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Hispanicism is the study of Spanish Culture and Hispano-American


During century XVI all the new one came to him to Europe from Spain: new conquered earth, new subjects, literary sorts and personages, new dances, new fashions… Soon there was necessity to know how Spanish to satisfy that curiosity more totally, also moved by commercial and economic interests, towards the new political power, first in showing an European and overseas empire in the new Europe of Renaissance . In order to respond to that demand they took in the first place the pen Spanish writers like Antonio de Nebrija, author of the first grammar printed in a Romance language, Grammatical Castilian of 1492, or Juan de Valdés, that composed for its Italian friendly eager to learn Castilian his Dialog of the language; Villalón lawyer wrote in Castilian his Grammatical (Antwerp, 1558) that the Castilian was spoken by flamenco, Italian, English and French.

During long time, mainly between 1550 and 1670, he left the European presses an impressive amount of Spanish grammars and dictionaries that related the Spanish to some or some of the other languages. Two of the oldest grammars were imprimieron exactly in Louvain: Useful and brief institution to learn the principles and foundations of the Spanish language (1555) and Grammatical of the Spanish vulgar language (1559); the two are anonymous.

Between the foreign authors more outstanding of Italian Spanish grammars are Giovanni Mario Alessandri (1560) and Giovanni Vantage point (1566); English Richard Percivale (1591), John Minsheu (1599) and Lewis Owen (1605); the French Jean Saulnier (1608) and Jean Doujat (1644); the German Heinrich Doergangk (1614) and Dutch Carolus Mulerius (1630).

Composed dictionaries Italian Girolamo Vittori (1602), English John Torius (1590) and the French Jacques Ledel (1565), Jean Palet (1604) and François Huillery (1661). The lexicographical contribution to the French hispanicism of the German Heinrich Hornkens (1599) and of francoespañol also had its importance Pere Lacavallería (1642).

Others united in their works grammatical and dictionary; the works of English Richard Percivale (1591), of the French Cesar Oudin (1597, 1607), of Italian Lorenzo Franciosini (1620, 1624), of Arnaldo of Porte (1659, 1669) and of the Austrian had a special relevance on the matter Nicholas Mez von Braidenbach (1666, 1670). Franciosini and Oudin were also translators of Quijote. The list is not far from it complete and the grammars and dictionaries in general had great number of reediciones, adaptations, recastings and even translations (Grammaire et observations de langue espagnolle of Oudin, for example, was translated to the Latin and the English), reason why is not possible to exaggerate the great impact that had the Spanish language in the Europe of centuries XVI and XVII.

In Century XIX, agreeing with the loss of the colonial empire Spanish to principles and at the end of this century and the sprouting of the new Hispano-American republics, brings forth in Europe and the United States a renewed interest by History, Literature and the Hispanic of long ago the great power, now declining culture, and its now independent colonies.

During Romanticism is based the image of a medieval Spain, dwells and exotic, of a fictional country and a racially mixed culture that seduces to the imagination of Writers of that current and makes to many be interested in Literature, Legend and Spanish traditions. Books of trips written at that time still more maintain and intensify that interest, that finishes waking up a more serious and scientific impulse towards the study of the Spanish and Hispano-American culture, that did not have coined word to denominate itself in Spanish and was designated by the end of century XIX with the words hispanófilo and hispanofilia (thus, for example, Juan Valera), and that at the beginning of century XX finished being called Hispanismo (Hispanicism).

This it is defined, then, as the study of the Spanish and Hispano-American culture and especially of his Language on the part of foreigners or people noneducated in its sine. The Hispanic nations are unheeded east interest, that results indirectly in its own benefit, until lately was based Cervantes Institute, in parallel to institutions like British Council or Goethe Institute. On the other hand, the independent communities Spanish, eager to monopolize that interest, have tried to also develop within the hispanicism their own quotas of market, becoming to represent in the Hispanic studies Catalanística, Vasquística and Galeguística ; nevertheless the facet that interests more in the international Hispanicism is not any of those, but Hispanoamericanística.

The Hispanicism in the world

Hispanicism in the United States and Canada

The hispanicism in the United States was especially fecund whereas it comprises of his more intimate history, ligature closely in the south from the country to the one of the Spanish empire, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Philippine and Cuba. In the United States there are about thirty and five million of speaking of this language, that there second more is spoken and by the most important minority; one stays used in states like New Mexico, Florida, Californian, Texas and actively, some of richest them of the country, and in populated cities like New York, Los Angeles, Miami, San Antonio or San Francisco. The American Teacher Association of Spanish and Portuguese dates from 1917. An annual congress celebrates, that every two years it takes place outside the United States; the magazine Hispania is its official publication. It exists, also, one North American Academy of the Spanish Language.

The first chairs of Spanish in the United States were those of Harvard (1819), Virginia (1825) and Yale (1826). The North American consul in Valencia, Obadiah Rich, concerned numerous books and valuable manuscripts that ended up setting up the bottom Obadiah Rich of the Public Library of New York, and numerous magazines published translations, mainly North American Rewiev. Many travellers published their impressions on Spain, like Alexander S. Mackenzie (To year in Spain, 1829, and Spain revisited, 1836), books very read by Irving and Poe, and other travellers like the Sephardic journalist Mordecai M. Noah and the diplomat Caleb Cushing and its wife. Edgar Allan Poe studied Spanish in the University of Virginia and some stories his have Spanish bottom. Also it wrote articles critics on Castilian Literature. The beginnings of the hispanicism themselves it is necessary nevertheless to look for them in works of Washington Irving, that Fernandez de Moratín knew Leandro in Bordeaux in 1825 and was in Spain between 1826 (where she frequented the social gathering of the marquesa widow of Casa Irujo, another North American, Sarah Maria Theresa McKean, 1780-1841) and in 1829 and soon like ambassador between 1842 and 1846; Irving studied in Spanish libraries and treated in Madrid to Martin Fernandez de Navarrete, one of whose works of used like source for his History the life and voyages of Colombus (1828), and made friends and was corresponded with Cecilia Böhl de Faber, from where a mutual influence was born. Its romantic interest by the Arab shaped in his Chronicle of the conquest of Granada (1829) and his Alhambra (1832). To the social gathering of McKean John Montgomery also belonged the children of the Bostonian of Irish origin, consul of the United States in Alicante, in particular the writer George Washington Montgomery, been born in Spain. also belongs to the history of the North American hispanicism the translations of classic carried out Spaniards by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, that happened through Madrid in 1829 expressing its letter impressions, a newspaper and Outre-Mer (1833-1834). Good connoisseur of the classic ones, realized an excellent translation of Jorge Manrique. In order perform one's duty of Spanish professor composed Spanish Novels (1830) that are not but story adaptations of Irving; it published several tests on Spanish Literature and a drama, the Spanish student (1842), where imitates to those of Century of Gold. In its anthology The poets and poetry of Europe (1845) ample reserve place to Spanish poets. William Cullen Bryant translated moriscos romances and composed a poem to "The revolution española" (1808) and another one to "Cervantes" (1878). It was related in New York to Spaniards and as director of Evening Post included in the magazine many articles on peninsular subjects. It was in Spain in 1847, relating his impressions in Letters of a traveller (1850-1857). In Madrid it knew Carolina Crowned, of that passed to English the poem "The bird perdido" and the novel "Jarilla", it inserts in Evening Post. But the most important group of Spanish scholars was without a doubt the Bostonian. History of Spanish Literature of George Ticknor, professor of Spanish in Harvard, and the historical works on the conquest of America of William H. Prescott are without a doubt contributions of first order. Ticknor was friend of Paschal Gayangos, that knew in London, and visited Spain in 1818, picking up their impressions in Life, letters and journal (1876). Prescott composed in primoroso style concientious histories on the conquest of Mexico and Peru, as well as a history of the reign of Kings Católicos.

Other important Spanish scholars have been French E. Flack and Marion Wilcox, that the relations have studied Hispanic-North Americans; A. Irving Leonard, of the University of Michigan, is had specialized in the work of Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora and published numerous works on Hispano-American Literature and history; Hubert H. Bancroft (1832-1918) and Edward G. Bourne (1860-1908) have vindicated the work of Spain in America. Williams has written on art. Ford (1873-1958) is author of anthologies Old Spanish Readings (1906) and Spanish Anthology (1901). Helman has studied to Goya in Trasmundo de Goya (Madrid 1964). Charles Carroll Marden made the critical edition of Poema de Fernán González and published anonymous Libro de Apolonio and Milagros de Nuestra Señora of Gonzalo de Berceo; Katherine R. Whitmore, musa inspiring of the poetic cycle of Pedro Salinas, has taken care of lyrical contemporary and the Generation of 98. Charles Philip Wagner did one Spanish Grammar and studied the sources of the Libro del caballero Cifar; George T. Northup made text editings medieval as Libro de los gatos; Raymond S. Willis studied Libro de Alexandre; its homonymous Raymond R. MacCurdy realized fundamental studies and editions on Francisco Rojas Zorrilla; Lewis U. Hanke specialized in the historiography of Indians, and published excellent studies on the father Bartolomé de las Casas; Ada M. Coe, Youngest child B. Ashcom, Ruth Lee Kennedy and Gerald Edward Wade studied particularly the theater; Sylvanus Grisworld Morley and Courtney Bruerton established for the first time a solid chronology of plays of Lope de Vega; Sturgis E. Leavitt was dedicated to the bibliographical studies; Edwin B. Pleases studied the life and builds of Maria de Zayas and published Amadís de Gaula; Nicholson B. Adams was devoted to the romantic drama; Henry H. Carter published the Cancionero de Ajuda; J. Wickersham Crawford studied the life and works of Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa; Edwin B. Williams composed a bilingual dictionary; and Henry R. Kahane, the professor of Harvard Dwight L. Bolinger and Norman P. Sacks wrote on linguistic, grammar etc. Also Spanish professors have contributed to the promotion of the Hispanic studies and other countries that teach in the North American universities, like Federico de Onís, Ángel del Río, Joaquin Casalduero and his nephew Joaquín Gimeno Casalduero, Francisco García Lorca - brother small of Federico, José Fernández Montesinos, José Francisco Cirre, Jorge Guillén, Pedro Salinas, Claudio Guillén, César Barja, Diego Marín, Agapito Rey, Vicente Lloréns... Hieronymite I enmesh or Américo Castro. The Spanish emigrant and philanthropist Gregorio del Amo created in addition in Los Angeles Foundation to Amo to foment the cultural interchanges between both countries. Between the disciples in the University of Princeton of Américo Castro appears, aside from the Spanish Juan Marichal, Edmund L. King, great specialist in the work of Gabriel Miró, Albert A. Sicroff and Stephen Gilman; this last one was a penetrating student of the Celestina. Rudolph Schevill published with Adolfo Bonilla Complete Works of Miguel de Cervantes; Joseph G. Fucilla studied the Italian track in the Hispanic letters and Archer Milton Huntington, that had by professor another Spanish scholar, William Ireland Knapp, founded Hispanic Society, one of the fundamental pillars of the North American hispanicism.

Other important American Spanish scholars were Otis H. Green, professor of the University of Pennsylvania, was co-director of Hispanic Review, the most famous magazine of the hispanicism in that one country; Yakov Malkiel, Ralph Hayward Keniston, to that must to a useful study on Syntax of Century of Gold; Lloyd Kasten and Lawrence B. Kiddle, whom some works of published Alfonso X el Sabio; Erwin Kempton Mapes, specialized in Modernism; John E. Englekirk, famous hispanoamericanista that studied in addition the track to Edgar Allan Poe in Hispanic Literatures; John Esten Keller, publisher of medieval story repertoires; Leo Spitzer, Alan S. Trueblood, Laurel H. Wardropper, Anthony Zahareas, Walter T. Pattison, Richard Pattee, Russell P. Sebold, specialized in convulso transit between the century XVIII and XIX, Edwin S. Morby, publisher of novels of Lope de Vega; James O. Crosby, quevedist expert; John McMurry Hill edition, author of classic theater and glossaries and bibliographies; Canadian Harry W. Hilborn, that composed a chronology of works of Pedro Calderón de la Barca; Richard Herr, with an important book on dieciochesca Spain, John Dowling, Elías L. Rivers, the great specialist in Garcilaso; Donald F. Fogelquist; Karl Ludwig Selig, student of the relations between emblematic and the Literature of the Century of Gold; Victor R. Oelschläger; William H. Shoemaker, great student of Benito Pérez Galdós; Albert Sicroff, author of a classic study on the statutes of blood cleaning (estatutos de limpieza de sangre); Charlotte Stern, student of the Spanish medieval theater; Kenneth R. Scholberg, Kessel Schwartz etc. The North American hispanicism continues vigorous with as active figures as Daniel Eisenberg, David T. Gies, Robert Lauer, etc.

In the United States there are important societies that dedicate themselves to the study, conservation and spreading of the Spanish culture. Hispanic Society of America is most well-known; also there are libraries specialized in Hispanic matter, like the one of University of Tulane, in New Orleans. Important magazines are Hispanic Rewiev, Magazine of Spain, New Magazine of Hispanic Philology, Hispania, Dieciocho, Modern Hispanic Magazine and Cervantes .

Hispanicism in France and Belgium

The history of the hispanicism in France is very old and starts of the powerful influence that exerted the Literature of Century of Gold on authors like Pierre Corneille or Paul Scarron. The numerous grammars and dictionaries have already been mentioned at the beginning of this work that were written on the part of natural of France; but also there were Spanish protestants who fled from Inquisición and took by office education from the Spanish language, like for example the author of Second part of the Lazarillo de Tormes, Juan de Luna. Parfaicte méthode pour entendre, écrire et parler langue espagnole (Paris: Lucas Breyel, 1597) of the meritorious Charpentier was forgotten immediately by the grammar Cesar Oudin (also of 1597) that served as model those most of that later they were written in French. Michel de Montaigne read to Cronistas of Indians and had like like one of its models to fray Antonio de Guevara. They took arguments and personages from Spanish Literature Molière, Alain-René Lesage or Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian.

They traveled by Spain in century XIX and left to testimony written of it painters like Eugène Delacroix and Henri Regnault; as important writers as Alexandre Dumas, Théophile Gautier, George Sand, Stendhal, Hippolyte Taine or Prosper Merimée; travellers like Jean François Bourgoing, Charles Davillier, Louis Viardot, Isidore Justin Séverin, Charles Didier, Alexandre de Laborde, Antoine de Latour, Joseph Bonaventure Laurens, Edouard Magnien, Pierre Louis de Crusy and Antoine Fréderic Ozanam. François René de Chateaubriand returned from Jerusalem through Spain and counted its trip. Louis Viardot was a great Spanish work translator; Victor Hugo was in Spain accompanying to its father general Hugo in 1811 and 1813, envanecía in being called Great of Spain and knew the language it used and it; there are numerous references, among others figures and texts, to Cid and the work of Cervantes in its works, so that separate article could be written on the presence of the Spanish culture in its work; Prosper Merimée (that either before realizing its repeated trips to Spain or had shaped its intuitive vision of the same in the theater of Clear Gazul (1825) and in the family of Carvajal (1828); it made many trips between 1830 and 1846, leaving numerous friendly, among them Duke of Rivas and Antonio Alcala Galiano, and wrote Lettres adressées d'Espagne au directeur of the Revue de Paris that is imperceptible costumbristas outlines and between which emphasizes their description of a bullfight of bulls, spectacle to which since then it was become fond of; their short novels are classic works on Spain the souls of the Purgatorio (1834), that transfers the subject of Don Juan Tenorio to Salamanca, since Jose de Espronceda later does in his the student of Salamanca, and Carmen (1845); Henri Murger, Stendhal or Gustave Flaubert . Only on the influence of Miguel de Cervantes could become chapter separate and Honoré de Balzac was friend of Francisco Martinez of the Rose and the twig dedicated to its novel to him (1829). It is necessary to also remember that Martinez of the Rose released Abén Humeya in Paris in 1831. Romancero included in Bibliothèque universelle of romans that was published in 1774. Crezé de Lesser published Romance du Cid in 1814, comparing them like epic Herder with the Greek, and they were reprinted in 1823 and 1836, giving much that to fabular to the French romantic movement. The brother of Victor, the journalist and publisher Abel Hugo, that always emphasized the literary value of Romancero, translated and published in 1821 Romancero and history of the king gift Rodrigo and in 1822 Romance historiques traduits of l'espagnol . Vaudeville also composed, Them français in Espagne (1823), fruit of its interest by this country, in which there was been when younger with its brother in the Noble Seminary of Madrid in time of king Jose. Madame de Stäel contributed to the knowledge of Spanish Literature in France it did since it with the knowledge of the German, so main to introduce Romanticism in the country. For it Course of dramatic Literature translated of Friedrich von Schlegel in 1814 and volume IV of the work of Bouterwek, to which espagnole imposed the title of Histoire of littérature in 1812. Also with its study helped to spread it to Swiss Simonde de Sismondi Of littérature du midi of l'Europe (1813). In this sense the Castilian poetry anthology was very important subsequent to century XV translated and published with introductions and notes by Juan Maria Maury under the title L'Espagne poétique, in 1826-1827, in two volumes. The publishing house Baudry published in Paris many works of romantic Spaniards and even maintained one Collection of the best Spanish authors of which Eugene de Ochoa was in charge, Spanish writer who was bilingual and practically lived half on the time in Paris. Visions of Spain offered books of trips of Madame d'Aulnoy, Saint-Simon, Théophile Gautier (that crossed Spain in 1840 and published Voyage in Espagne (1845) and one Spain (1845), plenty of colorful colorful sensitivity and, as much, that they served as inspiration to the same Spaniards (poets like Zorrilla and narrators like those of the 98 Generation of ) and Alexandre Dumas (that attended in Madrid the representation of Don Juan Tenorio of Jose Zorrilla and left Impressions of voyage (1847-1848) quite negative on its experiences; its drama Don Juan de Marana revives the donjuanesca legend, changing the end after to have seen the version of Zorrilla in the delayed edition of 1864. Fran1cois-René de Chateaubriand happened through the peninsula in 1807 and had some intervention in the invasion of One hundred thousand children of San Luis in 1823; d'Outre told in his it Mémoires tombe (1849-1850). Perhaps at that time conceived to write you venture du to Them to dernier Abencerraje (1826), raising the chivalry hispanoárabe. Very read espagnol was Lettres d'un (1826) of Louis Viardot, that was in Spain in 1823. Stendhal dedicated to the chapter " Of l'Espagne" in its test Of l'amour (1822). visited the Peninsula in 1834 soon. George Sand spent one season in Majorca with Chopin (1837-1838), installed in the tétrica Cartuja de Valldemosa, as she herself remembers in to hiver au midi of l'Espagne (1842) and in his Memories . The Spanish classic painting exerted a formidable influence on Manet, and more recently on the modern French painting generally Pablo Ruiz Picasso or Salvador Dali . Spanish music marked composers like the Georges Bizet, Emmanuel Chabrier, Edouard Lalo, Ravel, Debussy, etc.

In Belgium and Pierre Groult emphasize Lucien-Paul Thomas, that studied mainly Mystical Castilian in relation to the flamenco one;, Ernesto Merimée, founder of French Institute of Madrid, creator of Manual of history of Spanish Literature and student of Quevedo drove the Hispanic studies in France Pierre Paris and Guillén de Castro, its son Henri ; Léo Rouanet, Jean Joseph Stanislas Albert Ladies Hinard, Jean-Josep Saroïhandy, Jean Camp, the Georges Cirot, Desdevises du Dézert, Gaston Paris, Adolphe de Puibusque, Raymond Foulché-Delbosc, Eugène Kohler, Marcel Bataillon, Alfred Morel-Fatio, Maurice Legendre Jean Sarrailh, Jean Cassou, Felix Lecoy, Valery Larbaud, Pierre Fouché, Marcel Lepée, Henri Gavel, Jean Ducamin, Pierre Gentile Him, Israël Salvator Révah, Noel Salomon, Alain Guy, Especially Chevalier, Louis Combet, the Georges Demerson, Marcelin Défourneaux, Charles Vincent Aubrun, Robert Marrast, Gaspard Delpy, Pierre Vilar, Bartholomew Benassar, Joseph Perez, Jean Canavaggio, René Andioc, Albert Dérozier, Claude Morange, Marc Vitse, Robert Jammes, Frédéric Serralta, Lucienne Domergue, Théodore Joseph Boudet, Adolphe Coster, Claude Couffon, Maurice Molho …

At present the most important centers of the Hispanicism in France are in Universities of Bordeaux and Toulouse, and in Paris, where Institut DES Études Hispaniques exists the call, founded on 1912 . Very prestigious magazines are published in addition, like Bulletin Hispanique .

Hispanicism in Great Britain and Ireland

The first Spanish book translated the English was the Celestine ; one is a verse adaptation published in London between 1525 and 1530 and given by some John Rastell, of which it only consists it made that it print. It includes/understands the four first acts solely and is done on the Italian version of Ordo'6nez; habitually is known it as Interlude and its original title is To new comedy in English in manner of an interrubs right elegant and full of craft of rethoric: wherein is shewed and described ace well the beauty and good properties of women, ace to their vices and evil conditions with to moral conclusion and exhortation to virtue . The Scottish poet William Drummond (1585-1649) translated to Garcilaso of the Fertile valley and to Juan Boscán . The English knew the masterpieces Castilian Literature, that very soon were translated, mainly Amadís de Gaula of Garci Rodriguez de Montalvo and well Jail of love of Diego of San Pedro ; Sir Philip Sidney had read Seven books of the Morning call of hispanoportugués Jorge de Montemayor and the poetry of this influenced to him greatly; John Bourchier translated golden Libro of Aurelio Frame of fray Antonio de Guevara . David Rowland translated Lazarillo de Tormes in 1586 and surely this work inspired first English picaresque Novel, the infortunado traveller (1594) of Thomas Nashe . the Celestine was translated, this already complete time, by the end of the XVI: (in London, J. Wolf, 1591; Adam Islip, 1596; William Apsley, 1598 et cetera). Some of the translators of that time traveled or lived by a time in Spain, like Lord Berners, Bartholomew Yong, Thomas Shelton, Leonard Digges or James Mabbe . William Cecil (Lord Burghley; 1520-1598) owned without a doubt the most extensive book library in Spanish of the United Kingdom, but their affections towards Spain and its negotiations did not manage to avoid the war of Felipe II against Isabel I .

The isabelino theater also underwent the powerful influence of Century of Spanish Gold : John Fletcher, habitual collaborator of Shakespeare, lavishly took from Cervantes : of Quijote for his Cardenio, written in collaboration with the Swan of the Avon, that was on the other hand an unsuspected reader of Juan Luis You live ; Fletcher also imitated the famous novel in his more well-known Horseman of the ardent beater ; also took from Persiles for his the custom of the country and the illustrious dishwasher for his the beautiful young woman of the sale ; Thomas Middleton and William Rowley was inspired by gitanilla to write his The Spanish Gipsy (1623). The first translation of Quijote to a foreign language was the English version of Thomas Shelton (first part, 1612, second, 1620). The century did not finish without seeing the first English imitation of this work: the satirical poem Hudibras (1663-78), of Samuel Butler . In addition some great poets to Century of Gold were translated to English by the Richard Fanshawe, that died in Madrid.

In Century XVIII already emphasizes a luxurious London edition of Quijote in Castilian (1738) prepared by the enthusiastic Sephardic Jewish cervantista Pedro Pineda, with introduction of novator Gregorio Mayáns and Siscar and excellent engravings; there were with little difference two new translations of Quijote, the one of Jarvis (1742) and the one of the writer of picaresque Novel Tobías Smollet, (1755); Smollet appears as a great reader of Spanish narrative and his works take that always present seal; on the other hand, the best work of the dieciochesca writer Charlotte Lennox is indeed the Quijote woman (1752) and to Cervantes also must to the inspiration of the spiritual Quijote, of Richard Serious . The English clergyman John Bowle realized the one that is without dispute the best edition commented and critical of Don Quixote of century XVIII in 1781; also the novelists learned of Cervantes Henry Fielding and Lawrence Sterne . As far as the British travellers by Spain in this century who left written testimony of their step, and following an order chronological, we can mention to John Durant Breval, Thomas James, Wyndham Beawes, James Harris, Richard Twiss, Francis Carter, William Dalrymple, Philip Thiknesse, Henry Swinburne, John Talbot Dillon, Alexander Jardine, Richard Croker, Richard Cumberland, Joseph Towsend, Arthur Young, William Beckford, John Macdonald, Robert Southey and Neville Wyndham . Straddling the following century and are John Hookham Frere Henry Richard Vassal Fox, more known like Lord Holland (1773-1840), great friend of Melchor Gaspar de Jovellanos and of Manuel Jose Quintana, and benefactor of Jose Maria Target . Lord Holland visited Spain in numerous occasions and wrote its impressions on those trips, aside from collecting books and manuscripts and making a biography of Lope de Vega ; it had open his house to all the Spaniards, mainly to the liberal e'migre's who in century XIX arrived at the London district of Somers absolutist Town fleeing from the fernandina repression, or which simply they did not support the religious and ideological dogmatism of the country; many subsisted making translations or teaching the language anxious English, the majority eager to deal with Hispano-America, but others also with curiosity to learn something on Spanish medieval Literature, very of the romantic taste. One of the e'migre's, Antonio Alcala Galiano, disclosed Spanish Literature in a chair of Spanish created in the University of London in 1828 and published its notes. The publisher Rudolph Ackerman mounted a great business publishing Catechisms (text books) on the most different matters in Spanish for been born the new Hispano-American republics, many of them made up of Spanish e'migre's. Lewis acclimated some of its works in Spain; the protagonist of the abbey of Northanger of Jane Austen so is chalada by gothic novels that has been read like Don Quixote with books of cavalries. Walter Scott was an enthusiastic cervantista and tried to translate some Romance . To Spain and its history of Roderick dedicated to the narrative poem The Vision (1811). Thomas Rodd translated some romances. Also felt great interest by Spain Lord Byron, reader of Don Quixote and translator of the romance Ay of my Alhama in a part of his Childe Harold, not to mention his Don Juan . Richard Trench was translator of Calderón and friend of the emigrated Spaniards, of who some wrote in English and Spanish, like White Jose Maria White or Telesforo de Trueba and Cossío, and many of them spread to the knowledge of the Spanish language and its Literature, like Juan Calderón, that had chair of Spanish in King's College . John Hookham Frere was friend of Duke de Rivas when it was in Malta and it translated to English some medieval and classic poetries. The brothers were Spanish scholars Jeremiah Holmes and Youngest child B. Wiffen, the poet lakista Robert Southey, that translated Amadís de Gaula and Palmerín of England to the English, among others estimable works; The English novelists underwent a strong cervantino influence, especially Charles Dickens, that created to a quixotic pair in Mr. Pickwick and Sam Weller of his posthumous Papers of the Pickwick club ; John Ormsby translated Cantar of Mine Cid and Don Quixote ; Percy Bysshe Shelley left in its work tracks of its devotion by Pedro Calderon de la Barca ; Polyglot John Bowring traveled to Spain in 1819 and left of this trip Observations . Classic travellers are Richard Ford, whose for Handbook travellers in Spain (1845) was reeditadísimo, and George Borrow, author of a delicious book of trips, the Bible in Spain, translated to Castilian by Manuel Azaña ; the calderonista poet Edward Fitzgerald, the historian of Literature James Fitzmaurice-Kelly, " padre" of a whole British generation of Spanish scholars like Edgar Allison Peers or Alexander A. Other outstanding Spanish scholars have been Irish Frank Pierce, student of the cultured epic poetry of Century of Gold ; John Brande Trend, historian of Spanish music; Edward Meryon Wilson, author of a splendid translation to English of the Solitudes of Luis de Góngora (1931); Norman David Shergold, student of sacramental Car ; John E. Varey, that documented to the evolution of the parateatrales forms in Century of Gold ; Geoffrey Ribbans, William James Entwistle, Peter Edward Russell, Nigel Glendinning, Brian Dutton, Gerald Brenan, John H. Elliott, Raymond Carr, Henry Kamen, John H. Polt, Hugh Thomas, Colin Smith, Edward C. Riley, Keith Whinnom, Paul Preston, Alan Deyermond, Ian Michael, Ian Gibson …

The Association of Spanish scholars of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI) was first of all, along with the Japanese, to the salary founded on 1955 by a group of reunited university professors in St. Since then annual congresses have been organized and in 2005 it will take place fiftieth. The AHGBI played a decisive role in the creation of Association the International of Spanish scholars, AIH, whose first congress was celebrated in Oxford in 1962. Which has congresses and publish its acts

Hispanicism in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

German Association of Spanish scholars is based on 1977 and since then an independent and independent hispanicism in Germany exists that celebrates a congress biennial. At this moment the Spanish frequently surpasses to the French in number of students. Forty departments of Romance Philology in Germany exist more or less and more than ten thousand students of Spanish.

Outside the imitation of picaresque Novel by Hans Jakob Christoph von Grimmelshausen, the hispanicism in Germany bloomed with force around the devotion that his provoked Romanticism by Miguel de Cervantes and mainly by the golden dramatist Pedro Calderon de la Barca and Balthasar Gracián . can be considered the first the philologist Friedrich Ten (1794-1876), that Grammatical his of the Romance languages (1836-1843) and etymological Dictionary of the Romance languages (1854) confers to the Spanish an important place; it published its first hispanístico work, Altspanische Romanzen (Romance medieval Spaniards, 1819), when the interest by the Spanish in other authors had already awaked, like Dieze and Friedrich Justin Bertuch .

The romantic group formed by Ludwig Tieck was very important (1773-1853), orientalista, writer and poet whom Quijote translated to the German (1799-1801), Friedrich Bouterwek, peculiar and very erroneous author of History of Spanish Literature and translator of the judge of the divorces of Cervantes, and the Schlegel, of which August Wilhelm (1767-1845) translated works of Calderón ( Spanisches Theater, 1803-1809) and Spanish classic poetry to the German. Jakob Grimm, famous philologist and foclorista, published one Silva of old woman romances (Vienna, 1816) with a prolog in Spanish. Consul in Spain, Juan Nicholas Böhl de Faber was like a great student of Calderón, the Spanish classic theater and traditional popular Literature; the philologist Wilhelm von Humboldt traveled by Spain taking notes and it was interested especially in the Basque language, and the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was a fervent reader and translator of Balthasar Gracián . The count Adolf Friedrich von Schack (1815-1894) made a trip to Spain in 1852 to study the rest of the Arab civilization and since then a fervent Spanish scholar became.

In Switzerland, Austria and other countries of German speech or with emigrants German one began to study and to read Spanish classic Literature with rigor; although the most known Franz Grillparzer is perhaps the Viennese writer, the list is not certainly little in the philology: Wendelin Foerster, Karl Vollmoller, Adolf Tobler, Heinrich Morf, Gustav Grober, Gottfried Baist, Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke is examples of it. Among them there are two Chileans, Rodolfo or Rudolf Lenz (1863-1938), that he published, between many other works, their important Dictionary of the Chilean voices derived from indigenous languages, his Chilenische Studien and other important works on grammar and the Spanish of America, and Federico or Friedrich Hanssen (1857-1919), that wrote one Grammatical historical of the Castilian language and other works of Castilian Hispanic philology on old, Aragonese dialectology and the Spanish of America. Romance Manual of Philology of Wilhelm Meyer-Lübke was a classic one in Spain, as well as historical his Grammatical of the Romance languages (1896-1899) and, already in century XX, Introduction to the linguistic romance (1901) (translated the Spanish), and etymological Dictionary Romanesque (1935). With its translations and their books, Johannes Fastenrath disclosed between its contemporaries the Spanish culture and in addition it created a prize that its name in the Spanish Royal Academy takes to award to best works written in Spanish in lyrical, narrative and test. The Austrian romanista Ferdinand Wolf, friend of Agustín Durán, in particular was interested in Romancero, Lyrical cancioneril and the medieval popular poetry, and studied authors who resided in Vienna, like Cristóbal of Scaffolding . Swiss Heinrich Morf published old Poem of Jose (Leipzig, 1883). Very the works of linguistic Idealismo and were read in Spain Stylistic, represented by Karl Vossler and Ludwig Pfandl . The germanic calderonismo resurged with editions of Max Krenkel . Other important authors were Emil Gessner : DAS Altleonesische ( Leonine old) (Berlin 1867); Gottfried Baist : edition of Libro of the hunting of Don Juan Manuel (1880) and the first one I sketch of an historical grammar of the Spanish: Die spanische Sprache, in the monumental encyclopedia of the Romance philology published by Gustav Grober as of 1888; Hugo Schuchardt : Die you sing flamenco, until today the best work on the subject; Armin Gassner : DAS altspanische Verbum (the old Castilian verb in) (It finds 1897) and a work on Spanish syntax (1890) and several articles on the published Spanish pronouns between 1893 and 1895. It is necessary to also mention: Moritz Goldschmidt : Zur Kritik to der altgermanischen Elemente im Spanischen, Bonn 1887 (mediocre work, but first on the influences of the germanic languages on the Spanish).

Specialized authors more and with important contributions to the Hispanic philology were Werner Beinhauer (Spanish colloquial, phraseology, modismos); Joseph Brüch (germanic influences, historical phonetics); Emil Gamillscheg (germanic influences on the languages peninsular, toponymy, Basoues and Romans) Wilhelm Giese (etimología, dialectology and popular culture, guanchismos, preRoman substrate, judeo-Spanish); Rudolf Grossmann (extranjerismos of the River plate Spanish, Spanish and Hispano-American Literature, Latin American culture); Helmut Hatzfeld ( Stylistic, language of Quijote ); Heinrich Kuen (linguistic situation of the Iberian Peninsula, typology of the Spanish); Alwin Kuhn (Aragonese dialectology, formation of the Romance languages); Fritz Krüger (dialectology, ethnography); Harri Meier (linguistic historical, etimología, formation of the Romance languages, dialectology, linguistic typology); Joseph M. Skin (toponymy and anthroponymy of the iberorrománicas languages); Gerhard Rohlfs (linguistic historical, etimología, toponymy, dialectology, language and culture); Hugo Schuchardt (Spanish etimologías, preRoman dialectology, languages, creoles, Basque studies); Friedrich Schürr (phonetic historical, lexicology); Leo Spitzer (etimología, syntax, stylistic and lexicology of the Spanish); Günther Haensch and Arnold Steiger (Arab influences on the Spanish, Mozarabic language); Karl Vossler (stylistic, characterization of the Spanish language, studies on Spanish Literature and culture); Edmund Schramm made the biography of Courteous Donoso and studied to Unamuno; Max Leopold Wagner (Spanish of America, studies on Gypsy dialect and slangs, dialectology); Adolf Zauner (author of Altspanisches Lehrbuch (Castilian Manual of old, 1907).

Fritz Krüger created famous " school of Hamburgo", that applied to the principles of the school " Worter und Sachen" (" Words and cosas") founded previously by Swiss philologists and German ( Hugo Schuchardt, R. Meyer-Lübke), combining rightly Dialectology and Ethnography . Of 1926 and 1944 und Kultur der Romanen directed to the magazine Volkstum and the supplements of the same (1930-1945), 37 volumes, in which many of their disciples published their works. Krüger wrote mainly on Hispanic dialectology, especially those of the west of Spain (Extremadura and Leon) and of the Pyrenees, that it crossed on foot with the purpose of to gather the materials for his monumental work Die Hochpyrenaen (the central Pyrenees) in which meticulously describes the landscape, the flora and fauna, the material culture, the popular traditions and the dialects of the central Pyrenees. The versatile romanista Gerhard Rohlfs investigated the languages and the common dialects of the two slopes of the Pyrenees and their elements, the preRoman substrates of the peninsular languages, guanchismos, etc.

To Karl Vossler, founder of the linguistic school of Idealismo, today surpassed to a large extent, must to shining Spanish literary work interpretations and deep reflections on the Spanish culture. Vossler initiated with Helmut Hatzfeld and Leo Spitzer a new stylistic school based on the esthetic one, which analyzed mainly average of expression of the different authors (Karl Vossler, Helmut Hatzfeld, I read Spitzer: Introduction to the stylistic romance, Buenos Aires, 1932)

At the beginning of century XX the foundation of two had special importance meritorias institutions dedicated exclusively to the Hispanic studies (including Catalan, Galician and the Portuguese), Iberoamerikanisches Forschungsinstitut of the University of Hamburg, city always abierta to the world, and Iberoamerikanisches lnstitut of Berlin, the great cultural metropolis in those years.

On 1919 the Iberoamerikanisches Forschungsinstitut of the University of Hamburg was based that, until the Sixties was practically the unique university institution with exclusive dedication to the Spanish and the other peninsular languages. The Institute essentially published the valuable magazine Volkstum und Kultur der Romanen (1926 -1944) dedicated to works on dialectology and popular culture, following, generally, you rule of the school " Worter und Sachen" (" Words and cosas"). Under the direction of Fritz Krüger whose disciples published doctoral theses on the Spanish language and its dialects were created " School of Hamburgo".

Founded on 1930, the Institute Iberoamericano or Iberoamerikanisches lnstitut of Berlin received bottoms librarians of several donations among them of the library of the Institute of Latin American lnvestigaciones of the University of Bonn, dissolved in 1930. The library of lnstituto of the Berlin, most important of Europe as far as studies on Spain, Portugal and Latin America and the languages of these countries (including Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, Basque and the indigenous languages of America) today count on 730,000 volumes and 4,300 magazines, in addition with great amount to maps, archives of photographies, slides, magnetic tapes, a cut file of press, one of 18,000 discs. Lnstituto has an efficient asoramiento. It is also dedicated to investigations in the fields of Literature, linguistic, ethnology, history and history of the art. Under the Nazi regime (1933-1945), the German philology crossed a difficult time. Unfortunately there were romanistas that in their chairs and their works praised and propagated the Nazi ideology. Others, however, lost their chairs or underwent another type of persecution, for being Jewish ones (as for example Yakov Malkiel and I read Spitzer, that emigrated), others by not to be pleasing to the regime or even enemy assets of the same (like for example Helmut Hatzfeld, that fled from Germany; Werner Krauss, who lost his chair in 1935).

Reconstructed difficultly with the postwar period, the Hispanic philology of German speech contributed to the works of Carolina Michaëlis de Vasconcellos and Ernst Robert Curtius . Rudolph Grossmann made a great dictionary hispanoalemán and made a Spanish lyrical Anthology. Also and made great contributions Hans Juretschke Werner Kraus . Werner Beinhauer studied the colloquial Spanish and its book in this matter is a classic one that is still read today with pleasure; Torsten Rox studies to Mariano Jose de Larra and the Spanish nineteenth-century media; Hans Magnus Enzensberger has made a new translation of Federico Garci'a Lorca . On the other hand, in Germany has publishing houses specialized in Hispanic studies, like Publishing house Reichenberger de Kassel that is devoted to the Century of Gold and does one meritísima work and the Publishing house Klaus Dieter Ververt, who has a branch in Frankfurt and another one in Madrid, which facilitates the collaboration between the Spanish scholars.

In Austria Franz Grillparzer was the first Spanish scholar, great reader of theater of Century of Gold, and emphasizes Anton Rothbauer like studious black Legend translator lyrical modern and of ; and Rudolf Palgen are also Austrian Alfred Wolfgang Wurzbach .

Hispanicism in Russia

In the Russian Federation the history of the Hispanicism is long and deep and even resisted the rupture of relations on the occasion of the resulting dictatorship of Civil War . It starts of century XVIII and XIX; in this last century, the influence of Cervantes on the novelística of Realism ( Fedor Dostoievski, Iván Turgeniev, Leon Tolstoy et cetera) was profundísimo. Romantic travellers as Sergei Sobolevsli accumulated great book libraries in Spanish and helped to Spanish writers like Juan Valera who visited their country. The dramatist of the Russian Realism Alexándr Ostrovski translated the theater of Pedro Calderon de la Barca and wrote Tests on theater of Century of Gold . Also Yevgueni Andréyevich Salias de Tournemir visited Spain, that published Notes of two-shaft by Spain in 1874, more or less when Emilio Castelar published his contemporary Russia . At present, the Association of Spanish scholars of the federation counts on the support of the Academy of Sciences; the Hispano-American studies also undergo a great increase. In a 2003 nonexhaustive count revealed the number of about four thousand students of Spanish in the universities. Between the outstanding Spanish scholars they can be mentioned, only in century XX, the names of Sergéi Goncharenko, father of a whole generation of Spanish scholars; Victor Andréyev, Vladimir Vasiliev, Natalia Miod, Svetlana Piskunova and Vsévolod Bagno among others many not less important. Recently, in addition, has been based Russian Hernandiano Circle particularly active and consecrated to study the work of Miguel Hernandez, that visited the USSR in September of 1937.

Hispanicism in Poland

Two countries like Spain and Poland, so distant, nevertheless have much common in history and political and cultural evolution. In century X Ibrahim ibn Ya'qub, original Jewish merchant of Tortosa, at that time under the Muslim domination, traveled to the Slav-western countries, perhaps by order of the caliphs. The merchant wrote a story of the trip del that conserves only fragments and adaptations in the work of al-Bekri. Ibn Jacob, stranger in Spain, is one of the pillars of the Polish historiography of the Average Age. Princess Rica (Rycheza) of Poland, daughter of the Polish Duke Ladislao II “the Exile” (1138-1146) married with Alfonso VII “the Emperor” (1126-1157), King of Castile, Leon and Galicia when dying his first woman; on the other hand, more of a hundred of Poles they peregrinated to Santiago de Compostela in the Average Age; we know the names Jakub Cztan, Franciszek de Szubin and Klemens de Moskorzewo .

In 1490, that is to say, Estanislao arrived at Spain Stanislaus Polonus the Pole. Estanislao settled down in Seville, the more prosperous Spanish city of the time, to introduce the press and during the fourteen years that imprimió worked like publisher in Spain (only or with their partners) one hundred eleven titles that together add twelve thousand pages. The University of Salamanca was the first European university that recognized the heliocentric theory of Mikołaj Kopernik ( Nicholas Copérnico, 1473-1543). From 1562 the discoveries of the Polish scientist got up to the curriculum of the second astronomy course. In century XVI we have letters of the humanist Jan Dantyszek ( Juan Dantisco, 1485-1548), ambassador of the king Segismundo I before Carlos V that traveled three times to the Peninsula and remained in her near ten years, establishing friendship with very outstanding figures, like Courteous Hernán . The bishop Piotr Dunin Wolski took to Poland three hundred books in Spanish that happened to thicken Jaguellónica Library of Krakow under the name of Bibliotheca Volsciana . In the Academy of Krakow several Spanish professors worked: the Sevillian Garsías Square and the Aragonese jurist Pedro Ruiz de Moros (1506-1571), known in Poland like Roizjusz, that wrote mainly in Latin and was adviser of the king, who in addition spoke the Spanish well and danced the Pavana. Company of Jesus spread Mystical, Ascetic, the Spanish theology and the theater and was even Polish santo Jesuit in Spain, Stanisław Kostka ( Estanislao de Kostka ) (1550-1568). In century XVI they visited Spain, among others, the travellers Stanisław Łaski, Andrzej Tęczyński, Jan Tarnowski, Stanisław Radziwiłł and Szymon Babiogórski . Also an interesting anonymous story of the year 1595 exists that is conserved in manuscript: Diariusz z peregrynacji włoskiej, hiszpańskiej, portugalskiej ( Daily of the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese peregrination ). The anonymous traveller arrived at Barcelona from Majorca in August of 1595. The mystical works were very influential in this century and ascetic, soon translated, and the philosophy of Juan Luis You live and on Suárez.

Already in century XVII, we have to another travelling outstanding, the Polish nobleman Jacobo Sobieski, that did Way of Santiago and wrote a relation of the same. In years 1674-1675 Andrzej Chryzostom Załuski visited Spain the canon (1650-1711), Jerzy Radziwiłł and Stanisław Radziwiłł among others, and all left testimony written of it; it is stated in that does not know black Legend they ignore or it, because its attitude is always benevolent and in favor of the Spaniards. However, modern Hispanic studies Polish, that they call Iberística, takes of the romantic poet Adam Mickiewicz ; later Joachim came hispanófilos from half-full from century XIX like Lelewel, Wojciech Dzieduszycki, Leonard Rettel, Julian Adolf Swiecicki, Karol Dembowski, who wrote in French a book of trips by the Spain of First Carlista War, or Felix Rozanski, rather disseminators and translators enthusiastic, that preceded to the romanistas which they taught in Poland at that time, like Edward Porebowicz and its successor Zygmunt Czerny . Later and Stefania Ciesielska-Borkowska came Józef Morawski . Maria Strzałkowa wrote the first outline of History of Spanish Literature. As translators emphasize Kazimierz Zawanowski, Zofia Szleyen, Kalina Wojciechowska and Zofia Chądzyńska . The poet and Spanish scholar Florian Smieja taught Spanish and Hispano-American Literature in London, Ontario. In 1971 University of Warsaw was created in the first chair of nonsubordinate Iberística to a department of Romance Literatures and the following year the corresponding university race was created. Now Institute of Iberian and Latin American Studies is called. In her they teach Urszula Aszyk-Bangs, prematurely disappeared M. Pierrette-Ma∏cu˝yƒski (1948-2004) and the polonólogos Robert Mansberger Amorós, Victor Manuel Ferreras and Carlos Marrodán Houses . In Krakow was organized in 1985 the first National Symposium of Spanish scholars. Very important Janusz Tazbir is the work of the Spanish scholars historians and Jan Kienewicz, and in the land of the Literature of Gabriela Makowiecka, Henryk Ziomek, Baczynska Very devout woman, Florian Smieja, Piotr Sawicki and Kazimierz Sabik . Grzegorz BAK, on the other hand, has studied the image of Spain in the Polish Literature of century XIX.

Hispanicism in Portugal and Brazil

The integration of Brazil in Mercosur has created the necessity of one more a closer relation with the Hispanic world and of a better knowledge of the Spanish language, thus the Brazilian state has promoted the insertion of the Spanish language like of obligatory education in the country. A great nucleus of Spanish scholars settled down in the University of Sao Paulo integrated by Fidelino de Figueiredo, Luis Sanchez and Fernandez and Jose Lodeiro . In 1991 is created Brazilian Yearbook of Hispanic Studies, publication that has facilitated the diffusion of the Spanish scholars of the country. In the year 2000 takes place I Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas, whose acts publish under the title Hispanicism 2000. On that occasion was based Brazilian Association of Spanish scholars . II Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas, took place in the year 2002 . In 2004, was celebrated III Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas and in September of 2006, will carry out in Rio de Janeiro IV Congresso Brasileiro de Hispanistas, which will be co-organized by Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro and Brazilian Association of Spanish scholars . Against this Brazilian interest, laziness is peculiar from the Portuguese hispanicism, whose association has only been based on the year 2005 . The Portuguese investigations in this land appear of majority way under the sign of the comparatismo and concern basically to the luso-Spanish, partly because of academic-administrative reasons. The magazine Peninsula is one of most important. Against this, the Portuguese hispanicism appears something faded and in certain way a mutual relation of distrust between the two cultures exists motivated by a desentendimiento history that comes from the great election that made Castile in century XV by Catalonia. Nevertheless writers of Portuguese Renaissance wrote in the two languages, like the dramatist Gil Vicente, Jorge de Montemayor, Sa de Miranda, or, later, the historian Francisco Manuel de Melo .

Hispanicism in Italy

The relation of Spain with Italy has been very early from Average Age, especially in Naples (through the relation that had with Corona de Aragon and Sicily), and PreRenaissance intensified during and Renaissance this time through Castile : Garcilaso of the Fertile valley dealed with to the members Pontaniana Academy and introduced the metric one, the style and the subjects of Petrarquismo in the lyrical Spanish. This close relation extended throughout Manierismo and Baroque, in centuries XVI and XVII. In century XVIII the poet was perhaps the best Spanish scholar of Europe, translator and antólogo Giambattista Conti (1741-1820), and also emphasizes the figure of the dramatist, critic and theater historiógrafo Pietro Naples Signorelli (1731-1815), that was against in their country to those who, as Girolamo Tiraboschi or Bettinelli blamed Spanish Literature of " badly gusto", " corrupción" and " barbarie" ; they traveled by our country Giacomo Casanova and Giuseppe Baretti, leaving interesting relations of its fates, especially the second, that the language learned well, and, as well, Leandro Fernandez de Moratín realized a trip to Italy on which wrote interesting Daily; his father Nicholas was a great friend of the erudite architect of Carlos III Ignazio Bernascone, and the critic Pedro Estala was in the Real Studies of San Isidro with the eminent doctor and arabist Mariano Pizzi . To these names would be possible to add those of Leonardo Capitanacci, Ignazio Gajone, Pleased Bordoni, Giacinto Ceruti, Francesco Pesaro, Giuseppe Olivieri, Giovanni Querini and Marco Zeno .

In century XIX Italian Romanticism felt a great interest by Romancero, that knew the translations Giovanni Berchet in 1837 and Pietro Monti in 1855. Edmundo de Amicis traveled by Spain and picked up its book impressions of trips. Antonio Restori (1859-1928), professor of the Universities of Mesina and Genoa, published some works of Lope de Vega and dedicated to the bibliography of the Spanish theater his Saggi I gave to spagnuola bibliography teatrale (1927); they also must Il Cid, studio storico-critic (1881) and to him the deed of the Cid (1890), among others works of Hispanic subject. Bernardine Sanvisenti, professor of language and Spanish Literature in the Univeridad of Milan, wrote Manuale I gave to spagnuola letteratura (1907) and studied in I primi influssi I gave Dante, of the Petrarca, and the Boccaccio sulla spagnuola letteratura (1902) the influence of Boccaccio, Dante and Petrarca in Spanish Literature.

The Italian hispanicism is born from three centers of interest, already identifiable in century XIX, that are, first of all, the Spanish presence in the Italian peninsula, provoking remarkable interest by the study of Spain and even by the work creation with Spanish subject (in that climate the great success of Carmen is verified, among other things, of the Bizet French in 1875); secondly, the evolution of comparatística science, since the first studies on Literature in Spanish language are born within the Literature compared, from Benedetto Croce with their work the Spagna nella Italian bollard during the Rinascenza (1907) and, mainly, Arthur Farinelli, dedicated to the relations between Spain and Italy, Italy and Germany, and Spain and Germany; to this orbit Spanish scholars like Bernardine Sanvisenti belong ; thirdly, the Romance philology: Mario Casella, author of an important study on Cervantes: il Chisciotte (1938) in two volumes; Ezio Levi, Salvatore Battaglia or Giovanni Maria Bertini, translator of Spanish modern poetry, especially of Federico Garci'a Lorca . Cannilo Guerrieri Crocetti, dicípulo of Pío Rajna, taught in Genoa and Cesare de Lollis made contributions to the Cervantismo.

modern Hispanic studies is born later, as of 1945, with the trio Oreste Macrí, author of a monumental edition of Works of Antonio Machado and fray Luis of Leon ; Guido Mancini and Frank Meregalli . Much more behind schedule will be born Hispanoamericanística, defining itself as an area of independent specialization of Spanish Literature. Between 60 and 70 the first chairs of Language and Hispano-American Literature with their pioneer are created Giovanni Meo Zilio, that occupied the first chair of the same created in the University of Florence in 1968, and that follows to him shortly after: Giuseppe Bellini, historian of Hispano-American Literature, translator of Pablo Neruda and student of Miguel Asturias Angel ; Paoli Robert, great peruanista and translator of Caesar Vallejo ; and Dario Puccini, student of the lyrical of century XX, but also of sister Juana Ines de la Cruz .

Association of Italian Spanish scholars (AISPI) was born in May of 1973 and has celebrated numerous congresses of almost annual way since then. Between the Italian Spanish scholars they tell Silvio Pellegrini, Pío Rajna, Antonio Viscardi, Luigi Sorrento, Guido Tammi, Francesco Vian, Juana Seeded of Bagnasco, Gabriele Ranzato, Lucio Ambruzzi, Eugene Mele, Manlio Castello, Francesco Ugolini, Lorenzo Giussi, Elena Milazzo, Luigi de Filippo, Car it to me Samoná, Giuseppe Car it Rossi, the poets Giuseppe Ungaretti, that Luis de Góngora translated to, and Pier Paolo Pasolini ; Margherita Morreale, Giovanni Maria Bertini, Giuliano Bonfante, Car it Bo, diffuser of posía of Juan Ramon Jiménez ; Ermanno Boiler, interested in the theater; Rinaldo Froldi, Guido Mancini, that did one History of Spanish Literature, and other many as important as they to that certain account cannot be enough.

Hispanicism in Israel

The Israeli hispanicism has one long tradition, because not in vain the sefarditas expelled from Spain in 1492 by Kings Católicos took and conserved their Castilian of century XV there where they were: Miguel of Districts and Jose Penso of the Fertile valley created an academy in Amsterdam and wrote works in the Spanish brilliant of Century of Gold . At present several Israeli mass media in Spanish exist, some of long data, like the weekly magazine Aurora, and others of recent creation: a digital newspaper and three radio stations. The 2 ' 7 percent of the seven million inhabitants of a multicultural country as Israel knows the language. There are also speaking of Judeoespañol, about 100,000, at present original ones of countries of the old Ottoman Empire and North Africa, that also comprise of the hispanicism in Israel. At modern time is possible to mention to Samuel Miklos Stern, discoverer of jarchas, or to the great student of Spanish Inquisición, the professor Bension Netanyahu, and other many, like Haim Beinart . Other Israeli students have approached Literature and mainly the history of Spain, always from an optics hyped by the cultural misunderstandings and, frequently, by theses of Américo Castro . Quijote was spilled the Hebrew twice; first by Natan Bistrinsky and Nahman Bialik, and in 1994 by Beatriz and Luis Landau ; this last one is university professor of the Department of Hebrew Literature of the University of Horseradish tree Gurión in the Negev and has written the book Cervantes and the Jews (2004). The historian Yosef Kaplan has written numerous works and has translated Excellence of the Jews of Isaac Cardoso to the Hebrew. Association of Israeli Spanish scholars (There) was created the 21 of June of 2007 in soothes of the Cervantes Institute of Tel Aviv with of some thirty professors, investigators and intellectuals related more to the language, Literature, history and culture of Spain, Portugal, Latin America and the Sephardic world (judeo-spanish). The meeting was summoned by the professors Ruth Fine (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), chosen first president of the association; Raanán Rein (University of Tel Aviv), Aviva Dorón (University of Haifa) and Tamar Alexander (University Horseradish tree Gurión of the Neguev).

Hispanicism in the Arab world

The hispanicism in the Arab countries has an individual felt, since Spain was during great part of its history To the Ándalus, an Arab country until century XV, and later even had in its population an ample percentage of Moriscos until its expulsion in 1609. Beside the point, great part of the Spanish colonial expansion was developed through the Maghreb . Ahmad are as early figures of the Muslim hispanicism as the Moroccan ibn Muhammad al-Maqqari or the Egyptian poet Ahmad Sawqi and the one that can be considered the first Spanish scholar cientírico, the Lebanese Sakib Arsilan (1869-1946), friend of Sawqi, author of a book of trips by Spain in three volumes. Egyptian Taha Husayn (1889-1973), raised the necessity to renew the relation with Spain among others European countries of the Mediterranean and drove the edition of the great andalusí literary encyclopedia Al-Dajira, of Ibn Bassam, Santarén (M. Other important figures are 'Abd al- `Aziz al-Ahwani, 'Abd Allah `Inan, Husayn Mu' nis, Salih to al-Astar, Mahmud Mekki and Hamid Abu Ahmad . Related to Egyptian Institute of Madrid al- 'Abbadi is Ahmad Mujtar, specialized in the history of nazarí Granada, Ahmad Haykal, Salah Fadl, As'ad Sarif 'Umar and Nagwa Gamal Mehrez . The I Colloquy of the Arab Hispanicism took place in Madrid, from the 24 to the 27 of February of 1976.

Hispanicism in Holland

In spite of the rough war that faced Spain and Holland during the Century of Gold of the Spanish letters, an old and fecund Dutch hispanicism existed without a doubt; aside from the influence of golden Spanish Literature in the great writer Gerbrand Bredero and of the translations of Guilliam de Bay in century XVII, in century XIX Romanticism woke up the curiosity by all the Spanish, sense generally like exotic stranger and. The arabist Reinhart Dozy (1820-1883) made important contributions to the study of the Muslim domination in Spain, like Histoire DES Musulmans d'Espagne (1861) and his continuation, South Recherches l' Histoire ET littérature of l' Espagne pendant him Moyen Age that in its definitive form was published in 1881. Few years later, Dutch Fonger de Haan (1859-1930) will obtain the chair of Spanish Literature of the University of Boston. Two of its publications, Pícaros and Ganapanes: studies of Spanish erudition of 1899 and An Outline History of the Picaresque Novel in Spain (1903) continue being today until departure points for the investigation in that field; in 1918 it in vain tries to wake up the interest of the State University of Groningen by the studies of the Spanish. Some years later it gives his library Hispanic studies to this same university.

The serious studies of Literature find new impulses thanks to work of Jan you Winkel of the University of Amsterdam with his Ontwikkelingsgang der Nederlandsche Letterkunde (1908-1921) that would get to have seven volumes and that quick special attention to the influence that exerted Spanish Literature on Dutch in century XVII. Other investigators like William Davids (1918), Joseph Vles (1926) and S. Vosters (1955) would continue in the same direction that the neerlandista you Winkel. But for the incipient hispanicism in Holland also they were of great importance two romanistas, Salverda de Grave and Sneyders of Vogel. Jean Jacques Salverda de Grave (1863-1947) got to be university professor of Romance philology in the University of Groningen in 1907, to be happened in its position, when moving to Amsterdam in 1920, by Kornelis Sneyders de Vogel (1876-1958). In 1906 it appears, for the first time from 1659, Spanish-Dutch Dictionary, followed in 1912 by Dictionary Dutch-Spanish, both made up of the doctor A. Between these dates and 1945 twelve dictionaries would be published, among which the one of Goes Dam (1937 and 1941) would arrive to be known. Also 16 grammars would be published, of Wansink (1889), Kerpestein (1919), Geers (1924), Van der Kemp (1941) and of Ridder (1945), among others. It is possible to mention here doctor W. Go Baalen like an important disseminator of history, customs and wealth of Hispano-America in a ten of books. Along with the doctor they go Dam would be in 1932 one of the founders of the Nederlandsch Zuid- Amerikaansch Instituut, that it had as the one of his main objectives promotion of the commercial and cultural contacts between both worlds, that at that time so little were known. The groninguense poet Hendrik de Vries (1896-1989) will do between 1924 and 1936 twelve trips to Spain and, although his father, eminent and Polyglot philologist, always had refused to study the Spanish to deeply hate a nation of catholic tradition that during War of Flanders had prevented the birth of a liberal state and protestant, his son left to him very different and from boy attracted by the Spanish; to Spain dedicated to its poemario Iberia (1964).

In Holland Institute of Hispanic Studies is in the University of Utrecht, founded on 1951 by Cornelis Frans Adolf van Dam, that has been an important seminary of Spanish scholars. On the other hand, on 1993 in the University of Groningen has been based Mexican Training center .

Johan Brouwer, that realized its thesis on Mystical Spanish, wrote twenty-two books on Spanish subject and realized numerous translations. Ramon Menéndez Pidal was disciple of Cornelis Frans Adolf van Dam . Professor of Groningen Jonas Andries van Prague has studied the Spanish theater of Century of Gold in the Netherlands and the 98 Generation of, but their works are also remarkable on the sheltered sefardíes writers in Holland. Terlingen work in this field Hungarian B. Heiress of this generation is the one of Henk Oostendorp, Are van Wijk, Jan Lechner and Maxim Kerkhof ; Cees Nooteboom has written interesting books from trips to Spain and the hispanicism follows alive in addition with figures as Barber goes of Pol, that to the Dutch has made the last translation of Quijote, or with Rick Zaal, Gerrit Jan Zwier, Arjen Duinker, Jean Pierre Rawie, Els Pelgrom, Chris go to der Heijden, Albert Helman, Maarten Steenmeijer or Jean Schalekamp .

Hispanicism in Scandinavia

Don Quixote translated to Danish in Century XVIII Charlotte Dorotea Biehl (1776-1777), as well as exemplary Novels (1780-1781). Hans Christian Andersen made a trip by Spain del that left to writing a newspaper. It is necessary to also mention to Knud Togeby, to Carl Bratli, the calderonista Johann Ludwig Heiberg, to Kristoffer Nyrop and Valdemar Beadle, that wrote on Average Age and Baroque Spanish and Italian.

In Sweden emphasizes E. Staaf, Edvard Lidforss, translator of Don Quixote to the Swedish; Gunnar Tilander, publisher of medieval fueros; Alf Lombard, Karl Michaëlson, Emanuel Walberg, Bertil Maler, Magnus Mörner, Bengt Hasselrot and Nils Hedberg . Inger Enkvist has investigated the Hispano-American novel and to Juan Goytisolo, and has written important studies on education. In Sweden also taught Mateo Lopez Shepherd, author of History of contemporary Spanish Literature published there in 1960.

On Norway founded the hispanicism the professor Magnus Gronvold, that translated to its language Quijote in collaboration with Nils Kjaer, among others works. Sparre, both professors dela University of Oslo and last a great calderonista came Leif Sletsjoe. At present a very powerful interest exists and renewed between youth and in 2004 they not less than appeared three Spanish grammars for Norwegians; exists one Association of Norwegian Hispanicism and one National Association of Professors of Spanish and several magazines like Current of the Gulf, Tribune and Romansk forum .

In Finland was at the beginning of century XX in Helsinki an important group of Spanish scholars, between whom they appeared Oiva J. Tallgren, its wife Tyyni Tuulio, Eero Neuvonen and Sinikka Kallio-Visapää .

Hispanicism in Rumania

In Rumania initiator of the Hispanicism to Stefan Virgolici is considered, that translated great part of Don Quixote to its language and published, under the title Studies on Spanish Literature (Jasi, 1868-1870) tests on Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Miguel de Cervantes and Lope de Vega, tests that appeared in the magazine Convorbiri literare (literary Conversations). Popescu-Telega wrote a book on Miguel de Unamuno (1924) and one comparison between the folklores Rumanian and Spanish (1927), realized a biography of Cervantes (1944) and one translation of Romancero (1947) and has also published an anthology written down in Rumanian. and Ileana Georgescu have published books on Cervantes also G. Calinescu and Tudor Vianu .

Hispanicism in the East

Hispanicism in East has special reason to be in Islands Philippine, where the language has had to fight to stay with the diverse indigenous languages of the three archipelagoes that integrate the country and, in addition, with the English. In 1900 a million of Philippine spoke Spanish like maternal language, today less than ten thousand people, although their alive continuous lexicon in some Creole languages like Chabacano . In Manila has soothes of Cervantes Institute that for years gives Spanish classes, and also exists Real Philippine Academy of the Language, corresponding of the SAR, that guards by the education and good use of the Spanish in the Philippines. But in the country an institution or association does not exist that agglutinates and defends the interests of the own hispanofilipinos. Between the most important Spanish scholars, outside the national hero, poet and novelist Jose Rizal, is possible to mention to Antonio M. Oil mill, Clear Straight May, to Jose Maria Castañer, Edmundo Farolán, Guillermo Go'mez Creek, Miguel Fernandez Passion, Alfonso Felix and Lourdes Castrillo de Brillantes among others many. The weekly magazine New Era of Manila is the unique Philippine magazine in Spanish who still continues itself publishing, although also exists in the network important Philippine Magazine directed by Edmundo Farolán.

Exists one Asian Association of Spanish scholars, founded on 1985, with meetings every three years. These were interrupted for economic reasons, but fifth congress in January of 2005 announces his .

Japanese Association of Spanish scholars was founded on Tokyo in 1955 and at the moment it groups, mainly, to university professors. From 1956 the Association owns a magazine, Hispanic . In Japan mainly studies the syntax and the lexicon by means of the Project of the Lexical Variation of the Spanish in the world, ( Varilex ).

The relation of Spain with Korea already has a precedent in the figure of Gregorio Turfs in Century XVI, studied by Chul Park . As far as the past immediate, the education of the Spanish in this country has fifty years of history already and counts at the moment with a strong demand. From 2001, the Spanish figure as optative language in secondary education and Korean Association of Spanish scholars is based on 1981 and realizes two annual congresses, in June and December. At the moment, publishes the magazine Hispanic Studies.