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Los Angeles Herald, Volume 37, Number 122, 31 January 1910 — AROUND TOWN [ARTICLE]


D. A. R. Members to Meet

The regular meeting of Esc-hseholtzla chapter. Daughters of the American [{evolution, for members only, will be held at the Ebell clubhouse tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Congregation Hears lowa Man Rev. Truman D. Douglas, ho was for twenty-five years superintendent of home missions In lowa, spoke last night at the Pico Heights Congregational church, L. O. T. M. to Give Dance Royal hive, No. 40, Ladles of the Maccabees, will give a "hard times" dance ami whist party next Friday evening in Garfield hall, Walker building. The officers "i" the hive were installed Friday evening by State Deputy Lady Russell, assisted by her daughter. Myrtle F. Stuart.. Entertainment Is Postponed The entertainment announced tee be given by the Federation of Catholic societies in Lincoln hull. Walker Theater building, lips evening, lias been postponed until a later date. Bishop ('.maty, who was to have mail.- the principal address, will speak at the event, tin- date to be announced later. Banker's Wife Dead Mrs. Joe Ann Hovis, -ii years old, wife of Harry 11. Hovis, cashier of the First National bank, died yesterday at tin' family home, 1153 Cahuenga street, after a long illness. Funeral services will bo held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at tin- Connell undertaking parlors, burial to be In Rose•:.i«f- cemetery. Mrs. Hovis had lived in "ijfra Angeles the past fifteen years. Charged with Burglary Joe Robinson, better known as "Chicken-Eye," who was arrested by Chief Shea at San Bernardino Saturday, was brought to Los Angeles yes-terday-and locked up In the city jail on a charge of burglary. The accused Is alleged to have entered a home at Wilmington and stolen a shotgun and a suit of clothes. Robinson was wearing the stolen suit when arrested. Three Burglaries Reported ■W. R. Hardwlck of 333 Towne avenue reported to the police yesterday that his room was entered during his absence yesterday morhing and two suits of clothes ami a suitcase were stolen, A lady's long coat, a collarette ami a purse were stolen .'nun the room m' I". W. McGrath at 3-iOi/., Clay street. I-:. J. Clinton told the detectives that his room at 227 South .Main street was entered and a suitcase and a suit of clothes were stolen. Error Made in Lecture Date Through an error in some of the announcements It was stated that President David Starr Jordan of Stanford university would lecture before the California Peace society at Polytechnic high school this evening. The lecture, which will be on "The Human Harvest, or the Waste of war." will be delivered by President Jordan Monday evening, February 7, at 8 o'clock. _, president Bherer of Throop Polytechnic Institute will preside and the Y. M, C. a. quartet will sing.