Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

May patches for Azure DevOps Server

This month, we are releasing fixes that impact our self-hosted product, Azure DevOps Server. The following version of the product has been patched. Azure DevOps Server 2019.1.2 Patch 9 If you have Azure DevOps Server 2019.1.2, you should install Azure DevOps Server 2019.1.2 Patch 9. Release notes Verifying Installation...

AB links on GitHub pull request and scale improvements for large organizations

We have a few new updates to announce for the work we have been doing to improve the Azure Boards + GitHub experience. Let’s jump right into it… 🎉 Add link to GitHub commit or pull request (GA) After being several weeks in preview, we are excited to announce our new enhanced experience for linking work items to GitHub. You can now ...

New Boards Hub on as default

If you've been keeping up with the progress of New Boards Hub, you're probably aware that the preview has been active for quite some time now. In fact, we officially announced the preview of New Boards Hub almost two years ago to the day. Since that initial preview announcement, we've been gathering your feedback and addressing issues. Azure ...

Quick Copy and Import Test Case by Plan or Suite ID

Efficiency is key in managing extensive test cases, and we understand the value of your time. That's why we're thrilled to announce an exciting enhancement to Azure Test Plans – the Quick Copy and Import test case feature, enabling you to use Test Plan or Suite ID for immediate action. Say goodbye to the delays caused by lengthy dropdown ...

March patches for Azure DevOps Server

This month, we are releasing fixes that impact our self-hosted product, Azure DevOps Server. The following versions of the products have been patched. Check out the links for each version for more details. Azure DevOps Server 2022.1 Patch 3 If you have Azure DevOps Server 2022.1, you should install Azure DevOps Server 2022.1 Patch 3...

Azure Pipelines deprecated tasks retirement schedule

Azure Pipelines includes around 150 build & release tasks as well as many more task extensions. Various included tasks have multiple (major) versions bringing the total to over included 200 tasks. Some of these tasks have been deprecated for some time, as newer tasks have replaced them. Deprecation means the task is still supported, ...

End of SSH-RSA support for Azure Repos

Azure Repos provides two methods for users to access a git repository in Azure Repos – HTTPS and SSH. To use SSH, you need to create a key pair using one of the supported encryption methods. In the past we’ve been supporting only SSH-RSA and we’ve asked users to enable the SSH-RSA here. This is not required to be done anymore as in 2022 ...

JUnit Attachments Support for Publish Test Results

We've recently made some improvements to the Publish Test Results task in Azure Pipelines. This task now supports file attachments when publishing test results from a JUnit report. JUnit Attachments Report Format The JUnit XML report format doesn't officially have support for file attachments but there is a common convention of including ...