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Los Angeles Herald, Volume 37, Number 122, 31 January 1910 — LIBERAL PARTY OPPOSES PLAN FOR COALITION [ARTICLE]




Peers of Second Generation Will Be Allowed to Vote Only After Dem. onstrating Their Fitness to Legislate

; [Associated rrass] j 'LONDON, Jan. GO.—Willi Premier AssquUh on the continent aud Chancel- ' lor Lloyd-George closely following him, politicians are resting on their arms, discussing what lines of, battle will too ■ taken up in the new parliament. The moral drawn from the elections i.s that the country does not want radical changes in the house of lords, or in the government policies. The spirit ut" conciliation, therefore, is abroad, fa»d; schemes for a compromise are being debated. Conservative, pape.is propose tbe most interesting plan thai a joint cab- - met be chosen from the Stuot moderate men-of both parties to carry on the government for two years, and that a 'truce be declared on party--questions in the--meantime.. ■■'- _ A royal commission to investigate 'the country's fiscal.pulley aad to make veebmmendations regarding tariff reform is proposed. The -newspaper srinfine pf coalition .is not taken, seriously by _ the Liberals, * who. having wen a , narrow victory, :object to having their opponents! die- . tate the program. ' Lord itosc-bery's; name is -put lor-ward-for the premiersl-jip in the compromise cabinet, but Eosebery lias tot '/a "long time refused _ .office _and . his. p.fpuUirity now is at- a low mark because or his couvse on "the 'budget is- _ sues. - ■ - "•■'.:,' Will Reform hr;.,-; of Lords The:'reform of the house of lords seonis to be the one. thing assured. Borh-parties support it. The lords themselves aro willMig to adopt rooderato "Changes ■immediately, lest re- ■ '-forms' that would knock; ihe founda- ■ tifrns'from 'the.upper house be carried. The result isi likely to be the abolition of. tho hereditary, principle.. Peers' of the second generation arc j, _ b," be'allowed to .vote only after they have "demonstrated . their fitness to legislate by'service in the houso of .-ominous, in civil office, or in the army or navy. Tho Conservatives are willing the' lords be deprived 'of the power to hold up taxation..bills if the. plan be adopted whereby no new_ legislation shall he included In*-those bills. : The.Liberals want to deprive the. house of lords of. the power.- to veto any. hill whatsoever.- r Their favorite plan would ho to compel tlio'lords to adopt any bill sent to them for tlie third time by the house of commons, which, while making the bouse of commons consider a rejected bill carefully, •would • give that body the power to pass legislation on which it had de- . termined. in one sossio.ii._-.. - m-*.~, - ;willPass Budget Bill Will Pass Eudget It is'taken for granted the house of lords willpass the-budget bill. Not because ■ the country has decided against the" lords, on the face of .the election returns, but tlie. cabinet may .be obliged to. erase the whisky taxC3 to" get tlie votes' of'lrish members. Beyond the reform of;the lords, and -the passing of the .budget, parliament . .is not likely to'get far with anything. Irish members probably will obtain the, introduction of a home rule measure,' but'_ Conservatives will oppose that solidly, and a number of Liberals are pledged against home -rule also.-' Several-, cabinet changes are .probable ■ when _ the new govern ment -is formed. I'eginaUl ."UeKonna, who bus - been unpopular as llrst lord of the admiralty, will, likely be dropped.' He may - be- ■ given a peerage. • UK-hard -Burton llaldam-. secretary _ ot state fur war, may tiecume head of the navy. John Burns.' president of the local government board, will probably succeed Robert J. Gladstone as homo sec- . retary. Winston Spencer Churchill will tnke the" place, vacated by John Burns, and each will receive a salary of $25,000 inst..:ad_of $12,500.3 ♦<-»