Editor's Pick

The annual 4393 Awards is a reader survey sponsored by the Stowe Reporter and News & Citizen to honor the best in our area. Readers helped shape the survey by nominating their favorites in each category earlier this year. ONE VOTE PER EMAIL ADDRESS. Winners will be announced this summer.

A display case in Akeley Memorial Building has gotten a curatorial refresh by the Stowe Historical Society, serving anew as a reminder that the building was once the center of everything in the town, even more so than today.

By January, the light comes back, there is brightness in the day. The cold gloam of December is gone. January light is a painter’s light, enough to brighten your soul but not the scorching sun of summer.

Several years ago, I took my dad for Thai food. We were in Hanover, N.H. My pop lived in Hanover a long time. He taught high school English there when I was a kid. He’d coached football as well—state championship coaching—and directed plays. A Renaissance man.

I am the fortunate son. My parents reminded me whenever my behavior merited it that I could have been born in a “gutter in Calcutta.” Instead, I was born white, male, to a wealthy family in America in 1962. As if these blessings were not enough, the most blessed and valuable blessing was that I had two good parents.

Our past columns about the eclipse covered topics like an eclipse’s effect on history and observing safety. Now, with the eclipse less than four months away, we’re getting into specifics — what you’ll see, why do eclipses happen, and why do people travel, often great distances, to see them.

In her curator’s statement introducing the recently opened “In the Garden” exhibit at The Current art center, Rachel Moore announces her intention to build a garden within a set of gallery walls.

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