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Jew Gets Souped in Latest “Low Intensity Pogrom” Event

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I coin the term “low-intensity pogrom.”

It’s based on “low-intensity warfare,” a piece of US military jargon I first heard in relation to the situation in Southern Philippines (where I was living at the time). There were sometimes Islamic (and even communist) shooting events, or kidnappings, or whatever, but although there were military on the streets in villages in Cotabato, it is not to the level of a war.

A “pogrom” is a spontaneous (or apparently spontaneous) type of riot aimed at an enthno-religious group, generally Jews.

I think it’s a good term to describe the kind of simmering hatred of the Jews that is occasionally developing into open aggression and viral videos.

New York Post:

An angry young woman attempted to tear down an Israel/US flag at an Upper East Side kosher restaurant before hurling soup at an employee, flipping them off, and disappearing into the night, according to a disturbing video.

The “Soup Nazi” shouted “You are all Murderers!” as she also flipped over tables and chairs, police said.

The twisted antisemitic tirade unfolded at 9:45 p.m. Wednesday at the Hummus Kitchen on Second Avenue, between 83rd and 84th streets, when the well-dressed blonde walked in and without provocation tried to take down an Israel-US flag standing in the doorway, police and employees said.

A 45-second video shows a worker calling cops amid the chaos as the vandal tries, but fails, to pull down the banner.

“He’s inside, he’s like inside of our awning. It’s a woman actually. She’s pulling it [the flag] down. She’s leaving, but she’s throwing all the chairs. She’s crazy,” the employee says.

The blonde bigot didn’t run from the camera but actually hammed it up.

“Record me, bitch! Recording me?” the smiling woman says in another 25-second clip before flipping the middle finger and placing her hand beneath her chin to proclaim, “I’m cute, right?”

She then opens a container of soup she was holding and tosses the contents at an employee who is out of the frame.

A man’s voice shouts, “Hey!” followed by the voice of a woman, taunting the brazen bigot with “Smile bitch!” as the offender walks away, middle finger in the air.

A video of the ugly episode was posted to X, where it has garnered more than 1 million views.

The woman is obviously drunk.

Would people be trying to hunt her down and destroy her life if there were not Jews involved, I wonder? What if she had done it to a white man who had commented on her ass. You think she’d be hunted down? Thinking not. Definitely thinking no.

Women are allowed to do anything except have sex with high school boys and stand with Palestine.

But why is there such a thing as a “Israel/US flag”?

It’s such a jarring image.

It obviously means that America stands with Israel, which brings us once again to the ever-present question of why Jews are allowed to come to the US and then make policy relating to their own country (it seems totally absurd on its face, and when it is so clearly against public interest and the public sentiment, it becomes even more bizarre that no one is saying anything about it).

Joe Biden needs to explain why America stands with Israel.

If the answer is “because of the Holocaust,” then he needs to give a speech outlining why the Holocaust means that US public funds are used to support Israel murdering children.

As a pretty basic matter, a government of a country is supposed to act in the interests of that country. Alliances are beneficial for both countries. Military alliances, especially, are not a charity effort.

It is an extraordinary circumstance that the US is supporting such a brutal mass-murder campaign when support for that war is so obviously against the most basic interests of the American people. It requires an extraordinary explanation, and yet we have no explanation, at all.

The closest thing to an explanation were statements by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who went to Israel after the October 7 event and said “I come to you as a Jew.”

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Wokechoke says:

    “The blonde bigot didn’t run from the camera but actually hammed it up.“

    I caught this detail. Played the video, she is a dyed blonde mystery meat quadroon.

    • Agree: BuelahMan
  2. Is this the worst person alive?

    WATCH 🚨📽 Jewish man Tammy Cohen promotes DEÀTH PENALTY for antisemitism at Orlando City Council meeting. 🤯 pic.twitter.com/dMc1f4HJ0H— Gentile News Network™ (@Gentilenewsnet) December 15, 2023

    Does he want a high intensity pogrom?

    BTW, that flag implies that there is no separation between Israel and USA. One bleeds over into the other.

  3. DanFromCT says:

    What’s the big deal? She was obviously loaded as AA points out. Did she shoot or knife somebody? Oh, that’s right, if she isn’t sexually molested after being sentenced to jail, fired from her job, and bankrupted paying for lawyers, there’ll be another pogrom brewing in New York.

    Years ago we’d hit the bars on the Upper East Side after work on Friday. Popular bars had sawdust on the floors and local people brought their dogs in with them. That’s when New York was for New Yorkers and not a fiefdom of rich American-hating Jews.

    A drunken young woman would have been given a round of applause for letting it all hang out, escorted home by the police and told to behave herself next time, but not hunted down as if she were a Nazi..

    • Replies: @Tony
  4. Nico X says:

    Nothing will happen to her. Jews don’t really care when wogs or brown people engage in anti-jewish activity–they only care when whites ‘go antisemitic’ (i.e. Nazi Germany)–for the elimination of the white race is more important to the Jews than the elimination of ‘anti-Semitism’.

  5. QCIC says:

    The video could be agitprop, wait and see how they play it.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Anonymous
  6. Rich says:

    The Jews are just doing the same thing Anglo Americans did in WW! and WW2, fighting for their people. Now that Jews make up a very large part of the ruling class, they will do what every American ruling class did. Muslims will figure it out soon, and you’ll see a lot of pro-Muslim candidates getting money. I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet. There are a lot of Muslims, wealthy Muslims, in this country. They just haven’t figured out the political system. They will.

  7. Wokechoke says:

    There is a gefilte stench to it as you pointed out. The dyed blonde thing is suspect.

  8. @Rich

    The Jews are just doing the same thing Anglo Americans did in WW! and WW2, fighting for their people.

    Right, Anglo Americans were fighting for Jewish interests, as usual. Jews thanked them in characteristic fashion: by hijacking their countries and wrecking them.

    Now that Jews make up a very large part of the ruling class, they will do what every American ruling class did.

    No, they will do what they tell you previous American ruling classes did. Hint: they didn’t.

    Additional hint: Jews lie. On a grand scale, otherwise known as the mass media.

    • Agree: OilcanFloyd
  9. Wokechoke says:

    Nah, that’s not how it works.

    Since 1917 Jewish interests and the Anglosphere policymakers have more or less been merged. A few hiccups along the way but there’s been very close accommodation. Arabs have had more than enough cash to get that costly relationship split up but there’s no evidence it’s done them any good.

  10. She looks like a Jew to me. (Might be a human-extraterrestial hybrid.)

  11. HdC says:

    “…Anglo Americans did in WW! and WW2, fighting for their people…”

    You are insane to write a statement like that.

    • Agree: profnasty
    • Replies: @Rich
  12. @Rich

    Insane comment.

    Whites fought their brothers in WWI and WWII on behalf of world jewry, and jews have been the ruling class since the inception of the FED in 1913.

    You are wrong about everything.

    Muslims will only gain as much power as the jews allow them to have. Uppity muslims will be deplatformed and canceled, or organized jewry will fund their opponents and keep them out of power, same as they do with jew aware right leaning whites.

    You lack an understanding regarding the difference in the way that whites wield influence as compared to organized jewry. Whites have a genuine concern for the welfare of other groups, often to a fault, which is called ethno-masochism……while jews are just the opposite… being hyper-ethnocentric and always conniving to get what is “good for the jews” and to hell with the rest of us.

    • Replies: @Rich
  13. I seriously thought this article was going to be about Israeli hostages mistakenly getting pulverized by the IDF targeting Hamas.

    • Agree: Gordo
    • LOL: rushed boob job
    • Replies: @James Of Africa
  14. Rich says:

    Then explain, please, why the US suited up a bunch of their young men and sent them across an ocean to fight in a war that had no effect on them? I see no strategic reason the Americans couldn’t just as easily backed the Hun than back the Angles. Or just sat it out and traded freely with the victor. And I’ve spent a lot of time on this issue, so please give me something serious, not just a snide reply.

    • Replies: @HdC
    , @Dirk Manley
  15. Rich says:
    @Robert Dolan

    I can’t agree with your assessment. You’re looking at the early 20th century through post-Nixon coup eyes. Prior to the 70s, Wasps still ran the country. Although there were prominent Jews within FDRs administration, they were a small minority and they were even smaller within the Wilson era government. Did the Kaiser mistreat his Jewish subjects? There were probably as many, or more, wealthy Jews in Germany as in England. German Jews were an elite group in early 20th century Germany. WW1 wasn’t a Jewish war, (of course some Jews were war profiteers, as were other nationalities).

    In WW2 some Jews made common cause with Wasps in unnecessarily taking England’s side. But don’t kid yourself, there were Zionists who backed Herr Hitler because they wanted to force move Jews to Palestine. The chief warmongers among the Americans were Anglo-Americans, working in tandem, I agree, with some Jewish groups, pushing war. But the Wasps were fully on board. (Lindbergh and his fellows tried to stop them).

    Where am I wrong?

  16. Alrenous says: • Website

    There once was a man from Nantucket.

    But was there ever a nan from Mantucket?

    Asking the big questions.

  17. jsinton says:

    ************ Breaking News***************

    Houthis effectively have shut down the straights as shipping insurers will no longer underwrite cargo. Wiley Houthis obviously must carry their balls around with wheelbarrows. Expect the US to begin strategic punitive operations shortly since Houthis have successfully goaded them into it. Also expect the Houthis have some tricks up their sleeve, maybe a new Iranian missile or two. A Christmas surprise for your holiday cheer.

    • Thanks: anarchyst
    • Replies: @Notsofast
  18. Notsofast says:
    @Sir Launcelot Canning

    BTW, that flag implies that there is no separation between Israel and USA. One bleeds over into the other.

    and as such, both will be bled out together, halal style as to not freak out the dying beast.

  19. Wokechoke says:

    Jewish Arab conflict begins to affect Red Sea Tankers and Freighters.


    We gotta stop the stupid Semitic bastards before it destroys everything.

  20. Wokechoke says:

    Where are you wrong?

    Anywhere you reside outside of Tel Aviv.

    • Replies: @Rich
  21. Teilhard says:

    In case you missed it:

    Jewish teacher at Georgia middle school “charged with making a felony terroristic threat and misdemeanor cruelty to children in the third degree.” He threatened to decapitate student for protesting his hanging the Israeli flag in his classroom. “[S]everal different witnesses [reported] hearing him tell the student variations of ‘I’ll kick your ass. I should cut your motherfucking head off,’ and ‘I will drag her ass into the parking lot, slit her goddamn throat and kill her.’ ”


    He said he should not be talked to “like that” because “he is a Jew.” Actually, what he meant was, he should not be talked to like that because he is a Zionist psychopath. I agree. There is no talking to such as him. It is a fruitless, pointless endeavor. As (some) psychiatrists like to say, you cannot talk to disease

  22. Lloyd says: • Website

    I checked the video. It seemed staged to me. She was posing for the camera. A third rate actress from casting. I reasonably consider this is a black flag.

  23. Wokechoke says:

    Was the girl called Amaleka Hamann?

  24. Notsofast says:

    geez…..shippers can’t get insurance on their cargo, that sounds so familiar, where have i heard that before? (oh yeah, isn’t that what the zato idiots tried to do to russia?), lol.

    so how does the shoe feel on the other foot, especially when the shoe is halfway up their ass, lol. what a coincidence, how ironic, random happenstance i’m sure, not a coordinated effort to deal with these zionazi bastards once and for all, lol. when yemen declared war on israel, i chuckled and thought, that’s kinda cute, now i see this as checkmate, i love a surprise ending.

    this is the revenge of soleimani, the iranians promised almost 4 years ago. they are simply carrying through his master plan. who had yemen on their bingo card? but think about it, what are they going to do, invade yemen? mbs tried that with full u.s. and israeli support, and in his infinite wisdom, decided if you can’t beat them join them. does the u.s. want yet another bottomless pit, in which to dump zato arsenals and treasuries? the zioneocon empire has been led into trap in ukraine and palestine do they want to open a third front? of course they do! as the hammerheaded answer is always to nail down and then double down, the only problem is their weapons industry, that planned to clean up on all this mass murder and mayhem, is kinda reaching the bottom of the barrel and for some reason china isn’t answering the phone, when they try and reorder their outsourced components and rare earth metals (they must not have paid their phone bill, i guess).

    i have purchased a cuisenart popcorn maker, (highly recommended) and i’m going to enjoy this show thoroughly.


    • Replies: @Daemon
  25. Rich says:

    Come on, do I really sound like I’m in Tel Aviv? You’re a smart guy, if I’m wrong, convince me. I realize I’ve laid it out pretty simply, but I don’t see where my take on WW1 and 2 is wrong. I admit I don’t ascribe superpowers to Jews, or any ethnicity, but they have to be given credit for their ability to almost completely replace the former Wasp ruling elite in America. But, Wasps have to take a lot of the blame for allowing themselves to be supplanted.

    • Replies: @Lemmy Tellyuh
  26. @Sir Launcelot Canning

    That’s John Minadeo in the video. It’s satire.

    • Replies: @Richard B
  27. @Teilhard

    He said he should not be talked to “like that” because “he is a Jew.”

    Judaism is a form of narcissistic personality disorder. It’s a perfect model for how they believe and behave.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  28. The twisted antisemitic tirade. I don’t get it. Shouting at restaurant patrons is one thing and being antisemitic is another. So what are we to gather from this?

  29. Katrinka says:
    @Sir Launcelot Canning

    That is Handsome Truth. He recently went to jail for distributing anti-Semitic flyers in Florida. Fuck off and die.

  30. No matter what you say or do or believe you will be called an anti semite.

    There is no restraint in this configuration. I have only my own conscience to control me from saying let’s have another holocaust; this time let’s do it right; this time let’s get all of them. If you are depending on peoples’ consciences you are kind of screwed. That is the strategy of a homeless beggar.

  31. Look. Butt pogrom.

    I guess homos are marking territory in DC as their turf.

  32. How about Zionists be called ‘Nakba-Nazis’?

    Afghanistan has Bacha-Bazis, and Israel has Nakba-Nazis.

    Zionism = Nakba-Nazism.

  33. The woman is obviously drunk.

    How does it make you feel to be on the same side of the issue of this thot?

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @ld
  34. @Teilhard

    He said he should not be talked to “like that” because “he is a Jew.” Actually, what he meant was, he should not be talked to like that because he is a Zionist psychopath.

    As time goes on, this becomes ever more a distinction without a difference.


  35. Wokechoke says:

    Jews are the supreme egotists. Look at how they reacted to the integrated self depicted as Jesus in the gospels.

    There’s a land promised to them by God and each time they get to go back they have to massacre 100,000s of folks already inhabiting it. And some Titus or Nebuchadnezzer always gets them back.

  36. Daemon says:

    The checkmate occured a long long time ago when the Jews picked the middle east, a land full of high fertility, young religious zealots to be their homeland. I cannot think of a better match made in heaven.

  37. Anonymous[387] • Disclaimer says:

    There’s no “could” to it. It’s a fat nothingburger being inflated to the point of transparency.

    Who the hell cares if a drunk woman throws some soup and says shit and flips a few chairs, she didn’t even so much as touch or mace anybody. I’ll bet you could find several hundred Jews who did worse things tonight in public in the same city, but you won’t see them because the occupation media is a simpering propaganda shit mill for them.

    It’s 110% agitprop, and yet another brick in the titanic wall of reasons the Jews are committing themselves to an heroism.

  38. Trinity says:


    Was the soup hawt?

    Cue: Hot Stuff by The Rolling Stooooones

  39. Wokechoke says:
    @Wade Hampton

    I’ve seen dozens of Gazans now, buried under rubble, shot down or running from bombs or sheltering hospital rooms. None of them have this phenotype. He’s a captured Hamas gunman from October. I do recall the early footage with around three blacks like this manhandling Supernova ravers.

    • Replies: @Kratoklastes
  40. Dutch Boy says:

    The IDF apparently shot to death three Israeli hostages who were waving a white flag to indicate they were surrendering. The IDF described the incident as a “mistake.” I suspect that the mistake was they thought they were shooting at unarmed Palestinians attempting to surrender but it turned out to be Israeli Jews. Ah, the perils of being trigger happy.

  41. Dragoslav says:

    @ dutch boy
    It’s’s the third time ( and certainly a lot more )! that they shot and killed their own by ” mistake “. First, the rave party, then Israeli settlers in a cross fire, then these 3 fellows…
    And there are all these hostages killed by their own bombs.
    Talk about incompetent morons. The truth is that they are so terrified that they kill, kill, kill like a bunch of hysterical pussies.
    They are not fit to be military. They are not fit to be from a warrior class.
    They are nomadic tchandalas.
    And they look like Palestinians too, for many.

  42. ‘…and without provocation tried to take down an Israel-US flag…’

    I’d call that an oxymoron. An ‘Israel-US flag’ is a provocation.

    • Agree: Rumpelstiltskin
  43. It’s a ‘pogrom.’ Any attempt to protest Israel’s crimes — and our association with those crimes — becomes a ‘pogrom.’

  44. Joe (I’m a Zionist) Biden gets his Jeffery Epstein/Mossuad file canned while he lines his Zionist cabinet and family with endless grift while screwing Americans.

    This is the POS we inherited with the illegitimate Zionist coup of America.

    • Agree: Derer, Notsofast
  45. anon[731] • Disclaimer says:

    The IDF apparently shot to death three Israeli hostages
    hope they harvested the organs and corneas of those three puppies.
    there’s money to be made.

  46. @Rich

    I don’t ascribe superpowers to Jews

    Jews themselves sure do. It’s all in their MudTal book.

    For example, they don’t care that 20,000+ goyim were murdered in Gaza. They lose their stool because…count ’em: 3 (T-H-R-E-E !) …Tribalists were snipered.

    Jews only care about Jews. They “heal the world” by removing non-Jews.

    they have to be given credit for their ability to almost completely replace the former Wasp ruling elite

    Nah. The supplanting was due to money, WWII lies about the Holycost (and the guilt that induced), and cucked Christians.

    Wasps have to take a lot of the blame for allowing themselves to be supplanted.

    Whites in general are to blame.

    Want to know how Nazism arose? It’s happening right now…in broad daylight.

    Sooner or later “enough” people will rise up against Israel and the diaspora that blindly supports it.

    Time will tell.

    I predict both Ukraine and Israel will fall, both having over-played their hands and overstayed their welcomes.

    • Agree: JR Foley
    • Replies: @Ann Nonny Mouse
  47. Joe Biden needs to explain why America stands with Israel.

    Presidential wannabes Bad Orange Man, Ron DeSanctimonious, and Nimarata Randhawa should be asked to do the same.

  48. Jim H says:

    ‘The “Soup Nazi” shouted “You are all Murderers!” as she also flipped over tables and chairs, police said.’ — New York Post

    At a long-ago party of theatrical people on the Upper West Side, an actress of South Louisiana origin was denigrating the ideological intolerance of Jewish-dominated New York City, provoking hostile glares from most of those present.

    When I enthusiastically agreed, she was astonished: “How did YOU turn up here?” she asked in amazement.

    It warms my heart to see a tastefully-dressed, WASPy looking woman of the Upper East Side trash an establishment displaying an ugly, Jewish-vandalized US flag.

    This is OUR country. We are NOT OBLIGED to silently put up with having our national symbols hijacked and defaced by pushy enemy aliens.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  49. DanFromCT says:

    The difference is that the WASP elites were Americans and identified as such, while the Jew elites identify as Jews and have been a war with America for the last century, limited only be the weapons available to them at a particular time.

    Would you call the Jews who made up 85% of the Bolshevik leadership Russians? These same Jews, in fact, massacred tens of millions of Russians using the weapons available to them, making Jews, incidentally, the worst butchers in human history by an order of magnitude.

    • Replies: @Rich
    , @Patrick McNally
  50. Jimbobla says:

    Flag is in violation of U.S. Flag Code. Shows a lack of respect. She is a Patriot.

    • Agree: Fidelios Automata
  51. Nat X says:

    yts are some crazy mofos; hebes included.

    • Agree: Supply and Demand
  52. HdC says:

    Ref.: #15.
    I agree with your narrative here; however, your earlier statement, with which I disagreed, failed to make that point.

  53. Wokechoke says:
    @Jim H

    She’s a quadroon with bleached hair.

    • Replies: @Fidelios Automata
  54. Jameson says:

    Muslim-lovers and/or Jew-haters, who are infidels, that is, not Muslim, should bear in mind that Muhammad created Islam to be in a constant state of war, separating the world into House of Islam and House of War. The infidel has no choice in this matter, they are either resisting Islam or submitting to it. Perhaps the phrase mentioned here, low-intensity conflict, is a good way to describe all of the time, 100% of it, where any host society is interacting with Islam in any way, especially when the Muslims have immigrated into the host society and are still a minority, and they are not engaged in all-out armed conflict.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Fidelios Automata
  55. Rich says:

    Interesting comparison. Do Jews consider themselves Americans first, or Jews first? I’d guess that like every other ethnicity, some do, some don’t. Our enemy is the left, whether Jew, Englander, Russian or Greek. Much of the Bolshevik leadership were Jews, but Stalin wasn’t, Lenin had a Jewish grandpa and Beria wasn’t. If the left is defeated, it won’t matter. I don’t think the path is through the Jews, but through defeat of leftist ideology. But I’m not a Wasp either, although I think you guys built a great country and I sure would like to see it saved.

  56. i speak anglinese, so i thought when i clicked the link it would be a story about that guy getting his ass pogrom schtupped and turned to soup in the senate room on video. U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A.

    it’s like that one chris rock song, remember? “good evening class of 2023, i have a piece of advice for you… no matter what a senator tells you…there is gay disco sex in the senate hearing room…ohhhh there’s gay jew sex in the senate hearing room ohhhhh!”

  57. @Sir Launcelot Canning

    Is this the worst person alive?

    no, that is tammy cohen, the prissy gay florida man (or woman!).

    he used to date michael chitwood’s daughter, but chitwood is an anti semite, so tammy broke up with the daughter.

    now tammy is gay af. he battles his own homosexuality and michael chitwood.

    it’s all very esoteric.

  58. @Priss Factor

    dude, these little groms these days, man. far out and righteous.

  59. Southfront has some video of Israelis finding a big tunnel, also video of Hamas apparently building tunnels that are wide enough to take vehicles in some places.


  60. @Wokechoke

    Spend some time investigating the blond, blue-eyed, buff dude co-ordinating the HAMAS motor-bike units crossing the border.

    I could probably dig up the relevant link: pretty sure the author was Simplicius76 on Substack. But I’m too lazy. and NYPA kek.

  61. anon[240] • Disclaimer says:

    Never learn history from the Jews or from your father. Stouid boiling hatred will slowly mutate all the chromosomes you have .

    • Replies: @Jameson
  62. Tony says:

    Is that you Dan? We used to mess with those arrogant preppies from CT all the time.

  63. @Rich

    Where am I wrong?

    I believe you’re wrong here:

    WW1 wasn’t a Jewish war

    The choreographed events leading up to it — the financial crisis of 1907 and the Jewish manipulation of the 1912 election to put Wilson into office, leading to the creation of the Fed and the income tax, right on the eve of the war — are a telltale sign.

    Docherty & MacGregor reveal the role of Milner, Rhodes right hand man. Behind Rhodes were Jews like Beit and Rothschild.

    But that it was fundamentally a Jewish war doesn’t mean there weren’t a lot of guilty gentiles as well.


  64. Disgusting. I’d think it’s any American’s duty to rip down such a travesty and destroy it. F any Israeli loyalist who wants to deface the American flag that way. And I’d guess Israelis would feel the same if some other nationality disrespected the Israeli flag that way. How about this?

  65. Anon[387] • Disclaimer says:

    “The blonde bigot didn’t run from the camera but actually hammed it up.“

    That girl’s hair looks to me like it is light blue, not blonde. Definitely brown-skinned, no idea what ethnicity.

    But leave it to our illustrious media to imply that the offender was a super-white person.

  66. @Rich

    The Jews are just doing the same thing Anglo Americans did in WW! and WW2, fighting for their people.

    That’s a gross misrepresentation. In both cases 80% of the American people were against getting involved. And in both cases they were dragged into it by sleazy presidents surrounded by Jews. It was not about ‘fighting for our people’.

    And btw, I don’t know many Americans who think of themselves as WASPs. I guess that’s a New England thing, and many of us find them fairly intolerable.

    • Replies: @Rich
  67. Isn’t Myra usually a Jewish name? I think the culprit is a Jewish woman acting out her daddy issues. She knows she won’t be punished.

  68. @Jameson

    Which is why Jewish do-gooders foist these unbalanced fanatics on Christian societies, right?

    • Replies: @Jameson
  69. @Wokechoke

    So? She’s still my new hero(ine.) Speak truth to power, sister!

  70. @Lemmy Tellyuh

    Thanks, Lem. You make some good points.
    Cheers, Nonny

  71. JR Foley says:
    @Sir Launcelot Canning

    No –the USA – Israeli Flag is like the Chinese ying yang–you can’t have one without the other. I would like to suggest the words USS Liberty should also be stencilled on this flag—

  72. ld says:
    @Wade Hampton

    I feel fucking awesome!
    Wish all the downtrodden by the boot of zion would arise en masse and give them the finger like this balzy woman.

    When the average drunk on the street knows what you are… your goose is cooked.
    There is nothing more powerful than those with nothing to lose.

    critical mass …. Check

  73. Rich says:

    Wasps were the clique that ran the US, at first with the Southern aristocracy after the revolution, then without them after the War Between the States. If you were a poor White Anglo-Saxon, you weren’t automatically a member, either, and were looked down at as “White trash” in many instances. It was this rich/poor division, not as large as in most countries, that leftists were able to take advantage of and used to remove Nixon from office and displace the former ruling class Wasps. The Wasps were replaced by several different groups, chief among them leftist Jews who now seem to run about half the government, maybe more.

    • Replies: @Rumpelstiltskin
  74. @Rich

    Yes. But what % of the population have they actually constituted over time? A small minority, I believe. My point being that most Americans, in my experience, aren’t WASPS and don’t identify as such. I’m just firing from the hip, here, I’m not a scholar of the topic and can’t put precise %s on it.

    At one point the country was about half English/British, half German. Of the British, how many were ‘Anglo-Saxon’, especially those you call ‘poor Anglo-Saxons’ versus, say, Celts or mixed? Over time more and more other Europeans came. So by, say, 1900, the USA was very much western / northwestern European, but it wasn’t very WASP. When I think of WASPS, I think of puritan protestants practicing a judaized form of Christianity (lots of OT), including believing they have a special standing to push their morals on the world (like the tikkun olam crap).


    • Replies: @Rich
  75. Jameson says:

    And for you, learn history, or at least learn the truth about Muhammad and Islam.


  76. Jameson says:
    @Fidelios Automata

    There is no excuse at this point, all sane non-Muslims in the West need to just END all Muslim immigration, and begin turning back what has already occurred. Whatever that means, whoever started it, it must end, to save Western Civilization, it is that serious. If some miniscule number of Jews can run the whole Civilization around with the more numerous Christians failing to step in, they deserve to the lose the civilization.

  77. Rich says:

    I see where you’re going. I don’t think all of the group we’re talking about were direct descendants of the Angles or the Saxons. I’m sure many were, but they were really more likely, from the DNA distributions I’ve seen, Anglio-Celtic of the protestant variety. My brother’s ex-wife was descended from the earliest English settlers, but the story was that one rich New Englander married a poor New Englander and was written out of the will. I’ve worked with guys on construction sites who were very proud of their Wasp background and would go back and forth with the Irish Catholics on the job. In NY a Wasp was simply a White Protestant, whether rich or poor. Wasps under that definition were always a majority of the country and are probably a plurality now.

  78. Richard B says:

    That’s John Minadeo in the video. It’s satire.

    First they came for satire, and we did nothing…. 🙂

    No, but seriously. If he’s just trolling them to get the word out and this is just parody, then he just gave a master class in how to do it. But, well, ah…….. Let’s put it this way, in an age of absurdities, the line between reality and parody can get pretty blurred.

  79. Richard B says:

    He said he should not be talked to “like that” because “he is a Jew.” Actually, what he meant was, he should not be talked to like that because he is a Zionist psychopath.

    Speaking of which, check out comment #156 by commenter Major, as in Major Psycho.

  80. @Rich

    “Where am I wrong?”

    1-“Prior to the 70s, Wasps still ran the country. Although there were prominent Jews within FDRs administration, they were a small minority and they were even smaller within the Wilson era government”.

    -I think you are making valid points, nuance and accuracy are extremely important in historiography and cartoonish narratives in any direction to be avoided. You pointing out that describing WW1 sweeping as a jewish war might be one of those I think is justified, while at the same time I wonder if there is more nuance to it.

    1. The classic argument of the “many WASPs/gentiles” and “only minority” is in my experience exactly missing the main points of minority -and as it seems especially jewish- power strategy:

    a) It never aims at gaining power/influence through majority, i.e. quantity (since them being a minority this would of course be absurd to start with), but always pure quality, influence/positioning is always sought top-down/centre-out, never vice versa and this does not only apply to the public arena, i.e. crowd/worker versus representatives/ committes, but also to the latters` small groups within a movement/organization/firm or government.

    As Ron has imo eloquently put in his “Nature of Anti-semitism” aticle, the strategy – and success- of jewish power-politics seems to be to entirely focus on gaining and keeping access to the very most powerful key hub-positions in key areas of societal influence (1.economy, 2.politics, 3. media, 4.law), at times by taking those positions themselves, at others remaining more in “second” position or behind the scenes.

    b) It is practically nothing without and therefor relies upon exactly getting a/the majority of gentiles/WASPs to support and do most of the action/work for them.

    c) It is embedded in a culture of un-paralelled ethnic solidarity superceding personal interest and therefor established networking and collaboration far superior than any gentile ethnic group.

    Meaning many gentiles with nominally the same – and very considerable- amount of monetary power (f.ex. J.P. Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller, E. Musk etc…) regarding business still do never come even close to the actual power of influence of a Jacob Schiff , Bernard Baruch or Walter/Jacob Rothschild regarding politics, foreign policies and societal influence, for while the formers multitude of networks and connections are at the end based purely (and immediately end without) on (usually temporary) mutual benefit, the latters are and do not and thanks to the all permeating dimension and basis in ethnic solidarity across all international/ professional lines are far more wide-spread and most of all generationallly longterm established and stable.

    And in the end, the proof is in the pudding, the most reliable tell tale sign of the kind of power behind any organization/movement being simply the practical result, since the whole idea of power òf course being to get the one most beneficial to those holding it. So if f.ex. an organization/ a government etc. only has apparently few Jews in it, yet its practical actions/decisions in the end surprisingly usually coincide with Jewish interests, something cannot be right in that picture.

    And another even better tell tale sign is the “to get to know who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”, i.e. which scrutiny critique is censored.

    With that as background looking into your example of Woodrow Wilsons WW1 cabinet/circle, it is correct that only relatively few Jews were in it, mainly Justice Brandeis, Henry Morgenthau, Felix Frankfurter and Bernard Baruch (checking the abovementioned key/hub spheres of law, politics and money), yet, if looking at the quality it is fascinating:

    WW1 purely factually resulted in one of if not the greatest Jewish Project since 2000 years coming to fruition, the officially guaranteed access to Palestine and support of jewish re-settlement of it as the “Homeland of the Jewish people” by the greatest empire of the world at the time, Great Britain and the worlds largest (future) economic/military power, the US.

    Interesting sidenote and important for later: the Balfour declaration was adressed to none other than british Lord Walter Rothschild, a fervent advocate of the project and Zionism and in addition even more dedicated to the project were Lady Dorothy de Rothschild, married to her -equally ardent Zionist- cousin James Armand de Rotschild who in his turn was carrying on the Zionist activism of his father Edmond James de Rothschild of the Paris branch of the Rothschild family.

    And -as even Wiki tells us (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_de_Rothschild) – Dorothy
    was interestingly a close personal friend of none other than Chaim Weizman (future first prime minister of Israel), in his turn most prominent in negotiating the Balfour – guarantee with Britain and friend of none other than Felix Warburg (https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa1148864), the son-in-law and Kuhn-Loeb partner of Jacob Schiff, who in turn was the prime financier of Woodrow Wilson in 1912 (and Felix Frankfurter`s at Harvard) and close friend of Justice Brandeis who in his turn was a fervent Zionist, the one who had asked for Schiff`s financing of Frankfurter (and advised Wilson on supporting the Balfour agreeement), who in turn was affiliated with Henry Morgenthau Sr., touring Palestine with him as representing the war department in June 1917 and Morgenthau in his turn was a close friend of both Adolph Ochs, owner/publisher of the New York Times and famous infuential Rabbi Steven Wise who in his turn was a friend of Woodrow Wilson.
    Other close aquaintances/friends of his -and the others – in turn were Samuel Untermeyer (famously declaring “Judeas war against Germany” in 1933) and last but least least:
    Bernard Baruch.

    The latter being the most fascinating of all, being a prominent Stock Exchange recent magnat who curiously suddenly “in 1916 (…) left Wall Street to advise Woodrow Wilson on national defense and terms of peace. (Wiki)”
    He was immediately appointed to the Advisory Commission to the Council of National Defense and, in January 1918, even became the chairman of the new War Industries Board and in 1919, a representative at the Paris Peace Conference.

    Though – as the later official Nye-committee investigation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nye_Committee) revealed that “Wilson had withheld essential information from Congress as it considered a declaration of war” and the review of the war industries board (whose leader was Baruch)`s actions before/during the war resulted in a “sordid report of intrigues and bribery; of collusion and excessive profits; of war scares artificially fostered and [disarmament] conferences deliberately wrecked”, he was never charged nor prosecuted, but instead gained enormeous riches and become the lead financier, friend and adviser of both Winston Churchill and F.D. Roosevelt before and during WW2.

    Jacob Schiff besides the already mentioned information, was officially the second most important financier in America behind J.P. Morgan, yet achieved a political and foreign policy influence that Morgan and other financiers never even came close to, as said, it was mainly his financial support for Wilson that got him elected instead of Taft (who had recently rejected Schiff`s proposal/urging of intervention against Russia`s alleged mistreatment of Jews since 1903) in 1912 and he not only managed to keep Russia from getting any american loans during the same time, but also single-handedly dealt the most important death blows to that country by financing the Japanese war against Russia in 1905 (granting them 500 million dollars, half of the entire war cost), the revolution in 1905 and the 1917 Kerensky coup/revolution.

    Very noticably- the latter he did only after first having offered the Tzar/Russia to end his own embargo and grant major essential loans of 200 million dollars to continue to fight Germany in 1917 IF he granted Jews full citizen-rights in Russia, which was not agreed to and therefor fell trough.
    Interestingly also that Schiff reached out to Russian Jewry and urged them to keep fighting against Germany even after that.

    So these seems to have been the quality of that quantitatively seen “minority” of Jews surrounding Wilson (who interestingly is considered to have been the “most pro-jewish of all presidents/Hero to Jews”:

    With the british and french Rothschild houses both, the political most influential american banker of all (Schiff, Kuehn-Loeb) and rich financiers (Morgenthau, Baruch), the owner of the NYT (Ochs), highest jewish religious and international Zionist leaders (Untermeyer, Wise, Weizman), perhaps the most influential Supreme Court Judge (Brandeis), leading legal adviser (Frankfurter) and the War industry leader and longterm several administrations government adviser (Baruch) fully committed and all in a friends -and financial and advisory- circle around Wilson and it in the end leading to the perhaps greatest of Jewish Projects coming to fruition..perhaps “WW1 not a jewish war” is at least not entirely fitting either?

    2- Regarding the (non-existent?) power of jewish censorship and free WASP rule, not sure how this fits with the facts that already during the Leo Frank case (1915) the jewish combined power in media and finance did actually (despite all setbacks at first) manage to finally get Franks death sentence pardoned (apparently through bribing an outgoing official, as Ron describes in his “Antisemism” article )- it was only the local lynchmob that foistered that result-?

    And the same regarding Henry Ford`s “Dearborne Independant/International Jew”, that whole project being started because of him growing wary of fear among mainstream journalists/newspapers to report accurately about jewish misbehaviour and power (as Ron also describes in mentioned article), only to result in him, the most powerful industrialist of the time, being prosecuted, forced to shut it down and crawl to seek forgiveness from the Jewish Community (see his Wiki page)?

    Neither it seems to congrue with Beatys 1950`s decrying of an “Iron curtain over America” because of Jewish Censorship and the endorsement of his work by many top military leaders of the time (as also laid out in Ron`s “Holocaust Denial” article)?

    3- “There were probably as many, or more, wealthy Jews in Germany as in England.”

    The most influential were probably the Warburgs (the Rothschilds being an international syndicate to start with) and Felix had just married Jacob Schiffs daughter and emigrated to America, while Paul ironically became the leading person establishing the Federal Reserve, emigrating/going international as well.
    Rathenau, Ballin and the relatively few others nameworthy important Jews ( “Kaiser-Juden”), while powerful to some limited extent domestically pre WW1, never seem to have any international clout equal to the american/english and international. And as mentioned, with Warburgs going american marrying into the Schiff/Kuhn-Lob family/syndicate and Jacob Schiff turning full anti-Germany after 1917, not sure how to fit that with your estimate?

    Anyways, sorry very long post, as said only some questions regarding your generally imo justified scepticism.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  81. @DanFromCT

    > the Jews who made up 85% of the Bolshevik leadership Russians?

    A lie invented by Robert Wilton which Putin casually repeated in 2013.


    It’s derived from a fake list of names for the Council of People’s Commissars which Wilton had published. Wilton made up a fake list of 22 names with 17 of them Jews:


    Wilton’s lists of everything are fake. The actual Council members:

  82. @Lorian Effervis

    > the revolution in 1905 and the 1917 Kerensky coup/revolution.

    Both the revolution of 1905 and that of March 1917 broke out spontaneously with Jacob Schiff having nothing to do with it. Of course, he was glad to hear about the success of the March 1917 revolution, but the women who started it in Petrograd were not in any way encouraged or aided by him.


    On March 8, 1917, demonstrators clamoring for bread took to the streets in the Russian capital of Petrograd (now known as St. Petersburg). Supported by 90,000 men and women on strike, the protesters clashed with police but refused to leave the streets. On March 10, the strike spread among all of Petrograd’s workers, and irate mobs of workers destroyed police stations. Several factories elected deputies to the Petrograd Soviet, or “council,” of workers’ committees, following the model devised during the Revolution of 1905.

    The revolution in 1905 broke when Father Gapon led a march towards the palace which was carrying icons of the Czar but was still a protest. The guards fired on it, and this led to a sweeping outbreak of protests across the whole country.


    We were not more than thirty yards from the soldiers, being separated from them only by the bridge over the Tarakanovskii Canal, which here marks the border of the city, when suddenly, without any warning and without a moment’s delay, was heard the dry crack of many rifle-shots. I was informed later on that a bugle was blown, but we could not hear it above the singing, and even if we had heard it we should not have known what it meant.

    Vasiliev, with whom I was walking hand in hand, suddenly left hold of my arm and sank upon the snow. One of the workmen who carried the banners fell also. Immediately one of the two police officers to whom I had referred shouted out, ‘What are you doing? How dare you fire upon the portrait of the Tsar?’ This, of course, had no effect, and both he and the other officer were shot down—as I learned afterwards, one was killed and the other dangerously wounded.

    Schiff was glad to hear that an uprising had begun, but he had nothing to do with bringing it about. After March 1917, Schiff supported Kerensky and had nothing to do with the revolution which toppled him in the later part of the year.

  83. @Rich

    Benjamin Freedman, Speech at the Willard Hotel, 1961

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