Microsoft Developer Blogs

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Building Generative AI apps with .NET 8 and Semantic Kernel

Today's we'd like to share a blog post from two members of the .NET team, Jordan Matthiesen and Luis Quintanilla, focused on Building Generative AI apps with .NET 8 - .NET Blog ( The future of AI is here, and .NET is ready for it! With .NET 8, you can create amazing applications that integrate language models in your new and ...

Azure OpenAI On Your Data with Semantic Kernel

Hello, everyone! In the fast-paced world of technology, using artificial intelligence to get more out of your data is becoming essential. Azure OpenAI on Your Data is a feature that helps businesses do just that. It combines the advanced AI models from OpenAI with the strong data management tools of Azure, allowing you to use AI with your ...

Catch up on the latest Git tooling features in 17.10 GA

We believe that boosting the productivity of your development and team collaboration helps you produce better software solutions. That’s why the Visual Studio Version Control team has delivered new features, streamlining your inner loop and code review experiences. You’ll get AI support writing commit messages, pull request descriptions, ...