Patient Blogs | Ankylosing Spondylitis
10 Tips for Managing Upper Back Pain
photo of woman waking up with back pain

Are you experiencing discomfort in your upper back due to ankylosing spondylitis? Trust me, I know the feeling all too well. 

I remember when I worked in my finance positions, hunched over my desk, buried in mountains of paperwork, and trying my best to meet impossible deadlines. My upper back stiffness felt like it would never end, and it was an unwelcome silent work partner that drained my physical and mental energy.

I’ve come a long way since then. Fortunately, I've learned a thing or two about managing upper back pain with AS. Here are 10 tips to protect your back.

1. Mind Your Posture

Let's start with the basics. Good posture is key to relieving and preventing upper back pain. Whether you're sitting at your desk or standing, make a conscious effort to keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed. Avoid slouching or leaning forward for extended periods.

2. Take Breaks and Stretch

Don't underestimate the power of a short break. Set a timer to remind yourself to stand up, stretch, and move around every 25 minutes while working. During your 5-minute break, do simple stretches like shoulder rolls or chest openers to relieve tension in your upper back.

3. Invest in Ergonomic Furniture

Consider using a supportive chair with proper lumbar support and an adjustable desk that allows you to alternate between sitting and standing. These adjustments can make a huge difference in reducing strain on your upper back.

4. Strengthen Your Core Muscles

A strong core supports your spine and can help alleviate upper back pain. Incorporate exercises targeting your core muscles, such as planks, bridges, and bird-dogs, into your workout routine. Consult with a physical therapist or personal trainer to ensure you're performing exercises correctly and safely.

5. Practice Gentle Yoga or Pilates

Yoga and Pilates are excellent low-impact exercises that focus on improving flexibility, strength, and posture. Look for classes or online videos specifically designed for ankylosing spondylitis, emphasizing gentle movements and modifications as needed.

6. Use Heat Therapy

I love using a warm bean bag on my upper back because it helps relax any tense muscles. Consider using a heating pad, warm compress, or taking a warm bath with 10 drops of lavender oil to soothe soreness and stiffness.

7. Try Cold Therapy

In addition to heat therapy, cold therapy can also provide relief from inflammation and discomfort. Use a cold pack or ice pack wrapped in a cloth and apply it to the affected area for short intervals to help reduce swelling and numb pain.

8. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Excess weight can put additional strain on your spine and aggravate upper back pain. Aim to maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise. Consult with your doctor or nutritionist for personalized guidance and support.

9. Practice Stress Management Techniques

Stress can worsen muscle tension and contribute to upper back pain flare-ups. Explore stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, mindfulness, or engaging in activities you enjoy to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.

10. Stay Consistent With Treatment

Consistency is key when managing ankylosing spondylitis and associated upper back pain. Stay proactive with your treatment plan, which may include medication, physical therapy, and regular checkups with your health care provider. Communicate any changes or concerns regarding your symptoms to ensure you receive the support and care you need.

Everyone's experience with AS is unique, so it's essential to find what works best for you through experimentation and persistence. 

By implementing these tips into your daily routine and staying proactive with your treatment, you can take control of your symptoms and maintain a strong, flexible upper back that supports you in all aspects of life, including your work.


Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images

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