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Los Angeles Herald, Volume 37, Number 122, 31 January 1910 — DEVILIZATION [ARTICLE]


IS ALL doubt as tn whether or not aeroi \ nautlca must'be added to the hor-JZ-TI. ror makers of modern militarism is unhappily set at rest by a report of 1 he war department, which thus summarizes the. applications of airships to warfare: ,' I.'To gain information in peace lime regarding harbors, fortifications, etc. ,2. Patrols and frontier guards. ;- For reeonnoissiince and photograph work. 4, Dispatch work. 5, Checking an enemy's • reconnoiSsance on land or sea. 6. Signaling and wireless telegraph stations. 7. Directing artillery fire and drawing enemy's fire. 8. Destroying the enemy's aerial. fleet. 9. Attacking •nn. enemy's base line, destroying stores, .- etc." 10. Destroying railways and other communications. 11. Raiding the capiWsMtal of the enemy's country.'.' I-'. Making StfppJsbt or surprise attacks on field forces, using explosives or incendiary mix- j ' tures., 13. Raiding harbors and naval j bases?, 14. Carrying out over-sea raids. ],-•, Locating. and i ((pturing or destroy'l7 ' Ing; submarines. 16. Locating mines. 17.' Following up a victory by land or sea and COMPLETING THE ROUT. * And this savage and sanguinary pro- .-'■■ gram—which even contemplates" the »'•" annihilation or extinction of a'beaten enemy fleeing from the stricken field— is a j product of TWENTIETH I.'EN,.'TURV ; CIVILIZATION. - - O . After all, there's not much difference between; civilization ami devilization. ■ _ „___ —■ " ..'" .■_ ; —- It Is high time tlie loan sharks were -hooked, landed and put out of business. .«•.'.''