hsinchu city

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an art installation in the middle of a room with lots of trees and lights hanging from the ceiling
Cherry Tree by Tom Price | Dezeen
British designer Tom Price has made an enchanted grove of cherry trees out of plastic tubes and cable ties.
there are many wooden poles in the room
David Chipperfield installs tree trunks in Neue Nationalgalerie
David Chipperfield has filled the Mies van der Rohe-designed Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin with 144 tree trunks.
an old wooden fence that has been made out of sticks and is rusted to the metal
Liyuan Library by Li Xiaodong | Dezeen
Liyuan Library by Li Xiaodong
a room filled with lots of wooden pallets next to a wall covered in blue and white signs
interview: COBE's dan stubbergaard on designing 'urban living rooms'
the interior of an art gallery with wooden paneling
Kenzo Tange's lost house is showpiece of Japan in Architecture exhibition
Kenzo Tange's lost house is showpiece of Japan in Architecture exhibition
several white posters are on display in a room with wooden posts and scaffolding
an exhibit with wooden scaffolding and black curtains
IS booth at Moscow Design Week 2013 by Alan Khadikov, Moscow
IS installation at Moscow Design Week 2013 by Alan Khadikov
a room that has some kind of wall with pictures on the walls and wood framing around it
two people standing in front of a wall covered with plastic
Jun Igarashi Architects, Shinkenchiku-sha · Playhouse for Osaka Contemporary Theater Festival. Japan
Jun Igarashi Architects, Shinkenchiku-sha · Playhouse for Osaka Contemporary Theater Festival. Japan
a blurry image of a man holding an umbrella in front of a white wall
Leibal — Mutant Matter
Mutant Matter is a minimalist exhibition created in collaboration between FranklinTill and Dutch Invertuals, and installation design by Daphna Laurens.
people are standing in front of a store window with the logo on it's side
the wall is covered with drawings and instructions for how to make your own original guide
Our Stay at Wired Hotel Asakusa in Tokyo - Japan — Haarkon
an empty room with glass walls and black structures on the wall, in front of white walls
SET architects wraps steel-framed installation with black cloth
SET architects wraps steel-framed installation with black cloth