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Hi. Please read my userpage on Wikipedia. I am most active on en pedia but sometimes I edit zh pedia and en books too. You can find my articles at Category:Kayau (Wikinewsie), or down here.

Nowadays, I no longer actively participate in WN, so WB or WP might be a better bet if you want to reach me. I still read and c/e articles for review, though. There hasn't been a lot of exciting news in my area lately. HK has settled down from the accusations of illegal structures, high-profile corruption cases, and even alleged dealings between politicians and gangsters last year. Now the government have scrapped national education and aren't going to change their plans to destroy the seahorse habitat, so there really isn't anything to write about.



There's no 'order' in which they're listed.

Mostly written by me


Major copy-edit by other users


Almost fully rewritten


Expanded/rewritten by me


note archive


Note: My 'interest' is shifting to studying right now, but I'll still read help around here and there, Wikinews being the most neutral (albeit least comprehensive) news source I know. :)