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Enamorarse no es lo difícil, pero sí acertar a expresar ese estado.
Alfred De Musset

Significado de "estado" en el diccionario de español



La palabra estado procede del latín status.
Se denomina etimología al estudio del origen de la palabras y sus cambios estructurales y de significado.


es · ta · do play
Estado es una palabra llana de 3 sílabas.
Las palabras llanas van acentuadas en la penúltima sílaba.


Estado es un sustantivo.
El nombre o sustantivo es aquel tipo de palabras cuyo significado determina la realidad. Los sustantivos nombran todas las cosas: personas, objetos, sensaciones, sentimientos, etc.




Estado es un concepto político que se refiere a una forma de organización social, económica, política soberana y coercitiva, formada por un conjunto de instituciones no voluntarias, que tiene el poder de regular la vida nacional en un territorio determinado. Usualmente, suele adherirse a la definición del Estado, el reconocimiento por parte de la comunidad internacional. Maquiavelo introdujo la palabra Estado en su obra El Príncipe.

definición de estado en el diccionario español

La primera definición de estado en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es situación en que se encuentra alguien o algo, y en especial cada uno de sus sucesivos modos de ser o estar. Otro significado de estado en el diccionario es cada uno de los estamentos en que se dividía el cuerpo social; como el eclesiástico, el de nobles, el de plebeyos, etc. Estado es también clase o condición a la cual está sujeta la vida de cada uno.







Sinónimos y antónimos de estado en el diccionario español de sinónimos



Las siguientes palabras tienen un significado similar o idéntico a «estado» y pertenecen a la misma categoría gramatical.
sinónimos de estado


estado actitud administración aspecto carácter circunstancia condición cuadro curso disposición dominio estadillo estadio estadística etapa fase forma gobierno inventario mandato memoria nación naturaleza país patria poder primera lengua española encuentra alguien algo especial cada sucesivos modos estar otro estamentos dividía cuerpo como eclesiástico nobles plebeyos también clase cual está sujeta hombre persona humana cuanto individuo para pero modo alguno introducción física sólido esta texto alumnos avanzados ciencias ingeniería iniciarse tema absolutista obra analizan estructuras generales absolutismo sistema estados europa occidental partir

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10 millones de hablantes

Traductor español - noruego

5 millones de hablantes


Conoce las traducciones de estado en inglés y el contexto en el que se emplean habitualmente mediante ejemplos de uso.

  state ; commonwealth.
 WLN (Western Library Network) is composed of libraries in the states of Washington and Alaska in the United states, and is expanding to cover other states and libraries in Canada.
 The article is entitled 'Academic libraries: `towards commonwealth and coalitions'.
abogado del estado 
Queen's Counsel (QC)
 Queen's Counsels have been around for the past 400 years, since Sir Francis Bacon became the first counsel to the Sovereign during the reign of Elizabeth I.
al norte del estado 
 While living in upstate New York, Mark sold his woodcraft at craft shows and flea markets.
capital del estado  
nation-state capital
state capital
 Amid all the gloom and doom in panic-stricken nation-state capitals, nowadays, something completely different may be exactly what we all need.
 The state capital where she worked as a reference librarian has an almost rural serenity about it.
Capitolio del Estado 
State Capitol
 It took more than two hundred stonecutters to finally finish the herculanian task of installing all of the marble in the State Capitol.
condición de estado 
 In March 2003 Ohio celebrates 200 years of statehood.
controlado por el estado 
 After Yushchenko's win in 2004 state-controlled media was taken over by regional groups of oligarchs.
Denominación de Productos para las Estadísticas del Comercio Externo de la Comunidad y para las Estadísticas del Comercio entre Estados Miembros (NIMEXE) 
Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States (NIMEXE)
 The Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States (NIMEXE) was devised in order to facilitate the presentation of comparable statistics on intra- and extra-Community trade.
de varios estados 
multi-state [multistate]
 This article considers the impact of cooperation on collections and technical services in school resource centres belonging to multistate, multitype library network.
empleado del estado 
state employee
 But he is completely wrong to say that he as a state employee is utterly blamelessfor the mess our pensions and state budgets are in.
en el norte del estado 
 While living in upstate New York, Mark sold his woodcraft at craft shows and flea markets.
en todo el estado 
statewide [state-wide]
 As a result, this study methodology can be used by public libraries to describe economic benefits statewide.
estado árabe 
Arab state
 In the last decade, however, remarkable progress has been achieved in peace negotiations among Israel, the Palestinians, and adjacent Arab states.
estado de derecho 
rule of law
 The rule of law calls for both individuals and the government to submit to the law's supremacy.
estado de hecho 
rule of men
 Every law student promptly learns the national ideal that our country is governed by the rule of law, not the rule of men.
estado del bienestar 
welfare state
 The same period had witnessed also the creation of a centralized welfare state with the simple concept of ensuring that all citizens should not fall below a certain standard of living.
estado isleño 
island nation
 Micronesia is comprised of seven island nations peopled by distinctly unique cultural groups.
estado laico 
secular state
 By creating a secular state and regarding religion as a natural right outside the jurisdiction of the state, the founders opted for persuasion rather than coercion.
estado miembro  
member government
member state
 Enter an agreement contracted by the member governments of an international intergovernmental body acting as individual entities rather than collectively as instructed in 21.35A.
 AGRIS is an international information system (akin to AGREP) for the agricultural sciences, compiled by the Commission in concert with member states, management of which is in the hands of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
estado nacional  
nation state
national state
 Since Europe consists of independent nation states, only partially unified through the European Union, the development of academic and research networks has been a complex process.
 This means that library matters rest with the departments of education of each of the national states.
estado niñera 
nanny state
 In fact, conservatives rely on a range of 'nanny state' policies that ensure the rich get richer while leaving most Americans worse off.
estado paternalista 
nanny state
 In fact, conservatives rely on a range of 'nanny state' policies that ensure the rich get richer while leaving most Americans worse off.
estados bálticos, los  [Nombre usado para referirse a las aciones que rodean el mar báltico, Estonia, Latvia y Lituania]
Baltic States, the
 Representatives from the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, will report on public library problems in those countries.
estado soberano 
sovereign state
 Below are the flags for each of the 50 sovereign states that form the union of states we know as the United States of America.
estado socialista 
socialist state
 A purely socialist state is one in which the state is responsible for 100% of economic output and spends all of it on social programs.
Estados Unidos continental 
continental United States, the
 The dust clouds travel eastward, affecting air quality in China, Korea and Japan, and occasionally the continental United States.
Estados Unidos de América, los (EEUU, los) 
USA, the (United States of America, the)
 Could the USA end up with a House of Delegates rather than a House of Representatives?.
Estados Unidos, los   [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]  [Expresión generalmente acompañada del artículo]
US, the [U.S.]
United States, the
 BLAISE-LINK provides access to files in the biomedical and toxicological areas, which are available on the computer of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), US.
 This influence has not been restricted to the US.
 The Library of Congress Subject Headings List was first published in 1909 and it is used widely across the United States.
financiado por el estado  
 The city also boasts an excellent public library of 380,000 volumes, and a state-supported university with an enrollment of 14,000 students - which coincidentally is Anthony Datto's Alma Mater.
 The author describes a state-funded scheme whereby Austrian libraries have introduced electronic data processing into their library system.
Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos 
US Military
 US Military does have a cushy ride in Japanese prisons as they get special treatments and all the food is paid for and supplied by the US military.
gobierno del estado  [Organismo de gobierno de uno de los estados de una nación federal]
state government
 During this period both Federal and state governments made money available for experimental projects.
golpe de estado    [De estado]
coup d'etat
 With changing political circumstances there is an increased likelihood of low-intensity conflicts which may take the form of guerrilla warfare, coups d'etat, ethnic violence, terrorism, resistance movements or insurgency.
 This campaign was pursued for more than 30 years since the 1965 putsch in Indonesia that eventually brought Suharto to power.
 Nearly 1500 delegates from 67 countries attended the conference which was dominated by the 3 day coup designed to restore Communist party influence.
golpe de estado militar 
military coup
 Ethiopians came in droves after a bloody military coup in 1974, and they worked in low-paying jobs as cabbies and cooks and parking attendants.
Guerra entre España y los Estados Unidos, la 
Spanish-American War, the
 The Spanish-American War took place in 1898 and resulted in the United States gaining control over the former colonies of Spain in the Caribbean and Pacific.
hombre de estado 
statesman [statesmen, -pl.]
 These descriptors are still alive: boatmen, city council-men, firemen, foremen, longshoremen, stunt men, statesmen, watchmen, man and manpower.
intento de golpe de estado  
attempted coup
coup attempt
 Simon Mann, a former British army officer, has been sentenced to 34 years in prison for his role in an attempted coup in 2004.
 The question of why some coup attempts fail while others succeed has never been asked, let alone answered.
jefe de estado  
head of state
chief of state
 If the laws are decrees of a head of state, chief executive, or ruling executive body (e.g. a junta), make an added entry under the corporate heading for the official or ruling executive body.
 The choice of entry for chiefs of state is the same as that for works by popes or other high ecclesiastical officials.
jefe del estado mayor 
Chief of Staff
 The book focuses on Nixon's two terms in office and draws on solid, original source material to get inside the minds of the president and his chief hatchetman, Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman, in particular.
localizado en los Estados Unidos 
 Data Resources Inc., again US-based, covers data bases in economics, finance, energy and weather.
nación sin estado 
stateless nation
 The term 'stateless nations' as used here is understood to mean those people who share a common heritage and distinctive culture and have a strong sense of national identity but are now subservient to other states.
objeto de delito contra el estado 
 The author categorizes an impeachable offense as one that threatens the safety of the country, either as treason or bribery.
papá estado 
nanny state
 In fact, conservatives rely on a range of 'nanny state' policies that ensure the rich get richer while leaving most Americans worse off.
poder del estado 
state power
 He presents an analysis of state power & the alleged masculinization of authority in general, followed by a discussion of the feminization of government in Australia in the 1970s.
propiedad del estado 
state property
 As from today, any white farmer still on his land will be deemed to be trespassing on state property.
región central de los Estados Unidos, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
American midwest, the
 Stopping a few miles north of where the Lewark meets the great Modoc River in what is now called the American midwest, they constructed a humble cabin and began trading with river men and friendly Indians.
regulado por el estado 
 For years they have been warning that state-regulated dams and levees throughout the nation are in dire need of repair.
secretario de Estado 
Secretary of State
 He was ceremoniously sworn in as Secretary of State at the White House, with his wife.
Secretario de Estado, el 
State Secretary, the
 Unfortunately, we cannot but notice that the letter of the State Secretary contains much false information and contradictions.
secreto de estado 
state secret
 There is also a large amount of information that is kept secret: not merely cloak-and-dagger state secrets, but vast quantities of confidential technical and commercial data.
subvencionado por el estado 
 The Cuban government has slashed state-subsidised soap from ration books.
supervisado por el estado 
 For years they have been warning that state-regulated dams and levees throughout the nation are in dire need of repair.
tentativa de golpe de estado  
attempted coup
coup attempt
 Simon Mann, a former British army officer, has been sentenced to 34 years in prison for his role in an attempted coup in 2004.
 The question of why some coup attempts fail while others succeed has never been asked, let alone answered.
visita de estado 
state visit
 The first ever state visit by a Pope to Britain could take place as soon as next year, The Times has learned.
zona de los tres estados  [Area geográfica de pequeña extensión donde confluyen los tres estados americanos de Nueva York, Nueva Jersey y Connecticut]
tristate area
 Through a survey in the tristate area of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, this study fills a gap in knowledge about these groups.
  stage ; state ; status ; condition.
 The first stage in the choice of access points must be the definition of an author.
 Before she could respond and follow up with a question about her distraught state, Feng escaped to the women's room.
 AACR2 assigns this main entry status to the person who is chiefly responsible for the creation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work.
 He was laid upon the bed and upon examination his head was found in a terrible condition, swelled and bruised from the effect of sandbag blows.
alternar de un estado a otro 
 To change back and forth, or 'toggle' between the insert and overwrite modes, press the <Ins> key successively.
base de datos en estado original  [Base de datos antes de ser modificada por requerimientos de la búsqueda]
raw database
 Alternatively the query may undergo modification at a second stage after the raw database has been accessed.
buen estado físico  
physical fitness
 Documents indexed in SPORT data base deal with all aspects of sport, fitness and recreation.
 The author reviews the range of Web sites providing information about physical fitness.
datos en estado bruto 
raw facts
 The most successful brokers will be flexible and provide intelligence rather than raw facts and data.
dejar a Alguien en estado 
knock + Alguien + up
 One of the worst nightmare for the single man is having a one night stand with a girl and then finding out that he's knocked her up.
dejar en estado  
make + Nombre + pregnant
get + Nombre + pregnant
 The first man she ever killed was her brother who raped her and made her pregnant.
 If you ejaculate even near her vagina, you could get her pregnant with just a tiny splash of semen.
dejar en un estado lamentable  
leave + Nombre + in a sorry state (of affairs)
leave + Nombre + in a bad way
 Overfishing and poor management have left the world's seas in a sorry state.
 My partner suffered a pulmonary embolism which shocked the whole family and left her in a bad way.
el estado de las cosas 
the lay of the land [the lie of the land, -UK]
 The director allowed us three days to get the lay of the land.
en buen estado         
in good condition
in good working condition
in good shape
in good nick
in fine whack
in fine fettle
in good form
in good trim
 The survey found that 37.0% of the items are seriously deteriorated (paper is embrittled), 33.6% are moderately deteriorated (paper is becoming brittle), and 29.4% are in good condition (paper shows no signs of deterioration) = El estudio encontró que el 37,0% de las obras están muy deterioradas (el papel es quebradizo), el 33,6% están moderadamente deterioradas (el papel se está volviendo quebradizo) y el 29,4% están en buen estado (el papel no muestra señales de deterioro).
 The system serving the main site facilities is in good working condition.
 All were reported to be in good shape at the end of their week long ordeal of captivity.
 I'm worried that Darryl may have peaked too early in his last match, but he seems to be in very good nick and is capable of holding off Webster.
 John Hay wrote in early August that the president 'is in fine whack - I have seldom seen him more serene & busy'.
 Only a good horseman, in fine fettle, with Herculean reserves of pluck and verve should consider this challenge.
 Athletes are sometimes in good form and sometimes in bad form, and sometimes they don't know why.
 Unless you're actively going for that caveman look, it's a good idea to keep your beard in good trim.
 While the importance of archives administration and records management is beginning to be realised in the developing world, few governments have recognised the contribution well-kept records would make to development and efficient public administration.
en buen estado de conservación 
 Clava Cairns near Inverness is a neolithic burial ground with surprisingly well-preserved stone monuments.
en buen estado de funcionamiento 
in good working condition
 The system serving the main site facilities is in good working condition.
en estado     [Abreviatura de pregnant] 
in the family way
 For example, an unwed woman who fears she is pregnant may have appointments made for her at a medical clinic.
 Sex was taboo, premarital sex was not accepted and if a girl found herself 'in the family way' many times she was shipped off to live with relatives.
 Regardless, she seemed to insinuate that women have a superior understanding of and relationship to, in this case, expectant animals.
 I collared her and asked her if she was preg and she said yes, 9 weeks.
 There is nothing like an awesome haircut to make a preggers woman feel hip and chic again.
en estado de abandono  
 Following World War II, 'urban renewal' referred primarily to public efforts to revitalize aging and decaying inner cities.
 China's transport authorities plan to scrap dilapidated ships to enhance safety and improve the competitiveness of the industry.
en estado de alerta  
on standby
on alert
 The residents have saved so much water by changing their lifestyle that a new desalination plant has remained on standby since it was built.
 The article 'Nation on alert' reports on the effect on libraries of the anthrax scare in the USA that followed the September 11 terrorist attacks.
en estado de buena esperanza  
in the family way
 For example, an unwed woman who fears she is pregnant may have appointments made for her at a medical clinic.
 Sex was taboo, premarital sex was not accepted and if a girl found herself 'in the family way' many times she was shipped off to live with relatives.
en estado de cambio 
in a state of flux
 Many centres were short-lived, so the picture was always in a state of flux.
en estado de descomposición 
 For the past five years, large quantities of decaying algae have been fouling Lake Michigan shoreline.
en estado de deterioro  
 Following World War II, 'urban renewal' referred primarily to public efforts to revitalize aging and decaying inner cities.
 China's transport authorities plan to scrap dilapidated ships to enhance safety and improve the competitiveness of the industry.
en estado de reserva 
on standby
 The residents have saved so much water by changing their lifestyle that a new desalination plant has remained on standby since it was built.
en estado de sitio  
in a state of siege
under siege
 The article carries the title 'Israel: libraries in a state of siege'.
 The article 'Electronic copyright under siege' sets out the USA copyright legislation enshrined in the 1976 Copyright Act.
en estado embrionario  [Adjetivo]    
in embryonic stage
in embryo
in the embryo stage
 This article describes an embryo training scheme for librarians.
 This illustrates both the complexity and the interdependent nature of what is still an embryonic industry.
 Major conclusions were that services by college libraries for external students were varied and in an embryonic stage.
 These can be regarded as reference works in embryo.
 A European Information Network is still in the embryo stage and major problems, both practical and political, face the planners.
en excelente estado  
in tip-top condition
in tip-top form
 There are a few secrets to having your hair in tip-top condition - eating well, drinking water, and not over using hairdryers or straighteners.
 Throughout countless interviews with experts, they all agree on one strategy for keeping your mood in tip-top form - eat breakfast!.
en mal estado      
in bad condition
in poor condition
in bad shape
in poor shape
in bad nick
in bad form
 A major programme of map restoration is in progress as a considerable part of the map collection is in bad condition.
 They use gritters to sprinkle rock salt on roads and snowploughs to ensure motorists are able to drive safely in poor conditions.
 But then a stretch of warm weather, even some rain, melted one of the rinks and left the other two in bad shape.
 But he said that many of the properties appeared to be in poor shape, and many were vacant.
 The original floorboards are in bad nick with gaps between them and a few that are cracked.
 Athletes are sometimes in good form and sometimes in bad form, and sometimes they don't know why.
en perfecto estado   
in mint condition
in immaculate condition
 Only the concepts in the facet cited first in citation order will be grouped intact.
 The textbooks must be in mint condition and the original sales receipt presented.
 The respectable young woman (her weeds again in immaculate condition hardly suggestive of many days spent travelling afoot) looked with innocent curiosity.
en + Posesivo + estado primitivo 
in + Posesivo + original state
 The ramparts, thirty meters wide at the base and still in their original state, cover over four kilometers.
en su estado embrionario 
in its embryonic stage
 Information science may still be in its embryonic stage.
en su estado natural 
in the wild
 I spoke of capturing e-scholarship disseminated outside the library, or, as one librarian put it, 'in the wild'.
en tado de deterioro 
 China's transport authorities plan to scrap dilapidated ships to enhance safety and improve the competitiveness of the industry.
en un estado de optimismo 
in a mood of optimism
 Americans are united in a mood of optimism, but will their new president's inaugural speech justify their faith.
en un estado embrionario 
in an embryonic stage
 The major conclusion was that services by college libraries for external students were varied and in an embryonic stage.
estado actual 
current state
 The author describes the development, current state and future plans of the British Library Document Supply Centre.
estado actual, el  
present state, the
present situation, the
 The author sketches the present state of information resource sharing in South Africa.
 Library education is now more than 100 years old in India, and it istime to take stock of the present situation to develop a vision forthe near future.
estado anímico  
 Before she could respond and follow up with a question about her distraught state, Feng escaped to the women's room.
 One of the great glories of books is that there are plenty to suit everybody, no matter what our taste, our mood, our intellectual ability, age or living experience.
estado civil 
marital status
 This article examines personal characteristics such as age, sex and marital status of the librarians.
estado de abandono 
state of neglect
 Their books and quarters after some vicissitudes ended up in a state of neglect or in the possession of a private society.
estado de alarma 
state of alarm
 The lack of vaccines and antivirals leaves the 2 billion people at risk, mainly in poor countries, in a constant state of alarm.
estado de alerta 
state of alert
 Given the imminence of the war, the country was placed on the highest state of alert.
estado de amenaza terrorista 
terror alert
 Efforts to train thousands of federal agents to protect commercial flights during heightened terror alerts have been abandoned.
estado de ánimo     
state of mind
frame of mind
humour [humor, -USA]
 One of the great glories of books is that there are plenty to suit everybody, no matter what our taste, our mood, our intellectual ability, age or living experience.
 It should be evident from the previous comments that planning is an attitude, a state of mind, a way of thinking.
 First, the participants were in the wrong frame of mind to enjoy what was happening to them.
 A historical outline of the study of personality is given with particular emphasis on the concept of the 4 humours: choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine.
 So, in the bicentennial spirit here's a three-point bill of particulars or grievances (in addition to what was mentioned previously with respect to offensive or unauthentic terms).
estado de cambio 
state of flux
 Many centres were short-lived, so the picture was always in a state of flux.
estado de confusión 
state of confusion
 Some of the reasons for the current state of confusion are discussed in terms of the operation of a nonprofit scholarly publisher.
estado de emergencia 
state of emergency
 He was also blamed for the bungled imposition of a state of emergency in Nyasaland in March 1959.
estado de excepción  
state of emergency
state of exception
 He was also blamed for the bungled imposition of a state of emergency in Nyasaland in March 1959.
 These efforts at delegitimation were not isolated events, taking place in a state of exception around the world leaders' meeting.
estado de inactividad 
state of dormancy
 The general conclusion of the forum is that, while the scholarly book is not dead, it may be in a state of dormancy.
estado de la circulación 
traffic conditions
 Weather, road and traffic conditions change rapidly, and those relying on information presented on this site do so at their own risk.
estado de la cuestión 
state of the art
 Recent attempts to arrive at understandings of current states of the art in SLIS have done little more than expose the shortcomings of the method.
estado del arte 
state of the art
 Recent attempts to arrive at understandings of current states of the art in SLIS have done little more than expose the shortcomings of the method.
estado de las artes 
state of the arts
 Since the bibliographers favour capitalist trends, the produced bibliographies do not reflect the true state of the arts throughout the world.
estado de las carreteras  
traffic report
road conditions
 It can be used to present a wide variety of content channels such as stock quote, sports score, traffic report and weather forecast.
 Weather, road and traffic conditions change rapidly, and those relying on information presented on this site do so at their own risk.
estado del ordenador en fuera de línea 
 I think I stated twice that the medium supporting the catalog - onlineness or offlineness - is not a very relevant issue.
estado del ordenador en línea 
 Is it possible that the issue is not whether you and Mr. Kilgour disagree about the onlineness of it all or whether you use 3,3, or 5,4, or twice the square root of pi as the key?.
estado del tiempo 
weather conditions
 Accounts were given of various recent major and smaller disasters such as extreme weather conditions, power failures, explosions, civil disruption, mould, infestations and spontaneous combustion = Se describieron varios desastres recientes, algunos más y otros menos importantes, como condiciones climáticas extremas, apagones, explosiones, disturbios, moho, plagas y combustiones espontáneas.
estado de salud 
state of health
 Although it is important to assess the library's vital signs and state of health, it is equally important to keep staff up to date on the effectiveness and efficiency of the library's service.
estado de trance 
state of trance
 Sacred mushrooms produce a state of trance that allows the shaman to gain a heightened level of self-consciousness & an objective consciousness of the world.
estado de una situación 
state of being
 Basic data are raw facts that describe events or states of being.
estado de vigilia 
 A powerful source of 'visitations' is the so-called 'waking dream' which occurs in the twilight between wakefulness and sleep and combines features of both.
estado físico   
physical condition
physical shape
physical state
 Aspects of physical condition, including pH, brittleness, mutilation, and environmental damage were surveyed = Los aspectos del estado físico que se estudiaron fueron el pH, la fragilidad, la mutilación y los daños producidos por las condiciones ambientales.
 The indicator triplet; transience, renewal, and dynamism is used to describe the 'physical shape' of a national scientific community = Los tres indicadores de transitoriedad, renovación y dinamismo se utilizan para describir la "forma física" de la comunidad científica de una nación.
 The present physical state of these collections, which represent so much of the national heritage, now make this imperative.
estado híbrido 
 The article is entitled 'Hybridity, mutability, multiplicity: theorizing electronic library collections'.
estado incompleto 
 The Dainton Report takes up the old cry: The UGC report on libraries has shown how far the incompleteness of the NCL's union catalogues has contributed to the overall delays in its services.
estado latente  
state of dormancy
 According to Freud, the latency period serves as a time for establishing standards and values.
 The general conclusion of the forum is that, while the scholarly book is not dead, it may be in a state of dormancy.
estado líquido 
molten state
 Sometime in the later eighteenth century an ingenious version of stereotyping called dabbing was developed, whereby a pattern of wood or metal was dabbed into the surface of a quantity of type-metal that was half way between its solid and its molten state; the dabbed metal was then used as a matrix for striking a copy of the original in similarly half-molten metal.
estado molecular 
molecular state
 Entities may be physical, eg matter, or physical phenomena; chemical, eg molecular states, minerals; biological, ie living beings; or artefacts, ie manufactured items.
estado natural 
natural state
 Eating these power-packed vegetables in their natural state especially garlic increases their health benefits.
estado sólido 
solid state
 Sometime in the later eighteenth century an ingenious version of stereotyping called dabbing was developed, whereby a pattern of wood or metal was dabbed into the surface of a quantity of type-metal that was half way between its solid and its molten state; the dabbed metal was then used as a matrix for striking a copy of the original in similarly half-molten metal.
estado vegetativo 
vegetative state
 But perhaps people do take as certain some things that might not be quite true - namely, that vegetative states cannot be treated.
estado vegetativo persistente 
persistent vegetative state
 It is also not known whether the results are applicable to others in presumed persistent vegetative states.
estar en buen estado 
be in (a) good condition
 Initial examinations showed the bones to be those of an adult male and the remains were said to be in a good condition.
estar en estado    
be up the spout
have + a bun in the oven
be pregnant
be expectant
 Well, she's gone and done it again - she's up the spout and with another sprog on the way.
 She has been sporting a little bit of a bump lately, leading everyone to think she may have a bun in the oven.
 As fate would have it, I wasn't pregnant, but I would have accepted and loved this child with all my heart.
 However, there are certain ladies who have no idea they are expectant until about the 3rd month of pregnancy.
estar en estado crítico 
be critically ill
 The third boy is critically ill and is in hospital battling between life and death.
estar en estado de buena esperanza   
be up the spout
have + a bun in the oven
be expectant
 Well, she's gone and done it again - she's up the spout and with another sprog on the way.
 She has been sporting a little bit of a bump lately, leading everyone to think she may have a bun in the oven.
 However, there are certain ladies who have no idea they are expectant until about the 3rd month of pregnancy.
estar en estado de cambio 
be in flux
 The law of copyright in relation to electronic media is still very much in flux.
estar en mal estado 
be in (a) bad condition
 The car appears to be in a bad condition, which is not helped by Penny, who pays no heed to the warning lights of the car.
estar en un estado lamentable   
be in a sorry state (of affairs)
be in a bad way
be in a bad state (of affairs)
 Often quoted as the most polluted sea of the world, the Baltic Sea is indeed in a sorry state.
 Several of those who are wounded, have had their limbs cut off, ?nd arc thought to be in a bad way.
 In recent years the agricultural sector has been in a bad state of affairs, and a bold planning policy in this direction is necessary.
estudio crítico del estado de la cuestión  [Análisis crítico de los últimos avances sobre un tema]
 A review, as opposed to a survey, should be a critical, liberally, documented assessment of work in a particular field, and is usually supported by an extensive bibliography.
estudio del estado de la cuestión 
 Indicative abstracts abound in phrases such as 'is discussed' or 'has been surveyed', but do not record the outcome of the discussion or survey.
física del estado sólido 
solid state physics
 Some fields are relatively swift; information and library sciences had a lower mean reference age than solid state physics and mathematics.
información en su estado primario 
raw information
 In many industrial and governmental libraries this kind of 'repackaging' is often an absolute requirement of the clients, who may with certain enquiries expect the librarian to select and digest the raw information for them as a matter of routine.
informe del estado de la cuestión  [Informe sobre varios estudios realizados sobre una materia determinada durante un período específico y que normalmente incluye una bibliografía] 
state of the art report
state of the art review
 An state of the art report is a report of the various studies issued on a given subject during a specified period usually including a bibliography.
 This is the welcome address by the President of the Indian Library Association presenting a state of the art review of the current library situation.
informe sobre el estado de la nación 
state of the nation report
 A 'state of the nation' report today reveals that less than 20% of UK organisations surveyed have a strategy in place to deal with the risk of loss or degradation to their digital resources.
informe sobre el estado general de las carreteras 
road report
 Index pages are provided so normally the user will initially key in the number of the main index page in order to discover the page numbers of the required subject area, whether it is sports results, the latest news, weather or road reports or cookery recipes.
mal estado  
state of disrepair
 The collection are mostly uncatalogued and in disrepair.
 As a result the library is not only cramped for space, but in a general state of disrepair.
mal estado de salud 
poor health
 Much of his later life he lived in reclusion, loneliness, poor health, and despair.
mantenerse en buen estado físico  
keep + fit
stay + fit
 The main thing to remember is that keeping fit is not a fad, it's important for your health and happiness your whole lifelong.
 I've found training for obstacle races has been a great way to stay fit over the summer and has been a lot of fun.
morir en estado de gracia 
die in + a state of grace
 If the person died in a state of grace, Christ will reward the individual in proportion to his good works.
mujer en estado 
pregnant woman
 This program was designed to provide food and nutrition information for low-income pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children up to age 4.
perfecto estado 
 The sacrum was used in sacrificial rites, was considered to play an important role in protecting the genitalia and its intactness as a nidus for resurrection at the Day of Judgment was vital.
poner en estado de alerta   
put on + standby
put on + alert
place + Nombre + on standby
 Local emergency services were also put on standby.
 Hospitals were immediately put on alert to be on the lookout for symptoms of bioterrorism.
 We will be on red alert effective today, which means that we will place on stand-by at least 2,000 soldiers to prepare for any incident in the Labor Day holiday.
que conserva su estado natural 
unspoilt [unspoiled, -USA]
 This revolutionary syndicalist union consistently supported the most downtrodden & oppressed, & encouraged a cult of the unspoiled, heroic brawny proletarian with raw courage & 'natural' virtues.
quedarse en estado    
become + pregnant
be up the spout
be pregnant
be expectant
 Many people who would normally practise safe sex do become pregnant, or else catch venereal diseases, through having unprotected sex while drunk.
 Well, she's gone and done it again - she's up the spout and with another sprog on the way.
 As fate would have it, I wasn't pregnant, but I would have accepted and loved this child with all my heart.
 However, there are certain ladies who have no idea they are expectant until about the 3rd month of pregnancy.
sin información sobre el estado anterior 
 Web search engines are stateless, losing previous search criteria.
volver Algo a su estado anterior 
put + Nombre + back on track
 The article is entitled 'Using project management to put client/server projects back on track' = El artículo se titula "El uso de la gestión mediante proyectos para reactivar los proyectos cliente/servidor".

Tendencias de uso de la palabra estado



El término «estado» es muy utilizado habitualmente y ocupa la posición 70 de nuestra lista de términos más usados del diccionario de español.
Muy usado
En el mapa anterior se refleja la frecuencia de uso del término «estado» en los diferentes paises.
Principales tendencias de búsqueda y usos comunes de estado
Listado de las príncipales búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios para acceder a nuestro diccionario de español en línea y expresiones más usadas con la palabra «estado».


El gráfico expresa la evolución anual de la frecuencia de uso de la palabra «estado» en los últimos 500 años. Su implementación se basa en el análisis de la frecuencia de aparición del término «estado» en las fuentes impresas digitalizadas del español publicadas desde el año 1500 hasta la actualidad.

Citas, bibliografía en español y actualidad sobre estado



Citas y frases célebres con la palabra estado.
Abraham Lincoln
Un estado en el que coexisten la libertad y la esclavitud no puede perdurar.
Alberto Moravia
Una dictadura es un estado en el que todos temen a uno y uno a todos.
Alfred De Musset
Enamorarse no es lo difícil, pero sí acertar a expresar ese estado.
André Gide
Ni una palabra asoma a mis labios sin que haya estado primero en mi corazón.
Hay que ser remero antes de llevar el timón, haber estado en la proa y observado los vientos antes de gobernar la nave.
Carlos V
La razón de estado no se ha de oponer al estado de la razón.
Hermann Hesse
El arte es la contemplación del mundo en estado de gracia.
León Tolstoi
Vivir en contradicción con la razón propia es el estado moral más intolerable.
Luis Carlos Viada Y Lluch
Al verme de mis libros rodeado, no envidio más riqueza ni otro estado.
Marc Chagall
El arte es sobre todo un estado del alma.


Recopilación de refranes del refranero popular español con el término estado.
Quien me ha dado, me da estado.
El estado puedese aconsejar, mas no obligar.
Fiado y bien pagado, no disminuye estado.
Quien muda estado, muda cuidado.
Trompas de Eustaquio en estado letargo.
Los refranes recogen el saber popular. Señalan qué actitud conviene adoptar en cada situación, definen la razón de una determinada conducta, extraen las consecuencias de una circunstancia… entrañando en cualquier caso un fin didáctico y aleccionador y convirtiendo la anécdota humana en tema de reflexión.

Los primeros refranes escritos se remontan a la Edad Media y versan sobre todo lo cotidiano (trabajos del campo, la iglesia, los hombres, mujeres, etc…).

Miguel de Cervantes, en Don Quijote de la Mancha escribe: "los refranes son sentencias breves, sacadas de la experiencia y especulación de nuestros antiguos ancianos". Seguirá diciendo Don Quijote sobre la utilidad de los refranes: "cualquiera de los que has dicho [, Sancho,] basta para dar a entender tu pensamiento" (Segunda parte, capítulo XVII).


Descubre el uso de estado en la siguiente selección bibliográfica. Libros relacionados con estado y pequeños extractos de los mismos para contextualizar su uso en la literatura.
El hombre y el Estado
La persona humana en cuanto individuo es para el cuerpo político, y el cuerpo político es para la persona humana en cuanto persona. Pero el hombre no es en modo alguno para el Estado. El Estado es para el hombre».
Introducción a la física del estado sólido
Esta Introducción a la Física del estado sólido, es un texto para alumnos avanzados de Ciencias e Ingeniería que han de iniciarse en el tema.
Charles Kittel, 1995
El estado absolutista
En la primera parte de la obra se analizan las estructuras generales del absolutismo como sistema de estados, en Europa occidental, a partir del Renacimiento; y se discute la difícil cuestión de las relaciones entre monarquía y nobleza ...
Perry Anderson, 1979
La retirada del Estado: la difusión del poder en la economía ...
Susan Strange analiza en La retirada del Estado quién gobierna realmente la economía mundial.
Susan Strange, 2001
El Estado del control social: un estudio sociológico de los ...
Desde una perspectiva sociológica ímás allá de Marxî, Melossi redescribe las teorías clásicas sobre el Estado (Maquiavelo, Hobbes, Locke) y el eventual desarrollo contemporáneo (Kelsen en particular) de la teoría jurídica y el ...
Dario Melossi, 1992
Cambios en el estado del bienestar: políticas sociales y ...
Este libro examina esos cambios en el Estado de Bienestar y sus efectos sobre las desigualdades en la sociedad española entre 1980 y el año 2000.
José Adelantado, 2000
El Estado en Ortega y Gasset
El Estado es un concepto clave en la filosofía jurídico-política de José Ortega y Gasset (Madrid, 1883-1955).
Fernando H. Llano Alonso, 2011
Estado de derecho: concepto, fundamentos y democratización ...
A pesar de lo sorprendente que pueda parecer, tanto en México como en el resto de América Latina, todavía no están claros ni siquiera los fundamentos del Estado de derecho.
Miguel Carbonell, Wistano Luis Orozco, Rodolfo Vázquez, 2002
El Estado en América Latina: teoría y práctica
Los ensayos aquí reunidos corresponden al rico pensamiento político y social que vive América Latina.
Pablo González Casanova, 1990
Tratado de nutricion / Nutrition Treatise: Nutricion humana ...
Enfocado al conocimiento de los requerimientos nutricionales y a las guías dietéticas en diferentes etapas de la vida, desde el lactante hasta el anciano.
Angel Gil (DRT) Hernandez, 2010


Conoce de qué se habla en los medios de comunicación nacionales e internacionales y cómo se emplea el término estado en el contexto de las siguientes noticias.
Estado Islâmico divulga vídeo que mostraria autores de ataque a ...
Uma agência de notícias ligada ao grupo extremista Estado Islâmico (EI) divulgou um vídeo que mostraria os agressores que invadiram uma igreja e mataram ... «Globo.com, Jul 16»
Atirador de Munique não tinha vínculos com Estado Islâmico, diz ...
Atirador de Munique não tinha vínculos com Estado Islâmico, diz polícia. Suspeito é identificado como Ali Sonboly por alguns veículos britânicos. Nove pessoas ... «Jornal O Globo, Jul 16»
PF prende quatro suspeitos de ligação com EI no estado de SP
A Polícia Federal prendeu quatro pessoas suspeitas de ligação com o grupo terrorista Estado Islâmico (EI) em diferentes cidades de São Paulo, na manhã ... «Globo.com, Jul 16»
Erdogan declara estado de emergência e pode suspender direitos ...
O presidente da Turquia, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, declarou estado de emergência de três meses no país como parte da reação do seu governo à tentativa ... «Folha de S.Paulo, Jul 16»
Assembleia prorroga por 6 meses o estado de emergência na França
O estado de emergência, decretado após os atentados de 13 de novembro, ... de exceção" e defendeu que a França continue sendo um Estado de direito. «Globo.com, Jul 16»
Clérigo turco acusa Erdogan de 'encenar' golpe de Estado
O clérigo Fethullah Gülen disse que a tentativa de golpe de Estado na Turquia pode ter sido uma "encenação" do presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan para ... «Revista Época Negócios, Jul 16»
Estado Islâmico reivindica ataque terrorista em Nice
BEIRUTE — Uma agência de notícias do Estado Islâmico reivindicou a autoria do ataque que matou 84 pessoas e feriu outras 202 na cidade francesa de Nice ... «Jornal O Globo, Jul 16»
França não irá estender estado de emergência, diz Hollande
A França não irá estender para além de 26 de julho um estado de emergência colocado em prática após os ataques de militantes islâmicos em 13 de ... «Globo.com, Jul 16»
'Estado está fazendo trabalho terrível na área de segurança', diz Paes
Esse é o assunto mais sério do Rio, e o estado está fazendo um trabalho terrível, horrível. O governo está falhando completamente em seu trabalho de policiar ... «Jornal O Globo, Jul 16»
Ataques terroristas do Estado Islâmico no Iraque deixam 165 mortos
Dois ataques terrotistas em Bagdá (Iraque) neste domingo (3) deixaram 165 pessoas mortas e 168 feridos. O grupo Estado Islâmico assumiu a autoria do ... «EBC, Jul 16»



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