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Meaning of "guerra" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra guerra procede del germánico *werra, pelea, discordia; cónfer a. alemán antiguo wërra, neerlandés medio warre.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


gue · rra play


Guerra is a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


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War is the most serious form of socio-political conflict between two or more human groups. It is perhaps one of the oldest of all international relations, although it becomes a particular phenomenon with the beginning of civilizations, and involves the organized confrontation of armed human groups, for the purpose of controlling natural or human resources, or disarmament , Or to impose some kind of ideology or religion, submission and, if necessary, destruction of the enemy. The wars are produced by multiple causes, among which are usually the maintenance or the change of power relations, settle economic and / or territorial disputes, etc. In Political Science and International Relations, war is a political instrument, at the service of a State or other organization with eminently political ends. According to Richard Holmes, war is a universal experience shared by all countries and all cultures. According to Sun Tzu, "War is the greatest state conflict, the basis of life and death, the Tao of survival and extinction. Therefore, it is imperative to study it deeply." La Guerra es la forma de conflicto socio-político más grave entre dos o más grupos humanos. Es quizá una de las más antiguas de todas las relaciones internacionales, aunque se convierte en un fenómeno particular con el comienzo de las civilizaciones, y supone el enfrentamiento organizado de grupos humanos armados, con el propósito de controlar recursos naturales o humanos, o el desarme, o para imponer algún tipo de ideología o religión, sometimiento y, en su caso, destrucción del enemigo. Las guerras se producen por múltiples causas, entre las que suelen estar el mantenimiento o el cambio de relaciones de poder, dirimir disputas económicas y/o territoriales,etc. En Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales, la guerra es un instrumento político, al servicio de un Estado u otra organización con fines eminentemente políticos. Según Richard Holmes, la guerra es una experiencia universal que comparten todos los países y todas las culturas. Según Sun Tzu, "La guerra es el mayor conflicto de Estado, la base de la vida y la muerte, el Tao de la supervivencia y la extinción. Por lo tanto, es imperativo estudiarla profundamente".

Definition of guerra in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of war in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is disagreement and breaking of peace between two or more powers. Another meaning of war in the dictionary is armed struggle between two or more nations or between sides of the same nation. War is also a struggle. La primera definición de guerra en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es desavenencia y rompimiento de la paz entre dos o más potencias. Otro significado de guerra en el diccionario es lucha armada entre dos o más naciones o entre bandos de una misma nación. Guerra es también pugna.
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Synonyms and antonyms of guerra in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms


Translation of «guerra» into 25 languages

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  war ; warfare.
 For example, at Woking, the stock has been split into about thirty sections, such as Health and welfare, war and warfare, retaining the Dewey sequence within each section.
 For example, at Woking, the stock has been split into about thirty sections, such as Health and welfare, War and warfare, retaining the Dewey sequence within each section.
amenaza de guerra 
threat of war
 The combination of trade deficit, budget deficit, and threat of war has international investors completely on edge.
anterior a la guerra  
pre-war [prewar]
 The situation is rather different from pre-war days when living costs were lower and writers would try to get by on very small incomes from writing.
 Correctly, the author finds that the realities of antebellum reform are too complex either to laud the reformers' benevolence or to lambast them as fanatics.
anterior a la Guerra Civil 
pre-Civil War
 This article outlines the history of the 2 pre-Civil War barns which were to be converted and describes the restoration and conversion of the building which cost $2.5 billion.
arrasado por la guerra 
 The article is entitled 'Reinventing publishing in the war-torn Balkans' = El artículo se titula "La reinvención de la edición en los Balcanes en guerra".
arte de la guerra 
 For example, at Woking, the stock has been split into about thirty sections, such as Health and welfare, War and warfare, retaining the Dewey sequence within each section.
avezado en la guerra 
 The Ethiopian soldiers fighting in Somalia are part of a much larger military force that is battle-hardened by major cross-border wars.
avión de guerra 
 A security official said that Yemeni warplanes have killed 80 anti-government tribesmen who overran part of a military camp.
baja de guerra 
war casualty
 90% of war casualties at Gaza hospitals were civilians.
barco de guerra   
naval ship
war vessel
 Thus a book on 'the history of naval warships' may be sought under history, navy or warships.
 Another nautical phrase is 'no room to swing a cat' and refers to the fact that on the cannon decks of most naval ships there was no room to administer punishment by use of the cat o'nine tails.
 In the Mediterranean the galley propelled by oars long remained the principal type of war vessel.
barco de guerra de la armada 
navy warship
 A South Korean navy warship that sank in March was torpedoed by a North Korean submarine near the country's maritime border.
botín de guerra 
war booty
 Experts say a hoard of buried treasure discovered by a jobless English man is 'war booty' and probably belonged to a pagan king.
botín de guerra, el  
spoils of war, the
victor's spoils
 The horrors of what women have had to endure as the human spoils of wars over time has had little examination and little if any punishment.
 The city should be defended street by street and house by house, until, if taken, the victor's spoils should be alone a heap of ashes.
buque de guerra 
 Thus a book on 'the history of naval warships' may be sought under history, navy or warships.
buque de guerra de la armada 
navy warship
 A South Korean navy warship that sank in March was torpedoed by a North Korean submarine near the country's maritime border.
canjear prisioneros de guerra 
exchange + prisoners of war
 When General Grant took command, the Union Army was still exchanging prisoners of war.
causar una guerra   
precipitate + a war
kindle + a war
ignite + a war
 As important as these activists were, however, it was a set of policy ideas more than the individuals themselves that precipitated the war.
 Now this terrible message was good news to Florus; and because his design was to have a war kindled, he gave the ambassadors no answer at all.
 The article is entitled 'Free MEDLINE ignites vendor wars'.
centro social para veteranos de guerra 
Veterans' centre
 Nursing homes, retirement centers, Veterans' centers, women's shelters, Head Start programs, prisons, and psychiatric hospitals were often the beneficiaries of weeded books.
comienzo de la guerra  
outbreak of the war
breakout of + the war
 Then, a series of unfortunate circumstances (the outbreak of the war, family problems) deprived the project of its promoter and most passionate supporter.
 He outlines the series of unfortunate accidents that ultimately led to the breakout of the war.
consejo de guerra  
court martial
 Enter the official proceedings and records of criminal trial, impeachment, courts-martial, etc., under the heading for the person or body prosecuted.
 Jeremy Sivits, 24, a reservist with the military police, is to face a public court martial in Baghdad on charges of cruelty and abuse, and dereliction of duty for failing to protect the inmates.
corresponsal de guerra   
war correspondent
war journalist
war reporter
 William Simpson (1823-189 9), a Glaswegian, was in effect the first war correspondent who sent back battlefield drawings of the Crimean War.
 Given these facts, it is surprising that until recently, no research was directed at exploring the psychological health of war journalists.
 Ever wondered what its like to be a war reporter on the frontline?.
crimen de guerra 
war crime
 Some of these documents were used as evidence in the Tokyo war crimes Trials.
criminal de guerra 
war criminal
 He was an Israeli undercover agent who captured and brought to justice many Nazi war criminals.
danza de guerra 
war dance
 Primitive war dances, fertility rites, hunting games are all rituals human beings develop in their corporate as well as their private lives.
dar guerra   
act up
play up
make + waves
 Children growing up in households where aggression, physical abuse and other antisocial acts are the norm often act up in school.
 Each time it's been in the garage, it drives OK for about 10-15 miles, before starting to play up again.
 Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.
de antes de la guerra 
pre-war [prewar]
 The situation is rather different from pre-war days when living costs were lower and writers would try to get by on very small incomes from writing.
declaración de guerra 
declaration of war
 On December 8, 1941, Lomax sent a telegram urging folklorists around the United States to collect and record man-on-the-street reactions to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the subsequent declaration of war by the United States.
declarar la guerra   
break out into + declared war
go to + war
take up + arms
 The long-simmering row between Dialog Information Services and Chemical Abstracts Services has broken out into declared war.
 The article 'Some speculations on why the British library profession didn't go to war' compares the varying response of British and American libraries to World War I.
 The Declaration of Independence was made all the more powerful because of the power of printing to multiply copies and to support public readings of it as the American colonies took up arms against England.
declarar la guerra a 
declare + war on
 One year after the USA declared war on Germany and Italy, Archibald MacLeish began lobbying for transfer of foreign acquisitions to the Library of Congress.
declarar la guerra a muerte a 
declare + open season on
 President Bush is rattling his saber and has declared open season on Saddam personally.
declararse en guerra 
go to + war
 The article 'Some speculations on why the British library profession didn't go to war' compares the varying response of British and American libraries to World War I.
de la guerra 
wartime [wart-time]
 The author argues that books can convey the stress of survival in wartime conditions better than television and discusses some titles to substantiate this claim.
desatar una guerra   
precipitate + a war
kindle + a war
ignite + a war
 As important as these activists were, however, it was a set of policy ideas more than the individuals themselves that precipitated the war.
 Now this terrible message was good news to Florus; and because his design was to have a war kindled, he gave the ambassadors no answer at all.
 The article is entitled 'Free MEDLINE ignites vendor wars'.
desenterrar el hacha de guerra    
take up + the tomahawk
dig up + the tomahawk
dig up + the hatchet
dig up + the war axe
 Many, many moons ago, they took up the tomahawk in tribal wars and many of their warriors were killed and their encampments destroyed.
 They call him a poet and magician, but when his favourite things are at stake, he does not hesitate to dig up the tomahawk.
 Let us dig up the hatchet of war, and revenge the bones of our countrymen; they lie unburied, and cry to us for vengeance.
 Too bad that other brave warriors in other parts of the world just decided to dig up the war axe and launch another crusade.
despojos de la guerra, los 
spoils of war, the
 The horrors of what women have had to endure as the human spoils of wars over time has had little examination and little if any punishment.
destrozado por la guerra 
 The author describes the American University of Beirut Library and how it functions in war-ravaged Lebanon.
devastado por la guerra 
 The article is entitled 'Reinventing publishing in the war-torn Balkans' = El artículo se titula "La reinvención de la edición en los Balcanes en guerra".
disturbio ocasionado por la guerra 
war riot
 Force Majeure: SWETS shall not be liable for any interruption of service resulting from any circumstance beyond its reasonable control, including acts of god, war riot, embargoes, strikes or labour shortages or failure of equipment = Fuerzas Mayores: SWETS no será responsable de cualquier interrupción del servicio resultante de cualquier circunstancia más allá de su control, incluidas las causas de fuerza mayor, los disturbios ocasionados por las guerras, embargos, huelgas o escasez de mano de obra o fallos del equipo.
durante la guerra   
during wartime
wartime [wart-time]
war years, the
 During wartime when sources of documents become blocked, it may become necessary to organize teams of abstractors in neutral countries.
 The author argues that books can convey the stress of survival in wartime conditions better than television and discusses some titles to substantiate this claim.
 The war years heralded several changes, one of them being the erection of a new library building.
efecto de la guerra 
effect of war
 The rigours of the climate and the effects of war and political unrest have ravaged this country's cultural heritage.
embates de la guerra, los 
ravages of war, the
 The ravages of war devastated Afghanistan's infrastructure, breaking people away from their homes and from each other.
en contra de la guerra 
antiwar [anti-war]
 Hostility towards antiwar protesters also diminished.
en épocas de guerra 
in time(s) of war
 In times of war, or other reasons for the imposition of barriers to untrammelled distribution of information, such openness in communication cannot be allowed.
en guerra  
at war
 The article is entitled 'Reinventing publishing in the war-torn Balkans' = El artículo se titula "La reinvención de la edición en los Balcanes en guerra".
 The article 'Cryptographic patents: at war and in peace' explores the dichotomy between the concepts of cryptography and patents.
en pie de guerra 
on the warpath
 The article 'Girlies on the warpath' argues that despite institutional resistance, good antisexist work is happening in teacher education.
en son de guerra 
on the warpath
 The article 'Girlies on the warpath' argues that despite institutional resistance, good antisexist work is happening in teacher education.
enterrar el hacha de guerra   
bury + the hatchet
bury + the tomahawk
bury + the war axe
 Idioms such as 'bury the hatchet' were presented to 48 college students in sentential contexts that either biased the subject toward a literal or a figurative interpretation or left the interpretation ambiguous.
 Now is the time of all times to bury the tomahawk, throw aside all differences and unite in one great purpose of saving the State from further turmoil.
 Long ago when tribes exchanged gifts and agreed to wash the spears or bury the war axe things were not as complex as they became later on.
en tiempo de guerra 
wartime [wart-time]
 The author argues that books can convey the stress of survival in wartime conditions better than television and discusses some titles to substantiate this claim.
en tiempos de guerra 
in time(s) of war
 In times of war, or other reasons for the imposition of barriers to untrammelled distribution of information, such openness in communication cannot be allowed.
escenario de la guerra  
theatre [theater, -USA]
theatre of war
 This journal provides a social and military history of the GI in the European theater in World War 2.
 The author examines the role of codebreaking in MacArthur's theater of war.
estar en guerra con 
be at war with
 Overnight it changed the style of Britain's relations with other European countries, with some of which it had been at war in recent history.
estragos de la guerra, los 
ravages of war, the
 The ravages of war devastated Afghanistan's infrastructure, breaking people away from their homes and from each other.
frente de guerra, el 
war front, the
 She parachuted along with the troops & medical personnel & tended the wounded along the war front.
ganar una guerra 
win + a war
 Technology is now being implemented to arm organizations with this weapon - competitor intelligence - to improve business and win the war for customers.
grito de guerra  
battle cry
war cry
 The title of her paper is 'Let's get rid of it: a reference librarian's battle cry'.
 If we do not listen to other people whispering their prayers today we may have to meet them tomorrow when they are howling their war cries.
guerra árabe-israelí, la 
Arab Israeli war, the
 The author gives an insider's perspective on what it feels like to be an Arab since the groundshaking events of 1967 when Arab hopes were unexpectedly shattered by the outcome of the Arab Israeli war.
guerra asimétrica  
asymmetric war
asymmetric warfare
 The way to win an asymmetric war is to force the enemy to take and hold territory.
 The ongoing threat of terrorist attacks on North American soil and assets abroad, have brought asymmetric warfare to the home front.
guerra a través de la red 
 Netwar is an emerging mode of conflict in which the protagonists, ranging from terrorist and criminal organizations, to militant social activists, use networked forms of organization, doctrine, strategy and technology attuned to the information age.
guerra civil 
civil war
 In UDC under 361 SOCIAL RELIEF we find .9 Relief or aid in emergencies, disasters; .91 Earthquakes, storms, hurricanes; .92 Floods; .93 War, civil war; .94 Epidemics; .95 Famine; and .96 Fires, conflagrations.
guerra contra el despilfarro 
war on waste
 Since the Reagan administration began its war on waste in 1981, farmers and other citizens have had not alternative to buying their information from the private sector at far steeper prices.
guerra contra el terrorismo   
war on terror
war on terrorism
war against terrorism
 We are also exploring the possibility, with our sister organization in the US, of producing a joint issue possibly on the theme of how the so-called 'war on terror' is affecting library and information services.
 The article 'War on terrorism: war on liberty' examines the key world wide web sites covering the 11 Sep 2001 terrorist attacks and the subsequent war against terrorism.
 The article 'War on terrorism: war on liberty' examines the key world wide web sites covering the 11 Sep 2001 terrorist attacks and the subsequent war against terrorism.
guerra contra las drogas 
war on drugs
 As the `war on drugs' escalates, a new class of client is emerging.
guerra cósmica 
cosmic war
 Religion has also provided the metaphor of cosmic war - an image of spiritual struggle between good and bad that every religion has within its repository of symbols.
guerra de almohadas 
pillow fight
 In this room we've had so many pillow fights and pyjamas parties, so many good times.
guerra de Bosnia, la 
Bosnian War, the
 The author discusses recent books and graphic works by this Yugoslav-born artist that express her anguish resulting from the Bosnian War.
guerra de clases  
class war
class warfare
 This article explains six of the ways the rich are waging a class war against the poor.
 With the rise of social stratification, humankind has developed 'class warfare' to heavily dysgenic proportions.
guerra de desgaste 
war of attrition
 This is partly because the 40-year civil war has developed into a war of attrition, with ransom money from kidnapping providing much of the financial backing.
guerra de guerrillas  
guerrilla warfare
guerrilla war
 With changing political circumstances there is an increased likelihood of low-intensity conflicts which may take the form of guerrilla warfare, coups d'etat, ethnic violence, terrorism, resistance movements or insurgency.
 It also led to a continuing guerilla war between the authorities and caricaturists who sought to evade, outfox, or entirely defy them.
Guerra de la Independencia 
War of Independence
 The author comments on the British Library commemorative exhibition about the American War of Independence.
guerra de la información 
information warfare
 This article deals with the effect on libraries of the Internet, including the changing roles of librarians; information warfare, i.e. the role of electronic information and information systems in warfare, and of military information in peacetime; and enhanced interfaces to databases.
guerra de las estrellas 
battle of the stars
 The California vote became a veritable battle of the stars with Arnold Schwarzenegger backing the initiative and Mel Gibson opposing it.
Guerra de las Galaxias 
Star Wars
 After years of hesitation by the organizers, traditional book publishers will this year share the aisles with proponents of Star Wars technology.
Guerra del Golfo, la 
Gulf War, the
 This is part of a special issue devoted to library and information services in the Arab countries after the Gulf War.
Guerra del Golfo Persa, la 
Persian Gulf War, the
 The Persian Gulf War provided a unique opportunity to examine the relationship between censorship and the emotional and critical tone of television news.
Guerra de los Boers, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
Anglo-Boer War, the
 The library of the South African National Museum of Military History provides an enquiry service which answers genealogical questions regarding who fought in border wars, the Zulu War, Anglo-Boer War, World War I and World War II.
guerra de nervios 
war of nerves
 The struggle for the release of the innocent Bulgarian nurses sentenced to death in Libya has turned into a war of nerves.
guerra de precios  
pricing competition
price war
 Taiwan used to play a decisive role in the lighting industry, but has lost its shine in the midst of pricing competition against developing countries.
 Taking a long-term view, price wars don't really benefit consumers.
guerra en red 
 Netwar is an emerging mode of conflict in which the protagonists, ranging from terrorist and criminal organizations, to militant social activists, use networked forms of organization, doctrine, strategy and technology attuned to the information age.
Guerra entre España y los Estados Unidos, la  
Spanish-American War, the
Spanish-American War, the
 The Spanish-American War took place in 1898 and resulted in the United States gaining control over the former colonies of Spain in the Caribbean and Pacific.
 The Spanish-American War took place in 1898 and resulted in the United States gaining control over the former colonies of Spain in the Caribbean and Pacific.
guerra + estallar 
war + break out
 When the Second World War broke out, my motherland was arduously fighting against Japanese imperialism.
guerra fría, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
cold war, the
 The end of the cold war indicates a return to geography as the basis of economic exchanges.
guerra fronteriza 
border war
 The library of the South African National Museum of Military History provides an enquiry service which answers genealogical questions regarding who fought in border wars, the Zulu War, Anglo-Boer War, World War I and World War II.
guerra legal 
legal battle
 The Java language is seen as essential to the success of networked computers, but legal battles continue over its status.
guerra mundial 
world war
 In American higher education the interregnum between world wars was a time of drift and disappointment.
guerra nuclear  
nuclear warfare
nuclear war
 The library placed a bibliography of material on nuclear warfare and the nuclear issue in each branch.
 Differing attitudes about nuclear war, the nuclear freeze, and escalation of war are discussed in their cultural contexts.
guerra religiosa 
religious war
 The article is entitled 'Fear, software integration, and religious wars: Internet World 2001'.
Guerras Médicas, las 
Persian Wars, the
 The classical age of Greece ran from the Persian Wars to Phillip of Macedon and Alexander the Great.
guerra sucia 
dirty war
 The book is described as 'an irreverent look at professionals involved in a dirty war'.
guerra tribal 
tribal war
 Many, many moons ago, they took up the tomahawk in tribal wars and many of their warriors were killed and their encampments destroyed.
Guerra Zulú, la  [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]
Zulu War, the
 The library of the South African National Museum of Military History provides an enquiry service which answers genealogical questions regarding who fought in border wars, the Zulu War, Anglo-Boer War, World War I and World War II.
hacer estallar una guerra   
ignite + a war
kindle + a war
precipitate + a war
 The article is entitled 'Free MEDLINE ignites vendor wars'.
 Now this terrible message was good news to Florus; and because his design was to have a war kindled, he gave the ambassadors no answer at all.
 As important as these activists were, however, it was a set of policy ideas more than the individuals themselves that precipitated the war.
hacer la guerra 
make + war
 Culture may mean an acquaintance with the ways in which a particular people construct buildings, manufacture artifacts, worship deities, make war and love, raise children, and live with one another.
hacer la guerra (contra 
wage + war (against/on)
 The story of Muhammad's conquest of Khaybar disproves the theory that Muslims only wage war in self-defense.
hacha de guerra  [Típica de los indios nativos de Norteamérica]
 So when the king gave the word his men pulled their tomahawks from under the coats and killed several and took the rest prisoners.
héroe de guerra  
fallen hero
war hero
 The only ones 'using' the war dead as a political bargaining chip are the Republicans who have fought to keep the images of these fallen heroes in the dark.
 War heroes are admired as embodiments of the human spirit at its most dazzling.
intercambiar prisioneros de guerra 
exchange + prisoners of war
 When General Grant took command, the Union Army was still exchanging prisoners of war.
ir a la guerra 
go to + war
 The article 'Some speculations on why the British library profession didn't go to war' compares the varying response of British and American libraries to World War I.
juego de guerra 
war game [wargame]
 Her latest novel, Gazelle, centers on sensuality and sexuality, war games and chess, and the ancient sciences of perfumery and mummification.
juzgar en consejo de guerra 
 He was unjustly court-martialed in 1894 for high treason and exiled to a penal colony on the coast of South America.
libro trofeo de guerra  [Libros que se llevaron los rusos a su país de las bibliotecas alemanas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial]
trophy book
 Unfortunately the process on both sides has become sluggish and is playing into the hands of the antiquarian book trade, which is now dealing in trophy books on a large scale.
llamada de guerra 
battle call
 The discussion takes a special look at how music was used in battle calls, military maneuvers and managing daily life in the military.
los avatares de la guerra 
the tides of war
 The die had been cast, and the tides of war were gradually turning in our favour.
males de la guerra, los 
evils of war, the
 A heavy toll on life is included among the evils of war.
Marina de Guerra 
Royal Navy
 Topics covered at the Conference included: records of shipbuilding and shipping companies; agreements and crew lists; whaling; and Royal Navy and Merchant Marine.
misión de guerra 
wartime mission
 The concept of 'operational readiness' refers to the training required by Navy personnel during peacetime to perform wartime missions.
nave de guerra 
naval ship
 Another nautical phrase is 'no room to swing a cat' and refers to the fact that on the cannon decks of most naval ships there was no room to administer punishment by use of the cat o'nine tails.
navío de guerra 
 Thus a book on 'the history of naval warships' may be sought under history, navy or warships.
navío de guerra de la armada 
navy warship
 A South Korean navy warship that sank in March was torpedoed by a North Korean submarine near the country's maritime border.
ocasionar una guerra   
precipitate + a war
kindle + a war
ignite + a war
 As important as these activists were, however, it was a set of policy ideas more than the individuals themselves that precipitated the war.
 Now this terrible message was good news to Florus; and because his design was to have a war kindled, he gave the ambassadors no answer at all.
 The article is entitled 'Free MEDLINE ignites vendor wars'.
pasión por la guerra 
rage militaire
 Before George Washington had a chance to display his skill in pitched battle, he became a focal point for the rage militaire that swept through the US in 1775.
perder una guerra 
lose + a war
 Librarians are losing the war for electronic professional turf.
perro de guerra  [Referido a los soldados con un instinto bélico muy desarrollado]  [Perro especialmente adiestrado para ayudar en tareas militares]
dog of war
war dog
 Israel's dogs of war have been baying for blood for some time now.
 Like their human comrades, some war dogs can handle combat, and some can't.
ponerse en pie de guerra   
dig up + the tomahawk
dig up + the hatchet
dig up + the war axe
 They call him a poet and magician, but when his favourite things are at stake, he does not hesitate to dig up the tomahawk.
 Let us dig up the hatchet of war, and revenge the bones of our countrymen; they lie unburied, and cry to us for vengeance.
 Too bad that other brave warriors in other parts of the world just decided to dig up the war axe and launch another crusade.
Primera Guerra Mundial  
First World War (World War I)
World War I [First World War]
 The costs of printing after the First World War account in part for the decline of the printed catalogue.
 War, for example, is divided into Militaria, War, World War I, World War II, Vehicles and Equipment.
prisionero de guerra  
prisoner of war
war prisoner
 The author discusses the production of escape maps by Allied prisoners of war during the First and Second World Wars.
 Prostitutes outside the camp were mostly of local origin; some were widows or married women whose husbands were war prisoners.
provocar una guerra   
ignite + a war
precipitate + a war
trigger + war
 The article is entitled 'Free MEDLINE ignites vendor wars'.
 As important as these activists were, however, it was a set of policy ideas more than the individuals themselves that precipitated the war.
 The 1979 incident was not the only false alarm to nearly trigger nuclear war.
reportero de guerra   
war journalist
war correspondent
war reporter
 Given these facts, it is surprising that until recently, no research was directed at exploring the psychological health of war journalists.
 William Simpson (1823-189 9), a Glaswegian, was in effect the first war correspondent who sent back battlefield drawings of the Crimean War.
 Ever wondered what its like to be a war reporter on the frontline?.
secreto de guerra 
secret of war
 400 pages of interrogations, once closely guarded as secrets of war, were discovered along with reams of other classified documents by a reporter.
Segunda Guerra Mundial   
2nd World War
World War II [Second World War]
Second World War [World War II]
 This article considers the maturing and professionalisation of Slavic librarianship in the USA since the 2nd World War.
 War, for example, is divided into Militaria, War, World War I, World War II, Vehicles and Equipment.
 From the beginnings of the UNESCO activity after the Second World War the emphasis ever since in universal bibliographic control has been upon collective endeavours.
tras las guerra 
in the postwar period
 The author discusses the disillusion she developed with Italian politics and its failure to deliver properly funded nationwide public library system for Italy in the postwar period.
tribunal de guerra 
court martial
 Jeremy Sivits, 24, a reservist with the military police, is to face a public court martial in Baghdad on charges of cruelty and abuse, and dereliction of duty for failing to protect the inmates.
veterano de guerra   
war veteran
war vet
 A new study of two small groups of war veterans indicates their brains may have been damaged by chemicals they were exposed to.
 Gulf War vets are coming down with these symptoms at twice the rate of vets from previous conflicts.
 The violence wasn't caused by war vets but by football hooligans.
veterano de la Guerra del Golfo 
Gulf War vet
 Gulf War vets are coming down with these symptoms at twice the rate of vets from previous conflicts.
víctima de guerra  
casualty of war
war casualty
 The significance of the hospital trains was the creation of a network of trains, hospital ships, and general hospitals that became the basis for the present military practice of caring for casualties of war.
 90% of war casualties at Gaza hospitals were civilians.
viuda de guerra 
war widow
 War widows find ways to cope, but there's really no cure for the pain.
zona de guerra 
war zone
 Through interviews with children in war zones around the world, the book examines how children cope with war and violence.

Trends of use of guerra



The term «guerra» is very widely used and occupies the 712 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «guerra» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of guerra
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «guerra».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «guerra» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «guerra» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about guerra



Famous quotes and sentences with the word guerra.
Agustín García Calvo
La paz es sólo la guerra sin declarar.
Eugenio D'Ors
Cualquier guerra entre europeos es una guerra civil.
Francisco De Quevedo
Sale de la guerra, paz; de la paz, abundancia; de la abundancia, ocio; del ocio, vicio; del vicio, guerra.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Cuando los ricos se hacen la guerra, son los pobres los que mueren.
¡Tan miserable es salir vencedor de una guerra civil!
Melody Maker
Los Sex Pistols hacen por la música lo mismo que la segunda guerra mundial ha hecho por la paz: no demasiado.
Proverbio Polaco
Si vas a la guerra, reza una vez; si vas al mar, reza dos veces, y si te vas a casar, reza tres veces.
Romain Rolland
La guerra es el fruto de la debilidad y necedad de los pueblos.
Simón Bolívar
Aunque la guerra es el compendio de todos los males, la tiranía es el compendio de todas las guerras.
Thomas Carlyle
La música en una boda me hace siempre pensar en la que acompaña a los soldados que van a la guerra.


Buena es la guerra para el que no va a ella.
A la iglesia por devoción, y a la guerra por necesidad.
Al partir las tierras, cata los hermanos en guerra.
Bloque de pisos grande, guerra de vecindaje.
Caballo que ha de ir a la guerra, ni le come el lobo, ni le aborta la yegua.
El hambre y la guerra, para verlos a cien leguas.
El muerto en la guerra no sacó ningún provecho.
El que no muere en la guerra se resbala en la bañera.
En tiempo de guerra, mentiras por mar y por tierra.
Guerra avisada no mata soldado.


Discover the use of guerra in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to guerra and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
Biblia Para la Guerra Espiritual-Rvr 1960
La Biblia Para La Guerra Espiritual, versión Reina-Valera 1960, ayudará a los lectores a estar preparados y equipados para participar en la guerra espiritual.
Casa Creacion, 2012
El arte de la guerra
La versión de Thomas Cleary de El arte de la guerra, libro de dos mil años de antigüedad, saca a la luz uno de los más importantes textos clásicos chinos, en el que, a pesar del tiempo transcurrido, ninguna de sus máximas ha quedado ...
Sun Tzu, 2011
La Guerra Fría
Ante la avalancha de informaciones sobre el mundo contemporáneo que los medios de comunicación vierten sobre nosotros día a día, hay una fuerte necesidad de hallar puntos de apoyo menos efímeros y perecederos, que subrayen a la vez las ...
Jean Heffer, Michel Launay, 1992
Guerra, Política y Moral
Walzer entro en 1977 en la historia de la teoria y filosofia politica con Guerras justas e injustas, que se convirtio, y sigue siendo, un clasico o mejor, el clasico contemporaneo del tratamiento de la relacion entre guerra y moral, ...
Michael Walzer, 2001
Historia de la guerra
Breve y sintética historia de la guerra en Occidente, escrita de la mano de reputados especialistas internacionales.
Geoffrey Parker, 2010
El Salvador, Testimonios de Guerra
Ariel Romero, tomÃ3 su grabadora, su papel y su lápiz, los colocÃ3 en su mochila, caminÃ3 con destino al volcán de San Salvador y al cerro de Guazapa en 1990, para encontrarse con los guerrilleros del Frente Farabundo Martà para ...
Ariel Romero, 2005
La Guerra y la paz: Enfoque contemporáneo sobre la seguridad ...
La guerra y la paz es un instrumento para entender el sistema internacional actual y tomar decisiones en los campos de la política exterior, seguridad, acción humanitaria y cooperación.
Charles-Philippe David, 2008
Julio César y la Guerra de las Galias
Cuaderno en el que, de la mano de Baluí el duende, se propone un método de dibujo para que el joven lector aprenda paso a paso todos los trucos necesarios para dibujar coches tanto reales como inventados.
Anne-Marie Zarka, 2002
El Arte de la Guerra II
Pero la obra del general Sun Tzu no es únicamente un libro de práctica militar, sino un tratado que enseña la estrategia suprema de aplicar con sabiduría el conocimiento de la naturaleza humana en los momentos de confrontación.
Sun Bin, Sun Tzu, 2006
Atlas de la Primera Guerra Mundial
Sir Martin Gilbert, miembro honorario del Merton College de Oxford, fue escogido en 1968 para realizar la biografia oficial de Sir Winston Churchill, obra que publico en seis volumenes culminandola con la edicion de Never Despair en 1988.
Martin Gilbert, 2003


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term guerra is used in the context of the following news items.
Los interrogantes de la Guerra Civil
Son algunos de los muchos interrogantes que se ciernen sobre la Guerra Civil española a los 80 años de su inicio. Tienen respuestas, pero a veces son ... «La Vanguardia, Jul 16»
Criminales de guerra del ejército y la guerrilla pierden inmunidad
La Sala de lo Constitucional allanó este miércoles 13 de julio el camino para que El Salvador enjuicie y castigue a los responsables de crímenes de la guerra ... «El Faro, Jul 16»
La guerra de Irak no fue una metedura de pata: fue un crimen
"Hay que aprender las lecciones", declararán ahora los defensores de la guerra. No les dejemos irse de rositas. Las lecciones fueron obvias para muchos de ... «eldiario.es, Jul 16»
¿La OTAN está preparándose para una guerra con Rusia?
MOSCÚ (Sputnik) — La OTAN no se está preparando para la guerra contra Rusia, al revés, está dispuesta a dialogar, dijo el director de la Oficina de ... «Sputnik Mundo, Jun 16»
“FARC están preparadas para la guerra urbana si fracasa proceso ...
El presidente de Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, afirmó que las FARC están preparadas para comenzar una guerra urbana si fracasa el proceso de paz que su ... «Semana.com, Jun 16»
Battlefield 1 es oficial y nos llevará a la Primera Guerra Mundial
y el nuevo Battlefield nos llevará a la Primera Guerra Mundial y llevará el curioso nombre de Battlefield 1. Y es que, pese a haber ya lanzado Battlefield 4, ... «Hipertextual, May 16»
Malvinas: la guerra que duró 74 días y mató a 649 argentinos
La Guerra de Malvinas, de cuyo inicio se cumplen 34 años este sábado, duró 74 días y en ella murieron 649 argentinos, muchos de los cuales hoy siguen ... «Télam, Apr 16»
Trump amaga a México con guerra; la SRE descarta responder
Donald Trump, aspirante republicano a la Casa Blanca, advirtió que “México no querrá jugar a la guerra con nosotros”, si él llega a ser Presidente de Estados ... «Excélsior, Mar 16»
¿Quién es Ciro Guerra, la mente detrás de 'El abrazo de la serpiente'?
Con tan sólo 34 años de edad y tres largometrajes, Ciro Guerra ha hecho historia en el cine colombiano. Cada una de sus realizaciones ha dejado una ... «El Pais - Cali Colombia, Jan 16»
Obama, sobre Cuba: "Reconozcan que la Guerra Fría terminó ...
El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, sacó pecho en su último discurso sobre el Estado de la Unión por la recuperación económica lograda durante ... «20minutos.es, Jan 16»



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