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"Longevity of Jews"
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This is the slowest news week of the year, so many newspapers fill space by running articles about famous people who died during this year. So, here’s my contribution to that type of article.

The death of Henry Kissinger this year at age 100 got me wondering again if Jews live longer on average than most others. Of 1970s historical figures, I’m not surprised that the temperate Jimmy Carter might make it to 100, but Kissinger just got increasingly fatter as the decades wore on.

I found an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association:


It is claimed that of all classes of New York City’s population, the Jews are the longest lived. Considering the manner in which the majority of the Jewish population of our great cities live, this is a remarkable showing, if true. The poorer Jews, as a rule, are rigid followers of the Mosaic law, and this would indicate to some extent the excellence of the sanitary provisions of that ancient code. Insurance men, however, it is alleged, while recognizing the temperance of the Jews as a factor, are inclined to think that this longevity is a result of natural selection, the weaker elements of the Jewish race having been gradually eliminated during centuries of persecution. There is still another possible factor to be considered. For centuries the Jews have become acclimatized, so to speak, to city life, and therefore may represent the class most resistant to such environment.

The data of the article: January 21, 1905.

Most of the more recent data I’ve uncovered similarly suggests that Jews remain especially long-lived, at least in the U.S. and Britain. For example, from an article in the Jewish Chronicle of the UK from some time in the current century:

David Graham, demographer at the Board of Deputies and co-author of Jews in Britain: A Snapshot from the 2001 Census (2007), said: “In the 2001 Census there were nearly 4,000 Jews aged 90 and above in England and Wales.

“Three out of every four were women. They represented 0.8 per cent of the Jewish population. Although that doesn’t sound like much, it was over twice the proportion of people in that age group in the general population, which was 0.3 per cent.

“I would estimate that, proportionately, there are nearly three times as many Jewish centenarians as there are in the general population of England and Wales.”

The long lifespan Jews enjoy could be to do with the level of wealth and education in the community as well as our strong social networks.

What other reasons might there be?

Less excessive drinking is probably part of the answer.

I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol — at least not for singles living in Manhattan who do a huge amount of socializing. (The title character works in nightclubs.)

A lot of people drink when socializing to get over their shyness — Nordics are especially notorious for this. Are Jews less shy on average?

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  1. Ruthless Will-To-Power promotes longevity.

    I’m surprised that evil old ghoul Henry Kissinger died as young as he did.

    • Replies: @Art Deco

    The 'ruthless' example of 'will to power' held public office for one eight year period followed by a couple of months-long stints on blue ribbon commissions and some minor (volunteer) gigs on advisory committees. Between 1946 and 1969, the number of people working under him likely never exceeded a secretary and a couple of research assistants. He had a record as an occupation official in post-war Germany. Just what 'ruthless' things did he do in those positions?

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

  2. OT – or is it?

    Welsh Refugee Council uses 12 year old girls to present “welcome” video.

    • Thanks: Mike Tre
    • Replies: @bomag

    Why, when one is falling off a cliff, there is an impulse to strap on a rocket pack and crash even faster onto the rocks below?

    , @Almost Missouri

    This is likely some Welsh girls' middle school video project that has gotten misconstrued as government propaganda.

    Of course, Welsh middle school girls (and all UK kids) are fed boatloads of actual government propaganda, so this the kind of stuff they produce when given "free expression", but still that's not quite the same as being a government production.

    , @kaganovitch

    Not that it makes much of a difference but the cited tweet says 14 yr. old, not twelve.

  3. Jew comedians live especially long, it seems like

  4. They don’t do hazardous work and avoid military service and farming if you believe Solzhenitsyn. Regarding military service there is the notable exception of the early Soviet Armies.

    • Replies: @Captain Tripps

    Since historically Jews have been a minority outsider group in Europe, I am not surprised they would generally be underrepresented in a typical European nations armed forces. In the U.S. during the era of mass migration in late 19th/early 20th century, most Jews were "working class" and ended up in roughly their percentage of the population in the draft era armed forces, particularly in World War I and II. The Private Melish character in "Saving Private Ryan" would have been approximately correct for Jewish citizens in the ground combat arms (infantry, artillery, armor). Likely underrepresented at the Service academies during that timeframe (West Point and Annapolis were pretty WASP-y), but probably more normal in ROTC commissions (any other college that had an officer commissioning program). Later in the 20th century and up until today with the all-volunteer force, and concurrent with Jewish ascendance in more remunerative professions in America, you see less Jewish presence in combat arms professions (and in the enlisted ranks) and more in Judge Advocate General (military lawyers), and medical skills (doctors, vets, nurses). At least that is my biased Army experience (35+ years). I imagine the more technical skills required for certain Air Force, Navy and now Space Force occupations, you would see more Jewish representation there, but I'm just speculating based on my personal knowledge of Jewish friends/colleagues and their experiences.

    This website has data on military demographics, but I don't see any specific ethnic or religious breakdowns to show Jewish representation; probably lumped in the "White" category.


    Replies: @The Craw, @Anonymous

    , @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn't have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.

    At one point I stapled a $100 bill to the wall, and offered a bet: who could tell me, where could they say there were a larger number of military-age Jews: serving in forward-deployed combat positions in Iraq, or at Harvard Law School? (not Harvard in general, mind you... just the Law School).

    Not a single Jew was willing to take the bet.

    How anti-semitic of me to even ask.

    Replies: @Known Fact, @Corvinus, @Jack D, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch

    , @Buzz Mohawk

    They don’t do hazardous work and avoid military service and farming if you believe Solzhenitsyn.
    I'm pretty good friends with a Jewish farmer, FWIW.

    And he's certainly not the only one. Perhaps the most famous was Max Yasgur, who allowed the Woodstock Music Festival to take place on his farm.


    Not yer typical stereotype

    BTW I understand our own Jack'eD grew up on a chicken farm in New Jersey, God bless him.

    Replies: @Curle

    , @anon

    The swing era band leader and clarinetist, Artie Shaw--a jew--walked away from the music biz to become a DAIRY farmer.

    , @Dry land farming

    During WW2, Jews were about 3.5% of the US population, about 3.5% of the men in service, and 2.5% of the war dead. That is 10,400+ Jewish dead out of 405,000+ American dead.


  5. Part of it will be the higher average IQ, which in non-Ashkenazi populations has been demonstrated to correlate with longevity (e.g. in Scotland among those born 1921).

    It’s unclear what the mechanism of that is, though this paper confirms it is genetic rather than environmental, in Scandinavia at least. If there is a longevity advantage specific to American Jews, it would need to be teased out to see if it is above and beyond that from the IQ advantage.

  6. Anonymous[122] • Disclaimer says:


    Saw this article a while back.

    Growing up in and around NYC among Jews, I was always shocked at how long my Jewish friends’ grandparents lived and prospered. Still coherent into their late 80s.

    My gentile Irish, Magyar and German grandparents were toast by their late 60s, looking like they were already in their 80s.

    Longer Telomeres? Protective genes? Sure.

    Also a lack of compounded Catholic/Christian guilt over time. Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances. How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on. Good for them.

    • Replies: @Trinity

    Everyone I have ever personally known of German ancestry has lived a long time. My aunt lived to 98, my mom's friend is 91 and lives by herself in her own apartment, her mother lived a few years past 100.

    Irish? I had an aunt who died at 99 just a few months shy of 100, an uncle who drinks Jim Beam like iced tea and is still going strong at 88.

    Unlike MOST Jews my ancestors WORKED hard demanding PHYSICAL jobs. That probably actually helped their health instead of hurting it though.

    , @The Craw

    "They just know how to bury the past and move on."

    If only!

    , @Anon

    How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on.
    Could be that they simply don't care about what the goyim think.

    Replies: @Curle

    , @SFG

    You seriously have never heard of Jewish neuroticism? Jewish guilt? Worrying about everything?

    My best guess is that plus IQ and money, all that worrying about health actually pays some dividends.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Anonymous

    , @puttheforkdown

    Good for them
    I'm all for cutting 100% of aid to Israel and then having you move in with them. You can really live in the moment then!

    A good amount of the longevity is probably just from Jews being midgets. Shorter people live longer, every inch over 5'9 or so you pay for in cancer and all cause mortality after your 60s. Italians are similar. If they can avoid being scumbag mafioso they'll be 100 years old, hunched over, wandering around the neighborhood.

    Replies: @Bardon Kaldian

    , @Wokechoke

    Not working with hands or body.

    , @Bardon Kaldian

    Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances.
    Huh? I can't believe what I just read.
    , @silviosilver

    Also never met an overly shy Jewish person.
    You'd have to, at a minimum, have ascertained the ethnic identity of every overly shy person you've met to determine whether this observation holds water. There'd still be more to do, but without this, your observation is idle speculation.
  7. About being bright and getting old – –
    – – Bright and old people have a double advantage over others. The higher IQ allows them to make use of the increasing number of experiences they can integrate into their memory and decision-making. The same is true for the number of acquaintances and relatives.

    Bottom line: Being bright is an advantage that is enforced by getting old.

    • Replies: @Carol
    @Dieter Kief

    IS there an IQ advantage, though? If so I'm not finding it in the literature.

    Or is this yet another thing re IQ being hidden or downplayed? Or is it just high IQ Jews who live forever?

    Btw I would add short stature as another predictor of longevity.

    Replies: @HammerJack

  8. Jewish perfidy robs whites of 80 million years of life.

    • Agree: Angharad
    • Thanks: HammerJack, Gordo
    • LOL: Erik L
    • Troll: Corvinus
    • Replies: @cool daddy jimbo
    @Vagrant Rightist

    Jewish perfidy robs whites of 80 million years of life.
    Well played.
  9. I thought the traditional explanation of Jewish relative non-susceptibility to alcoholism was that Jews came from a very old society that had access to wine for many centuries or even millennia and thus those whose genes rendered them vulnerable to alcoholism had been weeded out. That probably goes for a lot of other bad urban habits.

    Remember, in Jews we are dealing with a people who have been living — and thus evolving both genetically and culturally – under the rules that support modern civilization much longer than any other western people, because they invented the rules (or had them revealed).

    • Replies: @james wilson
    @Henry Canaday

    All Mediterranian Caucasians have very low rates of alcoholism compared to their northern cousins. Ashkinazi Jews are half Hebrew, and, for the most part, half Italian.

    , @dux.ie
    @Henry Canaday

    > thus those whose genes rendered them vulnerable to alcoholism had been weeded out.

    Nope. Significant number of Ashkenazis ASJ actually still have the gene ADH1B*2, more than EUR. ADH1B*2 creates bad alcohol metabolizm and the drinker will feel sick and most become teetotler. Alcohol attack the fatty glial cells which insulate the neuron, creating noisy neural transmission and hence lower IQ. Thus those with ADH1B*2 have significantly higher IQ. ASJ have higher IQ than CHN as they also have IQ gene CCR5 from nothern EUR which the CHN lack.

    The ADH1B*2 is a significant allele in GWAS EA3. ADH1B*2 drinker is also subceptable to the uncurable esophageal cancer of which ASJ suffers more than Sephardic Jew. Note RUS have even higher % ADH1B*2 but they are heavy drinkers, so culture also has sig effects. RUS ASJ have less ADH1B*2 than EUR ASJ and both higher than EUR who virtually have none.

    "Esophageal Cancer in Israel has Unique Clinico-Pathological Features: A Retrospective Study"


    , @angmoh
    @Henry Canaday

    This is likely true in some form - the countries most associated with binge drinking in Europe tend to have higher % of hunter gatherer ancestry, whereas the populations with the highest % farming ancestry (EEF) tend to be less prone (Southern Europe generally)

    Interestingly, about 20% of Jews carry the ADH2*2 gene, which is also known as the "asian flush gene". This is otherwise very uncommon in whites.

    , @Steve Sailer
    @Henry Canaday

    In the Book of Genesis, both Noah and Lot get black out drunk, leading to shameful scandals involving their children. By the New Testament, however, the Virgin Mary is asking Jesus to help out with the wedding feast at Cana where the host ran out of wine.

    Sounds like there had been some evolving toward better being able to deal with alcohol in moderation.

    Replies: @Corvinus

  10. Probably just higher incomes and less dangerous and draining work.

    Longevity seems to be in the genes, Churchill died at age 90,
    Jews Murray Rothbard at 68, Murray Bookchin at 85, John Von Neumann at 53.

    Compare apples to apples. I would suggest comparing the life span of university professors of different ethnicities. What is interesting is mestizo longevity, that is very counter intuitive.

    Nordics probably live long too, except there is no data on it because of the War. odd that the war eliminated the ability to collect census data on “Aryans” but not Jews.

    Don’t expect data sets that distinguish Nordics appearing in research papers soon. That is verboten. Do expect more research papers on Jewish genes are related to IQ, better sex, longevity, social skills and chosen-ness in general.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    @anyone with a brain

    Churchill died at age 90,
    Jews Murray Rothbard at 68
    Rothbard came immediately to mind, as did Stephen Jay Gould, 60. Yesterday I mentioned Carolyn Leigh, who wrote the famous line, "And if you should survive to 105..." She dropped from a heart attack at 57-- not very ladylike! (Here's Tony Bennett, who reached a fortnight shy of 97, in a duet with "deliberate practice" author Geoff Colvin's little sister, Shawn. This took 22 takes; now that's deliberate.)

    From the same field, George Gershwin (38) and Amy Winehouse (27). Ruth Lowe might or might not have been Jewish, but she wrote "I'll Never Smile Again" after her husband Harold Cohen died during a heart operation-- at age 24.

    On the other hand, there were Irvings Berlin and Caesar, both of whom made it to 101. Caesar seemed determined to break Berlin's record, and eventually did. Kind of like Bob Hope sticking it out to 100 because a relative had made it only to 99.

    Replies: @SFG, @Jack D

  11. I’ve been watching Seinfeld too…great minds think alike!

    I keep watching seasons 5-7 over and over

    Jerry REALLY looks down on the working class…the bus boy monologue about how the bus boy hates his life shows how little Jerry knows about being a restauranteur.

    I don’t think Seinfeld has ever done serious physical work and his arrogance shows.

    It’s a good show…but it does not deserve the accolades it got in the 90s when everyone was GAGA over it

    There’s several episodes that are superb and the rest are a bit blah

    The Bette Midler episode is interesting because 2 jewish female writers wrote it and other than introducing J Peterman and the Tag Scene at the end, it’s a crappy episode. Like Derry Girls, women prefer to write characters Running Around Screaming. Compare it to the Male Written ‘Don’t call me Suze’ episode and you can see the difference between the male/ female brain.

    • Replies: @Mike Tre

    The episode where the hag steals the soup nazi's recipes is pretty revealing about the entire group. these people think it's funny to ruin people's lives and just throw out the lazy nazi accusation to justify it.

    , @Tono Bungay

    Perhaps, but I found that the editing of the episodes and the interweaving of at least two plots -- all within the 20-something-minute format -- was very clever.

    Replies: @Thoughts

    , @James N. Kennett

    Most of the episodes are still very funny. Some are now regarded as not PC. In one episode Jerry decides not to date a woman because she has "man hands". 30 years later a heterosexual man is supposed to continue dating a woman when he discovers she has "man genitals".

    Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose

    , @Corpse Tooth

    The funniest bits in Seinfeld emanate from the various mental disorders afflicting the four main characters. They don't need to label the behaviors presented as indigenous to the Upper West Side because we're all in on the joke. Seasons 4-7 are stellar. Along with Classical music Jews really excel at humour. I've worked with a few Jews and it was a lot of fun but I had to work at keeping up with them what with my IQ and all.

    , @Mr. Anon

    Jerry REALLY looks down on the working class…the bus boy monologue about how the bus boy hates his life shows how little Jerry knows about being a restauranteur.

    I don’t think Seinfeld has ever done serious physical work and his arrogance shows.
    As the series progressed, that became part of the joke, perhaps the dominant aspect. They're all supposed to be selfish, self-absorbed people who casually wreck other people's lives, despite thinking well of themselves.

    That's why it was funny. As Seinfeld commented about the series: Nobody hugs, nobody learns anything. They didn't want to be like Cheers.

    I found the Bette Midler episode to be funny - not the best, certainly, but not bad. I like the gunning gag of Rochelle, Rochelle which went from being an Emmanuelle-like soft-core porn movie in earlier seasons to being a big Broadway musical.

    I must admit that a lot of the sitcoms in the 90s were pretty good, in the sense of being pretty consistently funny. I've recently been watching episodes of Just Shoot Me, and they're quite entertaining. It doesn't take itself seriously - it's mostly just gags and one-liners and for the most part, it works.
  12. Jimmy Carter’s chances of making it to 100 in October seem very slim to none based on his recent appearance during his wife’s memorial service. The way his mouth hung open is a sign he lacked the strength to keep it closed, and is something seen near the end of life.
    As for Henry Kissinger, what is remarkable is how active he remained right until the end.

    • Replies: @J.Ross

    This is a really good point. There's people who make it to the end but who really died thirty years ago. Look at Trump and Zhou Bai Dien. If you asked Kissinger a serious question on his last day he'd probably give an answer as intelligent as when he was running State.

  13. r K strategy. Ashkenazi are extreme K. Africans are extreme r.

    They form an executive caste.

  14. Yes. Jews are less shy. Arguing about everything and trying to get over on people are not signs of a shrinking violet.

    • Agree: anonymouseperson
    • Replies: @Anon

    Arguing about everything and trying to get over on people are not signs of a shrinking violet.

    Just like the blacks, but the blacks have short life spans

  15. I haven’t looked into this, but I am guessing that there is a correlation between intelligence and longevity and that it predates current “scientific dietary advice” such that “healthy living bias” is not an explanation. Better brains equate to better bodies. Not faster running and bigger dicks but just better in general.

    • Replies: @res

    Both probably matter. What you are referring to is known as the “system integrity hypothesis.” Recycling part of a recent comment.

    See the “system integrity hypothesis” here:

    The System integrity hypothesis posits that childhood intelligence is just one aspect of a well wired and well-functioning body and suggests that there is a latent trait that encompasses intelligence, health and many other factors.[82][83] This trait indexes how well the body is functioning and how well the body can respond to change and return to a normal balance again (allostatic load). According to the system integrity hypothesis lower IQ does not cause mortality but instead poor system integrity causes lower intelligence and poorer health as well as a range of other traits which can be thought of as markers of system integrity. Professor Ian Deary has proposed that fluctuating asymmetry, speed of information processing, physical co-ordination, physical strength, metabolic syndrome and genetic correlation may be further potential markers of system integrity which by definition should explain a large part of or nullify the relationship between intelligence and mortality.

  16. This is the slowest news week of the year
    The Houthi Navy sends you greetings of the season and reminds you, you know, a curse upon the Jews, yadda yadda yadda.

  17. “What other reasons might there be?”

    Baby’s blood.

    • Replies: @Erik L
    @Mike Tre

    ixnay! ixnay!

    , @Dmon
    @Mike Tre

    Dammit! Had to waste a reply because I wasn't sure if this was an LOL or an AGREE.

    , @Jus' Sayin'...
    @Mike Tre

    “What other reasons might there be?”
    Baby’s blood.
    Do Haredim mohels live that much longer?
  18. @Thoughts
    I've been watching Seinfeld too...great minds think alike!

    I keep watching seasons 5-7 over and over

    Jerry REALLY looks down on the working class...the bus boy monologue about how the bus boy hates his life shows how little Jerry knows about being a restauranteur.

    I don't think Seinfeld has ever done serious physical work and his arrogance shows.

    It's a good show...but it does not deserve the accolades it got in the 90s when everyone was GAGA over it

    There's several episodes that are superb and the rest are a bit blah

    The Bette Midler episode is interesting because 2 jewish female writers wrote it and other than introducing J Peterman and the Tag Scene at the end, it's a crappy episode. Like Derry Girls, women prefer to write characters Running Around Screaming. Compare it to the Male Written 'Don't call me Suze' episode and you can see the difference between the male/ female brain.

    Replies: @Mike Tre, @Tono Bungay, @James N. Kennett, @Corpse Tooth, @Mr. Anon

    The episode where the hag steals the soup nazi’s recipes is pretty revealing about the entire group. these people think it’s funny to ruin people’s lives and just throw out the lazy nazi accusation to justify it.

  19. There are Jews who avoid drink altogether (like Howard Stern or Dennis Prager), but NPR did a story about abusive Jewish parents a while back and alcohol was a huge factor in that; there are also things like the command to drink at Purim until you cannot tell the characters apart. Unmentioned anywhere here is the historical Jewish connection to alcohol as concession-holding monopoly merchants and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.
    Then again, Chuck Berry lived to be 91, and in the 80s every year newspapers used to publish a fluff story about a pack-a-day smoker living into near-centennialism.

    • Replies: @Pixo

    Jews can be problem drinkers who should cut back. But what’s pretty rare is for them to become gutter wino alcoholics who start drinking in the morning and continue all day if they are physically able. They also seem to avoid nordid style binge drinking that involves blacking out, passing out in the grass, etc.

    Conversely I think Jews used to suffer from marijuana use disorder at a disproportionate rate. Weed legalization and the rapid decrease in its price however I think may have made extreme and pathological marijuana use more downscale and less Jewish the past decade.

    Replies: @Known Fact

    , @Jack D

    NPR did a story about abusive Jewish parents a while back and alcohol was a huge factor in that;

    Sure, as Jews become more assimilated their drinking habits also more closely resemble that of the general population.

    there are also things like the command to drink at Purim until you cannot tell the characters apart.

    This commandment is mostly observed by the ultra-Orthodox. Most secular American Jews think of Purim as a children's holiday like Halloween and don't even know about the getting drunk thing. And for the ultra-Orthodox it's a once a year bender.

    Unmentioned anywhere here is the historical Jewish connection to alcohol as concession-holding monopoly merchants and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.

    It's unmentioned because it has nothing to do with Jewish longevity. Yes, Jews were connected to the alcohol trade in E. Europe and one reason was that they didn't get high on their own supply.

    and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.

    Yes, white people are to Jews like blacks are to white people. They should have conservators appointed for them like Michael Oher so that Joos won't trick them into selling their birthright for a bowl of porridge. This has been going on for 3,000 years - you would think that the goyim would have caught on by now. "Here peasant, sign this contract!" Peasant, "Shouldn't I read this first? I'll come back when I have learned to read." Jew: "No, no, don't worry about it. It's all good. Just put your X down there at the bottom. Have another glass of vodka. My treat!" Where did you learn about this? In Der Shturmer?

    Replies: @Renard

    , @mark green

    Evidence indicates that smoking clearly does shorten life (on average.) But this is not true of alcohol consumption. Drinking a little booze (even a lot of booze) actually extends human life.


    Replies: @J.Ross

  20. @Thoughts
    I've been watching Seinfeld too...great minds think alike!

    I keep watching seasons 5-7 over and over

    Jerry REALLY looks down on the working class...the bus boy monologue about how the bus boy hates his life shows how little Jerry knows about being a restauranteur.

    I don't think Seinfeld has ever done serious physical work and his arrogance shows.

    It's a good show...but it does not deserve the accolades it got in the 90s when everyone was GAGA over it

    There's several episodes that are superb and the rest are a bit blah

    The Bette Midler episode is interesting because 2 jewish female writers wrote it and other than introducing J Peterman and the Tag Scene at the end, it's a crappy episode. Like Derry Girls, women prefer to write characters Running Around Screaming. Compare it to the Male Written 'Don't call me Suze' episode and you can see the difference between the male/ female brain.

    Replies: @Mike Tre, @Tono Bungay, @James N. Kennett, @Corpse Tooth, @Mr. Anon

    Perhaps, but I found that the editing of the episodes and the interweaving of at least two plots — all within the 20-something-minute format — was very clever.

    • Replies: @Thoughts
    @Tono Bungay

    Only successfully done after Season 5

  21. @prosa123
    Jimmy Carter's chances of making it to 100 in October seem very slim to none based on his recent appearance during his wife's memorial service. The way his mouth hung open is a sign he lacked the strength to keep it closed, and is something seen near the end of life.
    As for Henry Kissinger, what is remarkable is how active he remained right until the end.

    Replies: @J.Ross

    This is a really good point. There’s people who make it to the end but who really died thirty years ago. Look at Trump and Zhou Bai Dien. If you asked Kissinger a serious question on his last day he’d probably give an answer as intelligent as when he was running State.

  22. @Mike Tre
    "What other reasons might there be?"

    Baby's blood.

    Replies: @Erik L, @Dmon, @Jus' Sayin'...

    ixnay! ixnay!

  23. Jewish women have one thing going against them as far as longevity goes: they are about 10 times more likely to carry harmful mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes than the general population. These mutations greatly increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

    The percentage of Jews with one of the mutations is about 2%. But the risk of cancer is so high that many carriers opt for preventive mastectomy and/or removal of ovaries.

    I first read about this in a book by Masha Gessen, a Russian born Jew whose mother died in her 40s of breast cancer. She learned that she carried the mutation and opted for preventive mastectomy.

    The mutations exist in other populations at a lower rate. Angelina Jolie discovered she carries the mutation and has had a preventive mastectomy.

  24. I’m not saying it isn’t true because I never thought about it or even herd someone claim it until this year, but I don’t think the proportion of really old Jews tells you anything by itself. What if 90 years ago Jews were having a lot of kids and then more recently had fewer?

    Looking at the elderly population of a city doesn’t answer the question by itself either. You need to take account of selection effects, especially people’s ability to move. Maybe less hardy Jews move to Florida or suburban nursing homes or in with their children in the suburbs.

  25. And I am every so often shocked by how much some gentiles truly love their booze. My previous housemate and his girlfriend would polish off a box of wine every few days. He also liked sticking tobacco under his lip. gross

  26. The pronunciation rhyming with hived is consistent with the word’s etymology (from the noun life rather than the verb to live), and was formerly far more common, because it is, well, correct. It is not a matter of sounding snooty…it is simply correct. However, the pronunciation /lɪvd/ (the word is pronounced as the verb lived) is far more common today.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    The pronunciation rhyming with hived is consistent with the word’s etymology (from the noun life rather than the verb to live), and was formerly far more common, because it is, well, correct.
    When the boats arrived,
    we said it "lived".
    But that's been knived--
    or rather,
    to the lifeless "lived".

    I've ("iv"?) had my head handed to me at this forum for reviving to knive. Even if to knife is "correct" now, the former is classier. Petruchio didn't "wife" it wealthily in Padua!
  27. @Anonymous

    Saw this article a while back.

    Growing up in and around NYC among Jews, I was always shocked at how long my Jewish friends’ grandparents lived and prospered. Still coherent into their late 80s.

    My gentile Irish, Magyar and German grandparents were toast by their late 60s, looking like they were already in their 80s.

    Longer Telomeres? Protective genes? Sure.

    Also a lack of compounded Catholic/Christian guilt over time. Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances. How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on. Good for them.

    Replies: @Trinity, @The Craw, @Anon, @SFG, @puttheforkdown, @Wokechoke, @Bardon Kaldian, @silviosilver

    Everyone I have ever personally known of German ancestry has lived a long time. My aunt lived to 98, my mom’s friend is 91 and lives by herself in her own apartment, her mother lived a few years past 100.

    Irish? I had an aunt who died at 99 just a few months shy of 100, an uncle who drinks Jim Beam like iced tea and is still going strong at 88.

    Unlike MOST Jews my ancestors WORKED hard demanding PHYSICAL jobs. That probably actually helped their health instead of hurting it though.

  28. So now Jews are not only smarter but they live longer as well?


  29. Longevity? Length can be . . . problematic.

    In this tragic case, a vain gentleman’s longing led to the bris of death:

    Billionaire dies during Paris penis enlargement operation

    “Billionaire diamond trader Ehud Arye Laniad’s pursuit of a plentiful penis has ended in his death. The 65-year-old big wheel died of a heart attack at a private Paris hospital where he was undergoing a penis enlargement procedure. Reports say the Israeli-Belgian died on the operating table. Belgian media report that Laniad was stricken when a substance was injected into his penis triggering his demise.”

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon

    You'd think being a billionaire would be enough, but perhaps he became a billionaire by never thinking he had enough, and always wanting more.

    Now he'll be remembered for death by penis enlargement.



    , @res

    At age 65?!

    , @Ardrguutf

    Go big or get gone

  30. @Vagrant Rightist
    Jewish perfidy robs whites of 80 million years of life.

    Replies: @cool daddy jimbo

    Jewish perfidy robs whites of 80 million years of life.

    Well played.

    • Agree: Trinity
  31. Is it not because they are the chosen people?

  32. Every Jew I have ever known personally is very involved in his or her own medical care and maintenance. A lot of them have baseline issues like Type I diabetes or other congenital illnesses, but they’re always being poked, prodded and tested. I imagine that what presents itself as a disability (likelihood for illness) winds up being a net benefit to longevity because they’re always under medical supervision. By managing chronic illnesses, they’re intercepting other medical landmines. Like their fellow Hyman Roth, they’re dying from the same heart attack for twenty years.

    • Agree: HammerJack
    • Replies: @bomag
    @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    Kissinger has been mentioned several times.

    I believe he had heart surgery at age 53.

    Seems remarkable he lived so long with that circumstance. Modern medicine at work, I suppose. I'd like to know his health protocol before/after.

    Replies: @Frau Katze

    , @Captain Tripps
    @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    I was thinking of something similar. Jews have a large presence in the medical profession, and, by extension, their immediate/extended family does as well. I think, along with their general avoidance of alcohol, that they are very tuned to their health and can employ the network effect to get ahead of potential chronic or other debilitating ailments than members of other groups in general.

    Replies: @Dmon

    , @res
    @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    I have mixed feelings about that. The attentiveness might be beneficial, but I think it is important to manage your own care to a degree. Not sure uncritically and indiscriminately following mainstream medical advice is the route to healthy longevity.

  33. @Dieter Kief
    About being bright and getting old - -
    - - Bright and old people have a double advantage over others. The higher IQ allows them to make use of the increasing number of experiences they can integrate into their memory and decision-making. The same is true for the number of acquaintances and relatives.

    Bottom line: Being bright is an advantage that is enforced by getting old.

    Replies: @Carol

    IS there an IQ advantage, though? If so I’m not finding it in the literature.

    Or is this yet another thing re IQ being hidden or downplayed? Or is it just high IQ Jews who live forever?

    Btw I would add short stature as another predictor of longevity.

    • Replies: @HammerJack

    Agreed; however wealth is typically the most dependable indicator, along with personal health habits of course. These also correlate with intelligence.

  34. According to some website called worlddata.info, the average Israeli man weighs 5.2 kg less than the average American man. And Israeli women weigh 7 kg less than American women, on average. This would go a long way in explaining differences in life expectancy.

  35. On avg, shorter, affeminate and smerrt.

  36. @YetAnotherAnon
    OT - or is it?

    Welsh Refugee Council uses 12 year old girls to present "welcome" video.


    Replies: @bomag, @Almost Missouri, @kaganovitch

    Why, when one is falling off a cliff, there is an impulse to strap on a rocket pack and crash even faster onto the rocks below?

    • Agree: Renard
  37. I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol

    Never noticed that, but it’s definitely true. Babkas and black and white cookies, yes. A stiff drink after work, no.

    Compare and contrast with the underrated Last Man Standing, which I think is better than Seinfeld. The mom is constantly nursing a glass of wine and pouring wine for her daughters. The husband and his dad retire to the den to knock back well-aged bourbon. Alcohol is a pretty big deal on that show, and “buzzed” jokes push the comedy along. Seinfeld missed that opportunity.

  38. Less excessive drinking is probably part of the answer.

    I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol — at least not for singles living in Manhattan who do a huge amount of socializing. (The title character works in nightclubs.)

    A lot of people drink when socializing to get over their shyness — Nordics are especially notorious for this. Are Jews less shy on average?

    It’s funny that of the four main characters only the eponymous Seinfeld was explicitly Jewish, but that three of the main characters were played by Jewish actors and all four main characters were perceived as vaguely Jewish (This is partially because I think that for a lot of the United States, “Manhattan” and “Jewish” are not clearly distinct categories).

    George was purportedly non-Jewish, but it’s impossible to think of George and his parents as anything other than Jews.

    One of the things I’ve noticed about Jews and intoxicants is that I can’t think of a single Jew I’ve known of who was an alcoholic, but they seem to return to the average when it comes to other chemical addictions and especially prescription drugs. They just don’t seem susceptible to alcohol as a trigger for an addiction.

    • Replies: @Captain Tripps
    @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    My impression was that George Costanza's family was supposed to be Mediterranean European in origin (Italian? Greek?), although because I know that Jason Alexander (born Jay Scott Greenspan) and Jerry Stiller (who played his father) are Jewish, their mannerisms and speech were VERY New York City Jewish.

    Replies: @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    , @Trinity
    @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    I would visit a Norwegian friend in upstate New York, he lived in a small town near Middletown, New York, might have been Goshen. Anyhow on his street were several families who left Norway in the 1950s. The only drinker I encountered was my friend who had some serious problems with alcohol. I remember his Norwegian mom made the best lasagna that I have ever eaten, my sister in law is Italian and I lived next door to an Italian lady who cooked us a lasagna every Christmas, but they had nothing on the lady born and raised in Norway.

    I remember eating waffles at my "Viking" friend's house in upstate, NY., and they would eat their waffles with cheese. I'm like, can you please pass the syrup. I did encounter a woman in the service from Minnesota who was obviously of Nordic ancestry, the girl could and would drink the average guy under the table. So that is 2 out of about 10 people of Scandinavian descent that I have met who were drinkers, most were completely sober or social drinkers.

  39. @Curle
    They don’t do hazardous work and avoid military service and farming if you believe Solzhenitsyn. Regarding military service there is the notable exception of the early Soviet Armies.

    Replies: @Captain Tripps, @The Germ Theory of Disease, @Buzz Mohawk, @anon, @Dry land farming

    Since historically Jews have been a minority outsider group in Europe, I am not surprised they would generally be underrepresented in a typical European nations armed forces. In the U.S. during the era of mass migration in late 19th/early 20th century, most Jews were “working class” and ended up in roughly their percentage of the population in the draft era armed forces, particularly in World War I and II. The Private Melish character in “Saving Private Ryan” would have been approximately correct for Jewish citizens in the ground combat arms (infantry, artillery, armor). Likely underrepresented at the Service academies during that timeframe (West Point and Annapolis were pretty WASP-y), but probably more normal in ROTC commissions (any other college that had an officer commissioning program). Later in the 20th century and up until today with the all-volunteer force, and concurrent with Jewish ascendance in more remunerative professions in America, you see less Jewish presence in combat arms professions (and in the enlisted ranks) and more in Judge Advocate General (military lawyers), and medical skills (doctors, vets, nurses). At least that is my biased Army experience (35+ years). I imagine the more technical skills required for certain Air Force, Navy and now Space Force occupations, you would see more Jewish representation there, but I’m just speculating based on my personal knowledge of Jewish friends/colleagues and their experiences.

    This website has data on military demographics, but I don’t see any specific ethnic or religious breakdowns to show Jewish representation; probably lumped in the “White” category.


    • Replies: @The Craw
    @Captain Tripps

    According to the Wikipedia article on Saving Private Ryan, the original screenplay did NOT include a Jewish member of the squad. The character that appears in the film as "Melish"did not materialize until Spielberg took over the project.
    Moreover, the character of Melish as originally conceived, was slated to die from a gunshot. It was only during filming that his onscreen death was changed to a brutal hand to hand struggle with a remorseless nazi.
    You may recall that the educated WASP Upham stood by cowering as the nazi killed Melish.
    Thereafter, Upham grew a spine and killed the German referred to as Steamboat Willie, to whom Captain Miller, at Upham's urging, had previously shown mercy.
    Subtle, no?

    , @Anonymous
    @Captain Tripps

    ended up in roughly their percentage of the population in the draft era armed forces, particularly in World War I and II.
    Let's just forget what the Coast Guard was nicknamed in WW2.
  40. The aveerage is skewed by all of the Jewish babies who die from having their heads chopped off.

  41. Israeli longevity is at 83.39. Behind Norway, Sweden, Australia, Malta, Spain, Switzerland and Italy. That’s Jews in Israel of whom the overwhelming majority are of European descent. There’s no longer a need for guessing, there’s a whole country of Jews where accurate numbers can be found. By the way, the average IQ of Israelis (Jews) is 95. I know, doesn’t fit the media induced stereotype, but facts is facts.

    • Replies: @Jus' Sayin'...

    By the way, the average IQ of Israelis (Jews) is 95. I know, doesn’t fit the media induced stereotype, but facts is facts.
    Ashkenaz Jews are the group with an exceptionally high average IQ, due primarily to high scores on verbal and quantitative skills. This may be due to a number of factors, e.g. (1) a strong "founder effect" about 1,000 to 1,500 years ago coupled with extreme endogamy or (2) cultural selection for these traits within a Jewish community providing services to feudal European society. On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling, @Buzz Mohawk

    , @Frau Katze

    The Jews of Israel are about half and half Ashkenazi and Sephardic. The Sephardim are not of European descent.

    Replies: @Jack D

    , @silviosilver

    That’s Jews in Israel of whom the overwhelming majority are of European descent.
    You couldn't be more clueless if you tried.

    As someone who routinely disagrees with you, I have to say I love it the way you post easily disprovable balderdash time and time again. Saves me the hassle of disputing with you.

    Replies: @Rich

  42. @Curle
    They don’t do hazardous work and avoid military service and farming if you believe Solzhenitsyn. Regarding military service there is the notable exception of the early Soviet Armies.

    Replies: @Captain Tripps, @The Germ Theory of Disease, @Buzz Mohawk, @anon, @Dry land farming

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn’t have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.

    At one point I stapled a $100 bill to the wall, and offered a bet: who could tell me, where could they say there were a larger number of military-age Jews: serving in forward-deployed combat positions in Iraq, or at Harvard Law School? (not Harvard in general, mind you… just the Law School).

    Not a single Jew was willing to take the bet.

    How anti-semitic of me to even ask.

    • Thanks: Captain Tripps
    • Replies: @Known Fact
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    First of all that's a stupid bet, I'd rather throw a hundred on an Aqueduct claimer. Second, given your snotty tone, I thought you were expecting some Jew who you "unfortunately" had to work with to simply grab the hundred.

    My father and grandfather didn't get to go to Harvard law school or any college, they were too busy serving in two world wars

    , @Corvinus
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Wow, what a great story. Thanks for sharing.

    , @Jack D
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    You must have been a real popular guy around the office.

    Back when America had a draft, Jews served alongside everyone else. My in-laws had a circle of "Greatest Generation" friends and to a man, every one of them had been in the military.

    Nowadays we have a volunteer army and we don't have mandatory quotas for ethnic groups. The most "patriotic" of all ethnic groups are the blacks, who make up 21% of the Army, far above their weight in the population. In reality, this has nothing to do with their patriotism (or that of Jews).

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects. If you go to work for a Big Law law firm, your starting salary nowadays will be north of $200k. An Army private makes around 1/10th of that. So naturally, the people with the mental HP to make it as Big Law associates would rather do that than make 1/10th as much as privates. OTOH, if you are a black kid or a working class white kid from W. Virginia, $26k/yr might sound pretty good to you.

    Replies: @Curle, @Art Deco, @AnotherDad, @The Germ Theory of Disease

    , @Anonymous
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    My Dad tells of how in 1967 all the Jewish 20-year olds in the brokerage office he was interning in while going to college at night did everything they could to avoid the Draft for Vietnam. The moment the Six Day War started they were clamoring to say they wanted to go to Israel to join the IDF.

    My 22-year old Dad then got drafted in mid-67 and literally landed in Saigon the week of the First Tet Offensive.

    None of those guys in his office ever got drafted nor went to Vietnam.

    , @kaganovitch
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn’t have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.
    Of course, I can't speak to your personal experience, but fwiw, survey data indicate that Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.

    Replies: @HammerJack, @Anonymous

  43. @Alec Leamas (working from home)
    Every Jew I have ever known personally is very involved in his or her own medical care and maintenance. A lot of them have baseline issues like Type I diabetes or other congenital illnesses, but they're always being poked, prodded and tested. I imagine that what presents itself as a disability (likelihood for illness) winds up being a net benefit to longevity because they're always under medical supervision. By managing chronic illnesses, they're intercepting other medical landmines. Like their fellow Hyman Roth, they're dying from the same heart attack for twenty years.

    Replies: @bomag, @Captain Tripps, @res

    Kissinger has been mentioned several times.

    I believe he had heart surgery at age 53.

    Seems remarkable he lived so long with that circumstance. Modern medicine at work, I suppose. I’d like to know his health protocol before/after.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze

    Re: Kissinger’s longevity.

    It’s a genetic thing. His mother lived to 97, his father to 95 and brother to 97.


  44. @Anonymous

    Saw this article a while back.

    Growing up in and around NYC among Jews, I was always shocked at how long my Jewish friends’ grandparents lived and prospered. Still coherent into their late 80s.

    My gentile Irish, Magyar and German grandparents were toast by their late 60s, looking like they were already in their 80s.

    Longer Telomeres? Protective genes? Sure.

    Also a lack of compounded Catholic/Christian guilt over time. Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances. How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on. Good for them.

    Replies: @Trinity, @The Craw, @Anon, @SFG, @puttheforkdown, @Wokechoke, @Bardon Kaldian, @silviosilver

    “They just know how to bury the past and move on.”

    If only!

    • Agree: Renard
    • LOL: Hunsdon
  45. @Alec Leamas (working from home)
    Every Jew I have ever known personally is very involved in his or her own medical care and maintenance. A lot of them have baseline issues like Type I diabetes or other congenital illnesses, but they're always being poked, prodded and tested. I imagine that what presents itself as a disability (likelihood for illness) winds up being a net benefit to longevity because they're always under medical supervision. By managing chronic illnesses, they're intercepting other medical landmines. Like their fellow Hyman Roth, they're dying from the same heart attack for twenty years.

    Replies: @bomag, @Captain Tripps, @res

    I was thinking of something similar. Jews have a large presence in the medical profession, and, by extension, their immediate/extended family does as well. I think, along with their general avoidance of alcohol, that they are very tuned to their health and can employ the network effect to get ahead of potential chronic or other debilitating ailments than members of other groups in general.

    • Replies: @Dmon
    @Captain Tripps

    ...and can employ the network effect to get ahead of potential chronic or other debilitating ailments than members of other groups in general.

    Biden administration nominee Rachel Levine faced scrutiny last May after she moved her mother out of a personal care facility shortly after she implemented a policy directing Pennsylvania’s nursing homes and certain care facilities to admit recovered COVID-19 patients who were treated at nearby hospitals.
  46. because they are smart but also small and weak?

    never thought about this group specifically, but maybe my default hypothesis applies. other things being equal, the trend is that the smaller and weaker you are, the less testosterone you have, the less calories you eat, the longer you live.

    i’ve asked this several times, but have the experts in this field done simple body weight to body weight checking for why women live longer than men? small weak men, barring the violence of the pre-modern age, indeed do live longer than big strong men, with huge men, either from height and muscle or fat, having obviously shorter lives.

    a 130 pound man is a small man these days, their life spans might be converging on 130 pound women. testosterone does seem to hurt you long term, so they’ll never be equal lifespans, after factoring in men having more dangerous jobs.

    • Replies: @Return of Shawn
    @prime noticer

    You analysis, I believe, is correct. I was thinking the same thing before I read your comment. People who are smaller, upper class, and intelligent typically live longer than those who aren't. Smarter people are less likely to not be around alcoholic/druggie people and are more future-oriented.

    Mormons aren't especially smart, but live longer due to clean living, perhaps even longer than Jews, which considering Mormons tend to be bigger.

    , @Joe Paluka
    @prime noticer

    Jimmy Carter always had trouble keeping his mouth closed, even when president, all we ever saw was his teeth. As for Henry Kissinger, we've only seen him sitting down for the past ten or twenty years, not walking around. His voice has always sounded like he was half dead.

    , @Ardrguutf
    @prime noticer

    Are Jews smaller and/or weaker than other men?

    Replies: @prime noticer

    , @Frau Katze
    @prime noticer

    Why do women live longer than men?

    An article from Harvard lists the larger size of men among the answers.

    Other factors mentioned: dangerous jobs tend to be male jobs, men commit suicide more often, take more risks, are more likely to die of heart disease, avoid doctors more, are less social.


    Replies: @J.Ross

  47. @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    Less excessive drinking is probably part of the answer.

    I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol — at least not for singles living in Manhattan who do a huge amount of socializing. (The title character works in nightclubs.)

    A lot of people drink when socializing to get over their shyness — Nordics are especially notorious for this. Are Jews less shy on average?
    It's funny that of the four main characters only the eponymous Seinfeld was explicitly Jewish, but that three of the main characters were played by Jewish actors and all four main characters were perceived as vaguely Jewish (This is partially because I think that for a lot of the United States, "Manhattan" and "Jewish" are not clearly distinct categories).

    George was purportedly non-Jewish, but it's impossible to think of George and his parents as anything other than Jews.

    One of the things I've noticed about Jews and intoxicants is that I can't think of a single Jew I've known of who was an alcoholic, but they seem to return to the average when it comes to other chemical addictions and especially prescription drugs. They just don't seem susceptible to alcohol as a trigger for an addiction.

    Replies: @Captain Tripps, @Trinity

    My impression was that George Costanza’s family was supposed to be Mediterranean European in origin (Italian? Greek?), although because I know that Jason Alexander (born Jay Scott Greenspan) and Jerry Stiller (who played his father) are Jewish, their mannerisms and speech were VERY New York City Jewish.

    • Replies: @Alec Leamas (working from home)
    @Captain Tripps

    My impression was that George Costanza’s family was supposed to be Mediterranean European in origin (Italian? Greek?), although because I know that Jason Alexander (born Jay Scott Greenspan) and Jerry Stiller (who played his father) are Jewish, their mannerisms and speech were VERY New York City Jewish.
    Wikipedia says George's father was Italian and his mother Jewish.

    Seinfeld premiered in 1989, and I imagine that when the show was being pitched there was consciousness about the show being too obviously Jewish, therefore the ethnicities of Seinfeld's supporting cast were made ambiguous or at least less obviously Jewish. e.g., Wikipedia also says that the Kramer character was previously named "Kessler" and before that "Hoffman" in a first draft of the original script.

    All four of the main characters are obviously stereotypically Jewish in their foibles and obsessions and neuroticism, even if veiled in ambiguous or non-Jewish ethnicities. This is similar to how the writers of Sex and the City originally conceived the show as being about the sexual exploits of single gay men in Manhattan, but swapped in straight women in order to appeal to a broader audience in the late 1990s.
  48. posted a couple times in the last year about the life extension era, and how the upper class is living to 95 now instead of to 75 like they were 40 years ago. but this phenomenon is not happening for the lower class. so it is intelligence itself causing them to make better life choices, or is it the good and lucky genes they got for intelligence also came along with other good and lucky genes for longevity and everything else?

    well, jewish people don’t have great genes for everything else, so in this test case, it would seem to be the intelligence? as the ashekanzi jews are the smartest people.

    but what about orthodox jews? do they live a long time? they aren’t that smart, but also have the marginal genes for everything else too. if yes, then maybe there’s something in the group, like how elephants have 40 times the genes for suppressing cancer. if not, then maybe we’ve made progress on how it IS simply being smarter that tends to lead you to living longer.

  49. Anon[181] • Disclaimer says:

    Saw this article a while back.

    Growing up in and around NYC among Jews, I was always shocked at how long my Jewish friends’ grandparents lived and prospered. Still coherent into their late 80s.

    My gentile Irish, Magyar and German grandparents were toast by their late 60s, looking like they were already in their 80s.

    Longer Telomeres? Protective genes? Sure.

    Also a lack of compounded Catholic/Christian guilt over time. Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances. How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on. Good for them.

    Replies: @Trinity, @The Craw, @Anon, @SFG, @puttheforkdown, @Wokechoke, @Bardon Kaldian, @silviosilver

    How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on.

    Could be that they simply don’t care about what the goyim think.

    • Agree: anonymouseperson
    • Replies: @Curle

    “How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Elliot Spitzer . . .”

    That they crave novelty and excitement more than others and that includes sexual novelty/excitement? That or they despair of boredom.

    We’ve had the sports fanatic discussion on this site mostly relative to southerners and I really don’t know where Jews land on that scale either. Sure, there are the Jewish sports fanatic movies and the porno industry, but is their libido calibrated north of average and their sports fandom above or below average? I don’t know. The unifying trait for Spitzer and Toobin might not be their Jewishness. For every Roth there may be an Updike.

  50. I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol — at least not for singles living in Manhattan who do a huge amount of socializing. (The title character works in nightclubs.)

    and casinos and The Tonight Show.

    Only one of the four is Jewish. George, of Italian descent therefore presumably Catholic, was once reminded by Jerry “but you don’t drink”. Kramer hosts all night poker parties and other bacchanalia. Elaine gets drunk at the office party and “dances”. I’d like to see the same laser-like analysis of the cast of Friends. Everyone on The West Wing drank, even the Jew Toby Ziegler. How can Young Sheldon be used as a lens to examine this matter?

    • Replies: @J.Ross

    They're all clearly Jews, and the insistence that they're not is itself the most Jewish thing of all. Now argue to the class that Ferengi aren't Jewish because they're not Homo sapiens and eat crustaceans. Jewish writers and show runners guarantee that, at worst, over time the characters and storylines will Judaize. Jews love talking about themselves.

    Replies: @ScarletNumber

    , @Mr. Anon

    Only one of the four is Jewish. George, of Italian descent therefore presumably Catholic, was once reminded by Jerry “but you don’t drink”.
    The series strongly implies that George is Jewish, and weakly implies that Kramer might be too. Only Elaine is explicitly supposed to be a gentile. And she is the one who is shown drinking the most and the only one shown getting drunk.
    , @ScarletNumber

    George, of Italian descent therefore presumably Catholic, was once reminded by Jerry “but you don’t drink”.
    I would say the George character is obviously Jewish, as his mother is obviously Jewish. One point against that argument is that the Jerry character went away to summer camp as a child, while George didn't. They made the character Italian just to slip under the radar.

    As for George's lack of drinking, there was an episode where the gang went to a dinner party, and George wanted to bring Pepsi as a gift, with Elaine overruling him because "we're adults".

    , @hhsiii

    That’s the Hennigan’s episode.

  51. @anyone with a brain
    Probably just higher incomes and less dangerous and draining work.

    Longevity seems to be in the genes, Churchill died at age 90,
    Jews Murray Rothbard at 68, Murray Bookchin at 85, John Von Neumann at 53.

    Compare apples to apples. I would suggest comparing the life span of university professors of different ethnicities. What is interesting is mestizo longevity, that is very counter intuitive.

    Nordics probably live long too, except there is no data on it because of the War. odd that the war eliminated the ability to collect census data on "Aryans" but not Jews.

    Don't expect data sets that distinguish Nordics appearing in research papers soon. That is verboten. Do expect more research papers on Jewish genes are related to IQ, better sex, longevity, social skills and chosen-ness in general.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    Churchill died at age 90,
    Jews Murray Rothbard at 68

    Rothbard came immediately to mind, as did Stephen Jay Gould, 60. Yesterday I mentioned Carolyn Leigh, who wrote the famous line, “And if you should survive to 105…” She dropped from a heart attack at 57– not very ladylike! (Here’s Tony Bennett, who reached a fortnight shy of 97, in a duet with “deliberate practice” author Geoff Colvin’s little sister, Shawn. This took 22 takes; now that’s deliberate.)

    From the same field, George Gershwin (38) and Amy Winehouse (27). Ruth Lowe might or might not have been Jewish, but she wrote “I’ll Never Smile Again” after her husband Harold Cohen died during a heart operation– at age 24.

    On the other hand, there were Irvings Berlin and Caesar, both of whom made it to 101. Caesar seemed determined to break Berlin’s record, and eventually did. Kind of like Bob Hope sticking it out to 100 because a relative had made it only to 99.

    • Replies: @SFG
    @Reg Cæsar

    Herman Wouk made it to 103. One of the very few right-leaning novelists I can think of apart from Tom Wolfe.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    , @Jack D
    @Reg Cæsar

    Ruth Lowe was Jewish.

    Gershwin died of a rare brain tumor.

    Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning. Her blood alcohol level at time of her death was 0.416%, 5x the driving limit.

    Longevity is a game of averages. In any group you are going to have some people who die young but Jews have fewer alcohol related deaths than most groups. Drinking less alcohol is going to add a few years to the group average.

    Note that, unlike Muslims or Mormons, Jews are not banned from drinking alcohol. They just don't drink a lot of it, except for some outliers like Winehouse. When I was growing up, a bottle of vodka might last for years around my parents' house. When my non-Jewish brother in law would come to stay at my mother in laws, I would be amazed to see entire fifths of booze disappear in a matter of days. It was like the proverbial hollow leg. And this guy was a functional alcoholic - a college professor, not a bum.

    Jews drink even less than other Mediterranean people like Italians - Italians will have wine with every meal. Jews in E. Europe didn't really drink table wine, just wine for ritual purposes and liquor only on special occasions. It just wasn't a part of the regular diet.

  52. Anonymous[148] • Disclaimer says:

    People live longer is warmer climates on average and a larger percentage of older Jews move to warm climates.

    It’s my opinion based on experience— I’ve had 5 strokes and 1 heart attack— that cool or cold weather increases the risk of things like heart attacks and strokes.

    There’s also evidence to hint at cold weather causing strokes and cardiac issues:


    • Replies: @Joe Paluka

    "People live longer is warmer climates on average and a larger percentage of older Jews move to warm climates.

    It’s my opinion based on experience— I’ve had 5 strokes and 1 heart attack— that cool or cold weather increases the risk of things like heart attacks and strokes."

    Total nonsense, cold Nordic countries have some of the highest longevity rates in the world, while hot India and Africa have some of the lowest.

    Americans who live in colder states might have higher rates of heart attacks and strokes because they stay at home in winter hardly moving and eating junk food. Sitting for extended periods is a killer, it causes blood to thicken and form clots leading to strokes and heart attacks.

  53. @SafeNow
    The pronunciation rhyming with hived is consistent with the word's etymology (from the noun life rather than the verb to live), and was formerly far more common, because it is, well, correct. It is not a matter of sounding snooty…it is simply correct. However, the pronunciation /lɪvd/ (the word is pronounced as the verb lived) is far more common today.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    The pronunciation rhyming with hived is consistent with the word’s etymology (from the noun life rather than the verb to live), and was formerly far more common, because it is, well, correct.

    When the boats arrived,
    we said it “lived”.
    But that’s been knived–
    or rather,
    to the lifeless “lived”.

    I’ve (“iv”?) had my head handed to me at this forum for reviving to knive. Even if to knife is “correct” now, the former is classier. Petruchio didn’t “wife” it wealthily in Padua!

  54. @Anonymous

    Saw this article a while back.

    Growing up in and around NYC among Jews, I was always shocked at how long my Jewish friends’ grandparents lived and prospered. Still coherent into their late 80s.

    My gentile Irish, Magyar and German grandparents were toast by their late 60s, looking like they were already in their 80s.

    Longer Telomeres? Protective genes? Sure.

    Also a lack of compounded Catholic/Christian guilt over time. Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances. How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on. Good for them.

    Replies: @Trinity, @The Craw, @Anon, @SFG, @puttheforkdown, @Wokechoke, @Bardon Kaldian, @silviosilver

    You seriously have never heard of Jewish neuroticism? Jewish guilt? Worrying about everything?

    My best guess is that plus IQ and money, all that worrying about health actually pays some dividends.

    • Agree: Mr. Anon
    • Replies: @J.Ross

    There does seem to be a connection (a subgroup of a subgroup, as with abstaining from drink) of Jews with "health food." Health food stores and brands are almost always Jewish-owned, eg, the biggest one, Hain Celestial, or the store by me. There was a story about Jews in Venezuela living under Chavez (who was then still alive) -- it depended on interviews with shoppers and clerks in a health food store.
    But then there's Ariel Sharon, or the Baskin-Robbins founder who ate ice cream every day and died in middle age.

    Replies: @Inquiring Mind

    , @Anonymous

    A self-centered neuroticism about health and money and then their guilt is only about “not being Jewish enough” as Steve would say.

    They couldn’t give a flying fuck about what the Goyim or anyone else think, nor if somebody wants to guilt them about bankrolling a porn. Doesn’t faze them or make them feel shame in the least bit. It’s just satisfying an urge, scratching an itch and nobody’s business but their own.

    There were no nuns in Hebrew school convincing them they’d go blind.

  55. @Reg Cæsar
    @anyone with a brain

    Churchill died at age 90,
    Jews Murray Rothbard at 68
    Rothbard came immediately to mind, as did Stephen Jay Gould, 60. Yesterday I mentioned Carolyn Leigh, who wrote the famous line, "And if you should survive to 105..." She dropped from a heart attack at 57-- not very ladylike! (Here's Tony Bennett, who reached a fortnight shy of 97, in a duet with "deliberate practice" author Geoff Colvin's little sister, Shawn. This took 22 takes; now that's deliberate.)

    From the same field, George Gershwin (38) and Amy Winehouse (27). Ruth Lowe might or might not have been Jewish, but she wrote "I'll Never Smile Again" after her husband Harold Cohen died during a heart operation-- at age 24.

    On the other hand, there were Irvings Berlin and Caesar, both of whom made it to 101. Caesar seemed determined to break Berlin's record, and eventually did. Kind of like Bob Hope sticking it out to 100 because a relative had made it only to 99.

    Replies: @SFG, @Jack D

    Herman Wouk made it to 103. One of the very few right-leaning novelists I can think of apart from Tom Wolfe.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    Herman Wouk made it to 103. One of the very few right-leaning novelists I can think of apart from Tom Wolfe.
    And John Updike, of whom a friend said the only federal program he supported was the Postal Service. Erica Jong lamented to an Italian magazine that Wolfe and Updike, our best writers, were "men of the right", while those of her own persuasion were increasingly lame. (Whether that was her exact phrasing, or via the Italian and back, I don't know.)

    Don't forget Yukio Mishima, who committed ritual seppuku in print, on film, and finally in real life. But "right" has a different meaning in different countries, as you're conserving different things.

    Mario Vargas Llosa and Václav Havel weren't exactly rightists, but were a move in that direction. Among the French New Wave, François Truffaut was a tad and Eric Rohmer quite a bit right-wing.

  56. @Captain Tripps
    @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    I was thinking of something similar. Jews have a large presence in the medical profession, and, by extension, their immediate/extended family does as well. I think, along with their general avoidance of alcohol, that they are very tuned to their health and can employ the network effect to get ahead of potential chronic or other debilitating ailments than members of other groups in general.

    Replies: @Dmon

    …and can employ the network effect to get ahead of potential chronic or other debilitating ailments than members of other groups in general.


    Biden administration nominee Rachel Levine faced scrutiny last May after she moved her mother out of a personal care facility shortly after she implemented a policy directing Pennsylvania’s nursing homes and certain care facilities to admit recovered COVID-19 patients who were treated at nearby hospitals.

  57. Looking across the page at the other Unz articles, you might think we live so long because we enjoy genocide so much!

  58. @Mike Tre
    "What other reasons might there be?"

    Baby's blood.

    Replies: @Erik L, @Dmon, @Jus' Sayin'...

    Dammit! Had to waste a reply because I wasn’t sure if this was an LOL or an AGREE.

    • Thanks: Mike Tre
    • LOL: QCIC
  59. @Danindc
    Yes. Jews are less shy. Arguing about everything and trying to get over on people are not signs of a shrinking violet.

    Replies: @Anon

    Arguing about everything and trying to get over on people are not signs of a shrinking violet.

    Just like the blacks, but the blacks have short life spans

  60. Growing old and “living” a long time is overrated. Who really wants to live to be 90-100 or even 80 IF you have trouble getting around and have to take multiple pills each day. At that point you are just existing. Like douchebag John Cougar/Mellencamp sang, ” live goes on long after the thrill of living is gone.” “Three score and ten” is long enuff for MOST. You lose your looks, your hair, your teeth, your mobility, your physical strength, your libido, your memory, your eyesight, your hearing, etc. Growing old does not sound fun.

    • Agree: Jack Armstrong
    • Replies: @anonymous

    Whiskey bottles …
    brand new cars …
    Oak tree you’re in my way …

    Replies: @Trinity

    , @theMann

    Especially when your prostate goes first and your knees second!
    At least I still have sharp eyesight and hearing - the suckiest part for me is that everyone is know is worse off than me so I can't even complain.

    , @Frau Katze

    I agree that age alone does not indicate having a quality life. This especially true with dementia, losing the ability to read and write and think straight.

    But not everyone gets dementia. I saw a video of Kissinger discussing the Oct 7 attacks. He was pretty decrepit looking but understood what was going on.

    , @Bardon Kaldian

    In some instances there is even more. In many people, even perfectly healthy & functioning, anhedonia sets in. Something Swinburne articulated:

    From too much love of living,
    From hope and fear set free,
    We thank with brief thanksgiving
    Whatever gods may be
    That no life lives for ever;
    That dead men rise up never;
    That even the weariest river
    Winds somewhere safe to sea.

    It may happen earlier, as Somerset Maugham noticed in a novel:

    Life had no meaning. On the earth, satellite of a star speeding through space, living things had arisen under the influence of conditions which were part of the planet’s history; and as there had been a beginning of life upon it so, under the influence of other conditions, there would be an end: man, no more significant than other forms of life, had come not as the climax of creation but as a physical reaction to the environment. Philip remembered the story of the Eastern King who, desiring to know the history of man, was brought by a sage five hundred volumes; busy with affairs of state, he bade him go and condense it; in twenty years the sage returned and his history now was in no more than fifty volumes, but the King, too old then to read so many ponderous tomes, bade him go and shorten it once more; twenty years passed again and the sage, old and gray, brought a single book in which was the knowledge the King had sought; but the King lay on his death-bed, and he had no time to read even that; and then the sage gave him the history of man in a single line; it was this: he was born, he suffered, and he died. There was no meaning in life, and man by living served no end. It was immaterial whether he was born or not born, whether he lived or ceased to live. Life was insignificant and death without consequence.

    , @Jon

    Growing old does not sound fun.
    My life's goals at this point are (1) to deteriorate physically faster than mentally, and (2) as long as #1 is true, to live long enough that the great grandkids (still theoretical) will actually remember me.
  61. @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn't have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.

    At one point I stapled a $100 bill to the wall, and offered a bet: who could tell me, where could they say there were a larger number of military-age Jews: serving in forward-deployed combat positions in Iraq, or at Harvard Law School? (not Harvard in general, mind you... just the Law School).

    Not a single Jew was willing to take the bet.

    How anti-semitic of me to even ask.

    Replies: @Known Fact, @Corvinus, @Jack D, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch

    First of all that’s a stupid bet, I’d rather throw a hundred on an Aqueduct claimer. Second, given your snotty tone, I thought you were expecting some Jew who you “unfortunately” had to work with to simply grab the hundred.

    My father and grandfather didn’t get to go to Harvard law school or any college, they were too busy serving in two world wars

  62. anon[791] • Disclaimer says:

    Imma take this opportunity to encourage all to pronounce “long-lived” the way it should be pronounced: long-LYEved. That’s right, rhyming with JIVED (ex: “That jive turkey was up all night jiving. That mfer JIVED til the wee hours.”) Because if something has a long LIFE its is long-LIFE’d. Duh.

    (Comparable to how in “The Lives of Others” the word does not rhyme with “gives”.)

    Thanks for your attention.

    –Joe Sweet aka Nietzsche Guevara

  63. Since it’s a slow news week, how about touching on a story with potentially huge ramifications for the future of American urban centers? The fact that it is from Frontpage magazine maintains the critical jewish connection of the thread.

    In a nutshell, the only group in the world with a long, uninterrupted history of successfully dealing with sub-Saharan Africans is pointing the way to a bright new era of urban renewal in America’s collapsing cities.

    The below-title quote alone is a meme goldmine.
    “Them Arabs in motherf***ing Detroit tried to kill me!”

    • Replies: @QCIC

    So the civil war will have the arabs, blacks, jews and mestizos fighting it out while the whites stand aside watching calmly. Who'd a thunk it?

  64. @Anonymous

    Saw this article a while back.

    Growing up in and around NYC among Jews, I was always shocked at how long my Jewish friends’ grandparents lived and prospered. Still coherent into their late 80s.

    My gentile Irish, Magyar and German grandparents were toast by their late 60s, looking like they were already in their 80s.

    Longer Telomeres? Protective genes? Sure.

    Also a lack of compounded Catholic/Christian guilt over time. Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances. How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on. Good for them.

    Replies: @Trinity, @The Craw, @Anon, @SFG, @puttheforkdown, @Wokechoke, @Bardon Kaldian, @silviosilver

    Good for them

    I’m all for cutting 100% of aid to Israel and then having you move in with them. You can really live in the moment then!

    A good amount of the longevity is probably just from Jews being midgets. Shorter people live longer, every inch over 5’9 or so you pay for in cancer and all cause mortality after your 60s. Italians are similar. If they can avoid being scumbag mafioso they’ll be 100 years old, hunched over, wandering around the neighborhood.

    • Replies: @Bardon Kaldian

    There could be something in it. Italians are famous for longevity- not to speak of the Japanese.

  65. @SFG

    You seriously have never heard of Jewish neuroticism? Jewish guilt? Worrying about everything?

    My best guess is that plus IQ and money, all that worrying about health actually pays some dividends.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Anonymous

    There does seem to be a connection (a subgroup of a subgroup, as with abstaining from drink) of Jews with “health food.” Health food stores and brands are almost always Jewish-owned, eg, the biggest one, Hain Celestial, or the store by me. There was a story about Jews in Venezuela living under Chavez (who was then still alive) — it depended on interviews with shoppers and clerks in a health food store.
    But then there’s Ariel Sharon, or the Baskin-Robbins founder who ate ice cream every day and died in middle age.

    • Replies: @Inquiring Mind

    Has he asked for anything special?

    Yes. For wheat germ, organic honey and something called "Tiger's Milk."


    Replies: @J.Ross

  66. Jews are not big drinkers but what about that other killer, cigarettes? I think we’re pretty low on this vice as well but my dad lived to 91 in part because he kicked a serious habit in his 40s. One grandfather was a big drinker and smoker but still lived to 88. Other grandfather was a wiry little guy who drank very little (like my dad) and was still pretty sharp at 90. He’s the one who saved a friend’s life during the Spanish Flu and the guy gave him a racehorse in return

    Jews do seem very health conscious as a group. I get the impression that one reason they stick to the NY and South Florida areas is for the medical care, which they suspect is substandard in many other parts of the country. I say “they” rather than “we” here because this is one trait where I part ways with my Tribe, I actively avoid medical care

    • Replies: @Captain Tripps
    @Known Fact

    Agree about the decline of widespread tobacco use. I think there is a direct correlation, not just among Jewish Americans, but all American ethnic groups over the last 50 years of increasing longevity. My mom kicked the habit in her early forties and is still going strong in her early eighties. Of course, some groups traded the addictive properties of nicotine for addiction to opioids and other drugs, which have decreased average lifespans slightly overall.

  67. @NotAnonymousHere.com

    I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol — at least not for singles living in Manhattan who do a huge amount of socializing. (The title character works in nightclubs.)
    and casinos and The Tonight Show.

    Only one of the four is Jewish. George, of Italian descent therefore presumably Catholic, was once reminded by Jerry "but you don't drink". Kramer hosts all night poker parties and other bacchanalia. Elaine gets drunk at the office party and "dances". I'd like to see the same laser-like analysis of the cast of Friends. Everyone on The West Wing drank, even the Jew Toby Ziegler. How can Young Sheldon be used as a lens to examine this matter?

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Mr. Anon, @ScarletNumber, @hhsiii

    They’re all clearly Jews, and the insistence that they’re not is itself the most Jewish thing of all. Now argue to the class that Ferengi aren’t Jewish because they’re not Homo sapiens and eat crustaceans. Jewish writers and show runners guarantee that, at worst, over time the characters and storylines will Judaize. Jews love talking about themselves.

    • Replies: @ScarletNumber

    They’re all clearly Jews
    The guys are, but Elaine has WASP written all over her.

    Jewish writers and show runners guarantee that, at worst, over time the characters and storylines will Judaize.
    Everybody Loves Raymond is an interesting case study as the namesake is obviously Italian, while the showrunner is very much Jewish, so you have a melding of the styles, which most of the country finds interchangeable. After all, Peter Boyle is Irish while Doris Roberts is Jewish, and no one blinked at them being cast as Italian parents. The brother is obviously Jewish as well. I also found it amusing that they cast three Aryans who were real-life siblings to play the children.

    Replies: @Art Deco, @J.Ross

  68. tfw jewish aversion to alcohol on one side of the fanily and japanese shyness on the other
    at least I’m reasonably good at math

  69. @Voltarde
    Longevity? Length can be . . . problematic.

    In this tragic case, a vain gentleman's longing led to the bris of death:

    Billionaire dies during Paris penis enlargement operation

    "Billionaire diamond trader Ehud Arye Laniad’s pursuit of a plentiful penis has ended in his death. The 65-year-old big wheel died of a heart attack at a private Paris hospital where he was undergoing a penis enlargement procedure. Reports say the Israeli-Belgian died on the operating table. Belgian media report that Laniad was stricken when a substance was injected into his penis triggering his demise."

    Replies: @YetAnotherAnon, @res, @Ardrguutf

    You’d think being a billionaire would be enough, but perhaps he became a billionaire by never thinking he had enough, and always wanting more.

    Now he’ll be remembered for death by penis enlargement.



  70. @SFG
    @Reg Cæsar

    Herman Wouk made it to 103. One of the very few right-leaning novelists I can think of apart from Tom Wolfe.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    Herman Wouk made it to 103. One of the very few right-leaning novelists I can think of apart from Tom Wolfe.

    And John Updike, of whom a friend said the only federal program he supported was the Postal Service. Erica Jong lamented to an Italian magazine that Wolfe and Updike, our best writers, were “men of the right”, while those of her own persuasion were increasingly lame. (Whether that was her exact phrasing, or via the Italian and back, I don’t know.)

    Don’t forget Yukio Mishima, who committed ritual seppuku in print, on film, and finally in real life. But “right” has a different meaning in different countries, as you’re conserving different things.

    Mario Vargas Llosa and Václav Havel weren’t exactly rightists, but were a move in that direction. Among the French New Wave, François Truffaut was a tad and Eric Rohmer quite a bit right-wing.

  71. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, of Kellogg’s cereal fame, wrote a book called Plain Facts for Young and Old. In it he touted, among other things*, male circumcision, and mused that it might be responsible for the general good health and longevity of Jews.

    *He was also a big fan of yogurt enemas and carbolic acid clitoridectomy.

  72. @Mike Tre
    "What other reasons might there be?"

    Baby's blood.

    Replies: @Erik L, @Dmon, @Jus' Sayin'...

    “What other reasons might there be?”
    Baby’s blood.

    Do Haredim mohels live that much longer?

  73. I mean, the richest ethnic group living the longest seems to be simple enough on it’s own. You’d expect this to be really pronounced in the US where the medical system is so dependent on money and insurance from good jobs. (Though the critical years are covered by medicare after 65, there is always something more money can get you in America in a way that isn’t true of other countries)

    Though the NHS obviously makes the UK different in this respect, compared to continental European countries it is chronically underfunded and filled with incompetent and indifferent staff from the third world and Eastern Europe who may not have very senior positions but cause infections and poor care for older patients in particular. Despite the reputation of the NHS, private medical care is a big world in Britain compared to continental Europe. (Albeit in an often vicious cycle where the NHS is underfunded driving more people to private and leading to more underfunding on the back of increased public indifference both to the NHS and the vicious cycle with more and more using private care) Indians in particular seem to be in senior positions in hospice and care homes and seem to be very quick to put down elderly patients with morphine.

    It’s not just the ability to pay for better medical care but the sense of comfort and self-esteem and control from higher social status. The examples of others in similar socio-economic conditions is also key, note, for example the proposals for things like a soda tax or even ban due to the massive chronic health damage done to young people in urban ghettos and other underclass populations from it’s consumption. Rich mothers fret over giving their kids too much sugar like that.

    The archetypal image of the poor in Anglosphere countries is obesity from very poor but cheap diets. Albeit they are changing now too being more aware, it took longer for them to be able to adapt to the new environment of sugar-rich foods and more sedentary lifestyles.

  74. Another way to look at it is why should all ethnic groups be identically long-lived? We have no problem with noticing that some breeds of dogs live to an average age of nine while others make it to fifteen.

    Why not people? Is there some average that everyone but Jews is clinging to? Or do Bulgarians, Sicilians, Swedes, Guatemalans, Burmese all vary from the mean to a greater or lesser extent?

    At any rate, I do suspect that not drinking heavily doesn’t hurt. Also, Jews seem to fret about their health more — that leads to that cancer getting detected in time more, and to adopting various health and exercise regimens that probably do more good than harm on the average.

    I have a (gentile) neighbor who is eighty seven. She will not go to the doctor. Well, it’s obviously worked for her, but I doubt if it’s a statistically defensible practice.

  75. Anderchrone

  76. @Rich
    Israeli longevity is at 83.39. Behind Norway, Sweden, Australia, Malta, Spain, Switzerland and Italy. That's Jews in Israel of whom the overwhelming majority are of European descent. There's no longer a need for guessing, there's a whole country of Jews where accurate numbers can be found. By the way, the average IQ of Israelis (Jews) is 95. I know, doesn't fit the media induced stereotype, but facts is facts.

    Replies: @Jus' Sayin'..., @Frau Katze, @silviosilver

    By the way, the average IQ of Israelis (Jews) is 95. I know, doesn’t fit the media induced stereotype, but facts is facts.

    Ashkenaz Jews are the group with an exceptionally high average IQ, due primarily to high scores on verbal and quantitative skills. This may be due to a number of factors, e.g. (1) a strong “founder effect” about 1,000 to 1,500 years ago coupled with extreme endogamy or (2) cultural selection for these traits within a Jewish community providing services to feudal European society. On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.
    Noticibly below 100, but not "well below." As I've been commenting over the IDF's ability to stomp on Hamas with remarkably few dead in what's normally the most brutal type of modern warfare. The average Israeli IQ is well above Palestinians who are around the general average of 85 for Arabs (but not those in Yemen who are officially a more African 66 (!)) and this pays of big in modern warfare, all the way down to the lowliest infantryman.

    If you don't count the Sephardim as "of European descent" or only some fraction, then I'm pretty sure "the overwhelming majority [of Israeli Jews] aren't of European descent."

    And "Israeli" is not axiomatically Jewish, using Wikipedia and religion as a proxy, only 73.6% as of 2022. 18.1% Muslim, then a scattering of others including the now rare Samaritans. Wikipedia says ~874, while I seem to remember a figure of six thousand a while ago. Given that both they and the Jews are "Old Testament" Abrahamic a compare and contrast for why one population ended up being so successful might be interesting.

    Replies: @Jack D, @HammerJack, @AnotherDad, @Rich

    , @Buzz Mohawk
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    The Ashkenazim have a high average IQ because they are European.


    Replies: @Jus' Sayin'...

  77. @J.Ross
    There are Jews who avoid drink altogether (like Howard Stern or Dennis Prager), but NPR did a story about abusive Jewish parents a while back and alcohol was a huge factor in that; there are also things like the command to drink at Purim until you cannot tell the characters apart. Unmentioned anywhere here is the historical Jewish connection to alcohol as concession-holding monopoly merchants and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.
    Then again, Chuck Berry lived to be 91, and in the 80s every year newspapers used to publish a fluff story about a pack-a-day smoker living into near-centennialism.

    Replies: @Pixo, @Jack D, @mark green

    Jews can be problem drinkers who should cut back. But what’s pretty rare is for them to become gutter wino alcoholics who start drinking in the morning and continue all day if they are physically able. They also seem to avoid nordid style binge drinking that involves blacking out, passing out in the grass, etc.

    Conversely I think Jews used to suffer from marijuana use disorder at a disproportionate rate. Weed legalization and the rapid decrease in its price however I think may have made extreme and pathological marijuana use more downscale and less Jewish the past decade.

    • Replies: @Known Fact

    I think Jews avoid total dysfunctional drinking (or heroin for that matter) because it would interfere with the quest for financial and/or professional success and respect. Jewish men are driven to give the wife a nice house and give the kids good schools, so the kids can continue the cycle. Even in not so lucrative business sectors we want to be seen and treated as professionals

    Now you might think this drive to succeed would not be healthy but for many Jewish men it's their fun and games. On their deathbed they really might think they should have spent more time at the office.

    I'm talking about secular assimilated American Jews, I do not claim to understand the Orthodox way of life but they don't look all that healthy to me. Now weed and coke could be a problem for young Jewish guys in the fast lane, but I wouldn't know about that either

    Replies: @Pixo, @kaganovitch, @J.Ross

  78. @J.Ross
    There are Jews who avoid drink altogether (like Howard Stern or Dennis Prager), but NPR did a story about abusive Jewish parents a while back and alcohol was a huge factor in that; there are also things like the command to drink at Purim until you cannot tell the characters apart. Unmentioned anywhere here is the historical Jewish connection to alcohol as concession-holding monopoly merchants and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.
    Then again, Chuck Berry lived to be 91, and in the 80s every year newspapers used to publish a fluff story about a pack-a-day smoker living into near-centennialism.

    Replies: @Pixo, @Jack D, @mark green

    NPR did a story about abusive Jewish parents a while back and alcohol was a huge factor in that;

    Sure, as Jews become more assimilated their drinking habits also more closely resemble that of the general population.

    there are also things like the command to drink at Purim until you cannot tell the characters apart.

    This commandment is mostly observed by the ultra-Orthodox. Most secular American Jews think of Purim as a children’s holiday like Halloween and don’t even know about the getting drunk thing. And for the ultra-Orthodox it’s a once a year bender.

    Unmentioned anywhere here is the historical Jewish connection to alcohol as concession-holding monopoly merchants and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.

    It’s unmentioned because it has nothing to do with Jewish longevity. Yes, Jews were connected to the alcohol trade in E. Europe and one reason was that they didn’t get high on their own supply.

    and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.

    Yes, white people are to Jews like blacks are to white people. They should have conservators appointed for them like Michael Oher so that Joos won’t trick them into selling their birthright for a bowl of porridge. This has been going on for 3,000 years – you would think that the goyim would have caught on by now. “Here peasant, sign this contract!” Peasant, “Shouldn’t I read this first? I’ll come back when I have learned to read.” Jew: “No, no, don’t worry about it. It’s all good. Just put your X down there at the bottom. Have another glass of vodka. My treat!” Where did you learn about this? In Der Shturmer?

    • Replies: @Renard
    @Jack D

    Yes, white people are to Jews like blacks are to white people. They should have conservators appointed for them... “Here peasant, sign this contract!” Peasant, “Shouldn’t I read this first? I’ll come back when I have learned to read.” Jew: “No, no, don’t worry about it. It’s all good. Just put your X down there at the bottom. Have another glass of vodka. My treat!”
    This is actually a reasonably concise history of early-modern Russia before the Bolsheviks.

    Replies: @Art Deco

  79. I was listening to an interview with some local guy who had just turned a feisty 102, so the reporterette asked the standard “What’s your secret?”

    “Always have some small grudge you can nurse,” was his surprising reply. Having some minor bug up your ass helps your mind stays sharp and your juices flowing. Now this geezer was not Jewish, but it strikes me that Jews are indeed very skilled at kvetching about some little thing or other.

    • Replies: @Wilkey
    @Known Fact

    I was listening to an interview with some local guy who had just turned a feisty 102, so the reporterette asked the standard “What’s your secret?” “Always have some small grudge you can nurse,” was his surprising reply.
    We had a psychologist come give us a talk on suicide back in high school. Among the reasons he gave us to not kill ourselves: ‘A lot of the people you know won’t care, and some will even laugh. After a few weeks most people will forget.’

    Seriously. I’m not sure that’s the best way to convince a high schooler not to kill themselves (he did elaborate to make it sound softer than my snippet suggests), and our health teacher definitely was not happy with that particular line, but the older I get the more I realize how right he was. Having a few people to hate can serve as a real motivation in life - including the motivation not to take your own life.

    Replies: @Art Deco, @Known Fact

  80. Only the good die young.

  81. OT: Another 2023 R.I.P.


    Pope.L, Daredevil Artist Who Invoked Heady Ideas About Blackness, Dies at 68

    Pope.L, an artist whose daredevil performances and conceptual artworks unraveled the concept of race and explored the complexities of language, died at 68 on December 23. His three galleries—Mitchell-Innes & Nash, Modern Art, and Vielmetter Los Angeles—announced his death on Wednesday, saying that he died unexpectedly in his Chicago home.

    Across the past four decades, Pope.L amassed an oeuvre of works that thwarted easy readings, offering up situations that alluded to the condition of Black Americans without outright stating what they were trying to communicate. The sculptures, installations, performances, and conceptual artworks that Pope.L created were often provocative and sad—and, more often than not, funny, too, in ways that could be shocking.


    His breakthrough with an art-world audience came in 1991. Sitting in the front window of New York’s Franklin Furnace art space, Pope.L slathered himself in mayonnaise, a material that he said lent him a kind of “bogus whiteness.” The piece’s plainly funny title, I Get Paid to Rub Mayo on My Body, suggested self-commodification in the name of art.

    So too did another legendary performance, 1997’s ATM Piece, for which Pope.L donned only a pair of Timberland boots and a skirt made of dollar bills, attached himself to an ATM by an eight-foot-long chain of sausage links, and doled out money to passersby. The work alluded to a newly passed law that made it illegal to panhandle within 10 feet of an ATM, and Pope.L seemed to know that he was flirting with trouble. He ended up being labeled an “E.D.P.” (emotionally disturbed person) by a police officer; a photograph documenting the performance preserves that very confrontation between him and a cop.

    In 2008, he produced Trinket, a 45-foot-long American flag that shreds itself as it blows in the wind; a version of it later acted as the backdrop to a performance by the rapper Kendrick Lamar. (Only recently did the work find an institutional home with the Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles, due to its unusual format.) And in 2017, he staged Flint Water, an installation and performance that involved bottling contaminated water from Flint, the majority-Black Michigan city that has been mired in crisis for much of the past decade. The bottles were produced as an edition and made available for sale.

    2023/12/27 by Alex Greenberger | Art News online.

    Fun for the whole family …

  82. @Carol
    @Dieter Kief

    IS there an IQ advantage, though? If so I'm not finding it in the literature.

    Or is this yet another thing re IQ being hidden or downplayed? Or is it just high IQ Jews who live forever?

    Btw I would add short stature as another predictor of longevity.

    Replies: @HammerJack

    Agreed; however wealth is typically the most dependable indicator, along with personal health habits of course. These also correlate with intelligence.

  83. @Pixo

    Jews can be problem drinkers who should cut back. But what’s pretty rare is for them to become gutter wino alcoholics who start drinking in the morning and continue all day if they are physically able. They also seem to avoid nordid style binge drinking that involves blacking out, passing out in the grass, etc.

    Conversely I think Jews used to suffer from marijuana use disorder at a disproportionate rate. Weed legalization and the rapid decrease in its price however I think may have made extreme and pathological marijuana use more downscale and less Jewish the past decade.

    Replies: @Known Fact

    I think Jews avoid total dysfunctional drinking (or heroin for that matter) because it would interfere with the quest for financial and/or professional success and respect. Jewish men are driven to give the wife a nice house and give the kids good schools, so the kids can continue the cycle. Even in not so lucrative business sectors we want to be seen and treated as professionals

    Now you might think this drive to succeed would not be healthy but for many Jewish men it’s their fun and games. On their deathbed they really might think they should have spent more time at the office.

    I’m talking about secular assimilated American Jews, I do not claim to understand the Orthodox way of life but they don’t look all that healthy to me. Now weed and coke could be a problem for young Jewish guys in the fast lane, but I wouldn’t know about that either

    • Replies: @Pixo
    @Known Fact

    The most robust and healthy looking Jews seem to be Israel’s “national religious” settlers. They often work outside and have tan or ruddy faces and sunbleached blond highlights on their often wild Jesus-ish hair. The women have a casual trad farmwife look and they are very fertile.


    It is a much better look than the pale sickly Hasidic 1820’s Lithuania look.


    Replies: @Joe Paluka

    , @kaganovitch
    @Known Fact

    Now you might think this drive to succeed would not be healthy but for many Jewish men it’s their fun and games. On their deathbed they really might think they should have spent more time at the office.
    Old Jewish joke : Moshe was on his death bed surrounded by family. He raises his head and asks “Mendel are you there?”

    “Yes, Father, I am here.”

    A moment later Moshe says, “Izzy, are you there?”

    His son, Izzy assures him he is by his side.

    “Joshua,” says the ailing Moshe, “Are you there?”

    “I’m here Poppa,” said Joshua taking his hand.

    “Rivka are you here?”

    ” Don’t worry Poppa, I’m here”

    Moshe raises himself on his elbow,

    “Then who the hell is minding the business?!”

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    , @J.Ross
    @Known Fact

    I forget the name and author but there's an excellent book from the 1900s with a passage to the effect that, Jews actually want to work and, if they somehow had a choice, would choose to continue at their business, whereas gentiles tolerate work because they want money and, if they somehow could, they would go fishing for the rest of their lives. Interestingly, in the only place where Karl Marx attempted to concretely illustrate his utopia, that's pretty much what he said.

  84. @Tono Bungay

    Perhaps, but I found that the editing of the episodes and the interweaving of at least two plots -- all within the 20-something-minute format -- was very clever.

    Replies: @Thoughts

    Only successfully done after Season 5

  85. @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    Less excessive drinking is probably part of the answer.

    I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol — at least not for singles living in Manhattan who do a huge amount of socializing. (The title character works in nightclubs.)

    A lot of people drink when socializing to get over their shyness — Nordics are especially notorious for this. Are Jews less shy on average?
    It's funny that of the four main characters only the eponymous Seinfeld was explicitly Jewish, but that three of the main characters were played by Jewish actors and all four main characters were perceived as vaguely Jewish (This is partially because I think that for a lot of the United States, "Manhattan" and "Jewish" are not clearly distinct categories).

    George was purportedly non-Jewish, but it's impossible to think of George and his parents as anything other than Jews.

    One of the things I've noticed about Jews and intoxicants is that I can't think of a single Jew I've known of who was an alcoholic, but they seem to return to the average when it comes to other chemical addictions and especially prescription drugs. They just don't seem susceptible to alcohol as a trigger for an addiction.

    Replies: @Captain Tripps, @Trinity

    I would visit a Norwegian friend in upstate New York, he lived in a small town near Middletown, New York, might have been Goshen. Anyhow on his street were several families who left Norway in the 1950s. The only drinker I encountered was my friend who had some serious problems with alcohol. I remember his Norwegian mom made the best lasagna that I have ever eaten, my sister in law is Italian and I lived next door to an Italian lady who cooked us a lasagna every Christmas, but they had nothing on the lady born and raised in Norway.

    I remember eating waffles at my “Viking” friend’s house in upstate, NY., and they would eat their waffles with cheese. I’m like, can you please pass the syrup. I did encounter a woman in the service from Minnesota who was obviously of Nordic ancestry, the girl could and would drink the average guy under the table. So that is 2 out of about 10 people of Scandinavian descent that I have met who were drinkers, most were completely sober or social drinkers.

  86. anonymous[203] • Disclaimer says:

    Sort of off topic but maybe on topic:

    A commenter who calls him- or herself Noochness at David Cole’s Substack posted this:

    “I don’t hear much that RFK Jr. is married to Cheryl Hines, Larry David’s wife on ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’– maybe Larry could be ambassador to Israel?

    Netanyahu: We have some complaints about—

    Larry: Here we go, here comes the litany.

    Netanyahu: You want the litany? I’ll give you the litany. The Palestinians—

    Larry: No, actually I don’t want the litany. But you’re going to give it to me anyway, I can tell….”


  87. @Jack D

    NPR did a story about abusive Jewish parents a while back and alcohol was a huge factor in that;

    Sure, as Jews become more assimilated their drinking habits also more closely resemble that of the general population.

    there are also things like the command to drink at Purim until you cannot tell the characters apart.

    This commandment is mostly observed by the ultra-Orthodox. Most secular American Jews think of Purim as a children's holiday like Halloween and don't even know about the getting drunk thing. And for the ultra-Orthodox it's a once a year bender.

    Unmentioned anywhere here is the historical Jewish connection to alcohol as concession-holding monopoly merchants and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.

    It's unmentioned because it has nothing to do with Jewish longevity. Yes, Jews were connected to the alcohol trade in E. Europe and one reason was that they didn't get high on their own supply.

    and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.

    Yes, white people are to Jews like blacks are to white people. They should have conservators appointed for them like Michael Oher so that Joos won't trick them into selling their birthright for a bowl of porridge. This has been going on for 3,000 years - you would think that the goyim would have caught on by now. "Here peasant, sign this contract!" Peasant, "Shouldn't I read this first? I'll come back when I have learned to read." Jew: "No, no, don't worry about it. It's all good. Just put your X down there at the bottom. Have another glass of vodka. My treat!" Where did you learn about this? In Der Shturmer?

    Replies: @Renard

    Yes, white people are to Jews like blacks are to white people. They should have conservators appointed for them… “Here peasant, sign this contract!” Peasant, “Shouldn’t I read this first? I’ll come back when I have learned to read.” Jew: “No, no, don’t worry about it. It’s all good. Just put your X down there at the bottom. Have another glass of vodka. My treat!”

    This is actually a reasonably concise history of early-modern Russia before the Bolsheviks.

    • Replies: @Art Deco

    The Jewish population of Russia was inconsequential prior to the partitions of Poland. Afterward, Jews were confined by law to the western frontier provinces.

    Replies: @J.Ross

  88. “Most of the more recent data I’ve uncovered similarly suggests that Jews remain especially long-lived”

    My vague impression is that people who live for a long time have a healthier lifestyle. In other words, it is environmental. Here is a study of what seems to be Mr. Sailer’s go-to group for discussion. I think they rank relatively high on the intersectionality hierarchy.


    Several studies have suggested that lifestyle and genetic factors play an important role in human longevity by protecting against age-related chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia.1 Although it is difficult to estimate the relative contributions of these two factors in promoting healthy longevity, studies conducted in monozygotic and dizygotic twins in Scandinavian countries have indicated that genetic factors may contribute to one-third of the genetic variance in life expectancy,2,3 but these results may not be relevant to people who live exceptionally long, for example, to 100 years. Evidence from existing studies suggests that the genetic contribution to a healthy life span in those with exceptional longevity may be greater than that in the general population,4–6 and several genes have been found to be associated with longevity these individuals.7–11 Although most of the studies in individuals with exceptional longevity have focused on genetic factors, the lifestyle of this population has received less attention. It is possible that those with exceptional longevity may practice a healthy lifestyle, or “longevity”-associated genes may protected them against the detrimental effects of an unhealthy lifestyle. To evaluate the lifestyle factors, including obesity, smoking, and physical activity, of individuals with exceptional longevity, a study was conducted in a well-defined cohort of Ashkenazi Jews with exceptional longevity.

    Conclusion–People with exceptional longevity are not distinct in terms of lifestyle factors from the general population, suggesting that people with exceptional longevity may interact with environmental factors differently than others. This requires further investigation.

    • Replies: @res

    it is environmental
    It is very Corvinus-like to seize on one side of a false dichotomy (remember how you keep asking me to provide citations for your fallacies? well, here is one).

    But at least in this case you look to be on the more than half right side.
    A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies multiple longevity genes

    Based on twin studies, the heritability of human lifespan has been estimated to be ~25%, although this estimate differs among studies2. On the other hand, the heritability of lifespan based on the correlation of the mid-parent (i.e., the average of the father and mother) and offspring difference between age at death and expected lifespan was estimated to be 12%3. A recent study has indicated that the different heritability estimates may be inflated due to assortative mating, leaving a true heritability that is below 10%4. The heritability of lifespan, estimated using the sibling relative risk, increases with age5 and is assumed to be enriched in long-lived families, particularly when belonging to the 10% longest-lived of their generation6.

    Replies: @Corvinus

  89. @WU
    Ruthless Will-To-Power promotes longevity.

    I'm surprised that evil old ghoul Henry Kissinger died as young as he did.

    Replies: @Art Deco

    The ‘ruthless’ example of ‘will to power’ held public office for one eight year period followed by a couple of months-long stints on blue ribbon commissions and some minor (volunteer) gigs on advisory committees. Between 1946 and 1969, the number of people working under him likely never exceeded a secretary and a couple of research assistants. He had a record as an occupation official in post-war Germany. Just what ‘ruthless’ things did he do in those positions?

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
    @Art Deco

    Henry Kissinger’s central role in the U.S. carpet bombing of Cambodia

    "From 1969 to 1973, as national security adviser and secretary of state under President Richard M. Nixon, Kissinger directed the carpet bombing of large swaths of Cambodia that U.S. officials at the time claimed were sanctuaries for communist insurgents from South Vietnam as well as North Vietnamese soldiers. Ben Kiernan, a historian at Yale University and a leading scholar of the U.S. legacy in Cambodia, has estimated that around 500,000 tons of U.S. bombs were dropped on Cambodia during this period and killed as many as 150,000 civilians."



    Replies: @Art Deco

  90. @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn't have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.

    At one point I stapled a $100 bill to the wall, and offered a bet: who could tell me, where could they say there were a larger number of military-age Jews: serving in forward-deployed combat positions in Iraq, or at Harvard Law School? (not Harvard in general, mind you... just the Law School).

    Not a single Jew was willing to take the bet.

    How anti-semitic of me to even ask.

    Replies: @Known Fact, @Corvinus, @Jack D, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch

    Wow, what a great story. Thanks for sharing.

  91. @Thoughts
    I've been watching Seinfeld too...great minds think alike!

    I keep watching seasons 5-7 over and over

    Jerry REALLY looks down on the working class...the bus boy monologue about how the bus boy hates his life shows how little Jerry knows about being a restauranteur.

    I don't think Seinfeld has ever done serious physical work and his arrogance shows.

    It's a good show...but it does not deserve the accolades it got in the 90s when everyone was GAGA over it

    There's several episodes that are superb and the rest are a bit blah

    The Bette Midler episode is interesting because 2 jewish female writers wrote it and other than introducing J Peterman and the Tag Scene at the end, it's a crappy episode. Like Derry Girls, women prefer to write characters Running Around Screaming. Compare it to the Male Written 'Don't call me Suze' episode and you can see the difference between the male/ female brain.

    Replies: @Mike Tre, @Tono Bungay, @James N. Kennett, @Corpse Tooth, @Mr. Anon

    Most of the episodes are still very funny. Some are now regarded as not PC. In one episode Jerry decides not to date a woman because she has “man hands”. 30 years later a heterosexual man is supposed to continue dating a woman when he discovers she has “man genitals”.

    • Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose
    @James N. Kennett

    Not to mention the infamous Puerto Rican Day Parade episode...

  92. @Reg Cæsar
    @anyone with a brain

    Churchill died at age 90,
    Jews Murray Rothbard at 68
    Rothbard came immediately to mind, as did Stephen Jay Gould, 60. Yesterday I mentioned Carolyn Leigh, who wrote the famous line, "And if you should survive to 105..." She dropped from a heart attack at 57-- not very ladylike! (Here's Tony Bennett, who reached a fortnight shy of 97, in a duet with "deliberate practice" author Geoff Colvin's little sister, Shawn. This took 22 takes; now that's deliberate.)

    From the same field, George Gershwin (38) and Amy Winehouse (27). Ruth Lowe might or might not have been Jewish, but she wrote "I'll Never Smile Again" after her husband Harold Cohen died during a heart operation-- at age 24.

    On the other hand, there were Irvings Berlin and Caesar, both of whom made it to 101. Caesar seemed determined to break Berlin's record, and eventually did. Kind of like Bob Hope sticking it out to 100 because a relative had made it only to 99.

    Replies: @SFG, @Jack D

    Ruth Lowe was Jewish.

    Gershwin died of a rare brain tumor.

    Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning. Her blood alcohol level at time of her death was 0.416%, 5x the driving limit.

    Longevity is a game of averages. In any group you are going to have some people who die young but Jews have fewer alcohol related deaths than most groups. Drinking less alcohol is going to add a few years to the group average.

    Note that, unlike Muslims or Mormons, Jews are not banned from drinking alcohol. They just don’t drink a lot of it, except for some outliers like Winehouse. When I was growing up, a bottle of vodka might last for years around my parents’ house. When my non-Jewish brother in law would come to stay at my mother in laws, I would be amazed to see entire fifths of booze disappear in a matter of days. It was like the proverbial hollow leg. And this guy was a functional alcoholic – a college professor, not a bum.

    Jews drink even less than other Mediterranean people like Italians – Italians will have wine with every meal. Jews in E. Europe didn’t really drink table wine, just wine for ritual purposes and liquor only on special occasions. It just wasn’t a part of the regular diet.

  93. Well, our 103-year-old neighbor who passed away this Christmas Eve was not Jewish, but I don’t know how much alcohol she consumed.

    Previous to this residence, we had a 93-year-old neighbor who said her secret was drinking “Stoli” in the morning. She was Polish American, and the booze didn’t seem to hurt her. She always had a large bottle of the vodka in her pantry.

    My father drank Scotch every evening and smoked cigarettes all day. He lived self-sufficiently in our mountain house among the elk at 7,800 feet to the age of 85. He dropped dead in the driveway after driving home from the store. He had gone to buy cigarettes.

    Anecdotes don’t mean much, but I wonder if genetics has more to do with this than anything else. I’m pretty sure it does.

    • Agree: Captain Tripps
    • Replies: @Corpse Tooth
    @Buzz Mohawk

    Did your Dad hunt the elk in his mountain aerie?

    Replies: @Buzz Mohawk

  94. @Anonymous

    Saw this article a while back.

    Growing up in and around NYC among Jews, I was always shocked at how long my Jewish friends’ grandparents lived and prospered. Still coherent into their late 80s.

    My gentile Irish, Magyar and German grandparents were toast by their late 60s, looking like they were already in their 80s.

    Longer Telomeres? Protective genes? Sure.

    Also a lack of compounded Catholic/Christian guilt over time. Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances. How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on. Good for them.

    Replies: @Trinity, @The Craw, @Anon, @SFG, @puttheforkdown, @Wokechoke, @Bardon Kaldian, @silviosilver

    Not working with hands or body.

  95. @Jus' Sayin'...

    By the way, the average IQ of Israelis (Jews) is 95. I know, doesn’t fit the media induced stereotype, but facts is facts.
    Ashkenaz Jews are the group with an exceptionally high average IQ, due primarily to high scores on verbal and quantitative skills. This may be due to a number of factors, e.g. (1) a strong "founder effect" about 1,000 to 1,500 years ago coupled with extreme endogamy or (2) cultural selection for these traits within a Jewish community providing services to feudal European society. On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling, @Buzz Mohawk

    On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.

    Noticibly below 100, but not “well below.” As I’ve been commenting over the IDF’s ability to stomp on Hamas with remarkably few dead in what’s normally the most brutal type of modern warfare. The average Israeli IQ is well above Palestinians who are around the general average of 85 for Arabs (but not those in Yemen who are officially a more African 66 (!)) and this pays of big in modern warfare, all the way down to the lowliest infantryman.

    If you don’t count the Sephardim as “of European descent” or only some fraction, then I’m pretty sure “the overwhelming majority [of Israeli Jews] aren’t of European descent.”

    And “Israeli” is not axiomatically Jewish, using Wikipedia and religion as a proxy, only 73.6% as of 2022. 18.1% Muslim, then a scattering of others including the now rare Samaritans. Wikipedia says ~874, while I seem to remember a figure of six thousand a while ago. Given that both they and the Jews are “Old Testament” Abrahamic a compare and contrast for why one population ended up being so successful might be interesting.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    @That Would Be Telling

    A lot of this has to do with "smarter fraction". The top people in Israel (usually Ashkenazi), including in their Army, are as smart as anyone on earth. These are the people who determine strategy in Gaza and do it in a way that minimizes Israeli troop losses. They are the ones who procure Namer APCs (based on Merkava tanks) and body armor and so on to afford the troops top quality protection. They are the ones that use combined arms and send in air strikes before the infantry is sent in. And so on - minimizing Israeli casualties is an important goal for the IDF and they have structured their strategy and tactics and equipment to fulfill this goal - it's no accident. And this is not just at the very top but extending down into the officer corps.

    So if the typical Israeli recruit is some Sephardi guy with an IQ in the 90s, he is still going to be protected (just as American troops are also protected).

    Now the top Hamas guys are also clever, in a killer sort of way. But they really don't have a deep bench. Anyone with any brains in Gaza got out years ago. The original refugees in Gaza were mostly fellahin (peasants) to begin with. The Palestinian elites had connections in Cairo or Beirut or Damascus and were not going to linger in some refugee camp for 70 years. They get a lot of help from the Iranians but politics dictates that the Iranians have to remain in the background and offer assistance from afar.

    , @HammerJack
    @That Would Be Telling

    I’ve been commenting over the IDF’s ability to stomp on Hamas with remarkably few dead in what’s normally the most brutal type of modern warfare.
    All about IQ, hmm? Tell ya what, let's arm both sides equally--a fair fight for once--and see how the cards fall.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling

    , @AnotherDad
    @That Would Be Telling

    On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.
    Noticibly below 100, but not “well below.”
    Agree. I particularly don't get this idea that the Sephardic Jews are bozos. They were middle-manning in Spain (granted when the Spanish IQ was much lower) and continued to do so in diaspora. (Thessalonica or wherever.) They've occasionally thrown up impressive individuals from small populations--like Notorious RBG's favorite Judah P. Benjamin. The Sephardic populations should at minimum be smarter than Mediterranean whites.

    My SWAG on the Israelis:
    Ashkenazi -- 110ish
    Sephardim -- 102ish
    Mizrahi -- 90-93ish
    Yemeni -- dumber
    Arabs -- 87-90ish
    Druze -- no idea

    The main thing is they've got a sufficient smart faction of really clever Ashkenazis to figure things out, make sure stuff that must work works. And, of course, they a) get the best military tech in the world from the United States and b) are fighting Arabs.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    , @Rich
    @That Would Be Telling

    Moslems aren't counted in the statistics for Israelis. So the 95 IQ is of Israeli Jews. Sephardic Jews are European, from Spain, although many have intermarried with the Mizrahi.

  96. @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn't have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.

    At one point I stapled a $100 bill to the wall, and offered a bet: who could tell me, where could they say there were a larger number of military-age Jews: serving in forward-deployed combat positions in Iraq, or at Harvard Law School? (not Harvard in general, mind you... just the Law School).

    Not a single Jew was willing to take the bet.

    How anti-semitic of me to even ask.

    Replies: @Known Fact, @Corvinus, @Jack D, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch

    You must have been a real popular guy around the office.

    Back when America had a draft, Jews served alongside everyone else. My in-laws had a circle of “Greatest Generation” friends and to a man, every one of them had been in the military.

    Nowadays we have a volunteer army and we don’t have mandatory quotas for ethnic groups. The most “patriotic” of all ethnic groups are the blacks, who make up 21% of the Army, far above their weight in the population. In reality, this has nothing to do with their patriotism (or that of Jews).

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects. If you go to work for a Big Law law firm, your starting salary nowadays will be north of $200k. An Army private makes around 1/10th of that. So naturally, the people with the mental HP to make it as Big Law associates would rather do that than make 1/10th as much as privates. OTOH, if you are a black kid or a working class white kid from W. Virginia, $26k/yr might sound pretty good to you.

    • Replies: @Curle
    @Jack D

    “Back when America had a draft, Jews served alongside everyone else.”

    Which is why we should return to the draft. Not just Jews, but the kids of MIC investors and members of Congress too.

    You have to admit that when we had a draft Jews were very visible in the anti-war movement.

    , @Art Deco
    @Jack D

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects
    Every once in a while you say something that's unintentionally revealing.

    Replies: @Jack D, @Jack Armstrong

    , @AnotherDad
    @Jack D

    The most “patriotic” of all ethnic groups are the blacks, who make up 21% of the Army, far above their weight in the population.
    No, it's the Scots-Irish as it always has been. (Black military participation is only very slightly higher than their young adult population percentage--a couple of points. You picked their favorite service branch.)

    But, I'll grant you that military service is not the be all and end all of patriotism. That is best determined simply by people's loyalty to their fellow citizens and their interests.
    , @The Germ Theory of Disease
    @Jack D

    The poet and educator Kenneth Koch was a man whom I greatly admire. I'd actually like to see somebody make a movie about his life. He was a friend and intimate of the great poets Frank O'Hara and John Ashbery; he was a fine poet in his own right, though not quite as good as those two -- But he was a brilliant educator, who worked in the NYC school system for years, teaching poetry to kids, and he wrote several text-book classics on the art of teaching in that vein: "Making Your Own Days" and "Rose, How Did You Get That Red?" among them. A great soul. And he was Jewish.

    To be rid of troubles
    Of one person by turning into
    Someone else, moving and jolting
    As if nothing mattered but today
    In fact nothing
    But this precise moment...

    -- Kenneth Koch

    If somebody had ever said to me, "That Kenneth Koch is just a no-good Jew" I woulda smashed him in the jaw with a claw-hammer. You get the idea.

    I brought him up for a reason, to illustrate a point. But I don't want to sully his memory with annoying polemics, so for the moment I'll leave it be and come back to it later.

    In the meantime: Kenneth Koch, what a great f#cking guy. Short-listed for Best Dude of the 20th Century.

    Replies: @anon

  97. More evidence that only the good die young.

  98. @Jus' Sayin'...

    By the way, the average IQ of Israelis (Jews) is 95. I know, doesn’t fit the media induced stereotype, but facts is facts.
    Ashkenaz Jews are the group with an exceptionally high average IQ, due primarily to high scores on verbal and quantitative skills. This may be due to a number of factors, e.g. (1) a strong "founder effect" about 1,000 to 1,500 years ago coupled with extreme endogamy or (2) cultural selection for these traits within a Jewish community providing services to feudal European society. On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling, @Buzz Mohawk

    The Ashkenazim have a high average IQ because they are European.


    • Replies: @Jus' Sayin'...
    @Buzz Mohawk

    The Ashkenazim have a high average IQ because they are European.
    First, the Ashkenazim are genetically distinct enough from the non-Ashkenazim European population that a simple DNA test can determine whether one is an Ashkenaz Jew. Second, if the Ashkenazim have a high average IQ solely because they are European then the average IQ of Ashkenazim should be about the same as the average IQ of all Europeans. In fact it is higher, at least a half standard deviation higher. On some dimensions of IQ, e.g. verbal ability, it is much higher, at least a standard deviation higher.

    Replies: @Buzz Mohawk

  99. @Curle
    They don’t do hazardous work and avoid military service and farming if you believe Solzhenitsyn. Regarding military service there is the notable exception of the early Soviet Armies.

    Replies: @Captain Tripps, @The Germ Theory of Disease, @Buzz Mohawk, @anon, @Dry land farming

    They don’t do hazardous work and avoid military service and farming if you believe Solzhenitsyn.

    I’m pretty good friends with a Jewish farmer, FWIW.

    And he’s certainly not the only one. Perhaps the most famous was Max Yasgur, who allowed the Woodstock Music Festival to take place on his farm.

    Not yer typical stereotype

    BTW I understand our own Jack’eD grew up on a chicken farm in New Jersey, God bless him.

    • Replies: @Curle
    @Buzz Mohawk

    Solzhenitsyn talked about repeated efforts by the Russian state to make farmers of their Jewish population. All in vain, apparently.

    Replies: @Jack D

  100. @James N. Kennett

    Most of the episodes are still very funny. Some are now regarded as not PC. In one episode Jerry decides not to date a woman because she has "man hands". 30 years later a heterosexual man is supposed to continue dating a woman when he discovers she has "man genitals".

    Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose

    Not to mention the infamous Puerto Rican Day Parade episode…

  101. @Anon

    How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on.
    Could be that they simply don't care about what the goyim think.

    Replies: @Curle

    “How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Elliot Spitzer . . .”

    That they crave novelty and excitement more than others and that includes sexual novelty/excitement? That or they despair of boredom.

    We’ve had the sports fanatic discussion on this site mostly relative to southerners and I really don’t know where Jews land on that scale either. Sure, there are the Jewish sports fanatic movies and the porno industry, but is their libido calibrated north of average and their sports fandom above or below average? I don’t know. The unifying trait for Spitzer and Toobin might not be their Jewishness. For every Roth there may be an Updike.

  102. @Thoughts
    I've been watching Seinfeld too...great minds think alike!

    I keep watching seasons 5-7 over and over

    Jerry REALLY looks down on the working class...the bus boy monologue about how the bus boy hates his life shows how little Jerry knows about being a restauranteur.

    I don't think Seinfeld has ever done serious physical work and his arrogance shows.

    It's a good show...but it does not deserve the accolades it got in the 90s when everyone was GAGA over it

    There's several episodes that are superb and the rest are a bit blah

    The Bette Midler episode is interesting because 2 jewish female writers wrote it and other than introducing J Peterman and the Tag Scene at the end, it's a crappy episode. Like Derry Girls, women prefer to write characters Running Around Screaming. Compare it to the Male Written 'Don't call me Suze' episode and you can see the difference between the male/ female brain.

    Replies: @Mike Tre, @Tono Bungay, @James N. Kennett, @Corpse Tooth, @Mr. Anon

    The funniest bits in Seinfeld emanate from the various mental disorders afflicting the four main characters. They don’t need to label the behaviors presented as indigenous to the Upper West Side because we’re all in on the joke. Seasons 4-7 are stellar. Along with Classical music Jews really excel at humour. I’ve worked with a few Jews and it was a lot of fun but I had to work at keeping up with them what with my IQ and all.

  103. @Buzz Mohawk

    They don’t do hazardous work and avoid military service and farming if you believe Solzhenitsyn.
    I'm pretty good friends with a Jewish farmer, FWIW.

    And he's certainly not the only one. Perhaps the most famous was Max Yasgur, who allowed the Woodstock Music Festival to take place on his farm.


    Not yer typical stereotype

    BTW I understand our own Jack'eD grew up on a chicken farm in New Jersey, God bless him.

    Replies: @Curle

    Solzhenitsyn talked about repeated efforts by the Russian state to make farmers of their Jewish population. All in vain, apparently.

    • Replies: @Jack D

    Maybe this had more to do with Russian society than with Jews? There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time:


    Mostly they were located in the coastal states and in the poultry industry. When, with the advent of refrigerated trucking post WWII, the egg industry mostly moved south (where costs were lower), the Jews did not follow. With greater access to higher education, the offspring of most Jewish farmers preferred to take up professional careers instead.

    Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose, @Curle, @Philip Neal

  104. @Buzz Mohawk
    Well, our 103-year-old neighbor who passed away this Christmas Eve was not Jewish, but I don't know how much alcohol she consumed.

    Previous to this residence, we had a 93-year-old neighbor who said her secret was drinking "Stoli" in the morning. She was Polish American, and the booze didn't seem to hurt her. She always had a large bottle of the vodka in her pantry.

    My father drank Scotch every evening and smoked cigarettes all day. He lived self-sufficiently in our mountain house among the elk at 7,800 feet to the age of 85. He dropped dead in the driveway after driving home from the store. He had gone to buy cigarettes.

    Anecdotes don't mean much, but I wonder if genetics has more to do with this than anything else. I'm pretty sure it does.

    Replies: @Corpse Tooth

    Did your Dad hunt the elk in his mountain aerie?

    • Replies: @Buzz Mohawk
    @Corpse Tooth

    A big herd of them would just sleep on our property. I would also encounter them on the nearby mountainside when I hiked there. No, Dad didn't hunt them, and I am not even familiar with elk hunting or the laws about it in Colorado.

    They just lived there. Apparently they felt so safe and at home that they just hung around. Sometimes they would literally stare and look in our big living room windows at us. It was very cool. They are large, majestic animals.

    Sometimes we counted as many as 30 or more in our yard. Then at other times there would be solitary males with big antlers wandering though. Dad would often tell me about what he was seeing after I moved away, and many times when I later returned and visited they came, never far off.


  105. @Jack D
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    You must have been a real popular guy around the office.

    Back when America had a draft, Jews served alongside everyone else. My in-laws had a circle of "Greatest Generation" friends and to a man, every one of them had been in the military.

    Nowadays we have a volunteer army and we don't have mandatory quotas for ethnic groups. The most "patriotic" of all ethnic groups are the blacks, who make up 21% of the Army, far above their weight in the population. In reality, this has nothing to do with their patriotism (or that of Jews).

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects. If you go to work for a Big Law law firm, your starting salary nowadays will be north of $200k. An Army private makes around 1/10th of that. So naturally, the people with the mental HP to make it as Big Law associates would rather do that than make 1/10th as much as privates. OTOH, if you are a black kid or a working class white kid from W. Virginia, $26k/yr might sound pretty good to you.

    Replies: @Curle, @Art Deco, @AnotherDad, @The Germ Theory of Disease

    “Back when America had a draft, Jews served alongside everyone else.”

    Which is why we should return to the draft. Not just Jews, but the kids of MIC investors and members of Congress too.

    You have to admit that when we had a draft Jews were very visible in the anti-war movement.

  106. @That Would Be Telling
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.
    Noticibly below 100, but not "well below." As I've been commenting over the IDF's ability to stomp on Hamas with remarkably few dead in what's normally the most brutal type of modern warfare. The average Israeli IQ is well above Palestinians who are around the general average of 85 for Arabs (but not those in Yemen who are officially a more African 66 (!)) and this pays of big in modern warfare, all the way down to the lowliest infantryman.

    If you don't count the Sephardim as "of European descent" or only some fraction, then I'm pretty sure "the overwhelming majority [of Israeli Jews] aren't of European descent."

    And "Israeli" is not axiomatically Jewish, using Wikipedia and religion as a proxy, only 73.6% as of 2022. 18.1% Muslim, then a scattering of others including the now rare Samaritans. Wikipedia says ~874, while I seem to remember a figure of six thousand a while ago. Given that both they and the Jews are "Old Testament" Abrahamic a compare and contrast for why one population ended up being so successful might be interesting.

    Replies: @Jack D, @HammerJack, @AnotherDad, @Rich

    A lot of this has to do with “smarter fraction”. The top people in Israel (usually Ashkenazi), including in their Army, are as smart as anyone on earth. These are the people who determine strategy in Gaza and do it in a way that minimizes Israeli troop losses. They are the ones who procure Namer APCs (based on Merkava tanks) and body armor and so on to afford the troops top quality protection. They are the ones that use combined arms and send in air strikes before the infantry is sent in. And so on – minimizing Israeli casualties is an important goal for the IDF and they have structured their strategy and tactics and equipment to fulfill this goal – it’s no accident. And this is not just at the very top but extending down into the officer corps.

    So if the typical Israeli recruit is some Sephardi guy with an IQ in the 90s, he is still going to be protected (just as American troops are also protected).

    Now the top Hamas guys are also clever, in a killer sort of way. But they really don’t have a deep bench. Anyone with any brains in Gaza got out years ago. The original refugees in Gaza were mostly fellahin (peasants) to begin with. The Palestinian elites had connections in Cairo or Beirut or Damascus and were not going to linger in some refugee camp for 70 years. They get a lot of help from the Iranians but politics dictates that the Iranians have to remain in the background and offer assistance from afar.

  107. Note that, unlike Muslims or Mormons, Jews are not banned from drinking alcohol. They just don’t drink a lot of it, except for some outliers like Winehouse. When I was growing up, a bottle of vodka might last for years around my parents’ house.

    Yep, this is the best alcohol culture. Available–not some forbidden fruit–but not burned through. (Alcohol sits around in my house–and I see in AnotherDaughter’s house–too.)

    But Jews obviously have a few other factors going for them:
    — high IQ, doing less stupid stuff; and now with medical care, seeking out care for treatable problems
    — more white collar work, less exposure to on-the-job injury; less damage from dirty/dusty/toxic environments; (noticeable how well/long folks were doing at my parent’s UMC/professional class retirement community)
    — probably a bit less isolation, more family/community connection clung to; with the us/them thing

    And I’d bet almost certainly some natural longevity selection. If you do a middle-man occupation there would be more benefit to your children from you staying around accumulating wealth and teaching skills, than there would be for the corresponding gentile peasant (selection for smarts, planning, mechanical skill, conscientiousness, health, physical robustness, get up and go … but not so much span.) So long-lived genes would correlate with richer more-successful Jewish families and be selected for.

  108. @Known Fact

    I think Jews avoid total dysfunctional drinking (or heroin for that matter) because it would interfere with the quest for financial and/or professional success and respect. Jewish men are driven to give the wife a nice house and give the kids good schools, so the kids can continue the cycle. Even in not so lucrative business sectors we want to be seen and treated as professionals

    Now you might think this drive to succeed would not be healthy but for many Jewish men it's their fun and games. On their deathbed they really might think they should have spent more time at the office.

    I'm talking about secular assimilated American Jews, I do not claim to understand the Orthodox way of life but they don't look all that healthy to me. Now weed and coke could be a problem for young Jewish guys in the fast lane, but I wouldn't know about that either

    Replies: @Pixo, @kaganovitch, @J.Ross

    The most robust and healthy looking Jews seem to be Israel’s “national religious” settlers. They often work outside and have tan or ruddy faces and sunbleached blond highlights on their often wild Jesus-ish hair. The women have a casual trad farmwife look and they are very fertile.

    It is a much better look than the pale sickly Hasidic 1820’s Lithuania look.

    • Replies: @Joe Paluka

    They all look like thugs from an Israeli trailer park.

    Replies: @Trinity, @J.Ross

  109. @Curle
    @Buzz Mohawk

    Solzhenitsyn talked about repeated efforts by the Russian state to make farmers of their Jewish population. All in vain, apparently.

    Replies: @Jack D

    Maybe this had more to do with Russian society than with Jews? There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time:


    Mostly they were located in the coastal states and in the poultry industry. When, with the advent of refrigerated trucking post WWII, the egg industry mostly moved south (where costs were lower), the Jews did not follow. With greater access to higher education, the offspring of most Jewish farmers preferred to take up professional careers instead.

    • Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose
    @Jack D

    Jack, I look forward to your book about the the Jewish egg industry.

    'Fascinating!' as Steve replied when I emailed him about some boring thing or another.

    Replies: @Jack D, @Reg Cæsar

    , @Curle
    @Jack D

    “There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time.”

    Your citation establishes that they had an office at one time and that the office serviced thousands. Not much to go on there with regard to proportions. That Jews preferred more remunerative and presumably less arduous work than the agricultural work promoted by the Czars doesn’t tell us much about either the Czars or the Jews. That the Czars sought to end the abuses relative to the serfs by promoting agricultural labor for the non-agricultural Jews and that effort resulted in failure tells us something about willingness of the Russian Jewish population to play ball with the country’s leadership on matters of mutual benefit to the nation as a whole.

    Replies: @Jack D, @Mike Tre

    , @Philip Neal
    @Jack D

    Are eggs a commodity, and if so is there a way for Jews to trade in them? Throwing a slipper at a Collateralised Egg Obligation or something like that?

    Replies: @Jack D

  110. Eleventh Commandment: Don’t be a freier!

    Keep your wits about you and you will tend to live longer.
    Drink and more likely you will not.

  111. Longevity is a well-established class marker. Even then Jews were rising by kissing up and kicking down.

  112. @Curle
    They don’t do hazardous work and avoid military service and farming if you believe Solzhenitsyn. Regarding military service there is the notable exception of the early Soviet Armies.

    Replies: @Captain Tripps, @The Germ Theory of Disease, @Buzz Mohawk, @anon, @Dry land farming

    The swing era band leader and clarinetist, Artie Shaw–a jew–walked away from the music biz to become a DAIRY farmer.

  113. Anonymous[419] • Disclaimer says:

    You seriously have never heard of Jewish neuroticism? Jewish guilt? Worrying about everything?

    My best guess is that plus IQ and money, all that worrying about health actually pays some dividends.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Anonymous

    A self-centered neuroticism about health and money and then their guilt is only about “not being Jewish enough” as Steve would say.

    They couldn’t give a flying fuck about what the Goyim or anyone else think, nor if somebody wants to guilt them about bankrolling a porn. Doesn’t faze them or make them feel shame in the least bit. It’s just satisfying an urge, scratching an itch and nobody’s business but their own.

    There were no nuns in Hebrew school convincing them they’d go blind.

  114. @YetAnotherAnon
    OT - or is it?

    Welsh Refugee Council uses 12 year old girls to present "welcome" video.


    Replies: @bomag, @Almost Missouri, @kaganovitch

    This is likely some Welsh girls’ middle school video project that has gotten misconstrued as government propaganda.

    Of course, Welsh middle school girls (and all UK kids) are fed boatloads of actual government propaganda, so this the kind of stuff they produce when given “free expression”, but still that’s not quite the same as being a government production.

  115. @Trinity
    Growing old and "living" a long time is overrated. Who really wants to live to be 90-100 or even 80 IF you have trouble getting around and have to take multiple pills each day. At that point you are just existing. Like douchebag John Cougar/Mellencamp sang, " live goes on long after the thrill of living is gone." "Three score and ten" is long enuff for MOST. You lose your looks, your hair, your teeth, your mobility, your physical strength, your libido, your memory, your eyesight, your hearing, etc. Growing old does not sound fun.

    Replies: @anonymous, @theMann, @Frau Katze, @Bardon Kaldian, @Jon

    Whiskey bottles …
    brand new cars …
    Oak tree you’re in my way …

    • Thanks: Trinity
    • Replies: @Trinity

    Better to burn out then fade away.

  116. @Jack D

    Maybe this had more to do with Russian society than with Jews? There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time:


    Mostly they were located in the coastal states and in the poultry industry. When, with the advent of refrigerated trucking post WWII, the egg industry mostly moved south (where costs were lower), the Jews did not follow. With greater access to higher education, the offspring of most Jewish farmers preferred to take up professional careers instead.

    Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose, @Curle, @Philip Neal

    Jack, I look forward to your book about the the Jewish egg industry.

    ‘Fascinating!’ as Steve replied when I emailed him about some boring thing or another.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    @Ghost of Bull Moose

    People have written books about this already. I wouldn't bring it up at all except that people here seem to have antique notions about Jews like they were marooned on a desert island and the most recent book that they have access to is The International Jew by Henry Ford.

    Israel has a very notable agricultural sector that is responsible for some important innovations such as drip irrigation that are now found all over the world. I should note though that if you visit a kibbutz today that most likely you will find that a segment of it has been converted to an industrial park doing some sort of light industry (plastics manufacturing, for example). It's really hard to make a living doing just agriculture. Most agricultural commodities are very low on the value added chain - when you buy a loaf of bread for $3, the wheat farmer gets 10 cents. A lot of farmers moonlight with 2nd jobs to pay the bills.

    Replies: @David In TN

    , @Reg Cæsar
    @Ghost of Bull Moose

    Jack, I look forward to your book about the the Jewish egg industry.
    Hey, it worked for Mrs McDonald:


    Steve or one of his neighbors can write the screenplay.
  117. Okay, but why do Jewish men die before their wives?

    Because they want to.

    • Replies: @kaganovitch
    @Ghost of Bull Moose

    Okay, but why do Jewish men die before their wives?

    Because they want to.
    Reminds me of a curmudgeon I used to work with. Really great guy but a sharp tongue. Anyway, one day we were having a coffee in his office and one of our colleagues walked in and said “Did you hear? Bridget’s husband died yesterday.” (Bridget was the Food Services Director and a truly vicious harpy) So my friend says “Lucky guy!”
  118. Which races and ethnicities were less likely to smoke tobacco 50 years ago and now?

    It doesn’t shorten every smoker’s life. My SIL’s mother quit in her 50s after her husband died of cancer from cigar-smoking in his 60s. She died last fall at 100. Her youngest son died of lung cancer at 70 this summer. He was the only one in the family that never smoked.

    • Replies: @res
    @Ralph L

    He was the only one in the family that never smoked.
    Worth noting that from the information you gave he spent his entire childhood in a smoking household. Your point still has merit, but I doubt that childhood exposure helped him.

    Some data.
    Childhood Exposure to Secondhand Smoke and Functional Mannose Binding Lectin Polymorphisms Are Associated with Increased Lung Cancer Risk

    In the NCI-MD study, secondhand smoke exposure during childhood was associated with increased lung cancer risk among never smokers [odds ratio (OR), 2.25; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.04-4.90]. This was confirmed in the Mayo study (OR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.00-2.15).
    Those OR are smaller than I might have guessed given the lung cancer rates I see here.
  119. @Renard
    @Jack D

    Yes, white people are to Jews like blacks are to white people. They should have conservators appointed for them... “Here peasant, sign this contract!” Peasant, “Shouldn’t I read this first? I’ll come back when I have learned to read.” Jew: “No, no, don’t worry about it. It’s all good. Just put your X down there at the bottom. Have another glass of vodka. My treat!”
    This is actually a reasonably concise history of early-modern Russia before the Bolsheviks.

    Replies: @Art Deco

    The Jewish population of Russia was inconsequential prior to the partitions of Poland. Afterward, Jews were confined by law to the western frontier provinces.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
    @Art Deco

    Exactly, that's where this was taking place.

  120. @Jack D
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    You must have been a real popular guy around the office.

    Back when America had a draft, Jews served alongside everyone else. My in-laws had a circle of "Greatest Generation" friends and to a man, every one of them had been in the military.

    Nowadays we have a volunteer army and we don't have mandatory quotas for ethnic groups. The most "patriotic" of all ethnic groups are the blacks, who make up 21% of the Army, far above their weight in the population. In reality, this has nothing to do with their patriotism (or that of Jews).

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects. If you go to work for a Big Law law firm, your starting salary nowadays will be north of $200k. An Army private makes around 1/10th of that. So naturally, the people with the mental HP to make it as Big Law associates would rather do that than make 1/10th as much as privates. OTOH, if you are a black kid or a working class white kid from W. Virginia, $26k/yr might sound pretty good to you.

    Replies: @Curle, @Art Deco, @AnotherDad, @The Germ Theory of Disease

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects
    Every once in a while you say something that’s unintentionally revealing.

    • Agree: Curle
    • Replies: @Jack D
    @Art Deco

    What is your explanation for why the US Army is 20% black? Is it because blacks are extra patriotic, unlike Jews, even more patriotic than white people?

    Replies: @Art Deco, @Joe Stalin, @Trinity

    , @Jack Armstrong
    @Art Deco

    What percentage of the IDF is Black?

  121. @Chrisnonymous
    I haven't looked into this, but I am guessing that there is a correlation between intelligence and longevity and that it predates current "scientific dietary advice" such that "healthy living bias" is not an explanation. Better brains equate to better bodies. Not faster running and bigger dicks but just better in general.

    Replies: @res

    Both probably matter. What you are referring to is known as the “system integrity hypothesis.” Recycling part of a recent comment.

    See the “system integrity hypothesis” here:

    The System integrity hypothesis posits that childhood intelligence is just one aspect of a well wired and well-functioning body and suggests that there is a latent trait that encompasses intelligence, health and many other factors.[82][83] This trait indexes how well the body is functioning and how well the body can respond to change and return to a normal balance again (allostatic load). According to the system integrity hypothesis lower IQ does not cause mortality but instead poor system integrity causes lower intelligence and poorer health as well as a range of other traits which can be thought of as markers of system integrity. Professor Ian Deary has proposed that fluctuating asymmetry, speed of information processing, physical co-ordination, physical strength, metabolic syndrome and genetic correlation may be further potential markers of system integrity which by definition should explain a large part of or nullify the relationship between intelligence and mortality.

    • Agree: Chrisnonymous
    • Thanks: That Would Be Telling
  122. @Voltarde
    Longevity? Length can be . . . problematic.

    In this tragic case, a vain gentleman's longing led to the bris of death:

    Billionaire dies during Paris penis enlargement operation

    "Billionaire diamond trader Ehud Arye Laniad’s pursuit of a plentiful penis has ended in his death. The 65-year-old big wheel died of a heart attack at a private Paris hospital where he was undergoing a penis enlargement procedure. Reports say the Israeli-Belgian died on the operating table. Belgian media report that Laniad was stricken when a substance was injected into his penis triggering his demise."

    Replies: @YetAnotherAnon, @res, @Ardrguutf

    At age 65?!

  123. @Alec Leamas (working from home)
    Every Jew I have ever known personally is very involved in his or her own medical care and maintenance. A lot of them have baseline issues like Type I diabetes or other congenital illnesses, but they're always being poked, prodded and tested. I imagine that what presents itself as a disability (likelihood for illness) winds up being a net benefit to longevity because they're always under medical supervision. By managing chronic illnesses, they're intercepting other medical landmines. Like their fellow Hyman Roth, they're dying from the same heart attack for twenty years.

    Replies: @bomag, @Captain Tripps, @res

    I have mixed feelings about that. The attentiveness might be beneficial, but I think it is important to manage your own care to a degree. Not sure uncritically and indiscriminately following mainstream medical advice is the route to healthy longevity.

  124. A lot of people drink when socializing to get over their shyness — Nordics are especially notorious for this. Are Jews less shy on average?

    I haven’t seen any official statistics; but that is almost certainly the case.

  125. @Thoughts
    I've been watching Seinfeld too...great minds think alike!

    I keep watching seasons 5-7 over and over

    Jerry REALLY looks down on the working class...the bus boy monologue about how the bus boy hates his life shows how little Jerry knows about being a restauranteur.

    I don't think Seinfeld has ever done serious physical work and his arrogance shows.

    It's a good show...but it does not deserve the accolades it got in the 90s when everyone was GAGA over it

    There's several episodes that are superb and the rest are a bit blah

    The Bette Midler episode is interesting because 2 jewish female writers wrote it and other than introducing J Peterman and the Tag Scene at the end, it's a crappy episode. Like Derry Girls, women prefer to write characters Running Around Screaming. Compare it to the Male Written 'Don't call me Suze' episode and you can see the difference between the male/ female brain.

    Replies: @Mike Tre, @Tono Bungay, @James N. Kennett, @Corpse Tooth, @Mr. Anon

    Jerry REALLY looks down on the working class…the bus boy monologue about how the bus boy hates his life shows how little Jerry knows about being a restauranteur.

    I don’t think Seinfeld has ever done serious physical work and his arrogance shows.

    As the series progressed, that became part of the joke, perhaps the dominant aspect. They’re all supposed to be selfish, self-absorbed people who casually wreck other people’s lives, despite thinking well of themselves.

    That’s why it was funny. As Seinfeld commented about the series: Nobody hugs, nobody learns anything. They didn’t want to be like Cheers.

    I found the Bette Midler episode to be funny – not the best, certainly, but not bad. I like the gunning gag of Rochelle, Rochelle which went from being an Emmanuelle-like soft-core porn movie in earlier seasons to being a big Broadway musical.

    I must admit that a lot of the sitcoms in the 90s were pretty good, in the sense of being pretty consistently funny. I’ve recently been watching episodes of Just Shoot Me, and they’re quite entertaining. It doesn’t take itself seriously – it’s mostly just gags and one-liners and for the most part, it works.

  126. Do Jews have children at a later age than gentiles, on average? That is something that I can imagine would eventually select for longevity.

    • Replies: @res
    @Mr. Anon

    Agreed. This claims they do, but short on numbers.

  127. @Jack D

    Maybe this had more to do with Russian society than with Jews? There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time:


    Mostly they were located in the coastal states and in the poultry industry. When, with the advent of refrigerated trucking post WWII, the egg industry mostly moved south (where costs were lower), the Jews did not follow. With greater access to higher education, the offspring of most Jewish farmers preferred to take up professional careers instead.

    Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose, @Curle, @Philip Neal

    “There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time.”

    Your citation establishes that they had an office at one time and that the office serviced thousands. Not much to go on there with regard to proportions. That Jews preferred more remunerative and presumably less arduous work than the agricultural work promoted by the Czars doesn’t tell us much about either the Czars or the Jews. That the Czars sought to end the abuses relative to the serfs by promoting agricultural labor for the non-agricultural Jews and that effort resulted in failure tells us something about willingness of the Russian Jewish population to play ball with the country’s leadership on matters of mutual benefit to the nation as a whole.

    • Replies: @Jack D

    Yeah, when I think of the Czars, mutual benefit are definitely the words that come to mind.

    How was getting the Jews to do agricultural work supposed to help the serfs? Wouldn't these mean an even bigger labor pool when there was already too much serf labor available and consequently low wages for them?

    As Art points out, there were no Jews in most of Russia proper, only in the Pale of Settlement that Russia acquired when the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth fell apart. In the Pale, while the Jews did not generally pursue agriculture themselves, they had important roles as adders of value who would buy agricultural products from the peasants and estate owners (wheat, hides, flax, raw milk, logs, etc.) and transform them into higher value products (flour, vodka, leather and shoes, cloth and clothing, cheese, sawn lumber, etc.) Without this, there was no cash economy - all the peasants could do was to eat what they grew.

    My own grandfather had a grain and lumber mill in his rural shtetl. I once saw the business directory for the town. There were many such Jewish owned businesses (my mother remembered them all when I read off their names). A leather tannery. A cattle dealer. Etc. Not only did these businesses provide an outlet for the products grown by the peasants but they also provided employment.

    Replies: @AnotherDad

    , @Mike Tre

    "“There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time.”"

    But no plantation owners! Crazy!

  128. @J.Ross
    There are Jews who avoid drink altogether (like Howard Stern or Dennis Prager), but NPR did a story about abusive Jewish parents a while back and alcohol was a huge factor in that; there are also things like the command to drink at Purim until you cannot tell the characters apart. Unmentioned anywhere here is the historical Jewish connection to alcohol as concession-holding monopoly merchants and the Jewish use of alcohol to trick peasants into signing gratuitously unjust contracts.
    Then again, Chuck Berry lived to be 91, and in the 80s every year newspapers used to publish a fluff story about a pack-a-day smoker living into near-centennialism.

    Replies: @Pixo, @Jack D, @mark green

    Evidence indicates that smoking clearly does shorten life (on average.) But this is not true of alcohol consumption. Drinking a little booze (even a lot of booze) actually extends human life.


    • Replies: @J.Ross
    @mark green

    I am suspicious of these studies because there's too many balls in the air, too many different kinds of drinkers, and because it seems there are more logical things to focus on -- drinking could be enabled by wealth (which predicts for quality medical care) or despair (which predicts for death, except when I do it). Maybe the Mediterranean and Okinawan diets are so beneficial, they "clean up" a little of the harm from daily wine.

  129. @NotAnonymousHere.com

    I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol — at least not for singles living in Manhattan who do a huge amount of socializing. (The title character works in nightclubs.)
    and casinos and The Tonight Show.

    Only one of the four is Jewish. George, of Italian descent therefore presumably Catholic, was once reminded by Jerry "but you don't drink". Kramer hosts all night poker parties and other bacchanalia. Elaine gets drunk at the office party and "dances". I'd like to see the same laser-like analysis of the cast of Friends. Everyone on The West Wing drank, even the Jew Toby Ziegler. How can Young Sheldon be used as a lens to examine this matter?

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Mr. Anon, @ScarletNumber, @hhsiii

    Only one of the four is Jewish. George, of Italian descent therefore presumably Catholic, was once reminded by Jerry “but you don’t drink”.

    The series strongly implies that George is Jewish, and weakly implies that Kramer might be too. Only Elaine is explicitly supposed to be a gentile. And she is the one who is shown drinking the most and the only one shown getting drunk.

  130. @Ghost of Bull Moose
    @Jack D

    Jack, I look forward to your book about the the Jewish egg industry.

    'Fascinating!' as Steve replied when I emailed him about some boring thing or another.

    Replies: @Jack D, @Reg Cæsar

    People have written books about this already. I wouldn’t bring it up at all except that people here seem to have antique notions about Jews like they were marooned on a desert island and the most recent book that they have access to is The International Jew by Henry Ford.

    Israel has a very notable agricultural sector that is responsible for some important innovations such as drip irrigation that are now found all over the world. I should note though that if you visit a kibbutz today that most likely you will find that a segment of it has been converted to an industrial park doing some sort of light industry (plastics manufacturing, for example). It’s really hard to make a living doing just agriculture. Most agricultural commodities are very low on the value added chain – when you buy a loaf of bread for $3, the wheat farmer gets 10 cents. A lot of farmers moonlight with 2nd jobs to pay the bills.

    • Replies: @David In TN
    @Jack D

    On the family farm in Tennessee I grew up on, my father had a job at a factory making electrodes. And a 300 acre plus property raising cattle, and various products.

  131. I think that Hebrew Billy Joel put it very aptly in his song, “Only the Good Die Young”. The devil looks after his own.

  132. @That Would Be Telling
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.
    Noticibly below 100, but not "well below." As I've been commenting over the IDF's ability to stomp on Hamas with remarkably few dead in what's normally the most brutal type of modern warfare. The average Israeli IQ is well above Palestinians who are around the general average of 85 for Arabs (but not those in Yemen who are officially a more African 66 (!)) and this pays of big in modern warfare, all the way down to the lowliest infantryman.

    If you don't count the Sephardim as "of European descent" or only some fraction, then I'm pretty sure "the overwhelming majority [of Israeli Jews] aren't of European descent."

    And "Israeli" is not axiomatically Jewish, using Wikipedia and religion as a proxy, only 73.6% as of 2022. 18.1% Muslim, then a scattering of others including the now rare Samaritans. Wikipedia says ~874, while I seem to remember a figure of six thousand a while ago. Given that both they and the Jews are "Old Testament" Abrahamic a compare and contrast for why one population ended up being so successful might be interesting.

    Replies: @Jack D, @HammerJack, @AnotherDad, @Rich

    I’ve been commenting over the IDF’s ability to stomp on Hamas with remarkably few dead in what’s normally the most brutal type of modern warfare.

    All about IQ, hmm? Tell ya what, let’s arm both sides equally–a fair fight for once–and see how the cards fall.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling

    All about IQ, hmm?
    Sorry I wasn't clear enough.

    Urban warfare in a area prepared by the defender for decades for it, that defender well armed with rifles, maybe machine guns?, and very man portable like RPGs anti-tank weapons should be chewing up the IDF in much higher numbers/fractions compared to Hamas. We know IQ is very important for war making ability all the way down to infantrymen, and that there's a huge gap between the IDF and Hamas from the populations they're drawn from. It would be remarkable if IQ wasn't a significant factor in explaining this.

    Tell ya what, let’s arm both sides equally–a fair fight for once–and see how the cards fall.
    Please, we both know we can't run such an experiment. Although such "experiments" have been run since the founding of Israel and the Arabs never win, and if they gain surprise as happened in 1973 when they were also fairly well equipped and much better in smart weapons, all the way to October 7th now, their initial success is measured in days to hours.

    The major new things I can think of are effective against fragments and lightweight soft body armor starting with Kevlar in the 1970s, semi-light weight ceramic rifle plates which are pretty new in general issue (this century or so?), drones, smarter weapons (cf. the joystick guided but effective Sagger in 1973), and related, ever greater computer and communications power available.

    Not sure the latter would have been a major factor in 1973, but would for example be in this century; it would be worth examining some of the bigger conflicts prior to this year. As of the First Gulf War in 1991, that was very important to the US in terms of quickly getting captured on the battlefield intelligence to those who could use it before it became too stale. The IDF said they'd gained "hundreds of terabytes" as of December 2nd. Sifting through that quickly is vital, but we have those sorts of tools today.

    You'd also want to learn, but likely can't ever or anytime soon, all about Isreal's military intelligence function WRT to the enemy's communications, as well as with the civilian population in Gaza. We hear some of the latter are none too pleased with Hamas and the IDF is a cell phone call away.... At the other end of things, see how Hamas and PIJ documented in real time their October 7th raid, we don't have to entirely depend on Israeli or Hamas/PIJ massaged propaganda to get a picture of what happened that day.

    Replies: @Jack D

  133. Less excessive drinking is probably part of the answer.

    The theory I’ve heard is that the longer one’s ancestral population has been exposed to alcohol, the less of a problem it should be. For example, Spaniards, being on the European side of the Mediterranean, have evolved in a temperate climate amenable to grape cultivation. Thus they would have fermented grapes into wine at a very early stage and been around alcohol in the form of wine for a very long time. Which is why we don’t tend to think of Spaniards (or Italians for Greeks for that matter) as being particularly prone to alcoholism. But as you go farther north you’ll find populations which did not develop fermentation of the materials on hand (potatoes or grains or whatever) until much later on, thus leading to their notorious alcohol issues (I offer Russia and the British isles as prime examples). And of course alcohol has been an utter disaster for New World Indians and Australian aborigines.

    • Agree: Frau Katze
  134. @Curle
    @Jack D

    “There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time.”

    Your citation establishes that they had an office at one time and that the office serviced thousands. Not much to go on there with regard to proportions. That Jews preferred more remunerative and presumably less arduous work than the agricultural work promoted by the Czars doesn’t tell us much about either the Czars or the Jews. That the Czars sought to end the abuses relative to the serfs by promoting agricultural labor for the non-agricultural Jews and that effort resulted in failure tells us something about willingness of the Russian Jewish population to play ball with the country’s leadership on matters of mutual benefit to the nation as a whole.

    Replies: @Jack D, @Mike Tre

    Yeah, when I think of the Czars, mutual benefit are definitely the words that come to mind.

    How was getting the Jews to do agricultural work supposed to help the serfs? Wouldn’t these mean an even bigger labor pool when there was already too much serf labor available and consequently low wages for them?

    As Art points out, there were no Jews in most of Russia proper, only in the Pale of Settlement that Russia acquired when the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth fell apart. In the Pale, while the Jews did not generally pursue agriculture themselves, they had important roles as adders of value who would buy agricultural products from the peasants and estate owners (wheat, hides, flax, raw milk, logs, etc.) and transform them into higher value products (flour, vodka, leather and shoes, cloth and clothing, cheese, sawn lumber, etc.) Without this, there was no cash economy – all the peasants could do was to eat what they grew.

    My own grandfather had a grain and lumber mill in his rural shtetl. I once saw the business directory for the town. There were many such Jewish owned businesses (my mother remembered them all when I read off their names). A leather tannery. A cattle dealer. Etc. Not only did these businesses provide an outlet for the products grown by the peasants but they also provided employment.

    • Replies: @AnotherDad
    @Jack D

    In the Pale, while the Jews did not generally pursue agriculture themselves, they had important roles as adders of value who would buy agricultural products from the peasants and estate owners (wheat, hides, flax, raw milk, logs, etc.) and transform them into higher value products (flour, vodka, leather and shoes, cloth and clothing, cheese, sawn lumber, etc.) Without this, there was no cash economy – all the peasants could do was to eat what they grew.
    Only in a completely static model of the economy.

    What's--obviously--actually way, way, way better is for the peasants--i.e. the nation's people--to do all those occupations themselves. Middle man themselves, develop the full range of skills in their own population ... and have the selection effects for that. It provides better skill matching--boy with talent for X, does X. It makes the population more resilient, flexible, capable. And populations which have done this are/were better prepared for the breakout to modernity.

    It is no coincidence that the "breakout" to modernity occurred in England and France where they had wisely expelled the Jews, middle-manned themselves and Jewish populations were low. While the Jew-heavy Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth sunk into statis and its people were--and remain--the backward.

    Having some middle man caste(s) extract wealth while the nation's people stay feudal peasants isn't the recipe for anything. If it was India--this feudal model on steroids--would rule the world.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Jack D

  135. @That Would Be Telling
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.
    Noticibly below 100, but not "well below." As I've been commenting over the IDF's ability to stomp on Hamas with remarkably few dead in what's normally the most brutal type of modern warfare. The average Israeli IQ is well above Palestinians who are around the general average of 85 for Arabs (but not those in Yemen who are officially a more African 66 (!)) and this pays of big in modern warfare, all the way down to the lowliest infantryman.

    If you don't count the Sephardim as "of European descent" or only some fraction, then I'm pretty sure "the overwhelming majority [of Israeli Jews] aren't of European descent."

    And "Israeli" is not axiomatically Jewish, using Wikipedia and religion as a proxy, only 73.6% as of 2022. 18.1% Muslim, then a scattering of others including the now rare Samaritans. Wikipedia says ~874, while I seem to remember a figure of six thousand a while ago. Given that both they and the Jews are "Old Testament" Abrahamic a compare and contrast for why one population ended up being so successful might be interesting.

    Replies: @Jack D, @HammerJack, @AnotherDad, @Rich

    On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.

    Noticibly below 100, but not “well below.”

    Agree. I particularly don’t get this idea that the Sephardic Jews are bozos. They were middle-manning in Spain (granted when the Spanish IQ was much lower) and continued to do so in diaspora. (Thessalonica or wherever.) They’ve occasionally thrown up impressive individuals from small populations–like Notorious RBG’s favorite Judah P. Benjamin. The Sephardic populations should at minimum be smarter than Mediterranean whites.

    My SWAG on the Israelis:
    Ashkenazi — 110ish
    Sephardim — 102ish
    Mizrahi — 90-93ish
    Yemeni — dumber
    Arabs — 87-90ish
    Druze — no idea

    The main thing is they’ve got a sufficient smart faction of really clever Ashkenazis to figure things out, make sure stuff that must work works. And, of course, they a) get the best military tech in the world from the United States and b) are fighting Arabs.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    And, of course, they a) get the best military tech in the world from the United States and b) are fighting Arabs.
    When asked by a reporter what the secret to winning wars was, Gen Moshe Dayan freely offered up b).

    Replies: @Wielgus

  136. @Buzz Mohawk
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    The Ashkenazim have a high average IQ because they are European.


    Replies: @Jus' Sayin'...

    The Ashkenazim have a high average IQ because they are European.

    First, the Ashkenazim are genetically distinct enough from the non-Ashkenazim European population that a simple DNA test can determine whether one is an Ashkenaz Jew. Second, if the Ashkenazim have a high average IQ solely because they are European then the average IQ of Ashkenazim should be about the same as the average IQ of all Europeans. In fact it is higher, at least a half standard deviation higher. On some dimensions of IQ, e.g. verbal ability, it is much higher, at least a standard deviation higher.

    • Replies: @Buzz Mohawk
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    You just told me what I already knew.

    Hey, I'm jus' sayin'.

    The European component, influence, history, culture -- fucking everything about what those particular religious separatists experienced -- is essential to what they became and what they are now. Emphatically, it is not a Jewish thing. It is European.

    The Ashkenazim are not biblical Jews at all, but a subset of Europeans who evolved into what they are now.

    They are smart because they are Europeans. They are a subset of Europeans, and anyone too stupid to comprehend the subtleties of that probably lacks whatever European qualities of mind (some of) the Ashkenazim themselves have.

    Jus' sayin', dude.

  137. @Art Deco
    @Jack D

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects
    Every once in a while you say something that's unintentionally revealing.

    Replies: @Jack D, @Jack Armstrong

    What is your explanation for why the US Army is 20% black? Is it because blacks are extra patriotic, unlike Jews, even more patriotic than white people?

    • Replies: @Art Deco
    @Jack D

    My explanation is that people don't sign up for the armed services for purely pecuniary reasons.

    Replies: @Anonymous

    , @Joe Stalin
    @Jack D

    Blacks like government jobs. I heard a Black woman spout off on a mostly empty CTA bus on how "people" join the military because of the "benefits" and the US government was apparently going to endanger those enlisted people by invading Iraq in 2003.

    Well, duh. It's the freaking military, not a City of Chicago job.

    , @Trinity
    @Jack D

    Hardly anyone joins the service because of "patriotism," they join for a J-O-B with GREAT benefits. I don't know about the Army, Marines, or Air Force, but I ate GOOD in the USCG, I heard the USN also eats well. Nothing for me to eat 3 ribeye steaks for dinner. We had 3 FULL meals a day, even the lunch was a full course meal. Underway they served an additional snack, "midrats", for people who had the 11:30-3:30 watch.

    I always laughed to myself when someone would say, " thank you for your service. " lolol. Any Southern White male or any straight White male who joins the U.S. military for "patriotic" reasons has to be an idiot especially now. Why fight for a nation that treats you like shit.

    Replies: @Trinity, @Anonymous

  138. @prime noticer
    because they are smart but also small and weak?

    never thought about this group specifically, but maybe my default hypothesis applies. other things being equal, the trend is that the smaller and weaker you are, the less testosterone you have, the less calories you eat, the longer you live.

    i've asked this several times, but have the experts in this field done simple body weight to body weight checking for why women live longer than men? small weak men, barring the violence of the pre-modern age, indeed do live longer than big strong men, with huge men, either from height and muscle or fat, having obviously shorter lives.

    a 130 pound man is a small man these days, their life spans might be converging on 130 pound women. testosterone does seem to hurt you long term, so they'll never be equal lifespans, after factoring in men having more dangerous jobs.

    Replies: @Return of Shawn, @Joe Paluka, @Ardrguutf, @Frau Katze

    You analysis, I believe, is correct. I was thinking the same thing before I read your comment. People who are smaller, upper class, and intelligent typically live longer than those who aren’t. Smarter people are less likely to not be around alcoholic/druggie people and are more future-oriented.

    Mormons aren’t especially smart, but live longer due to clean living, perhaps even longer than Jews, which considering Mormons tend to be bigger.

  139. @Jack D

    Yeah, when I think of the Czars, mutual benefit are definitely the words that come to mind.

    How was getting the Jews to do agricultural work supposed to help the serfs? Wouldn't these mean an even bigger labor pool when there was already too much serf labor available and consequently low wages for them?

    As Art points out, there were no Jews in most of Russia proper, only in the Pale of Settlement that Russia acquired when the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth fell apart. In the Pale, while the Jews did not generally pursue agriculture themselves, they had important roles as adders of value who would buy agricultural products from the peasants and estate owners (wheat, hides, flax, raw milk, logs, etc.) and transform them into higher value products (flour, vodka, leather and shoes, cloth and clothing, cheese, sawn lumber, etc.) Without this, there was no cash economy - all the peasants could do was to eat what they grew.

    My own grandfather had a grain and lumber mill in his rural shtetl. I once saw the business directory for the town. There were many such Jewish owned businesses (my mother remembered them all when I read off their names). A leather tannery. A cattle dealer. Etc. Not only did these businesses provide an outlet for the products grown by the peasants but they also provided employment.

    Replies: @AnotherDad

    In the Pale, while the Jews did not generally pursue agriculture themselves, they had important roles as adders of value who would buy agricultural products from the peasants and estate owners (wheat, hides, flax, raw milk, logs, etc.) and transform them into higher value products (flour, vodka, leather and shoes, cloth and clothing, cheese, sawn lumber, etc.) Without this, there was no cash economy – all the peasants could do was to eat what they grew.

    Only in a completely static model of the economy.

    What’s–obviously–actually way, way, way better is for the peasants–i.e. the nation’s people–to do all those occupations themselves. Middle man themselves, develop the full range of skills in their own population … and have the selection effects for that. It provides better skill matching–boy with talent for X, does X. It makes the population more resilient, flexible, capable. And populations which have done this are/were better prepared for the breakout to modernity.

    It is no coincidence that the “breakout” to modernity occurred in England and France where they had wisely expelled the Jews, middle-manned themselves and Jewish populations were low. While the Jew-heavy Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth sunk into statis and its people were–and remain–the backward.

    Having some middle man caste(s) extract wealth while the nation’s people stay feudal peasants isn’t the recipe for anything. If it was India–this feudal model on steroids–would rule the world.

    • Replies: @J.Ross

    The foreign middleman idea was from the Polish nobility (the most vile group in European history), not the Jews themselves, and was to prevent the emergence of a native middle class which could create problems for the nobles. Similarly, the nobility hobbled the monarchy, which was never very powerful in Poland.
    Rent-seeking property owners are the scum of the earth and the biggest threat to society. When the Romans started to fall apart, it was the result of a class like that, interfering with governance and tradition to preserve profits. The Semitic practice of Jubilee sensibly broke theit power at regular intervals to preserve social harmony.
    Also, a quibble: "Poland" (here including some other bits) was divided between three empires, and the respective pieces actually tracked with the varying levels of those partitioners, eg, Austrian Poland was pretty much the same as rural Austria, and Russian Poland was the most backward. This regional effect persists into the present day.

    , @Jack D

    First of all, value added is not the same as "middle manning" (although wholesalers and retailers also serve a vital function in a market economy even if they do not transform the goods - middle manning is not a dirty word. Ask Amazon.)

    2nd, you are looking in the wrong end of the telescope. The reason the Polish nobility invited the Jews into Poland in the 1st place was that they realized that their local peasants (not just the Poles but the even dumber Ruthenians (aka Ukrainians) did not have "the necessities" to do commerce. This is like saying that blacks are poor and stupid because they don't own the businesses in the ghetto. No, it's the other way around. You are advocating for a sort of "magic dirt" theory.

    A few years ago I visited what remains of my mother's shtetl. My grandfather's mill was operated by the local collective farm into the 1970s at which point it was abandoned. It still had the original machinery that my grandfather had purchased in the 1920s. I have seen the business directory from the 1920s for this town. In addition to my grandfather's mill, there were various other (mainly but not entirely) Jewish owned businesses mostly concerned with adding value to the local agricultural products - a leather tannery, etc. None of these businesses remain. I didn't see any signs of commerce beyond one bodega type grocery store. The locals (mostly old people) had basically reverted to doing subsistence agriculture.

    The same thing happened in parts of Africa when the locals threw out the "colonialists" and the Indians. When the Israelis left behind fully intact greenhouses in Gaza, they were not maintained as viable businesses. The locals swarmed in like locusts and picked the place clean - one guy got a window pane, one guy got a table, one guy got a fan so millions of $ of productive infrastructure were reduced to random junk and scrap metal with 1/10th the value.

    Replies: @AnotherDad

  140. @Jack D
    @Art Deco

    What is your explanation for why the US Army is 20% black? Is it because blacks are extra patriotic, unlike Jews, even more patriotic than white people?

    Replies: @Art Deco, @Joe Stalin, @Trinity

    My explanation is that people don’t sign up for the armed services for purely pecuniary reasons.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    @Art Deco

    My explanation is that people don’t sign up for the armed services for purely pecuniary reasons.
    Yeah, pay and benefits are subsumed under a larger reason of opportunity. Including future opportunities. I agree with Jack D’s point 100%.

    Anyone with a > three-digit IQ will be miserable in today’s U.S. military as an enlistee. And depressed as an officer.

  141. Anonymous[377] • Disclaimer says:
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn't have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.

    At one point I stapled a $100 bill to the wall, and offered a bet: who could tell me, where could they say there were a larger number of military-age Jews: serving in forward-deployed combat positions in Iraq, or at Harvard Law School? (not Harvard in general, mind you... just the Law School).

    Not a single Jew was willing to take the bet.

    How anti-semitic of me to even ask.

    Replies: @Known Fact, @Corvinus, @Jack D, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch

    My Dad tells of how in 1967 all the Jewish 20-year olds in the brokerage office he was interning in while going to college at night did everything they could to avoid the Draft for Vietnam. The moment the Six Day War started they were clamoring to say they wanted to go to Israel to join the IDF.

    My 22-year old Dad then got drafted in mid-67 and literally landed in Saigon the week of the First Tet Offensive.

    None of those guys in his office ever got drafted nor went to Vietnam.

  142. @prime noticer
    because they are smart but also small and weak?

    never thought about this group specifically, but maybe my default hypothesis applies. other things being equal, the trend is that the smaller and weaker you are, the less testosterone you have, the less calories you eat, the longer you live.

    i've asked this several times, but have the experts in this field done simple body weight to body weight checking for why women live longer than men? small weak men, barring the violence of the pre-modern age, indeed do live longer than big strong men, with huge men, either from height and muscle or fat, having obviously shorter lives.

    a 130 pound man is a small man these days, their life spans might be converging on 130 pound women. testosterone does seem to hurt you long term, so they'll never be equal lifespans, after factoring in men having more dangerous jobs.

    Replies: @Return of Shawn, @Joe Paluka, @Ardrguutf, @Frau Katze

    Jimmy Carter always had trouble keeping his mouth closed, even when president, all we ever saw was his teeth. As for Henry Kissinger, we’ve only seen him sitting down for the past ten or twenty years, not walking around. His voice has always sounded like he was half dead.

  143. “How was getting the Jews to do agricultural work supposed to help the serfs?”

    Cmon, don’t play dumb. To take the excess of roving tinkers and booze sellers out of the economy and their related swindles in the case of the booze sellers. You aren’t arguing that the Jewish population kept itself to the shtetls are you? Just for kicks and giggles, to what do you attribute the peasant violence if not to the abuses of the roaming booze sellers and the tax farmers? Anti-semitism in all its oblique causation elements?

    How far on average did the peasants have to travel to get to the Pale to take out their anger in the much ballyhooed pograms (which Solzhenitsyn suggests were exaggerated)?

    I expect you to disagree with Solzhenitsyn but at least make your objections coherent. And yes, please keep the pseudo psychological causes to a minimum if possible.

    • Replies: @Jack D

    How far on average did the peasants have to travel to get to the Pale ?
    It's clear from your question that you don't have the slightest understanding of how the Russian Empire was set up. All you have is Joo on the brain disease.

    People in the West used to think that all of our problems with Russia stemmed from Communism. But now that Communism is gone, we can see that Russian nationalism was there before, during and after Communism. When Solzhenitsyn came West, we hailed him as some kind of anti-Communist hero, but he never liked the West. He holed himself up in some forest compound in Vermont so that he could pretend he was still in Russia. Russian nationalism is incompatible with Western thought and with notions such as the equal status of the Jews as national citizens that have been common in the rest of Europe since Napoleon. As a Russian nationalist, Solzhenitsyn could only see the Jews as an alien race living among his own. Of course, this is how the Men of Unz see Jews also so it's not surprising that you would find his views congenial. But keep in mind he hated America too.

    There is no question that by the later bloody standards of the 20th century, when millions would die, many of the pogroms had a low body count. In the infamous Kishinev pogrom of 1903, which received a lot of ink in the Western press at the time, "only" 49 Jews were killed. People in the West at that time were not wrong to be shocked or upset - 49 deaths is still a lot of deaths (plus a lot more injuries, rapes, pillaging, etc.) It's just that in 1903 people were still naive and unaware of the infinitely greater horrors the new century would bring. Also, what was shocking about Kishinev was not so much the pogrom itself but that the Russian government authorities had turned a blind eye to the pogrom and did not try to stop it.

    Replies: @Curle, @Anon

    , @J.Ross

    Russian peasants were tied to specific plots of land (and would mainly travel only during the terrifying twenty-year army enlistment or Siberian exile, which you had to effect yourself on foot). The Pale was "Russian" Poland, bearing in mind that this would include Ukraine, so we're mainly talking about "Rossiya not Rus," nationally but not ethnically Russian peasants. Towards the end peasants were allowed to travel and move to cities, there's a famous autobiography of one who became successful at business after emancipation.

  144. @Jack D
    @Art Deco

    What is your explanation for why the US Army is 20% black? Is it because blacks are extra patriotic, unlike Jews, even more patriotic than white people?

    Replies: @Art Deco, @Joe Stalin, @Trinity

    Blacks like government jobs. I heard a Black woman spout off on a mostly empty CTA bus on how “people” join the military because of the “benefits” and the US government was apparently going to endanger those enlisted people by invading Iraq in 2003.

    Well, duh. It’s the freaking military, not a City of Chicago job.

  145. @Jack D
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    You must have been a real popular guy around the office.

    Back when America had a draft, Jews served alongside everyone else. My in-laws had a circle of "Greatest Generation" friends and to a man, every one of them had been in the military.

    Nowadays we have a volunteer army and we don't have mandatory quotas for ethnic groups. The most "patriotic" of all ethnic groups are the blacks, who make up 21% of the Army, far above their weight in the population. In reality, this has nothing to do with their patriotism (or that of Jews).

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects. If you go to work for a Big Law law firm, your starting salary nowadays will be north of $200k. An Army private makes around 1/10th of that. So naturally, the people with the mental HP to make it as Big Law associates would rather do that than make 1/10th as much as privates. OTOH, if you are a black kid or a working class white kid from W. Virginia, $26k/yr might sound pretty good to you.

    Replies: @Curle, @Art Deco, @AnotherDad, @The Germ Theory of Disease

    The most “patriotic” of all ethnic groups are the blacks, who make up 21% of the Army, far above their weight in the population.

    No, it’s the Scots-Irish as it always has been. (Black military participation is only very slightly higher than their young adult population percentage–a couple of points. You picked their favorite service branch.)

    But, I’ll grant you that military service is not the be all and end all of patriotism. That is best determined simply by people’s loyalty to their fellow citizens and their interests.

    • Agree: Rich
  146. @Corvinus
    "Most of the more recent data I’ve uncovered similarly suggests that Jews remain especially long-lived"

    My vague impression is that people who live for a long time have a healthier lifestyle. In other words, it is environmental. Here is a study of what seems to be Mr. Sailer's go-to group for discussion. I think they rank relatively high on the intersectionality hierarchy.


    Several studies have suggested that lifestyle and genetic factors play an important role in human longevity by protecting against age-related chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and dementia.1 Although it is difficult to estimate the relative contributions of these two factors in promoting healthy longevity, studies conducted in monozygotic and dizygotic twins in Scandinavian countries have indicated that genetic factors may contribute to one-third of the genetic variance in life expectancy,2,3 but these results may not be relevant to people who live exceptionally long, for example, to 100 years. Evidence from existing studies suggests that the genetic contribution to a healthy life span in those with exceptional longevity may be greater than that in the general population,4–6 and several genes have been found to be associated with longevity these individuals.7–11 Although most of the studies in individuals with exceptional longevity have focused on genetic factors, the lifestyle of this population has received less attention. It is possible that those with exceptional longevity may practice a healthy lifestyle, or “longevity”-associated genes may protected them against the detrimental effects of an unhealthy lifestyle. To evaluate the lifestyle factors, including obesity, smoking, and physical activity, of individuals with exceptional longevity, a study was conducted in a well-defined cohort of Ashkenazi Jews with exceptional longevity.

    Conclusion--People with exceptional longevity are not distinct in terms of lifestyle factors from the general population, suggesting that people with exceptional longevity may interact with environmental factors differently than others. This requires further investigation.

    Replies: @res

    it is environmental

    It is very Corvinus-like to seize on one side of a false dichotomy (remember how you keep asking me to provide citations for your fallacies? well, here is one).

    But at least in this case you look to be on the more than half right side.
    A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies multiple longevity genes

    Based on twin studies, the heritability of human lifespan has been estimated to be ~25%, although this estimate differs among studies2. On the other hand, the heritability of lifespan based on the correlation of the mid-parent (i.e., the average of the father and mother) and offspring difference between age at death and expected lifespan was estimated to be 12%3. A recent study has indicated that the different heritability estimates may be inflated due to assortative mating, leaving a true heritability that is below 10%4. The heritability of lifespan, estimated using the sibling relative risk, increases with age5 and is assumed to be enriched in long-lived families, particularly when belonging to the 10% longest-lived of their generation6.

    • Replies: @Corvinus

    “It is very Corvinus-like to seize on one side of a false dichotomy (remember how you keep asking me to provide citations for your fallacies? well, here is one”

    I ask you to explain exactly how and why it is a fallacy. You choose not to here.

    NOTICE you didn’t dispute my source nor I didn’t dispute that hereditary plays a role in human longevity.


    —The study of longevity genes is a developing science. It is estimated that about 25 percent of the variation in human life span is determined by genetics, but which genes, and how they contribute to longevity, are not well understood. A few of the common variations (called polymorphisms) associated with long life spans are found in the APOE, FOXO3, and CETP genes, but they are not found in all individuals with exceptional longevity. It is likely that variants in multiple genes, some of which are unidentified, act together to contribute to a long life.

    Whole genome sequencing studies of supercentenarians have identified the same gene variants that increase disease risk in people who have average life spans. The supercentenarians, however, also have many other newly identified gene variants that possibly promote longevity.

    Scientists speculate that for the first seven or eight decades, lifestyle is a stronger determinant of health and life span than genetics. Eating well, not drinking too much alcohol, avoiding tobacco, and staying physically active enable some individuals to attain a healthy old age; genetics then appears to play a progressively important role in keeping individuals healthy as they age into their eighties and beyond.

    Many nonagenarians and centenarians are able to live independently and avoid age-related diseases until the very last years of their lives.—

    Replies: @res

  147. @Anonymous
    People live longer is warmer climates on average and a larger percentage of older Jews move to warm climates.

    It’s my opinion based on experience— I’ve had 5 strokes and 1 heart attack— that cool or cold weather increases the risk of things like heart attacks and strokes.

    There's also evidence to hint at cold weather causing strokes and cardiac issues:


    Replies: @Joe Paluka

    “People live longer is warmer climates on average and a larger percentage of older Jews move to warm climates.

    It’s my opinion based on experience— I’ve had 5 strokes and 1 heart attack— that cool or cold weather increases the risk of things like heart attacks and strokes.”

    Total nonsense, cold Nordic countries have some of the highest longevity rates in the world, while hot India and Africa have some of the lowest.

    Americans who live in colder states might have higher rates of heart attacks and strokes because they stay at home in winter hardly moving and eating junk food. Sitting for extended periods is a killer, it causes blood to thicken and form clots leading to strokes and heart attacks.

  148. @Trinity
    Growing old and "living" a long time is overrated. Who really wants to live to be 90-100 or even 80 IF you have trouble getting around and have to take multiple pills each day. At that point you are just existing. Like douchebag John Cougar/Mellencamp sang, " live goes on long after the thrill of living is gone." "Three score and ten" is long enuff for MOST. You lose your looks, your hair, your teeth, your mobility, your physical strength, your libido, your memory, your eyesight, your hearing, etc. Growing old does not sound fun.

    Replies: @anonymous, @theMann, @Frau Katze, @Bardon Kaldian, @Jon

    Especially when your prostate goes first and your knees second!
    At least I still have sharp eyesight and hearing – the suckiest part for me is that everyone is know is worse off than me so I can’t even complain.

  149. @Voltarde
    Longevity? Length can be . . . problematic.

    In this tragic case, a vain gentleman's longing led to the bris of death:

    Billionaire dies during Paris penis enlargement operation

    "Billionaire diamond trader Ehud Arye Laniad’s pursuit of a plentiful penis has ended in his death. The 65-year-old big wheel died of a heart attack at a private Paris hospital where he was undergoing a penis enlargement procedure. Reports say the Israeli-Belgian died on the operating table. Belgian media report that Laniad was stricken when a substance was injected into his penis triggering his demise."

    Replies: @YetAnotherAnon, @res, @Ardrguutf

    Go big or get gone

  150. @prime noticer
    because they are smart but also small and weak?

    never thought about this group specifically, but maybe my default hypothesis applies. other things being equal, the trend is that the smaller and weaker you are, the less testosterone you have, the less calories you eat, the longer you live.

    i've asked this several times, but have the experts in this field done simple body weight to body weight checking for why women live longer than men? small weak men, barring the violence of the pre-modern age, indeed do live longer than big strong men, with huge men, either from height and muscle or fat, having obviously shorter lives.

    a 130 pound man is a small man these days, their life spans might be converging on 130 pound women. testosterone does seem to hurt you long term, so they'll never be equal lifespans, after factoring in men having more dangerous jobs.

    Replies: @Return of Shawn, @Joe Paluka, @Ardrguutf, @Frau Katze

    Are Jews smaller and/or weaker than other men?

    • Replies: @prime noticer

    could anybody who lived around them for decades have not noticed they are smaller and weaker than europeans? Michael Richards towers over his jewish co-stars in Seinfeld. unless we're talking about the awesome power of GOLDBERG!
    think it is a well established stereotype anyway, that they don't enjoy being smaller, weaker, and less athletic than the europeans around them, pushed around by jocks and outcompeted for women, forever rubbing the social sores of high school and college. but they like and promote west africans in sports for the opposite reason - a bit of payback and revenge. Steve talks about this stuff all the time in his Lamarckian Golf Hypothesis of jewish grudges.

  151. @Pixo
    @Known Fact

    The most robust and healthy looking Jews seem to be Israel’s “national religious” settlers. They often work outside and have tan or ruddy faces and sunbleached blond highlights on their often wild Jesus-ish hair. The women have a casual trad farmwife look and they are very fertile.


    It is a much better look than the pale sickly Hasidic 1820’s Lithuania look.


    Replies: @Joe Paluka

    They all look like thugs from an Israeli trailer park.

    • Replies: @Trinity
    @Joe Paluka

    They look like they could all use a shower.

    , @J.Ross
    @Joe Paluka

    I was just going to say, this is their equivalent of a country boy, these are their rednecks, so of course they're the best soldiers.

  152. @Rich
    Israeli longevity is at 83.39. Behind Norway, Sweden, Australia, Malta, Spain, Switzerland and Italy. That's Jews in Israel of whom the overwhelming majority are of European descent. There's no longer a need for guessing, there's a whole country of Jews where accurate numbers can be found. By the way, the average IQ of Israelis (Jews) is 95. I know, doesn't fit the media induced stereotype, but facts is facts.

    Replies: @Jus' Sayin'..., @Frau Katze, @silviosilver

    The Jews of Israel are about half and half Ashkenazi and Sephardic. The Sephardim are not of European descent.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    @Frau Katze

    It depends what you mean by "Sephardic". In broad terms, everyone Jewish who is not Ashkenazi can be called "Sephardic". This included the true Sephardim (Sefarad means "Spain" in Hebrew) who are the descendants of the expelled Jews of Spain and Portugal who accepted the invitation of the Ottoman Sultan and settled in the Ottoman Empire but it also includes other groups of Jews such as the Jews of Yemen who never set foot in Spain and had been in the Middle East since ancient times.

    The true Sephardim are just as European as the Ashkenazi Jews but a lot of the Mizrahim (Eastern Jews) are not. The Yemeni Jews were extremely backward, coming from an isolated pre-industrial society and unfamiliar with modern conveniences like plumbing. Genetically they are closer to Arabs than to Europeans or even Levantines.

    Replies: @Frau Katze

  153. @bomag
    @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    Kissinger has been mentioned several times.

    I believe he had heart surgery at age 53.

    Seems remarkable he lived so long with that circumstance. Modern medicine at work, I suppose. I'd like to know his health protocol before/after.

    Replies: @Frau Katze

    Re: Kissinger’s longevity.

    It’s a genetic thing. His mother lived to 97, his father to 95 and brother to 97.


  154. @Art Deco

    The Jewish population of Russia was inconsequential prior to the partitions of Poland. Afterward, Jews were confined by law to the western frontier provinces.

    Replies: @J.Ross

    Exactly, that’s where this was taking place.

  155. @Curle
    “How was getting the Jews to do agricultural work supposed to help the serfs?”

    Cmon, don’t play dumb. To take the excess of roving tinkers and booze sellers out of the economy and their related swindles in the case of the booze sellers. You aren’t arguing that the Jewish population kept itself to the shtetls are you? Just for kicks and giggles, to what do you attribute the peasant violence if not to the abuses of the roaming booze sellers and the tax farmers? Anti-semitism in all its oblique causation elements?

    How far on average did the peasants have to travel to get to the Pale to take out their anger in the much ballyhooed pograms (which Solzhenitsyn suggests were exaggerated)?

    I expect you to disagree with Solzhenitsyn but at least make your objections coherent. And yes, please keep the pseudo psychological causes to a minimum if possible.

    Replies: @Jack D, @J.Ross

    How far on average did the peasants have to travel to get to the Pale ?

    It’s clear from your question that you don’t have the slightest understanding of how the Russian Empire was set up. All you have is Joo on the brain disease.

    People in the West used to think that all of our problems with Russia stemmed from Communism. But now that Communism is gone, we can see that Russian nationalism was there before, during and after Communism. When Solzhenitsyn came West, we hailed him as some kind of anti-Communist hero, but he never liked the West. He holed himself up in some forest compound in Vermont so that he could pretend he was still in Russia. Russian nationalism is incompatible with Western thought and with notions such as the equal status of the Jews as national citizens that have been common in the rest of Europe since Napoleon. As a Russian nationalist, Solzhenitsyn could only see the Jews as an alien race living among his own. Of course, this is how the Men of Unz see Jews also so it’s not surprising that you would find his views congenial. But keep in mind he hated America too.

    There is no question that by the later bloody standards of the 20th century, when millions would die, many of the pogroms had a low body count. In the infamous Kishinev pogrom of 1903, which received a lot of ink in the Western press at the time, “only” 49 Jews were killed. People in the West at that time were not wrong to be shocked or upset – 49 deaths is still a lot of deaths (plus a lot more injuries, rapes, pillaging, etc.) It’s just that in 1903 people were still naive and unaware of the infinitely greater horrors the new century would bring. Also, what was shocking about Kishinev was not so much the pogrom itself but that the Russian government authorities had turned a blind eye to the pogrom and did not try to stop it.

    • Replies: @Curle
    @Jack D

    Don’t be dense. I asked the question the way I did because the regulations of the Russian state explicitly sought to keep Jews bottled up in agricultural communities and away from non-Jewish towns and burroughs (from the temporary regulations regarding the Jews):

    “As a temporary measure, and until a general revision is made of their legal status, it is decreed that the Jews be forbidden to settle anew outside of towns and boroughs, exceptions being admitted only in the case of existing Jewish agricultural colonies."
    "Temporarily forbidden are the issuing of mortgages and other deeds to Jews, as well as the registration of Jews as lessees of real property situated outside of towns and boroughs; and also the issuing to Jews of powers of attorney to manage and dispose of such real property."
    "Jews are forbidden to transact business on Sundays and on principal Christian holy days; the existing regulations concerning closing of places of business belonging to Christians on such days should apply to Jews also."
    "The measures laid down in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 shall apply only to governments within the Pale of Jewish Settlement."

    In other words, the accursed regulations ONLY applied to the Pale of Settlement but explicitly barred Jews from settling in anything but Jewish colonies AND barred them from various land related financial powers elsewhere. The remedial action being sought is quite clear, protecting non-Jews from Jewish predations. Not some exercise in stretching the For-No-Apparent-Reason muscles of the alleged anti-Semitic Russians who didn’t travel to oppress Jews but sought state protection for their residents from the practices being exercised on them (the non-Jews) by that population of visitors/travelers/migrants.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Jack D

    , @Anon
    @Jack D

    As a Russian nationalist, Solzhenitsyn could only see the Jews as an alien race living among his own. Of course, this is how the Men of Unz see Jews also so it’s not surprising that you would find his views congenial.
    If so, he was just following the lead of jews themselves—most jews are Zionists, seeing themselves as an alien race living amid White nations. “Next year in Jerusalem!”
  156. @AnotherDad
    @Jack D

    In the Pale, while the Jews did not generally pursue agriculture themselves, they had important roles as adders of value who would buy agricultural products from the peasants and estate owners (wheat, hides, flax, raw milk, logs, etc.) and transform them into higher value products (flour, vodka, leather and shoes, cloth and clothing, cheese, sawn lumber, etc.) Without this, there was no cash economy – all the peasants could do was to eat what they grew.
    Only in a completely static model of the economy.

    What's--obviously--actually way, way, way better is for the peasants--i.e. the nation's people--to do all those occupations themselves. Middle man themselves, develop the full range of skills in their own population ... and have the selection effects for that. It provides better skill matching--boy with talent for X, does X. It makes the population more resilient, flexible, capable. And populations which have done this are/were better prepared for the breakout to modernity.

    It is no coincidence that the "breakout" to modernity occurred in England and France where they had wisely expelled the Jews, middle-manned themselves and Jewish populations were low. While the Jew-heavy Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth sunk into statis and its people were--and remain--the backward.

    Having some middle man caste(s) extract wealth while the nation's people stay feudal peasants isn't the recipe for anything. If it was India--this feudal model on steroids--would rule the world.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Jack D

    The foreign middleman idea was from the Polish nobility (the most vile group in European history), not the Jews themselves, and was to prevent the emergence of a native middle class which could create problems for the nobles. Similarly, the nobility hobbled the monarchy, which was never very powerful in Poland.
    Rent-seeking property owners are the scum of the earth and the biggest threat to society. When the Romans started to fall apart, it was the result of a class like that, interfering with governance and tradition to preserve profits. The Semitic practice of Jubilee sensibly broke theit power at regular intervals to preserve social harmony.
    Also, a quibble: “Poland” (here including some other bits) was divided between three empires, and the respective pieces actually tracked with the varying levels of those partitioners, eg, Austrian Poland was pretty much the same as rural Austria, and Russian Poland was the most backward. This regional effect persists into the present day.

  157. @Curle
    They don’t do hazardous work and avoid military service and farming if you believe Solzhenitsyn. Regarding military service there is the notable exception of the early Soviet Armies.

    Replies: @Captain Tripps, @The Germ Theory of Disease, @Buzz Mohawk, @anon, @Dry land farming

    During WW2, Jews were about 3.5% of the US population, about 3.5% of the men in service, and 2.5% of the war dead. That is 10,400+ Jewish dead out of 405,000+ American dead.


  158. @Jack D
    @Art Deco

    What is your explanation for why the US Army is 20% black? Is it because blacks are extra patriotic, unlike Jews, even more patriotic than white people?

    Replies: @Art Deco, @Joe Stalin, @Trinity

    Hardly anyone joins the service because of “patriotism,” they join for a J-O-B with GREAT benefits. I don’t know about the Army, Marines, or Air Force, but I ate GOOD in the USCG, I heard the USN also eats well. Nothing for me to eat 3 ribeye steaks for dinner. We had 3 FULL meals a day, even the lunch was a full course meal. Underway they served an additional snack, “midrats”, for people who had the 11:30-3:30 watch.

    I always laughed to myself when someone would say, ” thank you for your service. ” lolol. Any Southern White male or any straight White male who joins the U.S. military for “patriotic” reasons has to be an idiot especially now. Why fight for a nation that treats you like shit.

    • Replies: @Trinity

    I'll add that when I joined in the early 1980s the country wasn't nearly as anti White as it is now. I would be homeless before I would voluntarily join the U.S. military as a White male in 2023.

    , @Anonymous

    Hardly anyone joins the service because of “patriotism,” they join for a J-O-B with GREAT benefits.
    What are the notable benefits?

    Replies: @Trinity

  159. @prime noticer
    because they are smart but also small and weak?

    never thought about this group specifically, but maybe my default hypothesis applies. other things being equal, the trend is that the smaller and weaker you are, the less testosterone you have, the less calories you eat, the longer you live.

    i've asked this several times, but have the experts in this field done simple body weight to body weight checking for why women live longer than men? small weak men, barring the violence of the pre-modern age, indeed do live longer than big strong men, with huge men, either from height and muscle or fat, having obviously shorter lives.

    a 130 pound man is a small man these days, their life spans might be converging on 130 pound women. testosterone does seem to hurt you long term, so they'll never be equal lifespans, after factoring in men having more dangerous jobs.

    Replies: @Return of Shawn, @Joe Paluka, @Ardrguutf, @Frau Katze

    Why do women live longer than men?

    An article from Harvard lists the larger size of men among the answers.

    Other factors mentioned: dangerous jobs tend to be male jobs, men commit suicide more often, take more risks, are more likely to die of heart disease, avoid doctors more, are less social.


    • Replies: @J.Ross
    @Frau Katze

    Conspicuously absent: chicks see the doc more and actually listen to instructions. Modern medicine is largely there to help you feel better, not to help you get better. Most of health is nutrition and good decision making. There are accidents, genetic curses, and genuine medicine, but not at a rate which justifies female doctor visits.

    Replies: @Frau Katze

  160. @Curle
    “How was getting the Jews to do agricultural work supposed to help the serfs?”

    Cmon, don’t play dumb. To take the excess of roving tinkers and booze sellers out of the economy and their related swindles in the case of the booze sellers. You aren’t arguing that the Jewish population kept itself to the shtetls are you? Just for kicks and giggles, to what do you attribute the peasant violence if not to the abuses of the roaming booze sellers and the tax farmers? Anti-semitism in all its oblique causation elements?

    How far on average did the peasants have to travel to get to the Pale to take out their anger in the much ballyhooed pograms (which Solzhenitsyn suggests were exaggerated)?

    I expect you to disagree with Solzhenitsyn but at least make your objections coherent. And yes, please keep the pseudo psychological causes to a minimum if possible.

    Replies: @Jack D, @J.Ross

    Russian peasants were tied to specific plots of land (and would mainly travel only during the terrifying twenty-year army enlistment or Siberian exile, which you had to effect yourself on foot). The Pale was “Russian” Poland, bearing in mind that this would include Ukraine, so we’re mainly talking about “Rossiya not Rus,” nationally but not ethnically Russian peasants. Towards the end peasants were allowed to travel and move to cities, there’s a famous autobiography of one who became successful at business after emancipation.

  161. @Trinity
    @Jack D

    Hardly anyone joins the service because of "patriotism," they join for a J-O-B with GREAT benefits. I don't know about the Army, Marines, or Air Force, but I ate GOOD in the USCG, I heard the USN also eats well. Nothing for me to eat 3 ribeye steaks for dinner. We had 3 FULL meals a day, even the lunch was a full course meal. Underway they served an additional snack, "midrats", for people who had the 11:30-3:30 watch.

    I always laughed to myself when someone would say, " thank you for your service. " lolol. Any Southern White male or any straight White male who joins the U.S. military for "patriotic" reasons has to be an idiot especially now. Why fight for a nation that treats you like shit.

    Replies: @Trinity, @Anonymous

    I’ll add that when I joined in the early 1980s the country wasn’t nearly as anti White as it is now. I would be homeless before I would voluntarily join the U.S. military as a White male in 2023.

  162. @AnotherDad
    @Jack D

    In the Pale, while the Jews did not generally pursue agriculture themselves, they had important roles as adders of value who would buy agricultural products from the peasants and estate owners (wheat, hides, flax, raw milk, logs, etc.) and transform them into higher value products (flour, vodka, leather and shoes, cloth and clothing, cheese, sawn lumber, etc.) Without this, there was no cash economy – all the peasants could do was to eat what they grew.
    Only in a completely static model of the economy.

    What's--obviously--actually way, way, way better is for the peasants--i.e. the nation's people--to do all those occupations themselves. Middle man themselves, develop the full range of skills in their own population ... and have the selection effects for that. It provides better skill matching--boy with talent for X, does X. It makes the population more resilient, flexible, capable. And populations which have done this are/were better prepared for the breakout to modernity.

    It is no coincidence that the "breakout" to modernity occurred in England and France where they had wisely expelled the Jews, middle-manned themselves and Jewish populations were low. While the Jew-heavy Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth sunk into statis and its people were--and remain--the backward.

    Having some middle man caste(s) extract wealth while the nation's people stay feudal peasants isn't the recipe for anything. If it was India--this feudal model on steroids--would rule the world.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Jack D

    First of all, value added is not the same as “middle manning” (although wholesalers and retailers also serve a vital function in a market economy even if they do not transform the goods – middle manning is not a dirty word. Ask Amazon.)

    2nd, you are looking in the wrong end of the telescope. The reason the Polish nobility invited the Jews into Poland in the 1st place was that they realized that their local peasants (not just the Poles but the even dumber Ruthenians (aka Ukrainians) did not have “the necessities” to do commerce. This is like saying that blacks are poor and stupid because they don’t own the businesses in the ghetto. No, it’s the other way around. You are advocating for a sort of “magic dirt” theory.

    A few years ago I visited what remains of my mother’s shtetl. My grandfather’s mill was operated by the local collective farm into the 1970s at which point it was abandoned. It still had the original machinery that my grandfather had purchased in the 1920s. I have seen the business directory from the 1920s for this town. In addition to my grandfather’s mill, there were various other (mainly but not entirely) Jewish owned businesses mostly concerned with adding value to the local agricultural products – a leather tannery, etc. None of these businesses remain. I didn’t see any signs of commerce beyond one bodega type grocery store. The locals (mostly old people) had basically reverted to doing subsistence agriculture.

    The same thing happened in parts of Africa when the locals threw out the “colonialists” and the Indians. When the Israelis left behind fully intact greenhouses in Gaza, they were not maintained as viable businesses. The locals swarmed in like locusts and picked the place clean – one guy got a window pane, one guy got a table, one guy got a fan so millions of $ of productive infrastructure were reduced to random junk and scrap metal with 1/10th the value.

    • Troll: Santoculto
    • Replies: @AnotherDad
    @Jack D

    This is like saying that blacks are poor and stupid because they don’t own the businesses in the ghetto. No, it’s the other way around. You are advocating for a sort of “magic dirt” theory.
    Jack you should read Gregory Clark's "Farewell to Alms", or at least read enough to understand his thesis and evidence.

    You're still giving static arguments and acting like you don't understand the simple idea of "time" or "development". That what is most lucrative at some particularly moment doesn't mean it the best path forward for a people or nation to develop. (Wave in Jews to trade. Bring in African slaves. Import Mexicans for stoop labor.... none of these worked out well for the host populations in the long run.) Worse, you are doing the midwit Corny thing of taking one of Steve's insightful quips--"magic dirt"--and mangling it to try and mock someone making a different/better point. (I'll grant your mangling is less closer than Corny's completely clueless attempts.)

    You can argue with me all you want, but this is a case where the wave packet has collapsed. We have voluminous historical data.

    The "winner" nations have not been "market dominant minority" joints. The winners have all been places of "one-peopleism" where there was extensive gene flow through the population--i.e. downward mobility--creating more genetically capable and eventually more skilled population.

    And we have the example of the two old "hydraulic despotism" giga-countries. Raj Chetty's smart ancestors doing whatever the heck Chettiars did, were successful doing it ... but their genes did not flow down through the population. India has lots of smart people, but the overall capability is low. In contrast, the Chinese who were successful merchants or successful bureaucrats after passing the imperial exams had more children from their wives and concubines and their successful genes flowed down through the population with relentless downward mobility so even the peasantry is reasonably on the ball and with education ready to be good factory workers, technicians, engineers. China, the "gentile model"--though lacking Christianity's infusion of high-trust--has risen dramatically to be a world power. India ... with lots of high performing people ... not so much.

    Replies: @Art Deco

  163. @YetAnotherAnon
    OT - or is it?

    Welsh Refugee Council uses 12 year old girls to present "welcome" video.


    Replies: @bomag, @Almost Missouri, @kaganovitch

    Not that it makes much of a difference but the cited tweet says 14 yr. old, not twelve.

  164. @res

    it is environmental
    It is very Corvinus-like to seize on one side of a false dichotomy (remember how you keep asking me to provide citations for your fallacies? well, here is one).

    But at least in this case you look to be on the more than half right side.
    A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies multiple longevity genes

    Based on twin studies, the heritability of human lifespan has been estimated to be ~25%, although this estimate differs among studies2. On the other hand, the heritability of lifespan based on the correlation of the mid-parent (i.e., the average of the father and mother) and offspring difference between age at death and expected lifespan was estimated to be 12%3. A recent study has indicated that the different heritability estimates may be inflated due to assortative mating, leaving a true heritability that is below 10%4. The heritability of lifespan, estimated using the sibling relative risk, increases with age5 and is assumed to be enriched in long-lived families, particularly when belonging to the 10% longest-lived of their generation6.

    Replies: @Corvinus

    “It is very Corvinus-like to seize on one side of a false dichotomy (remember how you keep asking me to provide citations for your fallacies? well, here is one”

    I ask you to explain exactly how and why it is a fallacy. You choose not to here.

    NOTICE you didn’t dispute my source nor I didn’t dispute that hereditary plays a role in human longevity.


    —The study of longevity genes is a developing science. It is estimated that about 25 percent of the variation in human life span is determined by genetics, but which genes, and how they contribute to longevity, are not well understood. A few of the common variations (called polymorphisms) associated with long life spans are found in the APOE, FOXO3, and CETP genes, but they are not found in all individuals with exceptional longevity. It is likely that variants in multiple genes, some of which are unidentified, act together to contribute to a long life.

    Whole genome sequencing studies of supercentenarians have identified the same gene variants that increase disease risk in people who have average life spans. The supercentenarians, however, also have many other newly identified gene variants that possibly promote longevity.

    Scientists speculate that for the first seven or eight decades, lifestyle is a stronger determinant of health and life span than genetics. Eating well, not drinking too much alcohol, avoiding tobacco, and staying physically active enable some individuals to attain a healthy old age; genetics then appears to play a progressively important role in keeping individuals healthy as they age into their eighties and beyond.

    Many nonagenarians and centenarians are able to live independently and avoid age-related diseases until the very last years of their lives.—

    • Replies: @res

    The best part of that is you seem to think it was a compelling response. Thanks for the chuckle.

    P.S. I quoted you writing "it is environmental." The meaning of that is clear. That you can't see it is picking one side of a false dichotomy is your problem, not mine.

    Replies: @Corvinus

  165. @Frau Katze

    The Jews of Israel are about half and half Ashkenazi and Sephardic. The Sephardim are not of European descent.

    Replies: @Jack D

    It depends what you mean by “Sephardic”. In broad terms, everyone Jewish who is not Ashkenazi can be called “Sephardic”. This included the true Sephardim (Sefarad means “Spain” in Hebrew) who are the descendants of the expelled Jews of Spain and Portugal who accepted the invitation of the Ottoman Sultan and settled in the Ottoman Empire but it also includes other groups of Jews such as the Jews of Yemen who never set foot in Spain and had been in the Middle East since ancient times.

    The true Sephardim are just as European as the Ashkenazi Jews but a lot of the Mizrahim (Eastern Jews) are not. The Yemeni Jews were extremely backward, coming from an isolated pre-industrial society and unfamiliar with modern conveniences like plumbing. Genetically they are closer to Arabs than to Europeans or even Levantines.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze
    @Jack D

    Definition of Sephardic

    Thanks for the info.

    I saw a picture of a Yemeni Jewish family in Israel in the 1950s. They were sitting on the floor around a low table, no shoes (although perhaps they took off shoes inside as is the Arab custom).

  166. @Henry Canaday
    I thought the traditional explanation of Jewish relative non-susceptibility to alcoholism was that Jews came from a very old society that had access to wine for many centuries or even millennia and thus those whose genes rendered them vulnerable to alcoholism had been weeded out. That probably goes for a lot of other bad urban habits.

    Remember, in Jews we are dealing with a people who have been living -- and thus evolving both genetically and culturally - under the rules that support modern civilization much longer than any other western people, because they invented the rules (or had them revealed).

    Replies: @james wilson, @dux.ie, @angmoh, @Steve Sailer

    All Mediterranian Caucasians have very low rates of alcoholism compared to their northern cousins. Ashkinazi Jews are half Hebrew, and, for the most part, half Italian.

  167. @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn't have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.

    At one point I stapled a $100 bill to the wall, and offered a bet: who could tell me, where could they say there were a larger number of military-age Jews: serving in forward-deployed combat positions in Iraq, or at Harvard Law School? (not Harvard in general, mind you... just the Law School).

    Not a single Jew was willing to take the bet.

    How anti-semitic of me to even ask.

    Replies: @Known Fact, @Corvinus, @Jack D, @Anonymous, @kaganovitch

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn’t have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.

    Of course, I can’t speak to your personal experience, but fwiw, survey data indicate that Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.

    • Replies: @HammerJack

    Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.
    Perhaps; are they known to be more resistant to propaganda, even their own? Meanwhile the problem wasn't necessarily what JD calls "The Joos" but particular ones with names like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Miller, Kristol, Goldberg, Adelson etc etc.

    Replies: @kaganovitch

    , @Anonymous

    Of course, I can’t speak to your personal experience, but fwiw, survey data indicate that Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.
    That is false.

    Replies: @kaganovitch

  168. Das juden, regardless their longevity, do not age well: viz IQ214, who by looks alone is 65 going on 90. Judish women are even worse and all resemble witches by age 35 at the latest.

  169. @Corvinus

    “It is very Corvinus-like to seize on one side of a false dichotomy (remember how you keep asking me to provide citations for your fallacies? well, here is one”

    I ask you to explain exactly how and why it is a fallacy. You choose not to here.

    NOTICE you didn’t dispute my source nor I didn’t dispute that hereditary plays a role in human longevity.


    —The study of longevity genes is a developing science. It is estimated that about 25 percent of the variation in human life span is determined by genetics, but which genes, and how they contribute to longevity, are not well understood. A few of the common variations (called polymorphisms) associated with long life spans are found in the APOE, FOXO3, and CETP genes, but they are not found in all individuals with exceptional longevity. It is likely that variants in multiple genes, some of which are unidentified, act together to contribute to a long life.

    Whole genome sequencing studies of supercentenarians have identified the same gene variants that increase disease risk in people who have average life spans. The supercentenarians, however, also have many other newly identified gene variants that possibly promote longevity.

    Scientists speculate that for the first seven or eight decades, lifestyle is a stronger determinant of health and life span than genetics. Eating well, not drinking too much alcohol, avoiding tobacco, and staying physically active enable some individuals to attain a healthy old age; genetics then appears to play a progressively important role in keeping individuals healthy as they age into their eighties and beyond.

    Many nonagenarians and centenarians are able to live independently and avoid age-related diseases until the very last years of their lives.—

    Replies: @res

    The best part of that is you seem to think it was a compelling response. Thanks for the chuckle.

    P.S. I quoted you writing “it is environmental.” The meaning of that is clear. That you can’t see it is picking one side of a false dichotomy is your problem, not mine.

    • Replies: @Corvinus

    It is a compelling response. I can't help it you are being too stubborn here to admit it.

    "That you can’t see it is picking one side of a false dichotomy is your problem, not mine."

    That's rich considering you offered a source that focuses on the genetic side, along with your comment "But at least in this case you look to be on the more than half right side".

    Again, you're not disputing the conclusions from the sources I provided, so I am on the right track. Thanks for tacitly acknowledging it!

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

  170. @Trinity
    Growing old and "living" a long time is overrated. Who really wants to live to be 90-100 or even 80 IF you have trouble getting around and have to take multiple pills each day. At that point you are just existing. Like douchebag John Cougar/Mellencamp sang, " live goes on long after the thrill of living is gone." "Three score and ten" is long enuff for MOST. You lose your looks, your hair, your teeth, your mobility, your physical strength, your libido, your memory, your eyesight, your hearing, etc. Growing old does not sound fun.

    Replies: @anonymous, @theMann, @Frau Katze, @Bardon Kaldian, @Jon

    I agree that age alone does not indicate having a quality life. This especially true with dementia, losing the ability to read and write and think straight.

    But not everyone gets dementia. I saw a video of Kissinger discussing the Oct 7 attacks. He was pretty decrepit looking but understood what was going on.

    • Agree: Catdompanj
  171. Ed Ames is another Jewish person who lived a long life. He died this year at 95.

  172. @Curle
    @Jack D

    “There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time.”

    Your citation establishes that they had an office at one time and that the office serviced thousands. Not much to go on there with regard to proportions. That Jews preferred more remunerative and presumably less arduous work than the agricultural work promoted by the Czars doesn’t tell us much about either the Czars or the Jews. That the Czars sought to end the abuses relative to the serfs by promoting agricultural labor for the non-agricultural Jews and that effort resulted in failure tells us something about willingness of the Russian Jewish population to play ball with the country’s leadership on matters of mutual benefit to the nation as a whole.

    Replies: @Jack D, @Mike Tre

    ““There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time.””

    But no plantation owners! Crazy!

  173. @res

    The best part of that is you seem to think it was a compelling response. Thanks for the chuckle.

    P.S. I quoted you writing "it is environmental." The meaning of that is clear. That you can't see it is picking one side of a false dichotomy is your problem, not mine.

    Replies: @Corvinus

    It is a compelling response. I can’t help it you are being too stubborn here to admit it.

    “That you can’t see it is picking one side of a false dichotomy is your problem, not mine.”

    That’s rich considering you offered a source that focuses on the genetic side, along with your comment “But at least in this case you look to be on the more than half right side”.

    Again, you’re not disputing the conclusions from the sources I provided, so I am on the right track. Thanks for tacitly acknowledging it!

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon

    It is a compelling response. I can’t help it you are being too stubborn here to admit it.
    It was a stupid response. You are a stupid man.

    Nobody is going to follow your links or consider your arguments. You are a moron. Commenter "res" was being nice in humoring you, because that's what you do for retards. And that is what you are.....a retard.

    Replies: @Corvinus

  174. • Replies: @ginger bread man
    @ginger bread man

    Some more relevant articles



  175. @Known Fact

    I think Jews avoid total dysfunctional drinking (or heroin for that matter) because it would interfere with the quest for financial and/or professional success and respect. Jewish men are driven to give the wife a nice house and give the kids good schools, so the kids can continue the cycle. Even in not so lucrative business sectors we want to be seen and treated as professionals

    Now you might think this drive to succeed would not be healthy but for many Jewish men it's their fun and games. On their deathbed they really might think they should have spent more time at the office.

    I'm talking about secular assimilated American Jews, I do not claim to understand the Orthodox way of life but they don't look all that healthy to me. Now weed and coke could be a problem for young Jewish guys in the fast lane, but I wouldn't know about that either

    Replies: @Pixo, @kaganovitch, @J.Ross

    Now you might think this drive to succeed would not be healthy but for many Jewish men it’s their fun and games. On their deathbed they really might think they should have spent more time at the office.

    Old Jewish joke : Moshe was on his death bed surrounded by family. He raises his head and asks “Mendel are you there?”

    “Yes, Father, I am here.”

    A moment later Moshe says, “Izzy, are you there?”

    His son, Izzy assures him he is by his side.

    “Joshua,” says the ailing Moshe, “Are you there?”

    “I’m here Poppa,” said Joshua taking his hand.

    “Rivka are you here?”

    ” Don’t worry Poppa, I’m here”

    Moshe raises himself on his elbow,

    “Then who the hell is minding the business?!”

    • Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    “Then who the hell is minding the business?!”


    Why, cousin Pinkus, of course!
  176. @Frau Katze
    @prime noticer

    Why do women live longer than men?

    An article from Harvard lists the larger size of men among the answers.

    Other factors mentioned: dangerous jobs tend to be male jobs, men commit suicide more often, take more risks, are more likely to die of heart disease, avoid doctors more, are less social.


    Replies: @J.Ross

    Conspicuously absent: chicks see the doc more and actually listen to instructions. Modern medicine is largely there to help you feel better, not to help you get better. Most of health is nutrition and good decision making. There are accidents, genetic curses, and genuine medicine, but not at a rate which justifies female doctor visits.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze

    Well I’m a woman who doesn’t visit doctors often. Neither does my sister. My mother distrusted doctors her entire life and wouldn’t see one unless she thought it was life threatening (which was rare).

    In fact I don’t even have any friends who visit doctors excessively.

    Replies: @Jack D

  177. Jewish men also had a longevity advantage in the USSR back in 1989:


    “At the onset of the mass exodus, Jewish males had a much higher life
    expectancy than the average for total Soviet males, whereas Jewish females in the
    Soviet Union had no such advantage. Life expectancy at birth for Soviet Jews in
    1988-1989 was 70.1 for males and 73.7 for females (Andreev et al. 1993).”

    This might be due in part due to Soviet Jewish men possibly drinking less alcohol, especially vodka, relative to Soviet Slavic men. Another possible reason for this might be superior average Soviet Jewish genes, though it’s less likely because Soviet Jewish women apparently did not have any longevity advantage over Soviet gentile women back in 1989.

  178. @Known Fact

    I think Jews avoid total dysfunctional drinking (or heroin for that matter) because it would interfere with the quest for financial and/or professional success and respect. Jewish men are driven to give the wife a nice house and give the kids good schools, so the kids can continue the cycle. Even in not so lucrative business sectors we want to be seen and treated as professionals

    Now you might think this drive to succeed would not be healthy but for many Jewish men it's their fun and games. On their deathbed they really might think they should have spent more time at the office.

    I'm talking about secular assimilated American Jews, I do not claim to understand the Orthodox way of life but they don't look all that healthy to me. Now weed and coke could be a problem for young Jewish guys in the fast lane, but I wouldn't know about that either

    Replies: @Pixo, @kaganovitch, @J.Ross

    I forget the name and author but there’s an excellent book from the 1900s with a passage to the effect that, Jews actually want to work and, if they somehow had a choice, would choose to continue at their business, whereas gentiles tolerate work because they want money and, if they somehow could, they would go fishing for the rest of their lives. Interestingly, in the only place where Karl Marx attempted to concretely illustrate his utopia, that’s pretty much what he said.

  179. @Ghost of Bull Moose
    Okay, but why do Jewish men die before their wives?

    Because they want to.

    Replies: @kaganovitch

    Okay, but why do Jewish men die before their wives?

    Because they want to.

    Reminds me of a curmudgeon I used to work with. Really great guy but a sharp tongue. Anyway, one day we were having a coffee in his office and one of our colleagues walked in and said “Did you hear? Bridget’s husband died yesterday.” (Bridget was the Food Services Director and a truly vicious harpy) So my friend says “Lucky guy!”

    • LOL: Bardon Kaldian
  180. @Art Deco

    The 'ruthless' example of 'will to power' held public office for one eight year period followed by a couple of months-long stints on blue ribbon commissions and some minor (volunteer) gigs on advisory committees. Between 1946 and 1969, the number of people working under him likely never exceeded a secretary and a couple of research assistants. He had a record as an occupation official in post-war Germany. Just what 'ruthless' things did he do in those positions?

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

    Henry Kissinger’s central role in the U.S. carpet bombing of Cambodia

    “From 1969 to 1973, as national security adviser and secretary of state under President Richard M. Nixon, Kissinger directed the carpet bombing of large swaths of Cambodia that U.S. officials at the time claimed were sanctuaries for communist insurgents from South Vietnam as well as North Vietnamese soldiers. Ben Kiernan, a historian at Yale University and a leading scholar of the U.S. legacy in Cambodia, has estimated that around 500,000 tons of U.S. bombs were dropped on Cambodia during this period and killed as many as 150,000 civilians.”


    • Replies: @Art Deco
    @Mr. Anon

    There was no 'carpet bombing' and Henry Kissinger never commanded one American soldier bar the few seconded to his staff.

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

  181. @kaganovitch
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn’t have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.
    Of course, I can't speak to your personal experience, but fwiw, survey data indicate that Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.

    Replies: @HammerJack, @Anonymous

    Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.

    Perhaps; are they known to be more resistant to propaganda, even their own? Meanwhile the problem wasn’t necessarily what JD calls “The Joos” but particular ones with names like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Miller, Kristol, Goldberg, Adelson etc etc.

    • Replies: @kaganovitch

    Perhaps; are they known to be more resistant to propaganda, even their own? Meanwhile the problem wasn’t necessarily what JD calls “The Joos” but particular ones with names like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Miller, Kristol, Goldberg, Adelson etc etc.
    Neocons are not really representative of Jewish opinion. See the polling data I referenced earlier https://news.gallup.com/poll/26677/among-religious-groups-jewish-americans-most-strongly-oppose-war.aspx

    Opposition to Iraq war was very strongly correlated with Leftism so not very surprising that Jews would be over represented there.

    Replies: @Jack D, @res, @HammerJack, @Mike Tre

  182. @Captain Tripps

    Since historically Jews have been a minority outsider group in Europe, I am not surprised they would generally be underrepresented in a typical European nations armed forces. In the U.S. during the era of mass migration in late 19th/early 20th century, most Jews were "working class" and ended up in roughly their percentage of the population in the draft era armed forces, particularly in World War I and II. The Private Melish character in "Saving Private Ryan" would have been approximately correct for Jewish citizens in the ground combat arms (infantry, artillery, armor). Likely underrepresented at the Service academies during that timeframe (West Point and Annapolis were pretty WASP-y), but probably more normal in ROTC commissions (any other college that had an officer commissioning program). Later in the 20th century and up until today with the all-volunteer force, and concurrent with Jewish ascendance in more remunerative professions in America, you see less Jewish presence in combat arms professions (and in the enlisted ranks) and more in Judge Advocate General (military lawyers), and medical skills (doctors, vets, nurses). At least that is my biased Army experience (35+ years). I imagine the more technical skills required for certain Air Force, Navy and now Space Force occupations, you would see more Jewish representation there, but I'm just speculating based on my personal knowledge of Jewish friends/colleagues and their experiences.

    This website has data on military demographics, but I don't see any specific ethnic or religious breakdowns to show Jewish representation; probably lumped in the "White" category.


    Replies: @The Craw, @Anonymous

    According to the Wikipedia article on Saving Private Ryan, the original screenplay did NOT include a Jewish member of the squad. The character that appears in the film as “Melish”did not materialize until Spielberg took over the project.
    Moreover, the character of Melish as originally conceived, was slated to die from a gunshot. It was only during filming that his onscreen death was changed to a brutal hand to hand struggle with a remorseless nazi.
    You may recall that the educated WASP Upham stood by cowering as the nazi killed Melish.
    Thereafter, Upham grew a spine and killed the German referred to as Steamboat Willie, to whom Captain Miller, at Upham’s urging, had previously shown mercy.
    Subtle, no?

    • Thanks: Captain Tripps
  183. @Jack D
    @Frau Katze

    It depends what you mean by "Sephardic". In broad terms, everyone Jewish who is not Ashkenazi can be called "Sephardic". This included the true Sephardim (Sefarad means "Spain" in Hebrew) who are the descendants of the expelled Jews of Spain and Portugal who accepted the invitation of the Ottoman Sultan and settled in the Ottoman Empire but it also includes other groups of Jews such as the Jews of Yemen who never set foot in Spain and had been in the Middle East since ancient times.

    The true Sephardim are just as European as the Ashkenazi Jews but a lot of the Mizrahim (Eastern Jews) are not. The Yemeni Jews were extremely backward, coming from an isolated pre-industrial society and unfamiliar with modern conveniences like plumbing. Genetically they are closer to Arabs than to Europeans or even Levantines.

    Replies: @Frau Katze

    Definition of Sephardic

    Thanks for the info.

    I saw a picture of a Yemeni Jewish family in Israel in the 1950s. They were sitting on the floor around a low table, no shoes (although perhaps they took off shoes inside as is the Arab custom).

  184. @Jack D

    Maybe this had more to do with Russian society than with Jews? There were plenty of Jewish farmers in America at one time:


    Mostly they were located in the coastal states and in the poultry industry. When, with the advent of refrigerated trucking post WWII, the egg industry mostly moved south (where costs were lower), the Jews did not follow. With greater access to higher education, the offspring of most Jewish farmers preferred to take up professional careers instead.

    Replies: @Ghost of Bull Moose, @Curle, @Philip Neal

    Are eggs a commodity, and if so is there a way for Jews to trade in them? Throwing a slipper at a Collateralised Egg Obligation or something like that?

    • Replies: @Jack D
    @Philip Neal

    Sure. There are egg futures just like there are corn futures and coffee futures and so on.


    Replies: @Philip Neal

  185. @Anonymous

    Saw this article a while back.

    Growing up in and around NYC among Jews, I was always shocked at how long my Jewish friends’ grandparents lived and prospered. Still coherent into their late 80s.

    My gentile Irish, Magyar and German grandparents were toast by their late 60s, looking like they were already in their 80s.

    Longer Telomeres? Protective genes? Sure.

    Also a lack of compounded Catholic/Christian guilt over time. Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances. How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on. Good for them.

    Replies: @Trinity, @The Craw, @Anon, @SFG, @puttheforkdown, @Wokechoke, @Bardon Kaldian, @silviosilver

    Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances.

    Huh? I can’t believe what I just read.

  186. @puttheforkdown

    Good for them
    I'm all for cutting 100% of aid to Israel and then having you move in with them. You can really live in the moment then!

    A good amount of the longevity is probably just from Jews being midgets. Shorter people live longer, every inch over 5'9 or so you pay for in cancer and all cause mortality after your 60s. Italians are similar. If they can avoid being scumbag mafioso they'll be 100 years old, hunched over, wandering around the neighborhood.

    Replies: @Bardon Kaldian

    There could be something in it. Italians are famous for longevity- not to speak of the Japanese.

  187. Oh course it Adenochrome.

    • Replies: @That Would Be Telling
    @Skyler the Weird

    Oh course it Adenochrome.
    Would not be true for the total populations we should be examining, as opposed to a few notable figures like Kissinger who kicked off this HBD investigation.
  188. @That Would Be Telling
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.
    Noticibly below 100, but not "well below." As I've been commenting over the IDF's ability to stomp on Hamas with remarkably few dead in what's normally the most brutal type of modern warfare. The average Israeli IQ is well above Palestinians who are around the general average of 85 for Arabs (but not those in Yemen who are officially a more African 66 (!)) and this pays of big in modern warfare, all the way down to the lowliest infantryman.

    If you don't count the Sephardim as "of European descent" or only some fraction, then I'm pretty sure "the overwhelming majority [of Israeli Jews] aren't of European descent."

    And "Israeli" is not axiomatically Jewish, using Wikipedia and religion as a proxy, only 73.6% as of 2022. 18.1% Muslim, then a scattering of others including the now rare Samaritans. Wikipedia says ~874, while I seem to remember a figure of six thousand a while ago. Given that both they and the Jews are "Old Testament" Abrahamic a compare and contrast for why one population ended up being so successful might be interesting.

    Replies: @Jack D, @HammerJack, @AnotherDad, @Rich

    Moslems aren’t counted in the statistics for Israelis. So the 95 IQ is of Israeli Jews. Sephardic Jews are European, from Spain, although many have intermarried with the Mizrahi.

  189. @Dmon
    Since it's a slow news week, how about touching on a story with potentially huge ramifications for the future of American urban centers? The fact that it is from Frontpage magazine maintains the critical jewish connection of the thread.

    In a nutshell, the only group in the world with a long, uninterrupted history of successfully dealing with sub-Saharan Africans is pointing the way to a bright new era of urban renewal in America's collapsing cities.

    The below-title quote alone is a meme goldmine.
    “Them Arabs in motherf***ing Detroit tried to kill me!”

    Replies: @QCIC

    So the civil war will have the arabs, blacks, jews and mestizos fighting it out while the whites stand aside watching calmly. Who’d a thunk it?

  190. @Jack D

    How far on average did the peasants have to travel to get to the Pale ?
    It's clear from your question that you don't have the slightest understanding of how the Russian Empire was set up. All you have is Joo on the brain disease.

    People in the West used to think that all of our problems with Russia stemmed from Communism. But now that Communism is gone, we can see that Russian nationalism was there before, during and after Communism. When Solzhenitsyn came West, we hailed him as some kind of anti-Communist hero, but he never liked the West. He holed himself up in some forest compound in Vermont so that he could pretend he was still in Russia. Russian nationalism is incompatible with Western thought and with notions such as the equal status of the Jews as national citizens that have been common in the rest of Europe since Napoleon. As a Russian nationalist, Solzhenitsyn could only see the Jews as an alien race living among his own. Of course, this is how the Men of Unz see Jews also so it's not surprising that you would find his views congenial. But keep in mind he hated America too.

    There is no question that by the later bloody standards of the 20th century, when millions would die, many of the pogroms had a low body count. In the infamous Kishinev pogrom of 1903, which received a lot of ink in the Western press at the time, "only" 49 Jews were killed. People in the West at that time were not wrong to be shocked or upset - 49 deaths is still a lot of deaths (plus a lot more injuries, rapes, pillaging, etc.) It's just that in 1903 people were still naive and unaware of the infinitely greater horrors the new century would bring. Also, what was shocking about Kishinev was not so much the pogrom itself but that the Russian government authorities had turned a blind eye to the pogrom and did not try to stop it.

    Replies: @Curle, @Anon

    Don’t be dense. I asked the question the way I did because the regulations of the Russian state explicitly sought to keep Jews bottled up in agricultural communities and away from non-Jewish towns and burroughs (from the temporary regulations regarding the Jews):

    “As a temporary measure, and until a general revision is made of their legal status, it is decreed that the Jews be forbidden to settle anew outside of towns and boroughs, exceptions being admitted only in the case of existing Jewish agricultural colonies.”
    “Temporarily forbidden are the issuing of mortgages and other deeds to Jews, as well as the registration of Jews as lessees of real property situated outside of towns and boroughs; and also the issuing to Jews of powers of attorney to manage and dispose of such real property.”
    “Jews are forbidden to transact business on Sundays and on principal Christian holy days; the existing regulations concerning closing of places of business belonging to Christians on such days should apply to Jews also.”
    “The measures laid down in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 shall apply only to governments within the Pale of Jewish Settlement.”

    In other words, the accursed regulations ONLY applied to the Pale of Settlement but explicitly barred Jews from settling in anything but Jewish colonies AND barred them from various land related financial powers elsewhere. The remedial action being sought is quite clear, protecting non-Jews from Jewish predations. Not some exercise in stretching the For-No-Apparent-Reason muscles of the alleged anti-Semitic Russians who didn’t travel to oppress Jews but sought state protection for their residents from the practices being exercised on them (the non-Jews) by that population of visitors/travelers/migrants.

    • Replies: @J.Ross

    It makes sense once you know Derzhavin's account. They were already screwing over Polish peasants (with the approval of Polish nobles). When Russia initially acquired the Pale, there was a pogrom, and Derzhavin was sent to investigate why (he assumed innocent Jews and peasant ignorance, like he had been taught). He found outrageous scams and started to put a stop to it. He tried to reform the situation but was removed from his own commission after some (((meetings))). So what you're looking at is the Russian elite deciding, okay, they're screwing over peasants, but they already were, plus these aren't our people so to speak, and the money is flowing nicely, but at the same time we're not letting those people in to our neighborhoods.

    , @Jack D

    These are the so called "May Laws" which were enacted in 1882. The "temporary" racist measures (a sort of Russian Jim Crow) lasted until the fall of the Czarist government in 1917 and contributed greatly to Jewish emigration. So if there are millions of Jews in America, you can thank the Czar and Count Ignatiev.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Curle

  191. @Trinity
    Growing old and "living" a long time is overrated. Who really wants to live to be 90-100 or even 80 IF you have trouble getting around and have to take multiple pills each day. At that point you are just existing. Like douchebag John Cougar/Mellencamp sang, " live goes on long after the thrill of living is gone." "Three score and ten" is long enuff for MOST. You lose your looks, your hair, your teeth, your mobility, your physical strength, your libido, your memory, your eyesight, your hearing, etc. Growing old does not sound fun.

    Replies: @anonymous, @theMann, @Frau Katze, @Bardon Kaldian, @Jon

    In some instances there is even more. In many people, even perfectly healthy & functioning, anhedonia sets in. Something Swinburne articulated:

    From too much love of living,
    From hope and fear set free,
    We thank with brief thanksgiving
    Whatever gods may be
    That no life lives for ever;
    That dead men rise up never;
    That even the weariest river
    Winds somewhere safe to sea.

    It may happen earlier, as Somerset Maugham noticed in a novel:

    Life had no meaning. On the earth, satellite of a star speeding through space, living things had arisen under the influence of conditions which were part of the planet’s history; and as there had been a beginning of life upon it so, under the influence of other conditions, there would be an end: man, no more significant than other forms of life, had come not as the climax of creation but as a physical reaction to the environment. Philip remembered the story of the Eastern King who, desiring to know the history of man, was brought by a sage five hundred volumes; busy with affairs of state, he bade him go and condense it; in twenty years the sage returned and his history now was in no more than fifty volumes, but the King, too old then to read so many ponderous tomes, bade him go and shorten it once more; twenty years passed again and the sage, old and gray, brought a single book in which was the knowledge the King had sought; but the King lay on his death-bed, and he had no time to read even that; and then the sage gave him the history of man in a single line; it was this: he was born, he suffered, and he died. There was no meaning in life, and man by living served no end. It was immaterial whether he was born or not born, whether he lived or ceased to live. Life was insignificant and death without consequence.

  192. @Jack D
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    You must have been a real popular guy around the office.

    Back when America had a draft, Jews served alongside everyone else. My in-laws had a circle of "Greatest Generation" friends and to a man, every one of them had been in the military.

    Nowadays we have a volunteer army and we don't have mandatory quotas for ethnic groups. The most "patriotic" of all ethnic groups are the blacks, who make up 21% of the Army, far above their weight in the population. In reality, this has nothing to do with their patriotism (or that of Jews).

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects. If you go to work for a Big Law law firm, your starting salary nowadays will be north of $200k. An Army private makes around 1/10th of that. So naturally, the people with the mental HP to make it as Big Law associates would rather do that than make 1/10th as much as privates. OTOH, if you are a black kid or a working class white kid from W. Virginia, $26k/yr might sound pretty good to you.

    Replies: @Curle, @Art Deco, @AnotherDad, @The Germ Theory of Disease

    The poet and educator Kenneth Koch was a man whom I greatly admire. I’d actually like to see somebody make a movie about his life. He was a friend and intimate of the great poets Frank O’Hara and John Ashbery; he was a fine poet in his own right, though not quite as good as those two — But he was a brilliant educator, who worked in the NYC school system for years, teaching poetry to kids, and he wrote several text-book classics on the art of teaching in that vein: “Making Your Own Days” and “Rose, How Did You Get That Red?” among them. A great soul. And he was Jewish.

    To be rid of troubles
    Of one person by turning into
    Someone else, moving and jolting
    As if nothing mattered but today
    In fact nothing
    But this precise moment…

    — Kenneth Koch

    If somebody had ever said to me, “That Kenneth Koch is just a no-good Jew” I woulda smashed him in the jaw with a claw-hammer. You get the idea.

    I brought him up for a reason, to illustrate a point. But I don’t want to sully his memory with annoying polemics, so for the moment I’ll leave it be and come back to it later.

    In the meantime: Kenneth Koch, what a great f#cking guy. Short-listed for Best Dude of the 20th Century.

    • Replies: @anon
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    If somebody had ever said to me, “That Kenneth Koch is just a no-good Jew” I woulda smashed him in the jaw with a claw-hammer.
    You are pathetic.
  193. @Captain Tripps
    @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    My impression was that George Costanza's family was supposed to be Mediterranean European in origin (Italian? Greek?), although because I know that Jason Alexander (born Jay Scott Greenspan) and Jerry Stiller (who played his father) are Jewish, their mannerisms and speech were VERY New York City Jewish.

    Replies: @Alec Leamas (working from home)

    My impression was that George Costanza’s family was supposed to be Mediterranean European in origin (Italian? Greek?), although because I know that Jason Alexander (born Jay Scott Greenspan) and Jerry Stiller (who played his father) are Jewish, their mannerisms and speech were VERY New York City Jewish.

    Wikipedia says George’s father was Italian and his mother Jewish.

    Seinfeld premiered in 1989, and I imagine that when the show was being pitched there was consciousness about the show being too obviously Jewish, therefore the ethnicities of Seinfeld’s supporting cast were made ambiguous or at least less obviously Jewish. e.g., Wikipedia also says that the Kramer character was previously named “Kessler” and before that “Hoffman” in a first draft of the original script.

    All four of the main characters are obviously stereotypically Jewish in their foibles and obsessions and neuroticism, even if veiled in ambiguous or non-Jewish ethnicities. This is similar to how the writers of Sex and the City originally conceived the show as being about the sexual exploits of single gay men in Manhattan, but swapped in straight women in order to appeal to a broader audience in the late 1990s.

    • Thanks: Captain Tripps
  194. @Corvinus

    It is a compelling response. I can't help it you are being too stubborn here to admit it.

    "That you can’t see it is picking one side of a false dichotomy is your problem, not mine."

    That's rich considering you offered a source that focuses on the genetic side, along with your comment "But at least in this case you look to be on the more than half right side".

    Again, you're not disputing the conclusions from the sources I provided, so I am on the right track. Thanks for tacitly acknowledging it!

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

    It is a compelling response. I can’t help it you are being too stubborn here to admit it.

    It was a stupid response. You are a stupid man.

    Nobody is going to follow your links or consider your arguments. You are a moron. Commenter “res” was being nice in humoring you, because that’s what you do for retards. And that is what you are…..a retard.

    • Replies: @Corvinus
    @Mr. Anon

    All you do is yell at clouds. That’s your sad sack existence on this fine opinion webzine.

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

  195. @Captain Tripps

    Since historically Jews have been a minority outsider group in Europe, I am not surprised they would generally be underrepresented in a typical European nations armed forces. In the U.S. during the era of mass migration in late 19th/early 20th century, most Jews were "working class" and ended up in roughly their percentage of the population in the draft era armed forces, particularly in World War I and II. The Private Melish character in "Saving Private Ryan" would have been approximately correct for Jewish citizens in the ground combat arms (infantry, artillery, armor). Likely underrepresented at the Service academies during that timeframe (West Point and Annapolis were pretty WASP-y), but probably more normal in ROTC commissions (any other college that had an officer commissioning program). Later in the 20th century and up until today with the all-volunteer force, and concurrent with Jewish ascendance in more remunerative professions in America, you see less Jewish presence in combat arms professions (and in the enlisted ranks) and more in Judge Advocate General (military lawyers), and medical skills (doctors, vets, nurses). At least that is my biased Army experience (35+ years). I imagine the more technical skills required for certain Air Force, Navy and now Space Force occupations, you would see more Jewish representation there, but I'm just speculating based on my personal knowledge of Jewish friends/colleagues and their experiences.

    This website has data on military demographics, but I don't see any specific ethnic or religious breakdowns to show Jewish representation; probably lumped in the "White" category.


    Replies: @The Craw, @Anonymous

    ended up in roughly their percentage of the population in the draft era armed forces, particularly in World War I and II.

    Let’s just forget what the Coast Guard was nicknamed in WW2.

  196. @kaganovitch
    @Known Fact

    Now you might think this drive to succeed would not be healthy but for many Jewish men it’s their fun and games. On their deathbed they really might think they should have spent more time at the office.
    Old Jewish joke : Moshe was on his death bed surrounded by family. He raises his head and asks “Mendel are you there?”

    “Yes, Father, I am here.”

    A moment later Moshe says, “Izzy, are you there?”

    His son, Izzy assures him he is by his side.

    “Joshua,” says the ailing Moshe, “Are you there?”

    “I’m here Poppa,” said Joshua taking his hand.

    “Rivka are you here?”

    ” Don’t worry Poppa, I’m here”

    Moshe raises himself on his elbow,

    “Then who the hell is minding the business?!”

    Replies: @Mr. XYZ

    “Then who the hell is minding the business?!”

    Why, cousin Pinkus, of course!

  197. @Art Deco
    @Jack D

    In a volunteer army, people choose to enlist or choose other jobs based upon their relative economic prospects
    Every once in a while you say something that's unintentionally revealing.

    Replies: @Jack D, @Jack Armstrong

    What percentage of the IDF is Black?

  198. “A lot of people drink when socializing to get over their shyness — Nordics are especially notorious for this.”

    My dad was one-quarter Norwegian, the rest English and Scots-Irish. When he quit drinking, he had one major concern with sobriety: would anyone still find him an interesting conversationalist?

  199. @Curle
    @Jack D

    Don’t be dense. I asked the question the way I did because the regulations of the Russian state explicitly sought to keep Jews bottled up in agricultural communities and away from non-Jewish towns and burroughs (from the temporary regulations regarding the Jews):

    “As a temporary measure, and until a general revision is made of their legal status, it is decreed that the Jews be forbidden to settle anew outside of towns and boroughs, exceptions being admitted only in the case of existing Jewish agricultural colonies."
    "Temporarily forbidden are the issuing of mortgages and other deeds to Jews, as well as the registration of Jews as lessees of real property situated outside of towns and boroughs; and also the issuing to Jews of powers of attorney to manage and dispose of such real property."
    "Jews are forbidden to transact business on Sundays and on principal Christian holy days; the existing regulations concerning closing of places of business belonging to Christians on such days should apply to Jews also."
    "The measures laid down in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 shall apply only to governments within the Pale of Jewish Settlement."

    In other words, the accursed regulations ONLY applied to the Pale of Settlement but explicitly barred Jews from settling in anything but Jewish colonies AND barred them from various land related financial powers elsewhere. The remedial action being sought is quite clear, protecting non-Jews from Jewish predations. Not some exercise in stretching the For-No-Apparent-Reason muscles of the alleged anti-Semitic Russians who didn’t travel to oppress Jews but sought state protection for their residents from the practices being exercised on them (the non-Jews) by that population of visitors/travelers/migrants.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Jack D

    It makes sense once you know Derzhavin’s account. They were already screwing over Polish peasants (with the approval of Polish nobles). When Russia initially acquired the Pale, there was a pogrom, and Derzhavin was sent to investigate why (he assumed innocent Jews and peasant ignorance, like he had been taught). He found outrageous scams and started to put a stop to it. He tried to reform the situation but was removed from his own commission after some (((meetings))). So what you’re looking at is the Russian elite deciding, okay, they’re screwing over peasants, but they already were, plus these aren’t our people so to speak, and the money is flowing nicely, but at the same time we’re not letting those people in to our neighborhoods.

  200. @Curle
    @Jack D

    Don’t be dense. I asked the question the way I did because the regulations of the Russian state explicitly sought to keep Jews bottled up in agricultural communities and away from non-Jewish towns and burroughs (from the temporary regulations regarding the Jews):

    “As a temporary measure, and until a general revision is made of their legal status, it is decreed that the Jews be forbidden to settle anew outside of towns and boroughs, exceptions being admitted only in the case of existing Jewish agricultural colonies."
    "Temporarily forbidden are the issuing of mortgages and other deeds to Jews, as well as the registration of Jews as lessees of real property situated outside of towns and boroughs; and also the issuing to Jews of powers of attorney to manage and dispose of such real property."
    "Jews are forbidden to transact business on Sundays and on principal Christian holy days; the existing regulations concerning closing of places of business belonging to Christians on such days should apply to Jews also."
    "The measures laid down in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 shall apply only to governments within the Pale of Jewish Settlement."

    In other words, the accursed regulations ONLY applied to the Pale of Settlement but explicitly barred Jews from settling in anything but Jewish colonies AND barred them from various land related financial powers elsewhere. The remedial action being sought is quite clear, protecting non-Jews from Jewish predations. Not some exercise in stretching the For-No-Apparent-Reason muscles of the alleged anti-Semitic Russians who didn’t travel to oppress Jews but sought state protection for their residents from the practices being exercised on them (the non-Jews) by that population of visitors/travelers/migrants.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Jack D

    These are the so called “May Laws” which were enacted in 1882. The “temporary” racist measures (a sort of Russian Jim Crow) lasted until the fall of the Czarist government in 1917 and contributed greatly to Jewish emigration. So if there are millions of Jews in America, you can thank the Czar and Count Ignatiev.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
    @Jack D

    Jack calls people names and spells Tsar with a "C." I actually explain things, and my comments reside in the Pale.

    Replies: @Jack D

    , @Curle
    @Jack D

    I don’t blame the Russians for laws that appear reasonable on their face I blame the Americans who facilitated this which, by the way, includes important Senate leaders from the South who advocated Russian Jewish immigration explicitly for the ‘benefits’ of Jewish industry for the South, by which I suspect they meant international Jewish investment, but who also made comments suggesting they expected the Jews would temper Yankee dominance. These observations in hindsight seem both prescient and short sighted. Whether Jews ever posed a greater threat to the Yankee establishment as compared to the South is beyond my brief but that they’ve set themselves up as defamers of southern culture since at least the 1950s seems obvious enough.

  201. “I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol”

    It strikes me that none of Seinfeld’s main characters seem to take much interest in anything in particular. Almost as if it’s a show about…(wait for it)…nothing in particular.

    Seriously, the one aspect that makes the show seem dated is it’s total lack of awareness of the internet, which was an actual thing in the mid to late ’90’s, during the show’s heyday. Perhaps they thought that having a word processor or early, EARLY generation of a PC in one of the corners of Jerry’s pad helped give it a cool, update, and with it factor on the subtle side of things (though why Jerry would have needed a word processor remains the question. He was mostly writing his content material for his act on notepad and using pens).

    But seeing that today in 2023 is quite semi cringe, as in, “Ah, no. That’s dated. Not cool, and the internet DID exist in mid to late nineties and yet they failed to directly comment on it as an actual thing at the time.”

    If there is an episode or two of Seinfeld that uses the net as a throwaway line, that doesn’t exactly count, more along the lines of the word processor in the corner–possibly to show you’ve heard of it, but not to show you actually know what it is. But I don’t recall the later seasons of Seinfeld (which would’ve been filmed during the late 90’s) specifically making use that the world was changing and the net was here to stay. Unlike another groundbreaking show, for instance (albeit with a focus on a different audience) and that would be the cartoon show South Park (which debuted around the final years of Seinfeld).

    Or perhaps there were many older (post 35 yr olds) in the mid 90’s that didn’t immediately get on the Internet bandwagon at the time. Hopefully Jerry and George weren’t using pagers or that would really date the show today.

  202. Not to be that guy, but the Seinfeld thing might be off the mark.

    Prime Time TV for a long time had restrictions on showing alcohol use. Even Cheers — set in a bar — would usually only have the guys nursing nondescript beers and never getting drunk. Occasionally women in the scene would order some mixed drink but it was rarely seen that they drank it full. Most other sitcoms from the 50s-90s that I can recall either had alcohol only on rare occasions or none at all.

    Nowadays a lot of old restrictions network TV had are gone. During his run on CBS Dave Letterman made a running joke out of the fact that he could now say “ass” and not get bleeped, e.g. he had Dick Clark come on and say “Have a Big Ass New Year!”

    And there’s usually a sponsored alcohol these days if they drink one.

    All that is to say that Seinfeld‘s writers might have thought that it was too much work to try to make a episodes about alcohol without the payoff. They managed to do so about m*sturbation, but that was a one-off big deal hyped to the moon.

  203. @Jack D

    These are the so called "May Laws" which were enacted in 1882. The "temporary" racist measures (a sort of Russian Jim Crow) lasted until the fall of the Czarist government in 1917 and contributed greatly to Jewish emigration. So if there are millions of Jews in America, you can thank the Czar and Count Ignatiev.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Curle

    Jack calls people names and spells Tsar with a “C.” I actually explain things, and my comments reside in the Pale.

    • Replies: @Jack D

    Since Czar is really a Russian attempt at saying Caesar, Czar makes more sense that Tsar. There is no T is Caesar. Czar is also the traditional American Romanization of that name and is used by the NY Times, for example:

    Russia Reopens the Last Czar’s Palace, a Century After His Execution


    It's true that Czar is spelled in Russia using the letter Ц (tse) which is usually Romanized as Ts and that many modern scholars prefer Tsar. However, there are many cases where there is a traditional spelling in English that is used instead of the modern standard Romanization, e.g. Moscow instead of Moskva.

    Replies: @J.Ross

  204. “…wondering again if Jews live longer on average than most others…” I suppose you never thought about why Social Security was instituted, and for whose benefit.

  205. @kaganovitch
    @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Back during the run-up to the insane Iraq War, I had the misfortune of working on a staff composed mostly of Jews. We really didn’t have a brief to talk politics, but nevertheless they insisted, and all of them to a man supported the Bush Iraq intervention, almost as if they had all been directed to by some unseen hidden force.
    Of course, I can't speak to your personal experience, but fwiw, survey data indicate that Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.

    Replies: @HammerJack, @Anonymous

    Of course, I can’t speak to your personal experience, but fwiw, survey data indicate that Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.

    That is false.

    • Replies: @kaganovitch

    That is false.

    Nope, it's true. See https://news.gallup.com/poll/26677/among-religious-groups-jewish-americans-most-strongly-oppose-war.aspx

  206. @Henry Canaday
    I thought the traditional explanation of Jewish relative non-susceptibility to alcoholism was that Jews came from a very old society that had access to wine for many centuries or even millennia and thus those whose genes rendered them vulnerable to alcoholism had been weeded out. That probably goes for a lot of other bad urban habits.

    Remember, in Jews we are dealing with a people who have been living -- and thus evolving both genetically and culturally - under the rules that support modern civilization much longer than any other western people, because they invented the rules (or had them revealed).

    Replies: @james wilson, @dux.ie, @angmoh, @Steve Sailer

    > thus those whose genes rendered them vulnerable to alcoholism had been weeded out.

    Nope. Significant number of Ashkenazis ASJ actually still have the gene ADH1B*2, more than EUR. ADH1B*2 creates bad alcohol metabolizm and the drinker will feel sick and most become teetotler. Alcohol attack the fatty glial cells which insulate the neuron, creating noisy neural transmission and hence lower IQ. Thus those with ADH1B*2 have significantly higher IQ. ASJ have higher IQ than CHN as they also have IQ gene CCR5 from nothern EUR which the CHN lack.

    The ADH1B*2 is a significant allele in GWAS EA3. ADH1B*2 drinker is also subceptable to the uncurable esophageal cancer of which ASJ suffers more than Sephardic Jew. Note RUS have even higher % ADH1B*2 but they are heavy drinkers, so culture also has sig effects. RUS ASJ have less ADH1B*2 than EUR ASJ and both higher than EUR who virtually have none.

    “Esophageal Cancer in Israel has Unique Clinico-Pathological Features: A Retrospective Study”

  207. @Jack D

    These are the so called "May Laws" which were enacted in 1882. The "temporary" racist measures (a sort of Russian Jim Crow) lasted until the fall of the Czarist government in 1917 and contributed greatly to Jewish emigration. So if there are millions of Jews in America, you can thank the Czar and Count Ignatiev.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Curle

    I don’t blame the Russians for laws that appear reasonable on their face I blame the Americans who facilitated this which, by the way, includes important Senate leaders from the South who advocated Russian Jewish immigration explicitly for the ‘benefits’ of Jewish industry for the South, by which I suspect they meant international Jewish investment, but who also made comments suggesting they expected the Jews would temper Yankee dominance. These observations in hindsight seem both prescient and short sighted. Whether Jews ever posed a greater threat to the Yankee establishment as compared to the South is beyond my brief but that they’ve set themselves up as defamers of southern culture since at least the 1950s seems obvious enough.

  208. @Ghost of Bull Moose
    @Jack D

    Jack, I look forward to your book about the the Jewish egg industry.

    'Fascinating!' as Steve replied when I emailed him about some boring thing or another.

    Replies: @Jack D, @Reg Cæsar

    Jack, I look forward to your book about the the Jewish egg industry.

    Hey, it worked for Mrs McDonald:

    Steve or one of his neighbors can write the screenplay.

  209. @AnotherDad
    @That Would Be Telling

    On the other hand, the average IQ of Mizrahim and Sephardic Jews is not greater than and may in fact be well below 100. This probably accounts for the average IQ of Israeli Jews.
    Noticibly below 100, but not “well below.”
    Agree. I particularly don't get this idea that the Sephardic Jews are bozos. They were middle-manning in Spain (granted when the Spanish IQ was much lower) and continued to do so in diaspora. (Thessalonica or wherever.) They've occasionally thrown up impressive individuals from small populations--like Notorious RBG's favorite Judah P. Benjamin. The Sephardic populations should at minimum be smarter than Mediterranean whites.

    My SWAG on the Israelis:
    Ashkenazi -- 110ish
    Sephardim -- 102ish
    Mizrahi -- 90-93ish
    Yemeni -- dumber
    Arabs -- 87-90ish
    Druze -- no idea

    The main thing is they've got a sufficient smart faction of really clever Ashkenazis to figure things out, make sure stuff that must work works. And, of course, they a) get the best military tech in the world from the United States and b) are fighting Arabs.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    And, of course, they a) get the best military tech in the world from the United States and b) are fighting Arabs.

    When asked by a reporter what the secret to winning wars was, Gen Moshe Dayan freely offered up b).

    • Replies: @Wielgus
    @Reg Cæsar

    And he spoke Arabic and was comparatively liberal in Israeli terms. Those who came after him were several giant steps closer to Baruch Goldstein in their attitudes.
    On the other hand, Dayan's career was damaged by the Arabs achieving surprise in the early stages of the 1973 war. That's the trouble with hubris...

    Replies: @Ralph L, @Reg Cæsar

  210. Going by country, Japan (followed by Switzerland and Italy) have the longest life
    expectancies at birth. Interestingly, the Japanese often say, “We live too long.”
    Israel is 15th in life expectancy, so not much to write home about.

    It’s hard to find recent well-researched studies of Jewish life expectancy in the U.S.
    One reason may be that 3/4 of the U.S. Jews are atheists/agnostics, and the
    latter intermarry at high rates with non-Jews. As a result, there are now hundreds
    of thousand of half-Jews (like Bill Maher) and quarter-Jews. Do these count as
    Jews in the stats? Moreover, Jews are regularly subjected to mass killings like
    the Holocaust and the October 7 attack. These shorten their life expectancy
    considerably. For example, the Irish sat out WW II so their life expectancy was not
    affected by the war.

    What’s well established is the existence of the so-called blue zones, i.e. regions
    with very high longevity. Examples include Okinawa, Greek island of Ikaria, and
    the city of Loma Linda in California. Also well established is the extreme
    longevity of Seventh Day Adventists. In California they are concentrated in
    Loma Linda, and hence Loma Linda is a blue zone. Wikipedia has a whole
    article called “Adventist Health Studies.” On average, Adventist men live
    7.3 years longer and Adventist women 4.4 years longer than other Californians.

    Does anybody remember the movie “Lost Horizon” (1937) and its portrayal
    of Shangri- La, an idyllic valley whose founder was said to be 200 years old?
    Patrick Flanagan, boy genius and prolific inventor, was inspired by the movie,
    and came to believe it was mostly the local quality of water that could extend
    one’s healthy lifespan. He invented a supplement that supposedly imparts
    healing properties to ordinary water. He died at 75 due to a fall, but his
    supplement is continuing to sell in the millions.

    • Replies: @srf0091
    @Anon 2

    re blue zones, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/704080v1.full

    Replies: @Anon 2

  211. Anon[377] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jack D

    How far on average did the peasants have to travel to get to the Pale ?
    It's clear from your question that you don't have the slightest understanding of how the Russian Empire was set up. All you have is Joo on the brain disease.

    People in the West used to think that all of our problems with Russia stemmed from Communism. But now that Communism is gone, we can see that Russian nationalism was there before, during and after Communism. When Solzhenitsyn came West, we hailed him as some kind of anti-Communist hero, but he never liked the West. He holed himself up in some forest compound in Vermont so that he could pretend he was still in Russia. Russian nationalism is incompatible with Western thought and with notions such as the equal status of the Jews as national citizens that have been common in the rest of Europe since Napoleon. As a Russian nationalist, Solzhenitsyn could only see the Jews as an alien race living among his own. Of course, this is how the Men of Unz see Jews also so it's not surprising that you would find his views congenial. But keep in mind he hated America too.

    There is no question that by the later bloody standards of the 20th century, when millions would die, many of the pogroms had a low body count. In the infamous Kishinev pogrom of 1903, which received a lot of ink in the Western press at the time, "only" 49 Jews were killed. People in the West at that time were not wrong to be shocked or upset - 49 deaths is still a lot of deaths (plus a lot more injuries, rapes, pillaging, etc.) It's just that in 1903 people were still naive and unaware of the infinitely greater horrors the new century would bring. Also, what was shocking about Kishinev was not so much the pogrom itself but that the Russian government authorities had turned a blind eye to the pogrom and did not try to stop it.

    Replies: @Curle, @Anon

    As a Russian nationalist, Solzhenitsyn could only see the Jews as an alien race living among his own. Of course, this is how the Men of Unz see Jews also so it’s not surprising that you would find his views congenial.

    If so, he was just following the lead of jews themselves—most jews are Zionists, seeing themselves as an alien race living amid White nations. “Next year in Jerusalem!”

  212. @NotAnonymousHere.com

    I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol — at least not for singles living in Manhattan who do a huge amount of socializing. (The title character works in nightclubs.)
    and casinos and The Tonight Show.

    Only one of the four is Jewish. George, of Italian descent therefore presumably Catholic, was once reminded by Jerry "but you don't drink". Kramer hosts all night poker parties and other bacchanalia. Elaine gets drunk at the office party and "dances". I'd like to see the same laser-like analysis of the cast of Friends. Everyone on The West Wing drank, even the Jew Toby Ziegler. How can Young Sheldon be used as a lens to examine this matter?

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Mr. Anon, @ScarletNumber, @hhsiii

    George, of Italian descent therefore presumably Catholic, was once reminded by Jerry “but you don’t drink”.

    I would say the George character is obviously Jewish, as his mother is obviously Jewish. One point against that argument is that the Jerry character went away to summer camp as a child, while George didn’t. They made the character Italian just to slip under the radar.

    As for George’s lack of drinking, there was an episode where the gang went to a dinner party, and George wanted to bring Pepsi as a gift, with Elaine overruling him because “we’re adults”.

  213. @J.Ross

    They're all clearly Jews, and the insistence that they're not is itself the most Jewish thing of all. Now argue to the class that Ferengi aren't Jewish because they're not Homo sapiens and eat crustaceans. Jewish writers and show runners guarantee that, at worst, over time the characters and storylines will Judaize. Jews love talking about themselves.

    Replies: @ScarletNumber

    They’re all clearly Jews

    The guys are, but Elaine has WASP written all over her.

    Jewish writers and show runners guarantee that, at worst, over time the characters and storylines will Judaize.

    Everybody Loves Raymond is an interesting case study as the namesake is obviously Italian, while the showrunner is very much Jewish, so you have a melding of the styles, which most of the country finds interchangeable. After all, Peter Boyle is Irish while Doris Roberts is Jewish, and no one blinked at them being cast as Italian parents. The brother is obviously Jewish as well. I also found it amusing that they cast three Aryans who were real-life siblings to play the children.

    • Replies: @Art Deco

    but Elaine has WASP written all over her.
    She has a Czech name.

    , @J.Ross

    >Elaine a WASP
    No. She's just, like really, really Jewish, in appearance, mannerisms, place, fashion sense, sayings, most of all her behavior at the soup counter; she's like the yenta in the loud pattern print and styled hair in Operation Yonathan, who, hearing that Palestinian-sympathizing terrorists have hijacked the El-Al plane, reasons that she must immediately remove one of her rings because it has tiny Hebrew letters on it, and that might give her Jewishness away.
    >not Jewish but Italian
    For several reasons (including IQ!) this is like somebody insisting that he's not Hispanic, he's Portuguese, except that Spaniards and Portuguese are less alike than Jews and Italians.

  214. @Reg Cæsar

    And, of course, they a) get the best military tech in the world from the United States and b) are fighting Arabs.
    When asked by a reporter what the secret to winning wars was, Gen Moshe Dayan freely offered up b).

    Replies: @Wielgus

    And he spoke Arabic and was comparatively liberal in Israeli terms. Those who came after him were several giant steps closer to Baruch Goldstein in their attitudes.
    On the other hand, Dayan’s career was damaged by the Arabs achieving surprise in the early stages of the 1973 war. That’s the trouble with hubris…

    • Replies: @Ralph L

    Can someone find a clip of the Benny Hill skit referencing Dayan?

    , @Reg Cæsar

    And [Dayan] spoke Arabic and was comparatively liberal in Israeli terms.
    Enoch Powell was fluent in Urdu. He surprised some protesters at his doorstep.

    With its paucity of phonemes, the name Dayan is sure to show up, unrelated, in various parts of the world. I knew a Philippine with it. Its top country is not Israel, but Turkey:


    Then Israel, Sri Lanka, the U.S., Bangladesh and, more or less tied for fifth place, the Philippines, Pakistan, and France.
  215. @Known Fact
    I was listening to an interview with some local guy who had just turned a feisty 102, so the reporterette asked the standard "What's your secret?"

    "Always have some small grudge you can nurse," was his surprising reply. Having some minor bug up your ass helps your mind stays sharp and your juices flowing. Now this geezer was not Jewish, but it strikes me that Jews are indeed very skilled at kvetching about some little thing or other.

    Replies: @Wilkey

    I was listening to an interview with some local guy who had just turned a feisty 102, so the reporterette asked the standard “What’s your secret?” “Always have some small grudge you can nurse,” was his surprising reply.

    We had a psychologist come give us a talk on suicide back in high school. Among the reasons he gave us to not kill ourselves: ‘A lot of the people you know won’t care, and some will even laugh. After a few weeks most people will forget.’

    Seriously. I’m not sure that’s the best way to convince a high schooler not to kill themselves (he did elaborate to make it sound softer than my snippet suggests), and our health teacher definitely was not happy with that particular line, but the older I get the more I realize how right he was. Having a few people to hate can serve as a real motivation in life – including the motivation not to take your own life.

    • Replies: @Art Deco

    Having a few people to hate can serve as a real motivation in life
    Every once in a while one is reminded these comment boards are a collecting pool of damaged goods.

    , @Known Fact

    Or to put it more bluntly, living well is the best revenge.

    I don't spend time worrying about teen-agers but teen suicide is very sad -- If they had just a little perspective they'd see they are just a few years away from being able to totally remake themselves and their lives. I wonder just how much social media has cranked up the emotional turmoil level for these kids. I do not envy them one bit

  216. “Longevity of Jews”

    Jews are not very long-lived at all. In fact, like the Amish and, to a lesser degree, the Mormons, they tend to have a lot of genetic diseases caused by inbreeding, like Tay-Sachs, Duchenne Muscuilar Dystrophia and multiple BRCA1 mutations as well.

    The topic of longievity and populations has been studied extensively. We know that the most long-lived populations are, in decreasing order:

    1. Okinawans

    2. Cretans.

    3. Sardinians

    4. Pure bred Ameriandians from sout and central Americas.

    5. Latinos

    6. Basques.

    7. Adventists.

    Believe it or not, they couldn’t find any genetic variants associated with the exceptional longevity of these groups that created some conmmon genetic thread. The omly thing that all of these groups have in common is tha they have carbohydrate-rich,protein-poor diets. This makes sense as suppression of the MTORC-1 apthway, which is stimulated most strongly by protein intake, has the strongest effect at prolonging lifespan

    The Paleo and Keto people might find this disappointing, but while their diets might cause short-term improvement of health by stabilizing blood glucose levels, they shorten lifespan by fostering arteriosclerosis as all that fat orxidizes in the arteries, as well as promotes cancer since keto diets, by necessity, are rich in protein.

    The only 2 genes that have *consisttenly* been associated with longevity across all ethnic groups across multiple meta-analysis are APOE(Apolipoprotein E) and FOXO3(Forkhead Boxo 3)


    APOE is a gene responsible for many functions, the most important of which is the transport of lipids to the brain. Lipids cannot be transported in the bloodstream alone, because lipids are non-polar, while blood is mostly water. So Evolution created lipoproteins, which are proteins that latch onto fat and transport it around the body.

    There are several lipoproteins(APOA1, APOA2, APOA4, APOA5, APOB, APOC1, APOC3 and APOE). For instance, the APOB gene produces Apolipoprotein B. Mutations that cause gain-of-function in this gene cauise familial hypercholesteromia, FHC can be either autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant. In the case of autosomal dominant FHC or when an individual inherits 2 copies(one from mom and one from dad) of an autosomal recessive variant, FHC results. Familial hypercholesteromia is extremely serious, and needs to be treated with massive doses of statins starting from an ealy age. It causes LDL-c(the “bad” cholesterol) particles to rise to up to 800+ mg/Dl. Usually, untreated, a person with FHC will suffer their first heart attacxk or stroke before the age of 10, and will be dead before the age of 20. There isn’t a single recorded case of a person with FHC that, left untreated, reached the age of 30.

    Regarding APOE gene, it is polygenic. There are three versions of the gene, determined by Epsilon 1, Epsilon 2 and Epsilon 3. The most common is the &3 allele. 98% of Caucasians have at least 1 copy of &3, and 78% have 2 copies.

    The &4 allele is the ancestral allele, and it is the problematic allele. Carrying 1 copy of &4 increases your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease between 3 to 8 X by the age of 65, and having 2 copies increases your risak as much as 30 X. in fact, if you have 2 copies of &4, you have no more than a maximum of 50% chance of NOT having Alzheimer’s by age 65. That is, assuming you make amazing lifestyle choices. The average &4 homozygote that eats French fries and doesn’t exercise has as much as 90% chance of being demented by age 65.

    Nobody knows exactly why &4 fosters dementia, but one of the many functions of Apolipoprotein E is to prime the adapative immune system to fight infections. The rpblem is that APOE is also responsible for coordinating multiple complex networks of genes that perform autophagy in the brain. Autophay of “self eating” is a process that the body uses to clean intracellular junk.People that are APOE4 have a more robust adaptive immune system that comes at the cost of a decreased ability to clean out the amyloid plaque buildup in the brain that causes Alzheimer’s disease.

    And this is why the &4 allele of APOE survives in the population. If you live in an area burdened with infections, having at least 1 copy of this allele dramatically increases your chance of making to age 20. Evolution doesn’t care about your health and longevity. Evolution cares that you survive long enough to make babies. At age 60, and, in fact, even at age 40, you are 100% disposable to Evolution. So a genetic variant that will destroy your brain at age 60 will be selected if it helps you survive to age 20 when such survival is difficult. Here is more on APOE4 and Alzheimer’s risk.

    The other reason why the &4 allele survives in the population is that it fosters choilesterol uptake and estradiol and especially progesterone in women. In fact, women that have at least one &4 have higher luteal progesterone than E3 homozygous women, and they tend to have the hourglass figure that is sexy to women. Because &4 makes women sexier and more fertile, it makes them irresistible to men. See here:

    The &4 allele also seems to foster early sexual maturity and high testosterone in men as well, although the effect is not as procounced as in women.. Here is macho actor, Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor on the Marvel cinematic Universe, receiving the devastating news that he is APO4/4 from Stanford doctor, Peter Attia:

    The &2 allele is the longevity allele. It increases the survival of brain cells in old age. The reason why this is important is because a human being cannot survive without a brain. You can survive without a leg, or a spleen, but, just as with the heart, you cannot survive without a brain. People with Alzheimer’s eventually die from asphyxia, as they lose so many neurons that they can no longer breath.

    The &2 alle produces a body characterized by superior insulin sensitivity, high subcutaneous body fat but little abdominal fat, and high blood triglycerides with low blood cholesterol levels.

    Regarding Forhead-Boxo-3, I would need 50 paragraphs to explain what it does, but suffice to say that it is involved in sinlin signaling and cellular stress resilience to aggression, such as U.V and ionizing radiation, free radicals and starvation. It also is responsible for maintaining stem cell viability and pluripotency.

    FOXO3 is fascinating because it is a very, very ancient gene. It goes back at least 450 million to the beggining of multicellular life, to the era of eukaryotes. It is an “essential” gene, in the sense that deletion of the gene produces produces embryonic lethality.

    There are several genes that you can live without, but FOXO3 is not one of the. This is why no Human has nonsense(variants that cause complete loss-of-function) variants such as stop-gained or frameshift variants of this gene, as it is 1005 lethal in every case, without exceptions. Conversely, you can live, for instance, without your GHR gene(growth hormone receptor). People with Laron Syndrome haven complete loss-of-function of the gene, and yet are healthy and long-lived. Besides there not being any living Human with nonsense mutations of FOXO3, there is very, very, very little variation in the exons(the part of DNA that actually codes for proteins) such as missense variants. However, there are multiple intronic variants in the regulatory region of the gene that cause either increased function or decreased function of the gene. The upregulation of the gene prolongs lifepan regardless of the ethnic background, gender or even species.

    Besides APOE and FOXO3, there hasn’t been any gene *consistenly* associated with longevity. And the reason for this is just one: lack of replication and small sample sizes.

    Trying to determine longevity by looking at other genes is the equivalent of trying to determine the level of education and intelligence of a population by PISA scores: the samples are too small and statistically irrelevant. They simply don’t survive Benferroni correction in meta-analysis.

    There have been a few other genes linked to longevity, most notably genes related to growth pathways and insulin signaling. The problem again, is replication. This is made worse by the fact that longevity is a are trait, so longevity is most likely determined by rare variants with large effects. A good example of this would be APOA1 Milano variant. But because these variants are so increedibly rare(less than 4 people per million have them), it is impossible to establish a cause and effect. Suppose that a man that carries APOA1 Milaono outlives the average man by 20 years. Having him as a sample-of-one, how can you be sure that it is not some other genetic or lifestyl factor that caused his longevity? You can’t.

    Having said that,there ppears to be ethnic differences in longevity variants besides APOE and FOXO3. According to the studies of Nir Barzilai, Centenarian Jews are enriched for rare and semi-rare variants primarily in the following genes: CETP, ADIPOQ, APOC3 and GHR. Conversely, the New England Centenarian study and the German Centenarian Study, which studied non-Jewish northern European whites, found them to be enriched in variants primarilly relatd to fatty acid metabolism, insulin signaling and DNA repair, like CBL, CBLC, ACACB(acetyl-coenzymeA-carboxylase-B), ATX, ATM, and SIRT6. We have less data for East Asians, but it seems like Chinese and Japanese ventenarians are enriched in variants in the IGF1R gene, which would explain why Asian centenairans tend to be even smalller than other Asians, and the SIRT1 gene also appears to be very iimportant for longevity in Asians. For those of you who are interested, here is the result of full genome sequencing of two supercentenarians, both over age 114 and therefore 2 of the oldest people on Earth(out of billions) 1 a male and the other a female, from the New England Centenarian stuidy. The male was homozygote for *all* the longevity vairnats of the FOXO3 gene as well as carrying the Klotho KL-V variant and the 2 longevity alleles of n IGF1R variant, and also carried at least 1 of the longevity alleles of genes such as SIRT1, SIRT6 and others. The statistical probabilty of having such a genetic endowment is one-in-millions. The female supercentenarian, conversely, did not carry ANY of the FOXO3 longevity vairants, but just like the male she had Klotho KL-V and was homozygous for the IGF1R variant. The geneticists discovered fromlooking at her DNA that he carried an unusla amount of “TAGA” markers in her DNA, which indicates that he is inbred. This means that her longevity is best explained by her having inherited a lot of very rare pro-longevity variant in her family. Her DNA indicated enrichment in variants in genes related to neurological and immune function. Here is for thos iuterested. Thye list all the (relatively) common and the rarer longevity variants, and how the 2 superrcentenarians scored. you can check from your own DNA.

    • Replies: @prosa123
    @Peter Serelic

    We know that the most long-lived populations are, in decreasing order:
    3. Sardinians

    Must be from eating all that casu marzu.

  217. @NotAnonymousHere.com

    I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns lately, and it strikes me that none of the four main characters seem to take much interest in alcohol — at least not for singles living in Manhattan who do a huge amount of socializing. (The title character works in nightclubs.)
    and casinos and The Tonight Show.

    Only one of the four is Jewish. George, of Italian descent therefore presumably Catholic, was once reminded by Jerry "but you don't drink". Kramer hosts all night poker parties and other bacchanalia. Elaine gets drunk at the office party and "dances". I'd like to see the same laser-like analysis of the cast of Friends. Everyone on The West Wing drank, even the Jew Toby Ziegler. How can Young Sheldon be used as a lens to examine this matter?

    Replies: @J.Ross, @Mr. Anon, @ScarletNumber, @hhsiii

    That’s the Hennigan’s episode.

  218. @Known Fact
    Jews are not big drinkers but what about that other killer, cigarettes? I think we're pretty low on this vice as well but my dad lived to 91 in part because he kicked a serious habit in his 40s. One grandfather was a big drinker and smoker but still lived to 88. Other grandfather was a wiry little guy who drank very little (like my dad) and was still pretty sharp at 90. He's the one who saved a friend's life during the Spanish Flu and the guy gave him a racehorse in return

    Jews do seem very health conscious as a group. I get the impression that one reason they stick to the NY and South Florida areas is for the medical care, which they suspect is substandard in many other parts of the country. I say "they" rather than "we" here because this is one trait where I part ways with my Tribe, I actively avoid medical care

    Replies: @Captain Tripps

    Agree about the decline of widespread tobacco use. I think there is a direct correlation, not just among Jewish Americans, but all American ethnic groups over the last 50 years of increasing longevity. My mom kicked the habit in her early forties and is still going strong in her early eighties. Of course, some groups traded the addictive properties of nicotine for addiction to opioids and other drugs, which have decreased average lifespans slightly overall.

  219. @Henry Canaday
    I thought the traditional explanation of Jewish relative non-susceptibility to alcoholism was that Jews came from a very old society that had access to wine for many centuries or even millennia and thus those whose genes rendered them vulnerable to alcoholism had been weeded out. That probably goes for a lot of other bad urban habits.

    Remember, in Jews we are dealing with a people who have been living -- and thus evolving both genetically and culturally - under the rules that support modern civilization much longer than any other western people, because they invented the rules (or had them revealed).

    Replies: @james wilson, @dux.ie, @angmoh, @Steve Sailer

    This is likely true in some form – the countries most associated with binge drinking in Europe tend to have higher % of hunter gatherer ancestry, whereas the populations with the highest % farming ancestry (EEF) tend to be less prone (Southern Europe generally)

    Interestingly, about 20% of Jews carry the ADH2*2 gene, which is also known as the “asian flush gene”. This is otherwise very uncommon in whites.

  220. If you go to a few AA meetings you’ll hear Jewish speakers chuckling over the myth that Jews can’t have problems with alcohol. Same for us Italianates. It’s always struck me that the original cultures are remarkably similar, Mediterranean people who enjoy vino and good food, illicit passions and guilt, dominated by moms who worship their eldest sons while instilling neuroses in them. To top it off, each gets in a snit with the other because they happen to have different names for their tribal deities, as if one was real and the other wasn’t!

  221. About 1100 Jews died in the October 7 attack. To get the equivalent
    number of Americans, you’d have to multiply the figure by 40-45. This results
    in roughly 50,000 Americans dead. This is already very close to the 58,000
    Americans killed during the 9 years of America’s greatest involvement in the Vietnam
    war (1964-73). The war in Israel will last for months, and most likely on some
    level for several years. There are 350 million Arabs in the Middle East and N. Africa
    plus 50 million in the Arab diaspora. Even if one million die, that ‘s nothing in
    percentage terms, but the Jews are again being butchered.

    A much better choice in life is to be born Irish. They sat out WW II although 35,000
    did die during WW I. When was the last time the Irish cities were razed to the ground
    and their population butchered by the million? Never (The 19th century famine doesn’t

  222. OT- if NYT was, reluctantly, forced to admit it, then it’s almost certainly true …


    In harrowing detail, NYT reports on weaponization of rape, sexual violence on Oct. 7

    • Replies: @anonymous
    @Bardon Kaldian

    OT- if NYT was, reluctantly, forced to admit it, then it’s almost certainly true …

    In harrowing detail, NYT reports on weaponization of rape, sexual violence on Oct. 7.
    If you read the NYT article, you will find that there is virtually no documentary and forensic evidence to support these claims, despite opportunity to obtain it. And much of the alleged “eyewitness” testimony reads like the discredited tales of lampshades and soap and eagles and bears from World War 2. The Palestinians have denied the accusations and the Israeli Jews have motive to lie.

    Replies: @Frau Katze

  223. @Wielgus
    @Reg Cæsar

    And he spoke Arabic and was comparatively liberal in Israeli terms. Those who came after him were several giant steps closer to Baruch Goldstein in their attitudes.
    On the other hand, Dayan's career was damaged by the Arabs achieving surprise in the early stages of the 1973 war. That's the trouble with hubris...

    Replies: @Ralph L, @Reg Cæsar

    Can someone find a clip of the Benny Hill skit referencing Dayan?

  224. @ScarletNumber

    They’re all clearly Jews
    The guys are, but Elaine has WASP written all over her.

    Jewish writers and show runners guarantee that, at worst, over time the characters and storylines will Judaize.
    Everybody Loves Raymond is an interesting case study as the namesake is obviously Italian, while the showrunner is very much Jewish, so you have a melding of the styles, which most of the country finds interchangeable. After all, Peter Boyle is Irish while Doris Roberts is Jewish, and no one blinked at them being cast as Italian parents. The brother is obviously Jewish as well. I also found it amusing that they cast three Aryans who were real-life siblings to play the children.

    Replies: @Art Deco, @J.Ross

    but Elaine has WASP written all over her.
    She has a Czech name.

  225. @Wilkey
    @Known Fact

    I was listening to an interview with some local guy who had just turned a feisty 102, so the reporterette asked the standard “What’s your secret?” “Always have some small grudge you can nurse,” was his surprising reply.
    We had a psychologist come give us a talk on suicide back in high school. Among the reasons he gave us to not kill ourselves: ‘A lot of the people you know won’t care, and some will even laugh. After a few weeks most people will forget.’

    Seriously. I’m not sure that’s the best way to convince a high schooler not to kill themselves (he did elaborate to make it sound softer than my snippet suggests), and our health teacher definitely was not happy with that particular line, but the older I get the more I realize how right he was. Having a few people to hate can serve as a real motivation in life - including the motivation not to take your own life.

    Replies: @Art Deco, @Known Fact

    Having a few people to hate can serve as a real motivation in life
    Every once in a while one is reminded these comment boards are a collecting pool of damaged goods.

  226. @Henry Canaday
    I thought the traditional explanation of Jewish relative non-susceptibility to alcoholism was that Jews came from a very old society that had access to wine for many centuries or even millennia and thus those whose genes rendered them vulnerable to alcoholism had been weeded out. That probably goes for a lot of other bad urban habits.

    Remember, in Jews we are dealing with a people who have been living -- and thus evolving both genetically and culturally - under the rules that support modern civilization much longer than any other western people, because they invented the rules (or had them revealed).

    Replies: @james wilson, @dux.ie, @angmoh, @Steve Sailer

    In the Book of Genesis, both Noah and Lot get black out drunk, leading to shameful scandals involving their children. By the New Testament, however, the Virgin Mary is asking Jesus to help out with the wedding feast at Cana where the host ran out of wine.

    Sounds like there had been some evolving toward better being able to deal with alcohol in moderation.

    • Replies: @Corvinus
    @Steve Sailer

    So in the spirit (pun intended) of your comment, how are the tenets of Christianity and/or Judaism compatible with HbD?

  227. Speaking of old Jews, Mel Brooks is 97 but I fear for him because he just lost his close friend Carl Reiner at 98. Maybe laughter really is the best medicine, and many Jews ARE indeed funny.

    The amazing William Shatner is 92 and preparing to host yet another new show. Sadly his fellow Jew In Space Leonard Nimoy died at a mere 83, but his crucial exposition on the nature of physical reality — surely anathema to leftists — will always live on

  228. @Wilkey
    @Known Fact

    I was listening to an interview with some local guy who had just turned a feisty 102, so the reporterette asked the standard “What’s your secret?” “Always have some small grudge you can nurse,” was his surprising reply.
    We had a psychologist come give us a talk on suicide back in high school. Among the reasons he gave us to not kill ourselves: ‘A lot of the people you know won’t care, and some will even laugh. After a few weeks most people will forget.’

    Seriously. I’m not sure that’s the best way to convince a high schooler not to kill themselves (he did elaborate to make it sound softer than my snippet suggests), and our health teacher definitely was not happy with that particular line, but the older I get the more I realize how right he was. Having a few people to hate can serve as a real motivation in life - including the motivation not to take your own life.

    Replies: @Art Deco, @Known Fact

    Or to put it more bluntly, living well is the best revenge.

    I don’t spend time worrying about teen-agers but teen suicide is very sad — If they had just a little perspective they’d see they are just a few years away from being able to totally remake themselves and their lives. I wonder just how much social media has cranked up the emotional turmoil level for these kids. I do not envy them one bit

  229. Anonymous[306] • Disclaimer says:
    @Art Deco
    @Jack D

    My explanation is that people don't sign up for the armed services for purely pecuniary reasons.

    Replies: @Anonymous

    My explanation is that people don’t sign up for the armed services for purely pecuniary reasons.

    Yeah, pay and benefits are subsumed under a larger reason of opportunity. Including future opportunities. I agree with Jack D’s point 100%.

    Anyone with a > three-digit IQ will be miserable in today’s U.S. military as an enlistee. And depressed as an officer.

  230. @ginger bread man
    Some more up to date articles on this subject:




    Replies: @ginger bread man

  231. @Peter Serelic
    "Longevity of Jews"

    Jews are not very long-lived at all. In fact, like the Amish and, to a lesser degree, the Mormons, they tend to have a lot of genetic diseases caused by inbreeding, like Tay-Sachs, Duchenne Muscuilar Dystrophia and multiple BRCA1 mutations as well.

    The topic of longievity and populations has been studied extensively. We know that the most long-lived populations are, in decreasing order:

    1. Okinawans

    2. Cretans.

    3. Sardinians

    4. Pure bred Ameriandians from sout and central Americas.

    5. Latinos

    6. Basques.

    7. Adventists.

    Believe it or not, they couldn't find any genetic variants associated with the exceptional longevity of these groups that created some conmmon genetic thread. The omly thing that all of these groups have in common is tha they have carbohydrate-rich,protein-poor diets. This makes sense as suppression of the MTORC-1 apthway, which is stimulated most strongly by protein intake, has the strongest effect at prolonging lifespan

    The Paleo and Keto people might find this disappointing, but while their diets might cause short-term improvement of health by stabilizing blood glucose levels, they shorten lifespan by fostering arteriosclerosis as all that fat orxidizes in the arteries, as well as promotes cancer since keto diets, by necessity, are rich in protein.

    The only 2 genes that have *consisttenly* been associated with longevity across all ethnic groups across multiple meta-analysis are APOE(Apolipoprotein E) and FOXO3(Forkhead Boxo 3)

    APOE is a gene responsible for many functions, the most important of which is the transport of lipids to the brain. Lipids cannot be transported in the bloodstream alone, because lipids are non-polar, while blood is mostly water. So Evolution created lipoproteins, which are proteins that latch onto fat and transport it around the body.

    There are several lipoproteins(APOA1, APOA2, APOA4, APOA5, APOB, APOC1, APOC3 and APOE). For instance, the APOB gene produces Apolipoprotein B. Mutations that cause gain-of-function in this gene cauise familial hypercholesteromia, FHC can be either autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant. In the case of autosomal dominant FHC or when an individual inherits 2 copies(one from mom and one from dad) of an autosomal recessive variant, FHC results. Familial hypercholesteromia is extremely serious, and needs to be treated with massive doses of statins starting from an ealy age. It causes LDL-c(the "bad" cholesterol) particles to rise to up to 800+ mg/Dl. Usually, untreated, a person with FHC will suffer their first heart attacxk or stroke before the age of 10, and will be dead before the age of 20. There isn't a single recorded case of a person with FHC that, left untreated, reached the age of 30.

    Regarding APOE gene, it is polygenic. There are three versions of the gene, determined by Epsilon 1, Epsilon 2 and Epsilon 3. The most common is the &3 allele. 98% of Caucasians have at least 1 copy of &3, and 78% have 2 copies.

    The &4 allele is the ancestral allele, and it is the problematic allele. Carrying 1 copy of &4 increases your risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease between 3 to 8 X by the age of 65, and having 2 copies increases your risak as much as 30 X. in fact, if you have 2 copies of &4, you have no more than a maximum of 50% chance of NOT having Alzheimer's by age 65. That is, assuming you make amazing lifestyle choices. The average &4 homozygote that eats French fries and doesn't exercise has as much as 90% chance of being demented by age 65.

    Nobody knows exactly why &4 fosters dementia, but one of the many functions of Apolipoprotein E is to prime the adapative immune system to fight infections. The rpblem is that APOE is also responsible for coordinating multiple complex networks of genes that perform autophagy in the brain. Autophay of "self eating" is a process that the body uses to clean intracellular junk.People that are APOE4 have a more robust adaptive immune system that comes at the cost of a decreased ability to clean out the amyloid plaque buildup in the brain that causes Alzheimer's disease.

    And this is why the &4 allele of APOE survives in the population. If you live in an area burdened with infections, having at least 1 copy of this allele dramatically increases your chance of making to age 20. Evolution doesn't care about your health and longevity. Evolution cares that you survive long enough to make babies. At age 60, and, in fact, even at age 40, you are 100% disposable to Evolution. So a genetic variant that will destroy your brain at age 60 will be selected if it helps you survive to age 20 when such survival is difficult. Here is more on APOE4 and Alzheimer's risk.

    The other reason why the &4 allele survives in the population is that it fosters choilesterol uptake and estradiol and especially progesterone in women. In fact, women that have at least one &4 have higher luteal progesterone than E3 homozygous women, and they tend to have the hourglass figure that is sexy to women. Because &4 makes women sexier and more fertile, it makes them irresistible to men. See here:

    The &4 allele also seems to foster early sexual maturity and high testosterone in men as well, although the effect is not as procounced as in women.. Here is macho actor, Chris Hemsworth, who plays Thor on the Marvel cinematic Universe, receiving the devastating news that he is APO4/4 from Stanford doctor, Peter Attia:

    The &2 allele is the longevity allele. It increases the survival of brain cells in old age. The reason why this is important is because a human being cannot survive without a brain. You can survive without a leg, or a spleen, but, just as with the heart, you cannot survive without a brain. People with Alzheimer's eventually die from asphyxia, as they lose so many neurons that they can no longer breath.

    The &2 alle produces a body characterized by superior insulin sensitivity, high subcutaneous body fat but little abdominal fat, and high blood triglycerides with low blood cholesterol levels.

    Regarding Forhead-Boxo-3, I would need 50 paragraphs to explain what it does, but suffice to say that it is involved in sinlin signaling and cellular stress resilience to aggression, such as U.V and ionizing radiation, free radicals and starvation. It also is responsible for maintaining stem cell viability and pluripotency.

    FOXO3 is fascinating because it is a very, very ancient gene. It goes back at least 450 million to the beggining of multicellular life, to the era of eukaryotes. It is an "essential" gene, in the sense that deletion of the gene produces produces embryonic lethality.

    There are several genes that you can live without, but FOXO3 is not one of the. This is why no Human has nonsense(variants that cause complete loss-of-function) variants such as stop-gained or frameshift variants of this gene, as it is 1005 lethal in every case, without exceptions. Conversely, you can live, for instance, without your GHR gene(growth hormone receptor). People with Laron Syndrome haven complete loss-of-function of the gene, and yet are healthy and long-lived. Besides there not being any living Human with nonsense mutations of FOXO3, there is very, very, very little variation in the exons(the part of DNA that actually codes for proteins) such as missense variants. However, there are multiple intronic variants in the regulatory region of the gene that cause either increased function or decreased function of the gene. The upregulation of the gene prolongs lifepan regardless of the ethnic background, gender or even species.

    Besides APOE and FOXO3, there hasn't been any gene *consistenly* associated with longevity. And the reason for this is just one: lack of replication and small sample sizes.

    Trying to determine longevity by looking at other genes is the equivalent of trying to determine the level of education and intelligence of a population by PISA scores: the samples are too small and statistically irrelevant. They simply don't survive Benferroni correction in meta-analysis.

    There have been a few other genes linked to longevity, most notably genes related to growth pathways and insulin signaling. The problem again, is replication. This is made worse by the fact that longevity is a are trait, so longevity is most likely determined by rare variants with large effects. A good example of this would be APOA1 Milano variant. But because these variants are so increedibly rare(less than 4 people per million have them), it is impossible to establish a cause and effect. Suppose that a man that carries APOA1 Milaono outlives the average man by 20 years. Having him as a sample-of-one, how can you be sure that it is not some other genetic or lifestyl factor that caused his longevity? You can't.

    Having said that,there ppears to be ethnic differences in longevity variants besides APOE and FOXO3. According to the studies of Nir Barzilai, Centenarian Jews are enriched for rare and semi-rare variants primarily in the following genes: CETP, ADIPOQ, APOC3 and GHR. Conversely, the New England Centenarian study and the German Centenarian Study, which studied non-Jewish northern European whites, found them to be enriched in variants primarilly relatd to fatty acid metabolism, insulin signaling and DNA repair, like CBL, CBLC, ACACB(acetyl-coenzymeA-carboxylase-B), ATX, ATM, and SIRT6. We have less data for East Asians, but it seems like Chinese and Japanese ventenarians are enriched in variants in the IGF1R gene, which would explain why Asian centenairans tend to be even smalller than other Asians, and the SIRT1 gene also appears to be very iimportant for longevity in Asians. For those of you who are interested, here is the result of full genome sequencing of two supercentenarians, both over age 114 and therefore 2 of the oldest people on Earth(out of billions) 1 a male and the other a female, from the New England Centenarian stuidy. The male was homozygote for *all* the longevity vairnats of the FOXO3 gene as well as carrying the Klotho KL-V variant and the 2 longevity alleles of n IGF1R variant, and also carried at least 1 of the longevity alleles of genes such as SIRT1, SIRT6 and others. The statistical probabilty of having such a genetic endowment is one-in-millions. The female supercentenarian, conversely, did not carry ANY of the FOXO3 longevity vairants, but just like the male she had Klotho KL-V and was homozygous for the IGF1R variant. The geneticists discovered fromlooking at her DNA that he carried an unusla amount of "TAGA" markers in her DNA, which indicates that he is inbred. This means that her longevity is best explained by her having inherited a lot of very rare pro-longevity variant in her family. Her DNA indicated enrichment in variants in genes related to neurological and immune function. Here is for thos iuterested. Thye list all the (relatively) common and the rarer longevity variants, and how the 2 superrcentenarians scored. you can check from your own DNA.

    Replies: @prosa123

    We know that the most long-lived populations are, in decreasing order:
    3. Sardinians

    Must be from eating all that casu marzu.

  232. anonymous[212] • Disclaimer says:
    @Bardon Kaldian
    OT- if NYT was, reluctantly, forced to admit it, then it's almost certainly true ...


    In harrowing detail, NYT reports on weaponization of rape, sexual violence on Oct. 7

    Replies: @anonymous

    OT- if NYT was, reluctantly, forced to admit it, then it’s almost certainly true …

    In harrowing detail, NYT reports on weaponization of rape, sexual violence on Oct. 7.

    If you read the NYT article, you will find that there is virtually no documentary and forensic evidence to support these claims, despite opportunity to obtain it. And much of the alleged “eyewitness” testimony reads like the discredited tales of lampshades and soap and eagles and bears from World War 2. The Palestinians have denied the accusations and the Israeli Jews have motive to lie.

    • Replies: @Frau Katze

    The Palestinians have denied the accusations and the Israeli Jews have motive to lie.
    Pals have a motive to lie also.
  233. @Anon 2
    Going by country, Japan (followed by Switzerland and Italy) have the longest life
    expectancies at birth. Interestingly, the Japanese often say, “We live too long.”
    Israel is 15th in life expectancy, so not much to write home about.

    It’s hard to find recent well-researched studies of Jewish life expectancy in the U.S.
    One reason may be that 3/4 of the U.S. Jews are atheists/agnostics, and the
    latter intermarry at high rates with non-Jews. As a result, there are now hundreds
    of thousand of half-Jews (like Bill Maher) and quarter-Jews. Do these count as
    Jews in the stats? Moreover, Jews are regularly subjected to mass killings like
    the Holocaust and the October 7 attack. These shorten their life expectancy
    considerably. For example, the Irish sat out WW II so their life expectancy was not
    affected by the war.

    What’s well established is the existence of the so-called blue zones, i.e. regions
    with very high longevity. Examples include Okinawa, Greek island of Ikaria, and
    the city of Loma Linda in California. Also well established is the extreme
    longevity of Seventh Day Adventists. In California they are concentrated in
    Loma Linda, and hence Loma Linda is a blue zone. Wikipedia has a whole
    article called “Adventist Health Studies.” On average, Adventist men live
    7.3 years longer and Adventist women 4.4 years longer than other Californians.

    Does anybody remember the movie “Lost Horizon” (1937) and its portrayal
    of Shangri- La, an idyllic valley whose founder was said to be 200 years old?
    Patrick Flanagan, boy genius and prolific inventor, was inspired by the movie,
    and came to believe it was mostly the local quality of water that could extend
    one’s healthy lifespan. He invented a supplement that supposedly imparts
    healing properties to ordinary water. He died at 75 due to a fall, but his
    supplement is continuing to sell in the millions.

    Replies: @srf0091

    • Replies: @Anon 2

    I doubt this applies to Loma Linda, CA a blue zone with many Seventh Day Adventists.
    The latter have been studied for decades.

  234. @Trinity
    Growing old and "living" a long time is overrated. Who really wants to live to be 90-100 or even 80 IF you have trouble getting around and have to take multiple pills each day. At that point you are just existing. Like douchebag John Cougar/Mellencamp sang, " live goes on long after the thrill of living is gone." "Three score and ten" is long enuff for MOST. You lose your looks, your hair, your teeth, your mobility, your physical strength, your libido, your memory, your eyesight, your hearing, etc. Growing old does not sound fun.

    Replies: @anonymous, @theMann, @Frau Katze, @Bardon Kaldian, @Jon

    Growing old does not sound fun.

    My life’s goals at this point are (1) to deteriorate physically faster than mentally, and (2) as long as #1 is true, to live long enough that the great grandkids (still theoretical) will actually remember me.

  235. @J.Ross
    @Frau Katze

    Conspicuously absent: chicks see the doc more and actually listen to instructions. Modern medicine is largely there to help you feel better, not to help you get better. Most of health is nutrition and good decision making. There are accidents, genetic curses, and genuine medicine, but not at a rate which justifies female doctor visits.

    Replies: @Frau Katze

    Well I’m a woman who doesn’t visit doctors often. Neither does my sister. My mother distrusted doctors her entire life and wouldn’t see one unless she thought it was life threatening (which was rare).

    In fact I don’t even have any friends who visit doctors excessively.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    @Frau Katze

    At least during their pre-menopausal years, women see doctors more often because of their reproductive plumbing which requires more maintenance. There is no male equivalent of a gynecologist.

    But statistics show that in general women see doctors more than men. In part this is because women continue to see doctors at an age when most men are dead. If you visit a nursing home, most of the patients are women.

    But even on an age matched basis, you are the exception. Men are taught to be stoic and will often not see a doctor unless they are in extreme distress. You can say that women are more sensible.

    "Women had a significantly higher mean number of visits to their primary care clinic and diagnostic services than men."


    Replies: @Frau Katze

  236. @J.Ross
    @Jack D

    Jack calls people names and spells Tsar with a "C." I actually explain things, and my comments reside in the Pale.

    Replies: @Jack D

    Since Czar is really a Russian attempt at saying Caesar, Czar makes more sense that Tsar. There is no T is Caesar. Czar is also the traditional American Romanization of that name and is used by the NY Times, for example:

    Russia Reopens the Last Czar’s Palace, a Century After His Execution


    It’s true that Czar is spelled in Russia using the letter Ц (tse) which is usually Romanized as Ts and that many modern scholars prefer Tsar. However, there are many cases where there is a traditional spelling in English that is used instead of the modern standard Romanization, e.g. Moscow instead of Moskva.

    • Agree: Frau Katze
    • Replies: @J.Ross
    @Jack D

    Wrong. In fact, not only wrong, but the same wrong I made (with the same completely meaningless arguments) in an early Russian history class. Think of it like this, you hear me arguing that the Third Amendment should be understood to mean that the State cannot seize property, because, after all, it's "close enough."

  237. @Frau Katze

    Well I’m a woman who doesn’t visit doctors often. Neither does my sister. My mother distrusted doctors her entire life and wouldn’t see one unless she thought it was life threatening (which was rare).

    In fact I don’t even have any friends who visit doctors excessively.

    Replies: @Jack D

    At least during their pre-menopausal years, women see doctors more often because of their reproductive plumbing which requires more maintenance. There is no male equivalent of a gynecologist.

    But statistics show that in general women see doctors more than men. In part this is because women continue to see doctors at an age when most men are dead. If you visit a nursing home, most of the patients are women.

    But even on an age matched basis, you are the exception. Men are taught to be stoic and will often not see a doctor unless they are in extreme distress. You can say that women are more sensible.

    “Women had a significantly higher mean number of visits to their primary care clinic and diagnostic services than men.”


    • Replies: @Frau Katze
    @Jack D

    I agree with you. I just thought J.Ross was being rather tactless replying like to a woman.

    That’s the casual misogyny that’s even more common on Unz than antisemitism (and that’s saying something).

    Of course maybe he doesn’t know what “Frau” means.

  238. @anonymous
    @Bardon Kaldian

    OT- if NYT was, reluctantly, forced to admit it, then it’s almost certainly true …

    In harrowing detail, NYT reports on weaponization of rape, sexual violence on Oct. 7.
    If you read the NYT article, you will find that there is virtually no documentary and forensic evidence to support these claims, despite opportunity to obtain it. And much of the alleged “eyewitness” testimony reads like the discredited tales of lampshades and soap and eagles and bears from World War 2. The Palestinians have denied the accusations and the Israeli Jews have motive to lie.

    Replies: @Frau Katze

    The Palestinians have denied the accusations and the Israeli Jews have motive to lie.

    Pals have a motive to lie also.

  239. @srf0091
    @Anon 2

    re blue zones, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/704080v1.full

    Replies: @Anon 2

    I doubt this applies to Loma Linda, CA a blue zone with many Seventh Day Adventists.
    The latter have been studied for decades.

  240. @Philip Neal
    @Jack D

    Are eggs a commodity, and if so is there a way for Jews to trade in them? Throwing a slipper at a Collateralised Egg Obligation or something like that?

    Replies: @Jack D

    Sure. There are egg futures just like there are corn futures and coffee futures and so on.


    • Replies: @Philip Neal
    @Jack D

    I thought everybody knew that it is halakhically forbidden to profit twice from the sale of eggs. Is there no entertaining workaround like the sale of the leaven?

    Replies: @Jack D

  241. @anonymous

    Whiskey bottles …
    brand new cars …
    Oak tree you’re in my way …

    Replies: @Trinity

    Better to burn out then fade away.

  242. @Jack D
    @Frau Katze

    At least during their pre-menopausal years, women see doctors more often because of their reproductive plumbing which requires more maintenance. There is no male equivalent of a gynecologist.

    But statistics show that in general women see doctors more than men. In part this is because women continue to see doctors at an age when most men are dead. If you visit a nursing home, most of the patients are women.

    But even on an age matched basis, you are the exception. Men are taught to be stoic and will often not see a doctor unless they are in extreme distress. You can say that women are more sensible.

    "Women had a significantly higher mean number of visits to their primary care clinic and diagnostic services than men."


    Replies: @Frau Katze

    I agree with you. I just thought J.Ross was being rather tactless replying like to a woman.

    That’s the casual misogyny that’s even more common on Unz than antisemitism (and that’s saying something).

    Of course maybe he doesn’t know what “Frau” means.

  243. @Anonymous

    Of course, I can’t speak to your personal experience, but fwiw, survey data indicate that Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.
    That is false.

    Replies: @kaganovitch

  244. @Joe Paluka

    They all look like thugs from an Israeli trailer park.

    Replies: @Trinity, @J.Ross

    They look like they could all use a shower.

  245. @HammerJack
    @That Would Be Telling

    I’ve been commenting over the IDF’s ability to stomp on Hamas with remarkably few dead in what’s normally the most brutal type of modern warfare.
    All about IQ, hmm? Tell ya what, let's arm both sides equally--a fair fight for once--and see how the cards fall.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling

    All about IQ, hmm?

    Sorry I wasn’t clear enough.

    Urban warfare in a area prepared by the defender for decades for it, that defender well armed with rifles, maybe machine guns?, and very man portable like RPGs anti-tank weapons should be chewing up the IDF in much higher numbers/fractions compared to Hamas. We know IQ is very important for war making ability all the way down to infantrymen, and that there’s a huge gap between the IDF and Hamas from the populations they’re drawn from. It would be remarkable if IQ wasn’t a significant factor in explaining this.

    Tell ya what, let’s arm both sides equally–a fair fight for once–and see how the cards fall.

    Please, we both know we can’t run such an experiment. Although such “experiments” have been run since the founding of Israel and the Arabs never win, and if they gain surprise as happened in 1973 when they were also fairly well equipped and much better in smart weapons, all the way to October 7th now, their initial success is measured in days to hours.

    The major new things I can think of are effective against fragments and lightweight soft body armor starting with Kevlar in the 1970s, semi-light weight ceramic rifle plates which are pretty new in general issue (this century or so?), drones, smarter weapons (cf. the joystick guided but effective Sagger in 1973), and related, ever greater computer and communications power available.

    Not sure the latter would have been a major factor in 1973, but would for example be in this century; it would be worth examining some of the bigger conflicts prior to this year. As of the First Gulf War in 1991, that was very important to the US in terms of quickly getting captured on the battlefield intelligence to those who could use it before it became too stale. The IDF said they’d gained “hundreds of terabytes” as of December 2nd. Sifting through that quickly is vital, but we have those sorts of tools today.

    You’d also want to learn, but likely can’t ever or anytime soon, all about Isreal’s military intelligence function WRT to the enemy’s communications, as well as with the civilian population in Gaza. We hear some of the latter are none too pleased with Hamas and the IDF is a cell phone call away…. At the other end of things, see how Hamas and PIJ documented in real time their October 7th raid, we don’t have to entirely depend on Israeli or Hamas/PIJ massaged propaganda to get a picture of what happened that day.

    • Replies: @Jack D
    @That Would Be Telling

    The Israelis have found small quadcopter type drones to be very effective. At first they were sending robot dog type things in (also some real dogs) to examine the tunnels but Hamas is very messy and they left all sorts of garbage on the tunnel floors (Arabs leave garbage everywhere, they are like Mexicans that way) and loose cables snaking around and the robot dogs were getting tangled up. So they switched to drones and they have been much more effective. The drones can construct maps of the tunnels as they fly. If the tunnel is too long for a drone to stay in radio range, you can use a series of drones as range extenders. Cheap drones can be used to set off the booby traps that Hamas left behind.

    The only real problem for the Israelis is that when they blow the tunnels the civilian buildings above tend to collapse and kill civilians and then the UN complains. As we saw in Turkey after the earthquake, Muslims believe in using bad concrete and very little if any rebar when they do construction so the slightest jarring will collapse the things like a house of cards. They also considered pumping the tunnels full of seawater but the environmentalists in the EU complained about that too. Apparently the Israelis are supposed to fight a war using only organic tofu or something that would meet Greta Thunberg's standards.

  246. @HammerJack

    Jews disapproved of Iraq War at much higher rate than the population at large.
    Perhaps; are they known to be more resistant to propaganda, even their own? Meanwhile the problem wasn't necessarily what JD calls "The Joos" but particular ones with names like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Miller, Kristol, Goldberg, Adelson etc etc.

    Replies: @kaganovitch

    Perhaps; are they known to be more resistant to propaganda, even their own? Meanwhile the problem wasn’t necessarily what JD calls “The Joos” but particular ones with names like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Miller, Kristol, Goldberg, Adelson etc etc.

    Neocons are not really representative of Jewish opinion. See the polling data I referenced earlier https://news.gallup.com/poll/26677/among-religious-groups-jewish-americans-most-strongly-oppose-war.aspx

    Opposition to Iraq war was very strongly correlated with Leftism so not very surprising that Jews would be over represented there.

    • Replies: @Jack D

    Jews are everywhere and everything! They are Leftists but also Neocons. They are Bolsheviks but also bankers. So whenever you see something bad happening, just look for the Jew to blame. Like John Hay said of his friend Henry Adams, whenever he "saw Vesuvius reddening ... [he] searched for a Jew stoking the fire."

    Replies: @Curle

    , @res

    Opposition to Iraq war was very strongly correlated with Leftism so not very surprising that Jews would be over represented there.
    That's a big part of it. Worth noting that your survey data was from years into the war. Before the start data would be more interesting and relevant IMO.

    I think Jewish dis/affinity for war is more correlated with party and ethnic affinities than overall desire for/against war. Consider Ukraine and Gaza.
    , @HammerJack

    Not to belabor the point, especially with Jack D ("joo-on-the-brain") hovering, but you had said that Jews were not disproportionately pro-war and I responded: perhaps not, but some of those who were, were in particularly powerful, policymaking positions. Your response is that Jews were not disproportionately pro-war.

    You're a generally smart and clever contributor here (and not particularly given to frothing at the mouth, unlike JD) so I've explained but will let this go for now. Meanwhile res makes a good point that it really seems to depend on which war. I oppose all of them, FWIW.

    , @Mike Tre

    The only reason leftists visually opposed the IW is because a Republican started it. They had nothing to say when Barry the Fairy went into Syria and Libya. Or When Billary went into Somalia and Bosnia.

  247. @Skyler the Weird
    Oh course it Adenochrome.

    Replies: @That Would Be Telling

    Oh course it Adenochrome.

    Would not be true for the total populations we should be examining, as opposed to a few notable figures like Kissinger who kicked off this HBD investigation.

  248. @Mr. Anon

    It is a compelling response. I can’t help it you are being too stubborn here to admit it.
    It was a stupid response. You are a stupid man.

    Nobody is going to follow your links or consider your arguments. You are a moron. Commenter "res" was being nice in humoring you, because that's what you do for retards. And that is what you are.....a retard.

    Replies: @Corvinus

    All you do is yell at clouds. That’s your sad sack existence on this fine opinion webzine.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon

    No, but I do criticize numbskulls like you, you loathsome idiot.

    As to sad-sack existence, you should look at yourself - haunting a website where everyone thinks you are a turd. Which, by the way, they think because you are a turd.

  249. @kaganovitch

    Perhaps; are they known to be more resistant to propaganda, even their own? Meanwhile the problem wasn’t necessarily what JD calls “The Joos” but particular ones with names like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Miller, Kristol, Goldberg, Adelson etc etc.
    Neocons are not really representative of Jewish opinion. See the polling data I referenced earlier https://news.gallup.com/poll/26677/among-religious-groups-jewish-americans-most-strongly-oppose-war.aspx

    Opposition to Iraq war was very strongly correlated with Leftism so not very surprising that Jews would be over represented there.

    Replies: @Jack D, @res, @HammerJack, @Mike Tre

    Jews are everywhere and everything! They are Leftists but also Neocons. They are Bolsheviks but also bankers. So whenever you see something bad happening, just look for the Jew to blame. Like John Hay said of his friend Henry Adams, whenever he “saw Vesuvius reddening … [he] searched for a Jew stoking the fire.”

    • Replies: @Curle
    @Jack D

    “They are Bolsheviks but also bankers.”

    You act as if this was an insuperable conflict. At least you’ve established your credentials as an ‘70s era Republican. Can’t wait for you to lecture us on how public utilities are capitalism at work because they have investors.

    Replies: @J.Ross

  250. @That Would Be Telling

    All about IQ, hmm?
    Sorry I wasn't clear enough.

    Urban warfare in a area prepared by the defender for decades for it, that defender well armed with rifles, maybe machine guns?, and very man portable like RPGs anti-tank weapons should be chewing up the IDF in much higher numbers/fractions compared to Hamas. We know IQ is very important for war making ability all the way down to infantrymen, and that there's a huge gap between the IDF and Hamas from the populations they're drawn from. It would be remarkable if IQ wasn't a significant factor in explaining this.

    Tell ya what, let’s arm both sides equally–a fair fight for once–and see how the cards fall.
    Please, we both know we can't run such an experiment. Although such "experiments" have been run since the founding of Israel and the Arabs never win, and if they gain surprise as happened in 1973 when they were also fairly well equipped and much better in smart weapons, all the way to October 7th now, their initial success is measured in days to hours.

    The major new things I can think of are effective against fragments and lightweight soft body armor starting with Kevlar in the 1970s, semi-light weight ceramic rifle plates which are pretty new in general issue (this century or so?), drones, smarter weapons (cf. the joystick guided but effective Sagger in 1973), and related, ever greater computer and communications power available.

    Not sure the latter would have been a major factor in 1973, but would for example be in this century; it would be worth examining some of the bigger conflicts prior to this year. As of the First Gulf War in 1991, that was very important to the US in terms of quickly getting captured on the battlefield intelligence to those who could use it before it became too stale. The IDF said they'd gained "hundreds of terabytes" as of December 2nd. Sifting through that quickly is vital, but we have those sorts of tools today.

    You'd also want to learn, but likely can't ever or anytime soon, all about Isreal's military intelligence function WRT to the enemy's communications, as well as with the civilian population in Gaza. We hear some of the latter are none too pleased with Hamas and the IDF is a cell phone call away.... At the other end of things, see how Hamas and PIJ documented in real time their October 7th raid, we don't have to entirely depend on Israeli or Hamas/PIJ massaged propaganda to get a picture of what happened that day.

    Replies: @Jack D

    The Israelis have found small quadcopter type drones to be very effective. At first they were sending robot dog type things in (also some real dogs) to examine the tunnels but Hamas is very messy and they left all sorts of garbage on the tunnel floors (Arabs leave garbage everywhere, they are like Mexicans that way) and loose cables snaking around and the robot dogs were getting tangled up. So they switched to drones and they have been much more effective. The drones can construct maps of the tunnels as they fly. If the tunnel is too long for a drone to stay in radio range, you can use a series of drones as range extenders. Cheap drones can be used to set off the booby traps that Hamas left behind.

    The only real problem for the Israelis is that when they blow the tunnels the civilian buildings above tend to collapse and kill civilians and then the UN complains. As we saw in Turkey after the earthquake, Muslims believe in using bad concrete and very little if any rebar when they do construction so the slightest jarring will collapse the things like a house of cards. They also considered pumping the tunnels full of seawater but the environmentalists in the EU complained about that too. Apparently the Israelis are supposed to fight a war using only organic tofu or something that would meet Greta Thunberg’s standards.

  251. @Jus' Sayin'...
    @Buzz Mohawk

    The Ashkenazim have a high average IQ because they are European.
    First, the Ashkenazim are genetically distinct enough from the non-Ashkenazim European population that a simple DNA test can determine whether one is an Ashkenaz Jew. Second, if the Ashkenazim have a high average IQ solely because they are European then the average IQ of Ashkenazim should be about the same as the average IQ of all Europeans. In fact it is higher, at least a half standard deviation higher. On some dimensions of IQ, e.g. verbal ability, it is much higher, at least a standard deviation higher.

    Replies: @Buzz Mohawk

    You just told me what I already knew.

    Hey, I’m jus’ sayin’.

    The European component, influence, history, culture — fucking everything about what those particular religious separatists experienced — is essential to what they became and what they are now. Emphatically, it is not a Jewish thing. It is European.

    The Ashkenazim are not biblical Jews at all, but a subset of Europeans who evolved into what they are now.

    They are smart because they are Europeans. They are a subset of Europeans, and anyone too stupid to comprehend the subtleties of that probably lacks whatever European qualities of mind (some of) the Ashkenazim themselves have.

    Jus’ sayin’, dude.

  252. @Ralph L
    Which races and ethnicities were less likely to smoke tobacco 50 years ago and now?

    It doesn't shorten every smoker's life. My SIL's mother quit in her 50s after her husband died of cancer from cigar-smoking in his 60s. She died last fall at 100. Her youngest son died of lung cancer at 70 this summer. He was the only one in the family that never smoked.

    Replies: @res

    He was the only one in the family that never smoked.

    Worth noting that from the information you gave he spent his entire childhood in a smoking household. Your point still has merit, but I doubt that childhood exposure helped him.

    Some data.
    Childhood Exposure to Secondhand Smoke and Functional Mannose Binding Lectin Polymorphisms Are Associated with Increased Lung Cancer Risk

    In the NCI-MD study, secondhand smoke exposure during childhood was associated with increased lung cancer risk among never smokers [odds ratio (OR), 2.25; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 1.04-4.90]. This was confirmed in the Mayo study (OR, 1.47; 95% CI, 1.00-2.15).

    Those OR are smaller than I might have guessed given the lung cancer rates I see here.

  253. @Mr. Anon
    Do Jews have children at a later age than gentiles, on average? That is something that I can imagine would eventually select for longevity.

    Replies: @res

  254. @kaganovitch

    Perhaps; are they known to be more resistant to propaganda, even their own? Meanwhile the problem wasn’t necessarily what JD calls “The Joos” but particular ones with names like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Miller, Kristol, Goldberg, Adelson etc etc.
    Neocons are not really representative of Jewish opinion. See the polling data I referenced earlier https://news.gallup.com/poll/26677/among-religious-groups-jewish-americans-most-strongly-oppose-war.aspx

    Opposition to Iraq war was very strongly correlated with Leftism so not very surprising that Jews would be over represented there.

    Replies: @Jack D, @res, @HammerJack, @Mike Tre

    Opposition to Iraq war was very strongly correlated with Leftism so not very surprising that Jews would be over represented there.

    That’s a big part of it. Worth noting that your survey data was from years into the war. Before the start data would be more interesting and relevant IMO.

    I think Jewish dis/affinity for war is more correlated with party and ethnic affinities than overall desire for/against war. Consider Ukraine and Gaza.

    • Agree: HammerJack
  255. “Less excessive drinking is probably part of the answer.”

    There are relatively few Jewish alcoholics. Wonder if it has to do with their origins in the Mediterranean area. Alcoholism is not notable among Spaniards, Italians, Greeks and Portuguese–or among Arabs for that matter.

  256. @Corvinus
    @Mr. Anon

    All you do is yell at clouds. That’s your sad sack existence on this fine opinion webzine.

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

    No, but I do criticize numbskulls like you, you loathsome idiot.

    As to sad-sack existence, you should look at yourself – haunting a website where everyone thinks you are a turd. Which, by the way, they think because you are a turd.

  257. @Corpse Tooth
    @Buzz Mohawk

    Did your Dad hunt the elk in his mountain aerie?

    Replies: @Buzz Mohawk

    A big herd of them would just sleep on our property. I would also encounter them on the nearby mountainside when I hiked there. No, Dad didn’t hunt them, and I am not even familiar with elk hunting or the laws about it in Colorado.

    They just lived there. Apparently they felt so safe and at home that they just hung around. Sometimes they would literally stare and look in our big living room windows at us. It was very cool. They are large, majestic animals.

    Sometimes we counted as many as 30 or more in our yard. Then at other times there would be solitary males with big antlers wandering though. Dad would often tell me about what he was seeing after I moved away, and many times when I later returned and visited they came, never far off.

    • Thanks: Corpse Tooth
  258. @Ardrguutf
    @prime noticer

    Are Jews smaller and/or weaker than other men?

    Replies: @prime noticer

    could anybody who lived around them for decades have not noticed they are smaller and weaker than europeans? Michael Richards towers over his jewish co-stars in Seinfeld. unless we’re talking about the awesome power of GOLDBERG!

    think it is a well established stereotype anyway, that they don’t enjoy being smaller, weaker, and less athletic than the europeans around them, pushed around by jocks and outcompeted for women, forever rubbing the social sores of high school and college. but they like and promote west africans in sports for the opposite reason – a bit of payback and revenge. Steve talks about this stuff all the time in his Lamarckian Golf Hypothesis of jewish grudges.

  259. Don’t forget Frank Zappa, who died of cancer despite being a relatively clean-living rock musician. He looked Sephardic, though. I wonder if the trait refers only to the Ashkenazi.

    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    @Fidelios Automata

    Don’t forget Frank Zappa, who died of cancer despite being a relatively clean-living rock musician. He looked Sephardic, though.
    He had Arab-Sicilian roots. I never knew there was such a thing, but nothing in the Mediterranean is surprising.

    Replies: @J.Ross

  260. @Wielgus
    @Reg Cæsar

    And he spoke Arabic and was comparatively liberal in Israeli terms. Those who came after him were several giant steps closer to Baruch Goldstein in their attitudes.
    On the other hand, Dayan's career was damaged by the Arabs achieving surprise in the early stages of the 1973 war. That's the trouble with hubris...

    Replies: @Ralph L, @Reg Cæsar

    And [Dayan] spoke Arabic and was comparatively liberal in Israeli terms.

    Enoch Powell was fluent in Urdu. He surprised some protesters at his doorstep.

    With its paucity of phonemes, the name Dayan is sure to show up, unrelated, in various parts of the world. I knew a Philippine with it. Its top country is not Israel, but Turkey:


    Then Israel, Sri Lanka, the U.S., Bangladesh and, more or less tied for fifth place, the Philippines, Pakistan, and France.

  261. @Fidelios Automata
    Don't forget Frank Zappa, who died of cancer despite being a relatively clean-living rock musician. He looked Sephardic, though. I wonder if the trait refers only to the Ashkenazi.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    Don’t forget Frank Zappa, who died of cancer despite being a relatively clean-living rock musician. He looked Sephardic, though.

    He had Arab-Sicilian roots. I never knew there was such a thing, but nothing in the Mediterranean is surprising.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
    @Reg Cæsar

    His father never got to it but apparently wanted to write a great history of Sicily, which is not a bad idea because Sicily is pretty geographically significant.

  262. @Jack D

    Jews are everywhere and everything! They are Leftists but also Neocons. They are Bolsheviks but also bankers. So whenever you see something bad happening, just look for the Jew to blame. Like John Hay said of his friend Henry Adams, whenever he "saw Vesuvius reddening ... [he] searched for a Jew stoking the fire."

    Replies: @Curle

    “They are Bolsheviks but also bankers.”

    You act as if this was an insuperable conflict. At least you’ve established your credentials as an ‘70s era Republican. Can’t wait for you to lecture us on how public utilities are capitalism at work because they have investors.

    • Replies: @J.Ross

    The fact that he allowed himself to type that, plus his other attempts at holding forth on this topic, prove he is a layperson here.
    Time was, not only were banksters backing the Bolshies, but everyone knew it, and popular cartoons depicted Morgan et al happily shaking Marx's hand. That plus almost all Bolshies, certainly at the leadership level, had comfortable backgrounds and picked up the disease at university. The first true thing one generally learns about Socialism is that it is a scam by the beneficiaries of severe social inequality, purporting to seek their own annihilation, so as to control any party which might actually be seriously pursuing that goal.

  263. @kaganovitch

    Perhaps; are they known to be more resistant to propaganda, even their own? Meanwhile the problem wasn’t necessarily what JD calls “The Joos” but particular ones with names like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Miller, Kristol, Goldberg, Adelson etc etc.
    Neocons are not really representative of Jewish opinion. See the polling data I referenced earlier https://news.gallup.com/poll/26677/among-religious-groups-jewish-americans-most-strongly-oppose-war.aspx

    Opposition to Iraq war was very strongly correlated with Leftism so not very surprising that Jews would be over represented there.

    Replies: @Jack D, @res, @HammerJack, @Mike Tre

    Not to belabor the point, especially with Jack D (“joo-on-the-brain”) hovering, but you had said that Jews were not disproportionately pro-war and I responded: perhaps not, but some of those who were, were in particularly powerful, policymaking positions. Your response is that Jews were not disproportionately pro-war.

    You’re a generally smart and clever contributor here (and not particularly given to frothing at the mouth, unlike JD) so I’ve explained but will let this go for now. Meanwhile res makes a good point that it really seems to depend on which war. I oppose all of them, FWIW.

  264. @ScarletNumber

    They’re all clearly Jews
    The guys are, but Elaine has WASP written all over her.

    Jewish writers and show runners guarantee that, at worst, over time the characters and storylines will Judaize.
    Everybody Loves Raymond is an interesting case study as the namesake is obviously Italian, while the showrunner is very much Jewish, so you have a melding of the styles, which most of the country finds interchangeable. After all, Peter Boyle is Irish while Doris Roberts is Jewish, and no one blinked at them being cast as Italian parents. The brother is obviously Jewish as well. I also found it amusing that they cast three Aryans who were real-life siblings to play the children.

    Replies: @Art Deco, @J.Ross

    >Elaine a WASP
    No. She’s just, like really, really Jewish, in appearance, mannerisms, place, fashion sense, sayings, most of all her behavior at the soup counter; she’s like the yenta in the loud pattern print and styled hair in Operation Yonathan, who, hearing that Palestinian-sympathizing terrorists have hijacked the El-Al plane, reasons that she must immediately remove one of her rings because it has tiny Hebrew letters on it, and that might give her Jewishness away.
    >not Jewish but Italian
    For several reasons (including IQ!) this is like somebody insisting that he’s not Hispanic, he’s Portuguese, except that Spaniards and Portuguese are less alike than Jews and Italians.

  265. @Reg Cæsar
    @Fidelios Automata

    Don’t forget Frank Zappa, who died of cancer despite being a relatively clean-living rock musician. He looked Sephardic, though.
    He had Arab-Sicilian roots. I never knew there was such a thing, but nothing in the Mediterranean is surprising.

    Replies: @J.Ross

    His father never got to it but apparently wanted to write a great history of Sicily, which is not a bad idea because Sicily is pretty geographically significant.

  266. @Curle
    @Jack D

    “They are Bolsheviks but also bankers.”

    You act as if this was an insuperable conflict. At least you’ve established your credentials as an ‘70s era Republican. Can’t wait for you to lecture us on how public utilities are capitalism at work because they have investors.

    Replies: @J.Ross

    The fact that he allowed himself to type that, plus his other attempts at holding forth on this topic, prove he is a layperson here.
    Time was, not only were banksters backing the Bolshies, but everyone knew it, and popular cartoons depicted Morgan et al happily shaking Marx’s hand. That plus almost all Bolshies, certainly at the leadership level, had comfortable backgrounds and picked up the disease at university. The first true thing one generally learns about Socialism is that it is a scam by the beneficiaries of severe social inequality, purporting to seek their own annihilation, so as to control any party which might actually be seriously pursuing that goal.

  267. @Jack D

    Since Czar is really a Russian attempt at saying Caesar, Czar makes more sense that Tsar. There is no T is Caesar. Czar is also the traditional American Romanization of that name and is used by the NY Times, for example:

    Russia Reopens the Last Czar’s Palace, a Century After His Execution


    It's true that Czar is spelled in Russia using the letter Ц (tse) which is usually Romanized as Ts and that many modern scholars prefer Tsar. However, there are many cases where there is a traditional spelling in English that is used instead of the modern standard Romanization, e.g. Moscow instead of Moskva.

    Replies: @J.Ross

    Wrong. In fact, not only wrong, but the same wrong I made (with the same completely meaningless arguments) in an early Russian history class. Think of it like this, you hear me arguing that the Third Amendment should be understood to mean that the State cannot seize property, because, after all, it’s “close enough.”

  268. @J.Ross

    There does seem to be a connection (a subgroup of a subgroup, as with abstaining from drink) of Jews with "health food." Health food stores and brands are almost always Jewish-owned, eg, the biggest one, Hain Celestial, or the store by me. There was a story about Jews in Venezuela living under Chavez (who was then still alive) -- it depended on interviews with shoppers and clerks in a health food store.
    But then there's Ariel Sharon, or the Baskin-Robbins founder who ate ice cream every day and died in middle age.

    Replies: @Inquiring Mind

    Has he asked for anything special?

    Yes. For wheat germ, organic honey and something called “Tiger’s Milk.”

    • Replies: @J.Ross
    @Inquiring Mind

    Delicious protein bar -- peanut butter flavored powder in a chocolate flavored coating. And the first Belle & Sebastian album.

  269. @Anonymous

    Saw this article a while back.

    Growing up in and around NYC among Jews, I was always shocked at how long my Jewish friends’ grandparents lived and prospered. Still coherent into their late 80s.

    My gentile Irish, Magyar and German grandparents were toast by their late 60s, looking like they were already in their 80s.

    Longer Telomeres? Protective genes? Sure.

    Also a lack of compounded Catholic/Christian guilt over time. Also never met an overly shy Jewish person. They live in the moment and seem unburdened. They seem to just “go for it” in most circumstances. How else could one explain a Jeffrey Toobin or Eliot Spitzer not giving a shit about their public downfall? Some would say it’s a lack of self-awareness. But I think they just know how to bury the past and move on. Good for them.

    Replies: @Trinity, @The Craw, @Anon, @SFG, @puttheforkdown, @Wokechoke, @Bardon Kaldian, @silviosilver

    Also never met an overly shy Jewish person.

    You’d have to, at a minimum, have ascertained the ethnic identity of every overly shy person you’ve met to determine whether this observation holds water. There’d still be more to do, but without this, your observation is idle speculation.

  270. @Rich
    Israeli longevity is at 83.39. Behind Norway, Sweden, Australia, Malta, Spain, Switzerland and Italy. That's Jews in Israel of whom the overwhelming majority are of European descent. There's no longer a need for guessing, there's a whole country of Jews where accurate numbers can be found. By the way, the average IQ of Israelis (Jews) is 95. I know, doesn't fit the media induced stereotype, but facts is facts.

    Replies: @Jus' Sayin'..., @Frau Katze, @silviosilver

    That’s Jews in Israel of whom the overwhelming majority are of European descent.

    You couldn’t be more clueless if you tried.

    As someone who routinely disagrees with you, I have to say I love it the way you post easily disprovable balderdash time and time again. Saves me the hassle of disputing with you.

    • Thanks: Rich
    • Replies: @Rich

    Yes, 'Silvio" your people have been in Palestine for 6,000 years and aren't actually European converts. Keep telling yourself that over and over and it might come true.

  271. @mark green

    Evidence indicates that smoking clearly does shorten life (on average.) But this is not true of alcohol consumption. Drinking a little booze (even a lot of booze) actually extends human life.


    Replies: @J.Ross

    I am suspicious of these studies because there’s too many balls in the air, too many different kinds of drinkers, and because it seems there are more logical things to focus on — drinking could be enabled by wealth (which predicts for quality medical care) or despair (which predicts for death, except when I do it). Maybe the Mediterranean and Okinawan diets are so beneficial, they “clean up” a little of the harm from daily wine.

  272. @Trinity
    @Jack D

    Hardly anyone joins the service because of "patriotism," they join for a J-O-B with GREAT benefits. I don't know about the Army, Marines, or Air Force, but I ate GOOD in the USCG, I heard the USN also eats well. Nothing for me to eat 3 ribeye steaks for dinner. We had 3 FULL meals a day, even the lunch was a full course meal. Underway they served an additional snack, "midrats", for people who had the 11:30-3:30 watch.

    I always laughed to myself when someone would say, " thank you for your service. " lolol. Any Southern White male or any straight White male who joins the U.S. military for "patriotic" reasons has to be an idiot especially now. Why fight for a nation that treats you like shit.

    Replies: @Trinity, @Anonymous

    Hardly anyone joins the service because of “patriotism,” they join for a J-O-B with GREAT benefits.

    What are the notable benefits?

    • Replies: @Trinity

    Free medical, dental, eye exams, no rent on the ship of course or living in barracks. I had NO BILLS at all. Everything went in my pocket. As a young man of 21-25, I had an allotment of a certain amount that went in my savings back home each paycheck and the rest I partied on and ate some good food in all the variety of restaurants in NYC. Was stationed at Governors Island. Met Elizabeth Taylor, saw Gregory Peck, Ronald Reagan, Neil Diamond and other when they threw a shindig on the Island for the Statue of Liberty's 100th birthday. I pulled a John Riggins and told Lizzy to lighten up. lolol. I ate GREAT food for free on the ship, had to pay 50 cents for a FINE meal on the Island in 1986-87. FIFTY CENTS??

    Replies: @J.Ross

  273. @The Germ Theory of Disease
    @Jack D

    The poet and educator Kenneth Koch was a man whom I greatly admire. I'd actually like to see somebody make a movie about his life. He was a friend and intimate of the great poets Frank O'Hara and John Ashbery; he was a fine poet in his own right, though not quite as good as those two -- But he was a brilliant educator, who worked in the NYC school system for years, teaching poetry to kids, and he wrote several text-book classics on the art of teaching in that vein: "Making Your Own Days" and "Rose, How Did You Get That Red?" among them. A great soul. And he was Jewish.

    To be rid of troubles
    Of one person by turning into
    Someone else, moving and jolting
    As if nothing mattered but today
    In fact nothing
    But this precise moment...

    -- Kenneth Koch

    If somebody had ever said to me, "That Kenneth Koch is just a no-good Jew" I woulda smashed him in the jaw with a claw-hammer. You get the idea.

    I brought him up for a reason, to illustrate a point. But I don't want to sully his memory with annoying polemics, so for the moment I'll leave it be and come back to it later.

    In the meantime: Kenneth Koch, what a great f#cking guy. Short-listed for Best Dude of the 20th Century.

    Replies: @anon

    If somebody had ever said to me, “That Kenneth Koch is just a no-good Jew” I woulda smashed him in the jaw with a claw-hammer.

    You are pathetic.

  274. @Jack D

    First of all, value added is not the same as "middle manning" (although wholesalers and retailers also serve a vital function in a market economy even if they do not transform the goods - middle manning is not a dirty word. Ask Amazon.)

    2nd, you are looking in the wrong end of the telescope. The reason the Polish nobility invited the Jews into Poland in the 1st place was that they realized that their local peasants (not just the Poles but the even dumber Ruthenians (aka Ukrainians) did not have "the necessities" to do commerce. This is like saying that blacks are poor and stupid because they don't own the businesses in the ghetto. No, it's the other way around. You are advocating for a sort of "magic dirt" theory.

    A few years ago I visited what remains of my mother's shtetl. My grandfather's mill was operated by the local collective farm into the 1970s at which point it was abandoned. It still had the original machinery that my grandfather had purchased in the 1920s. I have seen the business directory from the 1920s for this town. In addition to my grandfather's mill, there were various other (mainly but not entirely) Jewish owned businesses mostly concerned with adding value to the local agricultural products - a leather tannery, etc. None of these businesses remain. I didn't see any signs of commerce beyond one bodega type grocery store. The locals (mostly old people) had basically reverted to doing subsistence agriculture.

    The same thing happened in parts of Africa when the locals threw out the "colonialists" and the Indians. When the Israelis left behind fully intact greenhouses in Gaza, they were not maintained as viable businesses. The locals swarmed in like locusts and picked the place clean - one guy got a window pane, one guy got a table, one guy got a fan so millions of $ of productive infrastructure were reduced to random junk and scrap metal with 1/10th the value.

    Replies: @AnotherDad

    This is like saying that blacks are poor and stupid because they don’t own the businesses in the ghetto. No, it’s the other way around. You are advocating for a sort of “magic dirt” theory.

    Jack you should read Gregory Clark’s “Farewell to Alms”, or at least read enough to understand his thesis and evidence.

    You’re still giving static arguments and acting like you don’t understand the simple idea of “time” or “development”. That what is most lucrative at some particularly moment doesn’t mean it the best path forward for a people or nation to develop. (Wave in Jews to trade. Bring in African slaves. Import Mexicans for stoop labor…. none of these worked out well for the host populations in the long run.) Worse, you are doing the midwit Corny thing of taking one of Steve’s insightful quips–“magic dirt”–and mangling it to try and mock someone making a different/better point. (I’ll grant your mangling is less closer than Corny’s completely clueless attempts.)

    You can argue with me all you want, but this is a case where the wave packet has collapsed. We have voluminous historical data.

    The “winner” nations have not been “market dominant minority” joints. The winners have all been places of “one-peopleism” where there was extensive gene flow through the population–i.e. downward mobility–creating more genetically capable and eventually more skilled population.

    And we have the example of the two old “hydraulic despotism” giga-countries. Raj Chetty’s smart ancestors doing whatever the heck Chettiars did, were successful doing it … but their genes did not flow down through the population. India has lots of smart people, but the overall capability is low. In contrast, the Chinese who were successful merchants or successful bureaucrats after passing the imperial exams had more children from their wives and concubines and their successful genes flowed down through the population with relentless downward mobility so even the peasantry is reasonably on the ball and with education ready to be good factory workers, technicians, engineers. China, the “gentile model”–though lacking Christianity’s infusion of high-trust–has risen dramatically to be a world power. India … with lots of high performing people … not so much.

    • Replies: @Art Deco

    The “winner” nations have not been “market dominant minority” joints. The winners have all been places of “one-peopleism” where there was extensive gene flow through the population–
    Not true.

  275. @kaganovitch

    Perhaps; are they known to be more resistant to propaganda, even their own? Meanwhile the problem wasn’t necessarily what JD calls “The Joos” but particular ones with names like Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, Miller, Kristol, Goldberg, Adelson etc etc.
    Neocons are not really representative of Jewish opinion. See the polling data I referenced earlier https://news.gallup.com/poll/26677/among-religious-groups-jewish-americans-most-strongly-oppose-war.aspx

    Opposition to Iraq war was very strongly correlated with Leftism so not very surprising that Jews would be over represented there.

    Replies: @Jack D, @res, @HammerJack, @Mike Tre

    The only reason leftists visually opposed the IW is because a Republican started it. They had nothing to say when Barry the Fairy went into Syria and Libya. Or When Billary went into Somalia and Bosnia.

  276. @silviosilver

    That’s Jews in Israel of whom the overwhelming majority are of European descent.
    You couldn't be more clueless if you tried.

    As someone who routinely disagrees with you, I have to say I love it the way you post easily disprovable balderdash time and time again. Saves me the hassle of disputing with you.

    Replies: @Rich

    Yes, ‘Silvio” your people have been in Palestine for 6,000 years and aren’t actually European converts. Keep telling yourself that over and over and it might come true.

  277. @Anonymous

    Hardly anyone joins the service because of “patriotism,” they join for a J-O-B with GREAT benefits.
    What are the notable benefits?

    Replies: @Trinity

    Free medical, dental, eye exams, no rent on the ship of course or living in barracks. I had NO BILLS at all. Everything went in my pocket. As a young man of 21-25, I had an allotment of a certain amount that went in my savings back home each paycheck and the rest I partied on and ate some good food in all the variety of restaurants in NYC. Was stationed at Governors Island. Met Elizabeth Taylor, saw Gregory Peck, Ronald Reagan, Neil Diamond and other when they threw a shindig on the Island for the Statue of Liberty’s 100th birthday. I pulled a John Riggins and told Lizzy to lighten up. lolol. I ate GREAT food for free on the ship, had to pay 50 cents for a FINE meal on the Island in 1986-87. FIFTY CENTS??

    • Replies: @J.Ross

    That moment at the base library on Oki when I'm reading Edward Topol's Red Snow and the glorious, invicible & legendary Soviet military arrives at nowheresville, Siberia to help with the unprecedented serial killer problem, and they're eating "naval macaroni," and you realize Soviet "naval macaroni" is Marine "chili mac."

    Replies: @Trinity

  278. It’s because longevity correlates strongly with IQ.

    • Disagree: Trinity
  279. @Mr. Anon
    @Art Deco

    Henry Kissinger’s central role in the U.S. carpet bombing of Cambodia

    "From 1969 to 1973, as national security adviser and secretary of state under President Richard M. Nixon, Kissinger directed the carpet bombing of large swaths of Cambodia that U.S. officials at the time claimed were sanctuaries for communist insurgents from South Vietnam as well as North Vietnamese soldiers. Ben Kiernan, a historian at Yale University and a leading scholar of the U.S. legacy in Cambodia, has estimated that around 500,000 tons of U.S. bombs were dropped on Cambodia during this period and killed as many as 150,000 civilians."



    Replies: @Art Deco

    There was no ‘carpet bombing’ and Henry Kissinger never commanded one American soldier bar the few seconded to his staff.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
    @Art Deco

    There was no ‘carpet bombing’ and Henry Kissinger never commanded one American soldier bar the few seconded to his staff.
    Believe what you like. You're wrong. Why you seem intent on carrying water for Henry K. is a secret known only to you.


    Replies: @Art Deco

  280. @AnotherDad
    @Jack D

    This is like saying that blacks are poor and stupid because they don’t own the businesses in the ghetto. No, it’s the other way around. You are advocating for a sort of “magic dirt” theory.
    Jack you should read Gregory Clark's "Farewell to Alms", or at least read enough to understand his thesis and evidence.

    You're still giving static arguments and acting like you don't understand the simple idea of "time" or "development". That what is most lucrative at some particularly moment doesn't mean it the best path forward for a people or nation to develop. (Wave in Jews to trade. Bring in African slaves. Import Mexicans for stoop labor.... none of these worked out well for the host populations in the long run.) Worse, you are doing the midwit Corny thing of taking one of Steve's insightful quips--"magic dirt"--and mangling it to try and mock someone making a different/better point. (I'll grant your mangling is less closer than Corny's completely clueless attempts.)

    You can argue with me all you want, but this is a case where the wave packet has collapsed. We have voluminous historical data.

    The "winner" nations have not been "market dominant minority" joints. The winners have all been places of "one-peopleism" where there was extensive gene flow through the population--i.e. downward mobility--creating more genetically capable and eventually more skilled population.

    And we have the example of the two old "hydraulic despotism" giga-countries. Raj Chetty's smart ancestors doing whatever the heck Chettiars did, were successful doing it ... but their genes did not flow down through the population. India has lots of smart people, but the overall capability is low. In contrast, the Chinese who were successful merchants or successful bureaucrats after passing the imperial exams had more children from their wives and concubines and their successful genes flowed down through the population with relentless downward mobility so even the peasantry is reasonably on the ball and with education ready to be good factory workers, technicians, engineers. China, the "gentile model"--though lacking Christianity's infusion of high-trust--has risen dramatically to be a world power. India ... with lots of high performing people ... not so much.

    Replies: @Art Deco

    The “winner” nations have not been “market dominant minority” joints. The winners have all been places of “one-peopleism” where there was extensive gene flow through the population–
    Not true.

  281. @Jack D
    @Philip Neal

    Sure. There are egg futures just like there are corn futures and coffee futures and so on.


    Replies: @Philip Neal

    I thought everybody knew that it is halakhically forbidden to profit twice from the sale of eggs. Is there no entertaining workaround like the sale of the leaven?

    • Replies: @Jack D
    @Philip Neal

    I am not a halakhic expert, however futures contracts are not "eggs" - you are buying and selling pieces of paper, not the eggs themselves. And "profit twice" (may) mean "more than a 100% markup" (the rabbis disagree as to what it means). Consult your rabbi for further advice.

    However, Russian authorities ARE concerned about egg prices to this day:



    So I do not you suggest that you try to sell eggs (or egg futures) in Russia if you value your life.

  282. @Steve Sailer
    @Henry Canaday

    In the Book of Genesis, both Noah and Lot get black out drunk, leading to shameful scandals involving their children. By the New Testament, however, the Virgin Mary is asking Jesus to help out with the wedding feast at Cana where the host ran out of wine.

    Sounds like there had been some evolving toward better being able to deal with alcohol in moderation.

    Replies: @Corvinus

    So in the spirit (pun intended) of your comment, how are the tenets of Christianity and/or Judaism compatible with HbD?

  283. @Art Deco
    @Mr. Anon

    There was no 'carpet bombing' and Henry Kissinger never commanded one American soldier bar the few seconded to his staff.

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

    There was no ‘carpet bombing’ and Henry Kissinger never commanded one American soldier bar the few seconded to his staff.

    Believe what you like. You’re wrong. Why you seem intent on carrying water for Henry K. is a secret known only to you.


    • Replies: @Art Deco
    @Mr. Anon

    I'm not 'believing what I like'. It is a nonsense meme, promoted by Wm. Shawcross, among others. Shawcross contention was that the 'bombing campaign' was 'co-ordinated' by Thomas Enders. Enders was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in Phhom Penh for a couple of years. Enders was a career foreign service officer who had no technical education of any kind, had never been in the military, was not in the military chain of command at all, but was supposedly giving orders to Air Force pilots. (Enders wasn't reporting to Kissinger, either, btw).

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

  284. @Inquiring Mind

    Has he asked for anything special?

    Yes. For wheat germ, organic honey and something called "Tiger's Milk."


    Replies: @J.Ross

    Delicious protein bar — peanut butter flavored powder in a chocolate flavored coating. And the first Belle & Sebastian album.

  285. @Trinity

    Free medical, dental, eye exams, no rent on the ship of course or living in barracks. I had NO BILLS at all. Everything went in my pocket. As a young man of 21-25, I had an allotment of a certain amount that went in my savings back home each paycheck and the rest I partied on and ate some good food in all the variety of restaurants in NYC. Was stationed at Governors Island. Met Elizabeth Taylor, saw Gregory Peck, Ronald Reagan, Neil Diamond and other when they threw a shindig on the Island for the Statue of Liberty's 100th birthday. I pulled a John Riggins and told Lizzy to lighten up. lolol. I ate GREAT food for free on the ship, had to pay 50 cents for a FINE meal on the Island in 1986-87. FIFTY CENTS??

    Replies: @J.Ross

    That moment at the base library on Oki when I’m reading Edward Topol’s Red Snow and the glorious, invicible & legendary Soviet military arrives at nowheresville, Siberia to help with the unprecedented serial killer problem, and they’re eating “naval macaroni,” and you realize Soviet “naval macaroni” is Marine “chili mac.”

    • Replies: @Trinity

    We ate good in the Coast Guard, I heard the USN is the same. Have no idea how good the food is in the Marines, Air Force, or Army.

    Replies: @J.Ross

  286. @Mr. Anon
    @Art Deco

    There was no ‘carpet bombing’ and Henry Kissinger never commanded one American soldier bar the few seconded to his staff.
    Believe what you like. You're wrong. Why you seem intent on carrying water for Henry K. is a secret known only to you.


    Replies: @Art Deco

    I’m not ‘believing what I like’. It is a nonsense meme, promoted by Wm. Shawcross, among others. Shawcross contention was that the ‘bombing campaign’ was ‘co-ordinated’ by Thomas Enders. Enders was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in Phhom Penh for a couple of years. Enders was a career foreign service officer who had no technical education of any kind, had never been in the military, was not in the military chain of command at all, but was supposedly giving orders to Air Force pilots. (Enders wasn’t reporting to Kissinger, either, btw).

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
    @Art Deco

    Enders was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in Phhom Penh for a couple of years. Enders was a career foreign service officer who had no technical education of any kind, had never been in the military, was not in the military chain of command at all, but was supposedly giving orders to Air Force pilots.
    Right......because governments always make the right decisions. So if it was a bad idea, it couldn't have really happened.

    Your argument is a non-sequitur. We dropped a tonnage of bombs on Cambodia comparable to or greater than what we dropped on Germany during WWII, killing tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people.

    That's an atrocity. And Kissinger was instrumental in formulating it and carrying it out.

    Why are you such a willing stooge and apologist for powerful creeps? Does it make you feel important? It only makes you look ridiculous.

    Replies: @Art Deco

  287. @J.Ross

    That moment at the base library on Oki when I'm reading Edward Topol's Red Snow and the glorious, invicible & legendary Soviet military arrives at nowheresville, Siberia to help with the unprecedented serial killer problem, and they're eating "naval macaroni," and you realize Soviet "naval macaroni" is Marine "chili mac."

    Replies: @Trinity

    We ate good in the Coast Guard, I heard the USN is the same. Have no idea how good the food is in the Marines, Air Force, or Army.

    • Replies: @J.Ross

    The only bad meals I had in the military were the astonishingly not-even-trying ones direct from Darth Cheney's war profiteering scam outfit.

  288. @Art Deco
    @Mr. Anon

    I'm not 'believing what I like'. It is a nonsense meme, promoted by Wm. Shawcross, among others. Shawcross contention was that the 'bombing campaign' was 'co-ordinated' by Thomas Enders. Enders was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in Phhom Penh for a couple of years. Enders was a career foreign service officer who had no technical education of any kind, had never been in the military, was not in the military chain of command at all, but was supposedly giving orders to Air Force pilots. (Enders wasn't reporting to Kissinger, either, btw).

    Replies: @Mr. Anon

    Enders was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in Phhom Penh for a couple of years. Enders was a career foreign service officer who had no technical education of any kind, had never been in the military, was not in the military chain of command at all, but was supposedly giving orders to Air Force pilots.

    Right……because governments always make the right decisions. So if it was a bad idea, it couldn’t have really happened.

    Your argument is a non-sequitur. We dropped a tonnage of bombs on Cambodia comparable to or greater than what we dropped on Germany during WWII, killing tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people.

    That’s an atrocity. And Kissinger was instrumental in formulating it and carrying it out.

    Why are you such a willing stooge and apologist for powerful creeps? Does it make you feel important? It only makes you look ridiculous.

    • Replies: @Art Deco
    @Mr. Anon

    We dropped a tonnage of bombs on Cambodia comparable to or greater than what we dropped on Germany during WWII,
    In your imagination only. Your problem, really, is that you're convinced that you're the only non-stupid man alive. The source of this delusion is one you won't examine.
    Cambodia had little industrial plant and we had no incentive to bomb their cities, as the cities were controlled by our local allies. The utility of bombing was disrupting supply lines, which don't take up that much area.

    Replies: @res, @Mr. Anon

  289. @Trinity

    We ate good in the Coast Guard, I heard the USN is the same. Have no idea how good the food is in the Marines, Air Force, or Army.

    Replies: @J.Ross

    The only bad meals I had in the military were the astonishingly not-even-trying ones direct from Darth Cheney’s war profiteering scam outfit.

  290. @Joe Paluka

    They all look like thugs from an Israeli trailer park.

    Replies: @Trinity, @J.Ross

    I was just going to say, this is their equivalent of a country boy, these are their rednecks, so of course they’re the best soldiers.

  291. @Mr. Anon
    @Art Deco

    Enders was the deputy chief of mission at the U.S. embassy in Phhom Penh for a couple of years. Enders was a career foreign service officer who had no technical education of any kind, had never been in the military, was not in the military chain of command at all, but was supposedly giving orders to Air Force pilots.
    Right......because governments always make the right decisions. So if it was a bad idea, it couldn't have really happened.

    Your argument is a non-sequitur. We dropped a tonnage of bombs on Cambodia comparable to or greater than what we dropped on Germany during WWII, killing tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people.

    That's an atrocity. And Kissinger was instrumental in formulating it and carrying it out.

    Why are you such a willing stooge and apologist for powerful creeps? Does it make you feel important? It only makes you look ridiculous.

    Replies: @Art Deco

    We dropped a tonnage of bombs on Cambodia comparable to or greater than what we dropped on Germany during WWII,
    In your imagination only. Your problem, really, is that you’re convinced that you’re the only non-stupid man alive. The source of this delusion is one you won’t examine.
    Cambodia had little industrial plant and we had no incentive to bomb their cities, as the cities were controlled by our local allies. The utility of bombing was disrupting supply lines, which don’t take up that much area.

    • Replies: @res
    @Art Deco

    Here is some data. Looking at an article on https://storymaps.arcgis.com/ titled:
    Bombing missions of the Vietnam War

    I see this:

    Between 1965 and 1975, the United States and its allies dropped more than 7.5 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia—double the amount dropped on Europe and Asia during World War II. Pound for pound, it remains the largest aerial bombardment in human history.

    In late 2016, the United States Department of Defense publicly released records of almost every bombing and ground-attack mission flown during the Vietnam War. (Ground-attack missions are strikes against ground targets carried out with rockets, missiles, cannons, and other non-free-falling ordnance.) The data, meticulously digitized from the aircrews' original after-action reports, allows us to visually reconstruct the air campaign, shedding new light on its sheer scale, intensity, and complexity.
    Clearly that is more than just Cambodia (and they don't break down by country), but it seems clear there was substantial bombing in Cambodia (and should be possible to calculate from the data?).

    The first response in this Reddit thread looks useful.

    During the Vietnam War and the related fighting in Cambodia and Laos (and the related bombing of Cambodia and Laos), the US dropped about 7.5 million tons of bombs. About 4 million of these were dropped on South Vietnam, about 1 million on North Vietnam, about 2 million on Laos, and 0.5 million on Cambodia.
    Most of the bombing of Laos and Cambodia were attacks to interdict the Ho Chi Minh Trail and other logistical routes, and attacks on NVA bases.
    , @Mr. Anon
    @Art Deco

    In your imagination only. Your problem, really, is that you’re convinced that you’re the only non-stupid man alive. The source of this delusion is one you won’t examine.


    No, however, you seem convinced that you are the only smart man alive. In reality, you are just a smug, insignificant prick who sits at a library reference desk.

    Cambodia had little industrial plant and we had no incentive to bomb their cities, as the cities were controlled by our local allies. The utility of bombing was disrupting supply lines, which don’t take up that much area.
    We didn't bomb their cities, at least mostly. We bombed the countryside. And with a tonnage of bombs comparable to what we dropped on Germany in WWII. And we killed tens of thousands, perhaps in the low hundreds of thousands. And Henry K was instrumental in formulating and implementing this policy. These are facts - they are not in dispute, except by petulant nitwits like you who apparently masturbate to Foreign Policy. You are just wrong. And you are such an arrogant, supercilious jerk that you are incapable of admitting that you're wrong.
  292. @Philip Neal
    @Jack D

    I thought everybody knew that it is halakhically forbidden to profit twice from the sale of eggs. Is there no entertaining workaround like the sale of the leaven?

    Replies: @Jack D

    I am not a halakhic expert, however futures contracts are not “eggs” – you are buying and selling pieces of paper, not the eggs themselves. And “profit twice” (may) mean “more than a 100% markup” (the rabbis disagree as to what it means). Consult your rabbi for further advice.

    However, Russian authorities ARE concerned about egg prices to this day:


    So I do not you suggest that you try to sell eggs (or egg futures) in Russia if you value your life.

  293. @Art Deco
    @Mr. Anon

    We dropped a tonnage of bombs on Cambodia comparable to or greater than what we dropped on Germany during WWII,
    In your imagination only. Your problem, really, is that you're convinced that you're the only non-stupid man alive. The source of this delusion is one you won't examine.
    Cambodia had little industrial plant and we had no incentive to bomb their cities, as the cities were controlled by our local allies. The utility of bombing was disrupting supply lines, which don't take up that much area.

    Replies: @res, @Mr. Anon

    Here is some data. Looking at an article on https://storymaps.arcgis.com/ titled:
    Bombing missions of the Vietnam War

    I see this:

    Between 1965 and 1975, the United States and its allies dropped more than 7.5 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia—double the amount dropped on Europe and Asia during World War II. Pound for pound, it remains the largest aerial bombardment in human history.

    In late 2016, the United States Department of Defense publicly released records of almost every bombing and ground-attack mission flown during the Vietnam War. (Ground-attack missions are strikes against ground targets carried out with rockets, missiles, cannons, and other non-free-falling ordnance.) The data, meticulously digitized from the aircrews’ original after-action reports, allows us to visually reconstruct the air campaign, shedding new light on its sheer scale, intensity, and complexity.

    Clearly that is more than just Cambodia (and they don’t break down by country), but it seems clear there was substantial bombing in Cambodia (and should be possible to calculate from the data?).

    The first response in this Reddit thread looks useful.

    During the Vietnam War and the related fighting in Cambodia and Laos (and the related bombing of Cambodia and Laos), the US dropped about 7.5 million tons of bombs. About 4 million of these were dropped on South Vietnam, about 1 million on North Vietnam, about 2 million on Laos, and 0.5 million on Cambodia.

    Most of the bombing of Laos and Cambodia were attacks to interdict the Ho Chi Minh Trail and other logistical routes, and attacks on NVA bases.

  294. @Art Deco
    @Mr. Anon

    We dropped a tonnage of bombs on Cambodia comparable to or greater than what we dropped on Germany during WWII,
    In your imagination only. Your problem, really, is that you're convinced that you're the only non-stupid man alive. The source of this delusion is one you won't examine.
    Cambodia had little industrial plant and we had no incentive to bomb their cities, as the cities were controlled by our local allies. The utility of bombing was disrupting supply lines, which don't take up that much area.

    Replies: @res, @Mr. Anon

    In your imagination only. Your problem, really, is that you’re convinced that you’re the only non-stupid man alive. The source of this delusion is one you won’t examine.

    No, however, you seem convinced that you are the only smart man alive. In reality, you are just a smug, insignificant prick who sits at a library reference desk.

    Cambodia had little industrial plant and we had no incentive to bomb their cities, as the cities were controlled by our local allies. The utility of bombing was disrupting supply lines, which don’t take up that much area.

    We didn’t bomb their cities, at least mostly. We bombed the countryside. And with a tonnage of bombs comparable to what we dropped on Germany in WWII. And we killed tens of thousands, perhaps in the low hundreds of thousands. And Henry K was instrumental in formulating and implementing this policy. These are facts – they are not in dispute, except by petulant nitwits like you who apparently masturbate to Foreign Policy. You are just wrong. And you are such an arrogant, supercilious jerk that you are incapable of admitting that you’re wrong.

  295. @Jack D
    @Ghost of Bull Moose

    People have written books about this already. I wouldn't bring it up at all except that people here seem to have antique notions about Jews like they were marooned on a desert island and the most recent book that they have access to is The International Jew by Henry Ford.

    Israel has a very notable agricultural sector that is responsible for some important innovations such as drip irrigation that are now found all over the world. I should note though that if you visit a kibbutz today that most likely you will find that a segment of it has been converted to an industrial park doing some sort of light industry (plastics manufacturing, for example). It's really hard to make a living doing just agriculture. Most agricultural commodities are very low on the value added chain - when you buy a loaf of bread for $3, the wheat farmer gets 10 cents. A lot of farmers moonlight with 2nd jobs to pay the bills.

    Replies: @David In TN

    On the family farm in Tennessee I grew up on, my father had a job at a factory making electrodes. And a 300 acre plus property raising cattle, and various products.

  296. All the Jews I’ve ever known as Jews were not shy, including my high school Jewish girlfriend from another school (Downey), and her even cuter younger sister.
    Extroverts are more common and also a bit more successful.

  297. Powell was quite the linguist. Before WW2 as a young academic he produced a glossary consisting of every Greek word used in the works of Herodotus.

  298. For what it’s worth, this is an excerpt of Ed Banfield’s _Unheavenly city_, excerpted at isegoria.


    charles w abbott
    rochester NY

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