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Strict liability

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“Strict liability” is roughly identified with “objective responsibility”: the latter actually includes the former, adding vicarious responsibility (liability) and collective responsibility (liability). In fact, in strict liability" the offense is attributed to Tizio without investigating the latter's mens rea.   In collective responsibility, however, the responsibility for the crime is attributed to a subject, without investigating his guilt, but based only on the guilt of the other competitors in the offense committed in collective competition, in which the first may or may not participate. And finally, Vicarious liability occurs when a crime is attributed to a person although the crime is committed by another person. According to some, the offense must be defined by external conduct without reference to the psychological condition at the time of the commission of the action in question: strict liability; the law would have the sole dissuasive function. Mens rea would only be relevant if the purpose of the punishment was retribution for past wrongs. Furthermore, it would be scientifically impossible to ascertain: identifying culpability and imputability. Conversely, the opposite position dismisses it as irrational to punish past facts without demonstrating a positive correlation between facts committed independently of the mens rea and future criminal facts: losing any distinction between the accidental or non-accidental nature of the event: following the thesis of strict liability would mean that everyone being able to commit an offense accidentally, everyone should be punished in advance. In fact, it is highlighted that the need to ascertain the mens rea for the attribution of a criminal sanction are threefold: preservation of individual freedom;  distinction between punishment and medical treatment; unacceptable concrete consequences. It is highlighted, in fact, that a moral justification for using a human being as a means for the good of society (for example, to use it as a deterrent). This moral justification is to be found in the "demonstration that the person so treated could have helped doing what he did". The principle of the rule of law defends citizens from "vague, secret and retroactive laws" and, according to Hart, is expressed (among other things) in the formula actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea. The mens rea requirement, therefore, is seen in close connection with the principle of the rule of law, of the rule of law. The presence of the mens rea as a necessary requirement for the attribution of strict liability prevents the innocent from being convicted, i.e. those who lack the "subjective elements" and do not possess the relevant "mental conditions". The awareness that one will not be punished except for those desired or foreseen acts is a guarantee for the citizen against the arbitrariness of the state: principle of calculability of the legal consequences of one's conduct.[1]

In criminal and civil law, strict liabili"objective responsibility of liability under which a person is legally responsible for the consequences flowing from an activity even in the absence of fault or criminal intent on the part of the defendant.[2]

Under the strict liability law, if the defendant possesses anything that is inherently dangerous, as specified under the "ultrahazardous" definition, the defendant is then strictly liable for any damages caused by such possession, no matter how careful the defendant is safeguarding them.[3]

In the field of torts, prominent examples of strict liability may include product liability, abnormally dangerous activities (e.g., blasting), intrusion onto another's land by livestock, and ownership of wild animals.[4]

Other than activities specified above (like ownership of wild animals, etc), US courts have historically considered the following activities as "ultrahazardous":[5]

  1. storing flammable liquids in quantity in an urban area
  2. pile driving
  3. blasting
  4. crop dusting
  5. fumigation with cyanide gas
  6. emission of noxious fumes by a manufacturing plant located in a settled area
  7. locating oil wells or refineries in populated communities
  8. test firing solid-fuel rocket motors.[6]

On the other hand, US courts typically rule the following activities as not "ultrahazardous": parachuting, drunk driving, maintaining power lines, and letting water escape from an irrigation ditch.[7]

Tort law

In tort law, strict liability is the imposition of liability on a party without a finding of fault (such as negligence or tortious intent). The claimant need only prove that the tort occurred and that the defendant was responsible. The law imputes strict liability to situations it considers to be inherently dangerous.[8] It discourages reckless behaviour and needless loss by forcing potential defendants to take every possible precaution. It has the beneficial effect of simplifying and thereby expediting court decisions in these cases, although the application of strict liability may seem unfair or harsh, as in Re Polemis.[9]

Under the English law of negligence and nuisance, even where tortious liability is strict, the defendant may sometimes be liable only for the reasonably foreseeable consequences of his act or omission.[10]

An early example of strict liability is the rule Rylands v Fletcher, where it was held that "any person who for his own purposes brings on his lands and collects and keeps there anything likely to do mischief if it escapes, must keep it in at his peril, and, if he does not do so, is prima facie answerable for all the damage which is the natural consequence of its escape". If the owner of a zoo keeps lions and tigers, he is liable if the big cats escape and cause damage or injury.[11]

In strict liability situations, although the plaintiff does not have to prove fault, the defendant can raise a defense of absence of fault, especially in cases of product liability, where the defense may argue that the defect was the result of the plaintiff's actions and not of the product, that is, no inference of defect should be drawn solely because an accident occurs.[12] If the plaintiff can prove that the defendant knew about the defect before the damages occurred, additional punitive damages can be awarded to the victim in some jurisdictions.[13]

The doctrine's most famous advocates were Learned Hand, Benjamin Cardozo, and Roger J. Traynor.[14]

Strict liability is sometimes distinguished from absolute liability. In this context, an actus reus may be excused from strict liability if due diligence is proved. Absolute liability, however, requires only an actus reus.[15]


In the United States courts have applied strict liability to vaccines since the Cutter incident in 1955.[16] Some vaccines (e.g. for Lyme disease) have been removed from the market because of unacceptable liability risk to the manufacturer.[17]

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) was enacted in 1986 to make an exception for childhood vaccines that are required for public school attendance. The NCVIA created a no-fault compensation scheme to stabilize a vaccine market adversely affected by an increase in vaccine-related lawsuits, and to facilitate compensation to claimants who found pursuing legitimate vaccine-inflicted injuries too difficult and cost prohibitive.[16][18]

Bicycle–motor vehicle collisions

A form of strict liability has been supported in law in the Netherlands since the early 1990s for bicycle-motor vehicle collisions.[19] In a nutshell, this means that, in a collision between a car and a cyclist, the driver is deemed to be liable to pay damages and his insurer (motor vehicle insurance is mandatory in the Netherlands, while cyclist insurance is not) must pay the full damages, as long as 1) the collision was unintentional (i.e. neither party, motorist or cyclist, intentionally crashed into the other), and 2) the cyclist was not in error in some way.[19] Even if a cyclist made an error, as long as the collision was still unintentional, the motorist's insurance must still pay half of the damages. This does not apply if the cyclist is under 14 years of age, in which case the motorist must pay full damages.[19] If it can be proved that a cyclist intended to collide with the car, then the cyclist must pay the damages (or their parents in the case of a minor).[19]

General aviation

The trend toward strict liability in the United States during the mid to late 20th century nearly destroyed the small aircraft industry by the mid 1990s. Production had dropped from a peak of 18,000 units per year in 1978 to under only a few hundred by 1993.[20][21] With a concurrent increase in the cost of liability insurance per airplane rising from $50 in 1962 to $100,000 in 1988, and many underwriters had begun to refuse all new policies.[22][23][24][21]

Criminal law

The concept of objective liability[25] occurs when the legal system attributes an offense to a subject,[26] using only the causal link as the attribution criterion.[27]

The notion of objective responsibility is therefore functional to the notion of presupposed causal relationship:[28] a causality that is extremely poor in content is that of the sine qua non condition,[29] which reduces the causal link to a mechanistic connection between a conduct and a naturalistic event.[30] Conversely,adequate/scientific causality comes closer to satisfying the principle of guilt in its subjective dimension.[31] Not unlike the causal relationship, strict liability can also appear in the form of commission or omission.[32] Some countries, such as England, consider strict liability an almost unavoidable phenomenon, to be accepted in compliance with the practical needs of evidential simplification in court proceedings.[33] A second group of countries such as, for example, Germany, Austria, Spain and Portugal are inspired, at a declamatory level, by the principle of guilt (Schuldprinzip) in its narrowest dimension,[34] which only admits forms of malicious and negligent accusation.[35] In fact, one of the most widespread declamatory statements in the legal literature of German culture (which is also denied by the operational rules actually practiced) consists in the assertion of the overcoming of the forms of objective liability, which, in fact, has been repealed by legislation.[36] A third situation is the Italian one, where the principle of strict liability is present at a legal level, as in England, but does not enjoy (unlike England) the favor of the doctrine (which is inspired by the German model) and is made the subject of notable limitations by the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court.[37] Generally speaking, the empirical results of judicial practice label as unsuccessful the attempts to free oneself from the use of the strict liability model in those particular border sectors between fraud and negligence: we are talking about lying models of disguised strict liability.[38]


The illicit praeter intentionem is the typical expression of objective liability (Minus voluit delinquere et plus deliquit: qui in re illicita versatur, tenetur etiam pro casu),[39] provided for in the various criminal systems;[40] and with a historicity in both Roman criminal law[41] and canon law.[42] The formula "beyond the intention", understood as the excess of the event with respect to the intention, means that the realized event is "more serious than the desired one":[43] an unwanted event may not be contrary to the will, but rather beyond of it. In preterintention there is a relationship between the conduct and the event ("from the action or omission a harmful or dangerous event arises"),[44] and then between the agent and the event ("... more serious than that desired by the agent"):[45] the link of psychic causality is complementary to that of material causality, therefore it determines the projection of the will of the minor event towards the more serious one.[46] In fact, the subject's action is not directed towards the event of the crime, but towards a different result: the death event is characterized by being the involuntary outcome of a progression, albeit maliciously initiated.[47] The inevitable relevance of preterintention as a resolving case for the uncertain border areas between guilt and fraud,[48] has made it necessary to seek a structural concordance with the principle of culpability,[49] with the consequence that it would no longer be acceptable as sufficient to limit oneself to highlighting the objective data of the causation of an event more serious than the desired one causally linked to the malicious conduct of beatings or injuries,[50] requiring, however, the ascertainment of the violation of a preventive precautionary rule of the materialization of the involuntary event since it is unintentional.[51] In common law systems the figure of unintentional homicide is generally found in the category of “Felony-Murder”:[52] still considered fundamental in judicial practice,[53] to respond to requests for justice and to resolve evidentiary problems in the so-called border areas between possible fraud and conscious negligence.[54] In England,[55] however, the legislator has “formally overcome” this category of crime,[56] “conforming” to Scottish criminal law which prides itself on never having known the primitive figure of the Felony-Murder (D. Hume).[57] In Canadian law, this type of murder (Felony-Murder) is at least formally opposed, as it is an expression of objective responsibility.[58] As for the Australian system,[59] this regulates the progressive scheme of the discourse homicide (Unintentional Killing: Manslaughter)[60] also in Section 4° of the Crimes act 1958 (Vic).[61]

To understand the structure of the main crime in which the strict liability model is inevitably used,[62] a comparative interpretation is essential:[63] comparing the realities of common law with those of civil law: be de jure condito/condendo.[64] In the Italian criminal system there is a large literature on the unintentional crime regulated by articles 584, 43, 42, 585 of the penal code[65] and 27 of the constitution: one thesis highlights the objective liability ontology of unintentional homicide, which cannot be converted into negligent homicide; the opposite orientation, due to the art. 27 of the Constitution,[66] deems the rejection of strict liability inevitable in favor of ascertaining culpable liability for unintentional death, and without renouncing the unitary nature of a single crime.[67] The Spanish system, in fact, imitating the solution adopted in the Swiss[68][69] and Swedish[70] penal codes),[71] charges the offender with two crimes: the voluntary crime of injury and manslaughter[72] (art. 5 c.p.[73] “There is no punishment without malice or negligence” ).[74] In Germany,[75] § 227 StGB provides for the crime of malicious bodily harm resulting in unintentional fatal consequences (charged under § 18 StGB).[76] Conversely, the Austrian StGB in § 86[77] regulates voluntary personal injuries with lethal outcome, reprimanded under § 4 StGB.[78] In the French code it is regulated in art. 222-7 c.p.[79] Some hypotheses of manslaughter exist in the Dutch penal systems[80] (art. 302 of the Criminal Code),[81] Norwegian[82] (Intentional injury [§§ 22 and 273] and manslaughter [§§ 23 and 275]),[83] Greek (Art. 311[84] of the Criminal Code)[85] and Belgian (art. 401 of the Criminal Code);[86][87] as well as in the penal code of Kuwait,[88][89] in the Nicaraguan one and structurally also found in the penal system of New Zealand[90] (Part 8: Crimes against the person, in particular art. 166),[91] Malaysia[92] (Chapter XVI: Crimes against life),[93] Singaporean,[94][95] Indian[96] (see Art. 300-304° criminal code),[97] Pakistani,[98] Chinese[99] (art. 234² criminal code),[100] Indonesian,[101] Philippine,[102] Irish (so-called Fatal injury),[103] Mongolian[104] (Article 96. Intentional infliction of a severe bodily injury ),[105] and in the Polish,[106] Danish,[107][108] Icelandic,[109] Panamanian,[110] Venezuelan,[111] Colombian,[112] Argentine,[113] Uruguayan,[114] Brazilian,[115] Peruvian,[116] Costa Rican, Ecuadorian,[117] and Cuban[118] and Mexican penal codes;[119][120] and again, in the penal realities of Hungarian (§ 306),[121] Bosnia-Herzegovina (§ 215),[122] nigerian,[123] Finnish (Kap XXI, § 4),[124] Bulgarian (art. 226 penal code),[125] Japanese (art. 205 c.p.),[126] Congolese (art. 48 c.p.),[127] Egyptian (art. 215), Moroccan (Article 403 c.p.),[128] Algerian (art. 264 c.p.)[129], Tunisian (art. 208 c.p.),[130] Lithuanian,[131] Luxembourg (art. 401, 418), Croatian (art. 4, 39, 43, 45, 95, 98 -100 of the criminal code),[132] Cameroonian[133] (art. 278 of the criminal code),[134] Somali (Art. 441 c.p.),[135] Andorese (art. 24 penal code),[136] Bolivian,[137] Muslim (chibh al-‘amd), Romanian (art. 16, paragraph 5, new penal code),[138] Albanian (art. 88, second paragraph, penal code),[139] Syrian (articles 187, 189 and 536 criminal code),[140] Georgian (art. 11 criminal code 1999) [141]and Chilean;[142] and then, in the Turkish,[143] Russian,[144] South African,[145] Senegalese (Artt. 294-309 c.p.),[146] Slovenian penal systems[147] (articles 4, 19, 129 and 139 of the penal code),[148] and Portuguese.[149][150]


See also


  1. ^ Faroldi, Federico L. G.; Faroldi, Federico L.G. (2016). "Strict Liability vs. Responsabilità Oggettiva. The Hart-Wootton Debate". Rivista di filosofia del diritto (2/2016). doi:10.4477/84942. ISSN 2280-482X.
  2. ^ Gray, Anthony (2021-02-25). The Evolution from Strict Liability to Fault in the Law of Torts. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-1-5099-4100-1.
  3. ^ Best, Arthur; Barnes, David W.; Kahn-Fogel, Nicholas (2018-02-13). Basic Tort Law: Cases, Statutes, and Problems: Cases, Statutes, and Problems. Aspen Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4548-9763-7.
  4. ^ Hylton, Keith N. (2016-06-06). Tort Law: A Modern Perspective. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-12532-2.
  5. ^ Emanuel, Steven L. (2024-01-26). Emanuel Law Outlines for Torts. Aspen Publishing. ISBN 978-1-5438-0757-8.
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  7. ^ Baldwin, Scott; Jr, Francis H. Hare; McGovern, Francis E. (2012-12-13). Product Liability Case Digest, 2013-2014 Edition. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-1-4548-0984-5.
  8. ^ Cantú, Charles E. (January 2, 2002). "Distinguishing the Concept of Strict Liability for Ultra-Hazardous Activities from Strict Liability Under Section 402A of the Restatement (Second) of Torts: Two Parallel Lines of Reasoning that Should Never Meet" (PDF). University of Akron Law Review. University of Akron School of Law. Retrieved May 2, 2012.[permanent dead link]
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  12. ^ Hinckley v. La Mesa R.V. Center, Inc., 158 Cal. App.3d 630, 205 Cal. Rptr. 22 (1984)
  13. ^ III, H. Beau Baez (2023-07-20). Tort Law in the United States. Kluwer Law International B.V. ISBN 978-94-035-1297-6.
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