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The 45 Adaptor

20 03 2008

Few inventions are as useful or as elegantly simple as the “centering device for phonographic records” or put more plainly, the 45 adaptor.  We have upwards of 200,000 45s here at the ARChive, and since people often just left them in their 45s, we have accumulated a rather nice collection of these little wafers over the years.  What follows is a little gallery of a few that I could put my hands on quickly.

Let’s start, though, where everyone else does, the Wikipedia entry for “Gramophone Record.” It gets into RCA’s development and 1949 release of the 45.  It says the following about the adaptor:

RCA 45s were […] adapted to the smaller spindle of an LP player with a plastic snap-in insert known as a “spider”. These inserts, commissioned by RCA president David Sarnoff and invented by Thomas Hutchison, were prevalent starting in the 1960s, selling in the tens of millions per year during the 45’s heyday.

This may or may not be true – I cannot find any evidence to support the claim.  Given the competition between vinyl formats in the late 1940s, it seems odd that RCA would have marketed a product that essentially encouraged record collectors to buy anything other than RCA-made turntables.  (Who else was manufacturing 45rpm turntables at that time, anyway?)  Wikipedia’s dates seem a bit off as well – a little late.

Below left is what I think was probably the first record adaptor made and marketed in the US (click on the image for a larger view).  It was invented by Frank A. Jansen (the patent, #2585622, was applied for in 1949 and issued in 1952) and marketed by the Webster-Chicago Corporation.  (The reverse side reads “Patent Applied For.)  On the right is the “Snap-It” from the Kay Music Co. of New York.  It says “Pat. Pend.” but I could not find its patent (however, patent #2693364, filed in 1950, issued 1954 for an adaptor invented by Norman Chalfin might be related – I can’t really say):

Webster Chicago Kay Music Co.

Next up are a couple of sort of unusual plastic ones.  The one on the left is marked “KPL 1/2” and “6/3” and because it’s triangular seems sort of similar to the kind that Rudolph Flötgen invented [#2932521, app. 1955; its the one below, middle]); the one on the right with the bicycle spokes (more of a BMX-type mag wheel, really) was made by Morse Manufacturing Co. Inc. :

KPL MST Flotgen_Insert Morse

These are nice and all, but the most famous molded plastic adaptors look like this and are often marked “Recoton”:


This is the kind you see all over t-shirts nowadays – as if it were the only 45 adaptor ever invented!  There’s a pretty good history of the Recoton company here and as business histories go, it’s a fascinating read.  Anyhow, it appears that the molded plastic insert was invented by James L. D. Morrison for the Voice of Music corporation of Benton Harbor, Michigan. (Maybe they had some relationship with RCA?)  The patent (#2712943) was filed in 1951 and issued in 1955.  On the left is the patent image, alongside two later, somewhat similar examples manufactured by others.  The grey one is unmarked, the cool red one (looking like a fireball) was made by Philco:

Morrison Insert Unmarked Philco

That’s it for now.  No, it’s not a comprehensive history, but it is enough information to impress your friends and acquaintances at cocktail parties and what not.




51 responses

28 06 2008
A really cool tattoo for all of you vinyl lovers

[…] friend and co-worker Michael made note that he thought that the cab driver had a tattoo of one of those old 45 adapters. After taking a closer stealth look, he determined that that wasn’t the […]

7 09 2010

are the adapters worth any money? and i have a bunch of promotional use 45s are they worth anything?

13 09 2010

Not really – maybe as a full collection, nicely mounted, for display. They’re just iconic and a trubute to bygone days.

11 06 2017

Check the titles on Discogs, might be, depending.

11 06 2017
Bob Mueller

Some can pull in some good money, others no. Can you email me a picture of some of them? I can at least let you know if they’re rare or not. Bob@45recordadapters.com

17 07 2008
Travis Dryden

Nice article?

May be post this on our vinyl-specific site (www.vpsidaho.org)?

At the Vinyl Preservation Society of Idaho, our unofficial motto is “an independent social recreation enterprise dedicated to communal listening enjoyment.”

VPS Idaho is an outgrowth of the shared passion for music of two brothers, Travis and Chad Dryden of Boise, who spend a lot of time together in a basement rec room drinking whiskey and beer while spinning records and talking about music. They both suck at performing music (neither advanced beyond beginner guitar lessons), but they consider themselves professional listeners.

Check us out and let us know if you’d like to see your article on our site.


21 07 2008
Daniel Neely

Well, we’d rather you not reproduce the article, but if you want to link to this page on your “Articles from around the Web” page, feel free!

22 01 2009
Jörg Raddatz

Hello & thanks for the information on a, sadly, much neglected subject.

Being German, for me it was educative especially because I learned that the average US citizen’s concept of a 45 adapter is a different one from that of people here – which may also be interesting to you: To me and most people around me, an average adapter looks like the triangular one left to the Flötgen design, while I might not have recognized the one depicted in the tatoo in that one story. Actually, never saw the ones that are “normal” to “you” … one of those crazy little differences, in a Pulp Fiction kinda way. BTW the Flötgen one, AFAIK, was not a snap-in adapter but built-in into a lot of 45s (like they also did in the UK) and if a record was going to be used in a jukebox (or one of those early vinyl days 45-only turntables) people would break it out to reveal the “large” hole.


31 03 2009
Lori K.

Thanks so much for the info. I had seen someone with a necklace of silver in the shape of the 45 Adapter. I remember using them, but I had no idea what it was called or who invented it. Now I’m on a hunt to find someone who sells this type of jewlery! I love Music…

9 06 2010
18 06 2009

Thanks for the information, I’m an avid phonograph fan and have been researching (and buying) them for over 10 years now!

16 09 2009

If you bend the tabs of a standard Recoton adaptor about 20 degrees and launch it horizontally (tabs DOWN and facing BACKWARDS relative to the spin) with a rubber band on the notch it can sail over 100 feet or at least the length of the inside of a typical Tower Records store, now defunct. The key is getting the spin relatively slow while the launch speed is relatively high. This is accomplished by aligning the rubber band almost directly over the center of the disc. Left or right handed, it doesn’t matter.

24 10 2009


My name is Funatu and I’m a chief editor of a music magazine called Wax Poetics Japan.

This magazine is issued and sold in Japan.


I read your article about the 45 adaptor and thought it was amazing.

I would like to contain translated version of the article on the next issue of Wax Poetics Japan which will be issued on November 30th.

Could I use the article and the picture on it?

If it is possible, I would like to pay you $200 as a use fee.

I hope you will be interested in my idea and hope to hear from you soon.

20 04 2011
Simon Strutt

Hi Funatsu

A great feature and history. Anyone with an interest even in todays music should pay they’re respects to the start of popular music culture… the 7″ 45 and it core helper… the 45 adapter.

45 Central has 10 special designs :


Please get in touch, would be intrested in working on a major printed editorial for a major magazine or newspaper.

Best Regards

28 10 2009


I’m a translator of a magazine Wax Poetics Japan.

Like the chief editor of the magazine commented above, Wax Poetics Japan crew really like your article and want to contain it on the next issue of the magazine.

It is such an amazing article! People need to recognize the importance of the 45 adaptors.

In order to contain your article on the next issue, we need your response as soon as possible.

Hope you will notice this comment soon.



15 12 2009

Hello all.
What about the 45’s that could not use the adaptor that the middle hole was drilled off line so the movement of the pickup was swaying not static, Does anybody know what the ingraving in the run off is just before the pickup leaves the disc. i recall one named “Strawberry” and some others, nothing said anywhere else that i have found.

10 02 2010


Very informative article. Was curious about one thing: The Recoton one, who’s image is everywhere…does someone own the copyright to the image?

Simply becauase I would love to use the image on my website and project, but not sure that’s allowed.



10 02 2010

Re: sergio

I believe the last company in possession of the rights to the Recoton line of audio products was Audiovox. Here is a link to their site:


My comment earlier in this blog about making the adaptors fly came from experimentation during my years with Tower Records. We sold thousands of them along with a ton of Recoton products.
Idle clerks are the devil’s playthings.

10 02 2010

I noticed the Recoton adaptor you have pictured here is red. The ones we sold at Tower Records by the box were always yellow. They probably were more popular than the metal ones because they sold 2 for 25 cents or 10 for a dollar. Maybe they weren’t Recoton. In over 20 years of selling music there I never heard anyone refer to them as a spider.

23 05 2012

I have appx. 30 Recoton adapters, and they are all yellow. The two red ones I have look like the patent sketch, and are not Recoton. My only metal one is a Webster-Chicago product, given to me by a neighbor. One thing nobody seems to mention is how difficult those Webster-Chicago adapters were to use. My neighbor warned me about that, but did I listen? Of course not, and I have a chipped 45 to prove it. Once they went in, they were very difficult to remove. Needless to say, I don’t use that adapter anymore.

24 05 2012

I always assumed that the metal ones were permanent. Almost impossible to get out once they were in properly. And the Recoton ones really do fly well. Bend the tabs towards one side and sling it with a rubber band, they would go the length of the store.

It was a busy night and a customer steps up to the register and asks, ‘How much is one adaptor?’. I tell him it’s two for a quarter plus 2 cents tax. He argues about it for a while and finally says ‘OK’. He half glances at his wallet and says ‘I don’t have any money’. I ask him to please step aside for the customers behind him. ‘Oh wait, I have my credit card’. So I reach out for his credit card and he takes it back. ‘You’re going to force me to use my credit card for 27 cents?!?’. I point out they are not free but he keeps arguing about forcing him to use his credit card for a 27 cent sale. I remind him that I am not forcing him to do anything except buy the product or let someone else buy theirs. He left disgusted that I wouldn’t give him the adaptors for free.

I miss working there.

11 05 2010

The patent picture looks more like the ones that I have that are made of some sort of fibre – tougher than cardboard, but not quite wood. These probably date from the 50’s, as they came to me via my Mom’s 45’s.

5 06 2010

Thanks for this info! I have some of the Webster Chicago 45 RPM adapters, and wondered about them. Your post was very helpful.

7 06 2010
Celebrity Gossip, Get It Here First!

[…] about the history of the 45 adapter, browse an online collection of classic 7-inch records, and buy a copy of the […]

16 08 2010

good programme.send me a messege.

13 09 2010

heres a nice companion to your article

21 09 2010

Excellent article. Can you tell me how to remove the metal Webster-Chicago adapter from the hole of the 45?

thanks, Bob

22 09 2010

@Bob -You have to slide the adapter to the side and then it should pop out quite easily.

6 10 2010

Hey just saw your question. Have no idea – we’ve never tried. B.

23 05 2011
John Barba's FloPro Blog » The World’s Most Expensive $15 Gift Card

[…] singles?  Those little 45 RPM records with the big hole in the middle (needed that little plastic adapter)  and two songs for 99 cents?  Usually the A-side was the hit and B-side was filler.  They […]

13 10 2011
carol barr

I have one of the Jansen adapters and the reverse side reads “PATENT APPLIED FOR 6C”

17 11 2011
From Record Players to iPods

[…] countless hours listening to these records. I’d pull the record out of the sleeve, secure the adapter to the record, switch the player from 33 to 45 (sometimes I’d play them at 33 for the fun of […]

3 02 2012

Does anyone know if anyone owns the copywright on the image of the common Recton?

9 02 2012
Spiders from Kenya « The Supine View From the ARChive's Chesterfield

[…] has written extensively on the one time common 45 adaptors, and just recently, in a self described 70-89s text, “Retrohell,”  the claim is made that […]

9 02 2012
Mr Strutt

A top read, great feature and history. Anyone with an interest even in todays music should pay they’re respects to the start of popular music culture… the 7″ 45 and it core helper… the 45 adapter.

45 Central has 10 special designs:


Please get in touch, would be intrested in working on a major printed editorial for a major magazine or newspaper.

Best Regards

9 02 2012
Mr Strutt

A top read, great feature and history. Anyone with an interest even in todays music should pay they’re respects to the start of popular music culture… the 7″ 45 and its core helper… the 45 adapter.

’45 Central’ has 10 special designs for every 45 player:


Please get in touch, we would be intrested in working on a major printed editorial for a major magazine or newspaper.

Best Regards

8 03 2012

My daughter found two Webster-Chicago inserts in a old consol TV/record player/radio. They are the ones with the patent applied for ones, 2c and 3c. They are really cool.

2 04 2012

Hi – does anyone know how to remove the Webster metal adapters from a 7″ record without breaking the record? Bought some old vinyl this weekend with several of the adapters in place and was hoping to extract them safely, but all attempts have so far failed, with one record sacrificed in the attempt.. any help much appreciated!

25 04 2012

No ideas – and we’re afraid to try…

12 11 2012
15 11 2012
Simon Strutt - Founder & 45 Player

Hope you manage to remove them from your records – we have no idea!

Once your records are free from the Webster ‘ruining’ adapters, we recommend trying 45 Central product range…


’45 Central’ has 10 special designs inc the new 45 Stax

Best Regards

7 12 2012
Day 305 – 45 rpm adapter « Obsolescence Project

[…] A site after Obso’s heart has already captured all the specs about patents and whatnot. “It appears that the molded plastic insert was invented by James L. D. Morrison for the Voice of Music corporation of Benton Harbor, Michigan.” Head over there for more. […]

10 02 2013
February 10 – Gold records, Wildfire | Dr. Electro's Mixtapes

[…] With accompaniment by two members of Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, it’s one of two Murphey hit singles (the other is Carolina in the Pines US#21) from 1975 album Blue Sky – Night Thunder.   It’s also one of the last gold (45rpm, 7″) singles.    ( Website )  ▷The 45 adapter ▹ […]

14 02 2013

The Hutchison story is at least partially true. There already were 45rpm adapters on the market when General Sarnoff contacted Mr. H. What RCA had in mind, and Hutchison delivered, was an improved adapter. It had small raised pegs called “drive pins” which would interlock to ensure the record played at the proper speed without slippage.

3 10 2013
The O.C. 45 | The Prudent Groove

[…] guy on the block who couldn’t give the ladies Les Baxter when they needed it? Thankfully, the Frank A. Jansen and Snap-It adapters were slowly moving their way into record collections across the… by this time, so any possibility of further social awkwardness could easily be […]

10 02 2014
February 10 – Gold records, Wildfire | Dr. Electro's

[…] With accompaniment by two members of Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, it’s one of two Murphey hit singles (the other is Carolina in the Pines US#21) from 1975 album Blue Sky – Night Thunder.   It’s also one of the last gold (45rpm, 7″) singles.    ( Website )  ▷The 45 adapter ▹ […]

10 08 2014
weight loss zija

ch_height=250;. There has been a great deal of controversy on this topic, as with any
other supplement that is used by body builders. It was his “feature” for several reasons:.

7 11 2014
douglas hernan

realisme please

29 01 2015
Simon Strutt

new 45 adapters site: http://45central.bigcartel.com

20 05 2015

I’ve been working on putting together a website dedicated to these things. Check out http://www.45recordadapters.com

15 07 2015
Mr Strutt

Hey Bob,

Great 45 website – some crazy historic plastic peices there!

Here are some unique solid aluminium ones : http://www.45central.co.uk
– would be good to add to your site

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