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Meaning of "desde" in the Spanish dictionary



des · de play


Desde is a preposition.
The preposition is an invariable grammatical category, that has no meaning itself and which serves to link or relate terms.


Click to see the original definition of «desde» in the Spanish dictionary.
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The preposition is the kind of invariable word that introduces the so-called prepositional phrase. Prepositions generally have the function of introducing attachments, and sometimes also mandatory complements linking the name or noun phrase to the one that precedes immediately with a verb or another name that precedes them. In some languages ​​prepositions may not lead to a prepositional phrase, such as in English, where they may even appear at the end of the sentence. Considering the different languages ​​of the world, the preposition is a type of adposition that is characterized by typically appearing at the beginning of the syntactic constituent to which it affects; So for example, the equivalent word that appears behind and not in front is called postposition. Traditionally, the grammar of the Spanish has defined it as the invariable part of the sentence that unites words denoting the relationship they have with each other. La preposición es la clase de palabra invariable que introduce el llamado sintagma preposicional. Las preposiciones generalmente tienen la función de introducir adjuntos, y en ocasiones también complementos obligatorios ligando el nombre o sintagma nominal al que preceden inmediatamente con un verbo u otro nombre que las antecede. En algunas lenguas las preposiciones pueden no encabezar un sintagma preposicional, como en inglés, donde incluso pueden aparecer al final de la frase. Considerando las distintas lenguas del mundo, la preposición es un tipo de adposición que se caracteriza por aparecer típicamente al principio del constituyente sintáctico al que afecta; así por ejemplo, la palabra equivalente que aparece detrás y no delante se llama postposición. Tradicionalmente, la gramática del español la ha definido como la parte invariable de la oración que une palabras denotando la relación que tienen entre sí.

Definition of desde in the Spanish dictionary

The definition of since in the Spanish dictionary denotes the point, in time or place, that a thing, a fact or a distance originates or has to start to be counted. Since the Creation. From Madrid. Since I was born. From my house. Another meaning of since in the dictionary is also after. La definición de desde en el diccionario castellano es denota el punto, en tiempo o lugar, de que procede, se origina o ha de empezar a contarse una cosa, un hecho o una distancia. Desde la Creación. Desde Madrid. Desde que nací. Desde mi casa. Otro significado de desde en el diccionario es también después de.
Click to see the original definition of «desde» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.





Synonyms and antonyms of desde in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «desde» into 25 languages

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Find out the translation of desde to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of desde from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «desde» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of desde in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


  from ; from as far back as + Expresión Temporal.
 From the analysis of some 5760 questions, Wilkinson and Miller developed a 'step approach' to differentiate reference questions according to how many judgmental steps were required to answer them.
 In all types of libraries in Lesotho, shortage of, and the need for trained librarians has been felt from as far back as the mid-1970s.
desde ahora en adelante 
from now onward(s)
 From now onwards you're going to spend most of your life at work so it's much better to be involved in something you love.
desde allí 
 James sat silent and peered out the window, as though at some object of great interest to be seen thence.
desde antiguo 
from time immemorial
 The spin sold to the world by the Arabs is that they were one nation in their homeland 'from time immemorial'.
desde aquel entonces 
 From 1751 to 1766 he copied out the details of all the various processes in two books, which were thenceforth kept in the factory's archives.
desde aquel momento 
ever after
 The author focuses on debunking the Cinderella Myth - that relates the tale of Cinderella who is abused and exploited until she finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after.
desde casi el comienzo 
from (very) early on
 From very early on in your pregnancy, you may feel much more tired than normal.
desde casi el primer momento 
from (very) early on
 From very early on in your pregnancy, you may feel much more tired than normal.
desde casi el principio 
from (very) early on
 From very early on in your pregnancy, you may feel much more tired than normal.
desde cero  
from the ground up
from scratch
 This article describes the experiences of a library training officer whose brief was to build library services from the ground up.
 The Office does not support development of new systems from scratch.
desde cualquier punto de vista 
by any standard(s)
 By any standard there were many more illiterate Americans 100 years ago.
desde dentro    
from within
from the inside
from the inside-out
 Its actions, then, as perceived from within, are reasonable and necessary to survival.
 Her contributions as a scholar who has studied these issues in Russia for many years 'from the outside' will be enhanced by those of Russian colleagues who will speak about the issues 'from the inside'.
 The article is entitled 'Libraries from the inside-out'.
 The article is entitled 'Inside-out thinking about distance teaching: making sense of reflective practice'.
desde dentro hacia fuera 
from the inside-out
 The article is entitled 'Libraries from the inside-out'.
desde dentro y desde fuera de 
within and without
 This article argues against the cynicism within and without the profession that youth is not a priority.
desde el amanecer hasta el atardecer    
from dawn (to/till/until) dusk
from sunrise to sunset
from sun up to sun down
from sun to sun
 Each monk labored from dawn to dusk, six days a week, copying books by hand.
 Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset to learn self-discipline, to know how the poor feel and to think about the blessings from Allah.
 The workday for slaves was from sun up to sun down, six days a week.
 A man's work is from sun to sun, but a mother's work is never done.
desde el comienzo      
from the outset
from the start
from the beginning
ab initio
from the word go
from the (word) get-go
 Such a structure must be imposed from the outset, and control over it exercised during any activity against the data base.
 Please accept this from the person who was probably the biggest sceptic in the State of Ohio at the beginning - if we had waited for this from the start, I think we never would have started.
 One is to believe, for instance, that the public library movement began in a passion of liberal and humanitarian zeal, and yet public libraries were generally cold, rigidly inflexible, and elitist institutions from the beginning.
 There were so many corrections to be made that it would have been cheaper and quicker to catalogue the item oneself ab initio.
 They were rooted to their seats and riveted to the screen from the word go!.
 Clearly, right from the get-go the assumption was that breast cancer is causally linked to environmental factors - specifically, chemicals.
desde el comienzo de los tiempos   
since the beginning of time
from the beginning of time
since time began
 Since the beginning of time, the buttocks have always been one of the two most important determinants of the beauty of the female torso.
 From the beginning of time, technology has been a key element in the growth and development of societies.
 Since time began there has never been a conscientious objector in the war between the sexes.
desde el fondo del alma 
from the bottom of + Posesivo + soul
 From the bottom of her heart, from the bottom of her soul, she despised and detested people, adult people.
desde el fondo del corazón 
from the bottom of + Posesivo + heart
 He said the nations of the Middle East 'hate the United States from the bottom of their hearts'.
desde el primer día 
from day one
 But Salman and I got along like a house on fire from day one.
desde el primer momento  
from the word go
from the (word) get-go
 They were rooted to their seats and riveted to the screen from the word go!.
 Clearly, right from the get-go the assumption was that breast cancer is causally linked to environmental factors - specifically, chemicals.
desde el principio       
from the start
all along
ab initio
from the outset
from the beginning
from the word go
from the (word) get-go
 Please accept this from the person who was probably the biggest sceptic in the State of Ohio at the beginning - if we had waited for this from the start, I think we never would have started.
 'I know you want to do the best job you can - not that you haven't all along'.
 There were so many corrections to be made that it would have been cheaper and quicker to catalogue the item oneself ab initio.
 Such a structure must be imposed from the outset, and control over it exercised during any activity against the data base.
 One is to believe, for instance, that the public library movement began in a passion of liberal and humanitarian zeal, and yet public libraries were generally cold, rigidly inflexible, and elitist institutions from the beginning.
 They were rooted to their seats and riveted to the screen from the word go!.
 Clearly, right from the get-go the assumption was that breast cancer is causally linked to environmental factors - specifically, chemicals.
desde el principio de los tiempos    
since the beginning of time
from the beginning of time
since time began
from the very earliest times
 Since the beginning of time, the buttocks have always been one of the two most important determinants of the beauty of the female torso.
 From the beginning of time, technology has been a key element in the growth and development of societies.
 Since time began there has never been a conscientious objector in the war between the sexes.
 The human race has been making useless objects from the very earliest times.
desde el punto de vista de   
in terms of
from the vantage of
against + the backdrop of
 And we have all of the ingredients for the creation of an atmosphere in which the proponents of expediency could couch their arguments in terms of cost effectiveness.
 Viewed from the vantage of the student, the typical instructor uses a course management system as a publicly accessible file drawer and little more, posting lecture notes and the syllabus.
 Thus, any examination of the provision to local authorities of information about the Community, and their use of it, should be seen against this backdrop.
desde el punto de vista de la estética 
aesthetically [esthetically, -USA]
 Limitless flexibility sounds to be the answer but it is, of course, impossibly expensive and unacceptable aesthetically.
desde el punto de vista de la medicina 
 Unfamiliar with the practice, either medically or culturally, these providers are turning to medical librarians for information.
desde el punto de vista de la música 
 The author maintains that, aside from increasing computational speed, and thus real-time control, musically no advances have been made.
desde el punto de vista de la conservación 
 In addition to sealants or paint, a number of simple yet preservationally sound liners are now available for use on wooden shelves.
desde el punto de vista de la archivística 
 The gap between the archivally developed and undeveloped countries has widened since 1979 and technical changes relating to automation, conservation, reprography, deterioration due to pollution and wear and tear cause increasing problems.
desde el punto de vista de la armonía 
 As an improviser, he inhabits a world uniquely his own, rhythmically, harmonically and melodically.
desde el punto de vista de la calidad 
on quality grounds
 Some pop culture may be creative enough to warrant serious consideration on quality grounds.
desde el punto de vista de la cinética 
 Investigations dealing with graphite nanotubes represent kinetically the most active field of research in the nanosciences = Las investigaciones relacionadas con los nanotubos de granito representan cinéticamente el campo más activo de la investigación sobre la nanociencia.
desde el punto de vista de la competitividad 
 This framework is designed to provide a basis both for identifying differences between firms and for thinking through the implications and likely outcomes of intervention both operationally and competitively.
desde el punto de vista de la cultura 
 They recognize the logistical as well as intellectual futility of attempting to control from a geographically and culturally remote centre every aspect of a programme of information aimed at a member state or third country.
desde el punto de vista de la funcionalidad 
 A public library's design can go far in either reinforcing or thwarting the intimacy of reading and in determining its success - functionally, aesthetically and financially.
desde el punto de vista de la genética 
 The catalog must also be designed to reveal to him/her at the same time what other editions, translations, or versions of the work, as well as other genetically related works, the library has.
desde el punto de vista de la logística 
 Viewdata systems, which logistically are a prime medium for news and information, has failed to capture the professional user's imagination.
desde el punto de vista de la melodía 
 As an improviser, he inhabits a world uniquely his own, rhythmically, harmonically and melodically.
desde el punto de vista de la mitosis 
 Most of them are mitotically stable, and the integration of the vector into the host genome frequently occurred in a tandem fashion.
desde el punto de vista de la notación 
 In CC each facet is introduced, notationally, by its own facet indicator.
desde el punto de vista de la nutrición  
nutritionally speaking
 When you're crunched for time, take along snacks that pack a wallop, nutritionally speaking.
 Thus the consumer is left with the choice between more expensive but nutritionally superior fresh foods, and cheap, usually nutritionally inferior processed foods.
desde el punto de vista de la química 
 Nevertheless, deacidification alone will not stop the decay unless soluble copper compounds are removed from the object or converted to chemically inert compounds.
desde el punto de vista de la realidad 
 It is factually wrong and historically incorrect to deify scientists, who share the foibles and weaknesses of other human beings.
desde el punto de vista de las matemáticas 
 Most computer programs are not eligible for a patent because they are expressed mathematically.
desde el punto de vista de la tonalidad 
 Whereas when the talk is limited, anemic, verbally and tonally narrow, just the opposite is true; a deprivation occurs that will later show itself in difficulties in learning to read, in writing, in coping with social situations where speech is essential.
desde el punto de vista del clima 
 However, the most northerly and climatically extreme parts of the Arctic are inhabited by few species.
desde el punto de vista del contexto 
 Such representations of women have to be interpreted contextually.
desde el punto de vista del estilo 
 The second paragraph came down to earth stylistically.
desde el punto de vista del funcionamiento  [Para que se pueda funcionar/trabajar con ello]
 To define occupational stress operationally, as experience by library media specialists, and to conduct systematic research, a psychometric instrument was developed.
desde el punto de vista del medio ambiente 
 White's theology was found to be unacceptable environmentally.
desde el punto de vista del + Nombre   
as seen through the eyes of + Nombre
as far as + Nombre + be + concerned
insofar as + Nombre + be + concerned
 A digital library could be defined as 'a set of digital documents as seen through the eyes of a librarian' = Se podría definir la biblioteca digital como "un conjunto de documentos digitales vistos de las perspectiva del bibliotecario".
 As far as users are concerned, standardisation of command languages for different hosts is a highly desirable.
 According to various individuals and groups, certain democratic states are tyrannical, at least insofar as they are concerned = De acuerdo a varios individuos y grupos, ciertos estados democráticos son tiránicos, al menos en lo que respecta a ellos.
desde el punto de vista de los hechos 
 It is factually wrong and historically incorrect to deify scientists, who share the foibles and weaknesses of other human beings.
desde el punto de vista del ritmo 
 As an improviser, he inhabits a world uniquely his own, rhythmically, harmonically and melodically.
desde el punto de vista del trabajador 
in the trenches
 The article is entitled 'Lessons learned in the trenches: preservation microfilming after thirteen years'.
desde el punto de vista del uso 
in terms of use
 The success of the service in terms of use and solid revenue generated were sufficient to place the service on a secure footing.
desde el punto de vista económico 
 Public libraries are supported by tax dollars and augmenting that support by charging fees not only is fiscally sound, it is equitable.
desde el punto de vista lingüístico 
 His work is criticized for its triviality, quantity, linguistically impoverished style, anemia of characterization, and cliched, stereotyped ideas and plots.
desde el punto de vista político 
 But the building plans were nearly jeopardised several times in a politically charged atmosphere that led to a tax-payer revolt in California.
desde el punto de vista profesional 
career-wise [careerwise]
 I hope you'll think very seriously about all the advantages and disadvantages - career-wise and personally - of both positions in their respective environments before you make up your mind.
desde entonces              
ever since
in the interim
since that time
since then
ever since then
in the intervening years
ever after
in the intervening period
since that day
from then on
 By the 1820s good white paper was regularly produced with the aid of chlorine bleaches, and the process has been used in the manufacture of virtually all white paper ever since.
 Henceforth the inventory function was no longer to be a part of the functions of the library's catalog.
 In the interim there has been considerable activity in developing guidelines for catalogue headings and in compiling authority lists.
 It has since been echoed repeatedly in the discussion of cataloging despite the persuasive and decisive refutation of it by Panizzi before the Royal Commission.
 This practice has been adopted by a number of national cataloguing codes promulgated since that time.
 Since then library planning has developed along lines best suited to British practise and needs.
 Originally the advent of on-line interactive searches was hailed by some as a boon to users who could henceforward conduct their own searches.
 Ever since then, numerous materials have been tried for producing types, including baked mud, wood engraving, copper, tin, and lead.
 From 1751 to 1766 he copied out the details of all the various processes in two books, which were thenceforth kept in the factory's archives.
 In the intervening years reference collections and reference services have changed greatly with the introduction of electronic media.
 The author focuses on debunking the Cinderella Myth - that relates the tale of Cinderella who is abused and exploited until she finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after.
 The present survey involved contacting the same libraries and institutions in order to see what changes had taken place in the intervening period.
 A lot has been written about the plunge in consumer confidence since that day.
 Until the mid seventeenth century compositors generally sat to their work, but from then on it became more usual to compose standing up, an easier position for fast work.
desde entonces hasta la actualidad 
from then to the present day
 From then to the present day, although many methods have been used and still are, heat remains one of the principal cornerstones of food preservation.
desde entonces (y) hasta ahora 
between then and now
 Between then and now I have visited Europe for vacation nine or ten times.
desde ese día 
since that day
 A lot has been written about the plunge in consumer confidence since that day.
desde ese momento   
from that point
ever after
from that moment on
 The online catalog will then contain information about periodical issues from that point.
 The author focuses on debunking the Cinderella Myth - that relates the tale of Cinderella who is abused and exploited until she finds Prince Charming and lives happily ever after.
 Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on.
desde esta misma perspectiva 
along the same lines
 This has provided several new schedules for the revised edition, and substantial progress has been made in working out others along the same lines.
desde este punto de vista 
viewed in this light
 Viewed in this light, his desire for self-effacement begins to seem like a rigorous ethics carried to the logical conclusions that most of us do not have the stomach for.
desde + Expresión Temporal  
since + Expresión Temporal
ever since + Expresión Temporal
 Since the introduction of computer-based indexing systems alphabetical indexing languages have become more prevalent, and UDC has suffered a reduction in use.
 Ever since 1976, the construction of an information supply system to cater for the demands of physics research has been planned and implemented.
desde + Expresión Temporal + hasta el presente 
from + Expresión Temporal + up to the present
 Its history, from its foundation in 1838 and up to the present, is the chronicle of the development of agrarian science in the USSR.
desde + Expresión Temporal + hasta hoy día 
from + Expresión Temporal + up to the present day
 Superbly decorated bindings have been carefully preserved from the medieval period up to the present day, not only in tooled leather, but also in wood and metal (sometimes carved or jewelled), in cloth and embroidery, and in pierced or painted vellum.
desde + Fecha + hasta ahora 
from + Fecha + to the present
 Abstracts are available for about 59% of the records added from 1985 to the present.
desde + Fecha/Lugar + en adelante 
from + Fecha/Lugar + onward(s)
 Nicholson patented a rotary press in 1790, and various primitive rotaries were built from 1813 onwards.
desde fuera 
from the outside
 Her contributions as a scholar who has studied these issues in Russia for many years 'from the outside' will be enhanced by those of Russian colleagues who will speak about the issues 'from the inside'.
desde hace algún tiempo   
for some time past
for days
for some time
 For some time past satellites have been orbiting the Earth and sending back images of it to ground stations.
 Republicans have been tripping over each other for days trying to get their stories straight on who knew what and when.
 Personal authorship has been accepted for some time, and indeed reflects the scholarly practice of the western world.
desde hace años   
over the years
for years past
for years
 Thus, over the years it has been used to index reports, trade Literature, periodical articles and other similar documents.
 For years past, the harpies of power have been industriously inculcating the idea that all our difficulties proceed from the impotency of Congress.
 He's been our paperboy for years, and he's never been late one morning.
desde hace la tira (de tiempo)  
for yonks
for yonks and yonks
 His been a mechanic for yonks and my father has always taken his cars there and now I am too.
 She has lived here for yonks and yonks and she still sounds as if she's never ever set foot outside of Florida.
desde hace muchísimo tiempo 
in ages (and ages and ages)
 I don't have a set of bathroom scales in my flat and so I haven't had a chance to weigh myself in ages and ages.
desde hace muchos años   
for years
for many years now
for many years
 He's been our paperboy for years, and he's never been late one morning.
 For many years now, scientists have understood that the onset of cancer is a gradual, stepwise process that may unfold over the course of decades.
 Indexes have used controlled-language indexing and authority lists for many years.
desde hace mucho tiempo      
for ages
long-time [longtime]
far back in time
for a long time
long since
in ages (and ages and ages)
 We'll be able to purchase equipment we've been wanting for ages: an electronic offset printer; collators and folding machines and other graphic production-related paraphernalia.
 The late James Bennet Childs, one-time head of Descriptive Cataloging at LC and long-time documents specialist, has often pointed out how the quality of documents cataloging went downhill after the special cataloging unit was abolished.
 Heavy metals can be traced far back in time in these shipping canals and are mainly responsible for the existing contamination.
 I have been reading his post for a long time and I have been biting my fingers to keep from basting him.
 Some of these sites were once large private estates long since transformed into public parks and wildlife preserves = Algunos de estos lugares fueron grandes propiedades privadas que desde hace tiempo pasaron a ser parques públicos y reservas naturales.
 I don't have a set of bathroom scales in my flat and so I haven't had a chance to weigh myself in ages and ages.
desde hace siglos  
for yonks
for yonks and yonks
 His been a mechanic for yonks and my father has always taken his cars there and now I am too.
 She has lived here for yonks and yonks and she still sounds as if she's never ever set foot outside of Florida.
desde hace tanto tiempo 
so long
 And since computerized data bases charge according to use, are we going to have to rethink our ideas on what we have so long enticingly but misleadingly called free library services?.
desde hace tiempo     
long [longer -comp., longest -sup.]
over the years
for a long time
long since
for some time
 Libraries have long recognised the benefits of co-operating in catalogue production.
 Thus, over the years it has been used to index reports, trade Literature, periodical articles and other similar documents.
 I have been reading his post for a long time and I have been biting my fingers to keep from basting him.
 Some of these sites were once large private estates long since transformed into public parks and wildlife preserves = Algunos de estos lugares fueron grandes propiedades privadas que desde hace tiempo pasaron a ser parques públicos y reservas naturales.
 Personal authorship has been accepted for some time, and indeed reflects the scholarly practice of the western world.
desde hace un montonazo de tiempo 
for yonks and yonks
 She has lived here for yonks and yonks and she still sounds as if she's never ever set foot outside of Florida.
desde hace un montón de tiempo 
for yonks
 His been a mechanic for yonks and my father has always taken his cars there and now I am too.
desde hace un par de + Tiempo 
in these past couple of + Tiempo
 Mr. Scilken's remarks underscore what has become at least something of a leitmotif in these past couple of days.
desde hace varios años + Presente 
for several years + Pretérito Perfecto
 For several years the library has had a successful arrangement with a local bookstore to supply it with unusual and important local material that would otherwise fall through the net of its collection development effort = Desde hace varios años, la biblioteca mantiene un acuerdo satisfactorio con una librería local para que le suministre fondo local importante y poco común que, de otro modo, se le escaparía en el desarrollo de la colección.
desde hace ya algunos años 
for some years now
 For some years now, there has been proof that the devastating effects of the traumatization of children take their inevitable toll on society.
desde hace ya algún tiempo 
for some time now
 The new Dewey area tables have been used for some time now in the BL's Bibliographic Services Division with relatively few problems.
desde hace ya años 
for years now
 Secondly, we have been beaten with the idea for years now that we should catalog a work once and only once.
desde hasta   
from ... through ...
from ... right across ...
 Virtually every discipline in the sciences, from astronomy through zoology, is represented since journals are indexed cover to cover.
 This type of help can extend from the assistant who does routine collecting of facts which the author uses, right across to the virtual ghosting of the book which the author has given little more to than a name.
desde hasta 
during the period + Período de Tiempo
 Not all embroidered bindings were bespoke, either; there was a flourishing trade in retailers' bindings for service books made by professional embroiderers in London during the period 1600 to 1650.
desde hoy en adelante 
as from today
 As from today, any white farmer still on his land will be deemed to be trespassing on state property.
desde la antigüedad 
since ancient times
 The pomegranate tree is native from Iran to the Himalayas and has been cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean region.
desde la cabeza hasta los pies    
head to toe
from head to toe
from head to foot
from nose to tail
 The specialise in head to toe baby bibs that protect clothing and floor from food.
 This exhibition features objects worn from head to toe and is divided into sections representing different accessories, cultures, and periods.
 The child was covered with scabies from head to foot, had fungal infection, was severely dehydrated and was suffering from septicaemia.
 Mice are fastidious, regularly cleansing their bodies from nose to tail.
desde la época de/cuando 
since the days of/when
 Even so, school library provision has been improved and increased out of all recognition since the days when only the long established grammar schools and public schools had libraries of their own.
desde la época prehistórica 
since prehistoric times
 Mud brick has been one of the principal building materials in Egypt since prehistoric times.
desde la mañana a la noche 
from morning to night
 In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.
desde la perspectiva de   [También escrito in the light of]
against + the backdrop of
in light of
 Thus, any examination of the provision to local authorities of information about the Community, and their use of it, should be seen against this backdrop.
 This is essentially the traditional enterprise of cataloguing theory, but it is explored in light of current standards and developments.
desde la prehistoria 
since prehistoric times
 Mud brick has been one of the principal building materials in Egypt since prehistoric times.
desde lejos  
from a distance
from afar
 From a distance she gives the impression of being as hard as nails.
 Experts from afar can be drawn into virtual classrooms to stimulate deeper learning from extended interaction.
desde los comienzos 
from an early stage
 There was from an early stage a tendency towards the standardization of type sizes, which may have arisen originally from the difficulty of altering the gauge of the mould.
desde los primeros tiempos   
since the earliest of times
from earliest times
since earliest time
 A vast number of different means of organizing knowledge have been devised and exploited since the earliest of times.
 The lines of research leading up to and forming the subfield of bibliometrics are traced from earliest times to 1969, when this term was proposed as a substitute for statistical bibliography.
 Doves and pigeons have been used as messengers and food since earliest time.
desde los tiempos más remotos 
since earliest time
 Doves and pigeons have been used as messengers and food since earliest time.
desde los viejos tiempos 
since olden times
 Since olden times there has been a weathercock on the back roof of the cathedral which it is said to serve as protection from the devil.
desde mi punto de vista   
in my opinion
in my view
in my books
 This attack is directed against a particular heresy; one which is widespread, but it is in my opinion none the less damnable.
 The problem can only be solved by analogy; in my view, the regulations on communication to the public should be applied mutatis mutandis.
 In my books they did the right thing by bringing the problem up as early as they could, the failing was FIA's inability to act on this early enough to do something constructive about it.
desde mitad de + Expresión Temporal + en adelante 
from the mid + Expresión Temporal + onwards
 The growth of the Internet in China from the mid 1990s onwards has been accompanied by the assumption that a large proportion of Chinese Internet users are interested in politically subversive action.
desde muy antiguo 
since olden times
 Since olden times there has been a weathercock on the back roof of the cathedral which it is said to serve as protection from the devil.
desde muy lejos 
from afar
 Experts from afar can be drawn into virtual classrooms to stimulate deeper learning from extended interaction.
desde , pasando por , hasta  
from ..., through ..., to ...
 The article entitled 'the (British) Society of Archivists' describes the development of the Society of Archivists from the founding of a Society of Local Archivists in 1946, through its change into the Society of Archivists in 1955, to the present.
desde principio a fin 
 Throughout, the code is based upon clearly stated principles.
desde principios de siglo  
since the turn of the century
from the turn of the century
 Since the turn of the century, nothing has influenced or changed our perception of ourselves as much as the moving image.
 The postcard collection consists of 292 postcards from the turn of the century to the modern era.
desde que el mundo es mundo   
from the beginning of time
since the beginning of time
since time began
 From the beginning of time, technology has been a key element in the growth and development of societies.
 Since the beginning of time, the buttocks have always been one of the two most important determinants of the beauty of the female torso.
 Since time began there has never been a conscientious objector in the war between the sexes.
desde su época 
since + Posesivo + day
 Carlyle has been dead nearly a hundred years, but many an academic would like to agree with Carlyle even if, perhaps, universities have changed rather a lot since his day.
desde su origen  
from + its/their + inception
since + its/their + inception
 From their inception CD-ROM and OPACs have been designed for the end-user.
 OCLC, as a membership organization, has, since its inception, sought advice from its members, or had advice thrust upon it.
desde sus comienzos    
from + its/their + inception
from + its/their + beginnings
since + its/their + beginnings
since + its/their + inception
 From their inception CD-ROM and OPACs have been designed for the end-user.
 The article examines the history of the British National Bibliography from its beginnings in 1950 to 1991.
 The article details the history of the development of the Internet since its beginnings as a network to provide support of military research in 1960.
 OCLC, as a membership organization, has, since its inception, sought advice from its members, or had advice thrust upon it.
desde tiempo inmemorial     
since earliest time
since time immemorial
from time immemorial
since time out of mind
from time out of mind
 Doves and pigeons have been used as messengers and food since earliest time.
 Since time immemorial, people have yearned for an immediate way to capture living moments in a picture.
 The spin sold to the world by the Arabs is that they were one nation in their homeland 'from time immemorial'.
 They have been farming this land since time out of mind.
 They claimed that they and all of their ancestors as burgesses had held a market on these days from time out of mind, without interruption.
desde tiempos prehistóricos 
since prehistoric times
 Mud brick has been one of the principal building materials in Egypt since prehistoric times.
desde tiempos remotos 
since earliest time
 Doves and pigeons have been used as messengers and food since earliest time.
desde todos los puntos de vista 
in every sense
 The use of libraries has in every sense risen between 1980 and 1985.
desde una distancia considerable 
from a considerable distance
 We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.
desde una distancia prudente 
from a considerable distance
 We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.
desde una perspectiva + Adjetivo 
along + Adjetivo + line
 The idea of fuzzy data base has been investigated along many different lines.
desde un extremo al otro 
from one end ... to the other
 In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.
desde un punto de vista académico 
 The date of the publication of Bishop Thomas Percy's 'Reliques of ancient English poetry' made the study of folk literature academically respectable.
desde un punto de vista antropológico 
 It is difficult to explain the seductive, suggestive, 'magical' power of images anthropologically.
desde un punto de vista clínico  
 Unfamiliar with the practice, either medically or culturally, these providers are turning to medical librarians for information.
 However, acute infections are uncommonly recognized clinically, underscoring the importance of screening individuals at risk.
desde un punto de vista cognitivo 
 People generally choose procedures that are, or appear, cognitively less demanding.
desde un punto de vista crítico   
judgmentally [judgementally]
with a critical eye
 I don't mean that judgmentally either, but every record is searched before it goes into the NUC to insure consistency of form and eliminate duplicates.
 The author considers the potential of the Internet as a medium for education and teaching with a critical eye and concludes that some of the assumptions about online learning are highly suspect.
 Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.
desde un punto de vista cultural 
 They recognize the logistical as well as intellectual futility of attempting to control from a geographically and culturally remote centre every aspect of a programme of information aimed at a member state or third country.
desde un punto de vista ecológico 
 Microform catalogs take up less room and are more sound ecologically since you don't have to chop down half of Canada everytime you make a large catalog = Los catálogos de microformas ocupan menos espacio y son más acertados desde un punto de vista ecológico ya que no tienes que talar la mitad de Canadá cada vez que hagas un catálogo grande.
desde un punto de vista económico  
 With printed thesauri there are limits on space, if the publication is to be economically viable, and easy to handle.
 In appraising the worth of a title, both historically and monetarily, the bookseller turns to reference sources which enable him/her to assess its value.
desde un punto de vista estético 
aesthetically [esthetically, -USA]
 Limitless flexibility sounds to be the answer but it is, of course, impossibly expensive and unacceptable aesthetically.
desde un punto de vista estrictamente técnico 
technically speaking
 Technically speaking, trade paperbacks which reprint stories from an ongoing comic book title or previously published mini-series are not graphic novels at all.
desde un punto de vista étnico 
 In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.
desde un punto de vista filosófico 
 The function of the index is examined both technically and philosophically as a tool for navigation and spatial orientation in large textual data bases.
desde un punto de vista general 
in a broad sense
 In a broad sense, electronic commerce is the sale of products and services over the Internet.
desde un punto de vista histórico 
 Historically, however, humans have always sought to capture and preserve such basic functions by institutionalizing them.
desde un punto de vista más amplio 
in a broader sense
 In a broader sense, however, the global tightening of information and border controls affect many spheres of society.
desde un punto de vista más general 
in a broader sense
 In a broader sense, however, the global tightening of information and border controls affect many spheres of society.
desde un punto de vista médico 
 Unfamiliar with the practice, either medically or culturally, these providers are turning to medical librarians for information.
desde un punto de vista medioambiental 
 White's theology was found to be unacceptable environmentally.
desde un punto de vista monetario 
 In appraising the worth of a title, both historically and monetarily, the bookseller turns to reference sources which enable him/her to assess its value.
desde un punto de vista morfológico 
 Mice that produce an unusually high proportion of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa were used as sperm donors.
desde un punto de vista operativo  [Para que se pueda funcionar/trabajar con ello]
 To define occupational stress operationally, as experience by library media specialists, and to conduct systematic research, a psychometric instrument was developed.
desde un punto de vista racial 
 The ruling, which spells out academic requirements for athletes who play at universities, has met with much opposition, the primary criticism being that the ruling is racially discriminatory.
desde un punto de vista racista 
 The ruling, which spells out academic requirements for athletes who play at universities, has met with much opposition, the primary criticism being that the ruling is racially discriminatory.
desde un punto de vista religioso 
 Some teachers argue against book clubs, claiming that they bring together only a certain kind of avid reader, the literary equivalent of the religiously effete and over-pious.
desde un punto de vista sicológico 
 Even where free libraries were available farmers found it physically and psychologically difficult to use them.
desde un punto de vista socioeconómico 
 This gap is a result of the municipality's policy of 'positive discrimination', which gave preference to the socioeconomically weaker neighbourhoods.
desde un punto de vista técnico 
 The function of the index is examined both technically and philosophically as a tool for navigation and spatial orientation in large textual data bases.
desde un punto vista ético 
 There is a need for more explicit guidelines that can help make many of the current practices both ethically justifiable and acceptable to all.
existir desde hace años 
be around for years
 Several examples are the veritable overnight adoption of FAX transmission, even though the technology had been around for years.
nada más y nada menos que desde + Expresión Temporal 
from as far back as + Expresión Temporal
 In all types of libraries in Lesotho, shortage of, and the need for trained librarians has been felt from as far back as the mid-1970s.
olvidado desde hace tiempo 
long forgotten
 I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.

Trends of use of desde



The term «desde» is very widely used and occupies the 42 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «desde» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of desde
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «desde».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «desde» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «desde» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about desde



Famous quotes and sentences with the word desde.
Amado Nervo
El hombre, desde que nace hasta que muere, es una máquina de romper juguetes.
Anatole France
Los males imaginarios no existen. Todos los males son reales desde el momento en que se experimentan; soñar el dolor es un dolor verdadero.
Armando Palacio Valdés
Desde que se cesa de luchar por ella, la vida ya no tiene sabor.
El hombre es rico desde que se ha familiarizado con la escasez.
Henri Frédéric Amiel
No esperemos a ser buenos y cordiales. Apresurémonos ya desde ahora a alegrar el corazón de nuestros compañeros durante la corta travesía de la vida.
Miguel Ángel Buonarroti
Desde que amanece el día puedes pensar: hoy he de encontrarme con un indiscreto, un ingrato, un insolente, un envidioso y un egoísta.
Proverbio Alemán
Desde que se nace se comienza a morir.
El estúpido es un necio que calla; y desde este punto de vista es más soportable que el necio que habla.
El respeto es mayor desde lejos.
Theodor Körner
Sólo desde que amo es bella mi vida; sólo desde que amo sé que vivo.


Al arbolito, desde chiquito.
Desde que no nos vemos, no nos conocemos.
Purga de Fernando, que desde la botica estaba obrando.
A una mujer bigotuda, desde lejos se saluda.
Abriles y hombres viles, desde que el mundo es mundo, los hubo miles.
Cabeza calva, peinada desde el alba.
Confesor que visitas hijas, desde aquí te marco por padre de familias.
Desde chica, la ortiga pica.
Desde el comienzo debe el hombre a la mujer decir como han de vivir.
Desde lejos se conoce el pájaro que es calandria.


Discover the use of desde in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to desde and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
El cambio educativo desde la investigación-acción
John ELLIOTT, uno de los pedagogos que investiga más activamente dentro de esta perspectiva, proporciona valiosas aportaciones que son imprescindibles para todos aquellos profesionales implicados en la renovación educativa.
John Elliott, 1993
Historia del cine mundial: desde los orígenes
El cine ñdesde sus inicios hasta la época presenteñ, con sus altas y bajas, su importancia para nuestro mundo, la diversión que aporta y los valores que representa, aparece bajo la pluma incisiva y enterada del gran crítico e ...
Georges Sadoul, Tomás Pérez Turrent, 1983
Arte desde 1900
Con una estructura clara año a año, los autores presentan más de un centenar de artículos que, centrados en un acontecimiento crucial –la creación de una obra seminal, la publicación de un texto importante o la inauguración de una ...
Rosalind E. Krauss, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, 2006
Estrategias de intervención en educación para la salud desde ...
Esta obra muestra la relación de la actividad física con la salud bajo una perspectiva integral y fundamentada en las aportaciones de modelos procedentes de la psicología, la sociología, la biología y las ciencias de la educación.
Manuel Delgado Fernández, Pablo Tercedor Sánchez, 2002
La iniciación a los deportes desde su estructura y dinámica: ...
Presenta un analisis del proceso de iniciacion deportiva desde la logica interna y accion de juego de los deportes. Su contenido practico constituye una nueva manera de plantear las situaciones motrices para su ensenanza.
Manejo de Conflictos Desde la Sabiduria Del Cine Y Las ...
Songs and movies contain humor, common sense, and wisdom, and this guide demonstrates how to approach conflict from such a perspective.
Luis Miguel Diaz, 2007
Desde un punto de vista lógico
Los estudios logico-filosoficos de Willard W. Quine presentados en este libro contienen, sin embargo, una gran cantidad de elementos que podrian contribuir a solucionar esa disputa.Quine expone las nociones basicas de una teoria de la ...
Willard Van Orman Quine, 2002
Desde las estrellas
The latest book from best-selling Peruvian-born author of The Dolphin: Story of a Dreamer provides a different look at life.
Sergio Bambaren, 2004
Desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años: proceso evolutivo, ...
Un libro-guía especialmente diseñado para presentar de manera clara, sencilla, práctica y pedagógica el progreso evolutivo de los niños y niñas de 0 a 5 años, es decir, a lo largo de toda la Educación Infantil.
Mary D. Sheridan, Ajay Sharma, 1999
La educación especial en la escuela integrada: Una ...
Se analiza la dinamización del trabajo en equipo, las decisiones curriculares, el ambiente de trabajo, la agrupación del alumnado y la planificación y evaluación, el proceso de aprendizaje, las funciones del profesor de apoyo.
Ignasi Puigdellívol Aiguadé, 2005


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term desde is used in the context of the following news items.
Tus fotos: una mirada al mundo desde las alturas
“Una vista desde arriba de un Castell dels Nens del Vendrell”, en el sur de Cataluña. ... Acá vemos una foto “tomada desde el quinto piso de un hospital de la ... «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Nosotros proponemos el tema, tú mandas las fotos: Desde arriba
Nosotros proponemos el tema, tú mandas las fotos: Desde arriba. 24 julio ... Michael King: "Esta foto la tomé desde un avión de cuatro plazas de un amigo. «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Macri, desde la pelea interna hasta Tinelli
"Desde aquí se coordina todo", explica. ¿Acaso no hay problemas entre Prat-Gay y el presidente del Banco Central, Federico Sturzenegger? "Antes de asumir ... «LA NACION, Jul 16»
La BBC es el primer medio que consigue entrar en Manbij desde ...
En Manbij, una ciudad siria en la frontera con Turquía, combatientes kurdos y árabes están luchando para retomar el control de la ciudad en manos de Estado ... «BBC Mundo, Jul 16»
Monos de Brasil utilizan herramientas de piedra desde hace 700 años
Pero en el Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara en Brasil una población de monos capuchinos usa desde hace 100 generaciones herramientas de piedra para ... «SINC, Jul 16»
Los insectos transportan escombros desde la prehistoria para ...
El color, la textura y la inmovilidad son las técnicas de camuflaje más conocidas de los animales. Un nuevo estudio demuestra que desde el Cretácico medio ... «SINC, Jun 16»
Brexit: la libra esterlina cae a sus niveles más bajos desde 1985 y ...
Este viernes la moneda británica llegó a cotizarse a US$1,3305, una caída de más del 10% con respecto al dólar y su precio más bajo desde 1985, antes de ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»
'Desde allá', amores prohibidos en Venezuela
Poca información se nos proporciona de Armando en 'Desde allá', el primer largometraje del venezolano Lorenzo Vigas por el que consiguió el León de Oro en ... «El Confidencial, Jun 16»
Las espectaculares imágenes del cielo por la noche visto desde los ...
“El Monte Reinebringen es un sitio famoso entre los noruegos para hacer senderismo, y la vista desde la cima bien vale el esfuerzo”, señaló el rumano Alex ... «BBC Mundo, Jun 16»
Cómo seguir en directo la keynote de la WWDC 2016 desde ...
Hoy es el día, en unas horas dará comienzo la keynote inaugural de la conferencia de desarrolladores de Apple. Se trata de la conferencia para ... «Applesfera, Jun 16»



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