (1955)
** Paul Abbott: A Case of Schizophrenia (1955)
** Manager’s Column (1955)
** George Lavan: The Gold Coast Revolution (1955)
** Trent Hutter: A Revolutionary Novel (book review) (1955)
** Richard L. Schanck: An Objection — (1955)
** Paul Abbott : — In Reply (1955)
** Manager’s Column (1955)
** Joyce Cowley: Youth in a Delinquent Society (1955)
** Foster in World War I (Stenographic Record) (1955)
** Trent Hutter: Best Seller in Germany (1955)
** Anne Chester: A Stirring First Novel (1955)
** John Thayer: The Origin of West Virginia (1955)
** Manager’s Column (1955)
** An Editorial: The New Precedents in the Kutcher Case (1956)
** Trent Hutter: The Workers’ Stake in Bourgeois Culture (1956)
** Paul Abbott: How Honest is Honest Weight? (1956)
** Robert Chester: Labor Leaders on Automation (1956)
** From Our Readers (1956)
** M. Stein: The End of the Stalin Cult (1956)
** Harry Ring: Which Way for Supporters of the Progressive Party? (1956)
** Theodore Edwards: Dollar Empire in Latin America (1956)
** Correction (1956)
** Jack Bustelo: The Last Hurrah (1956)
** From Our Readers (1956)
* Ted Grant: Letter to an Opposition Communist (1957)
* Ted Grant: The Robbers Quarrel over Tientsin (1939)
* Ted Grant: Down with the war! (1939)
* Ted Grant: Our War Is The Class War (1940)
* Ted Grant: Not for Imperialist slaughter (1940)
* Ted Grant: Preparing for Power (1942)
* Ted Grant: Lebanon clash bares De Gaulle-Churchill aims (1943)
* Ted Grant: I.L.P. Conference (1944)
* Ted Grant: Why Hitler Came to Power (1944)
* Ted Grant: How To Win The Class War (1940)
* Ted Grant: Daily Herald—A Public Statement, not a Private Admission (1941)
* Ted Grant: Stalin Threatens New Turn—Anglo-U.S.A. Imperialists Fear Soviet Victory (1942)
* Ted Grant: Constitution of Workers’ International League (W.I.L.) (1942)
* Ted Grant: Fascism collapsing—Europe’s revolution has begun (1943)
* Ted Grant: The Italian revolution and the tasks of British workers (1943)
* Ted Grant: Aid the Italian Revolution! (1943)
* Ted Grant: France In Crisis (1958)
* Ted Grant: Force a General Election Now (1958)
* Ted Grant: The Generals Capture France—Workers must resist (1958)
* Ted Grant: Against “National Defence” (1939)
* Ted Grant: Workers Must Be Armed Against Capitalism (1939)
* Ted Grant: An Analysis of the Social Basis of the Soviet Union (1941)
* Ted Grant: I.L.P. Conference and Tasks of the Left (1943)
* Ted Grant: The I.L.P. in Transition (1943)
* Ted Grant: Reply of W.I.L. to the R.S.L. criticism of „Preparing for Power“ (1943)
* Ted Grant: The Need for the International (1943)
* Ted Grant: The Coming German Revolution (1944)
* Ted Grant: Communist Party Conference Prepares Post-war Sell-out (1944)
* Ted Grant: Stalin Versus Marx (1946)
* Steve Zeluck: The Character of the State in China (1955)
* Steve Zeluck: Lippmann Displays His Statesmanship (1954)
* Roestam Effendi: Van Moskou naar Tiflis. Mijn reis door de nationale Sovjetrepublieken van de Kaukasus (1934)

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Dawid Rjasanow: The relations of Marx with Blanqui (1928)
* Paris photographié en 1936
* Agustín Guillamón: Mary Low, poeta, trotskista y revolucionaria


* Henri Simon: 1980: Poland mass strikes (1982)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

Auswertung von Materialien zu folgenden Orten/Betrieben/Gruppen/Personen/Themen:
* Black Panther Party (BPP) und Angela Davis (überarbeitet)
* K-Gruppen, DKP und der (Arbeiter-) Sport

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU): Acción sindical y lucha armada (1970)
* Ejército Guerrillero de los Pobres (EGP): Carta a la Dirección Nacional del combatiente Pablo (1982)
* Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (MIR): A la Dirección Nacional y militancia del partido Acción Democrática (1960)
* Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN): Al pueblo de Costa Rica y la opinión internacional (1978)
* Movimiento Jaimen Bateman Cayón (JBC): Comunicado sobre la formación del Comité Permanente por la Paz (1995)
* Movimiento Revolucionario 26 de Julio (M-26-7): Llamamiento a la huelga general revolucionaria (1958)

Irish Left Archive auf The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* Communist Party of Great Britain: Northern Ireland: Civil Rights and Political Wrongs (1969)


* Henryk Grossmann: Fünfzig Jahre Kampf um den Marxismus 1883-1932 (1932)

The Rustbelt Radical:

* Isaac Deutscher: Lenin’s Last Dilemma (1959)

Workers‘ Liberty:

* John Maclean – biography. Part 1 (1995)
* John Maclean – biography. Part 2 (1995)
* Walter Linder: How sit-in strikes built the unions in USA (1965, Auszug aus einem Text der maoistischen Progressive Labor Party (PLP))
* Sean Matgamna: The sad story of Connolly’s heirs (1967)
* Sean Matgamna: Sovereignty an old joke: the Connolly Association and Irish nationalism (1967)

Posted in Anarchismus, Aserbaidschan, Österreich, BRD, Britannien, Ecuador, Feminismus & Frauenbewegung, Frankreich, Georgien, Gewerkschaft, Guatemala, Irland, Klassenkampf, Kolumbien, Kommunismus, Kuba, Linke Geschichte, Maoismus, Marxismus, Nationalismus, Nicaragua, Nordirland, Patriarchat, Polen, Revolution, Russland, Sowjetunion, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Spanischer Staat, Sport, Stalinismus, Streik, Trotzkismus, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela | Leave a Comment »

Neues aus den Archiven der radikalen Linken – eine Auswahl

Posted by entdinglichung - 3. April 2009

Ältere Archiv-Updates und Hinweise zu weiteren linken Archivalien unter „Sozialistika„.

Luxemburger Anarchist:

* Rudolf Rocker: Über den Begriff des Kleinbürgers (1953)

Marxists Internet Archive (MIA):

* John Reed: Die Industriearbeiter der Welt (1920)
* Rosa Luxemburg: Le problème des nationalités dans le Caucase (1908)
* Jack London: Debs‘ Traum (1914)
* Oscar Wilde: Die Seele des Menschen im Sozialismus (1891)
* Johann Georg Eccarius: The Last Stage of Bourgeois Society (1851)
* Johann Georg Eccarius: The Well-being of the Working Classes (1851)
* Johann Georg Eccarius: A Working Man’s Refutation of Some Points of Political Economy Endorsed and Advocated by John Stuart Mill (1866/1867)
* Paul Mattick: Review: “The Uses of Power.” (1936)
* Ernest Mandel: Världsrevolution och fredlig samexistens (1970)
* Michel Pablo: Tito Speaks (1953)
* Mansoor Hekmaat: Démocratie : Conceptions et réalités (1993)
* Steve Zeluck: The Role of Statism in the Colonial World (1954)
* Leo Trotzki: Perspectives of American Marxism (1932)
* Leo Trotzki: “It Is Necessary to Drive the Bureaucracy and the New Aristocracy Out of the Soviets” (1938)
* Leo Trotzki: Thälmann och ”Folkrevolutionen” (1931)
* Jean-Paul Sartre: Massor, spontanitet, parti (1969)
* Eduard Bernstein: Die Beurtheilung des widernormalen Geschlechtsverkehrs (1895 … nach heutigen Maßstäben nicht gerade sonderlich progressiv)
* Daniel De Leon: Texte aus dem Daily People vom Juni 1906:
* * 1906, June 1 – Moonshine Reflexes of Capitalism
* * 1906, June 3 – Imitating Artemus Ward
* * 1906, June 4 – Colorado in Mexico
* * 1906, June 6 – The Coming Chorus of Words and Deeds
* * 1906, June 9 – Giving the Snap Away
* * 1906, June 11 – A Japanese Masterpiece
* * 1906, June 12 – Locking Horns
* * 1906, June 13 – Out-Doing the Packers
* * 1906, June 14 – Ears of the Jackass as Long as Ever
* * 1906, June 15 – Welcome Home!
* * 1906, June 16 – Giving Up the Fight
* * 1906, June 17 – St. Paul
* * 1906, June 18 – The „Risks“ of Capital
* * 1906, June 19 – Lo, a Clown!
* * 1906, June 20 – A Word on Cincinnati
* * 1906, June 21 – Class Law Self-Exhibited
* * 1906, June 22 – Fortunately, Too Late
* * 1906, June 23 – Moral Morgues
* * 1906, June 24 – The Messianic Age
* * 1906, June 30 – Article IV, Sec. 4
* Anton Pannekoek: Pro en contra: betreffende vraagstukken van algemeen belang (1908)
* Anton Pannekoek: De oorlog zijn oorsprong en zijn bestrijding (1915)
* Anton Pannekoek: Godsdienst en socialisme (1905)
* Anton Pannekoek: Marxisme en revisionisme (1906)
* Anton Pannekoek: Sociedade e Mente na Filosofia Marxiana (1937)
* Anton Pannekoek: Marxismo e Darwinismo (1912)
* Herman Gorter: Het revisionisme in de praktijk (1906)
* Artikel aus der Fourth International, 1953/1954:
* * Quatrième Internationale: Revolutionary Tide Reaches USSR (1953)
* * George Clarke: Stalin’s Role – Stalinism’s Future (1953)
* * One Year of the Bolivian Revolution (1953)
* * V. Grey: The Case of Owen Lattimore, (1953)
* * Jean-Paul Martin: Democracy and Workers’ Rule (1953)
* * Manager’s Column (1953)
* * Allen Winters: Peonage in the Southwest (1953)
* * Labor in Revolutionary China (1953)
* * Quatrième Internationale: China’s First Five-Year Plan (1953)
* * Correspondence: Editorial Note (1953)
* * Letter from M. Stein (1953)
* * Reply by George Clarke (1953)
* * Discussion Articles: Editorial Note (1953)
* * George Clarke: Shake-up in the Kremlin (1953)
* * George Clarke: The June Days in Review (1953)
* * The Editors: The East German Uprising (1953)
* * NC/SWP: American Stalinism – and Our Attitude Toward It (1953)
* * Allen Winters: Problems of Farm Labor, Part II (1953)
* * Letter from Leonard Sanchez (1953)
* * Tom Milton: Sidney Hook’s: Heresy, Yes – Conspiracy, No (1953)
* * NC/SWP: Major Developments Since Eisenhower’s Election (1953)
* * Labor in Revolutionary China (1953)
* * Tom Milton: Cartels Respect No Flag (b1953)
* * Index for Vols. XIII and XIV, 1952-1953 (1953)
* * To All Our Readers (1954)
* * Art Sharon: The Opposition to McCarthyism (1954)
* * Lynn Marcus: Automation – The New Industrial Revolution (1954 hinter dem Autor Lynn Marcus verbirgt sich niemand anderes als Lyndon LaRouche)
* * Manager’s Column (1954)
* * The Editors: His Ideas Still Live (1954)
* * Jean Blake: The Continuing Struggle for Negro Equality (1954)
* * Vincent Grey: Lessons of the Chinese Revolution (1954)
* * Manager’s Column (1954)
* * Milton Alvin: Does “Co-Existence” Mean Peace? (1954)
* * From Our Readers (1954)
* Ted Grant: The Workers’ War Is The Class War! (1940)
* Ted Grant: Defend the Soviet Union—Fascism Can Only be Defeated by International Socialism (1941)
* Ted Grant: Why U.S.S.R. is suffering reverses—Internationalism has been abandoned (1941)
* Ted Grant: The Rise and Fall of the Communist International (1943)
* Ted Grant: Stalin scraps “Internationale” (1944)
* Ted Grant: Churchill Preparing Peace of Revenge (1944)
* Ted Grant: The I.L.P. at the Crossroads (1945)
* Ted Grant: Perspectives in Britain (1946)
* Ted Grant: Wall Street victory in Italy (1948)


* Richard Gunn: Notes on class (1987)

La Bataille Socialiste:

* Grandizo Munis: La Gorbatchade en technologie et transparence (1987)
* Groepen van Internationale Communisten (GIC): Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution (1) (1930)
* Jean-Baptiste Séverac: Le socialisme n’a pas besoin de surhommes (1933, Auszug aus Le Parti socialiste, ses principes et ses tâches)
* Informations et correspondance ouvrières (ICO): Capitalisme et lutte de classes en Pologne (1970-1971) (1975)
* Edgar Hardcastle: The Coming Struggle in India (1935)
* Socialisme Mondial: La Lutte des Classes en Pologne (1977)
* D. Saint-James: La bonne vieille lutte des classes (1980)

Materialien zur Analyse von Opposition (MAO):

Auswertung von Materialien zu folgenden Orten/Betrieben/Gruppen/Personen:
* Clausthal-Zellerfeld
* Bad Gandersheim und Kreiensen
* Kommunistischer Bund Braunschweig: Rote Arbeiterzeitung 1972/73
* Wolff Walsrode und IG Chemie Bomlitz
* Landkreis Soltau-Fallingbostel
* Kassel-Wehlheiden: Belgiersiedlung


Collectif Smolny:

* Sean O’Casey: The Story of the Irish Citizen Army (1919)
* World Revolution: Sean O’Casey and the 1916 Easter Rising (2006)
* Simone Weil: Déclaration à la conférence d’unification des groupes de la gauche communiste (1933)

By Any Means Necessary:

* Michael Löwy: Marxism and Religion: Opiate of the People? (2005)
* Michael Löwy: Marx, Weber and the Critique of Capitalism (2002)

Centro de Documentación de los Movimientos Armados (CeDeMA):

* Movimiento de Liberación Nacional – Tupamaros (MLN-Tupamaros): Los métodos de los Tupamaros (1969)
* Partido Comunista de El Salvador (PCS): Fundamentos y Tesis de la Línea General del Partido Comunista de El Salvador (1979)
* Grupos de Combatientes Populares (GCP): Dinamita Nº 12 (2004)

Irish Left Archive auf The Cedar Lounge Revolution:

* British and Irish Communist Organization (BICO)/Workers Association: Workers‘ Weekly, Januar 1975

Workers‘ Liberty:

* Gery Lawless/Rachel Lever/Eamonn Mc Cann/Sean Matgamna: Ireland and Permanent Revolution: a Discussion (1966/1967)
* Ernie Haberkern: The Left and Max Shachtman Part 1 (1995)
* Dan Katz and Chris Reynolds: An open letter to Tony Benn: „The main enemy is Serb imperialism“ (1995)
* Tony Benn: „The main enemy is NATO“ (1995)

Europe solidaire sans frontières (ESSF):

Marc Bonhomme: Perspective québécoise : nation et impérialisme néolibéral (2004)


Porichoy Patrika, Nr. 5, 7-8, 11-12 1958

Weekly Worker (CPGB):

* Frank Grafton: Mines: ‘our’ industry? (1984)

Ansonsten hier noch der Hinweis auf einen Artikel auf Kasama, welcher an den am 1. Februar im alter von 64 Jahren verstorbenen 68er, Revolutionär und LBGT-Aktivisten Steve Hamilton.

Posted in 1968, Anarchismus, BRD, Ecuador, El Salvador, Frankreich, Irland, Kanada, Kapitalismus, Klassenkampf, Kolonialismus, Kommunismus, LBGT, Linke Geschichte, Literatur, Maoismus, Marxismus, Nationalismus, Niedersachsen, Nordirland, Polen, Russland, Sozialismus, Sozialistika - Linke Archivalien, Stalinismus, StudentInnenbewegung, Trotzkismus, Uruguay, USA | 1 Comment »

Protestkampagne stoppt Biospritplantage auf Woodlark Island

Posted by entdinglichung - 18. Januar 2008

Offenbar haben koordinierte Proteste von einheimischen und internationalen Umweltgruppen auf die Regierung von Papua-Neuguinea den nötigen Druck ausgeübt, um eine staatliche Genehmigung für die Abholzung von 60.000 Hektar Regenwald auf der Insel Woodlark Island, Milne Bay Province, zu verhindern. Die Firma Vitroplant aus Malaysia plante dort, eine Plantage für Ölpalmen – Rohstoff für Biosprit, andere Industrieöle, Margarine und Speiseöl – zu errichten. Derzeit werden in Ländern wie vor allem Indonesien (Sumatra, Kalimantan) und Malaysia (Sarawak) aber auch in Kamerun, Ecuador und Kolumbien grossflächig Regenwälder zerstört, um „Platz“ für profitable Palmöl-Plantagen (auch vor dem Hintergrund der Nachfrage in den imperialistischen Ländern nach „nachwachsenden Rohstoffen“) zu schaffen – begleitet von katastrophalen ökologischen Folgen und oft auch der Vertreibung der indigenen Bevölkerung durch Polizei, Armee, Paramilitärs oder Schlägertrupps der Konzerne – im Namen des „kapitalistischen Fortschritts“.


Posted in Ecuador, Indigena-Bewegung, Indonesien, Internationales, Kamerun, Kapitalismus, Kolumbien, Malaysia, Papua-Neuguinea, Umwelt | Leave a Comment »

Vor vierzig Jahren: Che Guevara ermordet

Posted by entdinglichung - 9. Oktober 2007

Vor 40 Jahren wurde Ernesto „Che“ Guevara in La Higuera/Bolivien nach seiner Gefangennahme am Vortage von der bolivianischen Armee ermordet. In diesem Zusammenhang ist zu erinnern, dass die Erfüllung der Aufgabe, welche sich Che gesetzt hat – der revolutionären Überwindung des Kapitalismus und der Aufbau einer sozialistischen Gesellschaft – heute noch aussteht. Weiterhin sei erwähnt, dass auch heute noch glücklicherweise Menschen dem Beispiel Ches folgen, wie beispielsweise in Ecuador die Grupos de Combatientes Populares (GCP), welche anlässlich des 40. Jahrestages in einem Kommunique feststellen: „40 AÑOS: EL CHE VIVE EN LA LUCHA DE LOS PUEBLOS POR LA REVOLUCION Y EL SOCIALISMO. MIENTRAS EL SISTEMA SEA TERRORISTA, SIEMPRE SEREMOS SUBVERSIVOS. CON LUCHA, LIBERTAD Y JUSTICIA!

Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen: ¡Che presente!


Posted in Argentinien, Bolivien, Ecuador, Klassenkampf, Kommunismus, Kuba, Lateinamerika, Linke Geschichte, Marxismus, Sozialismus | Leave a Comment »