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Los Angeles Herald, Volume 37, Number 122, 31 January 1910 — Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

FOR SALE -. Houses Modem Home in Hollywood House, with eight large rooms, strictly modern; 100 fee. frontage; deep # lot; beautiful shrubbery. Price $8250. Small payment and balance easy terms. You could not buy the lot and build for less than $9000. Located not far from De Longprc's home north of Prospect. This price is only for a few days, so act quickly if yon want a beautiful home below value, and on easy terms. Geo, X Shoenlalr A 2334. 376 Wilcox Bldg. 1-28.3 ■' / c, HIGHLAND PARK $1550 _52r.1l DOAVN-113 Pltß MONTH. Two Ia.KC loin and 4-room, houso, clofo to car nn.l achool; gas, etc.; lots alone worth the money. ELLS, 910 CENTRAL BLDG. ■"••' " 1-30-31 Bungalows Kent-paying terms. Some finished, somo under construction, or we will build to suit. All prices. Good location. Ilish ground. Five-cent carfare. Close In. Gas, electric lighl- and all modern cpnveiiiences. _ BUYING FROM TUB OWNERS AND BUILDERS WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. 343 DOUGLAS ELDG. • PHONE A2OOO. 1-20-tf A FEW OF OUR BARGAINS $1.",00—r. rooms; southwest. $1730—6 rooms; H.iuth Pasadena. $256(1 —r, rooms; Garvanza. ef^f.OO—s rooms; IVoylo Heights. Havo numerous bargains in all parts oil the city and surbu Easy terms. no-, see and be convinced. NATIONAL 402 -Central Bldg., Sixth and Main Sts. 1-30-31 FOR SALEMODERN 5-11' HIM COTTAGE. 3201 Emmet street, Boyle Heights; gas, electric lights, bath and toilet; electrio llne runs past property; 12600; terms $100 down and $15 per month. J. A. POTEET Anaheim, Cal. 1-15-lmo FOR SALE—ONM. S3-.':,0, A COZY, MODERN, C-room bungalow; oak , doors, buffet, cabinet kitchen; In fact a s-oinpleie house; good size lot, high ground; near Ninth st. car. Will take go id lot up to $1000 and balance on easy payments. '■ F. M. RUNKI-E, 3020 W. Pico St. Phone 71275, West 559. 1-30-3 FOR BALE-SIX-ROOM COTTAOE! RATH, toilet, electric light, gas, gas range, Instantaneous heater; corner lot, 30x130 to alley; just across Fourth st. bridge! ten minute:! from Third and llioa.hvay; biggest bargain In Los Angeles; price $1700, Phono OWNER, Homo 23862, Sunset South till. 1-30-3 _. REDLANDS. A corny homo In a good neighborhood, will sell cheap and take unimproved lot in Los Angeles aa part payment. Address R. W. TEEPLE, si W. 13.1 place. Los Angeles. ■" ■ 1-29-3 FLORENCE—FOR SALE—LARGE six,i room bungalow; lot 50x172; alley; $1400; $75 down, 110 month. ike Watts car to Florenco aye. T. OXALL, phone South 5010. (___ ; ± "!•-»♦» TO HOMESEEKERa AND. ifl'lt.DEHS— For sale, by owner,dots and block! ln best part of southwest. Fall- prices ami liberal terms. THOMPSON. Sunset Main lilt; West "',,. West 1152. 1-2,.-FOR SALE I.V OWNERS, 4-ROOM COTtngo, 618 N. Bunker Hill aye.; prieo $2bt)o. This la .... property! line location for a flat. li phone U lin 448 or Temple Si'J. 1-30-3 FLORENCE—FOR SALE—4-ROOM h1'N- ,..,;.,... ■ lot 10x135. $S3O; $25 down, $10 month. Take Watts car to "Florence aye. T. FOXAL phone South ______: 1----3 City Lots and Lands s Room Bungalow ONLY~S23OO Small cash payment, balance samo as rent. All modern conveniences, inn' rooms, builtIn convenience^, brick mantel, etc, Located in MONET \ AYE. OQUABB, Ita Care, 20 minutes from business Ideal location, largiTlots $475 ami UpSmall payment, balanoe 110 per niuiith. Buy between the clt> and the soa. M* K. ; WHITE 1016 Wright & Callender Bldg. Tract office, corner Florence and Moneta aye. FI'JOU. 1-30-Vt VERMONT SOL'ARE-FOR SALE, ONE OF •the few remaining desirable lols at company's price, $lt)<io, cash $500, 45x127 to alley; near two ear lines. MRS. II l: WRICHT, 313 W, Third sl.. Room 201. Main 3171. 1-30-3 REAL ESTA'I~WANTieU.^WI- WILL IUIV some well 1.,;,- lots for building purnOMjs, Cash, nice list of what you bine Ii offer. ■> iTHI'J UNIT LOAN rO.YU'ANY.