Kansas 2010 ballot measures

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Two statewide ballot questions were on the November 2, 2010 ballot in the state of Kansas.

On the ballot

November 2:

Type Title Subject Description Result
LRCA Question 1 Firearms Allow citizens to bear arms in the state
LRCA Question 2 Elections Eliminate mental illness as a voting disqualification.

Not on the ballot

See also Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot

The following measures were not on the ballot:

Type Title Subject Description
LRCA Healthcare Amendment Healthcare Exempt residents of Kansas from potential national health care mandates
LRCA Rainy Day Fund Amendment Admin. of gov't Require the state to put money in "rainy day" fund when tax revenues increase
LRCA Expenditure Limitation Act Administration of government Limits government spending increases for consumer prices
LRCA Personhood Amendment Abortion Right to personhood from the biological beginning of human development

Local ballot measures

January 26March 2March 9March 23April 13

See also


External links