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Parole ed Espressioni del dizionario inglese

on | on a bowline | on a jar | on a level | on a long rein | on a plate | on a razor edge | on a razor's edge | on a roll | on a slant | on a sticky wicket | on a tangent | on a tear | on a wing and a prayer | on account | on account of | on an even keel | on and off | on and on | on approval | on at | on automatic pilot | on average | on balance | on board | on call | on camera | on closer inspection | on cloud nine | on condition that | on consignment | on cover | on credit | on cue | on day | on demand | on deposit | on dit | on draught | on duty | on earth | on edge | on end | on entire | on file | on fire | on foot | on hand | on heat | on her beam-ends | on high | on hold | on ice | on impulse | on its last legs | on its merits | on key | on leave | on line | on loan | on message | on no consideration | on oath | on occasion | on offer | on one side | on one's back | on one's beam-ends | on one's best behaviour | on one's conscience | on one's deathbed | on one's doorstep | on one's feet | on one's game | on one's guard | on one's hands | on one's head | on one's honour | on one's lonesome | on one's mettle | on one's mind | on one's own | on one's own hook | on one's own initiative | on one's pat | on one's plate | on one's tod | on one's toes | on one's uppers | on order | on pain of | on paper | on parade | on parole | on pins and needles | on principle | on probation | on purpose | on record | on relief | on remand | on request | on schedule | on seat | on shipboard | on someone's back | on someone's coat-tails | on someone's hammer | on someone's wavelength | on song | on soundings | on speaking terms | on spec | on stand-by | on stream | on sufferance | on suspicion | on tap | on target | on tenterhooks | on the air | on the alert | on the back burner | on the back foot | on the baker's list | on the ball | on the beam | on the blink | on the block | on the books | on the bot | on the bounce | on the brain | on the breadline | on the bum | on the button | on the cadge | on the cards | on the carpet | on the chance | on the cheap | on the club | on the coat | on the contrary | on the credit side | on the cross | on the danger list | on the defensive | on the dole | on the dot | on the downgrade | on the downlow | on the face of it | on the fence | on the fly | on the foundation | on the front foot | on the go | on the heavy side | on the hoof | on the hook | on the hop | on the horizon | on the horns of a dilemma | on the house | on the improve | on the increase | on the instant | on the job | on the jump | on the knocker | on the lam | on the level | on the loose | on the make | on the market | on the mend | on the money | on the move | on the nail | on the nod | on the nose | on the off chance | on the off-chance | on the outer | on the panel | on the parish | on the part of | on the pig's back | on the piss | on the point of | on the port bow | on the prowl | on the q.t. | on the qui vive | on the quiet | on the rampage | on the razzle | on the rebound | on the right foot | on the road | on the rocks | on the ropes | on the run | on the safe side | on the same page | on the scrapheap | on the shelf | on the side | on the skids | on the skite | on the slate | on the sly | on the spin | on the spot | on the spur of the moment | on the square | on the starboard bow | on the stocks | on the streets | on the strength of | on the stroke of | on the stump | on the sunny side of | on the surface | on the table | on the tiles | on the tip of one's tongue | on the town | on the track of | on the trot | on the turn | on the understanding that | on the up and up | on the upgrade | on the wagon | on the wallaby | on the wane | on the warpath | on the watch | on the way out | on the whole | on the wind | on the wing | on the wrong foot | on the wrong tack | on thin ice | on time | on tiptoe | on top of | on top of the world | on trial | on view | on welfare | on wings | on your bike | on your mark | on-campus | on-glide | on-line data processing | on-off | on-off switch | on-ramp | on-screen | on-site | on-street parking | on-the-job | on-the-job training | on-the-spot fine
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dizionario inglese
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