Ballot Access News

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Ballot Access News
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President:Richard Winger

Portal:Legislative Branch
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118th Congress

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Ballot Access News refers to both a monthly paper magazine and a website that is updated frequently throughout the day. Both are edited and published by Richard Winger of San Francisco, California.


Published since 1985, the newsletter advocates "fair and equitable ballot access laws." It reports on state and federal court decisions, compares American ballot access laws to those of other democratic nations, and documents the number of votes independent and minor party candidates receive. The newsletter also records the activities of the Coalition on Free and Open Elections, an interest group of minor party members and others working together on ballot access law reform issues. Further, the newsletter occasionally notes developments on the usage of instant-runoff voting in the United States.

When ballot access restrictions are challenged in court, it is often argued that such regulations are necessary in order to prevent "frivolous" candidates from cluttering the ballot and confusing voters. Winger, however, has assembled evidence that unfair ballot access laws place an undue burden on citizens who wish to participate in the political process outside the two dominant political parties.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for "Ballot+ Access+ News"

All stories may not be relevant to this organization due to the nature of the search engine.

See also

External links

Portions of this article were adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Copyright Notice can be found here.
