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Basa Inggris tembung lan Pitembungan

in | in a bad way | in a brown study | in a class of its own | in a cleft stick | in a good seam | in a hurry | in a manner of speaking | in a nutshell | in a position | in a row | in a way | in a word | in absentia | in addition | in addition to | in advance | in aeternum | in aid of | in all | in all one's born days | in alt | in altissimo | in any case | in any event | in arms | in arrears | in articles | in at | in at the death | in at the kill | in bad circumstances | in banc | in baulk | in bed with | in between | in black and white | in bond | in brief | in bud | in bulk | in cahoots | in camera | in care | in case | in case of | in chambers | in chancery | in character | in charge | in charge of | in check | in chief | in chorus | in circulation | in clear | in clover | in cold blood | in common | in concert | in conclusion | in confidence | in conscience | in consequence | in consideration of | in course of | in danger of | in deep water | in default of | in demand | in depth | in despite of | in detail | in disgust | in distress | in due course | in Dutch | in earnest | in effect | in esse | in essence | in evidence | in excess of | in extenso | in extremis | in face of | in fairness (to) | in favour of | in fawn | in fee | in fine | in fits and starts | in flagrante delicto | in for | in force | in full | in full cry | in full swing | in future | in gear | in general | in good circumstances | in good hands | In Good King Charles's Golden Days | in good nick | in good season | in good time | in hand | in harness | in hock | in holes | in holy orders | in honour bound | in honour of | in hot water | in inverted commas | in irons | in isolation | in it | in kind | in large | in leaf | in league | in light of | in line for | in line with | in liquor | in loc. cit. | in lockstep with | in loco citato | in loco parentis | in love | in medias res | in mem. | in memoriam | in mid-flight | in miniature | in mint condition | in mitigation | in moderation | in motion | in mourning | in my book | in no case | in no time | in no uncertain terms | in no way | in nomine | in nothing flat | in numbers | in office | in old money | in on | in one | in one ear and out the other | in one's blood | in one's cups | in one's face | in one's heart | in one's mind's eye | in one's own back yard | in one's own right | in one's own time | in one's pocket | in one's power | in one's right mind | in one's shirtsleeves | in one's stocking feet | in one's tracks | in opposition | in order | in order that | in order to | in ordinary | in other words | in our midst | in overdrive | in parenthesis | in part | in particular | in passing | in perpetuity | in perpetuum | in person | in personam | in petto | in phase | in place of | in plenty | in pocket | in point of | in posse | in principle | in print | in private | in progress | in propria persona | in pup | in question | in re | in readiness | in reality | in reason | in rehearsal | in rem | in repertoire | in request | in rerum natura | in residence | in reverse | in revolt | in ruins | in sail | in season | in seventh heaven | in short | in short supply | in situ | in so far as | in so many words | in someone's bad books | in someone's black books | in someone's good books | in someone's good graces | in someone's judgment | in someone's power | in spadefuls | in spades | in specie | in spite of | in step | in stitches | in stock | in store | in strength | in substance | in succession | in sunder | in tandem | in tatters | in tears | in terms of | in that | in the abstract | in the aggregate | in the air | in the altogether | in the arms of Morpheus | in the ascendant | in the bag | in the balance | in the black | in the box seat | in the can | in the chair | in the clear | in the clouds | in the club | in the cold | in the driver's seat | in the end | in the event of | in the event that | in the eye of the beholder | in the family way | in the field | in the flesh | in the foreseeable future | in the frame | in the fullness of time | in the groove | in the heat of the moment | in the hole | in the hunt | in the know | in the lap of the gods | in the last analysis | in the least | in the line of duty | in the long haul | in the long run | in the main | in the majority | in the making | in the mass | in the midst of | in the money | in the mood | in the name of | in the nature of | in the negative | in the neighbourhood of | in the nick of time | in the nuddy | in the offing | in the palm of one's hand | in the picture | in the pipeline | in the pocket | in the popularity/beauty stakes | in the public domain | in the public eye | in the raw | in the rear | in the red | in the round | in the saddle | in the same boat | in the same breath | in the same canoe | in the secret | in the shed | in the shit | in the short run | in the soup | in the swim | in the teeth of | in the teeth of the wind | in the throes of | in the wars | in the white | in the wilderness | in the wind | in the wings | in the works | in the world | in the wrong | in the zone | in there pitching | in this day and age | in this regard | in time | in toto | in tow | in training | in transit | in tray | in triplicate | in two | in two minds | in utero | in vacuo | in vain | in venter | in view of | in vigour | in vino veritas | in vitro | in vitro fertilization | in vivo | in voice | in with | in words of one syllable | in-and-in | in-between | in-betweener | in-bond shop | in-built | in-car | in-car entertainment system | in-crowd | in-depth | in-flight | in-goal area | in-group | in-house | in-joke | in-law | in-laws | in-line | in-line skate | in-off | in-service | in-service education | in-service training | in-store | in-tray | in-world | in-your-face | in.
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Basa Inggris bausastra
Temukaké kabèh kang dhelik ing tembung ana ing
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z