Bernie Sanders wins 2020 Nevada caucuses

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Sunday, February 23, 2020

Yesterday, United States Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders won the Democratic Party's Nevada caucuses. The Democratic Party uses caucuses, along with primary elections, to select its nominee for the 2020 United States presidential election.

NBC News reported Sanders was aided by the support of younger voters, as well as Latino voters. Among voters between the ages of 17 and 29, he received two-thirds of the votes; he secured approximately half of the votes of Latino voters.

The Nevada caucuses were the third step in the Democratic party's primary election cycle. In Iowa, caucuses where held on February 3, and in New Hampshire, a primary election was held on February 11. Sanders came in second in Iowa, securing 12 of the state's 41 pledged delegates; Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, came in first with 14. In New Hampshire, Sanders secured a plurality of the vote, at 25.7%. Both Sanders and Buttigieg earned 9 delegates there.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported the possibility of the 2020 caucuses being Nevada's last, saying the state could switch to holding a primary election instead. According to its polling, roughly two-thirds of the Democratic voters preferred a primary over a caucus.

The Democratic party is scheduled to continue its primary season with the South Carolina primary election on February 29. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, the next Republican primary election or caucus is scheduled for March 3, when both parties are to hold more than a dozen primary elections.
