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The ancient Assyrians were renowned as fearless warriors and capable conquerors. Their achievements stemmed from the large and well-armed troops, but also from the sophisticatedly organized backgrounds that provided the necessary support... more
The ancient Assyrians were renowned as fearless warriors and capable conquerors. Their achievements stemmed from the large and well-armed troops, but also from the sophisticatedly organized backgrounds that provided the necessary support to the army. Both archaeological and written sources from the northern Mesopotamia provide the evidence not only about the campaigns into the foreign lands but also about the military organization within the proper Assyrian territory. The significant part of the home warfare system was the institution called ekal māšarti. The present study aims to explore this Assyrian military structure.
Assyrian sources provide a relatively large amount of references to the people living in Assyria and bearing the name of Hebrew (or probably Hebrew) origin. Some other persons are directly said to come from Israel or Judah. The following... more
Assyrian sources provide a relatively large amount of references to the people living in Assyria and bearing the name of Hebrew (or probably Hebrew) origin. Some other persons are directly said to come from Israel or Judah. The following study attempts to identify these persons with a Hebrew background, explore when and where they lived, investigate their professions and social status, and survey the degree of their integration into the Assyrian society in terms of culture and religion.
The Department of Middle Eastern Studies of the Faculty of Arts at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen acquired three clay fragments inscribed with cuneiform script several years ago. There is no doubt that these artifacts originate... more
The Department of Middle Eastern Studies of the Faculty of Arts at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen acquired three clay fragments inscribed with cuneiform script several years ago. There is no doubt that these artifacts originate from the ancient Near East and can be dated to the era from the 3 rd to 1 st millennia BCE, the epoch of the efflorescence of Mesopotamian civilizations. However, the objects are so badly damaged that only several words or even signs can be identified with certainty on their surfaces. The aim of this study is to date these objects more accurately and, at least partially, reconstruct the texts that they bore.
The medicine of ancient Mesopotamia has long been the topic of investigation, but the texts explored within this field are mainly “handbooks” for persons practising medicine and lists of diseases. This medical literature, however,... more
The medicine of ancient Mesopotamia has long been the topic of investigation, but the texts explored within this field are mainly “handbooks” for persons practising medicine and lists of diseases. This medical literature, however, comprises theoretical information rather than data on actual medical practices. Therefore, the Neo-Assyrian letters and divinatory queries (especially from the reign of the king Esarhaddon) that provide a more colourful picture of diseases of concrete individuals and their healing by specific physicians are a priceless source for our knowledge of “real” Mesopotamian medicine, despite the fact that this picture is limited only to a small group of persons standing closest to the king (mostly members of the royal family) in the role of patients, with the highest-ranking specialists as their healers.
The medicine of ancient Mesopotamia has long been the topic of investigation, but the texts explored within this field are mainly "handbooks" for persons practising medicine and lists of diseases. This medical literature, however,... more
The medicine of ancient Mesopotamia has long been the topic of investigation, but the texts explored within this field are mainly "handbooks" for persons practising medicine and lists of diseases. This medical literature, however, comprises theoretical information rather than data on actual medical practices. Therefore, the Neo-Assyrian letters and divinatory queries (especially from the reign of the king Esarhaddon) that provide a more colourful picture of diseases of concrete individuals and their healing by specific physicians are a priceless source for our knowledge of "real" Mesopotamian medicine, despite the fact that this picture is limited only to a small group of persons standing closest to the king (mostly members of the royal family) in the role of patients, with the highest-ranking specialists as their healers.
Slavnost nesoucí název akītu je doložena v mnoha lokálních ka-lendářích celé Mezopotámie od 3. tisíciletí př. n. l. až do 2. poloviny 1. tisíciletí př. n. l. Přestože zvláště ve starších studiích a slovnících občas figurují jeho vcelku... more
Slavnost nesoucí název akītu je doložena v mnoha lokálních ka-lendářích celé Mezopotámie od 3. tisíciletí př. n. l. až do 2. poloviny 1. tisíciletí př. n. l. Přestože zvláště ve starších studiích a slovnících občas figurují jeho vcelku jednoznačné definice, uchopení a zmapo-vání tohoto svátku je značně složité. Vedle pochopitelného vývoje během zhruba dvoutisícileté tradice se objevují různé lokální odchyl-ky či zvláštnosti plynoucí z charakteru hlavního božského aktéra či aktérů nebo ze spojení tohoto svátku s dalším rituálem či oslavou další události. K těmto komplikacím se pak přidávají ještě další, totiž fragmentárnost a nerovnoměrné rozložení pramenů, kdy napří-klad máme relativně dobře doložené oslavy v určité lokalitě pouze z jednoho období, z jiných však prameny chybí, nebo máme slavnost doloženou pouze zmínkou v textu vztahujícím se primárně k jinému tématu. Abych toto komplikované a rozsáhlé téma zúžila, budu se věnovat pouze slavnosti akītu doložené v asyrských pramenech, které se vztahují k situaci v asyrských městech 1. tisíciletí př. n. l.
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