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Change Log: 2.063

previous version: 2.062 – next version: 2.064

Download D 2.063
released May 28, 2013

List of all bug fixes and enhancements in D 2.063.

Language Changes

  1. Const and immutable fields with initializers are now warned about:

    Eventually, they will be deprecated, and then will trigger an error. Such fields should now be changed to enum or static.

    In a future release, a new behavior for them will be enabled:

    Fields in an aggregate which are not static will always be addressable. This means they will occupy space in the object:

    struct S
        // used to be implicitly static in 2.062, now warns. In a future release it will become non-static.
        immutable int[] arr = [1, 2];
        // ditto
        const int[] arr2 = [1, 2];

    This means that code which accessed such declarations without the this reference will no longer compile. Additionally code which depended on the size of a structure with such fields will have to be fixed:

    struct S
        immutable int[] arr = [1, 2];
    void main()
        auto x = S.arr;  // becomes an error in a future release, 'arr' will require the 'this' reference.
        // S is size 1 in 2.062 and 2.063. In a future release this will change and the following static assert will pass.
        static assert(S.sizeof == size_t.sizeof + size_t.sizeof);  // ptr + length for the array

    To make the field static again, simply use the static keyword. Alternatively make the field an enum to turn it into a manifest constant:

    struct S
        static immutable int[] arr = [1, 2];
        enum arr2 = [1, 2];

    Note however that manifest constants which are arrays are allocated on each usage, so you may prefer using static instead.


    Making a field implicitly static based on whether it is const/immutable and has an initializer leads to confusion. The static keyword can be used to explicitly make any field static.

  2. Constructor qualifiers are taken into account when constructing objects:

    A qualified constructor is now invoked when a const/immutable/shared aggregate object is instantiated, respectively:

    import std.stdio;
    class C
        this()           { writeln("1"); }
        this() const     { writeln("2"); }
        this() immutable { writeln("3"); }
        this() shared    { writeln("4"); }
    void main()
        auto a = new C;           // writes "1"
        auto b = new const C;     // writes "2"
        auto c = new immutable C; // writes "3"
        auto d = new shared C;    // writes "4"

    This has the consequence that aggregates which have only immutable or shared constructors can no longer be used to instantiate mutable objects:

    class C
        this() immutable { }
        this() shared { }
    void main()
        auto c1 = new C;           // disallowed
        auto c2 = new immutable C; // ok
        auto c3 = new shared C;    // ok

    On the other hand, aggregates which do not have shared or immutable constructors can no longer be used to construct shared or immutable objects, respectively:

    class C
        this() { }
    void main()
        auto c1 = new C;           // ok
        auto c2 = new immutable C; // disallowed
        auto c3 = new shared C;    // disallowed

    However, if an aggregate has a pure constructor it can be used to construct an object with any type constructor:

    class C
        this() pure { }
    void main()
        auto c1 = new C;  // ok
        auto c2 = new immutable C;  // ok
        auto c3 = new shared C;  // ok
  3. Struct members which require non-bitwise comparison are now properly compared.

    In earlier releases some struct members such as arrays would be bitwise-compared in a comparison operation. This has now been changed to be a structural comparison instead:

    struct S
        char[] data;
    void main ()
        auto s1 = S("foo".dup);
        auto s2 = S("foo".dup);
        assert(s1.data !is s2.data);  // both are unique data
        assert(s1 == s2);   // passes in 2.063
        assert(s1.data == s2.data);  // equivalent of above

    If an opEquals function is not present the compiler rewrites the expression s1 == s2 to s1.tupleof == s2.tupleof. Comparing .tupleof expressions is also a feature new to D in the 2.063 release.

  4. Array copy operations now always require using the slice syntax:

    The right-hand-side of an array copy operation now requires using the slice syntax:

    void main()
        int[][2] x;
        int[] y;
        int[] z;
        x[] = z;    // copies z (pointer + length) 2 times to x
        y[] = z;    // copies each element of z into y (compiler emits warning)

    If the user intended to write such code they must use the slice syntax for both the source and target arrays:

    void main()
        int[][2] x;
        int[] y;
        int[] z;
        y[] = z[];  // copies each element of z into y (no warnings)


    The compiler will emit a warning to make the user aware that the copy operation is arbitrarily expensive.

  5. Types no longer act as arguments in typeof expressions:

    A type can no longer be passed to a function as a value of that type:

    T[] foo(T)(T t)
        return null;
    void main()
        alias int Int;
        // used to work (only with an alias), now a compiler error
        alias typeof(foo(Int)) IntArray;

    If the user wants to pass an argument of a certain type, they can use the .init property:

    T[] foo(T)(T t)
        return null;
    void main()
        alias typeof(foo(int.init)) IntArray;  // ok


    Treating types as expressions in special contexts only leads to confusion. Instead, the .init property can be used for such purposes.

  6. The index variable in a foreach range is no longer implicitly a reference:

    The index variable in a foreach range is now by default a value type:

    void main()
        size_t count;
        foreach (n; 0 .. 10)
        assert(count == 10);  // passes

    If the user wants to modify the index variable he must use the ref keyword:

    void main()
        size_t count;
        foreach (ref n; 0 .. 10)
        assert(count == 5);


    Making the index variable implicitly ref can introduce bugs that are hard to track down.

  7. Associative array entries are no longer default-initialized before assignment:

    An associative array entry used to be default-initialized before assignment took place:

    void main()
        int[int] aa;
        aa[1] = aa[1] + 1;   // no Error thrown in 2.062
        assert(aa[1] == 1);  // worked in 2.062

    In 2.063, accessing an entry which does not exist will now throw a RangeError:

    void main()
        int[int] aa;
        aa[1] = aa[1] + 1;   // RangeError thrown in 2.063


    Default-initialization during assignment can be a source of bugs.

  8. The const attribute is no longer inherited in overriden methods.

    Method overrides no longer inherit constness of the base method:

    class A
        void foo() const { }
    class B : A
        // used to work in 2.062, now an error
        override void foo() { }  // note missing 'const'

    If the user wants to override a const method he has to mark the overriden method as const:

    class A
        void foo() const { }
    class B : A
        override void foo() const { }  // ok

    The feature allows introducing new overloads based on the constness of the method:

    class A
        void foo() const { }
    class B : A
        // introduces new overload (not override!)
        void foo() { }
        // if the above overload is introduced the user must either:
        // a: re-introduce the const overload to prevent function hijacking
        alias super.foo foo;  // without this you will get a compiler error
        // or b: provide a properly typed override:
        override void foo() const { }
  9. typeof(null) no longer implicitly converts to T[]:

    The following code used to be allowed:

    void f(int[] function() del)
        assert(!del());  // fails
    typeof(null) g() { return null; }
    void main()
        f(() => null);

    However the implicit conversion would end up generating wrong code. To work around this, make sure the return type is typed properly, or use (T[]).init in the return expression of a lambda expression:

    void f(int[] function() del)
        assert(!del());  // passes
    int[] g() { return null; }  // fixed return type
    void main()
        f(&g);  // ok
        f(() => (int[]).init);  // ok
  10. The Template This Parameter now changes the member function qualifier:

    The Template This Parameter can now be used to infer the qualifier of this to member functions:

    struct S
        void foo(this T)()
    void main()
         immutable S s;
         s.foo();  // makes S.foo immutable
  11. Array slices are now r-values:

    Array slices are no longer l-values. This means an address can no longer be taken of a slice, and slices cannot be passed by ref to functions:

    void foo(ref int[] arr) { arr = new int[10]; }
    void main()
        int[] arr;
        foo(arr);  // ok
        assert(arr.length == 10);
        foo(arr[]);  // disallowed in 2.063, the slice is an r-value
        auto ptr = &arr[1..2];  // disallowed in 2.063, cannot take address of r-value

    To work around this you can make your function take an r-value if it doesn't need to reassign and resize the slice, but only needs to read or modify its contents. Otherwise, to accept both l-values and r-values you can make your function take its argument by auto ref:

    void take(int[] arr) { }
    void takeRef(ref int[] arr) { }
    void takeAutoRef(T)(auto ref T[] arr) { }
    void main()
        int[] arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
        take(arr);          // ok
        takeRef(arr);       // ok
        takeAutoRef(arr);   // ok
        int[] arr2 = arr[1 .. 2];
        take(arr2);         // ok, arr2 is a variable
        takeRef(arr2);      // ditto
        takeAutoRef(arr2);  // ditto
        take(arr[1 .. 2]);         // ok
        takeRef(arr[1 .. 2]);      // error, cannot pass r-value by reference
        takeAutoRef(arr[1 .. 2]);  // ok


    Passing slices by reference had no observable effect when reassigning or resizing such a slice at the call site, therefore such slices should by default be r-values. For example, the following code used to be allowed but is now a compile-time error:

    void reAssign(ref int[] arr) { arr = new int[2]; }
    void reSize(ref int[] arr)   { arr.length = 10; }
    void main()
        int[] arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
        reAssign(arr[0 .. 4]);  // reassigning has no observable effect at the call site
        assert(arr == [1, 2, 3, 4]);
        reSize(arr[0 .. 4]);    // resizing has no observable effect at the call site
        assert(arr.length == 4);
  12. Accessing a non-static field without a this reference is only allowed in certain contexts:

    Accessing non-static fields used to be allowed in many contexts, but is now limited to only a few:

    - offsetof, init, and other built-in properties are allowed:

    struct S { int field; }
    void main()
        auto a = S.field.offsetof;  // ok, statically known
        auto c = S.field.max;       // ditto
        auto d = S.field;           // disallowed, no `this` reference

    - When invoking static methods of a non-static field:

    struct Foo
        static struct Bar
            static int get() { return 0; }
        Bar bar;
    void main()
        static assert(Foo.bar.get() == 0);  // ok, equivalent to `typeof(Foo.bar).get()`

    - When accessing static fields implicitly using an alias this expression:

    struct Foo
        static struct Bar
            static int get() { return 0; }
        Bar bar;
        alias bar this;
    void main()
        static assert(Foo.get() == 0);  // ok, equivalent to 'typeof(Foo.bar).get()'
  13. Arrays no longer implicitly convert to a pointer:

    The implicit conversion of an array to a pointer was a deprecated feature:

    void foo(int* p) { }
    void main()
        int[] arr = [1, 2];
        foo(arr);   // ok if -d switch is used during compilation

    This feature has now been completely removed. The workaround is to either use the .ptr property, or explicitly pass the pointer to the first element:

    void foo(int* p) { }
    void main()
        int[] arr = [1, 2];
        foo(arr);      // compile error
        foo(arr.ptr);  // ok
        foo(&arr[0]);  // ok

Language Enhancements

  1. Expressions which return unique objects can be implicitly casted to immutable:

    Expressions such as new for objects and arrays, and dup for arrays, can now be inferred to be unique. This allows the compiler to implicitly convert such an expression to immutable:

    class C { }
    void main()
        immutable int[] arr1 = new int[](3);   // ok
        immutable int[] arr2 = [1, 2, 3].dup;  // ok in 2.063
        immutable C[] arr3 = [new C, new C].dup;  // ok in 2.063
  2. Static array of void can now be user-initialized.

    A static array of void could not be initialized in user-code:

    void main()
        void[2] varr1;  // error in 2.062
        void[2] varr2 = (void[2]).init;  // error in 2.062
        void[2] varr3 = void;  // ok in 2.062

    In 2.063, an explicit initializer can be used:

    void main()
        void[2] varr1;  // still an error in 2.063
        void[2] varr2 = (void[2]).init;  // ok in 2.063
        void[2] varr3 = void;  // ok in 2.063

    The .init property effectively zero-initializes the array.


    The restriction has been lifted to allow generic code to use .init without having to specialize for static void arrays.

  3. Aggregates can now contain multiple invariants:

    If an aggregate type has multiple invariants, the invariants' bodies will be merged into a single invariant function and will be run in sequence. Note that the code in one invariant cannot reference code or data in another invariant:

    struct S
        int x;
        void foo() { }
            int local;
            assert(x != 0);
            // local = 1;  // invariant does not have access to the other invariant's body
            assert(x % 2 == 0);
    void main()
        S s = S(2);
        s.foo();  // invoking public function triggers both invariants in sequence
  4. Methods of templated aggregates can now infer attributes:

    If a function with some attributes instantiates a templated aggregate, its member functions will infer those attributes:

    struct S(T)
        T square(T x)
            return x * x;
    void main() pure
        S!int s;  // S!int.square becomes pure and callable from main()
        assert(s.square(2) == 4);  // ok
  5. is expression no longer requires an identifier:

    In some cases the is expression required an identifier even when you didn't have a use for it:

    void main()
        alias AA = string[int];
        static if (is(AA _ == V[K], V, K))
            pragma(msg, _);  // prints string[int]
            pragma(msg, K);  // prints int
            pragma(msg, V);  // prints string

    The identifier is no longer required, so the above can be rewritten to:

    void main()
        alias AA = string[int];
        static if (is(AA == V[K], V, K))
            pragma(msg, AA); // prints string[int]
            pragma(msg, K);  // prints int
            pragma(msg, V);  // prints string
  6. Dynamic arrays of known size can be implicitly cast to static arrays in some contexts:

    In some contexts the compiler knows the size of a dynamic array or of a slice of an array. In such a case the compiler will allow an implicit conversion to a static array of the same size:

    void foo(int[4] x) { }
    void main()
        int[] arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
        foo(arr[0 .. 4]);  // ok

    Another example, where a string is converted to a reference to a static array:

    string str = "aaaabbbbccccdddd";
    void foo(ref const(char)[16] buf)
        assert(buf.ptr is str.ptr);
    void main()
        foo(str[0..16]);  // ok


    - This feature does not yet work with complex expressions where it might be reasonable to assume the size of a slice:

    void foo(int[4] x) { }
    void main()
        int[] arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
        foreach (i; 0 .. 4)
            foo(arr[i .. i + 4]);  // not yet supported
  7. Tuples can now be void-initialized:

    You can now void-initialize a tuple variable:

    template Tuple(T...)
        alias T Tuple;
    void main()
        Tuple!(int, int) tup1 = void;  // ok

    Upon such initialization the values in the tuple are undetermined.

  8. Template constraints can now be put after the inheritance list:

    Template constraints used to be allowed only before the inheritance list, leading to code where the inheritance list could be hard to spot:

    class Foo(T1, T2)
        if (is(T1 == int) && is(T2 == string)) : Base

    This restriction has been lifted, so you can now write:

    class Foo(T1, T2) : Base
        if (is(T1 == int) && is(T2 == string))
  9. Tuples can now be compared for equality:


    struct Tuple(T...) { T field; alias field this; }
    void main()
        auto tup1 = Tuple!(int, int)(1, 2);
        auto tup2 = Tuple!(int, int)(1, 2);
        auto tup3 = Tuple!(int, int)(1, 3);
        assert(tup1 == tup2);  // works since 2.063
        assert(tup1 != tup3);  // works since 2.063

    This also means you can now compare ParameterStorageClassTuple instances from std.traits:

    import std.traits;
    void func1(ref int x, ref int y) { }
    void func2(ref float x, ref float y) { }
    void main()
        alias Storages = ParameterStorageClassTuple;
        assert(Storages!func1 == Storages!func2);

    In addition to that, builtin .tupleof expressions can be used to easily compare fields of an aggregate:

    struct S
        char[] a, b;
        // Implements equality test against another instance of this type.
        bool opEquals(S rhs) { return this.tupleof == rhs.tupleof; }
    void main()
        S s1 = S("a".dup, "b".dup);
        S s2 = S("a".dup, "b".dup);
        assert(s1 == s2);

    This also allows you to implement a structural equality test against an instance of a different type:

    struct S1
        char[] a, b;
        // Implements a structural equality test against any other type T
        bool opEquals(T)(T rhs) { return this.tupleof == rhs.tupleof; }
    struct S2
        string x, y;
    void main()
        auto s1 = S1("123".dup, "456".dup);
        auto s2 = S2("123", "456");
        assert(s1 == s2);

    Since tuples can be sliced you can use this feature to compare a subset of tuples:

    struct S
        int a, b, c, d, e;
        bool opEquals(S rhs)
            // compares a, b, d, and e
            return this.tupleof[0..2] == rhs.tupleof[0..2] &&
                   this.tupleof[3..5] == rhs.tupleof[3..5];
    void main()
        S s1 = S(1, 2, 0, 3, 4);
        S s2 = S(1, 2, 1, 3, 4);
        assert(s1 == s2);
  10. Fields with initializers can now be re-initialized in a const constructor:

    You can now initialize a field in a const constructor even if such a field already has an initializer:

    struct S
        bool field = true;
        this(int v) const
            field = false;  // ok
  11. Added the isNested trait for discovery of aggregates and functions with context pointers:

    The new isNested trait allows you to discover whether an aggregate or function contains a context pointer:

    void main()
        int x;
        struct S1 { void f() { x++; } }
        static struct S2 { }
        void f1() { x++; }
        static void f2() { }
        static assert(__traits(isNested, S1));
        static assert(__traits(isNested, f1));
        static assert(!__traits(isNested, S2));
        static assert(!__traits(isNested, f2));
  12. Templates can now be nested inside of functions:
  13. void test()
        template ArrayOf(T) { alias ArrayOf = T[]; }
        static assert(is(ArrayOf!int == int[]));

    Allowing templates inside of functions will enable better encapsulation and avoid the pollution of module-scoped symbol names.

  14. UFCS now works with scoped local imports:

    Functions that are made available through a local import are now picked up when using Uniform Function Call Syntax:

    module foo;
    string concat(string arg1, string arg2) { return arg1 ~ arg2; }
    module test;
    void main()
        import foo;
        assert("foo".concat("bar") == "foobar");  // UFCS now works

    This feature also works for imports within aggregates. Note that local imports have a higher precedence than module-scoped imports.

  15. Added __FUNCTION__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ and __MODULE__:

    A new set of special keywords were added. Together with __FILE__ and __LINE__ they form a complete feature set that is useful in debugging code:

    module test;
    import std.stdio;
    void test(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, string mod = __MODULE__,
              string func = __FUNCTION__, string pretty = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
        writefln("file: '%s', line: '%s', module: '%s',\nfunction: '%s', pretty function: '%s'",
                 file, line, mod, func, pretty);
    int main(string[] args)
        return 0;

    The above will output:

    file: 'test.d', line: '13', module: 'test',
    function: 'test.main', pretty function: 'int test.main(string[] args)'
  16. DDoc: Deprecated declarations are now wrapped in a DEPRECATED macro:
    module test;
    /// sum function
    deprecated int sum(int x, int y) { return x + y; }

    By default the macro expands to its argument. It can be overriden by the user, for example:



    The above ddoc file can then be used when the documentation is being generated:

    $ dmd -D -o- test.d macros.ddoc
  17. Added documented unittest feature for verifiable code example generation:

    Documented unittests which follow any symbol declarations are now used to generate example sections for the symbol when generating DDOC documentation. Example:

    /// sum function
    int sum(int x, int y) { return x + y; }
        assert(sum(2, 2) == 4);

    The body of the unittest will be part of the documentation of the sum function. This allows the implementor of the function to keep their examples always up-to-date.

    For more information, see the documentation page of documented unittests.

Compiler Enhancements

  1. Added -main switch which adds an empty main function:

    The -main switch is primarily useful when unittesting libraries:

    module test;
    int sum(int a, int b) { return a + b; }
        assert(sum(2, 2) == 4);

    The above library would need a main() function for the unittests to run, and -main can be used for this purpose:

    $ dmd -unittest -main -run test.d
  2. Added -cov=percentage switch for minimal coverage tests.

    The -cov switch now has an optional percentage setting which makes the executable emit an error when the coverage doesn't meet the specified requirement:

    module test;
    void test1() { int x = 5; }
    void test2() { int x = 5; }
    void test3() { int x = 5; }
    void main()

    Example of coverage testing:

    $ dmd -cov=90 test.d
    $ test
    Error: test.d is 80% covered, less than required 90%
  3. Added ability to override the mangling of a symbol with a compiler pragma:

    The new pragma(mangle, ...) directive allows you to set a custom mangling for any symbol:

    pragma(mangle, "module") extern(C) void module_();

    The above allows linking to a C function named "module", which ordinarily we wouldn't be able to link to directly since "module" is a reserved D keyword.

Phobos Changes

  1. std.typecons.scoped implementation changed, potentially breaking some user-code:

    User-code which used the std.traits.ReturnType trait to retrieve the type of a scoped call will have to be changed to use the typeof operator instead:

    class A
        this() {}
        this(int) {}
    class B
        // ReturnType!(scoped!A) a;  // disallowed in 2.063
        typeof(scoped!A()) a;        // rewritten, compiles in 2.063
            a = scoped!A(1);  // would not compile in 2.062, but works with syntax used for 2.063

    The reason for this change is that the ReturnType trait would retrieve the wrong type when a class had multiple constructors, and this would cause initializing the field to fail.

    Another benefit of the new implementation is that scoped can now be aliased for usability purposes:

    class A
        this(int) { }
    void main()
        alias scoped!A scopeA;
        auto a = scopeA(1);

Phobos Enhancements

  1. std.process has been redesigned from the ground up and introduces a new API and functionality:

    The new std.process module introduces functionality for invoking processes with custom pipe redirection, the ability to wait for processes to finish, and the ability to kill processes. The full list of features can be found in the std.process documentation.

  2. std.getopt can now set booleans to false:

    Example code:

    void main(string[] args)
        bool flag = true;
        getopt(args, &flag);

    When invoked via --flag=false, it will set flag to false.

  3. Added ownerTid property in std.concurrency:

    It is now easier to send a message from a child thread to its owner thread. Simply use the ownerTid property to get the owner thread's Tid identifier:

    void fun()
        string res = receiveOnly!string();
        assert(res == "Main calling");
        ownerTid.send("Child responding");  // new
    void main()
        auto child = spawn(&fun);
        child.send("Main calling");
        string res = receiveOnly!string();
        assert(res == "Child responding");

    If the owner thread has exited, accessing ownerTid from any of its child threads will throw a TidMissingException.

List of all bug fixes and enhancements in D 2.063:

DMD Compiler regressions

  1. Bugzilla 9130: Wrong codegen for compile time constructed struct
  2. Bugzilla 9258: opAssign with base class triggers "identity assignment operator overload" error
  3. Bugzilla 9526: ICE when compiling project with unittests
  4. Bugzilla 9536: IFTI fails when calling a static member from const member
  5. Bugzilla 9538: Regression (2.062): Can't use typeid on .ptr of static array
  6. Bugzilla 9539: Wrong implicit conversion of array to pointer
  7. Bugzilla 9545: [REG 2.063a] ICE with member template instantiation
  8. Bugzilla 9552: DMD crashed when taking member delegate from __traits(getOverloads)
  9. Bugzilla 9566: Regression (2.062): Cannot use struct .init when it contains a static array initialized from a single element.
  10. Bugzilla 9568: [64bit] wrong code for scope(exit)
  11. Bugzilla 9633: compiles trait wrongly returns true even when object method call actually does not compile
  12. Bugzilla 9650: __traits(compiles) + mixin
  13. Bugzilla 9663: [REG2.063a] ICE caused by issue 7444 change.
  14. Bugzilla 9672: mixin within cyclic import causes undefined properties
  15. Bugzilla 9689: std.typecons.Proxy breaks with @disable this(this)
  16. Bugzilla 9694: A member struct that has mutable opEquals reports weird error message
  17. Bugzilla 9739: Regression (1.077 git-head): DMD not considering ctor with default args as default ctor
  18. Bugzilla 9759: compiler segfault in StructLiteral::implicitConvTo(Type*) on invalid code
  19. Bugzilla 9764: Ddoc: Ddoc file name is incorrectly emphasized
  20. Bugzilla 9775: Can no longer create a const Date in CTFE if the variable is explicitly typed
  21. Bugzilla 9806: assertion failure in struct.c:668
  22. Bugzilla 9834: incorrect detection of lambda locality.
  23. Bugzilla 9846: regression of forward references
  24. Bugzilla 9858: const alias this fails when opAssign is present
  25. Bugzilla 9865: Crash on bogus import / circular reference
  26. Bugzilla 9890: Alias This + Alias Fields
  27. Bugzilla 9903: Broken ddoc in std.typecons and etc.c.sqlite3
  28. Bugzilla 9919: Regression (2.062): Symbol lookup fails with public import and mixin
  29. Bugzilla 9952: regression(HEAD): Attribute inference for virtual functions breaks subclasses
  30. Bugzilla 9957: [2.061 -> 2.062] Taking pointer of enum float array gives some garbage
  31. Bugzilla 9974: immutable class constructor is broken
  32. Bugzilla 9984: inout qualifier is skipped for constructor arguments (template constructor only)
  33. Bugzilla 9987: Declaring struct ModuleInfo should be allowed
  34. Bugzilla 10002: 2.062 -> 2.063 calling "remove" is impure
  35. Bugzilla 10003: void* UFCS regression
  36. Bugzilla 10016: Incorrect error gagging using RefCounted
  37. Bugzilla 10040: struct-related ICE
  38. Bugzilla 10041: ufcs writeln of associative array
  39. Bugzilla 10043: ICE with __traits(compiles)
  40. Bugzilla 10044: Wrong di generation for IsExp with TemplateParameterList
  41. Bugzilla 10047: opDispatch instantiation failure should be gagged for UFCS
  42. Bugzilla 10049: Spurious "Label already defined" error inside a foreach over a range aggregate
  43. Bugzilla 10050: Regression (git-head): RDMD no longer emits error messages from DMD
  44. Bugzilla 10053: struct member with pure dtor forces declared dtor to be pure, too
  45. Bugzilla 10055: Incorrect attribute merging in dtor/postblit building
  46. Bugzilla 10056: Strange Error with templates and string.format
  47. Bugzilla 10067: [REG] Recursive template instantiation
  48. Bugzilla 10073: Default opEquals depends on class declaration order with DMD HEAD
  49. Bugzilla 10076: expression.c:4310: virtual Expression* TypeExp::semantic(Scope*): Assertion 0 failed.
  50. Bugzilla 10089: Strange function call error message with specified module
  51. Bugzilla 10091: [HEAD] Cannot cast struct member string enum to static ubyte array of same size
  52. Bugzilla 10096: Regression (git-head): __traits(allMembers) triggers out of bounds error
  53. Bugzilla 10101: static if conditional cannot be at global scope using mixin template
  54. Bugzilla 10106: [ICE] Ice in glue.c:1215 + 2 error messages without lines
  55. Bugzilla 10134: Mutual referencing templates error
  56. Bugzilla 10142: [REG2.063a] enum value semantic problem that declared in class member
  57. Bugzilla 10144: Using enum inside final class occurs weird errors
  58. Bugzilla 10148: regression 062=>063: unjustified 'safe function cannot call system function'
  59. Bugzilla 10151: final: before enum is now an error.
  60. Bugzilla 10160: No line number "cannot modify struct ... with immutable members"
  61. Bugzilla 10166: XXX is not a template
  62. Bugzilla 10178: Compiler segfault with zero-length tuple comparison

DMD Compiler bugs

  1. Bugzilla 1520: TypeInfo_Const.opEquals is incorrect
  2. Bugzilla 1804: Severe GC leaks with repetitive array allocations
  3. Bugzilla 2356: array literal as non static initializer generates horribly inefficient code.
  4. Bugzilla 3789: [TDPL] Structs members that require non-bitwise comparison not correctly compared
  5. Bugzilla 4094: ICE(expression.c): recursive struct templates with type inference
  6. Bugzilla 4247: Cannot create default-constructed struct on heap when constructor is defined
  7. Bugzilla 4414: ICE(cgcs.c) Taking item of static array returned by function
  8. Bugzilla 4436: Double bug regarding Tuple.init
  9. Bugzilla 4479: Module Foo is in multiple files Foo
  10. Bugzilla 4617: Alias this'ed symbols cannot be passed to templates
  11. Bugzilla 4814: rdmd: Doesn't rebuild when using -of and turning an -L linker option on or off
  12. Bugzilla 5450: no match for implicit super() call in constructor
  13. Bugzilla 5625: std.format unittest disabled
  14. Bugzilla 6070: CTFE UFCS forward reference error
  15. Bugzilla 6089: __gshared with not static 2D array
  16. Bugzilla 6153: Inserting to An Array!T inside an Array!(Array!T) causes a segfault.
  17. Bugzilla 6312: template instance cannot use argument from enclosing template
  18. Bugzilla 6431: [RDMD] Modifying a library doesn't trigger a rebuild
  19. Bugzilla 6535: RDMD outputs broken library files
  20. Bugzilla 6539: Incomprehensible error message with failed template instantiation
  21. Bugzilla 6545: [CTFE] Hard-coded array operations not yet supported
  22. Bugzilla 6578: Ignored const with struct with constructor
  23. Bugzilla 6795: ICE(cgcs.c): Incrementing an enum array item
  24. Bugzilla 6852: Cannot compare instances of ParameterStorageClassTuple
  25. Bugzilla 7068: copying array of pointers calls memset instead of memcpy with -d
  26. Bugzilla 7437: DMD enters infinite loop during overload resolution
  27. Bugzilla 7569: cannot void initialize tuple declarations
  28. Bugzilla 7572: f.fn!(void) is not an lvalue
  29. Bugzilla 7719: enum forward reference error when enum is in braces
  30. Bugzilla 7980: Stack overflow / recursive expansion with alias this
  31. Bugzilla 8041: __gshared/static problem
  32. Bugzilla 8081: pure nothrow unittest problem in generated 'header' file
  33. Bugzilla 8130: Memory corruption because without *.def file DMD compiles DLL with assumption _tls_index = 0
  34. Bugzilla 8213: Incorrect error message with pointer to ubyte[] and front
  35. Bugzilla 8238: templates can create ghost fields
  36. Bugzilla 8245: UFCS doesn't work for pointers
  37. Bugzilla 8294: complex breaks calling in 64 bit DMD
  38. Bugzilla 8347: Parser bug with const placed after ~this() in decl
  39. Bugzilla 8366: Overriding const member function in conjunction with mutable overload causes a strange error
  40. Bugzilla 8589: Incorrect conversion of function returning typeof(null) to function returning an array
  41. Bugzilla 8609: A forward reference error with static arrays
  42. Bugzilla 8668: public selective import makes functions conflict when otherwise they don't
  43. Bugzilla 8670: IFTI fails from aliases
  44. Bugzilla 8697: Invalid error message: Forward reference of interface
  45. Bugzilla 8698: Forward reference error with interfaces
  46. Bugzilla 8827: Cannot move contents of R12
  47. Bugzilla 8828: Long compilation time of a destroy() on a large fixed-sized matrix
  48. Bugzilla 8833: Odd error with expression tuples
  49. Bugzilla 8902: Unexpected "duplicate union initialization for X" error
  50. Bugzilla 8945: Can't call static struct initializer or constructor without qualifier for templated inner struct
  51. Bugzilla 8953: Parser rejects qualifier after destructor i.e. ~this() <qualifier> { }
  52. Bugzilla 8989: cfloat argument passing broken
  53. Bugzilla 8998: 'inout pure' returns immutable, which in reality is mutable
  54. Bugzilla 9091: Using __traits(getMember) on template argument fails inside member function
  55. Bugzilla 9144: synchronized CRITSECSIZE should be a target constant
  56. Bugzilla 9199: Module level qualified functions should be rejected
  57. Bugzilla 9209: ice(symbol.c) with const struct heap allocation
  58. Bugzilla 9231: overriding inout funcion with attribute inference reports weird error
  59. Bugzilla 9232: Parsing error on some templated methods calls
  60. Bugzilla 9241: 2.061: Property call error message disappeared
  61. Bugzilla 9280: Runtime range violation with named capture groups in regex
  62. Bugzilla 9311: shared library file extension incorrectly modified
  63. Bugzilla 9345: CTFE fails when using std.string.format with imported string enum
  64. Bugzilla 9346: nested struct calls disabled postblit
  65. Bugzilla 9386: struct destructor called erroneously
  66. Bugzilla 9393: Partial template specialization and template lambda does not work
  67. Bugzilla 9401: destructor and nothrow syntax
  68. Bugzilla 9413: Incorrect modification inside contracts is not detected correctly
  69. Bugzilla 9414: Incorrect modification inside contracts is not detected on virtual function
  70. Bugzilla 9415: delegate inference should make function literal impure
  71. Bugzilla 9417: "no size yet for forward reference" error with nested structure
  72. Bugzilla 9428: Wrong array concatenation
  73. Bugzilla 9441: struct constructor missed on auto/type-inferred variable definition
  74. Bugzilla 9445: interpret.c:151: Assertion v->ctfeAdrOnStack >= 0 && v->ctfeAdrOnStack < stackPointer() failed.
  75. Bugzilla 9451: Listing abstract functions in diagnostic should show full signature
  76. Bugzilla 9473: Unittest docs should each be in their own section
  77. Bugzilla 9474: Ddoc'd unittests should work correctly with interspersed version(none)
  78. Bugzilla 9475: Should retain source formatting in ddoc's unittests
  79. Bugzilla 9480: The template name in the JSON output contains template and function arguments
  80. Bugzilla 9494: compiler stack overflow on invalid associative array
  81. Bugzilla 9495: Win64 vararg issue when first argument is > 8 byte
  82. Bugzilla 9508: RDMD doesn't generate new dependency list when a file is changed.
  83. Bugzilla 9540: Compiler crash on delegate context frame assignment
  84. Bugzilla 9561: Many error messages from std.format
  85. Bugzilla 9590: UFCS does not work with void lazy expressions
  86. Bugzilla 9613: Parser bug when using .init with type constructor
  87. Bugzilla 9617: ulong.max is wrongly accepted by smaller signed parameter
  88. Bugzilla 9619: Failed struct field typeof in inner function
  89. Bugzilla 9622: Range violation in rdmd
  90. Bugzilla 9649: DMD doesn't parse valid PostfixExpression . NewExpression syntax.
  91. Bugzilla 9652: __traits(getAttributes) doesn't work with manifest constants
  92. Bugzilla 9654: Template function cannot take string by ref T[len]
  93. Bugzilla 9656: Built-in dup result should behave as like unique array, if it is possible.
  94. Bugzilla 9658: Setting pre-initialized field should be allowed in qualified constructor.
  95. Bugzilla 9677: Crash on setting length property of array VC 2012 64 bit
  96. Bugzilla 9679: Refused const/immutable assignment in conditional
  97. Bugzilla 9692: __traits(allMembers) fails on module without a package
  98. Bugzilla 9700: std.typecons.Proxy with invaliant and in-place operation causes Access Violation
  99. Bugzilla 9712: IFTI does not support deducing static array types from array literal arguments
  100. Bugzilla 9713: Ddoc: Empty description suppress automatic example generation
  101. Bugzilla 9714: Ddoc: Combination of -D and -unittest reveals hidden unittest function
  102. Bugzilla 9720: OSX wrong code with -O Illegal instruction
  103. Bugzilla 9722: optimizer kills GOT to EBX load
  104. Bugzilla 9729: interface thunk doesn't set EBX to GOT
  105. Bugzilla 9735: Casting delegates to void* should be illegal
  106. Bugzilla 9736: VS2010 project file does full rebuild every time
  107. Bugzilla 9743: IFTI and polymorphic string literal should support implicit conversion to static array type
  108. Bugzilla 9744: Poor error message taking address of thread-local variable at compile time
  109. Bugzilla 9747: IFTI argument deduction fails for committed string literals which are implicitly converted to a static array
  110. Bugzilla 9755: JSON output is missing the protection attribute for templates
  111. Bugzilla 9757: Ddoc: documented unittest after ditto should work
  112. Bugzilla 9758: Ddoc: empty ddoc comment and unittest block generates no Examples section
  113. Bugzilla 9768: No line number for wrong foreach type
  114. Bugzilla 9773: ref parameter with default value should not compile
  115. Bugzilla 9774: Error message with __error using == on tuple members
  116. Bugzilla 9777: Calling final interface method leads to wrong code
  117. Bugzilla 9781: -inline will cause backend ICE
  118. Bugzilla 9788: -profile doesn't work if exceptions are thrown in the running program
  119. Bugzilla 9790: Internal error when compiling a invalid variable in template (in expression.c and backend\evalu8.c)
  120. Bugzilla 9791: [ICE] (struct.c line 668) map with a missing tuple import
  121. Bugzilla 9818: Constant folding for static array does not work with initializing by element
  122. Bugzilla 9829: rdmd passes '--' to dmd
  123. Bugzilla 9837: IFTI should consider enum base type
  124. Bugzilla 9844: DMD (-m64) int long initialisation bug
  125. Bugzilla 9845: enum value should be able to contain forward references in global scope
  126. Bugzilla 9863: Incorrect generation of SAHF instruction on 64 bits
  127. Bugzilla 9873: Built-in tuple should support equality comparison
  128. Bugzilla 9874: Function call syntax disuniformity in template constraints
  129. Bugzilla 9880: Redundant template instance displaying in error message
  130. Bugzilla 9883: Error on using property as new dynamic array size
  131. Bugzilla 9885: IFTI should consider known tuple types.
  132. Bugzilla 9892: [ICE] forward reference in enum declaration members causes compiler segfault
  133. Bugzilla 9899: struct with pure/nothrow destructor cannot be used as a struct member in pure/nothrow functions
  134. Bugzilla 9901: string return from inner template function error
  135. Bugzilla 9907: Struct literal with destructor should match to non-ref overload
  136. Bugzilla 9910: Scalar op vector is broken.
  137. Bugzilla 9928: ice with void* and function literal
  138. Bugzilla 9936: Wrong opBinary/opBinaryRight rewrite.
  139. Bugzilla 9939: allMembers trait doesn't returns members of nested anonymous enum
  140. Bugzilla 9940: ICE applying getProtection to a functions obtained using getOverloads.
  141. Bugzilla 9946: A UFCS disallowed in dynamic array allocation
  142. Bugzilla 9961: Using UFCS properties suppress actual errors
  143. Bugzilla 9965: Wrong Assembly For DIL, SIL Registers
  144. Bugzilla 9971: eponymous function is not an lvalue
  145. Bugzilla 9985: Postblit isn't called on local struct return
  146. Bugzilla 9990: templates with function alias cause forward reference error
  147. Bugzilla 9993: const ctor should be preferred than mutable for const obj creation
  148. Bugzilla 9994: Built-in generated opAssign should call dtor on assignment
  149. Bugzilla 10004: tuple comparison with side-effect should work
  150. Bugzilla 10005: struct variable declaration and const-correctness
  151. Bugzilla 10011: Wrong JSON "init" property output for class reference initializers
  152. Bugzilla 10029: Update list of reserved version identifiers.
  153. Bugzilla 10058: Inconsistent mangling between C++ and extern(C++).
  154. Bugzilla 10059: export doesn't work for variable declarations
  155. Bugzilla 10063: inout+pure results in ability to produce immutable reference to mutable data
  156. Bugzilla 10066: Template opEquals sometimes obstructs struct compilation
  157. Bugzilla 10102: @disable incompletely implemented
  158. Bugzilla 10103: template mixin with property overloads
  159. Bugzilla 10105: ICE when converting string literal to static char array in enum initializer
  160. Bugzilla 10115: More @disabled holes
  161. Bugzilla 10171: Unexpected error "cannot infer type from overloaded function symbol"
  162. Bugzilla 10180: offsetof doesn't work through function call alias this

DMD Compiler enhancements

  1. Bugzilla 3449: const and invariant struct members do not behave according to spec
  2. Bugzilla 3502: Fix for dropped Mac OS X 10.5
  3. Bugzilla 3673: inheritance + if clause = no go
  4. Bugzilla 4528: Better error message for private abstract method
  5. Bugzilla 5140: Add __FUNCTION__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, and __MODULE__
  6. Bugzilla 6185: Include non-global functions when resolving UFCS
  7. Bugzilla 6453: Allow multiple invariant per struct/class
  8. Bugzilla 6809: IFTI should imply const where inout is present on args, but not on return type
  9. Bugzilla 7444: Require [] for array copies too
  10. Bugzilla 7511: attribute inference should work for template functions
  11. Bugzilla 8220: invalid function call not detected during semantic analysis
  12. Bugzilla 8669: TemplateThisParameter should change member function's qualifier
  13. Bugzilla 8819: void static array should have init built-in propert
  14. Bugzilla 8959: IsExpression should support syntax which has no Identifier in all cases
  15. Bugzilla 9033: Remove __thread from the language
  16. Bugzilla 9136: Add isNested trait
  17. Bugzilla 9155: Ddoc: code section should strip leading spaces
  18. Bugzilla 9170: CTFE: Allow reinterpret casts float <-> int
  19. Bugzilla 9185: Add note about where -op is useful
  20. Bugzilla 9574: Diagnostic for old use of 'alias this = that' should be informative
  21. Bugzilla 9627: Not good enough error messages in some cases when using UFCS
  22. Bugzilla 9635: Improved error message for failed access of array field properties from static method
  23. Bugzilla 9676: Ddoc: Wrap deprecated declarations in a (DEPRECATED) macro
  24. Bugzilla 9680: Include entry point location in "dmd -v -o-" output
  25. Bugzilla 9723: Implement -main switch to inject a default main() function
  26. Bugzilla 9726: Add minimum % coverage required for -cov testing
  27. Bugzilla 9727: Documented unittest comment should appear before Example section
  28. Bugzilla 9745: Allow non-thread local static variables to have their address taken in CTFE
  29. Bugzilla 9778: RDMD: Support passing resource files to DMD
  30. Bugzilla 9789: Ddoc for aliases should use new "alias x=y" syntax
  31. Bugzilla 9866: movsxd not supported
  32. Bugzilla 9920: [Optimizer] Use mul/imul for integer division by constant
  33. Bugzilla 9941: [CTFE] Allow to store "newed" classes and structs in the data segment
  34. Bugzilla 9943: Allow to return typeid from CTFE
  35. Bugzilla 9963: Absurdly Inefficient Codegen For Adding Boolean Predicates
  36. Bugzilla 9977: Function local templates should be allowed
  37. Bugzilla 10030: Support '-l:' switch when passing default library to ld
  38. Bugzilla 10077: add pragma(mangle, "...") to override symbol mangle.
  39. Bugzilla 10109: add -transition compiler switch to aid in dealing with breaking changes
  40. Bugzilla 10150: Prefix method 'this' qualifiers should be just ignored anytime
  41. Bugzilla 10179: Tuple assignment should not cause "has no effect" error even if the length is zero

Phobos regressions

  1. Bugzilla 9122: std.concurrency send() fails with multiple arrays
  2. Bugzilla 9742: std.math.floor returns 0 for any value x > -1 and x < 0
  3. Bugzilla 10122: Appender doesn't work with disabled default construction

Phobos bugs

  1. Bugzilla 3795: Problem with phobos std.variant
  2. Bugzilla 4729: std.algorithm: strange iota behaviour
  3. Bugzilla 4798: std.algorithm.map unusable for ranges with const elements
  4. Bugzilla 4955: struct dirent.d_type is not a mask
  5. Bugzilla 5032: std.file.rename acts differently on Windows and Linux when the target file already exists.
  6. Bugzilla 5201: std.string.indexOf and std.algorithm.indexOf return different things for narrow strings
  7. Bugzilla 5310: Variant == const(Variant) doesn't compile
  8. Bugzilla 5359: std.traits.isDelegate should work for types and expressions
  9. Bugzilla 5360: calling rdmd from different folder
  10. Bugzilla 5514: Erroneous documentation and lacking randomization for topN
  11. Bugzilla 5658: Undocumented fields in std.typecons.Tuple
  12. Bugzilla 5924: schwartzSort of Tuple!(char)[]
  13. Bugzilla 8321: std.range.put doesn't work with RefCounted output range
  14. Bugzilla 8613: std.typecons.Proxy cannot work with operator 'in'
  15. Bugzilla 8655: bitfields and Typedef don't mix
  16. Bugzilla 9164: Can't easily assign one Nullable to another
  17. Bugzilla 9431: Tuple creation problem with array of array
  18. Bugzilla 9456: decodeFront is inconsistent in whether it pops elements off of the range or not
  19. Bugzilla 9512: std.regex: Incorrect parsing of hex sequences composed from capital letters.
  20. Bugzilla 9553: SOCKET should be 64 bit wide on Win64
  21. Bugzilla 9583: std.getopt.getopt does not consume options terminator "--" from args list, as docs claim
  22. Bugzilla 9612: std.range.Cycle.opSlice tests on the bounds are missing
  23. Bugzilla 9624: fullyQualifiedName fails for functions
  24. Bugzilla 9648: Missing std.random import for std.algorithm.topN
  25. Bugzilla 9753: std.string.translate precondition asserts
  26. Bugzilla 9794: std.json cannot handle delete character
  27. Bugzilla 9804: std.math.FloatingPointControl corrupts floating point state
  28. Bugzilla 9812: std.conv.parse string fails on certain escape characters.
  29. Bugzilla 9836: std.array.popFront does not work with alias this.
  30. Bugzilla 9950: std.json should return empty string/array instead of null on empty input
  31. Bugzilla 9956: hasElaborateAssign trait does not work with static arrays
  32. Bugzilla 9979: Regex bug with \b and look-behind
  33. Bugzilla 10116: stdio.File.byLine repeats last line forever, readln(ref C[],R) returns bad data
  34. Bugzilla 10167: Wrong Document Comment on std.format.d(181)
  35. Bugzilla 10182: std.bitmanip unit test has pointless/unused foreach loop

Phobos enhancements

  1. Bugzilla 4787: std.algorithm.bisectRight()
  2. Bugzilla 4921: Synopsis code in std.variant documentation throws an assertion error
  3. Bugzilla 5013: std.typecons.Tuple should have constructor for static arrays
  4. Bugzilla 5106: makeIndex should return SortedRange
  5. Bugzilla 5226: indexOf() which takes a pred but no needle
  6. Bugzilla 5401: std.socket updates and boost license
  7. Bugzilla 5507: countUntil should take Ranges... instead of R2
  8. Bugzilla 6224: Add an ownerTid property in std.concurrency
  9. Bugzilla 6486: std.math.abs(BigInt)
  10. Bugzilla 7405: std.algorithm.schwartzSort.release
  11. Bugzilla 9260: getopt should allow setting booleans to false
  12. Bugzilla 9265: Nullable fixed-sized array wrapper
  13. Bugzilla 9625: assertNotThrown should print exception msg if no msg is provided
  14. Bugzilla 9802: Add std.traits.{isNested,hasNested}.
  15. Bugzilla 9814: Add std.traits.isNestedFunction
  16. Bugzilla 9839: std.traits.Select should be able to select symbols
  17. Bugzilla 9888: Allow passing a generator to std.random.uniform for enums

Druntime bugs

  1. Bugzilla 4307: spawn()'ed thread doesn't terminate
  2. Bugzilla 6024: Document that Windows 2000 SP4 is no longer supported
  3. Bugzilla 10057: [2.063 beta] Module info overwritten in shared phobos.
  4. Bugzilla 10081: Incorrect char array comparison

Optlink bugs

  1. Bugzilla 6144: Unexpected OPTLINK Termination at EIP=00428DA3

Installer bugs

  1. Bugzilla 9343: Problem installing dmd-2.061-0.fedora.x86_64.rpm on Fedora 18

Website bugs

  1. Bugzilla 4847: std.algorithm.topN documentation
  2. Bugzilla 9544: D logo image is broken on non-root-level pages
  3. Bugzilla 9609: Ddoc tags for std.string.icmp seem wrong
  4. Bugzilla 10036: missing core.atomic docs on dlang.org
previous version: 2.062 – next version: 2.064