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Meaning of "hasta" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra hasta procede del árabe hispánico ḥattá, influido por el latín ad ista, hasta esto.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


has · ta play


Hasta can act as an adverb and a preposition.
The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.

The preposition is an invariable grammatical category, that has no meaning itself and which serves to link or relate terms.


Click to see the original definition of «hasta» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.

Definition of hasta in the Spanish dictionary

The definition of up in the Spanish dictionary is denotes the term of time, places, actions or quantities. Another meaning of up in the dictionary is also not before. They close until nine. La definición de hasta en el diccionario castellano es denota el término de tiempo, lugares, acciones o cantidades. Otro significado de hasta en el diccionario es también no antes de. Cierran hasta las nueve.

Click to see the original definition of «hasta» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.







Synonyms and antonyms of hasta in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «hasta» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of hasta

Translation of «hasta» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of hasta to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of hasta from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «hasta» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of hasta in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

para cima
270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

en haut
220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

nach oben
180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

w górę
50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

în sus
30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  through ; till ; down to ; all the way to ; up to ; all the way up to.
 Taking 197 as the base year, the price index of journals for an academic veterinary library has risen 143.00 points, an annual average of 15.89 points through 1986.
 In this case when the <Page Down> key was pressed the display scrolled till the cursor reached the end of record.
 A user could formulate a request in natural language, which would then be processed by the system and matched against the data base to give a ranked output down to the set cut-off point.
 Indexes, abstracts, catalogues, bibliographies and so on, leading all the way to computer data bases, are set forth as the modern, timesaving and efficient ways to obtain information.
 If the contractor defaults in his performance and fails to fulfill his contractual promises, the surety can itself complete the contract, or pay damages up to the limit of the bond.
 This organization may vary from a one-person operation in a special library all the way up to an internationally known indexing and abstracting agency.
Adjetivo + hasta la saciedad 
endlessly + Adjetivo
 If we look at a totally different sort of book romantic fiction we find here a form of novel which, to the outsider who has never read one of them, may seem to be endlessly repetitious.
como mínimo hasta que 
minimally until
 Presumably at least some libraries will retain this material - minimally until it is digitized.
comprar hasta caer muerto 
shop 'til you drop
 The article is entitled 'Shop 'til your modem drops. Internet shopping network is making strides as it learns how to sell in cyberspace'.
de hasta + Número 
of up to + Número
 To save a search, type SAVE followed by a name of up to eight alphanumeric characters.
desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer 
from dawn (to/till/until) dusk
 Each monk labored from dawn to dusk, six days a week, copying books by hand.
desde entonces hasta la actualidad 
from then to the present day
 From then to the present day, although many methods have been used and still are, heat remains one of the principal cornerstones of food preservation.
desde + Expresión Temporal + hasta el presente 
from + Expresión Temporal + up to the present
 Its history, from its foundation in 1838 and up to the present, is the chronicle of the development of agrarian science in the USSR.
desde + Expresión Temporal + hasta hoy día 
from + Expresión Temporal + up to the present day
 Superbly decorated bindings have been carefully preserved from the medieval period up to the present day, not only in tooled leather, but also in wood and metal (sometimes carved or jewelled), in cloth and embroidery, and in pierced or painted vellum.
desde + Fecha + hasta ahora 
from + Fecha + to the present
 Abstracts are available for about 59% of the records added from 1985 to the present.
desde hasta   
from ... through ...
from ... right across ...
 Virtually every discipline in the sciences, from astronomy through zoology, is represented since journals are indexed cover to cover.
 This type of help can extend from the assistant who does routine collecting of facts which the author uses, right across to the virtual ghosting of the book which the author has given little more to than a name.
desde hasta 
during the period + Período de Tiempo
 Not all embroidered bindings were bespoke, either; there was a flourishing trade in retailers' bindings for service books made by professional embroiderers in London during the period 1600 to 1650.
desde , pasando por , hasta  
from ..., through ..., to ...
 The article entitled 'the (British) Society of Archivists' describes the development of the Society of Archivists from the founding of a Society of Local Archivists in 1946, through its change into the Society of Archivists in 1955, to the present.
el mejor hasta ahora 
the best yet
 This biography is the best yet on Lord Acton.
el mejor que ha hecho hasta ahora 
Posesivo + best yet
 This novel may be her best yet.
encontrar hasta en la sopa   
a bad penny always turns up
turn up like + a bad penny
look what the cat (has) dragged in!
 However, like my professor likes to say, 'A bad penny always turns up'.
 To make matters worse, Rebecca seems to be after Mark, turning up like a bad penny at every social event that he and Bridget are attending.
 When I said hello he turned to his gaggle of friends and said 'look what the cat dragged in!' or something lame like that.
estar hasta en la sopa   
a bad penny always turns up
turn up like + a bad penny
look what the cat (has) dragged in!
 However, like my professor likes to say, 'A bad penny always turns up'.
 To make matters worse, Rebecca seems to be after Mark, turning up like a bad penny at every social event that he and Bridget are attending.
 When I said hello he turned to his gaggle of friends and said 'look what the cat dragged in!' or something lame like that.
fumar hasta desaparecer en una nube de humo 
smoke + Reflexivo + into a cloud
 She sat back in her chair, crossed her legs, lighted a cigarette, and smoked herself into a cloud.
hacer hasta la presente 
do + all along
 I think one thing is certain: we cannot simply attempt to do better what it is we have been doing all along.
hacer + Nombre + llegar hasta aquí 
get + Nombre + this far
 And getting children this far is the first aim of all the work we do with children and books.
hasta -7 desde entonces (y) hasta ahora 
between then and now
 Between then and now I have visited Europe for vacation nine or ten times.
hasta ahora                 
as yet
so far
thus far
to date
up to now
all along
up to this point
by now
as of today
until now
up until now
up till now
till now
to this day
 A second objective of union catalogues - to make library resources available when and where they are needed - has not then as yet been fully achieved.
 It offers to the librarian, the student, the teacher, the sociologist of knowledge, and the publisher a type of statistic not hitherto considered.
 The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.
 Thus far the results are very encouraging and we definitely will be proceeding along this way.
 Two major projects in this area have been conducted to date.
 What is going to happen to those records that have been produced up to now under superimposition and therefore have headings that were created according to the ALA 1949 or even according to earlier codes?.
 The article suggests that this technique is the most transparent and equitable system yet devised.
 If some or all of the suggested entries are made, many more entries will be made than heretofore.
 'I know you want to do the best job you can - not that you haven't all along'.
 Up to this point, the discussion has covered what kind of research is not needed.
 It will be evident by now that the microcomputer market is a complex place.
 As of today, there are no references to this issue in the literature.
 Until now, librarians have not been concerned with providing access to faculty owned collections.
 However, there are weaknesses with the formal notations used up until now.
 Nevertheless, femininity has up till now always been the dominant trait of the alienation of women, and masculinity that of men.
 Till now the comfort of fans has been the last thing on the minds of many clubs.
 Standardization never became quite complete, especially as regards height-to-paper; the Clarendon Press sturdily retains the so-called Dutch height of 23-851 mm. to this day, and various aberrant heights may still be found in Europe.
hasta ahora, todo bien 
so far, so good
 So far, so good.
hasta aquel entonces 
until that time
 Canada had depended mainly on British preferential tariffs until that time.
hasta aquel momento 
until that time
 Canada had depended mainly on British preferential tariffs until that time.
hasta aquí     
up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in
thus far
so far
until now
this far
 Some of these countries are already up to their eyeballs in debt repayment.
 Thus far the results are very encouraging and we definitely will be proceeding along this way.
 The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.
 Until now, librarians have not been concerned with providing access to faculty owned collections.
 If you've come this far, the rest is a breeze.
hasta aquí de trabajo 
up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work
 Around this time of year, professors are up to their eyeballs in work and. are likely handling lots of requests for reference letters.
hasta cierto punto   
up to a point
to some degree
to some extent
 EJ Coates, former editor of the British Technology Index, has suggested a significance order of terms which helps us to determine the citation order in headings for compound subjects, at least up to a point.
 All successful managers are autocratic to some degree.
 To some extent, at least, any theory designed to study this process evolves from practice rather than vice versa.
hasta donde  
so far as
as far as
 A couple of our crocks have hairline cracks but there's no leakage so far as I can tell.
 The abstractor is expected to reflect the authors' emphases, priorities, order and language as far as is reasonable.
hasta donde alcance 
to the limits of
 With ISI's CD Editions you can expand your searching power to the limits of your curiosity.
hasta donde alcanza la vista  
as far as the eye can see
as far as the eye can see
 This region is blessed with scenic drives where the breathtaking color explosion in the fall and spring stretch as far as the eye can see.
 This region is blessed with scenic drives where the breathtaking color explosion in the fall and spring stretch as far as the eye can see.
hasta donde es posible 
as far as possible
 Expressiveness is maintained as far as possible, but has to be sacrificed on occasions in order to insert new subjects.
hasta donde llegue 
to the limits of
 With ISI's CD Editions you can expand your searching power to the limits of your curiosity.
hasta donde + Pronombre + saber 
to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge
 To the best of her knowledge, she has no professional affiliations that create conflicts of interest with her editorial responsibilities.
hasta donde sea posible  
as far as possible
to the extent possible
 Expressiveness is maintained as far as possible, but has to be sacrificed on occasions in order to insert new subjects.
 You should preserve confidentiality to the extent possible, but do not promise the complainant that her identity cannot be revealed.
hasta donde se pueda 
to the extent possible
 You should preserve confidentiality to the extent possible, but do not promise the complainant that her identity cannot be revealed.
hasta el amanacer 
till dawn
 Harry was a right laugh. I remember finding him in my bath one night, pissed as a lord, laughing his head off... and then weeping throughout till dawn.
hasta el cuarenta de mayo no te quites el sayo 
cast no clout till May is out
 As she walked out of the library, he warned her 'cast no clout till May is out'.
hasta el cuello  
up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in
to the hilt
 Some of these countries are already up to their eyeballs in debt repayment.
 Motorists are under the cosh, feel taxed to the hilt and face record prices at the pumps .
hasta el cuello de trabajo 
up to + Posesivo + eyeballs in work
 Around this time of year, professors are up to their eyeballs in work and. are likely handling lots of requests for reference letters.
hasta el día de hoy  
up to this day
up to the present day
 Something about that film worked so well back then and still holds up to this day.
 Collisions between bodies have occurred continually up to the present day and have been central to the evolution of the solar system.
hasta el día del juicio final  [También escrito until the cows come home]  [También escrito until hell freezes over]
till the cows come home
till hell freezes over
 I put you on notice that you may argue till the cows come home about Jabari having blood on his hands, but the plain truth in this case is that Jabari and Hamas were honoring the ceasefire.
 But while he detested abolitionism, he passionately loved the Union and felt even greater hatred toward secessionists, vowing to 'fight them till hell freezes over'.
hasta el extremo de  
to the point of
up to the point of
 A stickler for details, sometimes to the point of compulsion, Edmonds was deemed a fortuitous choice to head the monumental reorganization process.
 The author comments on the activities of these companies regarding the collection of waste from a company's door up to the point of its destruction.
hasta el extremo que  
up to the point where
to the point where
 This process stretchess up to the point where it can be mutually agreed that the original problem has been solved.
 Telecommunications services have deteriorated to the point where they are unable to satisfy the needs of a large fraction of the nation's population.
hasta el final  
until the end
until the bitter end
 Iran's president said yesterday his country would press on with its nuclear program 'until the end and would not be stopped by the West.
 The Liberals are refusing to give up the fight against forced mergers, and are vowing to keep the pressure on the government until the bitter end.
hasta el final de los tiempos 
till the end of time
 The article 'Till the end of time' predicts that automated record processing will be the major distinguishing feature of libraries at the close of this century.
hasta el fin del mundo 
until the end of the world
 In this list, he gave a cryptic name to each of the popes who would reign from that time until the until the end of the world.
hasta el límite de 
to the limits of
 With ISI's CD Editions you can expand your searching power to the limits of your curiosity.
hasta el límite de las posibilidades de Algo/Alguien 
to + Posesivo + full potential
 Cabot, disappointingly, does not flesh out this gimmick to its full potential.
hasta el máximo de las posibilidades de Algo/Alguien 
to + Posesivo + full potential
 Cabot, disappointingly, does not flesh out this gimmick to its full potential.
hasta el mismo 
right up to
 In these days of refresher courses right up to retirement I do not think we can be as dogmatic as that.
hasta el momento    
as yet
up to the present
up to the present time
up to the present moment
 A second objective of union catalogues - to make library resources available when and where they are needed - has not then as yet been fully achieved.
 All animal hormones which have been isolated up to the present are either steroids or protein and amino acid derivatives.
 Up to the present time treatment of infantile paralysis has consisted in attempting to save as much as possible of the injured muscles.
 The only feelings which he is allowed to manifest are those which up to the present moment have been most distasteful to him.
hasta el momento de  
up to the point of
to the point of
 The author comments on the activities of these companies regarding the collection of waste from a company's door up to the point of its destruction.
 A stickler for details, sometimes to the point of compulsion, Edmonds was deemed a fortuitous choice to head the monumental reorganization process.
hasta el momento que  
up to the point where
to the point where
 This process stretchess up to the point where it can be mutually agreed that the original problem has been solved.
 Telecommunications services have deteriorated to the point where they are unable to satisfy the needs of a large fraction of the nation's population.
hasta el presente           
until now
so far
up to now
to this day
as of this time
as of now
as of today
to date
up to the present
up to the present time
up to the present moment
 Until now, librarians have not been concerned with providing access to faculty owned collections.
 The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.
 What is going to happen to those records that have been produced up to now under superimposition and therefore have headings that were created according to the ALA 1949 or even according to earlier codes?.
 Standardization never became quite complete, especially as regards height-to-paper; the Clarendon Press sturdily retains the so-called Dutch height of 23-851 mm. to this day, and various aberrant heights may still be found in Europe.
 As of this time, little literary materials for children are being included in automated data bases.
 As of now, more than 634,000 LC records for monographs, serials, films, and maps are in MARC form.
 As of today, there are no references to this issue in the literature.
 Two major projects in this area have been conducted to date.
 All animal hormones which have been isolated up to the present are either steroids or protein and amino acid derivatives.
 Up to the present time treatment of infantile paralysis has consisted in attempting to save as much as possible of the injured muscles.
 The only feelings which he is allowed to manifest are those which up to the present moment have been most distasteful to him.
hasta el punto de  
to the point of
up to the point of
 A stickler for details, sometimes to the point of compulsion, Edmonds was deemed a fortuitous choice to head the monumental reorganization process.
 The author comments on the activities of these companies regarding the collection of waste from a company's door up to the point of its destruction.
hasta el punto que  
up to the point where
to the point where
 This process stretchess up to the point where it can be mutually agreed that the original problem has been solved.
 Telecommunications services have deteriorated to the point where they are unable to satisfy the needs of a large fraction of the nation's population.
hasta el suelo 
 This floor-length wedding dress is made of fine apple green taffeta, high waisted, with a small train, and the bodice lined with coarse white linen.
hasta el último minuto 
until the last minute
 The idea of waiting until the last minute to develop training for a system is good evidence that the system, particularly the user interface, was not thought out very well in the first place.
hasta entonces     
up till then
until that time
until then
till then
 It offers to the librarian, the student, the teacher, the sociologist of knowledge, and the publisher a type of statistic not hitherto considered.
 He felt that, up till then, libraries had carried out their information function in a very passive way, relying, by and large, on the printed and published word.
 Canada had depended mainly on British preferential tariffs until that time.
 But some analysts wonder whether the domestic automakers can hang on until then without running out of cash.
 Till then things seems to be dicey.
hasta ese momento 
up to that point
 Whenever this code is entered, the system saves the document or list of documents being displayed and displays a summary of the documents saved up to that point.
hasta este momento  
up to this point
up to this point
 Up to this point, the discussion has covered what kind of research is not needed.
 Up to this point, the discussion has covered what kind of research is not needed.
Hasta + Expresión Temporal  
See you + Expresión Temporal
as far back as + Expresión Temporal
 'See you at one o'clock,' he whispered to Hawthorne as she rose to leave.
 The Times is now available on microfilm as far back as 1785.
hasta + Expresión Temporal + inclusive 
on or before + Expresión Temporal
 Cancellation requests for refunds must be made in writing and received on or before Wednesday, 25 July.
hasta + Fecha  
by + Fecha
up until + Fecha
 All choices expressed in applications received by 15 January 2005 will be considered, however the organizers reserve the right to allocate exhibitors to the most appropriate stands = Se estudiarán todas las opciones expresadas en las solicitudes recibidas hasta el 15 de enero del 2005, aunque los organizadores se reservan el derecho de asignar a los expositores el estand que ellos consideren más adecuado.
 Africans south of the Sahara lived largely in nomadic, hunter-gatherer groups up until 200 BC.
hasta hace muy poco  
until recently
up until recently
 Until recently all libraries and some architects have maintained that an academic library should be capable of extension and that land should be reserved for future expansion.
 Up until recently, these institutions have tended to view the stewardship of their art as a public trust, to be passed on to posterity.
hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo 
until relatively recently
 Until relatively recently all such transactions were recorded on paper and processed by hand or by means of slow electromechanical equipment = Hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo todas las transacciones de este tipo de registraban en papel y se procesaban a mano o por medios de equipos electromecánicos que eran lentos.
hasta hace + Tiempo 
up until + Tiempo
 Up until ten years ago, the status of library professionals made it difficult to consolidate the identity of the profession and affected the growth and virtuality of the professional associations.
hasta hartarse  
to + Posesivo + heart's content
to + Posesivo + heart's delight
 The exhibition organized to mark the occasion was titled 'Rummage to your heart's content'.
 She wore fairy wings & jumped to her heart's delight on the trampoline.
hasta hoy   
to date
up to now
so far
 Two major projects in this area have been conducted to date.
 What is going to happen to those records that have been produced up to now under superimposition and therefore have headings that were created according to the ALA 1949 or even according to earlier codes?.
 The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.
hasta hoy día  
up to the present day
up to this day
 Collisions between bodies have occurred continually up to the present day and have been central to the evolution of the solar system.
 Something about that film worked so well back then and still holds up to this day.
hasta hoy (día)   
to this day
until today
till today
 Standardization never became quite complete, especially as regards height-to-paper; the Clarendon Press sturdily retains the so-called Dutch height of 23-851 mm. to this day, and various aberrant heights may still be found in Europe.
 These routes have been used by stock-breeders from the Neolithic period until today.
 He remains my favorite commetator till today due to his knowledge of the game.
hasta la actualidad      
to date
up to now
so far
to this day
until today
till today
 Two major projects in this area have been conducted to date.
 What is going to happen to those records that have been produced up to now under superimposition and therefore have headings that were created according to the ALA 1949 or even according to earlier codes?.
 The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.
 Standardization never became quite complete, especially as regards height-to-paper; the Clarendon Press sturdily retains the so-called Dutch height of 23-851 mm. to this day, and various aberrant heights may still be found in Europe.
 These routes have been used by stock-breeders from the Neolithic period until today.
 He remains my favorite commetator till today due to his knowledge of the game.
hasta la cintura   
waist deep
waist high
waist length
 More than a score or two of the young female members waded the stream that in places was waist deep.
 The shepherd led them across meadows where the warm, scented grass grew nearly waist high, toward the mighty waterfall.
 Since hair only grows an average of ½-inch per month, waist-length hair would require at least six years of growth.
hasta la empuñadura 
to the hilt
 Motorists are under the cosh, feel taxed to the hilt and face record prices at the pumps .
hasta la fecha   
to date
up to now
so far
 Two major projects in this area have been conducted to date.
 What is going to happen to those records that have been produced up to now under superimposition and therefore have headings that were created according to the ALA 1949 or even according to earlier codes?.
 The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.
hasta la madrugada  
until the early hours (of the morning)
till the early hours (of the morning)
 A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.
 The party went till the early hours of the morning.
hasta la médula   
true blue
to the core
through and through
 Make no mistake, Danning, in his own words, is a 'true blue Aussie boy' though he was born in Ghana.
 These guys are corrupt to the core and should be sent packing by next elections.
 Drew and Myra both grew up in New York, city kids through and through.
hasta la muerte   
until the end
until the bitter end
 Iran's president said yesterday his country would press on with its nuclear program 'until the end and would not be stopped by the West.
 Documents and information can be lost forever by faults in inputting.
 The Liberals are refusing to give up the fight against forced mergers, and are vowing to keep the pressure on the government until the bitter end.
hasta la pantorrilla 
 These calf length-baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices .
hasta la presente          
to this day
as of this time
as of now
as of today
to date
so far
up to now
up to the present
up to the present time
up to the present moment
 Standardization never became quite complete, especially as regards height-to-paper; the Clarendon Press sturdily retains the so-called Dutch height of 23-851 mm. to this day, and various aberrant heights may still be found in Europe.
 As of this time, little literary materials for children are being included in automated data bases.
 As of now, more than 634,000 LC records for monographs, serials, films, and maps are in MARC form.
 As of today, there are no references to this issue in the literature.
 Two major projects in this area have been conducted to date.
 The classification schemes that have been considered so far are general bibliographic classification schemes in that they attempt to encompass all of knowledge.
 What is going to happen to those records that have been produced up to now under superimposition and therefore have headings that were created according to the ALA 1949 or even according to earlier codes?.
 All animal hormones which have been isolated up to the present are either steroids or protein and amino acid derivatives.
 Up to the present time treatment of infantile paralysis has consisted in attempting to save as much as possible of the injured muscles.
 The only feelings which he is allowed to manifest are those which up to the present moment have been most distasteful to him.
hasta la rodilla   
knee deep
 The article 'Acid rain information: knee deep and rising' briefly describes the dramatic growth in acid rain literature which has occurred in the past 5 years.
 Knee-high boots are not only flattering and hip, they're also practical, keeping your legs warm on cold days.
 These calf-length baseball pants and knee-length baseball pants are available at discount quantity prices.
hasta la saciedad 
ad nauseam
 At least there seems to be a tacit acknowledgment that the various denominations have something in common, though the nature of the common core is debated ad nauseam.
hasta (las) altas horas de la madrugada  
until the early hours (of the morning)
till the early hours (of the morning)
 A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.
 The party went till the early hours of the morning.
hasta (las) altas horas de la noche  
until the early hours (of the morning)
till the early hours (of the morning)
 A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.
 The party went till the early hours of the morning.
hasta las tantas de la madrugada  
until the early hours (of the morning)
till the early hours (of the morning)
 A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.
 The party went till the early hours of the morning.
hasta las tantas de la noche  
until the early hours (of the morning)
till the early hours (of the morning)
 A lot of the bars and cafes are open until the early hours of the morning.
 The party went till the early hours of the morning.
hasta los codos  
up to + Posesivo + armpits
up to + Posesivo + elbows
 However, those who have tasted the succulent meat of this type of clam are more than willing to dig up to their armpits in the intertidal muck to capture such delicious quarry.
 It is a chance for youngsters to get up to their elbows in flour while learning about cookery.
hasta los hombros  
 In some places the floodwater was shoulder-high and travellers had to literally swim across.
 Her shoulder-length hair was pushed back and held with a tie.
hasta los tobillos   
ankle deep
ankle high
ankle length
 If the ice hidden just below the Martian surface were to melt, it would create a planet-wide sea ankle-deep, scientists have said.
 Most men look good in black or brown boots that are ankle high with a short heel.
 The boots are ankle length and have a ribbed slip-resistant sole.
hasta los topes        
packed to capacity
bursting at the seams
packed to the rafters
full to the gunwales
loaded to the gunwales
 His small foreign-made car strained with the added burden of an interior packed to capacity with personal belongings and a heavily laden U-Haul trailor attached to the rear.
 The library solved the problems of budget cuts, a library building bursting at the seams, and stock ill matched to some of the courses by switching to the use of on-line search services.
 The library was chock-a-block with celebrities and children as they swarmed to see the signing of the new Harry Potter book by its author.
 Herbal cancer remedy is chock-full of drugs.
 He dismissed the image of overloaded libraries collapsing under the weight of a surfeit of paper as 'mythology'.
 The local church was packed to the rafters for the funeral of a much-loved parish priest who died last month aged 69.
 At this time of year, the boats at the floating market are full to the gunwales with sweet potatoes, cabbages, carrots and spring onions.
 As she approached the wharf it could be seen that she was loaded to the gunwales with cases and boxes.
hasta los topes de 
bursting with
 It is a great pleasure to welcome you to a country bursting with pride and energy.
hasta los topes (de)   
jam-packed (with)
filled to capacity
full to capacity
 This week is looking to be quite a jam packed, event-filled, extravaganza!.
 If a class is filled to capacity, please contact the secretary and ask to be put on a waiting list.
 Once the bucket is full to capacity, let the contents ferment for a period of 10-14 days at room temperature.
hasta luego  
I'll see you on the flipside
I'll catch you on the flipside
 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.
 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.
hasta mañana  
I'll see you on the flipside
I'll catch you on the flipside
 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.
 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.
hasta + Nombre + incluido éste 
up to and including + Nombre
 Up to and including the fourteenth edition progress led to ever-increasing detail.
hasta + Nombre + inclusive 
up to and including + Nombre
 Up to and including the fourteenth edition progress led to ever-increasing detail.
hasta nuevo aviso 
until further notice
 I have been appointed Acting Secretary General until further notice.
hasta + Número 
up to + Número
 The MARC format includes up to sixty-one data elements, of which twenty-five are directly searchable.
hasta pasar a una nueva situación 
 These payments cover the following: tide-over allowances for workers, including redundancy payments, resettlement allowances, and vocational training for those having to change their employment.
hasta pronto   
bye for now
I'll see you on the flipside
I'll catch you on the flipside
 'Bye for now,' he said with a smile.
 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.
 'I'll see you (or catch you) on the flipside' became a catch phrase for some DJ's when closing a radio show during the vinyl record period = "Nos vemos" era una frase muy usada por algunos DJ's cuando terminaban sus programas de radios durante la época del disco de vinilo.
hasta (que)  [Forma abreviada till/'til]
 Until the mid nineteenth century the concept of authorship was confined to personal authors.
Hasta que la muerte nos separe 
Till death do us part
 'Till death do us part' is a 'comedy' programme in the sense that it treats significant issues in a mature way = "Hasta que la muerte nos separe" es un programa de "humor" en el sentido de que trata asuntos importantes de una forma madura.
hasta que las ranas críen pelos  [También escrito until the cows come home]  [También escrito until hell freezes over]
till the cows come home
till hell freezes over
 I put you on notice that you may argue till the cows come home about Jabari having blood on his hands, but the plain truth in this case is that Jabari and Hamas were honoring the ceasefire.
 But while he detested abolitionism, he passionately loved the Union and felt even greater hatred toward secessionists, vowing to 'fight them till hell freezes over'.
hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario 
until proven otherwise
 However, librarians are better served by presuming any given alternativa title is geared for adult audiences, until proven otherwise = No obstante, es aconsejable que los bibliotecarios asuman que cualquier título alternativo va dirigido a un público adulto, hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario.
hasta qué punto   
how far
the extent to which
to what extent
 The Dainton Report takes up the old cry: The UGC report on libraries has shown how far the incompleteness of the NCL's union catalogues has contributed to the overall delays in its services.
 Quite obviously, however, everything rests in the end on the extent to which people grow up to be avid, thoughtful readers.
 Clearly an index must permit access to a document by its central theme, but, to what extent should access be provided to secondary or subsidiary topics considered within a document?.
hasta tal grado que 
so much so that
 The number of circuits which can be stored on a single chip has increased rapidly over the last few years, so much so that there are now a number of degrees of integration.
hasta tal punto + Adjetivo 
such a + Nombre
 Slake is such a dreamer that he bumps into lampposts.
hasta tal punto que 
to a point where
 Mearns, too, has warned against 'profligate expenditure of time and effort when the reference librarian's own curiosity is fired to a point where he feels himself impelled to seek personal satisfaction'.
hasta última hora 
until the last minute
 The idea of waiting until the last minute to develop training for a system is good evidence that the system, particularly the user interface, was not thought out very well in the first place.
hasta un máximo de + Número 
up to + Número
 The MARC format includes up to sixty-one data elements, of which twenty-five are directly searchable.
hasta un punto limitado 
to a limited extent
 The notation from the Tables provides systematic mnemonics to a limited extent, since the same notation is used for a concept whichever main class numbers it qualifies.
incluso hasta ahora 
even to this day
 The bulbous domes and tapering minarets built with marble stand strong and beautiful even to this day.
incluso hasta el presente 
even to this day
 The bulbous domes and tapering minarets built with marble stand strong and beautiful even to this day.
incluso hasta hoy (día) 
even to this day
 The bulbous domes and tapering minarets built with marble stand strong and beautiful even to this day.
incluso hasta la actualidad 
even to this day
 The bulbous domes and tapering minarets built with marble stand strong and beautiful even to this day.
incluso hasta la presente 
even to this day
 The bulbous domes and tapering minarets built with marble stand strong and beautiful even to this day.
justo hasta 
down to
 A user could formulate a request in natural language, which would then be processed by the system and matched against the data base to give a ranked output down to the set cut-off point.
llevar Algo hasta el final 
carry + Nombre + to the end
 One significant difference between a piece of fiction and a case, however, is that cases are written in the form of problems without solutions, rather than as complete narratives which carry a story to the end.
metido hasta la rodilla 
knee deep
 The article 'Acid rain information: knee deep and rising' briefly describes the dramatic growth in acid rain literature which has occurred in the past 5 years.
metido hasta los tobillos 
ankle deep
 If the ice hidden just below the Martian surface were to melt, it would create a planet-wide sea ankle-deep, scientists have said.
no volver hasta + Expresión Temporal 
not be back for + Expresión Temporal
 The third assistant, Alfred MacIntosh, was recovering from a hernia operation and would not be back for two weeks = El tercer ayudante, Alfred MacIntosh, estaba recuperándose de una operación de hernia y que se ausentaría durante dos semanas.
que cubre hasta la rodilla 
knee deep
 The article 'Acid rain information: knee deep and rising' briefly describes the dramatic growth in acid rain literature which has occurred in the past 5 years.
que cubre hasta los tobillos 
ankle deep
 If the ice hidden just below the Martian surface were to melt, it would create a planet-wide sea ankle-deep, scientists have said.
hasta (que)
hasta (que) 
 Until the mid nineteenth century the concept of authorship was confined to personal authors.

Trends of use of hasta



The term «hasta» is very widely used and occupies the 61 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «hasta» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of hasta
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «hasta».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «hasta» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «hasta» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about hasta



Famous quotes and sentences with the word hasta.
Adrien Decourcelle
La obra maestra es un hijo que no se bautiza hasta después de la muerte del padre.
Conde De Cavour
Con un poder absoluto hasta a un burro le resulta fácil gobernar.
Conde De Romanones
Los amigos suelen abandonarnos a la hora de la desgracia; los enemigos nos siguen hasta la muerte.
Erasmo De Rotterdam
Opónense a la razón dos antagonistas formidables: la cólera, que tienen la sede de su imperio en el corazón, en los orígenes mismos de la vida, y la lubricidad, que extiende su preponderancia hasta más abajo de la región abdominal.
Hasta las desdichas han de sentirse con moderación.
Humphrey Bogart
No eres una estrella hasta que no saben escribir tu nombre en Karachi.
Jacinto Benavente
Los amores son como los niños recién nacidos; hasta que no lloran no se sabe si viven.
Jacques Chardonne
Vivir demasiado es perder hasta los recuerdos.
Jules Michelet
Hasta para someterse, hay que ser libre; para darse, hay que pertenecerse.
Léon Blum
El hombre libre es el que no teme ir hasta el final de su pensamiento.


Hambre es tan maestra, que hasta a los animales adiestra.
Hasta San Juan, toda la hierba es pan.
Pan y lastre, hasta cansarte.
Quien dinero tiene, hasta sabio parece.
Reverencia, hasta el suelo; y el repelón, hasta el cielo.
Al mal torero, hasta los cuernos le molestan.
Al perro más flaco, hasta las pulgas le abandonan.
De Cercedilla hasta la coronilla.
Donde no hay pan, vase hasta el can.
El que está bien no para hasta que se pone mal.


Discover the use of hasta in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to hasta and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Hasta el domingo
The protagonist shares the joys and sorrows of her young life.
María Inés Falconi, 1995
Tecnología arquitectónica hasta la revolución científica
Recorrido por la historia de la tecnología de la construcción en Europa, desde la arquitectura civil de la antigua Grecia hasta el Renacimiento. Se acompaña de abundante material gráfico, un índice de nombres y un glosario.
Robert Mark, 2002
Historia de la escritura: de Mesopotamia hasta nuestros días
Historia de la Escritura es un libro elaborado con rigor y claridad, e ilustrado con numerosos gráficos y ejemplos, nos conduce al núcleo de una de las más prodigiosas aventuras humanas: la escritura.
Louis-Jean Calvet, 2007
Desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años: proceso evolutivo, ...
Un libro-guía especialmente diseñado para presentar de manera clara, sencilla, práctica y pedagógica el progreso evolutivo de los niños y niñas de 0 a 5 años, es decir, a lo largo de toda la Educación Infantil.
Mary D. Sheridan, Ajay Sharma, 1999
Los límites del amor: Hasta donde amarte sin renunciar a lo ...
El reconocido terapeuta Walter Riso emprende aquí la crítica a esos amores dañinos que se apoyan en relaciones de dependencia y que atentan contra la individualidad, la dignidad personal y la autoestima.
Walter Riso, 2012
El desarrollo psicomotor. Desde la infancia hasta la ...
El día a día de la lenta pero segura progresión del bebé y del niño, tanto en sus movimientos como en su psiquismo, además de una alegría y una satisfacción, puede ser también fuente de preocupación e incluso de alarma para padres ...
Gloria Cabezuelo, Gloria Cabezuelo Huerta, Pedro Frontera Izquierdo, 2010
Historia económica mundial: desde el Paleolítico hasta el ...
Nos encontramos ante un libro que corona la trayectoria de uno de los grandes de la historia economica.
Rondo Cameron, 2000
Japón contemporáneo (hasta 1914)
Libro que narra el triste destino de Edipo, a quien un oráculo había anunciado que mataría a su padre y se casaría con su madre. El libro cuenta con bloques de juegos y de información sobre diversos aspectos de la cultura griega.
Julia Moreno García, Julia Moreno, 1990
¿Cómo llegó la Biblia hasta nosotros?
SPANISH EDITION: This book has two purposes: the first is to give students of the Bible as well as pastors an effective tool for deepening their understanding of their Bible knowledge.
Pedro Puigvert, 2010
La estética musical desde la Antigüedad hasta el siglo XX
En su obra mas representativa hasta el momento, considerada desde hace anos un clasico de la disciplina, Enrico Fubini las examina con claridad y rigor desde una perspectiva historica y sociologica.
Enrico Fubini, Carlos Guillermo Pérez de Aranda, 1999


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term hasta is used in the context of the following news items.
Turquía mantendrá operaciones en Siria "hasta el final"
El presidente de Turquía, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, aseguró este domingo que las fuerzas turcas continuarán en Siria "hasta el final", en su lucha contra el ... «teleSUR TV, Aug 16»
Mendoza, en vilo por el cierre del aeropuerto hasta fin de año
El turismo en Mendoza se verá afectado hasta fin de año por el cierre del aeropuerto provincial, que será refaccionado por encontrarse en "estado crítico". «LA NACION, Aug 16»
Plástico hasta en los cosméticos
Pasan desapercibidos, pero los plásticos están presentes hasta en los cosméticos. Por ejemplo, en las cremas exfoliantes, en algunas pastas dentífricas y en ... «EL PAÍS, Aug 16»
Juan Gabriel: Adelanto exclusivo de la serie 'Hasta que te conocí'
Se acabó la espera, la tan anunciada serie 'Hasta Que Te Conocí', basada en la vida de Juan Gabriel, se estrenará este próximo otoño por la pantalla de ... «La Opinión, Aug 16»
Colombia: Chocó continúa en paro hasta pactar con el Gobierno
Colombia: Chocó continúa en paro hasta pactar con el Gobierno ... el cese de actividades hasta tanto no se haya alcanzado un acuerdo final y productivo. «teleSUR TV, Aug 16»
Las mejores fotos de las Olimpiadas de Río 2016 (hasta ahora)
La egipcia Doaa Elghobashy juega al voley playa cubierta desde los tobillos hasta la cabeza. Al otro lado de la red, la alemana Kira Walkenhorst viste un bikini. «BBC Mundo, Aug 16»
Hasta cuándo trabajo: edad jubilatoria, un debate en su laberinto
Hasta cuándo trabajo: edad jubilatoria, un debate en su laberinto. Los trabajadores jóvenes de hoy serán los mayores de una Argentina envejecida, que ahora ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
Avergonzados hasta el límite constitucional
Su falta de preparación en todos los órdenes de la vida y hasta de la otra vida. Yo mismo lo he hecho, y a fondo. Y de repente, el señor mayor, el veterano, ... «El Mundo, Jul 16»
Mariló Montero denuncia a Pablo Iglesias por decir que "la azotaría ...
Según indica en el texto Mariló Montero, ante las declaraciones de Iglesias en las que dice "la azotaría hasta que sangrase... Esa es la cara B de lo nacional ... «20minutos.es, Jul 16»
La primera ola de calor de 2016 durará hasta el miércoles aunque ...
La primera ola de calor del verano evolucionará desde este lunes y martes, cuando se esperan las temperaturas máximas y mínimas más altas, hasta el ... «20minutos.es, Jul 16»



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