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Los Angeles Herald, Volume 37, Number 122, 31 January 1910 — Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

FOR RENT Apartments—Furnished and Un. furnished The Mflssomfla CIS Wesl Washington funny, 2 and 3 room apartments, with prlrate bath; all conveniences. take Unlrer-iltr er Washington it. car line. »-"-" . The St. Regis i i- 3 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING; a.so single rooms. .... SOUTH FLOWER. Main 221,0; A 7330; 6 mm. to business .-enter. Mod era le prlc c V:-.-l -.- 11-«0 r 8mo Rooms—Furnished PENIEL HOUSE $27 B. MAIN. OVER i-ENli-L HALL Light, airy rooms In business center. Clean, moral anil sato place to stay. Ratea V,iu t.i 41 day; $1,75 to 14 week. I'hone Rdway -Ot,-. „ 11-19-3rr.o GIRA.RD HOUSE 115 EAST THIRD ET. . All outside rooms; central location; elevator service; -team beat; Hi rooms with private bath; rent $10 per month. ii-i9-tr FOR RENT—3 BRIGHT, SUNNY, FURnlshed roomi-; private family; within walking distance; choice neighborhood; gentle in. i- only; very reasonable rent. Innuire 02^ Bunbliry aye. Tulle W. Ninth ear. l-Bfr-8 Houses Furnished SEVEN-ROOM j'URNISHED HOUSE, BATH and ono acre facing car; S2»00. $1100 cash, balance like rent. F. 11. HATHWAY, Rancho Inglewood. Re.lon.lo car, l-30-7t Flats I'o'LARGE AIRY ROOMS modern, .'irrango.l In suites; heap rent to good tenant. OWNER 5H Douglas bldg. 1-30-4 _______ Offices FOR IfEN'F—NICE SUNNY FRONT.,, OFIlces on Rroadway; largo windows and advertising space; also smaller offices. Iniiulro room 4, 211.. S. BROADWAY. 1-27-tf Store Rooms TO LET—WELL LOCATED STORE ROOM, 230 W. .lefferson st, $10. Sco this if you w.-^it a good location cheap. OWNER, 544 Douglas bldg. I"3"-4 FOR KENT-ONli-HALF OF NEW STORE, 714 South Broadway Inquire WHITE SEWINT, MACHINE '''v. 623 F. Spring. . 12-5-tt SPECIAL NOTICES ECZEMA SUFFERERS read THIS TESTIMONIALS IROM YOUR OWN CITY My little niece, 5 .ears old, since sho wa3 .in Infant, has suffered with an unsightly, annoying eruption ot the scalp and parts of the face. The sulTerlng was intense and wo woro compelled to keep her from school. Wo tried different doctors of Los Angeles, and every remedy wo could hear of, with no good results. Wo heard of Ihe Mills Eczema i-ompunv, Hlld called on Ihem, Their offer was so fair we could not rttuso to try tlielr treatment, and we are happy In saying rosults wero noLceable.at once, an.l after two weeks the disease had entirely disappeared, and to all appearance sho is entirely well. Accordingly wo are glad to recommend their trcatii.ent to those who suffer likewise. Gratefully. .* MRS. SADIE .BROWN, 419 N. Burlington aye.. Los .Angeles, Cal. MILLS ECZEMA CO., (19 4,'opp Building. : CONSULTATION 1 BEE, . l-2i_-tf 00/.IXC. ECZEMA, SOALDHEAD, ROSE, chafing. ulcerated nipples, cancerous moles and Warts, nexual rawness and sores, polypi, bed sores; also foot ailments and .extractions painless; . Ills of young men, MEDICAL CLINIC. I".' W. First st. , 1-31-4 LADIES-RUING THIS AD WITH YOU; good for 23 cents on Miss Ilalzer's hair restorer for fulling or gray hair. Miss BERTHA BALZER, 212 B. Broadway, upstairs. 1-30-7 ALL RAZORS. SAFETT BLADES. Si-la-jors. knives, Instruments, printer's knives, tools, etc, sharpened bettor than new. YANKEE GRINDER, 814 S. Spring St. li-18-tr FOR KALECHEAP FUEL : Apricot pit shells, good as wood; tl ton, delivered. Phone South 1706^ 1-13-Sot 1- VINTINU AND TAPER H ANGI NO—FOI; the best work and lowest prices phono , SOUTH Gill. All work .-'nn mteed. 1-59-3 ""birds, puppiesTtoys Household Articles, China, Glass, Etc. THE ARK, 231 W. First, 1-l-lm C\SH for property; any kind, rnywliere. It you want to buy or sell address NORTIIWESTURN BUSINESS AGENCY. Minne-.-flpolls. 1-23-30 lOOO' BUSINESS CARDS, $1.50; GOOD WHITE brlstol; conveniently boxed. Other printing, low prices. CENTRAL PRESS, lull- S. Bdwy. 12-21-2 mo DIVORCE-LAWS OF NEVADA— Full iiif.ji'inallon without charge. V'l'1 '' " ii E. FULLER, Attorney, Qoldfleld, Nev. 1-3U-3 LADY WILL EXITTi SI f. THE ! 10- DAY I) I-: El.' wrinkle tiealnie'lit Monday tip. tn. MISS BALZER. 212 S. Broadway, upstairs. 1-30-7 WANTED— GENTS' CLOTHING. HIGH PRICES. Sill SO. Sl'lilNO ST. MAIN 3507; F5I)»». H-25-l-mo CLAIRVOYANTS profTciiarles^ FREE—FREE— free I win tell your name free, show you how It's done. NO QUESTIONS 'ASKED NO GUESSWORK PROFESSOR CHARLES, / Oreatest dead traneo life reader, spiritual lire reader; oldest, most reliable spiritualist, business and test psychic; deep psychopalmo reading of the highest order; Strang} power to help you. Tells .in. what you want to know; hOW many in family, with names, dittos, facts, vocation, where to locate, where to go. About your farm, ranch, claim, rooming house, business, Each hope, trouble, fear, wish in love; business, sickness, change, journey, friend, enemy; advlaes and assist-- you to. good conditions. Spiritual treatment for development and wealth. Cure lost memory, lack of ambition, all weakness, renews vitality, makes you well and strong again In thought, purpose, feeling, energy. 423-| South Spring Street Jefferson Hotel Special Readings Today 50 CENTS l-B-tf CHIROPODISTS DR. 11 LAND, D. C. Graduate chiropodist. Corns removed without pain or soreness, lu.-tunt relief; no fear lit eti,.,,- trouble. INGROWING NAIL'S A SPECIALTY PARLORS. HOTEL MILTON, 53U",4 Bouth Broadw.ay. F2427; Bdway. 0048. ' - - 12-30-Smo DR. EMILY A. CHAPMAN REMOVE 3 corns, bunions, club and Ingrowing nails without pain. Hours, '.» a 111. to • pi m. Hi O ';T. Johnson bldg., 4tn and Broadway. 1 'j- lino