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Did you know that your Social Media content also needs to be accessible? Use these tips to ensure you are following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines that apply to social media posts.


  • Ensure you have alt text on all images
    • Be careful about posts with multiple images. Each one needs its own alt text!
  • Avoid images with embedded text
    • If you must have an image with embedded text, that text needs to be duplicated in the alt text.

Plain Language

  • Keep posts short and simple
  • Speak to your audience
    • With most Social Media posts your audience is HUGE! Strive for inclusivity and understanding of all users.
  • Avoid abbreviations and acronyms
    • UNC is fully of abbreviations and acronyms that the general public may not understand. Write them out at least once per post.
  • Make it actionable – Active vs Passive Voice

Video and Audio Content

Prerecorded Video or Audio

  • Accurate captions are required for all prerecorded video content. Transcripts are required for audio only content.
  • The DAO’s Video and Audio pages can assist with captioning information and requirements.

Live Streaming

  • Captions are required for live streaming via Social Media due to the vast audience.
  • Not all platforms allow for live streaming captions. Plan ahead and research the best platform and captioning services available.
    • Reach out to the DAO with questions or concerns about your live event.
  • The DAO’s Automatic Live Captioning page has more information that may help.


  • Use CamelCase for writing hashtags & call outs​ so that the first letter of each word has a capital letter.
  • #KeepHashtagsAccessible
  • #UseCamelCaseForHashtags
  • CamelCase makes these easier to understand quickly and helps screen readers read them correctly.

Use Standard Post Structure

  1. Post content text
  2. Username call outs & Hashtags (separated by a space & written in CamelCase)
    • @UNC_Basketball
    • #UNC #WearAMask
  3. Links


Contact Info

  • Ensure contact information is available and up-to-date​. Things change and people come and go at UNC. Ensure your social media contact information stays up-to-date.
  • Individual posts may need contact information about the specific information

Alternative Options to Access Content

  • When possible, post same content to multiple social media platforms
    • Allows users to use the platform they are most comfortable with
  • Duplicate social media content on a website
    • Perhaps a weekly digest of info posted on social media

Platform Support Links

Twitter Support
YouTube Support
Facebook Support
instagram Support

Need help?

If you have questions or concerns, you can submit an online help request for a consultation with the Digital Accessibility Office.