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ATOS is a locally hosted application that allows freelancers to easily manage clients/projects, generate invoices against backlogs, and estimate their personal taxes based on their invoiced income.
Achievo is a Web-based project management and tracking tool for small- to medium-sized companies, aiming to become a fully featured ERP-like system in the future. Features include a time registration module with several statistical tools. Achievo is multi-language, fully customizable, and uses a modular system to allow future extensions. The package is currently available in 13 languages. It's main website went down in mid-2015. As of 9/2016 it is only available via an copy of and its GitHub page, and has publicly announced security vulnerabilities that have been declared won't fix due to being semi-abandoned from lack of time and maintainers.
Alfresco is an enterprise-level document management package. It is distributed in three different versions, the Community Edition is free software.
allocPSA is an online professional services automation solution. allocPSA is a suite of integrated applications designed for services-based organizations. It enables services organizations to improve staff efficiency through increased utilization of productive time, better planning, and integrated knowledge management.
Beehive is an event and agent system, which allows you to create your own agents that perform automated tasks triggered by events and filters. It is modular, flexible and really easy to extend for anyone. It has modules, so it can interface with, talk to, or retrieve information from Twitter, Tumblr, Email, IRC, Jabber, RSS, Jenkins, Hue... Connecting those modules with each other lets you create immensly useful agents.
Blender-Pipeline ( known also as Blender-Organizer and VCStudio ) is a program to organize Blender Animation Projects. In about 2016 for the "I'm Not Even Human" project, J.Y.Amihud wrote a small GTK application to organize the project a little bit. Every animation asset required a folder and sub-folders that were tedious to maintain manually. Later more functionality was added, such as checklists for every asset and shot in the movie. Making it possible to calculate the progress of the film and compare it against the deadline. By 2018 a decision was made to rewrite a big chunk of the program to include a script editor. At first the idea was to develop a custom scene selector that would work similarly to a video editor. With a timeline and strips representing scenes in the script. But later the design changed a bit making those scenes instead be Nodes on a 2D plane connected together in the sequence of the movie. The arrangement of which on the 2D plane could be decided by the user based on the user's preferences. With that version a short film "The Package, The Car & The Time Is Running Out" was made. And later in 2020 "Moria's Race" project was started. This version of the program was known as Blender-Organizer and was under the GNU GPL version 2. It is still available at: In 2020 python2 support officially dropped from a lot of GNU / Linux distributions. And due to syntax and other changes between python2 and python3, a decision was made to re-do the program from scratch. The new version was published under the GPU GPL version 3 or later. And was briefly called "VCStudio". Later to avoid confusion with a text editor from Microsoft a name was changed to "Blender-Pipeline". With this program "Moria's Race" was finished. At LibrePlanet 2024 J.Y.Amihud presented "Moria's Race" and Blender-Pipeline on a talk.
CIA is a “version control informant” that relays commit notifications to IRC channels. The service running the CIA codebase is down since 2011, and the project no longer maintained. It provided real-time VCS commit notifications on various IRC networks. There were CIA hooks for subversion, git, bzr, etc, so a project just had to install such a hook into their repository and register on the CIA website.
Circle Blvd
Team task management. Intended for volunteer organizations, non-profits, and small groups. In agile-development terms, it is a streamlined backlog management tool.
Civikmind is Web software you can use to make solutions in your community. It is a state-of-the-art, System information,management platform that focuses on social solutions for communities, persons, and organizations.
The Corais platform is based on Open Atrium, which is itself based on Drupal. It is used for organizing collaborative projects.

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