The United States Army Reserve safety directorate employs safety techniques to prevent fratricide, property damage, personnel injury and mission disruption to eliminate the effects of accidents on unit readiness and mission accomplishment.

Manage a world-class safety program that is viewed as a vital enabler to readiness.

The Other 28 Days June 2024

  • To report an Army Reserve accident/incident or workplace hazard, call USAR Safety at:
    910-570-SAFE (7233)

    Safety Director
    Commercial:  910-570-9280
    DSN:  312-670-9280
    Cell:  910-852-1931

    Deputy Safety Director
    Commercial:  910-570-9284
    DSN:  312-670-9284
    Cell:  910-568-8517

    Executive Officer
    Commercial:  910-570-8103
    DSN:  312-670-8103

Did You Know?


Are you planning to go TDY or taking Leave? In accordance with Army Regulations and USARC Regulations if you are traveling by POV you are required to fill out the TRIPS form on the Combat Readiness Center website.